Autism Every Day

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Fundraising and awareness video produced for Autism Speaks in 2006.
A longer version of this film was accepted to the Sundance Film Festival.

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@hitmonchan9607 9 жыл бұрын
I'm so glad the majority of the comments are about what utter trash this shit it.
@MetroStation64 3 жыл бұрын
I do have autism but i sometimes had mood swings easily (sometimes)
@MetroStation64 3 жыл бұрын
But why the fuq would they’re parents raise they’re child like they’re normal people THOSE CHILDREN HAD GOD DAMN F(CENSORED)ING SPECIAL NEEDS
@Moetron_V2 3 жыл бұрын
@@MetroStation64 not to mention that one parent who confessed to wanting to commit A MURDER-SUICIDE!!!! AND ONLY DIDNT BECAUSE SHE HAD ANOTHER CHILD!!! LIKE WHAT THE FUCK
@gwelwynn 3 жыл бұрын
Never have I experienced such pure disgust. As an autistic woman, I can't fathom growing up in such an overwhelmingly toxic environment.
@numbuhilostcount 8 ай бұрын
Who can fucking blame her? ​@@Moetron_V2
@sapphiretruffle 7 жыл бұрын
*puts my child into physical distress against their will* it's exhausting for me 😢
@strawberrysoulforever8336 5 жыл бұрын
That's the biggest problem with this organization. They indulge the parents, and let them make it all about them. I remember reading about a mom who did the same thing with her daughter who had anxiety disorder, and she narrated how her mom loved being "that brave woman with the mentally ill daughter". These moms are the same.
@tearybugeyes168 4 жыл бұрын
@Maieveryday2 4 жыл бұрын
*TOOOO TTRRRUUEEEE* these people are forcing there children into uncomfortable and mentally draining situations and wondering why there child is acting out!
@aaliyahetc.6687 4 жыл бұрын
@Azrael-Legna 4 жыл бұрын
I'm allistic and if I had to live with these people (the parents) I'd be screaming, and/or running into on coming traffic too.
@fuzya8636 4 жыл бұрын
The moms : *constantly touching and forcing their autistic kids to do things they don't want to* Kids : *cries* The moms : anyway, my life is so hard...
@jennyw9560 3 жыл бұрын
THIS omg so true
@marsopolus3748 3 жыл бұрын
IK i don’t think u could expect a nt kid to be ok with this either it’s common sense
@jadeaaron137 3 жыл бұрын
I’m sorry but if we don’t they’ll just be in the same spot choosing to not do any forms of activities
@lewisgamer637 3 жыл бұрын
@@jadeaaron137 they will do their own fucking thing. just like any NT child.
@jadeaaron137 3 жыл бұрын
@@lewisgamer637 and? Which is why you have to teach them!!!!!! They’ll stay in a diaper if u don’t teach them, they’ll go without communication if you keep doing for them, they’ll keep having you wash them from child up until adulthood. If you’ll allow anyone including disabled people with limitations because they don’t want to try is all your fault so when it’s time for them to be on an airplane, then you and probably someone else will be annoyed because that parent didn’t make an attempt.
@seraphinasullivan4849 6 жыл бұрын
That little girl Jodi saying "I didn't do anything wrong" broke my heart. Did she hear her mom say she considered killing her? Kids shouldn't be on the defense by default just for existing
@jononpaper 3 жыл бұрын
Can you please timestamp that part?
@veggie_kller6964 3 жыл бұрын
@@jononpaper 6:01
@ellagracexx322 3 жыл бұрын
@@veggie_kller6964 thanks
@fleurboisvert8816 3 жыл бұрын
That's awful
@ethan3054 2 жыл бұрын
the parents give up every aspect of their life for an autistic child that can barely function past a toddler level and that will continue to be overwhelming them until they die. Honestly I would consider killing myself too
@popbitzblast3649 4 жыл бұрын
“The other moms were looking and wondering why this 8 year old girl was throwing a fit because she didn’t want to get on the swing...” No, they were probably looking at you wondering why you were repeatedly forcing a kid with autism who obviously got sensory overload on swings onto a swing.
@peridaniel8265 4 жыл бұрын
yea. who the fuck forces their kid to get on a swing period, whether they're autistic or not? is the swing somehow essential to life? I will never understand these people.
