Stop doing homework!
3 ай бұрын
Midnight Suns Deserves a Sequel
The Game Awards don't matter
Broken Games are Good, Actually
Why Great Games Fail
10 ай бұрын
Marvel Snap is so frustrating
Why Spotify podcasts suck
2 жыл бұрын
@magma080 7 күн бұрын
Another Game I would recommend is FTL. Its not deck building but more of managing a space ship while fight other space ships.
@MattHorton 7 күн бұрын
Yeah...long time on my list and still never played
@AzureMoebius22 7 күн бұрын
I'd actually like to see Cassette Beasts evolve into a full series. Maybe the next game has the cast returning to an expanded New Wirral for one reason or another, and even adding new monsters to catch, maybe even giving full-fledged dungeons. The game actually ranks #7 in my top 10 games list for a number of reasons, while for personal reasons, there is one part of the game that definitely takes out a chunk of its rank status (dont ask unless you're ok woth spoilers and are prepared to be made sad), my biased love for the 80s style soundtrack, the charming design, and the simple yet deceptively complex gameplay allow the game to hold a decent rank.
@cpard2d2 8 күн бұрын
It does! I want to see the environment interaction pushed further. Give me multi tier arenas where we can go through floors and walls, super heroes love tearing though places and this game nailed it.
@MattHorton 8 күн бұрын
That would be sick
@Lockz1111 9 күн бұрын
The cassettes are actually explained to some degree in the ending, the beasts being ideas and the cassettes being an aid to channel those, but since they are human ideas they arent strictly necessary if your will is strong enough
@jesseschneider1794 10 күн бұрын
They need make a sequel to the game that could finish off the game because they left off shitty
@MattHorton 10 күн бұрын
It ended just fine
@Brekner 15 күн бұрын
And this is why we NEED DEMOS for all games...most people don't want to buy a 70 dollar game, download it, try it for a bit, not longer than 2 hours, just to see if they like it enough to keep it or refund it. It's very uncomfortable and stressful to play looking at the timer, and that alone is a huge factor for refunding for (I bet) a lot of people. After getting it for free on Epic and playing it a lot, I decided to buy it on Steam for access to the DLC (moved my save files to the Steam folder), and it quickly became my 2nd best and most fun game of the year! It's so good and SO LONG! And sooo much dialogue! But I wouldn't have bought it on launch, because, again, with no demo, it's hard to tell if you'd ever like a game.
@vcasella1989 16 күн бұрын
My only complaint with this game is that it didnt have my favorite Marvel character, Thor. Other then that a 10/10
@MattHorton 15 күн бұрын
Would love to see another with a whole different crew
@Swamp_Ave 23 күн бұрын
The newer midnight comic became an instant fav for me
@MattHorton 23 күн бұрын
I enjoyed it, but it's not a favorite. I did love learning a bit about Strange Academy, though.
@andrewundershaft1162 26 күн бұрын
I love turn based tactics and like Marvel. The reason I didn't buy the game was that Solomon's team isn't good with scripted drama. I loooved Xcom 2, especially the Long War mod, but didn't care much for the story, especially with War of the Chosen, because it had way too many stupid characters and bad dialog. And when I heard that MS had even more of that, and some absolutely juvenile character interactions, I lost interest.
@MattHorton 26 күн бұрын
Ok well this one is good
@meeb_consumer 27 күн бұрын
One thing that really ties cassette beasts together is the underlying feeling of existential dread and mystery, yet still somehow begging you to explore. It's a delicate balancing act of optomistic wanderlust and horrifying existential crises, and it's beautiful. Also, I'd say that the game doesn't come together to say one specific thing- however, each character and each archangel, I've found, have a lot of interesting morals; [SPOILERS] Heckahedron tells that the universe should define logic, not the other way around, and that letting logic spiral out of control is insanity. Meredith and Nowhere Monarch tell the value of accepting life as it is, that continuously wanting more and more will only lead to emptiness. Mourningstar and Kayleigh tell that religion fouls when it becomes less about the religion itself and more about the preacher, about selfishness.
