AITA For Drawing A Hard Line With My Wife r/Relationships

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@maxinemyers9215 Жыл бұрын
Being a teacher is hard work and I admire anyone that has the courage to deal with the parents who think they know everything! Blessings to all the teachers who care💐
@icewolvz6977 Жыл бұрын
story 1: the verdict really depends on the communion here. did op explain BEFORE they got engaged that they didn't want to wear any jewelry? if not, they're ta. everybody knows what a wedding band symbolizes and how important it can be. if they did, the fiance is ta. knowing that somebody has sensory issues and still pushing them to do something that you know would be uncomfortable for them because of your own insecurities is weird.
@papasalvo Жыл бұрын
Story 1: personally I've talked to my GF and we have an understanding that I will not be a wear my ring every day guy. Because 1. I have very sensitive skin and eczema and it will make me break out super bad and 2. I have ADD and am very forgetful and would lose it. We agreed I'd keep it in her jewelry box only to be removed when we go on a date or out somewhere with people and she requests that it adorns my hand. Relationships are about compromise. But I will say if she's unwilling to compromise on this and insinuates u just don't wanna have it so you can pretend like ur single she isn't the one for u mate she's to insecure and believes the only standing between u and fucking someone else is that ring and that's toxic
@Jeremiahbullfr0g Жыл бұрын
Story 2; NTA. I’d just leave him tbh, it isn’t worth the back and forth and getting even. He probably already has, or plans to cheat with the other girl. I’ve had this happen to me unfortunately and this behavior always leads to cheating 100% whether it’s physically or just over the phone. I’m so sorry OP but it’s prob been over for awhile if he hasn’t already shut this down when you expressed concern. You are not a bad person for posting the thirst trap, I’d have done the same. You deserve better!
@nyxspiritsong5557 Жыл бұрын
My parents have been married over 40 years and they've never worn their rings... they had a farm to work and rings could be downright dangerous. Then by the time they sold the farm and retired their rings didn't fit. Everybody's different. Compromise is important. I never take off my commitment ring from my partner but he didn't wear one. He has a very labor intensive job and they discourage wearjng jewelry to avoid accidents. I'm cool with it but not everybody is.
@rebel1612 Жыл бұрын
My in-laws don't wear them either. My husband wears one which I really appreciate, but I don't b/c like OP in S1 I just can't handle it. I have gained weight and it just isn't comfortable
@Frazzled_Chameleon Жыл бұрын
I worked at a private school once. There was one student who was notorious for never doing his homework/finishing it on time. The end of the school year was coming up and he hadn’t finished a homework assignment in his workbook. I said he needed to come at lunch and finish it. He said he didn’t bring his book. I said I would provide a photocopy. He never showed. I kept telling my co-teacher (their mother tongue language class teacher) this and she also told the student to come, but he didn’t. His family left early for summer vacation before the end of the semester (2 days) and I had no score for him, so he got a zero. That was enough to bring his average down low enough that he wouldn’t be able to get into the advanced program the next year. His parents came storming in in all their righteous fury and demanded to know what happened. We showed him his workbook with page after page stamped “Homework not done”, “Homework Late”, “Homework Incomplete”. The father then said (and I still laugh to this day) “Well, had I known that homework was this important, I would have made sure he completed it more often”. REALLY? Like, are teachers assigning homework just for their benefit? I was thankfully saved because my aggressive stamping documented the issue.
@luke-dl8tk Жыл бұрын
What country are they from? I was shocked to find out by friends that despite China giving out so much homework it is not part of the students grade so many kids don't do it.
@kyriacarica5862 Жыл бұрын
Hats off to all teachers out there. I realized a year into my masters that I couldn't do it. Wish I had stopped lying to myself sooner. It's really a calling and I admire those who respond to it.
@brandi5126 Жыл бұрын
S1: Fiance isn't wrong for wanted op to wear a ring but assuming he doesn't want to wear one because he wants to appear single is a bad take. That rubbed me the wrong way.
@arandomfan4710 Жыл бұрын
To me it's more so that she flipped out since he didn't agree with her. It's fine to be mad but flipping out for someone disagreeing with you is a little much.
@herewego8686 Жыл бұрын
@@jackchop1576 im confused. He will look like a homosexual for marrying a female and wearing a ring?
