American Guy Reacts to French National Anthem - "La Marseillaise"

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@christianc9894 3 ай бұрын
The context must be taken into account. It was the revolution in France, all the neighboring countries, kingdoms, were against the republic, the kings and foreigners were afraid. They wanted to crush the emerging republic. France only defended, it was bloody, yes, like all wars.
@jfrancobelge 3 ай бұрын
This indeed originally was a war song written during revolutionary times over 200 years ago. As a Frenchman I am one in favor of keeping the tune of the song but change the words to better reflect the, fortunately enough, more peaceful reality of modern day France
@PhenecX 3 ай бұрын
​@@jfrancobelgeMais oui bien sûr, wokisons nôtre hymne.. J'imagine les paroles qu'il vont nous pondre 🥲
@athrunzala6770 3 ай бұрын
On ne touche pas à l'hymne nationale
@nicolasc2269 3 ай бұрын
@@PhenecX J'imagine même pas ce que ça donnerait mdr Ils seraient limitent capable d'en fait une hymne spéciale drag queen
@korozif4140 3 ай бұрын
​@@jfrancobelgeNoo, why would you change anthem, btw it's probably one of the less violent national song we have. And we have to not forget what is France
@astraea5661 3 ай бұрын
Halalaaa je suis fière d'être Française, c'est magnifique, Vive la Franceeeeeeeeeee 💙🤍❤
@AtarAsterlayna 2 ай бұрын
@laurentpaumier3103 3 ай бұрын
It's important to understand that this is not a racist song. The blood of nobles was called "blue blood". So, the "impure blood" is our blood, the blood of the people who fight for freedom.
@lelaissezpassera3812 3 ай бұрын
The french anthem has been written for the army of the Rhine against Austria , "the impure blood" refers to The austrians and allies of Austria. So its racist but there was war at the time.
@cr0wnoss 3 ай бұрын
@@lelaissezpassera3812that’s not racism, that’s just xenophobia
@jean-noelthomas 3 ай бұрын
@@lelaissezpassera3812 Faux. L'armée su Rhin s'opposait à une coalition royaliste. donc bel et bien le sang des nobles. Arrête.
@Pakal77 3 ай бұрын
@@cr0wnoss nope, just a war against an enmy in ourself soil.
@sebastiendoquin918 3 ай бұрын
@@cr0wnoss Racism ????? We're talking about the French revolution, so we're talking about the 18th century. To look at this with the eyes and brain (I have my doubts) of a 21st century human being is to make NO SENSE, to be immensely need to educate yourself before writing nonsense. From France
@antoineguerin5102 3 ай бұрын
what Mr Laurent Paumier says about impure blood is exact. It's self derision to call our ordinary blood "impure" versus "blue blood" of aristocracy. It means that we sacrifice our lives for freedom.
@redau_4622 3 ай бұрын
Actually it's more the impure blood of anti revolutionnary people
@squalllecanard8339 2 ай бұрын
J'en ai marre d'entendre les gens (et même des célébrités qui sont sensés être instruites) critiquer la Marseillaise à cause de cette phrase : « qu’un sang impur abreuve nos sillons » Alors bon, je n'ai aucune appartenance identitaire, je suis avant tout un citoyen du Monde qui ne reconnaît en rien ces frontières imaginaires conçues pour mieux nous diviser ... Mais j'accorde une importance à l'Histoire, aux cultures en tout genre car elles nous définissent et j'ai une sainte horreur des quiproquos et amalgames en tout genre. On ne peut pas leur reprocher leur ignorance, et ça ne devrait pas être mon rôle de rappeler le sens, mais à l'Education nationale, lors des fameux cours d'éducation civique. Avant de dire « beurk, c'est quoi ça, c'est raciste, c'est méchant » … blablabla …, il faudrait savoir ce qu’est le sang impur ainsi que les sillons. Alors explication de texte : A l'époque, ce qu'on appelait le sang pur, c'était le sang des nobles qui, seuls, pouvaient prétendre au Pouvoir et à des fonctions d'officiers dans l'armée. Lors de la Révolution, et notamment de l'attaque des autrichiens, les nobles se sont enfuis et ne restaient donc que des "Sangs impurs" (Républicains), par opposition au "Sang pur" (royaliste). Au cri de la "Patrie est en danger", c'étaient des gens du peuple qui prenaient les armes pour combattre l'envahisseur et qui étaient disposés à verser leur sang pour la liberté. C'est dans le même esprit qu'ont été composés le "Chant du départ" et plus récemment "Les africains". Et les sillons sont des tranchées creusées un peu partout dans la campagne et les champs, lors des sanglantes batailles. "Qu'un sang impur abreuve nos sillons" signifie donc que c'est notre "Sang impur" à NOUS, le peuple, qui nourrira nos terres. En aucun cas il ne s'agit du sang de l'ennemi. Ce serait bizarre et incohérent quand même, de chanter que le sang de l'ennemi nourrit nos terres, nos sillons. On peut reprocher beaucoup de choses à la Marseillaise, notamment son esprit guerrier, mais pas le "Sang impur", désolé pour les incultes. A aucun moment de l'Histoire, la France n'a désigné ses adversaires en raison d'une notion raciste liée à la pureté du sang, notamment lors des guerres coloniales inspirées par des politiciens issus des "Lumières", comme les Saint- simoniens et les Francs-Maçons : la statue de la Liberté offerte à la jeune nation américaine illustre le propos... Méfions-nous de cette approche socio-libertaire et antimilitariste simpliste qui avance sournoisement pour adapter l'Histoire à sa guise ..
