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Frank James

Frank James

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There's a lot of voices in my head and a lot of times it's hard to figure out which one is the real me.

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@romanlee8287 3 жыл бұрын
I know you're a pro KZbinr now so you gotta make a living - but these old videos are the real gold in your channel - we get to experience the INFJ.
@mtz.amanda Жыл бұрын
@reginaphalangi3797 Жыл бұрын
Exactly I feel the same
@fullyfluke Жыл бұрын
I whole heartedly agree😊
@g0neg1rlg0ne 11 ай бұрын
I definitely agree. I miss the old videos so much
@Tomjrf 7 ай бұрын
@sarahcwiek1784 4 жыл бұрын
Your vulnerability on this platform is refreshing - and relatable. Thank you.
@tinamarieziolkowski1727 7 жыл бұрын
As an INFJ. You inspire me. please keep taking one step at a time. Diligence is the way. Not perfection
@tinamarieziolkowski1727 4 жыл бұрын
@Mia Smith you are beautiful!
@StephanieDouglassMusic 6 жыл бұрын
"That voice within you that's really you..." I love it. You do a damn good make-up tutorial, I feel prettier already.
@thegnome73 7 жыл бұрын
INFP here. I like your sarcasm :) and your thoughts. I hope you continue to let them duke it out. And thank you for sharing these struggles and ideas with fellow human beings--this is your authenticity. The world is a better place for it, even if only a few understand.
@AthenaIsabella 2 жыл бұрын
Revisiting these old videos and remembering why I first enjoyed this channel. So happy for you and almost reaching a million! The skits are amazing too!
@ElvenWisdom 6 жыл бұрын
Nothing clears my mind more than being in nature. Wonderful video, showing the world some sincerity which is so important in today's world.
@JonasAnandaKristiansson 6 жыл бұрын
Same for me, nature is the greatest savior for balance and grounding.
@alifeinspired7792 6 жыл бұрын
Infinitely creative, alternative thinkers will NEVER be able to conform to what society thinks. You would not be happy if you tried. Who wants to be like everyone else anyway? Like I said before redefine what success means to you. I live a completely amazing satisfied life because I have embraced my rebel nature. I live off the grid in a tiny house I built myself. I gutted a $200 sailboat and refurbished it to be a $4000 sailboat. I sit in the middle of the lake and look at the stars at night or when I am at home in my tiny house I go outside and fill up the fire warmed tub and listen to the owls and coyotes. I have defined my own happiness. I use to conform and I was miserable. Now I follow my heart and It has paid off a thousand times over. I have really learned to manifest my dreams. I follow Rhonda Byrne's "the power" She says if you give love and an unwavering desire to what you want you will have it. The universe returns what you put out. Gosh I never write this much on people channels. There is just so much I want to say to you. Thank you for bearing your soul.
@FrankJames 6 жыл бұрын
You live in a BOAT?!
@alifeinspired7792 6 жыл бұрын
No. Ha Ha! I live in my tiny house and in the summer I stay on my sailboat a lot. Maybe 2 or 3 nights in a row. My tiny house is in the middle of nowhere so I have an outdoor tub and use that at night. I'm sorry I didn't make it very clear. I think I am going to do videos soon about my life and adventures because I live very different than most people.
@FrankJames 6 жыл бұрын
YES please make some videos! I find that fascinating. I'm so caught in the middle. Like on the one hand I'd love to move to middle of nowhere Montana in a cabin, but on the other hand I love the city too and would like to live in Manhattan. So I guess I'll have to do both at some point and figure it all out.
@alifeinspired7792 6 жыл бұрын
There was a time I lived in New Jersey and worked in Manhattan. I really hated it actually. I probably would have like it better if I lived in Manhattan but it would have cost a fortune and I couldn't do it. I am content with visiting the city when I need to. The only problem is that winters in upstate NY are rough, like really rough. I might end up traveling around the country to do art shows and get out of here in the winter. I will admit though that you have never seen peace like this. It is so quiet in the winter. It's like what Henry David Thoreau wrote about on Walden Pond. My life is so very simple. Also being as empathic as I am it is a respite from it all.
@alifeinspired7792 6 жыл бұрын
Okay so I have some videos up on my channel. Check them out if you want. I have a ways to go before I get better at it. I feel like we are emailing on your channel. lol!