@arandomfan4710 Жыл бұрын
@@herewego8686 Yeah that kinda came outta left field
@Somebody9666 Жыл бұрын
Same, why does he gotta suffer while he's already uncomfortable on the family event? I don't support this update if op still gotta be uncomfortable and this time x2 during those event because of a damn ring....
@Somebody9666 Жыл бұрын
@@jackchop1576 wait what? Where did you get THAT idea from? He litreally just said he has sensory issues with OP being autistic. Wtf wrong with you?
@aleksandarbradaric4925 Жыл бұрын
Oh yeah...My friend is a teacher and she says parents of the students are monsters
@naturalPaths Жыл бұрын
Story about wedding rings. It seems OP’s wearing a ring wasn’t at issue till ‘that time came.’ They seem to be working through it. My late husband and I were married for 40 years. He did not wear jewelry before we were married. By the time he died, he proudly pointed out that he wore a wedding ring on each hand (his choice, my gift). He’s been gone nearly 6 years now. I still wear a wedding ring. It happens I have Many wedding rights (just the one husband), so I change (the ring, not the husband) at will - (including a black hardware store gasket for snorkeling). I truly believe that if my husband would have had a specific issue with not wearing a ring/jewelry, I’d have been fine with it. Y’all seem to forget that a guy’s removing his ring in order to cheat is a thing. In fact, wearing a ring at all times does not prevent cheating!
@Joe-lb8qn Жыл бұрын
Exactly. I was married for more than 40 years till my wife's death. I never wore a ring simply because i dont like the feel of jewellery. Don't wear a watch either. The fiancé who thinks a ring will prevent him cheating or means he doesn't love her or wants to appear single is more than deluded. If this had been a hill to die on for my fiancé, then we'd never have got married because that would mean she'd be making me uncomfortable all day every day. And it would mean she was an irrational and selfish person. The OP says "it's important to her and this is how she feels"but the exact same applies to him.
@naturalPaths Жыл бұрын
@@Joe-lb8qn Sorry for your loss, Joe. Wish I’d’ve had more years. Seems you had a thoughtful and understanding wife.
@Joe-lb8qn Жыл бұрын
@@naturalPaths thanks and the same to you. I focus on the years we had which not many get that long. My brothers wife died after just 5 years ( cancer) so 43 is a good run I miss her every day but focus on the memories we made.
@SherriLyle80s Жыл бұрын
That is so sweet. I am so sorry for your loss
@lulul0l039 Жыл бұрын
@@Joe-lb8qn Neurotypicals can have hard time understanding these things even when told (OP admitted having been downplaying his sensory issues, probably due to past stigma) People can't see inside other peoples heads, she didn't have opportunity to understand until commentors gave OP the words and suggestions. Jeesh, people are to uncharitable towards her. When fems expect their partners to be mind readers they are told to use their words. There are special needs that need to be taken to account, but her feelings matter too
@Raggmopp-xl7yf Жыл бұрын
S1: OP is NOT the AH - but his fiance is. She's been with him for years and should therefore KNOW how he is, including how important routine is for him. Adding a piece of jewelry into his routine is probably a no-go and she should understand that. I've known other men who refuse to wear a ring b/c it would interfere with their work (I once knew a guy who lost his left ring finger at work b/c of his wedding ring). Seriously, if a man wants to cheat a wedding ring isn't going to hinder them! She should let this one go.
@comajuice Жыл бұрын
S1. Maybe I'm a bitter asshole but I'm a bit annoyed how OP was the one expected to communicate, compromise and think of ideas, and not her. She's the one who wants him to be uncomfortable, yet calls him selfish. Doesn't come up with compromises herself. But yet isn't seen as even a bit of an ahole. Idk something about that bothers me, probably cause autistic people keep needing to compromise our comfort and stay calm for the sake of not offending allistic people. He needed to understand her. He needed to compromise. He needed to communicate better. But she's the one who wanted this, blew up, was immature, wouldn't compromise, didn't communicate, etc.
@lulul0l039 Жыл бұрын
Fellow tism here, Neurotypicals have hard time understanding these things even when told. That's often part of the reason people on the spectrum tend to flock together since they can (not everyone tho) have patience to understand sensory issues and being overwhelmed and needing to cool down. At the end of the day, relationship needs to be worked on, even the good ones. Communication *is* necessary. Having to guess what other person is thinking is bound to make someone jump into conclusions. Having dated someone who didnt really communicate with me made me super anxious. She isn't villain when she wasn't even given the information to reassure her. No one is mind reader and she after being explained she was cool about it. She's probably making him feel pretty safe and appreciated If they're getting married and managed to climb over this problem.
