An American eats Tote Oma! (Fried Blutwurst!)

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bigfun ...   American in Germany

bigfun ... American in Germany

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@DieBardinAodhan 4 жыл бұрын
Looking at the general yellowness of your Sauerkraut I´m tempted to say that it might need a little love. I´m from Nürnberg, and here we eat Sauerkraut with Rostbratwürste, but we cook the Kraut for ages. We add a little bacon, a whole lot of sugar (or apple juice, that´s good, too), some juniper berries, a bayleaf - and then you cook it for at least an hour, preferably longer, stirring occasionally and making sure that it always has enough liquid (water if you added sugar, more apple juice if you didn´t). In the end, Sauerkraut should taste sweet and be very tender, with a light brown color. Now, THAT´s something to go with your roadkill stew!
@richardlange134 4 жыл бұрын
the look on your face, when you tasting something and you like it is just amazing and heart warming. keep it up!
@arno_nuehm_1 4 жыл бұрын
Ganz genau!
@judyh.1192 4 жыл бұрын
@bigfunanAmericaninGermany 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you! Will do!
@qsefunz 3 жыл бұрын
I really enjoy your videos ... good job. :-) You can find a similar dish in France, which is also very popular in Saarland. That dish is called "Boudin". Here we eat it also with sautéed onions (a LOT of onions ;-) ), boiled potatoes and a salad of your choice (good old butterhead lettuce fits perfectly). The sausages get peeled out of their casing and fried with the onions. After that it looks quite similar to "tote Oma". The biggest difference might be the ingredients of the sausage as "Grützwurst" contains some sort of grains and "Boudin" is more of a pure, soft "Blutwurst" but with different spices and herbs. In my family we eat Boudin 2-3 times a year because you can't eat that too often .. even if it is VERY delicious. ;-) As Baden-Württemberg also is a neighbor of France, maybe you have the chance to try it some day.
@bigfunanAmericaninGermany 3 жыл бұрын
Hi Markus! thanks for the info.. we have boudin sausage in the US, but I think this is a different thing that you are speaking of... not sure... but yes, we are very very close to the border! I will look for this for sure! Thanks!!
@stefanoehlschlager5191 4 жыл бұрын
I think the Butcher gave you the wrong Sausage. It looks like "Blutwurst" but for "Tote Oma" you should choose the "Grützwurst", that´s the real Deal.
@koala7484 4 жыл бұрын
Ich liebe wie entspannt Sie sind, dass ist so beruhigend und unterhaltsam. Und dass Sie so neugierig und mutig sind :) ICH würde NIEMALS Blutwurst essen! Danke schön für die gute Unterhaltung!
@bfromg794 4 жыл бұрын
Und dann noch Kartoffeln dazu... Herrlich ❤️👍🏼🥴
@sinusnovi3826 4 жыл бұрын
Ja, Bratkartoffeln und auch hausmacher Leberwurst hinzu.
@Fenrir_Lokisson 3 жыл бұрын
@@sinusnovi3826 da sieht man es, Essen vereinigt die Völker dieser Welt. Der Weltfrieden müsste eigentlich ein Klacks sein.🤗😋🙏✌
@BlackAdder665 4 жыл бұрын
My preferred way to eat this is WITH potatoes (and Sauerkraut, of course) and I use to squash it all together with my fork until it's become one smooth mush. Maybe a little barbaric and unsophisticated but it tastes best imo. Glad you enjoyed it! :-)
@i18nde 2 жыл бұрын
@koenigdortmund 4 жыл бұрын
A little hint from the Ruhrgebiet: Around here we eat it with mashed potatoes and its named Panhas. The mashed potatoes can be mixed with also cooked and mashed knob celery (Knollensellerie) and served with molten butter; the kitchen of the former Westfalia isnt known for diet fans
@karstent.66 4 жыл бұрын
Im Ruhrpott haben wir aber nicht "tote Oma"...? Kenne ich nicht. Hat meine Oma nicht gemacht - und ich bin nicht aus der Smartphone-Generation.
@koenigdortmund 4 жыл бұрын
@@karstent.66 Das heisst hier ja auch anders ! :-)
@christiank.8748 4 жыл бұрын
@@karstent.66 ich kenne es als gebratene Grützwurst/Blutwurst. Seehr lecker.
@koenigdortmund 4 жыл бұрын
@@christiank.8748 Panhas halt. Gibts hier im Ruhrgebiet als Blutwurst oder gleich als bratbare Scheiben, alternativ auch ohne Blut, aber da kann ich ja gleich Vegetarier werden
@dikon0172 4 жыл бұрын
koenigdortmund Du bekommst in Dortmund neben Panhas auch Blutwurst und Grützwurst. Die besondere Dortmunder Spezialität ist aber Möpkenbrot. Tote Oma nennen sie die Grützwurst in den östlichen und nördlichen Landesteilen. Die schmecken übrigens alle gut.