@aphra9625 7 жыл бұрын
Please do keep posting videos because they are intellectually refreshing. You talk about things I really crave talking to someone about - I just don't have that kind of person in my life right now. Plus what you said about external influence having power over us so much that we don't know what we truly want anymore rings true with me concurrently. Because of this I have resorted to watching videos on "Finding your true purpose" etc and what those videos have in common is that they tell you to ask yourself what you would do in life if you didnt have to worry about money/people's opinions etc - which has been quite helpful.
@enzomthethwa5861 3 жыл бұрын
It's amazing to see how much starting a KZbin vlog has really helped you blossom! Happy for you FJ!
@jessoconnor7232 6 жыл бұрын
I am so happy to have stumbled upon your channel and to take this adventure with you so to speak! Your videos are a great representation of the complexity of an infj's inner world and battles. Keep it up :D
@FrankJames 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks, Jess!
@lynxvex 3 жыл бұрын
INTJ here. Great vids. Currently triangulating your location based on the landmarks shown in you video. Keep up the good work!
@_DeadlyNightshade_ 4 жыл бұрын
I did a masters degree partly to escape my hometown and live in another country. My mother is loud outside & inside my mind, she has narcissistic traits, now I'm realising this at 33. I've been fighting for my quiet space inside my room after back living with them because she wanted me to come back home. From 32 to 33 is the year that I've had the most peace because I fought for my quiet time. 32 years of barging in my room, tantrums, orders to do things NOW, always nagging me "you haven't finished this yet?", "still doing this?" Mind you I've had anxiety my entire life and she was always "why can't you be normal like other girls" and as a child used to take me to therapists and insist to them that there was something wrong with me because I didn't have friends, and theyd tell her that I'm normal but shy & it's okay, but she would take me to another therapist... Even with my MA thesis she was nagging me to finish it back in 2011😳 She has chilled so much since because she's gotten used to "being disappointed in me" and I've told her about the INFJ personality and she said "good! What's the treatment for this illness?"...😳 I explained that it's a personality description not mental illness.. She's more patient with me this past year and these days. I would leave the room whenever an argument heats up or scream back & defend myself, I don't feel or behave like a victim anymore, I've regained my power back when I decided to put my foot down almost 2 years ago. Those with narcissistic parents should keep fighting back because narcs will step on you if you show weakness. I hope we all get the happy life we all deserve eventually. INFJ Here, peace playas!
@scrillion6 6 жыл бұрын
Hahahahahahahaha "The first time I've ever been out of the house!"
@solarisan_ 2 жыл бұрын
Let’s take it this way (and I really hope this helps): take it as the first step of Ni which is - everything is possible. Supported by Ti, it will narrow down to what is probable and true to you and your happiness. It does peel off the layers of questioning to find the authentic self and stay true to it. It is actually great that the process starts with questions and not answers. And to tell you the truth, most people are insecure. Some are just better at appearing self-assured and comfortable wearing that as a cape to protect the inner struggle. But why do that? It is not like we don’t get hurt, cry, laugh, yell,… It is human nature. It is ok to go through it and be open about the process. Thank you for taking the first step of living your life authentically and being openly vulnerable. 🙏🏻
@gypsybutterfly643 2 жыл бұрын
I had seen the follow up vid the other day on IG. I'm glad this one popped up now. As much as I enjoy the humorous vids (they give me a boost & it's how I discovered you), these ones, so full of wisdom & insight, really resonate. I find them fascinating. A big part of that is because it's like I'm listening to & watching myself. What you say are things I've thought, felt, been through. I had given up hope that I'd cross paths with someone who would truly get me. Then, there you are. I do believe it's when we stop actively seeking that the thing we need enters our life. I fought long & hard to have my free spirit truly soar. I'm still learning about & better understanding myself. Your vids are helping with that. Our past can shape us, to a certain extent, but it doesn't define us. Each day is a new one to reinvent ourselves. Continuing to grow, change, evolve. You need to connect with your inner compass. It will point you in the direction you should go in. Probably different from what the crowd would like you to follow. It's only when you make your own path that you'll have genuine joy & peace.