@TheBre1491 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, being that my father took his ring off when he decided to start cheating on my mom, I’d be upset if my spouse didn’t want to wear a ring at all. However, maybe if I had a future spouse, I’d trust them completely.
@markedwards3647 Жыл бұрын
I am a retired nurse. I wore my ring 3 years after my marriage, and then it went down a bathroom sink. A ring is a very bad idea for a married person working in medicine. It carries pathogens and can injure you and your patients. After some thought, I never replaced it. I suppose I could have replaced it with a steel or titanium or platinum chain around my neck and a replacement ring, but I now see rings on medical staff as extremely irresponsible. This is also true for machine operators. A ring is likely to remove your finger or hand. You want a permanent symbol? How about a tattoo on your finger or chest? Nothing that will interfere with mobility.
@QuayHollywood Жыл бұрын
I'm not married but my mom is. She doesn't wear her ring all the time. Sometimes she forgets, sometimes she remembers. But she always has it on if she's going to important places. But she never leaves the house without earrings. There's an easy solution to help people that don't want to or rings/some jewelery items effect people. Propose to someone you love with something that they won't forget to use. To me this is helpful. I don't have sensory issues but there are certain items that I don't leave home without. Make it special, embroidered, engraved, a certain look that says its a symbol of your love and commitment. To me this is a compromise
@kaykay8855 Жыл бұрын
Honestly if people do that more often then it would hold more sentimental valuable. The only downside, for me at least, I like wearing chokers and I can see people (i.e. my friends) joking I'm wearing a collar.
@QuayHollywood Жыл бұрын
@kaykay8855 I love that you call your choker your collar. 🤣
@kaykay8855 Жыл бұрын
@@QuayHollywood while typing my comment remembered an episode of Avatar the last Airbender, and remembered the whole engagement necklace thing
@user-fg4tn8ot6b Жыл бұрын
Story 3: NTA. They didn't pay attention. They get a zero on that quiz. *IT WAS ON THE BOARD, IN THE CLASS BOOK AND ONLINE!* 🤦🏾‍♀️
@MariMotherofGoblins Жыл бұрын
Dear teacher: One horrible thing about the aita subreddit, it's about 50 percent high-school students. So of course they think you're terrible, I would try not to take the stupid attacks on your character hard.
@fleurpouvior2967 Жыл бұрын
Admittedly, I would be very upset if I wore a ring, and love of my life didn't wear or do anything. It would feel like a statement that I'm property, and create an unequal power dynamic in places in our life where that's not a good thing. I'd end up hateing my ring, and resent wearing it, and resent him for making me feel like I'm a thing, and not a person, even if he never ever meant or saw it that way. The point would be, I would. And even if i tried to be ok with it, and tell myself thats not what it means, my perception of our relationship, and myself, would slowly change and it would eventually become toxic. But that's just me
@fleurpouvior2967 Жыл бұрын
@Marko Royce congradulations on having never been abused or trafficked. Maybe you could look into master classes on empathy, it sounds like you could use it
@LillyianPuppy Жыл бұрын
Ugh, there are so many entitled parents who will do anything but let us allow room for natural consequences, growing opportunities, and holding kids accountable. Especially by the time these kids are in Middle school, I wish these parents understood that they are not doing their kids any favors in the long run. The kids, however, experienced their consequence and handled it fairly well. They got a chance to make back most of the points, and hopefully will pay more attention in the future. By letting the kids experience and work through natural consequences, they gain important skills to function in the world.
@Davtwan Жыл бұрын
You’re right about Middle School. A lot of kids at that stage can be little jerks, because they’re learning about ramifications at those ages.
@aaronbennett80 Жыл бұрын
S1: There should be no compromise when it comes to bodily autonomy. What you wear is your choice, especially when clothing and jewellery can be incredibly difficult for people with ASD. You should clearly communicate your personal boundaries so that everyone is on the same page, and you have to accept whatever consequences come from your choices. Beyond that, what you consent to wearing is entirely your choice. If your partner truly loves you they shouldn't want you to be uncomfortable anyway.