@uwezemke744 4 жыл бұрын
The name of the dish "Dead Grandma" originated as a regional sarcasm, which has its background in the red coloring of the groats sausage. With a similar portion of black humor, "Dead Grandma" is often referred to as a "traffic accident" in Eastern Germany or simply as an "accident". Try this: 400 g Blood sausage, 200 g Liver sausage fresh, 100 g bacon, 200 ml Broth instant, 2 pieces Onions, 1 teaspoon Dried marjoram, 1 pinch Black pepper from the mill, 1tbsp Breadcrumbs. 1 Peel the skin from the sausage and cut it into small pieces. Finely dice the bacon. Peel the onions and chop them finely. 2 Braise the bacon and onions briefly in a saucepan, then deglaze with broth. Put the sausage in the broth and let it simmer over a mild heat until it breaks down completely and a thick porridge has formed. 3 Season everything vigorously with the spices and, if necessary, thicken a little with breadcrumbs. 4 This goes with potatoes and sauerkraut or mashed potatoes and apple sauce.
@luthien0204 4 жыл бұрын
Try Himmel und Erde, Heaven and Earth, easiest way is applesauce and mashed potatoes, I prefer the apples sliced and fried in e little butter until they caramelize, mashed potatoes and fried Blutwurst. So good.
@AP-RSI 4 жыл бұрын
Haha, hatte den gleichen Gedanken! ;-)
@daybyter 4 жыл бұрын
I usually don't add mashed potatoes, but just cooked potatoes. They take the fat from the blutwurst better. But it is a great meal anyway...
@jenswand9264 4 жыл бұрын
Just try and I was lucky enough to get it served by Grandma (having relatives back in Bocholt who kept some home raised pigs and making it when a pig was slauthered)
@sylviarheingau5217 4 жыл бұрын
Oh yes! I love that! Especially if you can get dryed Blutwurst.....
@derschalk6017 4 жыл бұрын
Himmel un Ääd
@pietjehoogevens2110 3 жыл бұрын
If you like your version, here is a killer refined version of this dish: "Tote Oma on potato pancakes with Sauerkraut and pear wedges". For that, render Speck, add Sauerkraut and a small bottle of Prosecco. Season with salt, pepper, and sugar. Caraway seeds optional. Mix well and keep at low heat. In a pan, add butter and sautee a finely chopped onion (not too big). Cut the blood sausage in thick slices. At medium heat, fry on both sides until it becomes soft. Don't mash it. Peel 4-5 potatoes (don't use Russet, they should be illegal) and grate them. Add to the mass a small chopped onion, one egg, and a bit of flour. Mix it. Season with salt, pepper, and nut meg. In a frying pan, heat up oil. Form palm size rounds and fry them golden on both sides. Put on kitchen towels. In another pan, melt some butter. Cut a pear in wedges (make sure the pear is ripe) and add to it. Put in a decent shot of port wine and reduce. Add meat broth and simmer and reduce until it thickens. On a plate, put the potato pancakes, add the blood sausage, then the Sauerkraut. Top with the pear wedges and drizzle the sauce over. Out of this world good. The most important skill is to have your ingredients prepped and get them to come ready at about the same time with the Sauerkraut being the least critical time wise.
@bea66s 4 жыл бұрын
We eat this usually in the autumn/winter time. It is a quick prepared meal and good after working outside in cold wheather
@DeanaandPhil 4 жыл бұрын
"This looks like maybe an animal that got run over by a car a few times and let it sit out in the hot sun." 😭😂😂 Best quote ever!!
@Anson_AKB 4 жыл бұрын
for lots of the best foods, you should never go into the kitchen and look how it is prepared :-)
@bohnert75 4 жыл бұрын
I once said to a chef i would be happy to know what ingredients were in the dish. He said he would be happy if he didn't know.
@sobelou 4 жыл бұрын
You have no idea how much I enjoyed watching you cook and eat this Tote Oma. Now I'm motivated, thanks!
@heidipae2576 4 жыл бұрын
Gratulation. Wir essen dieses Gericht seit Kindheit. Es war in Ostdeutschland ein typisches Kantinen oder Schulessen. Wir haben es geliebt. In der Lausitz wird es als Grützwurst gegessen, mit Sauerkraut und Salzkartoffeln. Den Ursprung hat es als Schlachterplatte, wo es auch mit einer leckeren Leberwurst serviert ist. Jeder, der es einmal probiert hat wird begeistert sein. In Ostdeutschland standen an speziellen Schlachttagen viele Menschen Schlange vor der Fleischerei. Diese Wurst nennt sich auch Grützwurst da es mit Gerstenkörner gefertigt wurde. Das Gegenstück zur Grützwurst ist die nicht so beliebte Berliner Topfwurst. Diese schmeckt nicht so gut, da sie auf dem Teller auseinanderfließt und fettig ist. Danke für deinen klasse Beitrag. Du bist sehr sympatisch!
@moglimaisenkaiser5488 4 жыл бұрын
Try Labskaus if you gravitate towards to somewhat that looks like something the cat brought in. It is basically NOT fishy, is served w| rote Beete, pickles and fried eggs sunny side up. If you like it the Hamburg way (or the northern style in general), put one or two Rollmops aside. The best Labskaus to buy is the brand "Old Commercial Room", it comes in cans. Like your channel and I highly appreciate your way to explore things beeing different from what is known. That's a state of mind we all should follow. Best greets from the very north of GER.