@JohrnyReport 28 күн бұрын
Digimon is an Isekai?! I literally never considered that!
@bowensix 28 күн бұрын
I felt the same about Disco Elysium. I've made maybe 3 attempts at getting through it, absolute slog despite being right up my alley genre-wise. Went back and played KRZ a second time instead, and it continues to leave an impression on me, the likes of which I felt from NORCO and Before your Eyes
@AndrewConkling Ай бұрын
This is so good! Come for the ADHD hook, stay for the Simogo callouts (Year Walk! Device 6!), and then stick around for the rest because it is hitting all the layers. Loved this one! Now to think about who best to send it to… 💌
@d27shgu Ай бұрын
the moment that I knew this game was for me, a comic nerd is when you're talking to Spidey, and you ask about Venom and he says Venom came from Battleworld, like no one knows what the fuck Battleworld is
@MattHorton Ай бұрын
Lol yeah
@TheOldMan-75 Ай бұрын
I've mostly seen bad reviews about the game but I'm a sucker for card combat and it was quite cheap on sale so I gave it a shot. There are certainly some issues with the game's stability and I had quite a lot of crashes overall but everything else was really fun. I would've LOVED to see a sequel with more cards, better stability and some more customization options for the main hero.
@rolerroleris533 Ай бұрын
The problem with guides to me is, that it's like a dam - once it breaks there is no going back. Once i get to something so frustrating or tiring that i look for a guide, that dam cracks and the next puzzle/boss/etc that is somewhat frustrating, i remember that i already used a guide on something else, so i might as well use it again. This usually results in me dropping a game because i start to rely on the guide too much and "take the fun out of the game" for myself. I just can't hold myself back from abusing it once i start...
@Neoxwill Ай бұрын
I too fell for Animal Well's hype and found myself not having as much fun as I thought I would. I was having the same issues you described here, even though I tend to enjoy both Metroidvanias and puzzle games and I started using guides as soon as I felt I was wasting too much time getting stuck, which happened well before getting the first ending, and thus I wasn't all that enthused to get the true ending, which I haven't done yet and I don't see myself doing it anytime soon. Looking around for guides I saw some comments about how this game (and some others, including some of the ones you've mentioned here) expect players to take some leaps of logic that aren't even hinted at, and that has been quite the source of frustration for many gamers who don't have the time or the patience to find the solution to the most obscure of puzzles. This made me realize something, which is that I should be careful when a game with puzzles is hyped this much and in such a vague way, because it seems the hype tends to come from people who crave that kind of obscure puzzles, and all the power to them, but I'd rather they were more transparent about it. I want to know before I buy a game if the logic required to solve its puzzles is self-contained within the game because I want to have an experience like in a good escape room where the puzzles won't require me to know advanced mathematics or Bible verses or musical theory, or use an unprovided barcode scanner or check a website's source code or examine an audio file with an spectrogram... You get the idea. Even though I'm not a content creator I thought of making a video just to raise awareness about how critics should include this kind of information when reviewing a game. Thanks for making this video, it's a good one.
@MattHorton Ай бұрын
See I do like that stuff and wanted more of it here
@rubennavarrobonanad9439 Ай бұрын
This is actually a great channel with great production value videos which I can still not comprehend why it has such a small subscriber count. It is sencerely baffling. Keep the vids up and I'll support you 💪🏻
@MattHorton Ай бұрын
Tell your friends!
@Doomsdaymanx Ай бұрын
Measuring games against the Houdini Room at Palace of the Fine Arts is a high standard indeed!
@MattHorton Ай бұрын
Literally never met a soul who has been there, but I know they're successful! I went shortly after they opened, and it was also my first escape room. We got stuck on literally the last puzzle or we would have had record time. It was incredible. Really spoiled myself.