@Tamara-ju3lh Жыл бұрын
I grew up in a conservative church that didn't wear jewelry, including wedding rings, and people outside of the church always reacted with the "but how will people know you're single?" -- Uh, I'll tell them? There are people who wear wedding rings who cheat. Anyways I wear jewelry now but I always thought the reactions I got were overly strong.
@alabalaportocala1290 Жыл бұрын
my god, those parents are out of it. If my parents heard about something like this, their first response would be to scold me, even if the quiz would've been hard. Both of my parents are teachers tho, so they might be the odd ones out.
@inthewindago Жыл бұрын
My husband and I didn’t get married until we were 17 years together. Their were many reasons. But one of the biggest. Was I didn’t won’t to change my last name. Because I value my heritage. He values the symbolism of his wife taking his name. Over time, I realised the issue. Meant more to him, than it did me. So if was our last holdup. It wasn’t worth giving it power over us. Lol
@rebeccamairs8222 Жыл бұрын
Mark: Aaaand on to the update! Me: OH THANK GOD!
@christinesinclair6938 Жыл бұрын
Last Story: my dad was a teacher for over 30 years. His sentiment was the parents and administrators were the WORST but the kids weren't. Well, up until recently. Now they're largely a group of little monsters.
@owl7072 Жыл бұрын
Story 1: "I trained myself to deal with it" that's nice of you, but it shouldn't be the expectation for everyone. If someone doesn't want to wear a ring, then they don't have to. I work in a restaurant, I can't wear rings because I have to wear gloves. Any reasons for not wanting to wear a ring is a valid one and on top of all that, what's a ring going to do if he did decide to cheat? He can just take it off, or there's people out there that will still sleep with someone or start a relationship while being fully aware they're married. If rings stopped affairs, so many divorces wouldn't have happened as a result of them.
@MorganVsTheInternet Жыл бұрын
3- NTA 8th graders are old enough to understand that there are consequences for ignoring instructions and not checking due dates for online assignments. If OP is feeling kind, he can assign extra credit work for 50% of the test grade.
@Kageryushin Жыл бұрын
12:22 The way this comment was worded was pretty dang sus. Just because they tried to hook up with her romantically, they're suddenly creepy and don't see women as people, even though they were apparently such "nice guys" before? Sure, there's plenty of people who show their true colors and start acting like entitled douchenozzles when their affection isn't returned, but does she see every attempt by a man to express love, clumsy as they might be, as attempting to hunt her like wild game or something? How else are healthy romantic relationships supposed to be kindled except through starting as friendships first?
@HonorWillow Жыл бұрын
I love the response to post that photo in Story 2. It's so petty XD but I do agree that she should probably leave him if she has to teach him like this. I do also think he's toxic for telling her she can't post something sexy and also, I don't agree that porn or liking other people's sexy pics is normally cheating as I feel like that's controlling, I do think it's cheating (if obviously the partner thinks so as every couple is different) to like thirst traps of people you know! It makes it different, ESPECIALLY because there is a past there even though small (but he could also be minimalising it)
@eliassmith27 Жыл бұрын
Someone didn't edit their captions. Apparently you're Margie now.
@Indi_Waffle_Girl Жыл бұрын
Hahaha that's great
@inthewindago Жыл бұрын
Wedding rings on a man definitely draw attention to him! My husband, and other we know, will confirm. Single younger woman. (Younger in relation to the man’s age) Will double fold start hitting on, and flirting with a man wearing a wedding ring! I think they see it as confirmation this guy is a acceptable provider. Like if one girl found him worthy, he must be a catch. (So try to “ acquire” him! Lol) My husband finds it amusing. He enjoys the attention. Lol. I like knowing other girls are jealous of what I have. Lol We are very comfortable in our relationship. We have excellent communication. We have been together over 20 years, so these things have been built over time. :)
@princesssunshine874 Жыл бұрын
As someone with sensory issues I have no intentions to wear a ring. If I get married I intend to wear a ring on a chain. Necklaces bother me a little less than rings or bracelets.
@Emilia-fp3pn Жыл бұрын
For the last story I get the teachers struggle but as someone in disruptive classes and not being disruptive myself it's easy to miss things. I finished years before the pandemic put everything online so everything was handouts or the class was quieted down to explain. I don't know where op is from but definitely do grades differently to my country so I know school is different but whenever something was a big deal as to effect grades it was made a big deal
@ammo19911 Жыл бұрын
S2: Damn, that comment section was all over the place. When a guy does something like that its cheating, guys cant have platonic friendships and when girls does it, its ok because its not sexual or romantic feelings. Sure the guy repeating his behaviour is negative ... does not mean he wants to bang the friend. What I get from the story though, both Op and the boyfriend is really controlling, so much so that it borders to toxic. Are noone reacting to the fact that she even knows what he is liking on? I find that behavior more scary than his. If liking bikini pictures of friends was bad, than most girls are bad too, for liking their friemds pictures ... logic?
