Anthem | Colossus: Everything You NEED to Know! All Abilities In-depth Look!

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Channel5 Gaming

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@Channel5Gaming 5 жыл бұрын
If You guys enjoyed the video please share on social media! These types of videos take a really long time to put together. I would like to do more like this throughout the life of Anthem, but unfortunately right now I don't have a large enough audience to justify the effort put in. Please help me change that by sharing with your friends and growing Anthem on this channel. Thank you!
@Jussomerando677 5 жыл бұрын
I feel he should have some sort of health regen related to either damage dealt, gaining kill streaks, or regen health in relation to the amount of overkill dealt. He has a shield why can't he slam it into the ground, become a stationary turret? It goes without saying all ordnances should be usuable with shield it's shoulder mounted. Way more ordnances should be primers. Acid spitter should be fired more like flamethrower or acid cloud bomb and moved to ordnance launcher. Shock coil should be fired like burst mortar but operate like firewall. If they don't want burst mortar to prime or Det then it should at least hit like ranger special.
@botterminator 5 жыл бұрын
I played Colossus throughout the demo and going to main this Javelin for official release. I found Javelin not all that challenging, but I am pretty familiar with playing tactically and being smart with my cooldowns and positioning. I found long range attacks were not all that useful and getting in close was your go to strategy for taking aggro and dealing more damage. The shield I only used to block an incoming attack and never had it out for longer than a few seconds as at higher difficulties your shield can go down quite quick; if you're taking a lot of aggro and you lose shield that temporary stun is going to cost you HP. Melee attacks seemed pretty lackluster and again if you're taking aggro, you don't want to be stuck in those slow animations losing HP from attackers. Ultimate is supposed to be used against large groups of weak enemies or as a last resort when you're about to die - never offensively against bosses or single targets. Taunt is more important than the shield pulse - that resistance buff doesn't really scale well with the weaker members of your squad. The only time you'd want that is if you have a full team of Colossus. Taunt not only takes the damage away from your teammates but you can also lead those attackers away so your team can easily set up a flank. Pretty much the best RELIABLE combo I found was using the lightning coil and flamethrower. Good damage dealing potential and close range which pairs well with taunt to get groups of mobs into one place so my teammates can go to town on them. I think the problem with players using Colossus is that they rely too heavily on their HP, armor and shield. Using shield with lightning coil is a waste, in-fact using shield blocking basic attacks instead of blocking when you need to block, is a waste. You want to combo lightning coil and flamethrower as much as possible. The idea is to prime and kill as much and as fast as possible while picking up HP drops to keep yourself in play. Any time you stop to melee, rely on shield or shield pulse to give you a few extra seconds of survivability, then you're gonna be in trouble. It also comes down to your team as well, if you're carrying your team then cowering behind your shield is probably going to be all you're doing (taunt/shield pulse won't mean diddly squat). In that case, using siege artillery and firewall is your best bet, cowering until those cooldowns are finished. I don't think Colossus needs shields like the other javelins or a HP regen mechanic. As you progress you'll get items with bonuses that have high HP drop chance and HP drops giving more HP than normal. So long as those values are high enough, it'll be enough to keep you alive assuming you play like a tactical tank and not a brain dead tank. For the future I would like to see more variety in terms of weapons and elements for the colossus. But the play style should be close range for the most part. If they're going to give an option for long range, they may as well have you sacrifice the shield and some HP/Armor values in order to effectively use those long range bombardments. Those long range bombardments should also do more damage and have a higher AOE potential. They should also have the ability to lock onto targets because missing is extremely frustrating; the enemies dodge or move just enough out of range to not take damage. The technology is so far into the future and yet long range bombardments don't have lock-on capabilities? I mean c'mon...
@Jussomerando677 5 жыл бұрын
@@botterminator Your FT and Coil combo suggestion is amazing (I've seen the vids) however it becomes moot due to RNG. Played VIP and open with Colossus primarily. FT, Firewall, and Railgun (I assumed I deleted the common one due to noobness) never dropped. So without those all other classes prime and detonate faster and or more reliable. I agree about warcry and I unlocked the Colossus equip that vastly increase health and shield strength. But using warcry (w/o squad being aware that u did so) causes enemies with guns to shoot at you now obviously including scar snipers, LMG, and enemy Javelins. We can drop shields effectively with AC and Grenade launcher while under fire but we'll be scrambling around looking for health afterwards doing lil to nothing and this is where a health regen or even insane damage mitigation (tied only to fact we're playing aggressively fast and loose) kicks in due to low health now encouraging aggressive CC play. Or they can make more ordnance launchers, make more of them primers and allow all to be used with shield out. A lot more tactical play opens up. Finally Bioware not us gamers deemed this the Tank or tank-like class not us gamers. Sure this class can bite off more than we can chew but never should it feel it's too dependant on health and shields.
@GOGOPants 5 жыл бұрын
You should have WAY more Subscribers bkuz your content is very informative! While I have 1 other channel I rely on, I subscribed to you bkuz you added to my knowledge! Almost like going to a work seminar to up your work game! Good stuff!