@agnesmichel1286 2 ай бұрын
Super, c'est ce que j'allais expliquer (mais probablement moins clairement).
@annemariethomas4162 2 ай бұрын
Merci de l'expliquer aussi clairement et de rappeler le contexte historique !
@serkering8712 2 ай бұрын
D'autant que l'un des couplets qui suit l'explique parfaitement "s'ils tombent nos jeunes héros, la terre en produira de nouveaux (etc)" confirmant l'allusion aux sillons abreuvés
@justhouz 2 ай бұрын
Le truc nul, c'est que certains lisent le texte avec les yeux du 21ème siècle. Ce chant a été composé au moment ou tous les régimes royaux européens avaient la trouille que la révolution française ne donne des idées à leur population et se propage aux pays voisins. De plus, comme la plupart des rois et reines étaient vaguement cousins ou apparentés par mariage, il y avait une volonté de se "venger" et de mater ces gueux qui avaient oser renverser leur roi et leur reine.
@Thyme2sea Ай бұрын
Merci de votre explication.
@francinesicard464 3 ай бұрын
Every time I hear La Marseillaise, I shiver with pride.
@cedrickillory1590 3 ай бұрын
"L'étandard sanglant est levé" mean "the bloody flag is raised"
@Thiger_ 2 ай бұрын
Important to note that "contre nous de la tyrannie l'étendard sanglant est levé" is more "against us from the tyranny the bloody flag is gone" or "the bloody flag was removed"
@YourNeighborTororo 3 ай бұрын
More context here: 'La Marseillaise" was originally titled "Chant de guerre de l'Armée du Rhin" ("a marching song for the Rhine Army"). The Rhine Army was headed to confront a motley force massing on the German side of the Rhine frontier, many French royalists "émigrés" were part of: hence the mention of "traitors" and "parricides" among the enemies, along with "slaves" owned by tyrants (German monarchs). So, many verses contain political statements pertaining to the time the song was written. Only many years later it became the national anthem.
@kevinvasse9922 2 ай бұрын
Écrit par un franc maçon là révolution française à été une révolution satanique franc maçon mis en avant par les bourgeois
@MrNonoche 3 ай бұрын
There's some issue with the translation, it's not 'to slay our sons, your companions', it's 'to slit the throat of our sons and wifes'. Also 'the impure blood waters our fields' has been a controversial subject, with different interpretation. The consensus among historians is that back then when they talked about 'impure bloods' they talked about themselves, not the enemy, they talk about the soldiers who are about to die for the country against royalism, and 'waters the fields' with their sacrifice.
@mooncorp212 2 ай бұрын
It's both ways, and I think it's made both ways because french as a language permits this.
@jesus-raptor6534 2 ай бұрын
​@@mooncorp212 no i don't know why english peep keep translating in the racist way because it's pretty obvious that they talking about their own blood if you know the context
@mooncorp212 2 ай бұрын
@@jesus-raptor6534 still, french allows both meanings in the same phrase and it's been 200 years that phrase did not change. there is a reason for that. Rouget de Lille's original score of the Marseillaise isn't the song we sing today, Gainsbourg experienced it.
@Titi-pourris 2 ай бұрын
​@@mooncorp212le sang impur est le sang du peuple français car la royauté et disait qu'il était de sang bleu.
@hellarm4934 2 ай бұрын
Il n'y a pas une virgule à changer au texte original ! C'est un chant de révolutionnaires, on ne fait pas de révolution sans verser le sang. C'est dur mais c'est comme ça. Les guerres propres n'existent pas et là c'est pareil.
@fredhsl 2 ай бұрын
Voilà maintenant le temps où les américains essaient de comprendre l’histoire européenne 😂😂😂. Nous sommes tellement en décalage avec eux qu’ils ne comprennent pas l’âme de la marseillaise… Mais au moins ils font l’effort de s’intéresser ce qui est un bon début.