@DirkMcThermot Ай бұрын
You earned a new subscriber here. It's pretty amazing how you had basically the same experience with Animal Well that I did. I think I enjoyed it more than you, at least up until I reached the first ending. Knowing that the second ending is widely regarded as the "true" one, I realized I would need to collect all the eggs. And that filled me with dread because of all the reasons you described. My free time for playing games is growing increasingly limited with each passing year, and scouring a huge map to see if I can find all the secrets - knowing that I almost DEFINITELY would fail at doing so - did not sound like a good way to spend that time. I used a guide to help myself find the remaining eggs and unlock the true ending. And it actually reversed that sense of dread I felt before, turning it into a *more positive* opinion of the game. Billy Basso has gone on record stating he designed the game with several puzzles he expected the community to work together in order to solve. I see the existence of guides for this game, and all other games, as similar expressions of that communal desire to help other people enjoy the games that they love. I'm super excited to start Lorelei and Tunic!
@MattHorton Ай бұрын
I think you'll really enjoy Tunic, honestly. Its puzzles worked more for me and the navigation of that world was not frustrating to me. I know a lot of people disliked that it required combat to get through but that was not an issue for me.
@jaymo7703 Ай бұрын
Guides are for people that don't care if they get their money's worth out of the game.
@MattHorton Ай бұрын
Or they're sometimes a way to enjoy a game. Thinking of a video game as a financial transaction is a really reductive way to view a piece of art.
@jaymo7703 Ай бұрын
@@MattHorton It can be both at the same time. Would you buy a piece of art and then let someone else tell you what it looked like instead of finding out for yourself? Guides take away the sense of wonder and accomplishment I get from games. I would never disparage another person for using a guide, but I would also never use one myself unless I was the one that made the guide in a previous playthrough.
@DirkMcThermot Ай бұрын
@@jaymo7703 "Would you buy a piece of art and then let someone else tell you what it looked like" - this isn't an equivalent comparison. Trying a video game for a while, realizing you aren't enjoying certain significant aspects of it, and pivoting to a guide to help enjoy it more is more like...seeing a film that was critically praised, but you didn't really get what it was all about. So you then go online and look up analytical pieces about that film. As you watch/read/listen to others explain what the art meant to them, what they think the art was trying to say, and so forth, you may find yourself growing to appreciate the film more in hindsight. Maybe you'll even be willing to give it another viewing, and maybe you'll even find that your opinion of it has shifted in a positive direction thanks to your willingness to see what other people had to say about it. I agree that buying a game and then relying on a guide literally as soon as you start engaging with it is a very strange way to engage with it as a piece of art. But I don't think people do that. At least I don't think the vast majority of people do that.
@myclamish Ай бұрын
This is a very strange argument... I used a guide to find the last 2 eggs because it turns out I had already visited the area for one of them and just never actually opened a chest, so there were no "unexplored" areas to look for in the map, nor any remaining puzzles to solve. It was literally hunt the entire map not knowing what I was looking for, and that was not enjoyable. Using the guide to get the last egg let me move on to see the bunny content which in fact increased the value proposition for the time I was spending. Like if we compare the value of a game to say going to see a movie, in a lot of cases I've already technically got my moneys worth out of a game in the first 3 hours, so why would using a guide reduce that value? OR if we're talking about maximizing a games per hour value for money, if I spend hours being lost or doing unenjoyable things in the game, am I not, in fact, reducing the value i'm getting out of the money I've spent? Don't get me wrong, this is a very nuanced conversation to be had. I understand a great deal of this game's appeal comes from having those "AHA" moments, and if you're using a guide to deprive yourself of arriving at those moments, then yes it's arguable you're reducing the value that you could have gotten out of this game. And I do also feel the game is made well enough that I felt like I was led to find a good ~40 of the eggs, and then the other ~24 or so were sign posted if you're observant. But if you happen to miss a sign, it could be hours before you're in the area to see it again. And for people who have other things to do in life, using a guide to skip the tedium of retracing every step makes sense if we talk about money's worth.