@bigfunanAmericaninGermany 3 жыл бұрын
Hi! labskaus video coming up soon! thanks for the suggestion!
@derpizzadieb 4 жыл бұрын
Giving you my respect for trying everything. Other "weird" delicacies to try could be "Möpkenbrot" and "Bratleberwurst". Ate those when i was a kid. As for the beer, give the Tannenzäpfle a try :)
@Luetzow1 4 жыл бұрын
This is so wholesome to watch! I love watching foreigners experiencing Germany. Glad you liked it! Liebe Grüße aus dem schönen Hessen!
@bigfunanAmericaninGermany 4 жыл бұрын
Vielen Dank! have a great weekend!
@Luetzow1 4 жыл бұрын
@@bigfunanAmericaninGermany Danke! Dir auch!
@karsten0023 4 жыл бұрын
Ich esse "Tote Oma" auch sehr gern. Bei uns wurde sie manchmal auch "Verkehrsunfall" genannt 😄. Ich mache sie nach einem Rezept meiner Mutter wie folgt: Ein altbackenes Brötchen in Milch einweichen, bis es vollkommen aufgeweicht ist. Dann, nach Belieben, Zwiebel in der Pfanne braten, die Blutwurst in Stücke schneiden und mit in die Pfanne geben. Nun das Brötchen leicht ausdrücken und mit unter die Blutwurst rühren. Die übrige Milch kann man noch nach Belieben zufügen, wenn man es etwas dünner mag. Nun noch mit Salz, Pfeffer und Majoran abschmecken. Ich esse am liebsten Kartoffelpüree und Sauerkraut dazu. Dazu dann noch ein kühles Bier. Prost 🍻.
@lustigerastronaut6427 4 жыл бұрын
WOW! Congrats for giving this a try! I know this dish with sauerkraut and potatoes and a little dip of Bautzner Senf mittelscharf (mustard) at the side. Definitely not a daily meal, but a Gaumenschmaus from time to time.
@ascaniusvotan2319 2 жыл бұрын
You are adding the Sauerkraut not only because of the spice, but also because of the Vitamine C; in combination with the Iron from the blood in the sausage, it is pretty healthy to eat, because it allows your body to make use of that iron ;) I don't eat this on a regular basis, but I love it everytime I do. We also combine pork liver and Sauerkraut, usually served with Schupfnudeln, which has a similar effect. I think to eat it with dark bread is something people do in the western region of Germany.
@ascaniusvotan2319 2 жыл бұрын
oh just forgot; me I am coming from Swabia, so we add Blood Sausage to our Wurstsalat from time to time ;)
@bigfunanAmericaninGermany 2 жыл бұрын
I have not made tote Oma since I did this video, but I think I will, as I really like dit! thanks for the information, and I might also try adding some to wurstsalat too! thank you for watching!
@andreascrocoll7404 4 жыл бұрын
Mashed potatoes is missing on your plate. Essential for this menu. ;)
@bigfunanAmericaninGermany 4 жыл бұрын
ja.... Ich war an diesem Tag ein wenig faul und habe sie nicht gemacht. hehehehe
@__chrissi__ 4 жыл бұрын
Als Kinder haben wir immer Durchfall dazu gesagt😂 aber jetzt esse ich es doch immer mal freiwillig😋
@Cremantus 4 жыл бұрын
Super. Das Gericht heißt, abhängig von der Region, auch Himmel und Erde wie hier (Ruhrgebiet). In Köln heißt die Wurst selbst auch Flönz. Früher hatte ich es häufiger auf dem Teller, heute gelegentlich, aber immer wieder gern. Mit Apfelmus und Kartoffelstampf.
@mileskilo8031 4 жыл бұрын
My late grandma used to make Saure Nieren, Sour Kidneys, with mashed potatoes. Thankfully she tought me how to do it and let me tell you, the smell while cooking is... anyway, it sounds horrible to lots of folks, and it takes a little bit of preperation work and again the smell cooking it is bad, but the taste makes up for all of it. btw add Leberwurst and Schupfnudeln and Bauch to tote Oma and you have Schlachtplatte (though you dont fry the sausages, but you basically mash them together on your plate), a great upgrade to tote Oma. also love your "road kill" suggestion
@dirklorenz7976 4 жыл бұрын
The Bob Ross of German cuisine! :) I've watched three or four videos of you. And I love it!
@bigfunanAmericaninGermany 4 жыл бұрын
Wow, thank you!
@We2Fail 4 жыл бұрын
also its so impressive to hear you speak german , its so good :D
@marcosulu214 4 жыл бұрын
Ich habe das noch nie gegessen aber kann mir schon vorstellen, dass es schmeckt. Habe wie immer Hunger bekommen bei deinem Video. :D I subbed the channel.