@gwelwynn 3 жыл бұрын
I'm a 21 year old autistic woman. I have never been able to ride roller coasters because the motion and sound is overwhelming and makes me want to vomit. If my mother physically forced me to go on a roller coaster, you can bet your ass I would be screaming and throwing myself on the floor to get away (fortunately, she understands and anytime my family went to amusement parks her and I gorged on funnel cake while my siblings enjoyed the rides). These mothers are horrible; I can't imagine the avoidable pain they put their children through
@eldritchcupcakes3195 3 жыл бұрын
@@peridaniel8265 my mom used to force me up to dinner not caring how I would cry.
@strawberrysoulforever8336 2 жыл бұрын
It's like, you wouldn't force a neurotypical kid to get on a swing. Why would you force an autistic kid? What's the benefit of going on a swing? I'm not seeing one.
@Lissy_Au 2 жыл бұрын
@Dogwolf12 3 жыл бұрын
"All the pain he's in" As an autistic person, it's not painful (unless it's being misunderstood!) He's just stimming. Leave him the hell alone.
@violettamezzanotte2888 2 жыл бұрын
@Dogwolf12 2 жыл бұрын
It's been 11 years. I hope the kids featured are doing OK.
@jetstream454 2 жыл бұрын
It isn't painful, however it makes life awkward in later formative years in social situations
@neptunegemstone 2 жыл бұрын
@@Dogwolf12 literally hope he's doing good
@torbjornlindholm4098 2 жыл бұрын
@@jetstream454 If you're a highly functioning autist, it ain't that bad in most social settings.
@maskedrabbitproductions4707 7 жыл бұрын
Is no one going to mention how the mom of the one girl was talking to the camera about how difficult it was to raise her child,and she asks the mom twice "Are you crying?"
@emmarose4234 5 жыл бұрын
@frostedsilver 4 жыл бұрын
Her daughter cared. Her mother acted like her daughter wasn't there. I think it shows who really has the empathy in that relationship.
@dorothygilley3194 4 жыл бұрын
That part hurt so so much
@harleyspizzeria5063 3 жыл бұрын
@@emmarose4234 Jodey is actually living a good life now: and her mom has actually apologized, Her mom is now the co-founder of science foundation.
@sambradley9091 3 жыл бұрын
@@harleyspizzeria5063 Source? I wanna really know for sure this kid ended up ok and the mother is trying to make up for this.
@spacepicnics1627 9 жыл бұрын
"Who will take care of him when i'm gone?" Hopefully someone better
@akaneinoue1759 9 жыл бұрын
You can pretty much replace "better" with "else."
@bonboncheese9661 6 жыл бұрын
I agree.
@TheRojo387 5 жыл бұрын
Or perhaps the child himself?
@fareedal-rashid2627 5 жыл бұрын
@@TheRojo387 yeah let's leave a 2 year old alone in the house for the rest of their life what'll go wrong?
@TheRojo387 5 жыл бұрын
@@fareedal-rashid2627 That's a strawman.
@bexpreneta0427 3 жыл бұрын
I am autistic. It broke my heart when the little girl said, “I wish I had a sister without autism.” If my sisters said that, my feelings would be hurt. My sisters love me and accept me for who I am and they would never say anything like this. 💔
@shouldacomewithawarninh4974 2 жыл бұрын
So true ❤️❤️😢😢
@daredawg3776 2 жыл бұрын
So does my sister I'm autistic and we have a great relationship
@drwilsonstoenailpolish3194 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, and it’s even worse because it’s not the kid’s fault, she’s been taught that
@artisticalex1206 2 жыл бұрын
Same. And my sister knows I'm autistic and also accepts me the way I am.
@Plantrum 2 жыл бұрын
It cripples me to think of stuff like that. Do my siblings hate me because of a thing out of my control? Do they wish I was replaced? It kills me D:
@creepycupnoodle 10 жыл бұрын
Why would she push her child on a swing set if SHE DIDNT LIKE IT? And get UPSET when her child CRIES? Does she not want to let go of the idea of a "perfect child" so much that she will literally upset her own child to live out a fantasy of motherhood. Please, parents, parents to be, please don't expect your child to be perfect. They could be autistic, gay, disabled, trans, or just not "what you want" in a child, you can't control who they are, don't have children if you will hate them the second after a diagnosis. these children deserve better than parents who want them literally dead.