@Jean-LucGrosgeorges 3 ай бұрын
only the first part is sung at sporting events, for example, the only one I know by heart, the 2nd even if I know it, is only sung for our national holiday on July 14th (Bastille day), May 8th and November 11th by military choirs. I don't know the 3rd part of this video at all, the 3rd verse I know and which is hardly sung is the children's verse. when we speak of impure blood, it's that of the people which is red, the “pure” blood being blue, that of the nobility (which is finally red when the king is guillotined). thank you for this beautiful reaction
@FordPerformanceFan 2 ай бұрын
@titi9442 3 ай бұрын
VII. (Children's verse) We will enter the career When our elders are no longer there We will find their dust there And the trace of their virtues (bis) Much less jealous of surviving them Than share their coffin We will have sublime pride To avenge them or follow them! Nice song for childrens
@alanbouet-willaumez1390 2 ай бұрын
A necessary reminder that we all are Indebted to our country, not the opposite. WE owe everything we have to the country and the Women and men who did their duty before us…
@gilbert7253 2 ай бұрын
je suis français et fière de mon hymne la marseillaise alors se qui critique mon hymne taisez-vous
@LOLIDK28 2 ай бұрын
As a french person, the first "marchez" is irritating when, in reality, its supposed to be "marchons"
@liiiaaaammm 2 ай бұрын
il me semble que a un moment ils disent marchez
@Rafale01 2 ай бұрын
C'est la version original c'est pour ça, celle qu'on entend aux événements sportifs etc est une version moderne.
@ugobrignon1741 2 ай бұрын
Dans l'armée on chante "marchez" pas marchons. Marchons c'est la version des footeux
@johngonon1507 2 ай бұрын
@@ugobrignon1741 "Marchons" c'est la version qu'on apprenait à l'école déjà dans les années 1980 ... et la version officielle. Le manuscrit original de Rouget de l'Isle contient "marchez" (pas répété) mais également "nos fils, nos compagnes" ... mais ce n'est pas la version officielle. Dire "marchez" deux fois c'est déjà faire un mélange entre l'hymne Français et le texte orginal sans être ni l'un ni l'autre (et ils l'ont justement changé pour que ça sonne mieux). Donc la question serait plutôt: Pourquoi l'armée ne chante pas l'hymne Français officiel ?
@brunomathon2279 3 ай бұрын
This song allows us to remember that freedom and democracy were obtained with difficulty, in blood, with all the monarchies of Europe leagued against us to re-establish the king in France. It's also a good song to give energy to our teams in sports competitions. This is not the best orchestration.
@KahlieNiven 3 ай бұрын
ended with 2 dictators and 3 more kings afterward... joking, many things still changed.
@brunomathon2279 2 ай бұрын
@@KahlieNiven The French Revolution was a long process, which ultimately spanned a century, until the laws founding the 3rd Republic. The fact remains that Marseille reminds us that freedom was hard won.
@KahlieNiven 2 ай бұрын
@@brunomathon2279 Agreed (but is "Marseillaise" smiles)
@doriandodo1748 2 ай бұрын
​@@KahlieNivenbut that was the begining we took Time to change but at the end of thé day's it's the reason why we leaves in démocraties today
@kevinvasse9922 2 ай бұрын
Là Marseillaise écrit par un franc maçon là révolution française mis en avant par les bourgeois hentie chrétiens t'en mieu que se bâtard de Napoléon soit mort à l île de Saint Hélène il y a eu des millions de morts du a Napoléon le franc macon il y a regretté et donné ca vie à jesus à là fin de sa vie
@Armyan8300 3 ай бұрын
The exact meaning of "Contre nous de la tyrannie", l'étendard sanglant est elevé" is: "The bloody banner of the tyranny is raised against us." This part is always badly translated, even in French, the synthaxis of this sentence is not common.
@KahlieNiven 3 ай бұрын
agreed, lot of french people also get it wrong.
@leneanderthalien 2 ай бұрын
no: the correct translation is: against us tyranny, the bloddy banner (of France's children's blood) is raised...
@vincentrigot3136 2 ай бұрын
C’est hymne est sûrement l’un des plus beaux et des plus inspirants du monder je pense
@madjidchouarbi3921 3 ай бұрын
La Marseillaise isn't an anthem of pure hate and isn't a call for bloodbath : One of the verse says " Français en guerriers magnanimes, portez ou retenez vos coups. Épargnez ces tristes victimes, à regret s'armant contre vous. " Because they knew that, in any war, the people is forced to kill or get kill when the powerful ones stay in the safety of their palaces. The french revolution was kinda like the communist revolution and wanteto free people of europe from their heartless kings who spent their days into decadence, having no interest for the well being of their citizens. Due to the non ending wars conducted by the french, spanish and english kings, the people suffered famines and almost none of them had any chance to make their lives better even a little bit. There are 13 verses and every of them talks about the feeling of this time, the difficulties as well as the hopes for the future. Funny enough, Louis the 16th who had his head cut off for asking foreign kingdom to help destroying the revolution ideals, was the one who actively supported the american revolution in any way possible. How couldn't he understand that time for tyranny was over and the people were starving for liberty and respect ?