@jasonlund7454 5 жыл бұрын
Looks like you did a screenshot of mine except I taunt, awesome build, things get real and you use your super for a quick heal and flamethrower the rest.
@neon_nights6718 5 жыл бұрын
Lot of critique I'm gunna drop because you glossed over some important things and such. Melee: Aerial Melee does 50% more damage than ground melee (for all Javelin's); this matters more on Colossus than the other Javelin's not only because his is the hardest hitting + AoE, but also because he is the only one that can perform a short hop melee by immediately hitting melee after a jump when you start to see your feet lift off, and it snaps you right back to the ground. Easy free extra damage for a quick additional input. Flak Cannon: You handled this ability incredibly poorly from what I saw and wasn't maximizing it's use. You were firing it WAAAY too far away from target's missing many of the pellets and ending up with dinky damage, when instead you should be up close with it barrel shoving it into the enemy's weak point and hitting it with all the pellets. It does completely shred enemies but you weren't using it correctly to do so. Railgun and Siege Artillery: Greatly misinforming people on this one, Siege Artillery does not hit as hard as you say it does, not saying it's bad at dealing AoE damage, but when dealing with single target damage Railgun is straight up superior. Does like 4-5 times the damage of Siege, Ignore's armor, can accurately hit enemy weak point which is even more easy damage and the cooldown difference also means it's dealing better DPS than Siege (you'll have fired Railgun twice before you can fire Siege Artillerytwice). Fire Mortar/Flamethrower: Mention that fire damage deals bonus damage to armored enemies, Colossus is very effective at dealing with armored enemies. Shield Usage: You missed some REALLY important mechanical information about how the Shield functions and why it actually has a lot of useful benefits compared to having an always on Shield like the other Javelins. -Hit's on the Shield gives faster Ultimate recharge: @Joseph Nyugen mentioned this bit below already, but I wanna give credit if others see this. -Shield has like a 1 second recharge delay when put away, which is not only incredibly faster than everyone else but taking damage DOES NOT stop it's recharge from starting up and recovering when put away. Abuse the crap out of this, if damage is not coming in or that heavy, then put your shield away to let it recover, you end up with more effective health over time. The shield will also never start recharging while you have it out. -DO NOT let your shield break; Unless the next hit you're take is going to be fatal and you need to block it, put your shield away before it can be broken. When the shield breaks it has a much, much longer recovery delay before it can start recharging leaving you more vulnerable. You also get hit with a breaking animation that locks you down for like 2-3 seconds and can get you killed. -Shield blocks status effects: No one seems to ever notice this, but if you block say constant ice attacks, notice that you will never be frozen, same for all the other element effects. It also blocks things like the Tyrant Mine's spider boss web spray that locks you in place and causes dangerous overheat, block with shield and you just ignore it. Also if you're taking damage from the burning status effect then pull the shield up, and the shield will take the burn damage instead of your health bar. Not trying to be mean, but you do have the video titled with "everything you need to know", but you skipped a lot of info.
@terrellflemister2873 5 жыл бұрын
I respect this guy 👍👌
@cattusstroffic1243 5 жыл бұрын
You done learned him today. Thanks for the info sharing
@neon_nights6718 5 жыл бұрын
Like I said, I'm not trying to be mean, it's just Colossus is probably the most mechanically complex class since you need to understand how his shield works, how to effectively move around on it, and not to bite off more than you can chew just because he's tanky with a shield. I spent like 30 total hours playing Colossus through both demo weekends cause it just resonated with me the most.
@capnpunkin233 5 жыл бұрын
Air Melee Note: The Colossus Air melee also does more damage the higher you are when you throw the melee. This is why being able to stun foes with the Shock Coil is actually a solid melee combo, Stuns and primes enemies, Double jump, full impact on locked down enemies. It's like a mobile thumper turret crossed with a jumbo Bug Zapper.
@neon_nights6718 5 жыл бұрын
@@capnpunkin233 I'll have to check that, I don't remember getting any higher than 1,045 jumps even from the top of the freeplay skybox.
@hackhunter.1015 5 жыл бұрын
It would help if say, the colossus could use his shield with machine pistols and heavy pistols without having to put it down all the way, and use more of his abilities with his shield up(or maybe like a halfway) and give him a regular one bar shield, but all shield upgrades go to his riot shield. IF ANYONE CAN SEE THIS In this bottomless pit of comments, please consider. And if anyone agrees, and can get this out there, please do.
@randomguy51090 5 жыл бұрын
All shoulder abilities and his support should be useable behind the shield
@Rylus571 5 жыл бұрын
So the cluster mortar should work like Stark's Jericho Missiles. One thing they should definitely add is a giant thunder hammer.
@markpengell23 5 жыл бұрын
It’s nice to see a streamer with some facts, balance and most of all a lack of the whining you get everywhere. Keep it up and thanks for the info.
@Channel5Gaming 5 жыл бұрын
@CaptCrunchx7x 5 жыл бұрын
Learning when to pull out his shield and tank hits is what makes someone good with him, I died maybe twice? And 1 of those was picking up a teammate.