@zoekirk1848 9 жыл бұрын
+creepycupnoodle I'm probably one of the highest functioning people among everyone under the spectrum in my school, and yet my mom ignores a lot of my triggers because she wants to act like they don't exist--and she's the one who got me evaluated three times before they made a diagnosis!
@creepycupnoodle 9 жыл бұрын
+Zoe Kirk I'm sorry you're in that situation it really sucks to be ignored by that, esp by parents. It seems all too common too :( (not to downplay your feelings of corse)
@creepycupnoodle 9 жыл бұрын
+creepycupnoodle To clarify, I never mean that being autistic, gay, disabled, or transgender is something bad, I mean that many children are rejected by their own parents for being one or more of these things, forced to hide it and try to be "normal" , so their parents get their "perfect, normal" child (even though there is no child will reach all of their parents expectations), even though their child is amazing just as they are already. Its sickening. I'm sorry I didn't make it clear the first time. (Im probably not very clear now anyway)
@kyleeats5331 3 жыл бұрын
I agree your kids don’t deserve the trauma of there parents dreams
@justinjaeger1554 3 жыл бұрын
I don't think you can judge the parents here without experiencing it
@AlterBridgeJericho 9 жыл бұрын
Not even once in this video does it seem like they care about the autistic children; just the parents...
@teaartist6455 5 жыл бұрын
That is because they don't. Their actions speak about their stance on autism much louder and clearer than their words do.
@teaartist6455 5 жыл бұрын
Well, you need/needed parents to take care of you once, right? Nobody is born with the ability to walk, talk or pay taxes. How would you like it if your parents admitted they wanted to murder you right in front of your eyes and only didn't do it because of your sister? What would your reaction be if the world celebrated them for being SO BRAVE for not doing so and taking care of you instead of calling CPS? Would you feel safe? What if you got the information that an average of over hundred people like you are killed by their parents every year, and that's just those that are now known about and being recorded, would you still have the same trust in yours, especially if you may have gotten into some arguments with one of them? Would you feel confident to speak up again? What would you do if the largest charity devoted to "helping" you spend only 4% of their budget on doing so, using most for advertising of for nebulous and rarely actually helpful research? What if the people claiming to help you wanted you dead? What if they ignored any attempts of you to communicate that wasn't exactly in the way that they wanted you to? And this isn't just limited to nonverbal communication, this goes all the way to not listening to children and people that can and do talk. What if your own parents were a legitimate threat to your life, wellbeing, potential education and future and were congratulated for it?
@teaartist6455 5 жыл бұрын
@@ferminromerodetorres Thank you for listening and I'm sorry that you and your mom were put in that position and that she didn't have the sense and/or strength to realize that some things are better left unsaid as they can cause a lot of harm. The problem I have is less that the difficulties that can come with having to take care of "low functioning"*, for lack of a better word, people are mentioned and more that the perspective of such parents is often all that's talked about in the media and is often used to drown out the voices of actual autistic people and that along with other misinformation that comes from only listening to often misinformed "experts" is very often a large part in what drives these people to commit or consider these crimes. Think about it, they are being told, by society, day in and day out that autism is always tragic, that it'll break their marriage, rob them of their joy and their child of his/her future. They are presented with a demonized extreme case study and a lot of misinformation (see how the parents treat their kids, ignoring their body language and even words and manipulating their bodies as if they weren't even human) that often leads to these issues. Basically, they are presented with a nightmare and then pushed into it, now, what happens if you expect a nightmare, if you give up on your kids and follow misinformation? If you are told, over and over and over again that you should be mourning and miserable for the rest of your life? Generally speaking, you'll very often end up with a miserable life. Because the kids pick up on your mood, because you're mistreating them in an effort to help, because you give up on your own life and thus lose all sight outside of what you think your kid is like. That's partly why they are talking like that "Autism mom" is often the only identity they have and they'll cling to it like a lifeboat, even when they are hurting their kids, because clinging to that and posting and whining about their kids gives them validation and connection they have removed from their lifes otherwise, not unlike some modern mothers that overshare their kid's lifes because they have nothing left BUT the kids. I'd say the whole situation is part of a cultural and psychological nightmare for both sides and videos like that are harming both sides, even though the moms often don't want to see it because that identity is all they have left and questioning that narrative in any way is basically questioning their only place of security. *Not necessarily just based on being able to talk or act allistic. A kid that can talk but still requires a lot of assistance, that may forget to communicate with their parents and so on can also be hard.