@Clery75019 2 ай бұрын
When France adopted La Marseillaise as its anthem in 1795, everyone living in France, no matter their ethnicity, place of birth or religion, were made French citizens. For the first time in Europe, Jews were emancipated and slavery was abolished in Saint-Domingue. The French Revolution was fundamentally universalist. The concept of purity of blood at the time had absolutely nothing to do with race or ethncity, it was related to nobility, a nobility which claimed having God-given superior rights based on the purity of their blood, and that Revolutionaries were fighting against.
@benjaminlamey3591 3 ай бұрын
it was a time of war. french people raised against their king to create the first french republic. and all other kings around were afraid and united to crush the young republic. that is what they were fighting for and against. And french armies were top notch under Louis the 14th and also during the napoleonic era, in the later partially because of the will to fight from the people for their ideas and liberty.
@pierrecluzeaud4845 2 ай бұрын
C'est marrant de voir les américains choqués de notre hymne national si violent et parlant de la guerre. Alors que leur pays est bâti sur les guerres et ne fait que ça depuis 1945. De plus ils sont si fiers de leur 2nd Amendement (leur droit de former des milices, de porter des armes). Qui je le rappelle date de leur guerre d'indépendance donc de 1776-1783. A l'époque pas de AR15 ni fusil d'assaut mais des mousquets. Donc arrêtez de faire les choqués sur un hymne qui date de 232 ans
@vincentrigot3136 2 ай бұрын
@Flo-nh8xz la chanson a été écrite quand Napoléon n’était pas encore empereur .C’est une chanson de la première République et non du 1er empire Napoléon n’a aucun lien avec.C’est hymne personne y touche.
@rjbmarchiac8693 2 ай бұрын
Et je crois bien qu'il ne l'appréciait pas vraiment (ce n'était pas l'hymne officiel de l'Empire).
@sergiotoucourou1026 3 ай бұрын
The Marquis de Lafayette (Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier) was a contemporary of the French Revolution. Born in 1757, he played an important role in the events of the time. Lafayette is particularly known for his participation in the American Revolution, where he fought alongside American insurgents against the British, before returning to France and becoming involved in the French Revolution. During the French Revolution, Lafayette was a key player in the early phases of the movement. He notably helped draft the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen in 1789 and commanded the National Guard, a militia formed to maintain revolutionary order in Paris.
@Diogene-pl1lq 3 ай бұрын
Hi, replace this war song in its period, as it was said below, Nearly 12 empires, kingdoms duchies marshed on The new french republic animated by Empors, Lings and Lords of ancient world. Lords had " pure blood" as it was said . French republicans were the lower people of France called "impure blood" . So you 'd better understand that in this son it was said that this people will fight for freedon unless their own blood " the impure" will fullfill the ground. After we keep this song to remember their sacrifice.
@Mayhem_77100 2 ай бұрын
J'aime l'hymne de mon pays 😊 New on your channel, I like it.
@helenevanrossum6759 3 ай бұрын
Het is een prachtig volkslied, elke keer als ik het hoor, als Nederlandse, krijg ik het gevoel om ook op de barricades te gaan staan.
@Nini-pw4uf 3 ай бұрын
Keep in mind that the impure blood is ours. It’s pure derision, we, the Republic, rotary, vs them the monarchies, nobility. There is absolutely no reference to ethnicity whatsoever. At the time even continental France wasn’t considered as an ethnically unified people. They had different langages (often slightly different, but sometimes they varied tremendously They also had different ways, custom, agriculture, family organization, inheritance rules, in a lesser magnitude they had different religions… Some patch of land were French for centuries, other just conquered by the monarchy remained rebellious and were definitely integrated through the revolutionary process. The Anthem was written by a high ranking officer, born in a rebellious area that was in fact recently conquered by Louis the XIVth, after decades, if not centuries of battle, resistance etc. whose main language was franco-provencal. Don’t forget that according to the revolutionaries, is French, he who stands on French territory share the desire to live free and take part to the Revolution ideal, no matter where he is born, the language he has learned as a child, his religion or its absence.
@thierrysanchez3161 3 ай бұрын
Impure blood is not a matter of race. Impure blood refers to the blood of the People who are not noble (blue blood). "May impure blood water our furrows"; this is the blood of those who sacrifice themselves for Liberty. The furrows leading to Liberty are watered by the ironically impure blood of the People. It's not the blood of the enemies of Liberty, otherwise this phrase would make no sense.
@MarcAndray2023 2 ай бұрын
This is nice effort to keep "La Marseillaise" away from any racism, but I do not think it is relevant. I do not know any people who speak of themselves as "impure blood", specially in an anthem. Will you say to your compatriots : "Go die, you impure blood !" We are very sensitive about racism (which is good), but it is anachronic here. And yes it is insulting the ennemies like the verb "mugir" (roar) generally applied to animals.
@thierrysanchez3161 2 ай бұрын
@@MarcAndray2023 Ce n'est pas une tentative c'est un fait expliqué dans toute la littérature historique. Mais vous n'êtes pas obligé d'adhérer à la thèse générale. Si vous pensez que la Marseillaise est raciste, libre à vous de le croire ...