@veliostv9089 4 жыл бұрын
Kind sir, you´re just a good kind of guy. All the best for you! Stay safe and healthy, mate :)
@andibuletten6206 4 жыл бұрын
Delicous video again. Ich mag deine ruhige Art. Und ich finde es toll, daß du alles probierst. It doesn't always need to look tasty for being lecker. Stay healthy ✌
@Frohds14 3 жыл бұрын
One of my American friends from my genealogy group, whose German ancestors had emigrated to the Cincinnati area ~125 yrs. ago and were running a butcher shop there, just told me, that he knows something similar to Tote Oma. They call it Goetta. (Goetta not Schiller ^^) He recalls his grandpa was selling a light and a darker - bloody - version of it. The preparation was similar and they ate it with Kraut (not fermented Sauerkraut, more non fermented Kümmelkraut). So there is a chance to have it in the US.
@AchimE 4 жыл бұрын
Blutwurst mit Sauerkraut, dazu ein Helles... 👍😉 I did not know this is called ‚tote Oma‘ in the south... here in the west we have ‚Himmel und Erde‘, similar, but with mashed potatoes and applesauce, I think... a cool beer outside in a warm summer evening is something wonderful... enjoy, Prost! 🍺
@peterpain6625 4 жыл бұрын
Looks like it needs some "Bratkartoffeln". Love how you go for a little liquid courage before trying it ;)
@Jojoeatrer 4 жыл бұрын
You can also mix this up with Leberwurst. And I can highly recommend you to give Leber- and Blutwurst a go with Reibekuchen or even better, Kartoffelschmarrn! Combining it with Sauerkraut, what a great dish!
@bigfunanAmericaninGermany 4 жыл бұрын
Great suggestion!
@urgigrull4013 4 жыл бұрын
Great job my friend ! Just do not try anything that anyone suggests.. I personally hate 'dead grandma'., but I really really like the way of you aproaching new things. As a suggestion: get a proper grill, get a proper knife for cooking, and don't ever do a beer test !!!! Just buy some brands and keep on drinking the one you like most ( You already had the 'Tannezäpfle' :) greets + all the best
@DirkDraussen 4 жыл бұрын
Up until just now, I only knew grützwurst as a light sausage, googled for a short time, now I know that there are three types of grützwurst. Learned something again. 5:23 "It's what it is!" 😂 terrific. 9:02 "Tote Oma, sorry grandma!" 😂😂 Best place in the video😂😂 9:33 "Benedictine Hell" 😂😂 Instead of Benedictine bright, I somehow thought of Benedictine Hell😂😂 I don't know how on earth I ended up here, but I had a really good time. Wonderful! Thank you! Best regards, Dirk PS .: Do you already know "Panhas"? Yummie. Definitely try it. Bis gerade eben kannte ich Grützwurst nur als helle Wurst, kurz gegoogelt, jetzt weiß ich dass es drei Sorten Grützwurst gibt. Wieder was dazugelernt. 5:23 "Es ist wie es ist!" 😂 grandios. 9:02 "Tote Oma, sorry Grandma!" 😂😂 Beste Stelle im Video😂😂 9:33 "Benediktiner Hell" 😂😂 Statt Benediktiner hell, dachte ich irgendwie an Benediktiner Hölle😂😂 Ich weiß zwar nicht wie, um alles in der Welt, ich hier gelandet bin, aber ich habe mich köstlich amüsiert. Herrlich! Danke! Beste Grüße, Dirk PS.: Kennen sie schon "Panhas"? Yummie. Unbedingt probieren.
@Araelis82 4 жыл бұрын
You are so nice and funny :D The little dance after "i'm gonna eat the whole thing" cracked me up :,D It's interesting to see someone trying food that i used to hate as a kid :p We never ate this at home in lower saxony. Tried it at a friends house sometime between 15 and 16 and i remember that i haven't liked it at all. It wasn't disgusting but the metallic taste of the blood in the wurst was really urghs :D Fun Fact: i didn't know that it's called "Tote Oma" until now :D So thanks for that :)
@mariondiemert430 4 жыл бұрын
Fried Blutwurst tastes great over Sauerkraut and mashed potatoes. I fry the Blutwurst in thick slices and place it on top of the Sauerkraut. So yummy. On top I put the fried onion slices in butter. Love your posts! I buy the blutwurst online at Shaller und Weber, they are German butchers who make amazing wurst.
@bigfunanAmericaninGermany 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for that, I will look them up!
@bastianfrom77 4 жыл бұрын
You can also slice the blutwurst and fry it with some scrambeld eggs and have some bread with it. Another variant is with sourkraut and mashed potatoes - but then you better use "schwarze soße" - which is essential the same as blutwurst but has a soup-like consistence. Honestly I last got this last time in the 90s when my grand-pa used to butcher on his farm - you had to eat that right on the day when it was produced. Good old days.
