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Generation Films

Generation Films

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@GenerationFilms 5 жыл бұрын
How does one stop at only 10 flaws for the Imperial Navy? Still, better to have this problem than to be a heretic. Anyway, thanks to Philo for sponsoring this video, any love you show to them helps the channel. Get your favorite TV shows on Philo FREE for a week! www.influencerlink.org/SHJ3 Watch 43 channels on any device for $16/month and 30% off your first month.
@pyeitme508 5 жыл бұрын
COOL!!! Still waiting for Earth in Star Wars videos!!!!!!
@justinsmith9006 5 жыл бұрын
some of your flaws were adding up to the idea that the biggest flaw is the fact that the navy can't be everywhere, much heresy was spoke last episode and still in this one, some of the flaws in your last episode were negated by some advantages(i.e. can't know things in the warp...but have navigators, can't communicate through the warp...except they can AND those who can make the crew less likely to panic AND can mind control enemy gunners to a degree) the inquisition watches and are not kind to heresy, and the amount here is concerning. For the Emperor!
@26th_Primarch 5 жыл бұрын
Sly Marbo was behind you...
@Phenixtri 5 жыл бұрын
Im not gona give them too much flack they kinda had to limit them selves to top 10s considering the massive cluster fuck of lore they have to sift through to even make videos like this possible.
@BenLJudy 5 жыл бұрын
You forgot the great power of Exterminatus! While construction of a planet destroying device is a massive feat for other navies, it's an average Tuesday for the Imperium.
@TheIfifi 5 жыл бұрын
Only 10? That is mildly heretical you know...
@munkleson8882 4 жыл бұрын
There is no such thing as mild heresy. There is only heresy. Suggesting such is heresy itself.
@Lucofthewind 3 жыл бұрын
Humanity only needs one advantage... We are humanity.
@weldonwin 5 жыл бұрын
*(Resets safety on Bolt Pistol)* Alright American Ben, you may live for now, but just know that the Departmento Munitorum and the Inquisition will be watching you
@GenerationFilms 5 жыл бұрын
I wouldn't have it any other way. All heretics should be purged, including myself if need be.
@gregorygreenwood-nimmo4954 5 жыл бұрын
@@GenerationFilms And that sentiment is admirable trooper. The Commissariat and Inquisition appreciate your preparedness to report to your own summary execution if need be. And the Emperor is not without mercy, you may yet find redemption in his eyes if you but die for his glory. A position in a Penitent Engine and the chance to earn absolute forgiveness on the field of battle awaits all those who truly repent...
@squgieman 5 жыл бұрын
heresy, everyone knows commissar bolters dont have safeties
@andytorres6052 5 жыл бұрын
weldonwin does that mean I can have my tau waifu?
@ironstarofmordian7098 5 жыл бұрын
@@Schnittertm1 and the throw the Xenos filth into a vat of acid.b
@hansyolo8277 5 жыл бұрын
Don't forget the Exterminatus weaponry. If that counts
@sim.frischh9781 5 жыл бұрын
Not against other ships. But i agree it should be mentioned.
@gregorygreenwood-nimmo4954 5 жыл бұрын
Widely available and broadly distributed planet killing weaponry, paired with the preparedness to employ it if necessary, is a very important aspect of Imperial naval forces within the 40K continuity. Sometimes a world is so utterly beyond saving (rampant Daemonic infestation, a full scale Tyranid invasion, and so on) that the only option left to prevent that world being used as a spring board to destroy others is the Final Sanction of Exterminatus. That and sometimes alien capital worlds just really have it coming...
@sim.frischh9781 5 жыл бұрын
@@gregorygreenwood-nimmo4954 Yup, but by now alien capital worlds have become quite rare XD Except for the Tau and Orcs there are no other races with something of a destinct home world (for the Orcs it´s more a world of a specific tribe though, not the race as a whole).
@gregorygreenwood-nimmo4954 5 жыл бұрын
@@sim.frischh9781 Indeed, but the galaxy is a vast place even for an empire of a million worlds, and some aliens still slip through the net or have only recently been discovered. In such instances, the option of Exterminatus is ever present...
@sim.frischh9781 5 жыл бұрын
@@gregorygreenwood-nimmo4954 I like how practical you think XD But since the Empire now controls most of the galaxy only alien species that can defend themself or are accepted in servitude are left. Chaos really is the one big issue along with the Tyranids (aren´t they Chaos too? The Hivemind is in the Immaterium as far as i know). Eldars have their Worldships and Webway. Of course the Necrons are an issue, but they rarely require an Exterminatus as they are living metal and would barely be harmed by virus bombs, Nova cannons would be better.
@jamesmortimer4016 5 жыл бұрын
YOu forgot the crew. While freshly shanghaied men and women are practically worthless, over the years they become better, and seeing that they will probably never leave the ship, they have a hole lot of time to become better... And to teach their offspring their duties. Entire families exist on imperial warships, working the same weapon or subsystem over generations. The crew of a thousand year old vessel has a almost symbiotic relationship with their ship. They will keep it alive and probably even combat efficient, till they have inhaled the last bit of oxygen available
@azerg9856 5 жыл бұрын
That is a really good point cause its true on the lore also he forgot the Exterminatus and the floating battle fortress i just don't know how is it called
@jamesmortimer4016 5 жыл бұрын
@@azerg9856 The phalanx is a mobile shipyard/battlestation. But that's an astartes ship. Not really navy. And Cyclonic torpedos etc. Are also a huge plus. Being able to send a single destroyer and wipe out the population of a planet is nice
@dankovskimark4540 5 жыл бұрын
@@jamesmortimer4016 Don't forget they are good at destroying pesky planet size superweapons.
@jamesmortimer4016 5 жыл бұрын
@@dankovskimark4540 Indeed...
@jamesmortimer4016 5 жыл бұрын
@@adamstringer7092 Well, not necessarily. Sure, on papaer a ships crew has 0 rights compared to the officers... But that goes for the entire imperium. They keep the system running that keeps everyone on board alive. Being a member of the plumbing family won´t get you the recognition of the captain... But that of the chief engineer probably. And he´s gonna ensure that your family and you can live in relative peace so you can focus on your task. And one of your offspring might even do so good that he get´s an official uniform. And your grandson might even get PAYED. Most sailors are enslaved to the ships needs once the voyage begins. But over time, a warship of the imperium can form a micro society in it´s bowels... One that will work tirelessly to keep the ship intact their ancestors have been shanghaied onto. Serves might be a weakness... But if you make your serves and your ship survive long enough, their children will be voidborn. Their ship is their home planet essentially.
@GenerationFilms 5 жыл бұрын
Re: Battlefleet Solar vs. Obscurus. I know many of you are thinking how could you choose the Obscurus fleets over the fleet that guards Holy Terra? Well, I think it was a pretty easy choice. On paper, Solar is the elite fleet, the pretty boys, but to me that means very little. The Bastion Fleets live on the edge of hell. They are conditioned to rain down fire on mass amounts of xenos on a whim without discrimination. They hit me as the kind of fleet that doesn't even know how powerful they truly are. All respects to the guardians of the Throne but the Bastion Fleets are a juggernaut.