@channelmar15 5 жыл бұрын
+Pega Doodle Maybe it's because the children are a family burden.
@lyndonleedalee1738 4 жыл бұрын
@@channelmar15 yikes
@Ms_artful 3 жыл бұрын
Omg that one mom blatantly showing favouritism to her neurotypical child my heart broke
@bradanklauer8926 Жыл бұрын
It is truly barbaric.
@cinnamonbeanbaby444 Жыл бұрын
Wait when was that?
@BimBop83 Жыл бұрын
@@cinnamonbeanbaby444 it wasn’t. People here are projecting and hanging up on the moms in the video for being human and vulnerable. Apparently the moms are supposed to be happy they have a kid with autism.
@thechumbucket8986 Жыл бұрын
​@@BimBop83it's not difficult to be happy when you actually make an effort to accommodate the child's needs. it will improve behavior and strengthen love connection.
@harrymacdonald2672 Жыл бұрын
​@@BimBop83 they don't have to be happy to have a kid with autism. What they _do_ have to do, as a major part of the role of parenthood, is respect and look after the child adequately. You don't have to be happy to have a child with autism to at least not slag them off while they're literally right on their lap and can hear every word, or spend more time with the non-retarded one. I'm autistic, and I know I caused my parents lots of stress when I couldn't cope with loud noises and melted down, but never did my parents ever show me anything but love and a duty of care.
@Lissieloveslife72 9 жыл бұрын
Not once in this video did I here a parent say 'I love you' to their child
@pumamountainlion7777 7 жыл бұрын
Lissieloveslife72 This is the I love you they want there child to be cured.
@WowItsErin 7 жыл бұрын
A good parent doesn't want to "cure" their child. A good parent wants to cure society. Kids are never the problem, and many of them find that in adult life they don't WANT a "cure". Besides, Autism Speaks is delusional if it truly thinks it can find a treatment or therapy to fix basic Deoxyribonucleic Acid imbued in these children at birth. Such thinking hardens back to a time where people thought electoshock therapy could ever be effective.
@pumamountainlion7777 7 жыл бұрын
Edge McAwesome I don't support electroshock therapy and you are already saying autism is genetic no I s not genetic it's behavioral it's a checklist diagnosis it's voted into existence by the pharmaceutical industry it's the DSM 5 backed up by no science and why do we want to be proud of our weaknesses and disabilities sir?
@WowItsErin 7 жыл бұрын
Seeing Clearly Media I love how you went from "They're looking for a cure" to "It's a behavioral issue not genetics" despite the fact that A: You cannot 'cure' a behavioral issue. You can treat it. But you can't cure it. And B: Behavioral issues ARE on set by genetics. Take for example; depression. It can be treated, but not cured, and only some people suffer from it, or have the capacity to suffer from it. You'd honestly have a better case if you claimed Autism WAS a disorder (which it is), as there's more research going into 'curing' them than otherwise. Furthermore... why should I be proud of my 'weaknesses' and 'disabilities?' Albert Einstein, Lewis Carol, Amadeus Mozart, Picasso, Isaac Newton, all of them were autistic. I could name more but you could just google it anyway. Don't try to tell me that Autistic people need a cure, or that they're a puzzle to be solved, or a problem to be fixed, when the greatest minds of humanity were almost all among its numbers.
@WowItsErin 7 жыл бұрын
Seeing Clearly Media and then there was silence
@moekitsune 8 жыл бұрын
BTW how was this accepted into a film festival?
@pumamountainlion7777 7 жыл бұрын
TheJewelOfJool Or how did it not alarm the audience.
@emmarose4234 5 жыл бұрын
@Phil.Anthropy 4 жыл бұрын
Money... Sorry, no one was answering the actual question at hand, his name is Bob Wright and he's the reason why this got into the Sundance Film Festival. Maybe not him directly but he's at the head oh, and he also thinks that there's no conclusive evidence about vaccines either way. Seems to be far more damaging for the autism cause than anything he could have ever tried to do to help. Pretty sad when your own organization has to put out press releases nay saying what you said on national TV. It's like breast cancer awareness, the money goes towards things like this not actually research in any notable way.