@windwalker3081 5 жыл бұрын
I’d thought I was gonna be a Storm ⛈ Main because I love the warlock feel but... the Colossus is definitely my main. I freaking love this Javelin
@Channel5Gaming 5 жыл бұрын
I love him too. I hope they give him a regular shield for launch though. Would love to do some more range builds without getting mauled.
@kalemroseland7973 5 жыл бұрын
Same exact here hes amazing
@capnpunkin233 5 жыл бұрын
[Rushdown Combo] During the Demo, I actually fell in love with a Shock Coil + Flak Cannon combo. Both abilities recharge very quickly, and the Riot shield cancels into the flak cannon. My strategy revolved around using the shield charge to close distance railroading over all small enemies I could find, breaking their ranks down and then meleeing their backline, then firing the cannon for quick damage on the last downed enemy before laying into the crowd with the Shock Coil, which stuns everything nearby you while priming them as well as burning down shields, after which I double jumped and dropped my full air melee (hulk smash) into the stunned group detonating all the primed unshielded targets. This long combo usually left few survivors and lots of health packs.
@eituyn 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks for taking the time to make this vid. I played the open demo and probably logged 15 hrs+ on the Colossus. Very exited for the full version. I feel like this video was an affermation of my own thoughts. Certain abilities where head scratchingly bad. But often times I found myself saying to myself, "I must not understand what this is for, how could they put this ability in?". Then I watched this and it confirmed my thoughts. I don't feel like such a moron. Thanks, man!
@Channel5Gaming 5 жыл бұрын
@marcoscherillo8782 5 жыл бұрын
they should let the colossus use his abilities with his shield up
@andrewnixon5657 5 жыл бұрын
@Channel5 Gaming the reason you would use the acid spitter over the flamethrower is because of the ash titans being basically immune to fire. Loved the video by the way.
@notlucki3 5 жыл бұрын
Colossus should be the only javelin to regen health
@FoxyRaven-TV 5 жыл бұрын
Totally agree. But if that is too OP then make abilitys that can heal him, like drones og just a deploy nano tech to repair the health.
@demonintellect9834 5 жыл бұрын
@@FoxyRaven-TV If they made his taunt ability heal then I think it would become good.
@HerPerfect 5 жыл бұрын
There's a Masterwork that regens a large portion of his health on kills as well as a Masterwork that restores his shield on dealing rocket damage.
@nuttyslayer420 5 жыл бұрын
ikr they fucked him up by making him a glass canon no shield or regen so their "frontline" titan MUST sit on the back of the group standing behind a rock or sum shit
@notlucki3 5 жыл бұрын
Patrick Meredith I have recently seen that perk. It would be nice to regain at least 50% self heal while other javelins are at 25%
@Raphaelx88 5 жыл бұрын
Ive watched your ranger video as well. after watching your colossus video, I think I will go with the ranger and somtimes play with the colossus. every game I play, I am more of run and gun type of player while trying to use tactics. I am sure the interceptor and storm are just as good or better but I like close range, getting in your face gameplay haha. anyways your videos are top notch. the visuals are great and info is spot on. not like any other videos on youtube, always saying the same stuff and boring. good stuff man, good stuff.
@Channel5Gaming 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@thegingergrasshopper3908 5 жыл бұрын
While flying you can also knock enemies that are hovering in the air. just run into them while flying with the shield out and they fall straight to the ground. Also while in the air the ground pound will do more damage.
@nickbyrd8487 5 жыл бұрын
You should be able to use all weapons while blocking including the right hand ones. I hope they change it would be way cooler.
@TheSholaska18 5 жыл бұрын
This video helped me so much on leveling up my collosus. Also helped me better understand alot of things I was having issues with. Thank you so much for this video.
@crabbypatty10fefrefe 5 жыл бұрын
Thank goodness they have already stated that they are re-tuning the Colossus.
@parkerreed8565 5 жыл бұрын
Firewall + siege cannon is my main right now. Running tyrant mine is soooo much fun and you can stall enemies at the chokepoints with the firewall and lay waste with the siege cannon. Love the colossus right now. Great vid!
@officer.mchandles7449 5 жыл бұрын
Bruh the ironclad chest gear make me feel like a big ol egg when I look at him from the front💀😂
@jangomango1967 5 жыл бұрын
Blocking damage with the shield gives you Ultimate charge! Also Taunt will debuff enemies and lower their resistances, letting you and your teammates do more damage. So Taunt + Block to get some Ultimate recharge, then fire away!
@jangomango1967 5 жыл бұрын
@Patrick Meredith Yup! You see this happening in the video - pay attention to the ultimate bar at 2:36 and a few other spots like 6:29. I really hope when Anthem releases that the Colossus can block and use any Ordnance Launcher ability at the same time. If the enemy can use a giant shield and Flamethrower at the same time - why can't we?