@scottland8698 5 жыл бұрын
Generation Films I noticed something, you look for ten flaws with each faction, but doesn’t that bias you from the get go? if your looking for 10 flaws you will find ten flaws, weather they are series flaws or not, and likewise this limits you, you look for ten advantages and you might leave out a few advantages, what I’m saying is just go over the flaws and advantages, it doesn’t need a number, I feel like this will help the debate/decision on which faction has the best what much more then just 10 pros/cons
@Phenixtri 5 жыл бұрын
I thought battlefleet gothic was asigned to the obscurus segmentum ....0_o
@Phenixtri 5 жыл бұрын
Yea you would need someone like arch lutin or 40k theories to do a collab with gen. films in order to make what you are talking about a possibility. And thats just due to the shear ammount of lore 40k brings to the table right from the get go never mind comparing it directly to another scifi with a significant amount of lore like star wars or halo for example.
@billyholland5156 5 жыл бұрын
Let me put some more quotes on IOM fleet capabilities and production: "The Imperium is not made solely of planets and star systems. defensive emplacements and man made stations of all sorts are scattered about the galaxy, floating freely in space and guarding against alien onslaught. Most often, these bases are in close proximity to Imperial planets, although some protect the more commonly used routes between them. There are ancient and complex bases, artificial moons and doomsday bastions, as well as simple hazard zones made of asteroids chained together and kept in place by occasional thruster boosts. In deep space, The Imperium also maintains battle stations - planet-sized ports that tether ships of the line. At various strategic points can be found larger star forts - the lynchpins of Imperial expansion since the days of the Great Crusade. 6E Rulebook Pg 154" "“In the depths of space, such fights took place at ranges that would swallow a star system, ships hitting ships beyond each other’s visual ranges.” -Pg. 91 Deus Sanguinius" How about IOM PD? : VANDIRE’S TEETH!’ Milos Caparan cursed, triggering his starboard thrusters and jinking the two hundred tonne attack bomber out of the path of a kilometre-wide explosive starburst which filled the view out of the cockpit’s main viewing port. All around the lead Starhawk, the hard vacuum of space was filled with similar explosions and energy bursts. At this range - still almost one thousand kilometres away from the target - a direct hit was almost impossible, but each energy blast emitted a burst of widespread and high-intensity radiation lethal to both a bomber’s crew and control systems, while each exploding anti-ordnance missile warhead or mass-reactive shell threw out a hail of shrapnel that could cover a volume of space tens of kilometres across. Caparan activated one of the runes on his comm-link console, sending out an automated status request to the rest of his squadron. Elsewhere, he knew, the other squadron commanders in the attack wave would be doing likewise. The cockpit’s open-channel comm-link squawked to life as the responses came flooding back. -Execution Hour remember, Imperium fleet ranges consider 10,000 kilometers to be point-blank ramming/boarding range, and that IOM strikecraft are effectively armored titans with wings and space-drives. Btw, IoM warships can make micro-Jumps for tactical advantage: The warship burst back into reality, streaming the migraine-coloured unsmoke of the deep ether from its spinal battlements, after what was assuredly the shortest warp jump in Legion history. The engines had flickered live for less than a single second, ripping a rift in the void at the vessel’s prow. Even as the Echo’s entrance rip was sealing, another opened tens of thousands of kilometres away, disgorging the warship back into space.” -Night Lord trilogy If the 40k fandom ever wanted to wank/go off the deep end, all they would need to do is find the several quotes putting the IoM at a billion worlds... 'So the Emperor trod these lands, did He?' 'So they claim. 'A billion worlds, and each one says that the Emperor came to them. I guess the Emperor must have been a Navy man, just like us.' --- Relentless (Novel) 'War was fading away in the Imperium of Mankind. The purposes for which the likes of the Adeptus Astartes had been engineered were dying out. They had done their job. Peace prevailed across a billion worlds.' --- I Am Slaughter (Novel) 'The Imperium is vast and amongst it's billions of inhabited worlds there are countless forge worlds, factories[...]' --- Dark Heresy 'The Immortal Emperor’s Legiones Astartes, His Angels of Death - no, that wasn’t right - his Angels of Death, created to protect mankind from threats beyond these tars. A billion, billion worlds; a million, million cultures all compliant - now at war.' Age of Darkness (Novel) ...and combine those calcs with the average amount of capital ships per sector stated in rouge trader/battlefleet gothic. Boom, hundreds of millions of capital ships. Now how about some feats for IOM fleets possessing the firepower to MASS SCATTERS PLANETS A LA DEATH STAR: Index Astartes II said: The Nigh Lords' ships orbited Nostramo, hundreds of weapons trained on the shrouded planet, the rays of the system's dying sun glinting from barrels to numerous to count. As the fabric of space buckled and twisted, disgorging the few craft able to keep pace, the lances and mass drivers of Night Haunter's flaship opened fire upon the planet. Beam after beam of incandescent light joined the fusillade, all concentrating upon the same point, a weak spot in Nostramo's adamantium crust theorised to be left by the Primarch's initial landing. The lasers of the Night Lords' ships focused a blinding lance of pure energy into the planet's core, and with a cataclysmic explosion, the dark planet burst apart. Dark Heresy: The Radical's Handbook said: As for Phaenon Prime, within the Malleus judged that the corruption of so many hardened to the wiles of the Warp so quickly could be not coindidence. Some dark force dwelled there, they believed, although whether it had always been so or that something that had been brought there to fatally spread its influence like a virus remained unknown. In any case, the Priesthood of Mars were happy to grant the Calixian Conclave's' request. By the dictate of the Fabricator General himself, they marshalled the power of their city-sized voidships and tore a moon from its natural orbit to strike Phaenon Prime, smashing the planet to fragments. Imperial Armour 12: Fall of Orpheus said: Additionally, several Space Marine Chapters had answered the Orphean Sector's call to arms, including the entirety of the Minotaurs Chapter, it's vanguard elements now sweeping through the northern Orpheus Sector alongside a company of the Marauders Chapter which had also deployed to the Amarah system, while detachments of the Red Seraphs and Nemesis Chapters were known to be en route. The armada massed in Amarah's voidspace at this time was no less impressive, comprising several hundred escort-class vessels and more than sixty rated cruisers and capital vessels of the Imperial Navy, including seven primus-grade battleships and four Space Marine battle-barges, with the ancient and storied Arica Dominus as their flagship. -pg. 40 skip On the flag bridge of the Apocalypse class battleship Arica Dominus, Grand Admiral Georg Carew, Knight-commander of Battlefleet Orpheus, watched the holo-shpere before him showing the onrushing enemy with growing apprehension. Although his desire to avenge the losses his fleet had suffered in the past months and the affront to the world he had been solemnly sworn to protect, unlike many of those under his command he would not let his wrath blind him. The firepower of the fleet at his disposal was of an unimaginable order of magnitude and more than capable of shattering entire worlds through brute force alone; a fact that he believed his foe was more than aware of. Warhammer 40k Rulebook: 6th edition said: By contrast, the Imperial Navy prefer sustained bombardments, using battleships to hammer the world until its very structure collapses. Codex Dark Angels 4th Ed. said: Meanwhile the massed guns of the fleet continued to pound the planet, until many monasteries were reduced to miles-wide craters, angry magma spewing from the raw wounds in the planet's crust. The very surface of Caliban began to crack and heave under the strain of the bombardment, the fury of the Dark Angels blinding them to the devastation they were wreaking on their own world. As the planet itself started to break apart [...] [Jonson and Luther fight, Chaos loses, gets annoyed and swipes at the planet.] [...] Caliban, already weakened by the bombardment, was ripped apart and destroyed in a cataclysmic explosion, the debris being sucked into the warp. It was on Earth, at the very heart of humanity's realm, that the fate of the galaxy was to be decided. In those last days, the sky was black with dust clouds and the earth was split by gigantic fissures. Tectonic plates shifted under the stress of the bombardment. Mountain chains shivered and seas evaporated and became salty deserts. Rains of blood and ash dripped from the dark sky. Everywhere oracles muttered evil portents and men went mad with fear.- The Siege of Earth, WD161 I watched 56-Izar die from the bridge of the Saint Scythus as we left orbit. Petals of flame, the size of continents, spread out under its milky skin. Sanction Extremis. Exterminatus -Xenos, Page 244 of Eisenhorn Omnibus
@kronos661 5 жыл бұрын
There is something i would like to correct in both 10 flaws and 10 advantages. Lances are not gigantic lascannons, they are unspecified (becouse IoM have no clue how it works) energy based weapons that can punch through ships like a rapier. Gigantic lascannons as well as gigantic solid projectile weapons and gigantic plasma cannons are Macrocannons. Battleships of the IoM are tough and powerfull enough to offset the mobility flaw, especially when considered as a part of bigger force with cruisers, light cruisers and escorts. The standard solid projectile macrocanon of the Imperial Navy on the low end are more or less as powerfull as the MAC canon from Halo (at least that's what i got when some Halo fanboy wanted to show me how powerfull Halo is in space becouse high end 40k is teratons+ per canon). The retribution battleship was quite a few times described as beeing able to destroy planet with but a single salvo and the battleships are said to wrestle for days after their voidshields go down. Hell, in "Rynn's world" novel over two thousand vessels were sent to help and none of them was lighter than the Dauntless light cruiser. Still most of their firepower, according to author, was on the four battleships but i personally think it is overstatement.