@ultimatebeasts9156 3 жыл бұрын
I-It was WHAT!?
@p.z.arnott2329 3 жыл бұрын
A film festival accepted this?
@evealexandria4285 4 жыл бұрын
90% of the kids in this are just straight vibing. Like they’re minding their own business just enjoying life. The other 10% of times they’re having meltdown MOST LIKELY CAUSED BY THEIR PARENTS!! Like, wtaf!?
@openchested 3 жыл бұрын
dude seriously 2:50 the mom is all crying about her sons future and there’s all this dramatic editing on him while he’s just chillin out
@religiousindustrialaliens 2 жыл бұрын
@@openchested ikr he’s just swaying round acting like a normal child and this woman be like “*oh his future so ruined!!!, what a terrible thing!!*”
@obamaprisim3487 2 жыл бұрын
Bro I have autisim and I may have episodes like that, but hell no. Charicterizing like that is basically saying the flu is the black plague.
@teampneumonoultramicroscop972 2 жыл бұрын
I love the look he gives his mom. Like, “are you serious?”
@TheAutisticFrog Жыл бұрын
@@religiousindustrialaliens “ooooohhh noooeeees so much futureee ruuuiiined” “dino go brrrr”
@TheRedwater357 9 жыл бұрын
I can't finish this. It's nothing more than a relentless assault on people with autism.
@TheRedwater357 8 жыл бұрын
An "upright, noble" person doesn't deny the existance of something that clearly exists.
@TheRedwater357 8 жыл бұрын
Rohan Zener What I may or may not believe spiritually is irrelevant. The fact that the term "autism" has been misused does not remove the fact that there are actual people who have the disorder. As for it's "crime syndicate," if you're referring to Autism Speaks, that's not a representative of anyone with Autism. Furthermore, I never stated that you're evil. I objected to your insinuation that you're more upright and noble because you deny the existence of something despite evidence. I'd say the same if you denied that something like racism didn't exist. As for a retort to your God comment, do you also deny the existence of the holocaust?
@TheRedwater357 8 жыл бұрын
You also seem to be under the impression that autism makes one ineligible for work. If you want to claim there's more evidence against the existence of autism, then you'll have to show it. You'll have to find something that'll convince me, despite my personal experience with the disorder, that autism doesn't exist. As entitled as you are to have an opinion, I will not consider your opinion as valid evidence, especially when weighed against the fact that I have been living with autism for my entire life.
@TheRedwater357 8 жыл бұрын
Care to share a source? Because that is not listed as a symptom of autism by anything I've been able to find, not to mention the grammar. If "bullied by others by enlarge" is a symptom, then sure, what you're thinking of can't exist, because to bully someone "by enlarge," you'd have to be bullying them by making them bigger.
@TheRedwater357 8 жыл бұрын
That's "By and large," Rohan. And again, not a symptom, either way.
@heleneclehr7126 8 жыл бұрын
Your child puts up with your loudness, grabbiness, staring, distaste and uncompassion every day, too. every consider that? Might not melt down if you accommodated their needs. You might as well insist your diabetic child eat birthday cake and ice cream like everyone else. Oh, poor "diabetic mom" has to make different food, wah. CAN'T YOU SEE??
@Carterborchers 5 жыл бұрын
You have no idea what these families go though. I have three disabled children and I still wouldn’t assume their lives are like mine; every experience is different.
@frostedsilver 4 жыл бұрын
I noticed that EVERY mother was putting their hands all over their autistic child ALL the time. Forcing them to do things, forcing them to stop doing things. I can tell you that any tactile-defensive child is probably going to scream, cry, or melt down when anyone does that. And then they wonder why the child is getting upset. Jfc
@frostedsilver 4 жыл бұрын
@@Carterborchers So that makes it okay for a mother to get on camera and say, "Omg, I couldn't stand THOSE kinds of schools, so I thought I might kill myself and my daughter"?
@Carterborchers 4 жыл бұрын
frostedsilver No where did I say that. It’s very easy to judge a situation you have absolutely no experience with.
@frostedsilver 4 жыл бұрын
@@Carterborchers No matter how severely disabled my child was, I would NEVER contemplate killing them. EVER. If she was having a mental health crisis, she should have gone to a hospital and had it dealt with there, not taken it out on her child. It's repulsive and horrifying, and, yes, I will judge a parent who only stops killing their child because they have another child.
