Hi, lan 和Eric, 很喜歡你們的理念和製作的內容,也同時在今天加入會員表示支持。 一個構想給你們參考,是否能有一個"跳脫舒適圈”的企劃是有關"情感的",協助某人例如: a. 一個不敢告白的 b. 一個曾經傷害的 c. 一位想念的 b. 一段難忘的 這個構想是透過前幾天的,看到你們線上直播演唱會而來的感動,讓我想到看過的一部電影叫愛是你,愛是我Love Actually, 以及看過美國大兵回家見到家人的那種感動。僅供參考,謝謝你們,繼續加油
I have been doing 'time restricted feeding" for 3 years. 16:8 for the first year. Then as I get into the 2nd year I would add a weekly OneMealADay to shock the body. For the 3rd year, I still do 16:8 for 4-5 days each week. OMAD for a day. But will eat normal 3 meals for 1 or 2 days depends on my marathon training. Your body will adapt if you keep doing the same thing over a period of time. The best is to switch up the meal time and habit. But the good question is just like the introduction of the clip, "do we need to eat 3 meals everyday?".