@FabFunty 4 жыл бұрын
I'm really enjoying your laid back videos, just a man a bottle of Bier and Blutwurst at "Balcony Beach" There are small (~15-20 cm 6-8 " ) blood- and liver sausages with potatoes and sauerkraut, all in the pan together, it also looks like "Roadkill Stew",what a great name I'm going to adopt it for my infamous pan dish. Now I'm off to the butcher of my trust ...bye👋🏽
@Toddel1234567 4 жыл бұрын
My grandmother loved to eat blood sausage. She said to me when I was a little boy I should try it too but I ran away I didn't want to. When I got older I knew how blood sausage was made ... no, I have never eaten blood sausage to this day ;-)
@maviba 4 жыл бұрын
Schon lecker. Richtig lecker ist es mit Salzkartoffeln, oder mit etwas gutem Brot und Gewürzgurken :-)
@xXTheoLinuxXx 4 жыл бұрын
If you can't cook you would buy a lot of fancy products to hide it, if you can cook you don't need fancy products. That is pretty much the German kitchen is all about. I'm Dutch and my dad worked for years in Germany and he always use to say 'Give a German one leaf of cabbage and they can make something tasty out of it'. He passed away almost 10 years ago, but I know he was right.
@aglandorf75 4 жыл бұрын
Haven't had Tote Oma for 25 years at least. As kid's we got it every now and then.
@lorenzsabbaer7725 4 жыл бұрын
it has a lot of iron in it, so its also very good for your blood.
@svenmoritzen6429 4 жыл бұрын
It very tasty honestly!Es ist wirklich lecker auch mit Bratkartoffeln zu empfehlen, oder Kartoffelbrei und natürlich in Verbindung mit Sauerkraut eine wahre Delikatesse 👍
@ThorstenGowik 3 жыл бұрын
Some stuff really works good together, Blutwurst, Kartoffeln + Sauerkraut. Oder for example Spinat, Kartoffelstampf oder Purre + Spiegelei. It tasted best if you mix it.
@michaelkusica5333 4 жыл бұрын
you are a brave man. Just kidding. Yes we like it in some regions more than in others. The colone style himmel und erde is the most populare one. the traditionel grützwurst is made of blood, spices, fat and buckwheat. In grützwurst you have got hole buckwheat seeds, there is a nother blutwurst, but is mainly a loaf which is called Panhas. There you do not have buckwheat grains but just the flour of it. So it is a lot more creamy. Panhas is popular in the ruhrgebiet and along the rheinland. By the way, the idea of mixing buckwheat or any cerials into blood came from ancient Sparta. The ate a so called blacksoup. This is still a traditionel north german dish. A bloodsoup which is called schwarzsauer. Greetings from dorsten.
@JustMeShaun1 4 жыл бұрын
Looked like really badly burnt corn beef hash lol. Sometimes the food that doesn't look the most pleasant turns out to be pretty good. Great video!
@bigfunanAmericaninGermany 4 жыл бұрын
true! thank you!
@annemariavonroith4268 3 жыл бұрын
Mit Bratkartoffeln! Yummy. Our Skratbrueder mußt have it every Friday! It was in the early days a poor peoples food. I like it much! Also my family!
@Kivas_Fajo 4 жыл бұрын
Try Schlachtplatte. It is basically a big pot of Sauerkraut (use the one from the Metzgerei in a plastic wrap making it look like a sausage. This is the best.) Then add some fresh Blutwurst and Griebenwurst (it is grey) and simmer/steam that. The Kraut has to be hot and done by the time you add the Wurst. Don't put to much heat on, because they sausages will burst! Alternatively you could simmer them in some water. Make some mashed potatoes as a side dish. When done serve some Kraut, mashed potatoes and put the sausage on top and cut it open. The stuff will burst out and will be very liquidy. It won't look very appealing, but it is delicious. Let me know what you think about the Griebenwurst and the steamed Blutwurst. It is a total different story, if both are fresh and not cooked before in terms of'll see.
@lokifabautison 4 жыл бұрын
Sehr lecker ist auch Leber in Mehl gewälzt ca 3/4 durch gebraten dazu kommen in Butter geschmorte Zwiebeln diesmal ohne Zucker und Apfelmus als Beilage Kartoffelbrei mit knusprigen Röstzwiebeln
@angelikaswainson777 4 жыл бұрын
It’s more a winter dish. In our region we eat it in slices and fried crispy.
@siggi383 4 жыл бұрын
Did not know about tote Oma. But seems similiar to 'Himmel und Erde' which most people know. I should try. Thanks a lot.
@maxscholz7734 4 жыл бұрын
When the "Blutwurst" is fried, the taste of the spices comes better out! With fried potatoes and Sauerkraut it's a really tasty and good dish in wintertime! When you are heatening the "Blutwurst" you will taste if the butcher has done a good job or not!........P S.: I tried your burger🍔 variation and it was delicious!! So good and tasty that no other recipe will have a chance in future! Only in your way! That's the real deal burger taste!!
@alexandraweiss9459 Жыл бұрын
In Bayern isst man Blut- und Leberwurst mit Sauerkraut. Das schmeckt genauso lecker. 😀 Lieben Gruss aus Bulgarien Alexandra vom Kanal: Die Auswanderer Doku
@trontron63 4 жыл бұрын
Der erste englisch sprachige Kanal den ich abonniere!
@bigfunanAmericaninGermany 4 жыл бұрын
das freud mich! danke!
@whattheflyingfuck... 4 жыл бұрын
the anticipation of it not being good and the realization of Yummieh! - it is just impeccable! Guten Appetit!