@ClintCurtis 6 жыл бұрын
Man, we must have almost identical personalities. thanks for posting and reminding me that I'm not the only crazy INFJ :P (The struggle is real).
@nivedithaprabushankar5496 3 жыл бұрын
I know I'm watching this video very late. But, just, Thank you for making this video.
@StephanieJeanne 3 жыл бұрын
I like that one. You mentioned all the things I've felt my whole life until recently. I think you've proven (mainly to yourself) that you didn't have to listen to the outside voices about who you are supposed to be. It took a pandemic for me to stop trying to be what was expected. Anyway, what a cool place to go and think! 🙂
@TheKagenator 7 жыл бұрын
Still waiting on the edge of my seat for those elusive makeup tutorials!!
@ayp5177 3 жыл бұрын
1:46 I used to be very strong with my opinion (because I believe in my values) but recently, the external influence is so strong I literally almost instantly believe. (Also wow, thank you for this safe place)
@sheacourtney29 3 жыл бұрын
Frank! I’m glad to have found your channel and videos voicing introverted thoughts. “Many minds” so accurately describes the duke out that occurs frequently in my mind. What you mention here about others’ opinions causing doubt, or causing us to mold has been a huge theme for me to hash out. I’ve been referring to myself as part of the unicorn population. I truly can’t understand why so many people are or want to be singularly minded. < I find that to be boring. Abstract is so much more interesting and engaging and it feels more significant, more impactful to have ‘many minds’ so that we do blaze our own trails. Thanks for putting words to my thoughts!
@pennycurry2791 Жыл бұрын
I love this sweetness and realness of an introvert. My son is a beautiful introvert. Sometimes we have trouble with communication, but I love who he is! I'm learning :-) thank you!❤
@gammaendelta8651 4 жыл бұрын
"Am I a true authentic person or am I just the sum of my influences? Are my decisions mine or are they just the sum of the everyone in my mind? Am I just a passive reactor making my life's decisions based on the things that have happened to me." Geeeez these were my thoughts the other day........ . This is my favourite video of yours! Really helps me whenever I feel lost... Thank You for this 🙂
@GeekZone210 Жыл бұрын
@xero6396 4 жыл бұрын
This is my favourite video so far. I thought 16 Personalities as Moms was my favourite because it was so funny in its accuracy, but no, this is now. It's such a beautiful place and it's so well shot and the music is so lovely. Just everything. It inspires me.
@Alexandra-sd4yy 3 жыл бұрын
same, I love the music but I can't find it anywhere :'(
@mollusckscramp4124 3 жыл бұрын
You have the sweetest laugh
@esraahmed3622 4 жыл бұрын
every horror movie i have watched dictates that in any moment a masked crazy person with a saw will emerge from between the trees , its a beautiful but scary place, be careful next time!
@shalini6863 3 жыл бұрын
This video spoke to my heart!! 😭 The description itself seems to be a description of my own life. I've been having a similar dilemma for a while now and it was really difficult doing anything with that tiny inkling of doubt always present in my mind but I started focusing on other things, revisited some old hobbies and they helped me get back to myself and go back to my earlier productive self. I still don't have a definite answer to my question but I believe when the time comes, I'll find it within me. My instinct has never lied. Also, I absolutely love the music in this one and the scene too and I miss going out on long solitary walks in the midst of trees! You reminded me of another important part of my pre-pandemic life. Thanks for sharing these thoughts with us! You are amazing and precious!! 🤎
@ruthjeffery2539 6 жыл бұрын
I've dealt with the driven, one track minds, they can be soul killing. I've also unquestioningly chased the dollar in jobs I hated until it almost used me up. Sometimes the end of the chase brings you to the thing that feeds your soul, sometimes we have to be forced to step outside the notions we've been pushing on ourselves to find our authenticity.
@kardrey100 4 жыл бұрын
I like doing my make-up while listening to you Frank James! I spend time in nature when I really want to hear that authentic voice. Nature usually makes it speak louder imo. you look handsome btw.