@MANIPSahTV 29 күн бұрын
Actually the "impure blood" refers to those who were moderate or against the revolution
@onissius3615 2 ай бұрын
Sir, we are the country with the most battle win over the world in the all history, 7th in military power. But do not be affraid of us, we are nice, sweet and polite. So this song is not for "kids", it is a call for arms & some words in this transtation have been "softed" (more soft). For exemple, it is "They come right into our arms, to slit the throats of our sons and your wives!" have been translated as "They come into our midst, to slay your sons, your companions".
@ShadowandFlamme Ай бұрын
Imagine this anthem being sang by 90 000 people in the biggest french stadium. Even on TV it's truly sending shiver down my spine.
@shehhh2735 21 күн бұрын
Why ?
@lllAstridddlll 2 ай бұрын
Merci Merci ! L'hymne des droits de l'homme ! Marchons pour vaincre le mal ( les impurs) pour notre liberté!
@ecom79fr 2 ай бұрын
It is a war song but it has a soul, that of revolution, that which advocates the uprising against tyranny for the freedom that we French cherish.
@pascalthomas1580 2 ай бұрын
This song was the expression of the reconstruction of france, during french revolution, against the threats coming from all europeans kingdoms, rules by king friends/sometimes families, of the ex-king of france. History of Europa is complex.
@driize6300 3 ай бұрын
J'en ai la chair de poule haha (I got the goosebumps haha)
@alexbardoux7297 2 ай бұрын
One of these days, listen to a song written in the same period : "Le chant du Départ" by Mehul . It gives an idea of the mentality of this revolutionnary time...and i would have preferred it...but "La Marseillaise" is the song of the Marseilles regiment who participated to the fight of the 10 august, a day that put an end to the monarchic regime .
@jean-marclafond5196 2 ай бұрын
it's a song of liberty we have all the same dreams
@Makapida 2 ай бұрын
It is the song which gave courage to French people, not soldiers, who went to fight againts kings and emperors armies barefeet, armed with scythes and what not. It was a song of defiance, for the little people, who were not only defending their country, but their newfound freedom (remember the Revolution abolished privileges and traditional servage which was no more that peasant slavery), their families… It still give us courage facing adversity, it represents our pride as a people… just wish we still be a people in generations to come…
@hede1574 3 ай бұрын
Je vois plein de vidéos avec le titre "American Guy Reacts ", j'ai plutôt l'impression que le titre devrait être "American Guy discovers the world" 😁
@miniamaba6963 3 ай бұрын
Tu calmes ton racisme et tu parles mieux à ce brave gars qui a la gentillesse de s'intéresser à notre culture stp.
@hede1574 3 ай бұрын
@@miniamaba6963 où tu vois du racisme ? mon commentaire concerne toutes les vidéos de ricains qui découvrent le monde ! C'est les racistes qui voient du racisme partout ! Comme c'est une notion qui m'échappe, j'en vois nulle part ! Contrairement à toi, je suis au courant qu'il n'y a qu'une race ! nous sommes tous des Homo sapiens ! Maintenant puisque tu m'en donnes l'occasion j'ajoute que je trouve plutôt bien que cet homme s'intéresse et s'ouvre l'esprit en regardant des vidéos qui parlent d'autre chose que des USA !
@miniamaba6963 3 ай бұрын
​@@hede1574Je te crois si tu dis que ton intention n'était pas mauvaise, comprends tu en quoi ton commentaire peut paraître à minima condescendant ?
@nox8730 3 ай бұрын
@@miniamaba6963 Faut que t'arrêtes de balancer des mots à la con à tout va. Faut que tu arrêtes de regarder la télé. Migre aux USA si ça t'éclates de balancer ce genre de merde, tu seras dans ton élément. On ne veut pas de ça en France.
@Никола-ь9ч 3 ай бұрын
@@miniamaba6963Mais t’es qui toi pour venir lui dire quoi faire avec ce ton autoritaire, la police de youtube ?
@tribuletrib2497 3 ай бұрын
Real translation would be « an » not « the » impure blood. That change the meaning a lot
@ankousama5840 2 ай бұрын
Pfew my national anthem will always provides me pride and goose bumps. Cheers from France mates.
@johngonon1507 2 ай бұрын
Only the first part is usually played and taught (there are 7 of them). But sorry to be picky, they got it wrong for a few sentences ("Marchez, marchez" really killed me) so I wouldn't call it the "official" version. The music is the correct one at least. It's also strange that they ordered the verses 1st, 6th & 4th.
@Fradth 3 ай бұрын
France were not always It was a powerfull country with an incredible army and so much valliant that at our best we fought one against ten other countries and won, and not meager countries, other europeans countries, mondial powers like England and Germany.
3 ай бұрын
We are still very warlike. Towards ourselves, and other nations as well. Just because we are governed by decadent people doesn't change that. The Romans also were.