@TEExJAY24 5 жыл бұрын
I was like he get his ult so fast
@Radierungen 5 жыл бұрын
When colossus first revealed in 2017, it was more like walking tank using heavy arsenals in range. However Bioware set his concept as a front liner who constantly requires health pack to live on just like vampires. Now the problems is that half of his skill set is specialized for ranged attack (note: mortars can't attack close range XD) and yet he still needs to get close to enemy to regen, with a shield that guards only half of his body.
@HerPerfect 5 жыл бұрын
Hoping the buff they've confirmed for the Colossus will be worth it. Only 18% of players want to main Colossus because it feels underpowered. I personally love it and I'm gonna be maining it. Eyeing up that Firewall Mortar+Railgun abilities. Also you didn't mention the extra damage you get from the taunt with it marking enemies.
@Channel5Gaming 5 жыл бұрын
Yeah I honestly hope they give him a regular shield! :D
@zamboni6772 5 жыл бұрын
Brazilian Colossus here ;)
@erichudson3608 5 жыл бұрын
I use the hell out of him. It's challenging and fun at the same damn time.
@Jihlike 5 жыл бұрын
That Battle Cry can effectively be used to entrap a large group of enemies in tandem with your team. I can't wait until tomorrow.
@XxAponexX 5 жыл бұрын
gonna have to disagree with you on the Lightning coil here. On hard, I buldoze my way into a tear(or whatever you call those portals that spawn enemies) pop coil, and whatever isn't dead I melee to combo finish. works great when clearing hordes of enemies and moving on to the next tear. Great video! Thanks for what you do!
@Tourngarn 5 жыл бұрын
Colossus with 2x colossus HP components = never die on normal. Shield to block boss heavy attacks. Flamethrower and lightning coil. Hard mode is where it started to get tough. Felt like he needed in battle HP regen or life steal. A cool effect would be HP regen equal to shield loss. So then you could take damage and attack, then pop taunt and your shield to absorb the damage back in to HP.
@davidwilson1316 5 жыл бұрын
For the demo I did Flame thrower, and lightning coil which was sick. Then when I was doing Tyrant Mine hard I noticed no one liked to prime, and getting too close got me killed. So I went Flame Mortar(Which was insane) and Venom spitter. I could always prime and interceptors and storms were constantly detonating it. Plus I could always detonate with my melee when I got close. It was insane and I did't always have to be in the middle of everything.
@BDDarrin 5 жыл бұрын
idk man. my build during the demo was shock coil and railgun. stunlock big mobs till they are primed and the shoot em with railgun. with the stonghold when the boss retreats, you can just go by the cave when the mobs come out of, shock coil for a sec, melee or let someone else detonate to help them get their super back.
@brianalbert7588 5 жыл бұрын
Colossus is suuuuper playstyle dependent. For example you can chain together abilities to both keep the off your allies while staying alive. I hated the colossus until I found out how to run thru 10 guys with my shield, air melee, the taunt. It seems that taunt interrupt mobs current attacks and by this time you can have them facing you (backs to your allies)
@Voltage256 3 жыл бұрын
I just started using colossus today bc I usually don't use the big tanky bois but now I regret not using it 😂 its probably my fave javelin to use now I was letting a big enemy hit me and was barely losing any health and then only took a few hits to kill it lol but tbh I'm happy you can't use abilities with your shield up bc I feel like it would make the colossus so much more OP than it should be
@lunakai_360 5 жыл бұрын
Fell in love with thicc boi during the open beta. I feel huge and destructive in comparison so all the lil squishy dudes I call teammates. Definitely love the amount of tactical positioning required to survive on this guy. I do wish that the base hp was wayy higher tho. kinda sucks that I gotta get components to get the beefy hp bar I want. ALSO flamethrower is Broken🤣
@Orici_Vintarion 5 жыл бұрын
Masterwork Burst Mortar becomes a Blast Detonator and Masterwork Shock Coil becomes in addition to a Lightning Primer a Cold Primer aswell .. other than that nice video
@dawishes2329 5 жыл бұрын
Colossus components give him 4x more hp than universal components. In demo before lvl 15 you didn't get any and he was really squishy, only you get 2x colossus components he suddenly had 2x hp and as such was healing twice as fast making him much more tanky. You also don't seem to appreciate shield charge knock back as that is his main way to keep enemies busy and off balance at lower difficulties. Even shielded enemies can be knocked back or down by colossus melee which is very useful on higher difficulties if used right.
@basquens 5 жыл бұрын
These serie of vídeos is great! Learned a lot about the game! I only wished i saw it before playing the open demo
@Channel5Gaming 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you! Atleast you saw it before release! ;)
@Tyrianad 5 жыл бұрын
I guess colossus should be able to use 'light guns' with shield out, something like the division 1 D3-FNC set, where you can use smgs with shield out.
@MrPogeybait4883 5 жыл бұрын
The Colossus does have access to ice abilities through the masterwork version of Shock Coil which releases the lightning bolt but then freezes the enemies.