@MyFaith2012 3 жыл бұрын
I'm of many minds too..can completely relate, appreciate you sharing. I understand you, yes your authentically and uniquely special as you are. 😊
@libraryofthelabyrinth 7 жыл бұрын
Everybody has some sort of outside influence that pushes or pulls them in a certain direction. I'm jealous of people who are so sure of what they want. It's too hard to know what the best thing to do is. Even if you could for a fact pinpoint what thing that would make you happiest in life, the world might make it so that its impossible to achieve. So then you have to do something else. That sounds so pessimistic but it's true. Nobody really has true freedom. I sound stupid trying to participate in this conversation. I don't even know what I'm saying. Anyways, I really like your channel dude! It's so authentic.
@miususu2040 5 ай бұрын
You know frank whenever i feel lonely i come to youtube and watch your old videos. I feel like i see myself in your older self. If only i could iI would fly across the globe to just give you a hug. When I feel like I am alone, I alone have thoughts like this I watch you and feel a sense of relief. There are people like me. I wish you a very good life.
@joanae8189 3 жыл бұрын
An old video that I wish I would've watch in 2017.👍🏽
@jeffreypmitchell 3 жыл бұрын
Best FJ Video Ever!
@TreDay6793 4 жыл бұрын
Seriously I feel like you could be my twin flame. Any time I'm going through something or thinking about something a video of yours will pop up soon after and will highly resonate with what I'm going through.
@christinaramsey9803 5 жыл бұрын
What I want, what I think I want, and what people tell me I should want can get jumbled in my head and it becomes overwhelming. I found so much clarity and self-fulfillment when I began to differentiate between what I want and what I need. By the way, I’ve been waiting for you to post a makeup tutorial.
@kathleenrivard2881 4 жыл бұрын
The simplest questions are the most difficult.
@LoveAndSnapple 4 жыл бұрын
I like how you mentioned to see who is the “last one standing”. Really the voices that are louder more than any other voice is the one that matters.
@Angel-ks1wp 5 жыл бұрын
I feel like I've known you for a long time.
@VanishedAlien 6 жыл бұрын
Haha the extra irony is that in a metaphorical and abstract sense of the "make up tutorial", it is a video about what makes you you; what are you made up of. Anyway, another great video. I totally understand the #struggle of being of more minds and being unable to not think of the possibilities that I would forgo, had I had a one-track-mind. Or whether what I want is truly mine or just the sum of my experiences.
@MissJ970 6 жыл бұрын
I once almost drove myself crazy trying to be completely original/authentic with one of my creative projects. To my relief a friend made me realize that its impossible to live in a vacuum. Who you are will always be made up of your life experiences. Similarities in thoughts and experiences do not make you any less authentic. I've heard some say we are unique just like everyone else. As dismal and ironic as that statement is...there is some truth to it. INFJs have serious inner conflicts to be authentic, but yet connect to others. Being in a community is not a bad thing...after all we're all here having a discussion to sort out what we all struggle with. I am within a community but I am still me and "there can be only one"...its a beautiful thing.
@MotivatingInspiration 3 жыл бұрын
You're a likeable dude. In some ways your remind me of me. Thoughtful, philosophical. Another vid you did on being Responsible to get some things done to build self confidence/esteem was spot on. For me I put great amount of pressure on myself to be fit. Therefore I HAVE to eat responsibly, and healthy more so than when I was younger if I want to maintain a fit appearance. Im older now but I CAN DO THAT but being a likely INFJ is not always easy thing to do. And, I wont date until I achieve it. Fortunately for me I dont necessarily mind being alone but that can get old. I'd rather be alone and happy than with someone and feel like "I'm" lacking because now I'm wrapped up and so conscious of taking care of someone else too.
@TamTamF4 4 жыл бұрын
2:19 to 3:30 I’m really happy that I found someone struggles like me, thank you Frank
@Koffent 5 жыл бұрын
I know this feeling all too well. I struggle daily between what I want , what other people want, and what I have to do to survive. Sometimes I feel like I've made a mistake and it's too late to fix it. Other times I get frustrated at myself for being too afraid to follow what I really want.
@ArtistIntuiting 3 жыл бұрын
Loved your sponsorship hat yesterday 😄 felt a pull to watch this video again lol, it's definitely not easy picking your own path. I got stuck for a long time looking down the one I felt I was supposed to go down and the one that felt right to me. I think I knew I didn't want to go down the first one so I just froze until it was no longer an option (perhaps the universe stepped in because I was wasting so much time lol)
@ElusvOptmst1 7 жыл бұрын
As an Infj, I know what you are going through. Just letting you know, you are authentic, because you question things in your life. Like the path your walking through, life will take you through smooth trails and rough trails; sometimes its trial and error, but you will find your way. It gets easier when you find out what your true passions are and pursue them. You are young, don't be so hard on yourself, it will happen.