@mfcq4987 3 ай бұрын
Why do you want us to still be bellicose against our European neighbors today? It is not the Germans, the British or the Spanish who threaten our freedoms (and even less the poor migrants who believe they will find a better future in our country than in their own). It's the capitalists who confiscate the future of our children by destroying the planet and who cultivate our ignorance and passivity by feeding us bullshit all year long. Those who threaten our freedoms are ourselves and our political laziness...
@delauneyfrancois7411 2 ай бұрын
Un petit détail: à cette époque (fin 18ème siècle), l'Allemagne n'existait pas. Veuillez consulter la littérature historique. Constitution de l'Allemagne: après la guerre franco-prussienne, en 1870/1871, soit 1871.
@newyoyo2a353 2 ай бұрын
​@@delauneyfrancois7411 oui mais on été contre la Prusse, la Bavière etc on été finalement contre tout ceux qui compose aujourd'hui l'Allemagne moderne
@Octave31 3 ай бұрын
Hardcore anthem
@imhassane 2 ай бұрын
This anthem is so freaking powerful
@MtrePierre 3 ай бұрын
Madame de Brinon wrote a poem set to music by Jean-Baptiste Lully to celebrate the recovery of Louis XIV following his anal fistula operation. And this song was covered by Hendel who introduced it to Georges 1st to become.... the English anthem
@rjbmarchiac8693 2 ай бұрын
8:55 As the French commentaries recall, and although this interpretation is subject to debate among historians in France, a recent theory explains that the line "let impure blood water our furrows" actually means "let red blood water our furrows", to be understood as: "let us die in our fields". At the time, the Republic had two enemies: the counter-revolutionary French (and partisan) conservative nobles, and the European kingdoms (before the radicalization of the majority of politicians, and the state of revolutionary terror). In short, the real enemy, inside and out, was the nobility, which was then called "blue blood" and "pure blood". Therefore, according to this explanation, "impure blood" would refer to non-nobles or the vast majority of citizens (French at first, then all oppressed European peoples). "Impure" doesn't mean "unclean" in this context. But this is only a recent, arguable theory. An alternative and completely opposite explanation of these words, which, let's not forget, were supported by the moderate and democratic elite of noble extraction of the time, and even some royalists, could be that "pure" refers to the figurative meaning "partisan of the good of humanity, progress, the Enlightenment", and that "impure" represents the enemies of this "good", but not for religious or racial reasons. Never forget that for all its violence, this anthem was above all a song to unite the many count(r)ies of the kingdom of France in a defensive war against the foreign invader (whoever declared war first). This march song was also composed several months before the advent of the First Republic in September 1792, but it was not established as a national anthem until the Convention in 1795. According to a third explanation, an ironical mirror to the first one, "impure blood" would have been returned by the revolutionaries and would designate those who considered themselves to have pure blood (presumably descended from the warrior class of the Franks) and therefore the nobles. Although this line was found as an epitaph to the head of the King of France in 1793, this explanation is unlikely to be genuine, as the authors of the Marseillaise were royalist nobles, and the Nation's enemy in April 1792 was the regular Austrian army (despite all the noble French emigrants fighting in its ranks). Old biblical and classical (outdated?) rhetorics can be found in this song, supposedly to efficiently motivate the fighters: - associate the nation to your family; - depict the enemies of the nation as impure beasts whose aim is to trepass into your intimacy and slaughter your family; - urge people to take revenge on this deshumanized enemy through vendetta on your soil, almost an archaic (bloody) sacrifice of reparation (fertilisation of the nation’s breast with their sinful blood). They no longer wanted soldiers paid to fight for their captain, their duke or the king. They gave every citizen the right to kill for the nation, for their common ideals. This was the Nation in arms. Could this still have a meaning today ? An anthem that does not exalt the greatness or beauty of the country, nor the confraternity of its inhabitants, or the aspiration towards a better world, but simply (soberly?) a deterrent chant that warns that the slightest invader will be demonized and fought on site by generations of citizens, whatever the price and with extreme prejudice? Perhaps, under the condition that this anthem is coupled with the values it is supposed to defend with such a determination, starting with the republican motto: Freedom of thought -- Equality in rights -- Brotherhood among citizens.
@archmaester6594 2 ай бұрын
UK National Anthem: a prayer for the King US National Anthem: Freedom and flags France National Anthem: *BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!!!!*
@nicobouzdeyak7696 3 ай бұрын
Qu un sang impure ! Abreuve nous sillons ! 💯
@rubievanome7579 3 ай бұрын
The amthem of France is like because this a revolutionary song angrest the Noble and royal family in french, the impure blood is about the citizens
@charliebronsonsalvador4513 3 ай бұрын
@charlottemaillard8851 2 ай бұрын
Writing in 1792 for the war to support the French army
@KahlieNiven 3 ай бұрын
Wow, I'm french, and I'm shocked. A good part of the song got removed, from the original Rouget De Lisle song. (probably more politically correct)
@romacottarediflive152 2 ай бұрын
C'est dure de trouver la version complète Généralement il mélange les couplés
@KahlieNiven 2 ай бұрын
@@romacottarediflive152 bah, originellement c'était un chant de guerre. l'a fallu le transformer en hymne national.