@imorangejuice3592 Жыл бұрын
He should really just have a overshield riot shield and his abilities should heal him to a degree if used well Also it would have been so cool if when flying his initial take off was slower because he needs to almost transform into a more aerodynamic shape. and his ult if he transformed the top half of his body into that canon almost turning the entire suit into a weapon it would have been so amazing
@Borengar629 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the guides on the different Javelins. Really enjoy your videos. I wonder if you'd be willing to make a video about team composition and complementing builds. My buddies and I are a group of 4 and just started the game. And to be honest we struggle quite a lot at the moment. Mostly with setting up combos correctly. For example the flamethrower of the Colossus making it impossible for our Interceptor to set up his ice aura and so on and so forth. Couldn't find a complete team guide so far and a little help would really be appreciated-. Thanks :)
@kitcyat 5 жыл бұрын
the masterwork siege artillery (best defense) heals 35% of your hp so you wont really have to rely on hp orbs to tank
@johnnynickles6955 5 жыл бұрын
great overview dude. definitely will watch more like this one
@mudrucker3656 5 жыл бұрын
Burst mortar is my favorite it works very well when used correctly such as in more close combat
@nick2045 5 жыл бұрын
I think the taunt ability should have a modifier “colossus’ shield takes no damage from taunted enemies” that would be an incredibly easy fix for the ability and cement his role as a tank.
@MalkyTalky 5 жыл бұрын
What are you talking about. The shock coil with freeze paired with the self healing mortar is far more effective than the flame and lightning coil. I can sit on top of bosses priming / freezing and then combo / heal myself. I can literally sit next to titans, spider tanks, etc without moving until they are dead. This completely eliminates having to pick up health packs ever especially if you have quick charge perks. This is a self healing combo monster.
@Channel5Gaming 5 жыл бұрын
This was VIP Demo as mentioned in the first 0 seconds of the video. We had no Masterworks in this, thus shockcoil had no freeze effect.
@FoxyRaven-TV 5 жыл бұрын
One thing i dont get is why didnt they make an ability that works only when you have the shield up? They could make a ton of abilitys like, ability, when shield up you will surround you're self with a power shield for 10sec, meaning you cannot take damange while it is up and not only that but then the taunt ability will also be meaningfull. And another one. Ability, when holding the shield you will add a mass to you're shield that will recoil shots that hit the shield go back to targets where you aim, dealing ''number'' damage to enemies you aim at. And once again taunt will be a thing to go with. And i can even think of a third one here. Ability, when you hold you're shield send up 2 drones: drone 1 repair drone to repaire you're Javelin's health 5% each second for 10sec. Second drone, mounted with a small grenade launcher dealing ''number'' of damage in a small radius ''shoots up to 1shot each second'' so a max of 10 shots. This means the collosus can be made into a long range javelin as you can repair while in cover if you're shield and still do some damage. You could even make an ability that lets you hook enemies while the shield is up to hook them into melee range, Also if the collosus lack of range in order to survive why not make abilitys so they can put down turrets and send up drones while you can stay behind the shield and tount enemies, then you tank as you force enemies to focus on you and not you're allies and then stay behind the shield while putting down turrets and trow up drones to assist you while you take on the massive heat by bullets raining down on you. I mean it wont even be hard to balance as there is no pvp in the game. Also the supposed melee Javelin should have mines that he could trow down in front of him dealing damage while he lash out with the melee weapons. Maybe even and aoe heal that heals for 50% shield and health in an area around him. I mean if the heal or any other gadgets is too powerfull you dont even have to nerf the damage but just make the cooldown on them be a bit longer. So people can choose like lower damage abilitys but can be used more often and high damage ability's but with a way longer cooldown. As long as there is no pvp and only'' pve in the game the sky is not even the limits. Its a singleplay/coop game meaning we help each other, we do not fight each other so just go nuts on the abilitys and gadgets rly 😁
@MiguelAngel-dz4ix 5 жыл бұрын
Remember we've only seen part of the game, I think that the full game might include a lot of features and hopefully they will fix some of the flaws that the colossus has
@FoxyRaven-TV 5 жыл бұрын
@@MiguelAngel-dz4ix Yeah i think you are totally right 😊
@capnpunkin233 5 жыл бұрын
I would propose the following buffs to the Taunt ability: Option A) +100% Damage Absorption during the taunt Option B) +20% Health Steal bonus during Taunt. (Aka Berserker mode)
@desertdwellaz 5 жыл бұрын
you can use lightning coil with shield equipped
@genaschtes 5 жыл бұрын
i would argue, that in a group with voice and pre comp, you dont need flame/lightning because you can have a storm prime everything and you just double combo. edit: and WOW you just said it in the video :(
@evelynkatz7692 5 жыл бұрын
If you haven't played BioWare's other games (mass effect, dragon age) I highly recommend you go play the games. Hours and I mean HOURS of fun.
@RayUp 4 жыл бұрын
Awesome job bro...👍+1...keep up the good work...#strongertogether💯
@toddstidham8374 5 жыл бұрын
FYI, Taunt also causes the enemies to take 33% more damage.
@Serialfoxity 5 жыл бұрын
The strange things with the Coils for me was that Lightning Coil seemed to not work for me but Shock Coil devastated shields for me... I wish I have could compared damage to shields in the demo. I do agree that you should be able to hold up shield for more shoulder skills though.