@bjas60 Жыл бұрын
Yaaaaa, I don’t like this, “why are you liking the post” mindset. Why does it matter? Why are you looking at what I like???? This is INSTAGRAM NOT TWITTER, so how tf are you even able to do that. There is a difference between mindlessly liking something because you naturally like it without thinking about it, and trying thought dms and commenting on posts. If your commenting or dming then gf got all the right to be mad. But liking? That’s crazy. Don’t get me wrong tho, the guy is in the wrong too because lowkey the gf did tell him how it’s bothering her. It’s weird that she’s paying attention to that, but I would probably try to unfollow the friends thirst insta, because Ik they have a normal one or they probably won’t care.
@TheIronwil Жыл бұрын
“Thirst trap”??? I had to look this one up. Turns out it’s just a weird term for posting sexy pics on social media. Labeling it as a trap is downright weird. Referring to those that like the sexy images as “thirsty” is more than a little bit creepy. Why was it necessary to make a pejorative term to describe something that a TON of people post online?
@111-w9e Жыл бұрын
it's a new age slang get over yourself
@springs9922 Жыл бұрын
Sometimes reddit can give good advice and sometimes u can get bullshit advice like story 2.
@JulianGreystoke Жыл бұрын
Hubby and I have been married for 15 years and don't wear our rings. We don't get the obsession.
@DiscoTimelordASD Жыл бұрын
And I thought being a kindy teacher was bad! I feel so sorry for what high school teachers have to deal with.
@Tijggie82 Жыл бұрын
Ahh that kid mailing about her mom, I can so relate to that 🙈
@Vipre- Жыл бұрын
40+ years I don't recall my dad even having a ring.
@aspidistraeliator Жыл бұрын
My husband works where rings are a danger. So he cannot wear one at work. So I got him a great chain he can wear under his shirt for his ring. He always has his ring with him but he doesn't wear it on his hand.
@Acatandanomad 11 ай бұрын
Unpopular opinion S2: YTA, but i can see ESH too. For one, the other girl is in a relationship, right? She doesnt post pictures of her partner, and does thirst traps. Easy explanation: her boyfriend doesn't like/want to be on social media, but hes cool with her posting whatever she wants. That is the obvious answer to me. Alternatively, OP does (probably) post about her relationship, and her boyfriend has flat out told her that he wouldnt be comfortable having her post pictures like that. What does she do? She ignores him and posts them anyways. Shes doing something her partner told her makes him uncomfortable, so shes an AH. Her bf could maybe get an AH score for not listening/understanding why his gf was so distressed by him liking some pictures (which i personally think OP is stupid for). In other words: shes an AH for stomping on his boundaries. He's a bit of an AH for doing the same (albeit, nore unintentionally from the way Op wrote the post.)
@axepagode33626 Жыл бұрын
Liking thirst traps is not the same as making them. It would be hypocrisy if he got upset with you for liking thirst trap from other guys. What is happening here is OP doesn't want her BF to like thirst traps. Her solution is to post her own. All this does is give him permission to judge her. The point of a thirst trap is to get attention from someone other than your boo. It's a form of cheating.
@telinhajp Жыл бұрын
Good morning, Markee! Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday! おはよう!❤️🤗
I have people post on Reddit and then complain when people are mean to them happy never been to this website😂
@bridgetdebourgh5698 Жыл бұрын
Hey Markee 👋 Hope your night is good and have a good morning ☀️ Have a great day/night everyone 👋🤗
@tamicablanding Жыл бұрын
Math teacher - I don’t see the problem
@inthewindago Жыл бұрын
Honestly the shit advice the “thirst trap “ post got are horrendous! He definitely does won’t to be with his friend! That’s a significant reason straight guys have straight girlfriends! But he was friend zoned! He’s likely now comfortable with being resigned to her friend only. Sure he still thinks he would jump if she gave him a chance. But likely he wouldn’t in reality. Because his actual love has moved on. He now loves his girlfriend. The friend is only a long past “crush “ if you want. That he definitely still finds attractive. May even spank to her on occasion. But it’s only thoughts. Also, she shouldn’t think she can change a guy. But using extreme tactics sometimes. Will make them actually realise what is going on. Like slapping someone lightly when their hysterical. I hope the OP didn’t post anything she isn’t comfortable with being forever on the internet. I think Iv mostly figured out how men think. But occasionally my husband will correct an error Iv overlooked. My friends have always been guys! They are more honest, than I find women to be. Lol Also. If he is always going to be the guy who likes others se*y pictures, and you are always going to be girl who is bothered by this. Your not likely meant for each other. Comprises is essentially, but so is excepting the other person for who they are!