@romacottarediflive152 2 ай бұрын
@@KahlieNiven J'ai réussi à trouver la version complet mais sans les sous-titres anglais. Je pense que le riquain soit prêt
@KahlieNiven 2 ай бұрын
@@romacottarediflive152 ^^ c'est bien ce que je disais .
@simonbaumhard1400 Ай бұрын
C'est un hymne de marché qui vient d'une période sombre où l'on avait coupés la royauté et où l'Europe entière nous faisait la guerre, maintenant nous sommes amis c'est bien mieux, je reconnais que les mots sont percutants cependant, vive la France et nos compères imprévisibles ^^
@claudiechassaing4000 2 ай бұрын
This song has more than 12 verses. It describes a political situation. The impure blood is that of the traitors, these nobles fighting with the Austrian armies. But a verse says to spare the soldiers of foreign armies, poor victims "who arm themselves against us with regret." the anthem of the fight for freedom, equality and fraternity.
@pascalsettimelli449 3 ай бұрын
I didn't know the words, thank you 👍
@sergiotoucourou1026 3 ай бұрын
Wars are people who don't know each other killing each other because other people who know each other very well can't agree." Paul Valéry
@zepp2498 2 ай бұрын
We can talk and analyse as much as we want; if we don't know the crirconstances ( and the history behind that time) a noational anthem was writen, we just can't understand well. As a french, sometimes I myself feel unconfortable with just one line of it; ' qu'un sang impur ' ( about impure blood) as I concider there is no impur human blood.
@evanellya 2 ай бұрын
Beaucoup de fautes (subtiles) de traduction qui gêne la compréhension. C'est assez difficile, probablement parce quil s'agit d' "ancien" français.
@nox8730 3 ай бұрын
Do you get why i can't stand "surrendering jokes"? Oh, i sure can't.
@thomasricatte8287 2 ай бұрын
As a French people, I am a bit sad that the most inspiring parts of the anthem are not often sung and forgotten even in this kind of performances Typically these two parts are essential to really understand the message What does this horde of slaves want, Of traitors and conspiratorial kings? For whom are these vile shackles, These irons long prepared? (Repeat) Frenchmen! For us, ah! What outrage! What emotions it must arouse; It is us they dare plan To return to ancient slavery! (under the previous regime, most frenchmen were somehow slaves under the king, contrary to England for instance, there was no "habeas corpus" in France) Frenchmen, as magnanimous warriors, Let us strike or withhold our blows! Let us spare these sad victims, Who reluctantly take up arms against us! (Repeat) But this bloodthirsty despot! But these accomplices of Bouillé! All these tigers who, without pity, Tear at the breast of their mother! When you are in a middle of a war, your country is going to be invaded by a coalition of all surrounding kingdoms that want essentially to restore a king and destroy democracy before it spreads everywhere, it's actually a "tour de force" to write: fight, but please show mercy, do not forget that KINGS are responsible for the war. Ordinary soldiers are VICTIMS too. The true ennemies are the tyrants that send their fellow countrymen to die. And these tyrants believe they are 'pure, noble blood', but they are actually the shame of humanity. Reading these parts really help to understand the true mindset of the composer. Unfortunately when you are at war and you want to mobilize men, the most complex parts are often skipped. And as a matter of fact they are super linked to the historical context ; but I believe they should now be used more.
@sergiotoucourou1026 3 ай бұрын
It is very important to understand that when the French Revolution broke out, all European peoples wanted to be freed from the tyranny of monarchs from a few of the same families. Napoleon Bonaparte 1st of the name, the champion of the French Revolution, was often welcomed as a liberator. This is why they always want the French people because let's not forget when we go back in the architecture of the holding companies we find many of the same families linked to these aristocracies. The war for freedom and why France has long had this symbol, is still ongoing and the blood of the people is shed every day. As Warren Buffett said, "there is a class and caste war going on, my side is winning it". The speculation of one of the great traders of J.P Morgan caused 500 million deaths a few years ago due to her speculations on foodstuffs and other vital products. Don't trust it, apart from the table made with Gojira, the rest is considered doubtful and not representative of our state of mind, it is a minority close to the oligarchy that controls everything and has taken us hostage, trying to normalize an approach specific to their network. Celine Dion was obviously royal, without bad puns. LOL
@olivierolivier6080 2 ай бұрын
a revolutionary song when the whole europe was against france to crush the new republic
@jean-marclafond5196 2 ай бұрын
come n guys you can go that fucking dream Come real SO I lLOve YOU
@bryannayet3422 2 ай бұрын
Ce n'était pas sous l'empire mais sous la république, il a été envoyé en Égypte par les membre du directoire car il avait peur de sa popularité et en Italie il y a été au cours de la première coalition
@jocy7167 2 ай бұрын
Jolie francais paris amoureux ❤❤😊😊
@Rafale01 2 ай бұрын
This is probably the worst english translation of the Marseillaise..