@CheemsofRegret 5 жыл бұрын
@Peter_Turbo4 5 жыл бұрын
*[01010100 01101000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01110000 01101100 01100101 01100001 01110011 01100101 01110011 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01001101 01100101 01100011 01101000 01100001 01101110 01101001 01100011 01110101 01110011 00100000 01100001 01101100 01110011 01101111]*
@theinquisition9390 5 жыл бұрын
I am here
@ElementsRook 5 жыл бұрын
Adeptus Arbiters concur
@amandag.6186 5 жыл бұрын
Not me
@FrogiMen13 5 жыл бұрын
the biggest advantage of Imperium of Man is simply that they stood the test of time, and boy have this test been going for looooong ass time
@draochvar9646 5 жыл бұрын
Compared to the Eldar and the Necrons,, the Imperial Navy is taking Baby steps. The Imperials don't even know what a Long time is.
@alexfrost2799 5 жыл бұрын
Compared to other 40k species, yeah. But compared to many other Sci-fi empires (especially the Galactic Empire), they have lived for soooooooo damn long
@draochvar9646 5 жыл бұрын
@Adam Madej the Eldar waged war against the Necrons on a galactic scale. They were MADE to fight the Necrons. Get your uninformed ass out of here
@draochvar9646 5 жыл бұрын
@Adam Madej Eldar are as much bioweapons as the orks were because the could use the warp, which the necrons couldn't
@AsbestosMuffins 4 жыл бұрын
ya but their weaponry hasn't been improving, if anything its been declining. Since the loss of tech during the heresy the mechanicus hasn't been able to build as powerful ships or maintain or repair the ones that they have. Dark age weaponry was capable of completely annihilating an opponent through truly mind bending destructive physics such at temporal shift Maybe now that a certain primarch got off his own golden god couch the mechanicus will improve
@vindicare9636 5 жыл бұрын
You forgot one of the greatest thing that makes warhammer ships really good:The captain,the gunner and chief officers are linked up directly via neural link with the ship systems ,same like imperial titans or knights ,making the ship reaction time really quick,and lowering the chance of individual error.Also the ship captains,thanks to advanced medicines can be hundreds of years old,with huge combat experience.
@erisdiscordia1649 4 жыл бұрын
Wait, they're linked up to the ship itself? Like, it's proven and canon?
@gregorygreenwood-nimmo4954 4 жыл бұрын
@@erisdiscordia1649 Yes - Imperial warships often use mind impulse technologies like titans.
@Notmyrealnamenumbers 3 жыл бұрын
@@erisdiscordia1649 old post i know, but in one of the "Guants Ghosts" book series, it had a POV of a ship Captain when the ship gears itself for a fight. It's described as the captains heart begining to race as the ships reactors and furnaces start churning up to full power, his hair stand on its ends as he Feels the void sheilds come online and overlap eachother. How his awareness expands to millions of kilometers as the sensor arrays wake up and fully power up. And the rush he gets when the weapons systems come online, lance batteries charging to full, magazines loading and moving
@dianapennepacker6854 Жыл бұрын
I don't believe all are, but you know how 40k is with lore. I wish I could find this excerpt of a ship firing a cannon. It basically amounted to a bunch of serfs using chains to load in the shell and then using chain to heave some huge penadlum that basically set the charge off to fire the shell. Was pretty epic but didn't make much sense as something automated could probably do it faster and still be simple. Don't have to feed the machines. Someone once told me the largest cannons use small nukes as primers.
@Burninator353 5 жыл бұрын
One other advantage is that even in close range fights some Imperial Navy ships are built to ram enemy vessels. A 3-5 kilometer long ship hitting you is gonna ruin your day.
@amandafranks5108 5 жыл бұрын
and a 8km long battleship or 10km long battle barge will do far worse :)
@Gunnar001 5 жыл бұрын
Amanda Franks 8km battleship? Please, the Imperium has 17km long battleships: _"The battleship Spirit of Konor, seventeen kilometres long..."_ *- Know No Fear, Pg. 144* Also, given how laughably fragile Star Destroyers canonically are (ex: _Rogue One_ slow collision scene that tore one in half and heavily damaged another), Imperium warships would cut through them like a hot knife through butter when ramming.
@lancer737 5 жыл бұрын
@@Gunnar001 Not really, Star Destroyers are shaped perfectly for ramming, and they weight exactly the same weight as the Grand Cruisers in 40k, while the Super Star Destroyers like the Executor Class weight more than any ship save maybe the main command ship each legion had. Those ships are 4 Billion tons. Lastly, the lore for 40k ships has it that they, the Empire, are flabbergasted by the size of the Planet Killer, and it is smaller than 17km. It is bigger than just about every Marine and Navy ship save for the same ships I mentioned above.
@Schnittertm1 5 жыл бұрын
@@Gunnar001 There are even some Gloriana class battleships still around in 40k, which were the battleships gifted to the Primarchs by the Emperor before the Horus Heresy, which are roughly 20 km long. Among the surviving ships are both the Macragge's Honor, now flagship of Primarch Guilliman and the Vengeful Spirit, in service to the Traitor legions under the command of Abbadon the Despoiler.
@ironstarofmordian7098 5 жыл бұрын
@@Schnittertm1 Failbadon the Armless you mean
@kriegofficergary6921 5 жыл бұрын
@scottland8698 5 жыл бұрын
“But we’re in space sir” “I SAID FIX BAYONETS”
@ollyravenhill7341 5 жыл бұрын
Cadia stands!!!!!! Where are the hieratics sir
@kriegofficergary6921 5 жыл бұрын
@zenthedying91 5 жыл бұрын
can a shovel do? my bayonet is stuck in a chaos marine helmet.
@Archris17 5 жыл бұрын
This is your Arch-Militant speaking. All troops to board assault boats and prepare for boarding action against the enemy. The Navy may be His shield, but today, we are the fury and the divine justice of Him-On-Earth. Rejoice at your chance to come blade-to-blade with the for and in the Emperor's name, show no mercy, for the foul xenos shall give you none!