@nimisilverbird1239 Жыл бұрын
Nta. They heard you. They are old enough to read the homework assignment. If they are unable to that is the failure of the parents for not teaching the kids that they are to behave and not disrupt so things can be done. Otherwise things like homework quizzes will happen.
@atex6175 Жыл бұрын
Story 1 it’s gotta be snowing in hell an actual adult reflection and solution to a problem. This is like spotting a freaking unicorn
@NecroticMaster Жыл бұрын
Story 2: OP and her boyfriend are way to immature to be in a relationship at all. But this is a prime example of how women and men are different. Men are able to separate love and bedroom fun. Women are not. OP's boyfriend stating that his friend's thirst traps and OP's thirst traps being different is correct. To an outsider there's no difference between two girls thirst traps. But to him they are different. He does not view his friend as a partner. So his friend does not get the girlfriend treatment. OP on the other hand is his partner and gets the girlfriend treatment. I see a lot of women get upset when their male partner watches adult entertainment, often thinking "Why can't he look at me like that? Am I not good enough?" I repeat: men are able to separate love and bedroom fun. When a man watches adult entertainment he does not want the adult actress to be his partner. The adult actress on the screen is an object. An object that only serves one purpose and is then discarded. But he loves and respects his partner. So he does not objectify his partner. That's what's going on with OP's boyfriend. He doesn't care if his friend shows her everything to the entire world because she's not his partner. But OP? She's his partner. He belongs to her and she belongs to him. No one else should see what only they should see.
@superpotatogod Жыл бұрын
While the BF liking 'thirst traps' from his friend is an issue, especially after OP talked to him about it, OP is acting like there's no difference between her posting them when compared to his friend but there is a difference. As a more extreme example that's like saying that your partner has to be ok with you posting porn online because they have a friend that does it (even if they don't watch it) when most people would have a problem with that. OP has every right to be upset at her BF but her posting that pic has done nothing to help her point, it may have helped the situation by getting the BF to listen but that's just because he wasn't ok with her actions, not because her actions proved anything.
@AJ-qe5xj Жыл бұрын
While I agree that high school students need to be responsible for their work and homework, why was a quiz being assigned as homework rather than being given in class? There are already numerous studies that show homework is less effective than people thing at helping children learn and an over abundance of homework just hinders students and makes it impossible for some to complete it all. Why is anything besides homework and makeup work being sent home? Students already have limited time (and some resources/support)at home after school, especially those involved in school clubs/activities, we don’t need to be sending tests and quizzes and other things home. A little homework is fine (but also remember they have several other classes and it would be impossible if every teacher sent home an hour plus of work to get it all done, and sleep 8 hrs, let alone having some decompression/free time. Quizzes tend to be more impactful grade wise and should try to stick to in school rather than after school on top of their other homework and assignments. Also when giving a verbal reminder it should be slightly before the very end of class when students are packing up and rushing to the next class (as no/limited backpacks and short transition times make it hard to be on time even with every effort made) when students are giving their full attention instead of worrying about preparing and rushing to their next class.
@mweathers79 Жыл бұрын
S1: she sounds “controlling and insecure”.
@DisneyChar Жыл бұрын
S1. Second time hearing this and even more he needs to leave the girlfriend, her childish argument strategy after 4 years together "you just want to appear single" sounds unhinged. Update he apologized and she held her ground. If they have kids she will definitely be that mom who cries and runs away because child wants a haircut. S2. He's a jealous possessive (probably hoping to cheat) and you should just move on. If you like your middle school game playing relationship that's fine but dont expect people to keep caring when you dont learn your lesson. S3. Nta was literally typing YTA until you said it was on the board.