@ratherheady 6 жыл бұрын
they all want you to be about their happiness... no one understands it all like some of us... we'll always be confused at what makes us happy... because what makes us happy is what makes them happy.... "them" being happy makes us happy? that's ok... as long as they're happy.
@marshagonzales593 5 жыл бұрын
I loved this Video!! Not just cause you're awesome and make me think. I loved going on this walk with you in the park, woods, or where ever you are. Was so fresh and energizing!
@HalfJapMarine 4 жыл бұрын
I think it is good to question our beliefs from time to time. Testing it debating someone with an opposing view can be helpful. They might offer arguments you didn't think of and may hone you own reasons and reinforce your beliefs.
@monicasojka2738 6 жыл бұрын
You have to walk your own path even when it means you walk alone. I would rather be my flawed real self then someone's concept of perfection. It does not interest me to impress anyone but me.
@shoogle8953 6 жыл бұрын
Mr. Rogers for Millenials
@recoveringsoul755 6 жыл бұрын
Wow, only 71 comments? well 72 now. Now your videos get well over 100 in the first hour. That's progress. (Thought I better catch up on some of your older ones in case you deleted them). But each one is a precious gem, please leave them up so we all, and YOU , can see you growth and progress. And it's not JUST the videos, it is all of the comments left by fellow sojourners. Is this your music in this video too? YOu play keyboards as well? How many instruments DO you play FJ?
@jpinkerton0531 6 жыл бұрын
You had a video where you were pretty upset that your ex was back on dating sites and her Message Me If section stated something along the lines of wanting someone who knows what they want. That really affected you at the time. Yet, here, you say that many other people know what they want and they go after it.. they're singularly minded. But that's not you and you are of 'many minds' all the time. And you say that in such a way that is almost positive... at least you own it a bit, as if it's not such a bad thing (and, I don't believe that it necessarily is). So, hey... which voice in there is yours? Be you. Own it.
@lilovs9952 3 жыл бұрын
What video was it?
@pennycurry2791 Жыл бұрын
You are very smart! I love an introvert. I knew it long before, but I figured it out again. It's awesome. Rock on James Frank : D
@enzomthethwa5861 3 жыл бұрын
OMG You used the term "Blaze my own trail"! That's why I call myself Pioneer!
@mariag358 4 жыл бұрын
i'm glad you're honestly this type of deep-thinker. there are a lot of people who, for some reason, fake that quality and try too hard to impress others with it. as a deep-thinker, i see it as a bit of a burden. it can be a dark hole and it can be the source of good reflection depending on my mood or how tired i am. a true existential crisis can be very scary and i don't wish it on anyone. being authentic around others is difficult when you are constantly competing with your own mind. yes, you are made up of external influences, but whether you want them to become the majority of your person is a decision everyone makes. some people are ok with allowing others to decide their fate. i usually find a lesson in each interaction and decide whether it was a positive and i should keep it or if it was a negative and i should learn from it and move on. usually i don't move on and think about it 10 years later, but i'm an introvert. it's what we do, right?
@mariamjaziri6719 3 жыл бұрын
Greetings from Morocco, North Africa.
@Pitufo9483 3 жыл бұрын
Good to see you finally got out of the house Frank. Hahahaha 😘
@ashleypresley 6 жыл бұрын
I really like the aesthetic aspect of this video, merely based on the fact that it’s outdoors. You raise some thought-provoking questions on society and authenticity. It seems like the majority of people are afraid to go against the grain, but anything comfortable tends to breed death. The unexamined life is not worth living, conversely living someone else’s idea of what they think you should be will be your own demise as well. Hopefully one gets to a point in life where what you believe inside supersedes the desire to live up to what society deems the status quo anymore dissipates.