@patricklioneljonson2747 5 жыл бұрын
By the God Emperor... 85% for 5 star.
@Dwarficus 5 жыл бұрын
The God Emperor rewards those loyal to the Imperial Truth.
@patrickmcginty3234 5 жыл бұрын
But does he reward his most delusional of servants?
@ironstarofmordian7098 5 жыл бұрын
Of course. The Emperor's Sheild is the only Navy. The rest are pidly wanna bees.
@nelsoncheng2674 5 жыл бұрын
Yes, by the God Emperor.
@CollinBuckman 5 жыл бұрын
Imperial Warships actually *can* do small warp jumps without a Navigator (relying on the ships computers), but said jumps are only really safe for a journey of up to 4-5 light years. Meanwhile, a piloted jump can reach up to 5,000 light years.
@gregorygreenwood-nimmo4954 5 жыл бұрын
You are correct, but technically those Navigator-less jumps are calculated by the ship's cogitators whose 'processing cores' are re-purposed and cybernetically enhanced human brains. Remember the Imperium doesn't use computers as we normally understand the term due to the events of the Dark Age of Technology.
@AsbestosMuffins 4 жыл бұрын
@@gregorygreenwood-nimmo4954 they're not full Dune anti computer, just anti AI. Machine Spirits are pretty much advanced versions of the specialized algorithms we employ today in our own tech, except for Titans and a few other special cases which are something just below sentience. They have computers and calculators they just recognize that they can't improve them past a certain point
@humanitysreject5233 5 жыл бұрын
Nova cannons are so powerful that when fired ships have to increase the thrust of their engines to counteract the recoil
@Daniel.Liddicoat 5 жыл бұрын
I like the idea that gun crews on Imperial Navy vessels can be intergenerational. The families grow up on the ship and learn to operate the equipment they are tasked to use. If the whole family/crew of the weapon is wiped out the use of that weapon may be as well. The knowledge being lost to history.
@dianapennepacker6854 Жыл бұрын
Yeah. Slaves/serfs. Forgot the technical term used. Hey if it works it works. How they feed everyone is beyond me though. Surely a few machines would help with that. That is one thing that they always skip on in the lore outside of SoYLeNt GreEn or when Nurgle comes. Which is ridiculous as humans as food or batteries just not worth it. The Navy is definitely underrated though and without it the Imperium is screwed. The Imperial Navy does a damn good job considering everything. It's amazing it runs in the first place.
@arielnir2679 5 жыл бұрын
Not to be *that Guy..... But...... the imperial navy generaly look down on the planetary air forces, because they are almost seen as imperial guard/ Astra millitarum/ meatsheilds..... And the term ”that Guy” is from the table top side of warhammer 40k. Its basicly a term for one who cheats, play unfaire and destroys the fun for others.
@weldonwin 5 жыл бұрын
When I played 40K, we used to call those guys 'Beards' and their tactics as 'Bearding' or 'Playing Beardy'
@Danik0301987 5 жыл бұрын
It's not exclusive to Warhammer, "that guy" is quite common in most tabletop games.
@vali6717 5 жыл бұрын
Well of course they look down on them. The Imperial Navy is in orbit.
@dlastkatipunero2185 5 жыл бұрын
@@vali6717 haha..ha......
@ironstarofmordian7098 5 жыл бұрын
@@vali6717 By the Emperor. Why? 🌴😑
@vladimirdragonov 5 жыл бұрын
American ben, If Sly Marbo was behind you.... Well to quote an old but popular holovid, "Omae wa mu shindeiru"
@weldonwin 5 жыл бұрын
@jimsparro 5 жыл бұрын
Several major advantages were left out such as the armour which is often dozens of meters thick. Most imperial ships are also easily able to eradicate all life on a planet in a short time (if their captain is deemed worthy of the honor) the escorts are often over a mile long and a lot of the ships are built so that they can ram and survive being rammed by ships of simmilar size with heavily armoured prows and even massive energized battering rams
@casbot71 5 жыл бұрын
The big factor influencing the Imperium Navy is the "physics" of the universe they are in. Because technology can become corrupted they have to be stagnant and distrustful of innovation, which means they lose designs over time and are slightly regressing, old stuff is better than new stuff. Put another factions Navy in the 40k universe and their ships would be overrun by Chaos in moments. Put them in another factions universe and they would not be able to adopt new technologies or very their methods, and against an innovative and technologically adaptive foe that would be an issue. And Faith wouldn't affect the surroundings like in 40k ("red makes it faster gummit") So basically the Adeptus Mechanicus are holding them back, but with 'goodish' reasons. Although better bookkeeping would help.
@SonsOfLorgar 5 жыл бұрын
Nah, if ending up in another universe where the chaos gods can't reach, the tech priests involved in the first encounter would have a schism over the encountered tech, and once it was discovered to be free of taint, it would probably be shoehorned in as 'considdered STC compliant pending further investigation' and reverse engineer the shit out of it.... If a chaos warship had the same encounter, the new tech would just be integrated immediately and improved on.
@EgorKaskader 5 жыл бұрын
Another thing to consider there is that other universes didn't have the War in Heaven. Which means the Warp (if it exists) isn't Warp, but the Realm of Souls - meaning FTL travel through it is entirely safe, and psykers no longer have to fear daemons, as well as grow a hell of a lot more powerful. Navigators might also get to interact with people at last, since their Warp eye would stop driving everyone looking into it save for select few individuals instantly insane.
@tylerthegrimm 5 жыл бұрын
What about the tau? They fight the tau a lot, and they are as advanced as any of the alternate universes.
@EgorKaskader 5 жыл бұрын
@@tylerthegrimm To be fair to Tau: they can kick IN's arse, but their tacticians are Thrawn-level good quite often. There was that time a FEW SHIPS stopped an invasion. Tau also massively outrange IN's vessels, able to get targeting solutions for up to a light minute in some cases.
@WarlockInTraining 5 жыл бұрын
High tech does not equal easily corrupted. Otherwise Tau and Necrons be wiped out quick.
@gregorygreenwood-nimmo4954 5 жыл бұрын
This... is not Heresy. Carry on citizen.
@gregorygreenwood-nimmo4954 5 жыл бұрын
@@NightRaven-lh1bf Fear not - there will always be more heretics for your bolter to slay in His name. Why, there appears to be Heresy aplenty in this very comments section...
@tigerhasnoend648 5 жыл бұрын
Even if Sly Marbo was behind you, you wouldn’t have seen him anyhow
@jamesmortimer4016 5 жыл бұрын
When your cadian your living room is/was the edge of the eye of terror
@Danik0301987 5 жыл бұрын
@wrongway1100 5 жыл бұрын
@@Danik0301987 CADIA STANDS!
@dreadnought8363 5 жыл бұрын
@kriegofficergary6921 5 жыл бұрын
@ironstarofmordian7098 5 жыл бұрын
Target practice all day every day!