@slinkysatear Жыл бұрын
S2: NTA but question. Do you guys think it’s different when you like a friends sexual pic vs ur gf posting a sexual pic? I’m not in a relationship but I like my friends pic I kinda see it’s my friends post and jus like it without really analyzing everything.
@mweathers79 Жыл бұрын
S2: pics or it didn’t happen, also, she’s clearly super insecure and controlling
@Mama_Bear_of_3 Жыл бұрын
Story 2. Wait, he STRICTLY told OP she could not post a picture. Yeah, no, I don't think so! That in itself is unacceptable. It is ok for him to ogle, and like sexy posses of women, but in no way will he ever want another man liking OPs pic. When I was young, my dad was one of those asshole, obnoxious men that would cat-call pretty women walking in front of him. But, all men beware for my dad's fists, if some guy cat-called me, because I was his daughter. It took from about 18 to 24, before I finally got my dad to understand that the women he was cat-calling was someone's daughter. He finally stopped his horrible behavior.
@Mrsrocco Жыл бұрын
A ring? If you're loved , just be happy. Not everyone is or experience that. People can't afford to be so petty,. Especially these days. I'm so done with petty, offended, and jealous people. Life is too short.
@nightdweller6446 Жыл бұрын
Cheering for a 23 year old woman who is showing she has a titanium spine and has learnt a valuable lesson about being not being a silent doormat! She's going to be a woman to reckon with. Good on her for recognising her own value Teacher isn't an AH. They stated 3 times there was a graded online test due. If the students are so unruly ,they can't be bothered to listen, then the lesson they learned is that there are consequences for being inattentive. The red pen has finally returned! They didn't automatically get a pass. Teacher needs to stick to their hill. These are the students who, if they get in, fail university because they have never learned that they won't been spoon fed their information as adult learners. Take responsibility for your own learning, no one will hold your hand when you enter the adult workforce.
@kiraalexandraruizburgos1236 Жыл бұрын
@davidlionheart2438 Жыл бұрын
Story 1 - OP's fiancee knew he was a mental defective when they got together. What the fuck did she expect?
@axepagode33626 Жыл бұрын
If 27 out of 31 fail, you shouldn't pat yourself on the back as a teacher.
@WyntheRogue Жыл бұрын
Maybe in that context, but in the case where your students didn't even take the quiz brushing it and OP off, getting the point across shows you're not going to put up with their BS. Teachers already have to deal with parents who are either very coddling and believe their kids don't do anything wrong or extreme tiger parents to the point anything lower than an A even [A minus] makes you stupid. Are there crappy teachers out there? Sure but often the home environment can determine how well a student does. Also doesn't help our education system as a whole needs an overhaul from it's outdated industrial factory work model/ take tests regurgitate answers approach.
@axepagode33626 Жыл бұрын
@@WyntheRogue Why did 31 of 31 pass the last quiz? OP is spending all this time trying to convince everyone that they didn't do anything wrong and a failure rate of 87% is justified.
@buildman126 Жыл бұрын
Story 2: woman moment
@michaelleppek4092 Жыл бұрын
I am so sick of the way people constantly give passes to people with autism. it's no excuse to be so selfish that you won't do something as simple as wearing a ring. And they're typically rude as fuck when not reminded how to act.
@kaykay8855 Жыл бұрын
It was more of an communication than a sense of entitlement. In the post and throughout op's relationship, their partner knows why they doesn't wear jewelry, their sensory issues. Should the wedding ring be the exception? In an ideal world yes, but in reality it shouldn't.
@michaelleppek4092 Жыл бұрын
@@kaykay8855 did I ask for your opinion?
@kaykay8855 Жыл бұрын
@@michaelleppek4092 hey, when you post a comment expect people to comment on it
@michaelleppek4092 Жыл бұрын
@kaykay8855 and when the people who's comment you post on don't give a fuck, expect to be called a dumb cunt.
@kaykay8855 Жыл бұрын
@@michaelleppek4092 you have a lot of hostility to one response 😝
@TheVeggiekat Жыл бұрын
I used to be a teacher. Before the final I gave everyone all the answers, in order of what questions would be asked. I told them these were the answers. Of 30 students 4 got A’s. Most of the rest failed. I gave a make up assignment which all but one kid completed. The kid who refused to do the make up assignment threw a fit about failing and brought in his parents who created a huge stink with the admin. The principal changed the kid’s grade to a C. 🫠
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