@tommymurray9067 5 жыл бұрын
A really hope that there is some abilities in the full game that we have not seen yet.
@dustinbiester4401 5 жыл бұрын
This loadout system is starting to resemble that of DC Universe Online's in that the game has all of these skills/powers to choose from but only one or two loadouts are actually viable.
@Tonytaru 5 жыл бұрын
I very rarely die on my colossus. I have to be really careless to die.
@Channel5Gaming 5 жыл бұрын
That lightning coil / flamethrower build I beat Tyrant mines on hard mode. It's very strong. But run any other build and it gets tough real fast.
@FoxyRaven-TV 5 жыл бұрын
@@Channel5Gaming well i played 10 hard strongholds today and i sow many collosus die to the spider boss. My storm did not even die a single time, because i was in the air like 95% of the time and moved from side to side while shooting, the only 5% time i was on ground was to get ammo rly. I have been playing 14 hours in the open demo ''beta'' and managed to die with my ranger 100s of times but not even a single death on my storm 👍 My in game name is ''Holy_Fox_Hole'' and yes it means what you think it means 😂👍
@FoxyRaven-TV 5 жыл бұрын
@@Channel5Gaming Ohh and take a look at the gun called ''sledgehammer'' many people say its a bad gun, but the range is the same as one of the snipers range and the damage contra bullets spend is insain. Also has 50 bullets in the mag. Slow firerate but its precise! 👍 Ohh and go for items with ammo reserve. 👍
@armyman9330 5 жыл бұрын
Colossus should have armor. The problem of him dying is like 90 sheets of paper. Just give him buffs to his abilities and damage reduction, it will make him a real tank.
@xXxFLY8Y3xXx 5 жыл бұрын
Your just not playing home right. He has 3 times the health of other javelins if you count his shield down to low but not broken, his health pool while charging his shield and then his shield again. If you are dying after all that then I would pick a different javelin.
@xXxFLY8Y3xXx 5 жыл бұрын
@Jack Jones I totally agree with you. People just played him a little bit and then just changed to another javelin, as they are more jump in and spam. Also this person says that colossus electric shock in aoe is useless (not the coil ability). I bet that this person doesnt know that the legendary version of this ability has a 100% freeze affect to any mobs without shields. So you just jump in and melee and then freeze everything around you and combo with any other detonator ability and boom everything is dead.
@stuartbagley2586 5 жыл бұрын
Definitely the highest learning curve. You really have to change your gameplay style compared to the Storm and Ranger. Interceptor is another odd duck but still plays similar to the Ranger and Storm.
@XxAponexX 5 жыл бұрын
Exactly! something to make him more durable. being able to hold your shield up with smaller weapons, or with any of his abilities or something like that. Also, make his taunt give him a regen effect or super armor on his shield so that he CAN take all that hard mode and further fire.
@jaceb5990 5 жыл бұрын
He is the shining definition of a tank. He takes time to build up and get good with, but once you figure out the basics he is a walking talking wall that will basically never die. Just last night my group took on one of those titans from the event going on and at lv 10 I was able to tank some of his attacks that were one shotting the other members who were lv 18+.
@davidtisserant2229 5 жыл бұрын
i agree with all you say (40h+ colossus gaming here)
@MrJoshcc600 5 жыл бұрын
Strap on the rocket that heals you and it's a game changer
@westyw.4235 5 жыл бұрын
I never used Battle Cry b/c it doesn't buff you in any way. There should be a beserker/dmg reduction or regen health buff for sure. Thanks for these posts, very informative!
@NCXDesigns 5 жыл бұрын
Reticule vs Reticle but all kidding aside, Colosus is my favorite Javelin and found that all of the ideas/strats in this video I already do once I became comfortable with it. I am one with my Colosus.
@massimoregaiolo3267 5 жыл бұрын
U forget shok coil prime and after u can detonate with your punch, so if u go inside a bunch of enemy it could be good
@robingoodfellow8963 5 жыл бұрын
Question for those with more expertise on Colossus: I've been maining Interceptor on normal difficulty, and finding it far too easy, so I decided to bump it up to hard last night. What I was finding is that I'm having issues with latency that prevent me from taking full advantage of the Interceptor's mobility and speed to stay alive (I died about 10 times all up in my hard stronghold run last night). I just unlocked the Colossus as my third javelin and I'm wondering if it would be a better main for someone suffering from latency issues (assuming they are not fixed in the Day 1 patch)? Does the Colossus need precise timing and lots of movement to make up for its mechanical slowness, or can it get away with a bit of lag (hope that makes sense)?
@RoninAkuma 5 жыл бұрын
How To Shock Coil (this shitty coil): Shield charge in knocking everything on it's ass. Hold Shock for about 2-3s to kill closest trash and prime the rest. Jump-Melee detonate everyone you just primed. Pair with Railgun as your sniper high dmg hitter to wreck heavy armored enemies. If it toggled up like Lightning Coil, it would be amazing, as is... it's not the worst in the game, just because of Colossus melee AOE detonating, and pretty much the only way to use Railgun
@odineye7546 5 жыл бұрын
Hey man, I've really liked this whole series it's been super helpful for trying to plan out builds and team synergies. I'd really like a video of your constructive criticism about the game as I feel there's a lot of areas for improvement especially when it comes to abilities.