@emperorofowls6337 5 жыл бұрын
How are astropaths and navigators an advantage? 40k long range communication is pretty bad. And needing an astropath, who are relatively scarce, for your ship to be able to travel long range in ftl is definitively an disadvantage. Their atmospheric aircraft are not especially noteworthy, neither in negative or positive light. Distruption Macro-cannon - that is not something that's common or particularly noteworthy, if the Imperial ships need to capture enemy, they will do it the proper 40k way - that being boarding. Torpedoes - These are not exactly easy to avoid - if they fire from a million kilometers away, then yeah, but Imperial torpedoes are - unlike what some people think - guided, although their guidance works "only" at a few thousand kilometers - but considering that some of the factions that will/are featured in this series have ranges below few thousand kilometers, its not too bad. But the biggest advantage of their weapons is that they are extremely long ranged, but still excel at short ranged combat. Imperium will be likely the longest ranged faction featured. Void shields - Maybe describe actual advantages of Void shields - Shielding of Imperial vessels is comprised of several layers of void shields, while the shielding of 40k vessels is comparatively low capacity to a lot of other universes, they do regenerate very rapidly. Second advantage of the Void shields is that there is "damage sweetspot" for taking Void shields down, and attack that is outside of it will be very inefficient in dealing with them. If the attack is too weak, it will have very little or even no effect on them, and if the attack is too strong it is unlikely to take down more than one layer of void shields in a single shot, with the excess energy of the attack being wasted. Also one advantage that is HERESY!!! not to mention is Imperial ships armor, other sci-fi factions using shields have usually pretty squishy hulls, or soak damage through their size. I don't think that any other common universe has ships that will just negate attacks thanks to their armor - this means that if they fought ships from an universe that depends on lots of rapid fire weapons (Star Wars for example), then if we assume equal firepower for the same ship size between universes those weak but numerous attacks may be very well entirely incapable of harming 40k vessels.
@andreasmuller4666 5 жыл бұрын
The weapons points are well made. On the armor though, it would depend on the universe. There are some written ones (Dutchy of Terra, Honor Harrington) for example that have massiv armor on their ships. They are ofc. related to the weapons in those settings. (mostly high yield directed energy and kinetics) but still well enough armored to shrug of multiple direct hits. So armor does exist in other sci-fi settings, not jus Imp. Navy of 40k.
@emperorofowls6337 5 жыл бұрын
@@andreasmuller4666 By common universes I meant ones who usually appear in VS scenarios like this, Honor Harrington is kinda borderline, but I would say it is not that well known. I have never heard about Dutchy of Terra so I can't comment about that. I compared the 40k to universes that I would expect to appear in this series. As for Honor Harrington, it is a long time since I read the novels, but wasn't the power of the attacks significantly reduced by the shields first, before striking the armor, and even the armor being more of the ablative sort, instead of 40k style just being immune to weak attacks outright?
@andreasmuller4666 5 жыл бұрын
@@emperorofowls6337 in Honor on the shields yes but the armor depends on the ship class vs weapon a lot. Only capital weapons go through capital armor.
@naggie6358 5 жыл бұрын
I mean an easy way to show how good their weapons are is quite simple. 1 macrocannon shell has a yield of a kilotonne before acceleration, where it reaches around 4 gigatonnes. Compare that to say a turbolaser from Star wars and you can see how powerful these weapons are
@emperorofowls6337 5 жыл бұрын
@@naggie6358 I am pretty sure that the kilotonne shells are from Rogue Trader books, and it does not refer to yield but weight. Also 40k mid range yields are far higher than that - generally accepted numbers were triple digit gigatons to single digit teratons for single weapon. And that was established before there was a potential retcon of how exterminatus is done in a core rulebook, with Imperial Navys favorite way being outright destroying a planet with a conventional weapons fire.
@randycheow4268 5 жыл бұрын
No heresy in this video. Good👍👍👍
@justinsmith9006 5 жыл бұрын
some small heresy, some of the advantages negate some of the flaws in the other video.
@birgervogt9017 5 жыл бұрын
claiming that the imperial torpedo's are easily avoided! Thats heresy!
@Phenixtri 5 жыл бұрын
If that was true boarding torpedos wouldnt be a thing in 40k.
@birgervogt9017 5 жыл бұрын
@@Phenixtri That is a non sequitor entirely. First off according to the Battlefleet gothic core rulebook (where the ships were first outlined in detail) the normal torpedo's can and will home in if they are just a few thousand kilometres of the mark. SO allready they can home in on target from quite a long way out of direct sight. And you seem to have some expectation that torpedo's that have been fired will impact immediatly, according to the rogue trader rpg the torpedo's can travel for hours at relativistic speed before impacting. You just got to have a bit of lead :P And with the boarding torpedo's in particular, those are fully steerable and come with side thrusters to guide them onto target by the crew inside. Sorry this reply took so long, had to recheck sources to make sure I were right.
@TravelerZ24 3 жыл бұрын
@@Phenixtri Boarding torpedos are typically used when a ship has been crippled and the Imperium wants something on the ship or the ship itself
@redenginner 5 жыл бұрын
Battlefleet solar is the largest and most powerful fleet by far. Thats not even forgetting the ark mechanicus which with its full power can decimate entire fleets with its dark age of technology tech..
@Mikazuchireborn 5 жыл бұрын
If they knew how to properly use the Dark Age weaponry, the Mechanicus would absolutely dominate. DAOT weaponry makes even the Crusade-era Legions and Primarchs looks like chumps.
@adambielen8996 5 жыл бұрын
Machanicus ships are not part of the Imperial Navy and thus cannot be included in this list. But yes they are ridiculously powerful.
@vegetarianzombie82 5 жыл бұрын
So, astropaths are a literal psychic hotline
@Phenixtri 5 жыл бұрын
With built in GPS navigation to boot too.
@dagonofthedepths 5 жыл бұрын
yep you need to call someone or need to know when something really, really bad is a bout to happen get your friendly astropath. he'll pass on the message or he'll start clawing out his eyes, have a seizure, and die. um, in case of the latter...…..start running.
@Phenixtri 5 жыл бұрын
And by run we mean get the fuck off the planet and leave the system ASAP.
@SonsOfLorgar 5 жыл бұрын
@@Phenixtri too late... Samus is here...
@matthiuskoenig3378 5 жыл бұрын
" We are the defenders of humanity. We are the Emperor's blazing sword and the Imperium's crushing fist. Hundreds of billions of hands ready to die for our mission in the cold, unforgiving space. We are...THE IMPERIAL NAVY!"- Admiral Spire
@Richard-Espanol 5 жыл бұрын
I'll say it again, I'd love vids on just warhammer lore by you guys. Explaining each faction and going in depth like you are now about technology and their societies.
@GenerationFilms 5 жыл бұрын
Hey, thanks!
@ashleypleschourt5129 5 жыл бұрын
A major area we are missing I think is in the realm of point defenses and boarding crews, which was totally ignored in this. The Imperial navy's (40k) ability to overwhelm the shields of enemy ships in localized area's and then punch through their defenses with boarding torpedoes is very worthy of note. And if it is an Astartes boarding crew that you are dealing with, then your ship is as good as captured. The point defenses on 40k ships is also so ridiculous that I doubt any small ships from other universes would even be capable of getting close let alone doing any significant damage, and in retrospect, such torpedoes used by the Imperial navy are specifically designed to overcome such defenses. It's pretty difficult to stay in a fight when your ship is being sabotaged from within, and boarding vessels filled with regular Imperial guard would be formidable. And I haven't even begun talking about short-medium range deep strike teleportation of troops such as terminators, or other such attacks.
@nathanjora7627 5 жыл бұрын
« Impérial ships are well armed » Synonym : hyper euphemism
@birgervogt9017 5 жыл бұрын
You forgot some major things. The biggest thing would be range. Unlike in starwars ship combat in 40k is done outside of literal line of sight. An imperial fleet orbiting earth could engage one orbiting mars for example. And you forgot to mention that the navigators also can spot and give advance warning about fleets trying to jump into or out of a system. And thirdly how every battleship have weaponry capable of blowing up a planet
@adambielen8996 5 жыл бұрын
Well actually blowing up the planet takes specialized guns and munitions. Also it is generally seen as overkill as simply turning said planet into a lifeless rock is good enough.