@PEdulis 4 жыл бұрын
I eat Boudin regularly, our variety of it. Glad to see you like it, I hope you'll get to try Boudin some time as well. I don't use much butter to fry the onions, otherwise it's too fat. I also fry the Boudin longer so that it gets more crispy.
@bigfunanAmericaninGermany 4 жыл бұрын
Hi, thank you, yes boudin sausages are pretty popular in the US too... I used to eat them once in a while... but will try them here too.
@PEdulis 4 жыл бұрын
@@bigfunanAmericaninGermany Not sure if the US boudin is the same then since it's also a blook sausage. Here's a link to a recipe in French with a picture:
@gehtdichnichtsan7522 4 жыл бұрын
Hi. It's nice to see that you like the taste. I'm from NorthGermany and here it's called Grützwurst. Basicly the same thing but at our butcher, i can buy it ready to cook. It's a 3 - 5 cm thick sausage with all in it. so the sausage is allready pre-cooked and you only have to put it in a pan, open the gut and mix it. Cooking time for maybe 5 min. Perfect for a single like me and it's taste like home at Hotel Mom. :) some mashed potatos and eat. It's easy to make, fast and realy tasty... But when you explain your guest's what it is... i mean Blutwurst.... say look at you as if you had 2 heads. I think more people should try the old recepts and eat less McD's burgers.
@f2karin 4 жыл бұрын
We call it blunzengröstl and we eat it with sauerkraut and fried potatoes you can mix all together and add caraway seeds
@Hellopter 4 жыл бұрын
you should try leberwurst with egg too. Do the same with leberwurst instead of blutwurst, crack a few eggs inside and scramble them with the Leberwurst. You can serve it with bratkartoffeln or bread (excuse my terrible mixture of english and german btw)
@bigfunanAmericaninGermany 4 жыл бұрын
Denglish is a good thing! :) and that recipe sounds good!
@eagle1de227 4 жыл бұрын
PROST ! Und guten Appetit ! As i know this dish it's with warm Sauerkraut and potatoes to warm you up on cold winter evenings. Thank you for sharing your experiences with us! Do i recognize a little weight gain? ;-) Enjoy, go on, take care and stay safe !
@robfriedrich2822 4 жыл бұрын
I eat sometimes blood sausage with potatoes, sauerkraut, mustard.
@Gnin1000 4 жыл бұрын
Long time ago, when I ate this. I think, my grandma was still allive at that time and she is a long time gone. But now, I think, I will cook it again. There are some kind of meals from my childhood, that I never eat again, because the cook is gone to heaven. I remember for example: "Saure Nierchen" oder "Buntes Huhn". The only thing I know about the last example is, that there is no chicken inside the meal, but pears. And I loved it as a child.
@bigfunanAmericaninGermany 4 жыл бұрын
I know what you mean... my Grandmother used to make cinnamon rolls... they just are not the same because she did not make them.
@teardrop-in-a-fishbowl 4 жыл бұрын
@@bigfunanAmericaninGermany I smelled it through my phone. Funny I never cooked it myself but in my childhood it was one of my favoured meal.
@sanSDI 4 жыл бұрын
Na viel Erfolg damit! Weder meine Mutter noch ich bekommen Omas Gerichte so hin wie sie x.x
@kilsestoffel3690 4 жыл бұрын
@@sanSDI niemand kann so gut kochen wie Oma. Das ist ein Naturgesetz.
@Roel_Scoot 4 жыл бұрын
There are many types of blutwurst and I like them all: from France: boudin - noir from the United Kingdom: black pudding from Belgium: beuling from the Netherlands: bakbloedworst The latter is much like yours, with smaller bits of lard, the boudin-noir and beuling is softer, the UK a bit harder. In the Netherlands we eat this with some slices of fried apple, or apple compôte / apple sauce.
@florianforster4611 4 жыл бұрын
Abo dagelassen ! Keep up the good work , Bruder !!!!
@bigfunanAmericaninGermany 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks a lot!
@21MEPHISTO01 4 жыл бұрын
Das habe ich schon lange nicht mehr gegessen, aber es ist ein sehr rustikales Essen, das die Sinne anregt. Nächstes mal bitte tatsächlich mit Kartoffeln als runde vollständige Mahlzeit. Nun habe ich Appetit bekommen...Zum Wohle!
@helenefrings424 4 жыл бұрын
Ja, das Gericht sieht wirklich aus wie...egal, vergessen wir das . In Köln nennt man dieses Gericht " Himmel un Ääd". Himmel und Erde, dazu gehören dann noch gebratene Apfelscheiben, Zwiebelringe und Kartoffelpürree. Ich glaube, Ihnen schmeckt dann auch bestimmt Labskaus. Das kommt aus Hamburg und ist auch etwas speziell.Schönen Tag noch.
@bigfunanAmericaninGermany 3 жыл бұрын
Hi! labskaus video coming up soon! thanks for the suggestion!
@jeanbison8968 4 жыл бұрын
Yeah, you should try the cologne variant.The taste of apples kicks it into the culinary stratosphere 🚀Important: leave the sausage in its skin until you eat it.
@bigfunanAmericaninGermany 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the tip!