@FoxyNeko7 5 жыл бұрын
My son is Autistic and he has Down Syndrome. He has his meltdown times but nothing like these. These poor kids were provoked. Any child, or person really, with Autism is going to react at being taken out of their comfort zone. A camera shoved in their face is enough to set anyone off. I used to have to take a blanket with me to the store and tent my son in the cart with goldfish so he wouldn’t just fall apart at the crowds. But I have done it without the “help” of some place like AS. And I will continue to love my son till my end. Will he ever get married? I don’t know. Will he ever be able to move out? Probably not. But he’s my child and I love him.
@emmarose4234 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks! Finally, an abled parent who gets it!
@BimBop83 Жыл бұрын
The fact that your son has different needs and experiences is indicative of nothing. Every case is different, and there absolutely are some kids that have extreme and frequent meltdowns. It’s honestly rather off putting to hear you try to “compete” as to how disabled your kid is.
@2112jp Жыл бұрын
@@BimBop83 I totally agree….a lot people are placing their personal experiences and acting as if that’s the only way it should be. I’ve seen kids have worse meltdowns and with no apparent triggers. People are blaming the parents, but they do not understand that there are different levels of autism.
@AnnasAnimalStories Жыл бұрын
I hate the line about “my son will never get married”. Just because his brain fires differently doesn’t mean he won’t find love. And he still might not get married, but what if the other son never gets married, what’s your excuse then, huh? The neurotypical didn’t get married, so why is it just a problem that the Autistic didn’t?
@NewTypeDilemma01 9 жыл бұрын
I read that the parents were supposedly instructed to stop all therapies before filming, to make sure that their children were behaving "autistic enough" to shoe how "terrible" their lives were. I myself am on the spectrum, and I have to say: I've read about this particular video, and what I read sounded reprehensible. *Seeing* the video brings a whole new level of "reprehensible" to the table... 6:17 Note that she says that with the said child *in the room* with her...moreover, the line sounds *completely* rehearsed. How many times did the filmmakers have her repeat that line until it no longer sounded repulsive.
@teddyn240 8 жыл бұрын
Where did you read that article about the video being staged.
@TheRojo387 5 жыл бұрын
Or perhaps these were NORMAL children gone on to become child stars, or perhaps indeed autistic children, used as SLAVE actors.
@strawberrysoulforever8336 3 жыл бұрын
@@TheRojo387 Awful. There was a girl diagnosed with Aspergers (a form of autism), who was in a movie called 'Dustbin Baby", playing a girl called Poppy who spent every minute on screen obsessed with hair. She was a perfectly competent child actress, but at a younger age, she might have been far less so. Maybe some of these kids were acting out more than they would irl.
@thisisdeathhec 3 жыл бұрын
I am also on the spectrum, and I’m annoyed by this. I may or may not be, as I was hard to diagnose, but even if I’m not this is amazingly terrible. You could cure cancer with the amount of effort you can do to make a video like this.
@Plantrum 2 жыл бұрын
@@DankMemerMusic Read my previous comment.
@thelegendaryblackbeastofaa115 9 жыл бұрын
What's so disturbing about that infamous "murder/suicide" line is how calm and *rehearsed* it sounds. I have a lot of experience with rage and frustration and anxiety, and would not judge someone I overheard saying that kind of thing while they were very emotional. But for them to say it in such a controlled, contemplative way? And for a professional organization to CHOOSE to include that in a video about Autism? Sick on SO many levels. It's not so much what you say, but the context in which you say it, that shows your true colors.
@citatap 6 жыл бұрын
downward spiral Proof?
@LBCGriffin 5 жыл бұрын
No she did not. She actually spoke out against the video and organization, apologized to her daughter, and became a better person.
@NickCoppolaNFL 5 жыл бұрын
That was someone different
@dragonofepics7324 4 жыл бұрын
LBCGriffin source please? Not trying to be rude.
@lyndonleedalee1738 4 жыл бұрын
@@LBCGriffin oh *please* give proof I need it please please please please
@brodyfandom1574 5 жыл бұрын
Not one mention of loving the child. Not. One. My daughter has autism, but... I am NOT one of these mothers!!
@meworld3319 3 жыл бұрын
Good, the mothers in the videos are dumb, who told them that children with disabilities are burdens? Did the mother’s parents tell them?