@erisdiscordia1649 4 жыл бұрын
@@adambielen8996 I'd argue that you could potentially glass a planet without the specialized and/or exterminatus grade weaponry. The big difference would be that it would take a lot longer without bombardment cannons or cyclonic torpedoes.
@cirbam2747 5 жыл бұрын
@scottland8698 5 жыл бұрын
Got a Battlefleet Gothic Armada 2 ad, clearly the Emperor smiles upon this video!
@Daniel.Liddicoat 5 жыл бұрын
In the next series you should compare titans. Except only 40k does titans. Insert pic of Imperator scraping AT-AT off it's foot.
@yoanignatov7610 5 жыл бұрын
The Emperor protects!!
@DarthAzabrush 5 жыл бұрын
@Memento Mori "Forgive me, father of my gene father, if I augment thy protection with a 20 gigawatt forcefield"- Malakim Phoros- Chapter Master of the Lamenters
@steelersxcountry1036 5 жыл бұрын
I think the 40K fans are out for revenge after the result of the last flaws/pros series.
@EgorKaskader 5 жыл бұрын
You bet. S'why we always get annoyed at "BUT WHAT IF 40K FOUGHT THOSE GUYS" ideas. It's balanced within itself, but things like SW have absolutely zero chance once you dig into the (canon!) lore (and non-canon is even more bonkers - canon Retribution is 7 Km long, non-canon it's *15 KMs*). Halo, ironically, might - they can actually match ranges with Imperial vessels as their weapons (in-universe) are short ranged, only able to reliably hit targets on distances of up to about 6 lightseconds IIRC. Also, the sheer scale of damage required to bring down even an escort is incredible - they can survive being ploughed into by a 5-km long cruiser, for example - much less ships of the line.
@EgorKaskader 5 жыл бұрын
@@bartomiejapinski5218 The planet broke before the guard did. LITERALLY. As Cadia was being torn apart there was still visible lasfire on the bigger chunks of the crust! Because that's Cadians for you. "I don't have time for dying, I have daemons to kill!"
@MiggehA1 5 жыл бұрын
@@EgorKaskader there such things called gloriana class battleships
@BildoShaggens 5 жыл бұрын
The Emperor decrees that his shield be given a 5!!! Also he needs his 1000 souls today so ...get to it
@Gunnar001 5 жыл бұрын
Ugh. 2:26. Another video using this inaccurate fan made ship scale for 40k ships. Battleships can reach 15+ km long. Cruisers are around 5 km. This scale needs to be removed from wikis and shit so people stop using it as some kind of accurate/official source.
@artios162 5 жыл бұрын
40k meet Mass Effect ME: The Reaper are coming, the galaxy shall unite and fight for our survival 40k _shrug_
@gregorygreenwood-nimmo4954 5 жыл бұрын
Multiple threats at least on par with vast fleets of killer AI ships is basically any given Tuesday for the Imperium.
@potandpoliticswithmr.broph1420 5 жыл бұрын
Major Bonus points for the Sly Marbo joke!!!
@Inignot12 5 жыл бұрын
@UncleMikeDrop 5 жыл бұрын
If the imperium of man possessed a full comprehensive understanding of their technology, they would likely score far higher. It would also greatly benefit them as they could develop a method of FTL travel that does especiall rely on the warp.
@weldonwin 5 жыл бұрын
They almost had that, if Magnus The Red hadn't screwed everything up
@GenerationFilms 5 жыл бұрын
@jkausti6737 5 жыл бұрын
I just love how there are these little, light void fighters... that are something like 50 meters long.
@papabell4831 5 жыл бұрын
who needs a space battle fleet when you can just launch guardsmen into space with bayonets.
@shuyuei6448 5 жыл бұрын
All hail the emperor of man!!!! :3
@L0stEngineer 5 жыл бұрын
The emperor protects, but half a million tons of adamantium armor and a broadside throw wieght of a few hundred megatons couldn't hurt.
@commandercarwash9278 5 жыл бұрын
One detail no one ever mentions is how Imperial ships have many less guns compared to other universes, but their cannons are massive and can probably near one shot other ships. A star destroyer will have a couple dozen turbo lasers while an imperial cruiser will have 6 huge macro cannons and one or two lances, each able to one shot the star destroyer. It's like a tank covered in machine guns versus a tank with a standard cannon. Cannon tank will win.
@gregorygreenwood-nimmo4954 5 жыл бұрын
The largest grade macro batteries on Imperial Battleships fire shells a good portion of the size of a Star Destroyer at velocities several percent of the speed of light. With impact forces like that, their massive explosive yield is largely superfluous. A hit is an instant kill from kinetic impact alone.
@gregorygreenwood-nimmo4954 5 жыл бұрын
And then you get the Nova Cannon which is just ridiculously overpowered and so the very quintessence of 40K, being a single gun that itself is the size of most other settings warships and can blast entire formations of ships to oblivion with each shot.
@Fluffy1877 5 жыл бұрын
@Deamon93IT 5 жыл бұрын
You forgot the organizational side of things. The Imperial Navy is organized in battlegroups, mainly composed by cruisers and escorts. Those battlegroups are usually tasked of protecting systems. After that there are battlefleets for subsectors, sectors and segmentums. This organization makes sure that (most) systems are protected while keeping vast strategic reserves, in case many shenanigans happen at the same time. Then of course there's the fact that the Imperial Navy can rely on Adeptus Astartes and Mechanicus assets in case of needs (an example is the Phalanx, a ship which could eat the Executor for a snack)
@shiro4306 5 жыл бұрын
So, no mention of battlefleet solar, and the size of imperial ships. The 26km macragge's honour, not to mention the km long escort ships like the cobra class destroyer.
@GenerationFilms 5 жыл бұрын
I only wanted to list one Battlefleet as an advantage. For me Obscurus was the easy choice. Solar would be second. I wrote a longer comment on this at the top. I suppose I could have just listed the entire fleet as an advantage but I wanted to give the Bastion Fleets their due.
@CollinBuckman 5 жыл бұрын
The Macragge's Honour is a Space Marine vessel, and thus isn't part of the Imperial Navy.
@gregorygreenwood-nimmo4954 5 жыл бұрын
The ridiculously huge and massively armed, armoured and shielded (even by 40k standards) Ramillese class Starforts, widespread Exterminatus devices, the range and variety of weapons systems (broadside mounted guns aren't just macro cannons, but also cover Conversion Beamers, Graviton Pulsars, plasma projectors, and wide variety of other weapon types. Torpedoes have many types of warheads, including melta and vortex variants. Lances aren't all massive lasers, but include huge plasma and fusion beam weapons as well), the various rare or unique super-capital class vessels such as the Gloriana class like Macragge's Honour, the Red Tear of the Blood Angels, the Phalanx of the Imperial Fists, and the Rock of the Dark Angels. Imperial teleportation tech, and other means of performing boarding actions that are the very definition of brutal. We will just have to accept that the 40K lore with regard to space combat is as sprawling and extreme as the rest of the 40K setting, meaning there is a huge amount of ground to cover, and the guys at Generation Films only have so much time and resources available to make these videos.
@GenerationFilms 5 жыл бұрын
This is true, but we really do spend a lot of researching and writing so that we don't just offer up unsubstantial flaws/advantages. We do out best!
@gregorygreenwood-nimmo4954 5 жыл бұрын
@@GenerationFilms And your best is much appreciated.