@Temsys 4 жыл бұрын
Das ist glaub ich etwas ,das lecker ist , man aber eher selten isst. Genauso wie Leber mit Zwiebeln und Apfel... 😉
@109Pony 4 жыл бұрын
Zur Blutwurst passt sehr gut Stampfkartoffeln und Sauerkraut, das mehr geschmort ist! 👍
@bestdriversachse4303 4 жыл бұрын
this includes mashed potatoes ^^ these are boiled potatoes that are mashed with a little milk butter and a pinch of nutmeg (you can also add fried bacon and onions)
@i18nde 4 жыл бұрын
Was in Deutschland immer verblüfft, wie viele verschiedene Namen es für ähnliche Sachen gibt. Ich komme aus der Lausitz (Spreewald), zwischen Berlin und Sachsen. Bei unserem Fleischer heißt die weiche Blutwurst Fülling, umgangssprachlich auch »Tote Oma« oder »Verkehrsunfall« - Du lagst also mit Deinem »road kill« gar nicht so falsch. Am besten passt dazu das Spreewälder Sauerkraut oder auch die Spreewälder Sauren Gurken. Und dazu Pellkartoffeln von neuen Kartoffeln.
@michaelmenzinger5019 4 жыл бұрын
This old dishes came from a time when people hadn`t much and had to use all of the animal. So they developed recipes to make things taste good. Here with the blood like the british blood pudding. :)
@Dandysboss 4 жыл бұрын
dead grandma is my absolute favourite food. you can eat so much of it that you don't feel well afterwards :). you eat it with potatoes and sour sauerkraut. in southern germany it's a bit different than in the north and east. it tastes as good as it looks bad. by the way, the right name is "Grützwurst" and it's not exactly blood sausage like you would eat with bread.
@bigfunanAmericaninGermany 4 жыл бұрын
I believe you are right! if there was more on my plate, I would have kept eating until I was sick... but I truly enjoyed it!
4 жыл бұрын
Cold snack, lovely. Reminds of the saying "3 Bier = 1 Schnitzel" ^^ Respect for your courage to try so many unknown things which look or smell discouraging. You hopefully do rewarded with lovely taste often enough to keep you going. Just missed the boiled potatoes accompanying it. Anyway, the Sauerkraut didn't miss. :)
@adreannwingren6603 4 жыл бұрын
3 Beir = 1 Schnitzel reminds me of something I heard once long ago and say often. "There's a porckchop in every beer" lol. I think yours is more accurate, I like it :)
@andi080470 4 жыл бұрын
I'm getting hungry every time i watch your Videos. I think that's a good sign... 😊
@pettethewolf2074 4 жыл бұрын
sorry for my bad English. Hy i have one little tipp. You can use (what's my favorite recipe). You have to get a real DDR Grützwurst for this and spice up with Onions, majoran, pepper and at the end little pieces of parsley and served with boiled Sauerkraut and Mashed Potatoes.
@bigfunanAmericaninGermany 4 жыл бұрын
I'll check it out!
@helfgott1 4 жыл бұрын
Hmmmmm tote Oma....ich mag DAS... Prost Als ich ein Kind war war DAS mein Lieblingsessen, auch heute noch
@JohnHazelwood58 4 жыл бұрын
I like it a lot! I am used to eat it while ... do you know "mashed potatoes"..? I am sure you do! I do "mashed carrots" mixed with "mashed potatoes" and add fried Blutwurst on top! I loved it as a kid an now over 30 years later, i still love it! Some put "Maggi" on it, but I don't like it a lot. By the way: Did you already tried "Flammenkuchen" (flame-cake)...? o_O
@bigfunanAmericaninGermany 4 жыл бұрын
Flammenkuchen ist lecker!
@bewerhunter50 4 жыл бұрын
I wanna join, I'll try to make it next time I can get my hands in Blutwurst, normally i fry slices, 1cm, and potatoes and apples, and ad some syrup on the Blutwurst, or just on reybread, my favorite. Dont drink a german beer from the bottle, use a glas or krug, Thank you for great videos.
@frtjf 4 жыл бұрын
I used to love Grützwurst (that's what it was called in the area where I grew up) as a kid, until I found out what it was made of, lol. We even had it at my elementary school for lunch, quite regularly. I remember it being a little more sloppy and saucy but I haven't had it since... Now I'm tempted to try again and see if I still like it. :D
@dikkiedik53 4 жыл бұрын
I'm from Amsterdam. In our family it was tradition in 1950-1970 to have a 1,5 cm thick slice of panfried large ø 10cm blutwurst with red cabbage and boiled potatoes. I loved it, my wife doesn't like it, therefore I never eat it anymore. I think I soon will have it again ;-) thanks for the inspiration. btw. My dad was forced labour in Germany for app 2 1/2 years, there is a possibility he was the one that brought it into the family.
@bigfunanAmericaninGermany 4 жыл бұрын
Hello from a Chicago boy whose Father was born in Groningen! I like your recipe, maybe I will try that, when my wife is not here.... hahahaha!