@jaymo7703 Ай бұрын
@@myclamish Wow. I'm sorry for making such a long post, but here it is: To be clear, no one I know agrees with me on this. I know I am in the extreme minority with this opinion. Ironically enough, have written and posted guides before, though I would never use a guide. I am suggesting I would rather play the game my way than read spoilers and play the game as instructed by someone else, even if that means it takes me way longer to finish it (or maybe I never finish it at all). I feel like I get more value out of games that way. That was a big deal to me when I was young because I was really poor back then and I was rarely able to get a game that wasn't rented. I just never grew out of it. A lot of people I know get a sense of wonder from my video game accomplishments just knowing what all I found/figured out without a guide. A lot of people still like to watch me play games rather than playing themselves. Tetris Effect and Mario Maker 2 have become something of a specialty for me and I play those in front of groups of people quite frequently. That also gives me positive feels and a sense of accomplishment. I played Chronotrigger multiple times over a period of 10 years before I got the "complete" ending. I'm still collecting Korok seeds in BotW. After obtaining the korok mask, by total went from ~500 to 733 in about 2 months. That is a lot of fun to me and I will feel extremely accomplished if I ever finish collecting them. Some of my most memorable accomplishments with no guide: I beat Karate Kid on NES when I was 7. That was the first video game I ever beat. I found equipment combos in Final Fantasy III that made me impossible to hit. Admittedly, someone told me about the bug that where the evade stat doesn't work and evasion is based on Magic Evasion. 100% completion on Super Metroid Got the good ending in Chronotrigger. I got Don Corneo to pick Cloud for his date in FFVII. I have finished all Assassins Creed games to 100% completion (Except for Valhalla, I just can't find all the fish). Those are actually kind of easy. I was part of a team that found an exploit to beat Absolute virtue in FFXI. The Devs stopped us before we got it killed and patched the exploit soon after, but that was still a cool experience. I made a full map of Castlevania: SoTN, though there is a room near the start that I can't figure out how to open up, though it is open on 1 of my save files, but only in the upside down castle. 100% finished THPS 1-4 with no guides. I upgraded my Master sword 3 times in BoTW on Master Mode. None of that would have given me the overwhelming happiness it gave me if I had used a guide. Yeah, many of those are old or very old games, but I'm getting old. What can I say? Work takes precedence now. But I'm having a lot of fun with Baulder's Gate 3 these days. I'm gonna play through that one a bunch of times. With no guide, of course ;-)
@itsagabe Ай бұрын
Very good video. I'll definitely have a look at your other ones!
@MattHorton Ай бұрын
please do!
@voravincii Ай бұрын
@josh-richards Ай бұрын
Excellent video!
@MattHorton Ай бұрын
Glad you liked it!
@HiLoMusic Ай бұрын
I think you should push yourself not to use guides until you feel as though it would be too much hassle to not use a guide
@rma42084 Ай бұрын
This was genuinely a great video that put words to feelings ive had about video games for a long time. There are so many stigma that we carry from life into our relaxation time when the goal is just to relax and enjoy. And as long as you arent hurting anyone or ruining anyone else's experience, theres no wrong way to have fun.
@vlc-cosplayer Ай бұрын
"And as long as you arent hurting anyone" Sadists and masochists: 😔
@MattHorton Ай бұрын
@rma42084 Ай бұрын
@@vlc-cosplayer as long as you aren't *harming* anyone ;)
@oliverrememberpassword1254 Ай бұрын
Bro, I literally made a comment on the animal well sub to someone who was stuck on the cat puzzle the other day and got downvoted to heck because apparently it's "one of the more manageable puzzles" and "you shouldn't need a guide for any of the eggs"
@MattHorton Ай бұрын
Yeah. I very much do not want to engage with the greater Animal Well community. I'm sure there's lots of good people, but gamer culture has so many gross aspects and one of my least favorite is "get good."
