5 Reasons You Should Not Buy the Apple Vision Pro - Watch This to Save $4000!

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Mute PC

Mute PC

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@bcarr1122 8 ай бұрын
@Mute PC, your videos have been informative and helpful, and I like your sardonic wit. Please keep it up.
@JimmyHuynhdesign 8 ай бұрын
Not wealthy but i do recognize there are many people that make 4k in a week, some in a few days, and others more than that in a single day. There are millionaires, multimillionaires, decamilliomaires, billionaires, multibillionairs…there are people that would be willing to spend a fortune on something while others see it as pointless. Money is relative to each person. 3,500 might seem a lot to one, and pocket change to another. 3,500 might be a fortune to some, totally worth it to them.
@rampage2320 8 ай бұрын
The screens on the Vision Pro go for $1k each from Sony. The Vision Pro is actually quite a good deal.
@ailearners 8 ай бұрын
It will be updated and outdated fast with the vision 2 by the end of next year with a lighter and better model
@bujin5455 8 ай бұрын
Possibly, but honestly, unlikely. Apple doesn't upgrade their niche products all that often, and Apple knows that this is a niche product. Everything about their position screams that. Like the iPad Mini will go multiple refreshes of the iPad line up just to get a marginal update. The Mac Pro has often been left out in the cold for the better part of a decade. The Apple TV has not enjoyed the update cadence of Apple's mainstream products. Apple only produced 60k launch units, in order to sale out, and that's all the more they thought they could move. Even with that, I waited several days to put in my order (just did it on the 25th, that's six days after they opened orders) and still got a Feb 6th pickup date (only four days after the Feb 2nd launch date). I honestly wouldn't be surprised if we don't see a meaningful update any sooner than three years, or even longer. The fact Apple doesn't mind shipping this with the M2 underscores the fact Apple isn't very sensitive about trying to make sure the device has their latest technology in it, and that is another sign we're looking at longer update windows for this product.
@amdenis 8 ай бұрын
Yeah, who needs the most revolutionary product to ever hit the consumer computer and gaming and entertainment space? Avoid it until they get it perfect!
@bujin5455 8 ай бұрын
0:33. And yet those seven MQ3s will still not be half as good as the VP. The experience of the MQ3 doesn't get any better, no matter how many of them you buy. 1:00. Maybe, or perhaps you just wear contacts. Or maybe you don't actually have to correct. I wear glasses to drive (as I'm near sighted), but I find that I can see everything in a VR headset just fine without my glasses. So it's not clear cut as to whether you actually need to get lenses for it, even if you do have a prescription. 1:11. I would definitely not do this. I have NEVER in my life broke any of my devices, and I have a crazy number of them. A little bit of respect will go a long way, not to mention a front glass protector for $30 (which is the most likely thing to get damaged if anything is). I seriously doubt most people will be doing anything so extreme as to endanger this device, it's not like you're going to be playing sports in this thing, but if you are one of those people, then go ahead. 1:52. Yep, if you don't want to be an early adopter, then don't buy it. Being an early adopter is about partaking in the adventure of watching a new technology form before your eyes, and having the advantage of seeing where things are going before the rest of the mainstream does. If that doesn't justify the experience for you, then you should defs pass. 2:47. Honestly, two hours is way more than enough. Most people are going to use this thing sitting down most of the time, and if that's the case, you can just plug in. You don't need battery to watch a movie, because you're not going to do that while walking around the house for two hours. On top of that, if you really think you need a bunch of battery life, it's super easy to augment the battery with a USB bank, and 6x the battery life for like $50. And it's also not a big deal to get a fanny pack to throw your packs into, assuming you really need more than two hours of battery life, and assuming your face can handle that. 3:43. This can actually be a disadvantage for the MQ3, as it makes it more difficult to extend the battery life, since the connection point is on your face, which is hard to fiddle with without taking off the headset. It also makes replacing the batteries when they wear out more difficult to do as well, since you'll have to disassemble the unit. Additionally you have to be OK with having lithium batteries, which have been known to be a fire hazard, strapped to your head while blind in VR. Now this is all fine and good for the MQ3, but there are advantages to the way Apple chose to do things here. 3:46. I'm sure it won't take long for someone to offer a direct replacement that does provide extended use. Assuming you don't just use a standard USB bank to augment it. Also, plugging it into a USB bank isn't that big a deal, as you can strap them together, and treat them like a single pack, again assuming you actually do need more than two hours of wireless mobility, which I think is super unlikely for most people. 