@dikkiedik53 4 жыл бұрын
@@bigfunanAmericaninGermany I talked about the subject with my wife and her mom (88 yrs young). The dish was quite common in Amsterdam, a panfried slice of blutwurst, with a slice of backed apple and backed unions on top, served with boiled red cabbage and boiled potatoes. Today it's a forgotten dish. My wife offered to cook it for me. :-)
@classix789 4 жыл бұрын
You definently should have cooked some potatoes. It balances the salty, hearty taste of the blutwurst and onions and the fresh sour taste of the kraut. Simply cook potatoes with salt and mash them with a fork. Or get real mashed potatoes. Also i like to add some apple for the sweetness which is kinda close to a dish from western/northern germany which is called Himmel und Erde (himmel un äd // sky and earth). I like how you are trying these things. And this once again is a great example of how we shouldn't be put of by first looks, consistencies or even first experiences. There is always a good way to enjoy certain foods :)
@pascalvorbach6829 4 жыл бұрын
Looks pretty good :) Well i dont eat that on regular bases, but sometimes we eat just liversausage from the butcher grilled in the pan, make it slightly crispy and eat it with roast potatoes and sourkraut. I eat bloodsausage itself pretty often :)
@MrDehackers 4 жыл бұрын
I love you for your love of German food. You can reach them all while eating
@Im70973 3 жыл бұрын
My mother did cook this regular.
@dirkdemeirleir264 4 жыл бұрын
In Flanders we eat bloodsausage in wintertime and we ad slices of apple in the pan to fry
@stefanraab1877 3 жыл бұрын
You have to try, Blutwurst in scrambled eggs. Its very popular in the near of frankfurt. We have a Blutwurst Pizza, too
@bigfunanAmericaninGermany 3 жыл бұрын
Ooooo! I like the blutwurst and Eggs idea! Thanks!
@stefanraab1877 3 жыл бұрын
@@bigfunanAmericaninGermany if you Need a recipe, feel free to ask
@riversong656 4 жыл бұрын
Dude...that's hardcore. Subbed..
@bigfunanAmericaninGermany 4 жыл бұрын
thanks dude!
@SivSeran 4 жыл бұрын
Sehr mutig, wie immer! Aber nur so lernt man die besten Sachen kennen. Awesome!
@SivSeran 4 жыл бұрын
Komme übrigens aus Schwetzingen, und esse das nicht regelmäßig. Ist zu Fett. Aber schon ein paar Mal i,m Jahr. Mit Sauerkraut und Kartoffelbrei.
@bigfunanAmericaninGermany 4 жыл бұрын
Danke Michael!
@deinpapa3769 4 жыл бұрын
the acid comes in good with the fatty sausage, a green leaf salat with good amount of Vinegar and fried potato with Schwarz/Leberwurst is nice
@jeffpeterson5387 4 жыл бұрын
You said "Good stuff Maynard"! I remember that saying!
@annettepierce6238 4 жыл бұрын
we eat this with smashed potatoes and its so gooooood...yumm yumm
@lokiodinsohn6879 4 жыл бұрын
a little suggestion, take a one or 2 days old brötchen, slice it in half , add butter on it and fry it till its crunchy on the "inner" side. Take a like 2cm thic slice of blutwurst and fry it from both sides, put it on the fried brötchen. you can thank me later
@bigfunanAmericaninGermany 4 жыл бұрын
sounds good, I will try it for sure... and thank you!!
@lokiodinsohn6879 4 жыл бұрын
@@bigfunanAmericaninGermany cheers, you're welcome
@sphhyn 4 жыл бұрын
I love Tote Oma but I rarely eat it. It is kind of old fashioned food and not very appreciated by younger generations. I am over 40 and most of my friends wouldn’t eat it although I doubt they ever tried. When it gets colder in the fall I need to get me some Blutwurst again. I think it’s not so much of a summer dish.
@piuforte 4 жыл бұрын
My grandma made the world's best Sauerkraut with tote Oma. 500gr Sauerkraut, chopped bacon, butter, honey and bit of caraway seed... That's killer.
@bigfunanAmericaninGermany 4 жыл бұрын
that sounds great! I will definitely try that recipe, thank you!
@Heike-r2o 4 жыл бұрын
:-) I'm glad you liked it. :-) For the beer test you should also try Kölsch, Pils, Alt. They're all brewed a bit different. and for dinner: How about some Eier in senfsauce (eggs with mustardsauce and Potatoes), Leberwurstsoße (sausage made of liver, Sauerkraut aaaand of course potatoes), some Frankfurter grüne Soße (green sauce) ?
@bigfunanAmericaninGermany 4 жыл бұрын
Hi Heike, thank you for the suggestions! I will look into those
@dercoellner 4 жыл бұрын
Du musst jetzt unbedingt Himmel und Erde probieren. Klasse Video.
@nordwestbeiwest1899 4 жыл бұрын
Nächste mal machste das in Schweineschmalz .Und man kann es mit Pumpernickel essen oder Bratkartoffeln .Tipp: Probier mal Krautsalat dazu . Und die Deutschen essen auch rohen Fisch wie die Niederländer ! Na weißt du was ich meine ? Tipp: Eine Zutat ist Zwiebel .
Just pour flour into the boiling water! I no longer shop in stores! Easy and tasty
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