@RocketHarry865 5 жыл бұрын
I remember there are also Battlecruisers and Grand Cruisers practically ships that combine the speed and maneuverability of cruisers with the firepower of battleships
@amandafranks5108 5 жыл бұрын
The Imperial Navy has already won this series :)
@Jeikobu 5 жыл бұрын
Question, should we consider these as if all factions have equal resources to build their fleets? Or should we just say whatever here is the whole fleet?
@GooseMasterful 5 жыл бұрын
Could y'all cover the Martian Navy from the Expanse
@igorwojtyna2158 5 жыл бұрын
Ur soul might yet feel the salvation of the God-emperors light
@SgtRackhamm 5 жыл бұрын
I just realized, is it me, or is the Imperium the only one who does boarding actions right?
@lokai7914 5 жыл бұрын
The Imperial Fleets would need no more reason to destroy the navies of every other major SF franchise than their obscene inclusion of Xenos (non-Humans) in their crews. Humanity first!
@TheDeinonychus 5 жыл бұрын
In regards to Void Shields, you didn't mention that they can (and sometimes are) used offensively. Void Shields react explosively when they come into contact with each other, which is why most ships will avoid getting too close to each other in combat. However, some brave (or crazy) Imperial captains have actually developed this into a strategy. Most other captains who are aware of the dangers of conflicting void shields (in other words, anyone but an Ork) will avoid close contact with enemy ships at all costs. Because of this, some captains will effectively 'play chicken', forcing enemy ships to change position to one that may expose vulnerable locations to attack. Even further, some captains will flat out attempt to ram other ships, trusting that their ship has more powerful or more numerous shields (yes, void shields are usually used in layers of 'shield banks', providing even more protection) than their opponent's. Upon contact, void shields will collapse violently, with the weaker of the two taking the brunt of the damage. When the opponent's last shields fail, if the attacker still has functioning void shields, they will literally start tearing through the other ship.
@carthienesdevilsadvocatenr2806 5 жыл бұрын
OK, fair enough, but I think that you are passing over some fairly significant advantages in favour of some quite insignificant ones.Astropaths and Navigators - I would combine these under "Pskers" - though inefficient compared to other Sci-Fi Superluminal Communications and Navigation technologies, they are essential for dealing with the unique perils of 40K Cosmology. Also, an advantage over many other factions native to the 4oK Universe.Luna Class Cruiser - I am surprised that you did not mention this one. The Luna class is simplistic enough to be built in orbit over a Feral World, no Forgeworld required, and still hold it's own against other 40K Cruisers. True, it took 20 years, but for a ship of that size, it is an impressive feat for cavemen.Scale - the Imperial Navy is built and operated on a scale an order of magnitude above other space navies. Their sphere of influence is literally galactic, their fleets operate in "Tight" formations hundreds of thousands of kilometres apart, blasting opponents thousands of millions of miles away. An imperial battlegroup could tear the Death star apart before the superlaser came in range - they already obliterated a planet-sized Necron ship, a moon-sized station is nothing. Nothing illustrates this more clearly than the Fury-class Interceptor. At 40-70 metres in length, it is the size of a Star Wars Corvette or a Mass Effect Frigate. Think about it - the smallest, weakest strike craft (excluding the atmospheric fighters) fits in with the Warships of other navies - light warships, true, but they have the mass and (critically) firepower to match them, lacking only FTL drives by comparison. The Imperial Navies light Freighters could be easily modified to carry a few squadrons of these vessels into combat, yet despite their firepower, the Furies posed no threat to even these, light civilian ships. How do you face an enemy that fields 'Light Cargo Freighters' that can shrug off all but the most potent of your capital ships as nothing, whilst deploying a dozen frigate sized vessels to harry your fleets?Void Shields - they do not drain and fail like other Sci-Fi shields tend to. To penetrate a Imperial Navy ship's shields you need to strike it with enough simultaneous firepower to overwhelm it and then some. It will always negate up to a certain amount of damage - a sequence of lesser attacks could keep firing until the stars die out, the shield will not fail.Which ties into Weapons. Imperial Navy weapons, besides operating at ridiculous ranges, are designed to create danger zones that continually sap the shield strength of enemy vessels. Against foes like themselves, this allows them to deplete enemy shield strength so that subsequent shots may penetrate the defence. Against other types of Sci-Fi shields, each attack will create a minefield that will continue to damage enemy vessels until they escape.All in all, I really don't think that you gave them enough credit. Especially by comparison to the other Navies on this list. The Imperial Navy may seem unimpressive compared to it's own, limitless enemies, but the fact that it is still standing is a wonder all of it's own.Thought for the Day: Only the Insane have Strength enough to Prosper.
@spamuraigranatabru1149 5 жыл бұрын
Don't forget that there are whispers of space trains piloted by dwarfs from the ancient times of Terra!
@Jaeger_Bishop 5 жыл бұрын
There is no question, the Imperial Navy will just decimate every other Navy on this list, just by sheer weight of numbers, firepower and combat experience alone.
@GALAXIE67 5 жыл бұрын
Awesome video/review!! Love this series, keep up the great work!!👍☯️👍
@paxvesania2008 5 жыл бұрын
Lord Inquisitor, this is yet another heretical video by the same guy. Only 10 advantages?? *HERESY*
@tobiasaberg8659 5 жыл бұрын
The greatest advantage of the Imperial navy is that what others view as doomsday scenarios and galaxy shattering events is naval standard operating procedure. "Oh no. They have a weapon that destroys all life on a planet!" "yeah. We call that exterminatus and every fleet usually has a bunch of warheads capable of doing it" "But this one blows the entire planet apart!" "Oh, you mean a two-stage cyclonic torpedo? Those a slightly more rare but we can have a few of those from any major forge world if we ask nicely"
@BaronVonBong 5 жыл бұрын
You only thought Sly Marbo was behind you because he was not. The only way to be sure Sly Marbo was behind you was by being dead...Alternatively if your in his good books the discovery of a dead Ork behind you may also indicate the presence of Sly.
@dlastkatipunero2185 5 жыл бұрын
Cawl and Roboute should really push past the stagnant tech era cuz the tyranids and chaos wont be stopped by cannon fodder for too long
@unborncookie9809 4 жыл бұрын
cant believe you didnt mention space marine boarding actions, sending dozens of hulking fanatical murder monks via boarding torpedo is not only badass, it allows to neutralize ships without the need to destroy them
@lordorion5776 5 жыл бұрын
@J4ckC4ver 5 жыл бұрын
wait...I can load apps on my powerarmor?! :PP
@TheRogueTrader 5 жыл бұрын
Not the most accurate, but it'll do.
@artembannick8017 5 жыл бұрын
Imperium be Like Stalingrad WE call that tuesday morning
@bliblivion 5 жыл бұрын
i think you should have talked about the great boarding capabilities of the Imperial Navy when assisted buy Astartes chapters the same way the Starwars Storm troopers are assisting their navy.
@adambielen8996 5 жыл бұрын
Space Marines perform boarding actions from their own ships. The Imperial Navy uses its own Armsmen for boarding actions.
@bliblivion 5 жыл бұрын
​@@adambielen8996 Deathwatch do'nt have a astartes fleet, they often use requisitioned ships , and the astartes spaceships are part of the imperial fleets, this is the strenght of the Imperium making specialized complementary units cooperate.
@adambielen8996 5 жыл бұрын
@@bliblivion The ships of the Astartes are in no way part of the Imperial Navy. That is the point of having separate branches of the military post-Heresy. No branch should be capable of doing more that one task. Additionally, Space Marines only have to cooperate with other branches if they want to, only the High Lords can directly order a chapter to do anything. Also the Deathwatch does have its own ships, though usually only of the escort type. If they need something bigger the Inquisition will requisition it for them.