@6eci Ай бұрын
I'm not normally a completionist but when I was at around 55/64 eggs in Animal Well I became determined to find all of them without using a guide...I found 60 pretty quickly and then hit an absolute wall. I spent a few hours blindly searching, coming up with nothing, and becoming so frustrated that I likely would have put the game down for good before I decided to just look it up, and I damn glad I did. Then I looked up some of the bunny locations and decided I can live not finding those for the time being :) Great video! As a fellow Tunic enjoyer I gotta recommend Outer Wilds.
@MattHorton Ай бұрын
Thanks! I know I would love Outer Wilds, but it gives me wicked motion sickness. The first time I puked in 10 years was because of that game.
@GamingOS Ай бұрын
really great video matt, hope the algorithm picks the video up
@MattHorton Ай бұрын
It's starting to!
@themeeka Ай бұрын
I was halfway through the video thinking surely it must have 50,000 views or higher. Im surpised you arent more popular! And its nice to hear someone who doesn't have endless praise for animal well. I enjoyed the game a lot, but i do not enjoy looking at every inch of the map in case i missed something. For that matter, i also dont enjoy using guides (i still did for animal well postgame). It take all the player creativity and agency away and turns it into a chores list. Ideally the game would be designed in a way that myself and many others didnt feel they had to use a guide
@MattHorton Ай бұрын
Yeah. It's still not my favorite thing. But I went from being really mad to having a pretty good time Not tunic good though 😭
@LighthoofDryden Ай бұрын
You and your husband are so cute! Elden Ring was my first soulsy game and I similarly had guides-two or three friends who would hop on discord while I played and we’d talk about the game and items and enemies. I think that’s another element of fun in those games. The difficulty and complexity fosters community even on a small scale. Keep going and making the videos you want 🧡 I def appreciate the style
@MattHorton Ай бұрын
Thanks! Appreciate your support!
@jtshmo Ай бұрын
I went 70% of the game blind for animal well and then used a guide for bunnies cuz that shit is crazy.
@MattHorton Ай бұрын
I literally just finished a video of the final puzzle and lol I would never have gotten that. But it IS the kind of thing I enjoy. Just wish it was in a more fun game.
@jtshmo Ай бұрын
@@MattHorton dunkey is a marketing genius, and billy basso deserves more credit. Literally a game of the year contender but no one is ready for that take
@MattHorton Ай бұрын
@@jtshmo it's literally all I see when I read about this game. I think it's overhyped honestly
@myclamish Ай бұрын
@@MattHorton I think it deserves a lot of the hype. If you're more into platforming (I wouldn't really call this game precision platforming as it's pretty generous with making mistakes compared to a lot of other platformers I've played) and exploration and less into souls-like combat, then this scratches a pretty similar itch to Tunic. Like obviously I have different tastes because I found this much more fun to play than Tunic, which is maybe where the hype is lost for you. Is it perfect? Nah. It especially falls apart a bit with the UV light, which doesn't do anything but force you to run around the entire map again with the thing on hoping you can find messages that were not like a "oh I've seen this before, now I can actually interact with it!" thing, but a "well, how was I supposed to know there were hidden messages here" kinda thing
@jackmorton7406 Ай бұрын
Absolutely agree. I personally loved Elden Ring and that happened after I decided to look up a guide. But that also helped me understand how the game worked so I could make up my own build after that. I don't think there's any shame in using a guide when you're trying to complete a game. If you can't get past something or find what you're looking for, you won't see the rest of it anyway. Oftentimes the journey is the point, but you also need to get to the rest of your journey for that to matter.
@jackmorton7406 Ай бұрын
Also I'm definitely looking up some games by the Lorelei developer, they sound great
@MattHorton Ай бұрын
Simogo is a long time fav
@Drag0n647 Ай бұрын
12:51 but in the end. To add on 15:12 if you found the cat then you should know this game is wholesome at times. 39:32 39:32 so I went on the ship for the soul purpose of friendship or more even if I die at least I made friends along the way. 12:51 if you help him all the way you get to have drinks with him and no tracker.