@easytoslip 5 жыл бұрын
lol@ "this is the first time I've left the house"...I've been holed up for 8 months 'looking for a job'. Love being home. I'm liking how much deep thought is in your videos. Nice to know there's someone else out there who cares about things and isn't just floating along unaware, if that makes sense. Peaceful day to ya, Tiff
@AnnaIsHere 2 жыл бұрын
I thought of this, too. Who am I? What am I? My appearance is mosly my genes. Gestures, mimic comes from people who surrouned me and who I watched more than others. My knowledge comes from my teachers and books and other people. My thoughts are probably generated based on previous experience which I, again, get mostly after interacting with other people or the results of their deeds
@renaeodriscoll 6 жыл бұрын
for a long time I have felt like I was always behind where I should be compared to my peers. It used to bother me, I used to feel like I was running out of time to get what I needed out of life. But over the past year, i've realised that I actually don't want or need really any of that stuff and most of it is more likely to make me stressed out rather than happy. I say, always try to be your most genuine self, and pursue the thing that brings joy to your life, even if people think you are crazy or they try to discourage you or make you doubt. Because its my experience that if you take a risk to find your happiness, while there may be consequences, you just sort it out and are better off regardless.
@angryalice5629 3 жыл бұрын
The struggle is real. I think the point here is to accept that whatever decision you make or path you choose - it will never be the only one you’ll ever have to follow. We are being programmed since childhood that we have to choose one path after graduation, one thing to commit ourselves to for a lifetime. What a bs! Think about it, what could possibly a young person who doesn’t know anything about real life - choose consciously forever? Crap. As we go through life, we change. Why nobody tells us that we don’t have to stick to one thing? That we are allowed to try, dislike, fail and try something different? What all this pressure is for? Don’t buy this societal limitation - it’s a fake sense of security for people who don’t want to think or go out of one simple way too much. You are free. Life is a complex map and you don’t have to stick to a crowded highway.
@squidzland989 Ай бұрын
I wish someone could just tell me what/who the real me is. I went my whole life caring so much about what other people want and like that I don't even know who I am. I relate so heavily to your videos and recently I have been struggling finding a career that aligns with what I want and what Im passionate about but Ive realized that I don't know what I want and what Im passionate about changes so often and I'm so malleable that I almost think I'll never find the right career path for me. And so I'm sort of just going through an identity crisis now lol. I just want to say thank you for making vulnerable videos like these It's reassuring knowing that I'm not the only one who feels the way I feel and thinks the way I think, even if our experiences may be vastly different from one another. Much love
@daisykingdom5063 6 жыл бұрын
And so the man strolled amongst the trees. His thoughts as numerous as the very leaves softly swaying in some indistinct rhythm out of step with the invisible footsteps he left behind.
@pennycurry2791 Жыл бұрын
Hi James Frank! I am an ENFP. I watch this once before, I liked it :) I like your stuff. Especially the originals. My goal at this time, in my life. That is really beautiful, I have to be thankful.. I posted once, I don't want to be a teenager anymore! I want to be a kid again! That was the most laughing faces I got ever. :-) It was great. Lol But the funniest parts, to me now is, I actually meant it. And that's where I'm. Authenticity, is being here you! I so love who you are. Stay Authentic, don't let the world change your beauty.❤ I love this video, even more the second time. They're both really beautiful to me. To be Real❤ I can't seem to make an emoji, so peace peace sign ;D Authentic Ness❤❤peace..:D....
@desireemariec1108 3 жыл бұрын
The great wide open looks good on you Frank. Trees, the cool moist sky and that bed of serene pond water - I'm with it! 💯 😍 ❤ 😻
@Alyssav-90 5 жыл бұрын
I literally see myself when i watch this, this is creepy...
@mmprettypistol 6 жыл бұрын
Yes, Yes, and yes. I'll just let you put a voice to my thoughts. And no, it's not for the faint of heart. So many times I felt like a walking talking contradiction. I tried to explain myself once in a group setting. The facilitator, after a long pause, finally responded with "I'd hate to be in your head!" Thanks for making these videos. I needed to lighten the load of crazy I'm carrying.
@gnushu 4 жыл бұрын
That was a really sweet walk. I liked the sound design and photography. Deceptively simple. Thanks Frank.
@daisykingdom5063 6 жыл бұрын
Nebulous is a great word. It has that abstract feeling behind it where you know what it means even if you have never heard it before. It has what I have come to call ‘ness’. That sort of ‘magic’ abstract ‘feeling’ that things hold inside them.