@Apollo_G 3 жыл бұрын
@@meworld3319 no, Autism Speaks told them that
@allydef 3 жыл бұрын
I’m glad that your daughter has a parent like you. I hope everything is going well for you ❤️
@phillysteak-t5v 3 жыл бұрын
I’m glad you’re not like them. They are cruel and stupid, I just hope you raise your daughter to know that this organization doesn’t define her, and who she is on the inside does.
@harrietcarpenter527 8 жыл бұрын
Non-verbal doesn't mean non-living. That little girl was RIGHT THERE when her mother was talking about committing a murder-suicide, IN FRONT OF CAMERAS. What kind of things does that woman say behind closed doors? Somebody needs to get both of her daughters out of that toxic environment before it's too late. Even if she 'didn't mean it' she still said it, and that can have all kinds of negative effects on her daughter. Furthermore, if your child doesn't want to go on a swing, DON'T MAKE THEM GO ON A SWING! You wouldn't make your non-autistic (or neurotypical, as they're sometimes called) swing if she didn't want to, so why would you make your autistic child? You're complaining about her behaviour embarrassing you, when she's being distressed by YOUR behaviour. People have a good reason to stare and wonder what you're doing to the poor girl. Honestly, that poor little girl needs help.
@janegibbon282 4 жыл бұрын
Harriet Carpenter And take them in the car if a sidewalk is a challenge.
@frostedsilver 4 жыл бұрын
That child was also talking, and trying very hard to communicate with her mother. That much was incredibly obvious. I bet she understood, at least to some degree, what her mother was saying. I can't believe that mother said that and not only was that supposedly an acceptable reaction, but an organization that supposedly advocates for autistic people found that OKAY to put in a commercial. That child was so happy when she was left alone, or left to do what she wanted. Why couldn't her mother just accept her child's interests and help her be happy? They really don't think autistics are human, do they?
@mmk5385 4 жыл бұрын
I'm an ABA therapist. There are certain social skills that are very important and extremely functional for autistic children to learn. You cant just let them do whatever they want and be in their own world, they wont learn that way and will have a less quality of life. Obviously you cannot completely change who they are and we have to accept many aspects and even appreciate them for their unique mind but is also good for them to learn how to function in society so that they can be independent and have a good quality of life. Most of them know they are different and go through depression, they want connection and in order to do that they have to do things that make them uncomfortable.
@strawberrysoulforever8336 4 жыл бұрын
@@frostedsilver That's what I'd like to know. How much do kids like her understand, but just have trouble communicating it? That little girl could be haunted for all her life and no one would even realize it because they won't get speech therapy and search for the "cure" that will never exist. It's like that water cure in the nineteenth century where the women with hysteria are driven to true insanity by nothing but bedrest.
@Riddickisawesome101 4 жыл бұрын
mmk5385 don’t say that. I see nothing wrong with them being in their own little world. Autism speaks has more than enough money and resources to get society to understand autistic people so that way they can be in their “own little world” without fear of being persecuted. We didn’t ask to be born. All we want is to live a happy life
@Otakultimate 9 жыл бұрын
I love how many times they say "I" instead of "my child." ME ME ME ME ME!
@RememberingGooHara 4 жыл бұрын
@Peter A. We mean the parents
@lixlix4689 4 жыл бұрын
@Peter A. no we are not like that
@SincerelyScarlettX 3 жыл бұрын
Autism Speaks isn't about the Autistic person's well being. It's for the parents comfortability. Ultimately counterproductive approach for everyone except the people making bank off the families.
@Plantrum 2 жыл бұрын
@@SincerelyScarlettX And that is the shittiest part. 1.) They convence people autism is a horrific tragity. This makes it so that way parents freak out upon a diagnosis. 2.) Autism speaks swoops in during this self create vulnerable state and promises to "fix" the kid. 3.) They give shitty advice that all but guarantees the kids won't have a future while giving the parents a handjob. This is where they profit. 4.) When the kids eventually grows up to become a non-functional member of society, Autism Speaks uses them as a reinforcement for 1. Almost all kids on the spectrum can become functional members of society, they just need the right specific type of help. But what autism speaks is doing is harming these childrens chance to grow up as a self sufficient human, and profiting off that. And with their monopoly they hold, they are quite literally the voice of autism. But if life has taught me anything, it's that lying is more profitable than the truth. I was non verbal till I was seven. Thank god my mom was not fooled by this company, otherwise I would not be talking to you today. And even if the person does escape the cycle, they are still socially fucked as Autism Speaks reinforces the notion in people's minds that we are all deep down inside not human and thus we shouldn't be treated as such. If I could snap my fingers and destroy a company, it would be this one. It has made my life hell from diagnosis to today.