@Fyriaan 5 жыл бұрын
I really enjoyed the flamethrower + lightning coil combo during both demo's, but after playing 30 hours with colossus I haven't found the firewall mortar. Like what?
@cbct8602 5 жыл бұрын
He also only has the 1 combo, just like you said. He NEEDS help. Devs please tune Thic Boi
@bradevans449 5 жыл бұрын
I actually found the Colossus much more survivable than the Ranger, but like you said it was important to stay agressive and constantly pick up the health packs. It's no good at all to stay back and snipe. I found the shield best to use while approaching targets or getting to cover. Just pulling out the shield and absorbing damage is a quick death. For the same reasons you stated, I also found Battle Cry mostly useless. The Colossus is not the stereotypical "hold aggro and soak damage" tank. I'm very afraid the Flamerthrower + Lightning Coil combo will be one of the first things to get nerfed. It's just so much better than any other build for this javelin and combos so easilty that I just don't think they'll let it stay as is. Please, lord, let me be wrong. I can't decide between the Colossus and the Ranger as my favorite but they're both fun and will be the first two I pick in the full game for sure.
@Channel5Gaming 5 жыл бұрын
Oddly enough. If you play the Ranger as if it were a colossus. Prime with melee, combo detonate with your other 2 abilities. Use bulwark point for defensive situations like charging your sheila back up. He's actually tankier and does more damage than the Colossus, sad to say. But the Devs did post they understand the colossus is under-powered and should receive some buffs for launch.
@bradevans449 5 жыл бұрын
@@Channel5Gaming It's quite possible I was just bad with the Ranger but I definitely felt like the Colossus could get me out of situations the Ranger died in and I was soloing encounters much easier in the Colossus. Note that this was after I had two Colossus-specific components that add much more health and armor than the other javelins' unique components. I feel like a lot of people grabbed the Colossus and charged in thinking they were going to soak up all the damage. When they died they quickly wrote it off as too weak. I'm not exactly sure what Bioware envisions the Col's role to be. They call him a tank and give him a taunt but I think this is misleading in a way. None of the javelins hold up very well under much fire and the game isn't designed to accomodate a traditional tank. I believe BW also said they didn't want to adhere to the traditional Holy Trinity of class roles. I think "heavy artillery" or "close-range brawler" would be better descriptors. I found the Ranger's Bulwark Point to be almost useless because it dropped so fast, the Colossus's Shield Pulse (-33% damage taken for the whole team) was a much better defense, IMO. This could all be premature, though, since we don't know what the final game looks like or how endgame gear will change what the javelin's are capable of. Fun conversation though. :)
@Radierungen 5 жыл бұрын
Colossus traded two (evasion and energy shield) for one (riot shield) and it is simply undesirable. His shield should be simply invincible for set duration of time so he can actually act as a tanker. This shield is already less powerful than others due to incapacity to use ability yet guarding only 180 degree front. And that shield point should simply be replaced to armor point (like overwatch) so it can at least neglect some attacks from the trash mobs.
@davidgonzales1812 5 жыл бұрын
Subscribed. He needs a huge rework but interested in seeing where they go with it.
@Channel5Gaming 5 жыл бұрын
@JPelus 5 жыл бұрын
I may be incorrect here, fully respect that; but it looked like every time you showed a Titan "flame wall fail" you were directly hitting an enemy. That may be on purpose. If you hit environment, flame wall. If you hit enemy, fire ball. Just an observation, apologies if y'all seent something else.
@ljc2992 5 жыл бұрын
Excellent and informative video!
@onecrzyrcn 5 жыл бұрын
If the shock coil gave you a speed bonus did more damage had a larger AOE effect and you didnt have to hold it down it could be good but for now its bad
@ancorey25 5 жыл бұрын
excellent guide. Well done.
@davidsalas9755 5 жыл бұрын
Accually the burst mortar is powerful at medium rage when upgraded I used it a lot
@ItsLonnie_ 5 жыл бұрын
Colossus is very different but I’m way more Tanky and i rarely ever die my health gets low but I get it back quick while running through adds. I farm hard mode tyrant like a normal mission and I don’t use that op coil flamethrower build. I use 1 heavy Assault component and one colossus structured armor component, and for abilities I use fire wall+ rail gun, it’s so good cause of great cool downs single target dmg and combos. You jump around in desirable directions with the shield up to avoid/prevent damage. You have to learn to position yourself and to kite without having a dodge button. It’s all situational awareness.
@ItsLonnie_ 5 жыл бұрын
For weapons I use devastator sniper rifle and Mauler auto cannon
@nikroth 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the video !!