@VictimAdvocate Жыл бұрын
Had to search your videos for the gold. Well said.
@lynvy353 5 жыл бұрын
"To know what you prefer instead of humbly saying Amen to what the world tells you you ought to prefer, is to have kept your soul alive." - ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON
@lisachavez1531 6 жыл бұрын
I just found your channel and have been watching your videos. It's really refreshing to hear all of your perspectives as I feel like I 100% relate. I often feel like an alien in this society and often wonder what my place in this world is. Thanks for being brave and posting all of this infj stuff. Makes me feel less alone for sure!
@channelseeker7 4 жыл бұрын
A beautiful place and you are an authentic soul when many others aren't.
@heathergrahame9647 4 жыл бұрын
There is breathing in and breathing out. And it's not possible to breathe in and out at the same time. The same applies with your own beliefs and the beliefs of others. Whilst you're listening to others, you're breathing them in. And when you're being creative, you're breathing yourself out. If you find that you're losing yourself amidst a sea of other people's feelings and thoughts, the answer is to be creative or to express yourself in some way. Works every time.
@lionqueen6399 2 жыл бұрын
You are not wasting your life by not earning enough money, not travelling, not having kids, etc. etc. You are ONLY and I repeat, ONLY wasting your life by not living it the way you want and living it influenced or enforced by others, including self-doubts and fears. If you are doing what you like and feel comfortable with, a life you can PERSONALLY be happy with when you are older, then you have lived a good life.
@maaiker2977 4 жыл бұрын
You shouldn't want perfection. No person is perfect. You should want selfknowledge and selfcare. If you know and love who you are and live...staying close to your core. You may not be a perfect person but you are the perfect you...the person you were meant to be from can't get more perfect then authenticity. Narcissists want to LOOK perfect....not acknowledging flaws. But every positive quality you have has pitfalls...those are your "flaws" or "weaknesses". A person without flaws is a person without personality. Or worse a narc trying to hide their flaws out of weakness. Its strength to know and love ALL of you and to be aware of what your weaknesses are. Life is much more relaxed that way. I am INFJ and one if the pitfalls to that is perfectionism. Because a narc gave me a burnout ... well I don't wanna say he cured me of wanting to be perfect...I will always strive to be better. But if you are mindful you realise sometimes perfectionism makes us do things that are....not selfcare.
@aquarius1986 7 жыл бұрын
Nice video...looks like New England. I relate to you a lot, as an INFJ. I wrote a really long comment on another video. To that massively long comment I'd like to add, yeah, it's hard for us to really find ourselves and our authenticity. In a way it's our purpose find what is beyond all those things that don't last, all those things that others place on us. Meditation helps a lot, finding silence. For me the spiritual path has always been an anchor. Hope you find that still place and quiet those voices. :)
@jstebakova 6 жыл бұрын
The answer: all of the above. We are complex. We are the sum of our experiences, our upbringing, our culture, fears, insecurities, etc. The fact that you're asking the questions is monumental. Self reflection and self awareness are the first steps.
@erikab4001 5 жыл бұрын
I often wonder if my life would be easier if I didn't question authority (alllllllll the time), and I am sure it would, but I wouldn't be me then, and I'd probably be miserable. At the end of the day it takes all kinds to make the world go round and I could probably question authority a little less, and you could question it a little more, and we would both be better for it. Just my random two cents after watching this video. I just came across your channel randomly today and am really enjoying it...Thank you!
@beccacoleman498 2 жыл бұрын
I relate to the being moldable not e enough on socialedia like Facebook and Instagram but some how those influences still tell me what to think and how to do a certain thing and I doubt my ability to make my own logical decisions without thinking it's the wrong decision because life results were vastly different from someone else's or my circumstances don't allow a certain lifestyle and that makes me completely inferior to the other person.