@MattHorton Ай бұрын
Yeah I didn't outline everything that happens but I know all that
@Drag0n647 Ай бұрын
@@MattHorton Oh good. Hopefully you make a video on the second one when it comes out.
@MattHorton Ай бұрын
@@Drag0n647 honestly I want to!
@Drag0n647 Ай бұрын
@@MattHorton SAME
@lelefuchur4187 Ай бұрын
loved this
@Sile-na-gcioch Ай бұрын
Cool video! Somewhat weird comment, but I think your speaking cadance is very engaging!
@MattHorton Ай бұрын
I'll take it! Thanks for watching
@MattHorton Ай бұрын
Happy Pride yall. Telling me how bad I am at Elden Ring is homophobic this month 😘
@anon2447 Ай бұрын
Counterpoint buffing shit ends up in an endless unhealthy cycle of powercreep just see yugioh and pokemon tcg, the former makes you sit through your opponent's 20 mibute combo that ends in a board that might as well say "you can no longer play this game" and the later has pokemon that can easily ohko Pokemon released 1 year ago making almost every old pokemon card irrelevant
@MattHorton Ай бұрын
It's much easier in digital environments that don't rely on false scarcity
@johncedricksantos2401 Ай бұрын
This concept reminds me of Chaotic and I love it when I was a child
@anon2447 Ай бұрын
I Hate it, many things are left "Open to interpretation" and youa re just told "loool don't bother finding out about this" even for stuff that should be explained, that is very lazy writing
@rdarod Ай бұрын
Idk, I like the interesting fail-state of damaging a pokemon too much to capture them. It was literally the only gameplay mechanic that kept my attention in scarlet/violet. Yeah, it's frustrating, but walking that tightrope is interesting to me. It's the mechanic that sets pokemon apart from every other rpg i've ever played. It adds tension to battles where there usually is none. it makes useless moves useful. It makes me use pokemon I otherwise wouldn't. It's a simple strategic requirement that effects almost every other mechanic in the game. It's why the most memorable parts of every pokemon game I've ever played have been catching them all, which is appropriate. When I scored a critical hit on a dragonite in violet when I was trying to catch it, it made for the most memorable moment in the game. Kind of sad since I could say the same of a game made almost 30 years ago, but it is what it is.
@Raphtor13 Ай бұрын
I did buy Cassette Beasts but it really did not keep my attention long and I went back to playing a ROM hack of Pokemon B&W 2. At some point I may go back to Cassette Beasts but I really didn't like it anywhere as much as Coromon and even Tem Tem.
@user-vl2ig6bz6c Ай бұрын
I always wanted a turned based marvel rpg game. This is about as close as it gets.
@MattHorton Ай бұрын
@seethruhead7119 Ай бұрын
This is how i feel about Monster Sanctuary
@rockstardaduk Ай бұрын
Legend mate, clear, precise and to the point - got me up and running with Logic and OBS - many thanks :)
@Zoysiamo 2 ай бұрын
Great video! I’m personally glad you did play Like a Dragon 7 first, though, because I enjoyed playing it alongside you and a couple of others. It’s also a really fun and hilarious game, not diminished by there being a shiny new sequel out now!
@Corbin-Creates 2 ай бұрын
It looks awesome!! But honestly, in my case it wasn’t I grew up and Pokémon didn’t, it’s I never grew up and neither did pokemon lol. So I never really had that issue. But this does look like a great new take on it! Better than digimon at the least.
@ITR 2 ай бұрын
I have the WR in this game B)
@MattHorton 2 ай бұрын
@ivorywizard Ай бұрын
that's so cool :0
@Itsaidioticgamer 2 ай бұрын
Played this game loved it seeing it again makes me want to play it again (I also love isekais tho that might be something else that drew me to it)
@AndrewConkling 2 ай бұрын
Gosh! 🥹 I know this feeling and it's definitely worth finding your community. Very glad you've found that! Beautiful connection with this game too.
@MattHorton 2 ай бұрын
Hope the feeling stays!