4:18. Just because it's not rocking the absolute fastest chip Apple has on tap, doesn't mean it's "outdated before it's even released." The question is: Who is selling a standalone XR headset with anything close to the power of the M2/R1 combo team on the VP? Answer: Absolutely no one, and not by MILES. The VP is most powerful standalone headset on the planet, and by a HUGE margin. So since the VP is operating in a league of its own, it's ridiculous to claim it's outdated. 4:30. So what? 100Hz is more than enough to provide a comfortable user experience. The MQ3 is running LCD displays and NOT microOLED. For starters OLED does not refresh as fast as LCD, but LCD does not have true black (kind of important if you want to emulate space for instance), to say nothing of the 5000 nits of light Apple's displays have (which is super important). The fact Apple has a 100Hz OLED display is SUPER impressive, especially at the resolution it's at, especially with the light output it has (which is important for the optical stack, allowing Apple to use more advanced but less emissive optics). Also, Apple is using microOLED, these displays are literally produced on silicon wafers exactly the same way that micro chips are, making them SUPER expensive to produce, and you're getting two of them. These displays not only have a crazy high resolution of 3391x3391, but they have full RGB sub pixels, completely eliminating the dead space between pixels, which leads to screen door effect. Something you're going to have with LCD. Like you're comparing a Ford Pinto to a Lamborghini, and you don't even understand the physics of the engineering trades off that were made. Apple's headset has the most advanced displays money can buy, period, and it's a LARGE reason the device is so crazy expensive. 4:40. They are. No one is selling a headset with the M3 in it (or equivalent to the M2 for that matter). No one has a custom ASIC for all of the XR translation and mapping work. No one is selling a 100Hz, 3391x3391, 5000 nit, microOLED stereo display, or anything close to that. No one's headset has abilities even close to this thing, the MQ3 sure as heck doesn't. Like Apple is utterly out classing the entire industry in hardware alone, not even talking about the fact they are the first to bring a spatial OS to market (the Quest is little more than an Android phone running an App launcher) and backed up with the world's most advanced Unix distro, complete with new input primitives that don't require exogenous hardware, along with all of Apple's provided APIs and developer tools, and leadership in providing a cohesive vision for how to create the ecosystem. Apple has absolutely earned their asking price. Now whether it's personally worth it to the individual to pick it up is another question. 4:48. Sure the basic M3 chips got announced shortly after the M2 Ultra was announced, but that doesn't mean the baseline M3 chips are superior to the M2 Ultra. The Ultra will aways be the last of any generation to be launched, because it's the biggest, which means it'll have the lowest yields, which means Apple wants the fab process for the chip to be as mature as possible before they launch their biggest lowest yielding chips. This is just how physics and business works my guy. But it doesn't have anything to do with the VP, as it's HIGHLY unlikely that Apple is going to update this product on a yearly cadence. At the moment Apple has positioned this as a niche product, and Apple always has their niche products on extended update schedules. We won't see the VP move to a yearly cadence until it's ready to go mainstream. The VP will likely be more than one chip generation behind the Mac, as they are unlikely to up date it yearly, but the real question will always be, "who has anything better?" The VP is not competing with the Mac line up, it's competing in the standalone XR space, and none of those guys are updating their headsets yearly. Microsoft hasn't updated the HoloLens since 2019, and they're asking even more money than Apple!
@baro0202 8 ай бұрын
Damn, you made some INCREDIBLE points and observations! Wow. You should have your own channel. I’ll watch that for sure.
@linbug3127 8 ай бұрын
hello fanboy😂
@bujin5455 8 ай бұрын
@@linbug3127 So someone puts together a reasoned argument, and the extent of your intellectual powers is to call them a fanboy? K.
@linbug3127 8 ай бұрын
@@bujin5455 There are too many subjective impressions that you claim. Logical arguments will be meaningless for people who blindly believe in Apple. I don't want to waste my time. However, let me illustrate a simple point. You seem to point out the disadvantage of the MQ3 by pointing out battery life, but unlike the Vision Pro, the MQ3 has an internal battery that allows for hot swapping, giving it virtually unlimited lifespan. You are deliberately ignoring this fact. You mention the use of external power when defending the Vision Pro. This example shows that you are making an arbitrary assessment.