@ayp5177 3 жыл бұрын
Wow frank, my make-up was a success thanks for the tutorial
@AngloHello 6 жыл бұрын
While we're definitely all born with our own personalities, when people are good listeners, it's very easy to take someone else's opinion or views and partially make them our own because we are so empathetic and understanding of other people's feelings. That's a common thing that happens when people get married! They sort of turn into the same person because they're around each other so much. As far as finding the meaning of life goes, everyone has their own definition of what they think is meaningful, so the journey is going to be different for everyone. What I like to do is think, "What's one reasonable thing I could do that would make me happy right now?" And then I go and do it. And when I accomplish something, it sets off a spark and pretty soon I'm doing more and more little things. Keep doing it enough and before you know it you'll be doing bigger and better things! I still don't have a definitive direction of where I'd like to go in life, but at least I feel like I'm going up.
@pamiewatkins7354 5 жыл бұрын
Youre authentic, our voice, the path,shut out from what they want,,doesnt work...fight it out
@heavyrain2310 2 жыл бұрын
Does anyone know what song in the video is? Really enjoyed it just as much as I enjoyed this video. Sometimes I know what I want, but I can't be sure if I have the right idea. I've been always questioning myself and the world, and maybe I'll keep thinking about my true self and what I can do in real limited life.
@JosiahMcCarthy 4 жыл бұрын
Dang, I really like the music in this
@Alexandra-sd4yy 3 жыл бұрын
same...I wish I could find it
@jadeleboeuf2418 6 жыл бұрын
This is where I am...stuck in my own head trying to make a decision on my next life move...but I always want a definite idea of where each decision will my brain is constantly overthinking irrelevant bs...for some reason I can figure out a life plan and make great decisions for other people but I can't do it for myself...
@celesteassi2721 2 жыл бұрын
Sur la chaîne de Franck, les commentaires sont souvent encore plus intéressants que la vidéo elle-même. Authenticité.
@janedoe1776 3 жыл бұрын
FJ, we’re still waiting for those makeup tutorials.
@dragonsalleymusic 6 жыл бұрын
It's a constant struggle between heart and head. Meanwhile not wanting to hurt anyone but still staying authentic. It is maddening, and at times I feel somewhat narcissistic about how much energy I spend in my head just trying to stay true. Thanks for your videos my friend.
@pennycurry2791 Жыл бұрын
I love this video!!
@samyakchhajed 3 жыл бұрын
I was moldable before but its now completely up to me if I want to mold.😉
@ComicalCowboy1911 5 жыл бұрын
As an INFJ, I feel I know exactly what I'm passionate about and what makes me happy. I pretty much know what I'd want to do for the rest of my life. My lack of a decision is based on which career makes the most money (not that I'm looking to make a six figure salary or anything). I guess it's because the things I'm passionate about happen to be things that don't make much money nowadays nor is there a big market for it anymore (classic auto restoration, building hot rods). I feel like I can be really gullible while out in the extroverted world, like I'll believe almost anything anyone tells me. But then I get back home and my Ni will gather all the false/inauthentic things people said to me, put them right in front of my face and yell BULLSHIT! LOL! And also I recognize VERY few people as authority figures. Those who are, I notice I constantly observe and question their leadership ability and whether or not they suck at authority/leadership. If I find they are lousy and are guiding us down a wrong path, I won't follow their leadership or authority. However in settings like work, I will always follow the rules and procedures even if I think they're stupid (unless they're really bad then I'll cut corners). But mainly I follow the rules to be fair to others, and I noticed my actions are always based on the fairness to others, even if it puts me at a disadvantage.
@irissinclair6751 5 жыл бұрын
I'm often affected by other people when doing certain things. But idk, maybe I just got sick of it, maybe I already found my voice. I still like to look at different perspectives and the way people see us. What everyone else wants me to want doesn't make me happy, it makes me so miserable. I get extremely self conscious whenever someone tells me my flaws and whenever someone makes me doubt my decisions, it gets my mind paralyzed. I hate that feeling so I always overthink and try to avoid wrong decisions.
@jpinkerton0531 6 жыл бұрын
Really liking the nature, the effort, the cinematography of this one. I like the talking head, too... but shaking things up is nice.
@pennycurry2791 Жыл бұрын
You are beautiful and very smart. We all have our different components that are so variable
@thelivinglotus2358 6 жыл бұрын
Ugh this can make us so wishy washy, what others want for us. Such a challenge to figure out what we truly want.
@fluffyclouds555 5 жыл бұрын
This is beautiful poetry for the eyes, ears, & mind
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