@Channel5Gaming 5 жыл бұрын
@LoboIsJesus 5 жыл бұрын
I think ps4 players deserve a demo Weekend on 15th because all ps4 players have to wait till 22th for full access to the game
@desertdwellaz 5 жыл бұрын
I really hope they plan on adding every elemental effect for every javelin, that should of been a "available at launch" item added to the game. they are really lacking a decent amount of abilities, they still need to add EARTH elemental abilities as well!! 100%
@desertdwellaz 5 жыл бұрын
wind abilities as well🤔😎
@OmFgxOmg 5 жыл бұрын
Weed abilities 1000%
@sniitchBruh 5 жыл бұрын
Master Work Shock Coil - Freezes on Hit. FREEZE ON HIT. 10 Charges. So good.
@PixxxelWizard 5 жыл бұрын
If you fly into an airborne enemy with your shield up you bash them out of the sky to send them crashing to the earth. Shield bashing staggers almost all enemies so that they cannot attack.
@shaunandshawn2191 5 жыл бұрын
This class does need a buff I was thinking of using this as my main but jump ship to interceptor but will use this class as secondary.
@azoic 5 жыл бұрын
Love this video lots of knowledge and presented nicely! +1 sub
@vankilsing 5 жыл бұрын
they should let the pistols be used with the shield up, and then they would have effects that buff the shield
@Channel5Gaming 5 жыл бұрын
Colossus cannot use 1 handed weaponry.
@realityfallacy5942 5 жыл бұрын
I find it strange that you said the taunt ability didn't make you feel like a tank but you were playing on hard not even close to the hardest difficulty so of course it was lack luster also Collosus will probably be a must for any grandmaster team as taunt plus a colossus with tanks shield inscriptions will be saving the team from countless wipes
@DGneoseeker1 Жыл бұрын
I have a potentially dumb question. I'm playing as a Collosus and doing early story missions. Most enemies seem to be utterly incapable of making my health bar even move noticeably. I am apparently taking damage (since I can pick up repair kits) but it's invisible amounts of it. Is this normal? Is this some kind of insulting tutorial mode I'm still in? A cave full of legendary enemies was able to put up a fight at least.
@CrazennCajunn 5 жыл бұрын
you forgot to mention that colossus melee can ground and stun flying targets.
@arjun._.bbC6 5 жыл бұрын
You enjoyed roasting his abilities more than him itself.
@michaelwalters3540 5 жыл бұрын
thanks for the video
@sib0rg 5 жыл бұрын
I thought I saw a video where the burst mortar detonated? I'll try and find the link
@food223 5 жыл бұрын
i decided to try the shock coil cause i got it confused with the lightning coil and i was wondering why it was so popular because it seemed like i know what i did wrong
@nathanarmitage1751 3 жыл бұрын
My colossus build is so op, I can easily do strongholds solo in the hardest difficulty ( Grandmaster 3 )
@Ty-mu2on 5 жыл бұрын
I think he's totally fine and I love him but if he gets a buff it's no skin off my shoes.
@1spell539 5 жыл бұрын
They did say on launch they will be increasing the health
@Channel5Gaming 5 жыл бұрын
Not sure if that's exactly what they said. I saw a tweet of someone saying he's underpowered and they replied "we know". So we're not really sure what the change will be. I don't think more health solves the problem either.
@basquens 5 жыл бұрын
On the demo I was playing with storm, but now I just love the colossus. Do you think about doing an updated video?
@reidleonine1160 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks again
@dudemeister908 5 жыл бұрын
You should at least be able to use the heavy assault launcher with the shield out
@wasp66 2 жыл бұрын
22:03 the firerate... the firerate.
@Srcadet 5 жыл бұрын
@trentonh7123 5 жыл бұрын
was there ever anything comparable to a semi auto cannon? say like the 40mm cannon in titan fall?
@southwales1980 4 жыл бұрын
How do u get the grenade launcher because I can't find it in my weapons with the colossal any help plz would be appreciated
@belgiandragracers312 5 жыл бұрын
I love the collosus but i am not gonna play him in the full game because of his mobility the mortars is sick thoo
@Matpermad 5 жыл бұрын
They could change the bad tesla coil for a new ice wall 😍
@demonintellect9834 5 жыл бұрын
The strongest multiple target ult in the game is the devastator. Its got 5 shots and ammo is easy to get and has no cooldown
@Channel5Gaming 5 жыл бұрын
Not sure what you're talking about. There is no ultimate called devastator. You must mean the sniper rifle. Which guns don't use cooldowns, they reload.
@demonintellect9834 5 жыл бұрын
@@Channel5Gaming Its called sarcasm and saying the grenade launcher ult for the colossus blows bad because the devastator which is a sniper is infinitely better.
@Channel5Gaming 5 жыл бұрын
@@demonintellect9834 Sorry man. Sarcasm doesn't really translate well in text, genuinely confused me.
@flashfloodninja 5 жыл бұрын
@@Channel5Gaming don't feel bad, it was shite sarcasm, very low effort. ;)
@demonintellect9834 5 жыл бұрын
@@flashfloodninja Just like your parents skills with raising you.
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