@yoch5383 3 ай бұрын
Yeah France is the GOAT inpure blood water our fields.
@davidlacoste 2 ай бұрын
8:35 I think the closest pronunciation for you would be "Roogey duh Leel".
@davidlacoste 2 ай бұрын
1:25 This is a mistranslation. That should rather be "Against us, Tyranny's bloody standard is raised." French grammar allows here to put "Tyranny's" where it wouldn't fit in English.
@haksaeng6717 2 ай бұрын
comparing game of throne with the French Revolution is a little... euh... LMAO LMAO LMAO....
@1phildefer323 3 ай бұрын
Ca c'est un hymne de combat.......
@DoNMoSs2 Ай бұрын
Heu pour les francais qui passeraient ici, la Marseillaise a peu de rapport avec la révolution les gars, la chanson a étée ecrite au moment ou la France etait en guerre avec l’Autriche
@Lol-rx7sx 3 ай бұрын
C'est quoi cette marseillaise !!!?
@francoismorin8567 3 ай бұрын
@titi9442 3 ай бұрын
C'est 3 couplets sur les 15 qui existe.
@NiamorUttiv 2 ай бұрын
Ne pas savoir que la marseillaise fais plus d'un couplet c'est terrible pour un Français
@victorberlioz1094 2 ай бұрын
C'est ton hymne national arrangé par un grand monsieur, Berlioz. Quel étrange commentaire que le tiens...
@monnezzapromizoulin5169 3 ай бұрын
The German Democratic Republic anthem is probably the most beautiful. Too bad they didn't adopt it for the FRG after reunification.
@ananikolic6374 3 ай бұрын
The most beautiful Anthem Is the russian Anthem. The Music is very beautiful and it speaks about the LOVE for Russia and her populations
@hede1574 3 ай бұрын
C'est trop long, en France on écoute que le refrain et le premier couplet
@athrunzala6770 3 ай бұрын
La Marseille fait 15 couplets si je me rappel bien lol
@pinkunicorn3373 3 ай бұрын
@@athrunzala6770 oui dont un des enfants d'ailleurs rajouté tardivement!
@korozif4140 3 ай бұрын
Et qu'est ce que ça m'énerve qu'on diffuse uniquement le premier couplet, qui est probablement le moins intéressant et le plus difficile a comprendre sans contexte
@marjofrance83 3 ай бұрын
Tu sais que l"hymne est bien plus long que ça , rassure moi , là ce ne sont que deux couplets, et dans le désordre. La version grand public si tu préféres, si tu veux lire le texte entier, wikipedia est ton ami
@hede1574 3 ай бұрын
@@marjofrance83 non m'en fous
@iparipaitegianiparipaitegi4643 3 ай бұрын
The french revolution was a nightmare: massacres, rivers of blood, civil war, religious oppression on behalf of ‘freedom’. And the final stage: Napoleon’s military dictatorship. All that for that!!
@francocanuck 3 ай бұрын
Yes and changed the world, yes all that for that
@victorberlioz1094 2 ай бұрын
The french revolution was a new dream, democracy, ocean of hope for the people who saw they chidren strarving cause a king, right to say and write what you thought. TToday this revolution is not over, its still on going.
@berstef5091 2 ай бұрын
I don't like this version
@ThePatzos 3 ай бұрын
National anthem a most country racist coloniser slavery
@newyoyo2a353 2 ай бұрын
Cry little Child cry more 😂😂 Don't forget that the British killed 100 000 000 indians only ins the colonisation of India and France is one of the first country to stop slavery so plz stop crying 😂😂
@shehhh2735 21 күн бұрын
Can you please try to make a sentence that actually makes sense
@stelladv3540 2 ай бұрын
Je déteste la marseillaise. Oui , on peut changer d'hymne rien n'est figé dans le marbre ! beaucoup de pays ont choisi de glorifier leur pays et d'être fier de leur pays pour beaucoup de raisons autre que la guerre ! un chant de guerre en guise d'hymne national, c'est horrible. Il faudrait évoluer. Quand on veut vraiment la paix , on commence par la déclarer dans un hymne.
@astalnor9990 2 ай бұрын
@Kamonohashiii Ай бұрын
La Marseille symbolise la lutte contre l'injustice.
@shehhh2735 21 күн бұрын
C'est en oubliant le prix des droits d'aujourd'hui qu'on finit par les perdre, la marseillaise est parfaite pour se remémorer les atrocités qu'a endurer notre peuple pour que tu aies aujourd'hui le droit de donner ton avis sur cette hymne
@Kamonohashiii 21 күн бұрын
@@shehhh2735 En effet. Malheureusement, ces énergumènes tel que l'auteur de ce commentaire ne connaissent en rien l'histoire ou son incapable de le saisir.. Cela produit des incultes croyant que c'est un chant de guerre, puisqu'ils sont incapables de comprendre le sens des mots de la Marseillaise.
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