@shortstacksport 5 жыл бұрын
... How on Earth could you not list the God Emperor himself?
@mrmacguff1n 5 жыл бұрын
I love the smell of NO HERESY in the morning
@Daimon-X 5 жыл бұрын
The Emperor Protects! But having a loaded Nova Cannon never hurt either... Thought for the Day: "He who lives for nothing is nothing. He who dies for the Emperor is a hero."
@patricksmith9700 5 жыл бұрын
#11 Will absolutely ram an enemy
@florentinoariza4026 5 жыл бұрын
"The whole principle of naval fighting is to be free to go anywhere with every damned thing the Navy possesses." -Grenfeld, Captain of the Hammer of Justice
@hatbrox 5 жыл бұрын
You forgot the REDICILOUS NUMBERS the navy uses
@LotionSoronarr 5 жыл бұрын
You forgot to mention that Void shields are layered - up to 8 and more layers that re-charge separately.
@unnamedfellow5044 5 жыл бұрын
just imagine a 40k guardsman talking to a clone trooper about the clone wars Clone:"it is one of the bloodiest conflicts the galaxy has ever seen millions have died" Guardsman:"in the latest battle? that doesn't seem to bad" Clone:"... no the entire war, it has been an awful and bloody conflict" Guardsman:"that is a really low death count, good job"
@gregorygreenwood-nimmo4954 5 жыл бұрын
A soldier exchange programme between the Clone Army and the Imperium has a group of newly transferred Clones fighting alongside the Imperial Guard. Clone Sergeant; 'So what are we fighting today Sir? Droids? Bounty Hunters?' Imperial Officer; 'Literal daemons from hell.' Clone Sergeant; ' Ha! Very funny Sir. Sir? Why aren't you laughing, Sir?'
@reasonableastartes 5 жыл бұрын
Just wanted to let you know that I got unsubbed from this channel in the past 48 hours without my input. Bug or glitch, you might have lost some followers who don't realize it yet.
@GenerationFilms 5 жыл бұрын
Thx for letting us know
@Infernus171 5 жыл бұрын
is it just me or is Ben becoming more and more devout follower of big E? :D
@gregorygreenwood-nimmo4954 5 жыл бұрын
He has to repent for his Heresy somehow....
@rayanhey2411 5 жыл бұрын
The Officio Assassinorum is no longer coming .
@jeffwillsea6757 5 жыл бұрын
FOR THE IMPERIUM! =][= (thank you for the video. I enjoyed this one a lot.)
@GenerationFilms 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks for watching. I'm just a simple heretic trying to repent.
@gregorygreenwood-nimmo4954 5 жыл бұрын
@@GenerationFilms What no one here realises is that American Ben is dictating this sentiment to his auto-scribe servitor just before doing noble battle with the foul Xeno Dolphin Hordes on the Eastern Fringe of Imperium Nihilus, fighting beyond hope for systems shorn of the Light of the Astronomicon. Having finished this last missive, he takes up his lasgun in one hand, and a blessed Aquilla in the other. Clad in sackcloth and ashes worn under his Flak armour, he crests the trench line and charges toward redemption, rifle spitting las-bolts and sacred symbol of Him on Earth held high...
@nuxtheunkrakible9324 5 жыл бұрын
space engineers footage at 10:28
@skylerwagner6484 5 жыл бұрын
Let it be known that the planet broke before the guard and the fleet for the Emperor
@merkavamkivm3373 4 жыл бұрын
Me at 3:08 *happy ziontist noises*
@MsGamefr3ak 5 жыл бұрын
You completely forgot about the massive amount of armor on the ships for when the shields don't save you
@NemFX 5 жыл бұрын
@jasoethesentienteyeshapedg4847 5 жыл бұрын
It's all cool and all, but do you have a God riding a fighter jet? No? Then i am not interested.
@nerowulfee9210 5 жыл бұрын
5:26 Oh, and by the way, AdMech don`t hold Humanity back, they hold it from falling into another Dark Age. Remember when too much innovation royally screwed Mankind? Yea, imagine wanting this to occur again. P.S. Just... Just ask Arch to do such things.
@kavikkang9411 4 жыл бұрын
You can't compare the navies of the most popular sci-fi shows, they are too different coming from writers who don't have to make things actually work. We are the experts in this stuff, Star Fleet Battles Staff. The very first thing to look at is energy. For example, the anti-matter powered ships of Star Trek... especially Next Generation, the most advanced era of Star Trek. Star Wars, Battlestar Galactica, Babylon 5... all fusion power. End of argument, it's all about the energy. Those wimpy fusion powered ship can fire into Star Trek anti-matter powered shields "until their lasers run dry" and the shields will hardly even notice the damage. A single anti-matter powered Photon Torpedo, on the other hand, will vaporize a "Super Star Destroyer". It's no competition, it's all about the energy... and Star Trek is on a different level then the other sci-fi shows. "Anti-Matter Reactors"... that's all that matters.
@AzureSkyCiel 5 жыл бұрын
I'd vote... But it's just kind of unfair to pit anything in warhammer 40k against most other franchises. The power scales between others are too massive. 40k to Star Wars is basically Dragon Ball Super to Jackie Chan in Rumble in the Bronx. yeah, Jackie Chan's awesome and doesn't want trabble but he's going to get blown up by all the people shooting world destroying lasers from their asscheeks.
@MrAskarani 5 жыл бұрын
Holy Terra! You displease the Neavy and dislike the battleship. But EVERY singel one is ready to destroy planets. Other space nations must build Moonbases (yes i look at you starwars), that are flooting slowly in space. And the Imperium have uncountable Vessels of destruktion. And you have forget one important point. The imperium builds unending warmachines because of pure strugle of survival . They are no Questions. No money shortcomes...or not enough labours. Yes you notice the forgeworld, but thats not all
@Jarowit84 3 жыл бұрын
I will NOT believe a word of a man, eho did not ONCE made a sign of a holy aquilla while talking about such blastphemous topics. The Emperor protects!
@Arendelft 5 жыл бұрын
Allen!!!! I thought you were doing Warhammer!!! No offense to Ben but seriously, in my opinion you do this soooo much better!!!
@johnstuart1347 5 жыл бұрын
If Sly Marbo were actually there, you wouldn’t have had time to flinch. CATACHAN DEVILS FTW!!!
@thestabbybrit4798 5 жыл бұрын
"Now let's talk about the Navy's weapons!" Proceeds to make up a bunch of shit that doesn't exist in 40K.
@RocketHarry865 5 жыл бұрын
I think the reason imperium's airal flyers are so boxy is that it would easier for unskilled workers to build. Knowing the Adeptus Mechanicus they have already discovered fully intact STCs of the Thunderbolt and Lighting that include proper aerodynamic streamlining but withhold the designs so high ranking Tech priests can do leud things with their privately made versions.
@crwydryny 4 жыл бұрын
pah the imperial navy is doomed to fail, their ships are too large and complex with much of their systems being hobbled by lack of understanding of technology which they treat like a religion. meanwhile the tao are more advanced, and are forever improving their tech over time.
@Parabueto 5 жыл бұрын
Just gotta love that Space Marine fighting what looks like a total Gellar Field failure. Blazing away undaunted to the last round, then will probably draw his combat knife if he still has limbs to do so. Also, not a huge fan of the new Lighting model, I preferred the rocket engine for orbital stuff to be separate rather than a combined cycle engine. Also it just kinda looks super ugly.
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