@bujin5455 8 ай бұрын
@@linbug3127 There is nothing I said that is any more "subjective" than the comments in the video prompting them. As fun as your dig is about logical arguments being meaningless to those who blindly believe Apple, not that Apple has talked about this subject, it doesn't change the fact that logical arguments counter other instantiated arguments. It's a battle of ideas, not people, my guy. So right off the bat, you're coming across as less logical, as you're making this personal, instead of just dealing with the arguments presented. "I don't want to waste my time. However, let me illustrate a simple point. You seem to point out the disadvantage of the MQ3 by pointing out battery life, but unlike the Vision Pro, the MQ3 has an internal battery that allows for hot swapping, giving it virtually unlimited lifespan." So you have a nice "Fallacy of Composition" setup here, where you want to dismiss the entire argument because you think you've found a single point, taken out of the whole, that can't stand. However, even in your example you're mistaken. The MQ3 uses an internal battery, which you can augment with an additional external battery. The AVP uses an external battery, which you can augment with an additional external battery. In both cases you can hot swap the additional extra battery. Now there are different advantages and disadvantages here between the ways these two headsets handle this issue. With the MQ3 it's not easy to use a large external battery (like one you'd want in your pocket), due to cable positioning. So most of the solutions put a smaller battery on the back of the head, which has it's own plusses and minuses. The AVP is built to have a cable coming off of it, and so if you want a big extra pack (like 150Wh) it's easier to accomplish without issues. (BTW, I've been running my AVP off of batteries for days without powering it off, it's never once been plugged into the wall since I got it, so I've achieved the unlimited battery life you were talking about.) I have both devices, and I have worked with augmenting both with external power, and there are trade offs. Which one you like best in this category is going to be inherently subjective. But the point in the video was subjective as well. So that's just a like for like comment. As far as your comment of "deliberately ignoring" the MQ3's ability to use exogenous packs without powering down goes: No I did not "deliberately" ignore anything. The ability to use exogenous packs is not unique between the two devices, thus I don't see it as an advantage for the MQ3. However, due to the fact the MQ3's pack is built in, when those batteries wear out (which they will as batteries are wearable items), you'll have to disassemble the device to replace them. The AVP on the other hand, you can buy another pack, and easily replace it; I see modularity as an advantage for the AVP. I also am not the biggest fan of having batteries attached to my face and head. There can be some advantages there, but at the same time batteries are not 100% safe (ask the Note 4 about it), and I'd rather not have them up against my face, especially while I'm blind in VR. Not to mention Meta's QA hasn't been the best, as they can't even figure out what's causing their Pro Strap to die after a month, that doesn't personally give me a lot of confidence in their electrical engineering skills, couple that with the location of those batteries, and I'm not particularly thrilled with it. "You mention the use of external power when defending the Vision Pro. This example shows that you are making an arbitrary assessment." I'm sorry, but this is an example of you being arbitrary, as it's ok to use external power for the MQ3, but not ok to use external power for the AVP. You're not applying the same standard to both devices. Also, when I said you could use external power with the AVP I wasn't saying that like it was a unique thing. It's common knowledge the MQ3 can also use external power, but the OP was talking like once the AVP's battery goes out you're SOL. It's worth noting the MQ3 doesn't get any better battery life than the AVP if left to its own battery, so to beat the AVP you have to use exogenous packs, but you can play that same game with the AVP.
@gileneusz 8 ай бұрын
I disagree! You should buy!
@TylerBrown-w2f 8 ай бұрын
I dont agree with your GAY ass I say do not buy this apple pro vision it just a waste of money
@ailearners 8 ай бұрын
For 4k after tax. I need the m4 chip and 32gb of ram
@minalim6999 8 ай бұрын
Eexactly what I was thinking😊
@charlesbevitt6727 8 ай бұрын
Battery life: plug a power brick (like Anker) up to the battery pack and put both in a fanny pack. Simple!
@ghost-user559 6 ай бұрын
Simple but effective, not fashionable however
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