@rdu239 Жыл бұрын
@@Plantrum My dear, no parent ever dreamed of their upcoming baby to be autistic or have any form of neuro developmental disability. Of course its a natural human reaction for parents and their family members to feel great sense of grief and sadness if a family member diagnosed with autism, its easy to judge them, but dont..
@daguppz7945 6 жыл бұрын
They showed this in my elementary school and it honestly made me feel so worthless. Like im a burden on my family even when I know that they care about me and love me and "they can't go out for a bagel" because they love me. These commercials make people with autism seem like they're just the most worthless people in the world.
@emmarose4234 5 жыл бұрын
Da Guppz, you had to WATCH this when you were in ELEMENTARY SCHOOL? 😢
@justanotherrandomgamer1380 5 жыл бұрын
What kind of School would show this shit in it?
@fareedal-rashid2627 5 жыл бұрын
@@justanotherrandomgamer1380 Obviously a school in NK
@zacharyhahn5380 4 жыл бұрын
I didn't watch documentaries like this, but we had stuff from Autism Speaks played in school around third grade. I didn't see anything wrong with them back then. I just thought to myself "I guess I'm an alien compared to everyone else and that I'm lower than everyone else." I'm over that mindset today, but it shows how damaging these messages can be.
@milahancock6405 2 жыл бұрын
@@fareedal-rashid2627 What’s NK?
@SageStrawberry Жыл бұрын
12:32 Did she really have the audacity just tell her daughter to say “I love you Mommy” and never actually tell her daughter she loves her? That’s appalling, but sadly not surprising for someone who openly considered DRIVING HER DAUGHTER OFF A CLIFF.
@SageStrawberry Жыл бұрын
I literally got a pop up warning writing this comment lmao
@fishburrito8328 10 ай бұрын
Tbh I feel like she staged a lot of this like if not the driving off the cliff part then I feel like she encouraged her other daughter to say "I wish my sister wasnt autistic"
@MarkGray-r5v 6 ай бұрын
​@@SageStrawberryclassic KZbin, going after the wrong people
@softnoobgirl73 4 жыл бұрын
These parents don't deserve to have these wonderful children
@GaryCandyPrince 4 жыл бұрын
@kelleywinter7867 10 жыл бұрын
i don't have autism, but every time one of the parents try to make their child look at them, or move their hands away from what they were doing, trying to break their concentration- it seems like that'd be stressful for the child. and it also seemed like this video was placing the issue on the child: the child can't do this, the child is like that. these people are going into debt because their country won't take care of them.
@frostedsilver 4 жыл бұрын
It is very stressful for the child. There was one scene where the child made a distressed noise and tried to pull away when the "therapist" stopped his hands when he was stimming, and there's a reason for that. This is how autistic people regulate their sensory input. The therapist was literally taking away that child's coping mechanism. Then they all expect the child to be okay with it?? It makes no sense at all.
@LegalAlien100 3 жыл бұрын
I have mild autism and you are spot on. It’s very stressful to be cajoled or forced into engaging with people. If I don’t want to look at people then don’t tell me I need to look at people! I don’t! I don’t need to be forced onto a swing, to look at someone, touch someone etc....all these things can be highly stressful if pushed into. It has to come from within the individual.
@rocketraccoon9898 3 жыл бұрын
I have contemplated suicide because of what people told me autism was but they didn't know that I was autistic. My teachers don't know either and how much stress they're putting on me and how much I don't want thereto be a tomorrow. If I could change myself I would make myself normal, and while autism is supposed to be treated as a normal thing there are so many people out there doing the opposite
@banditxavier2893 3 жыл бұрын
Good thing AS donates more than 10% towards autistic people and their families instead of investing it in fundraising and six figure salaries. Oh wait...
@als2480 3 жыл бұрын
You're right. It's extremely traumatizing. We have an over 90% PTSD rate.
@KristyYoungAutistic 8 жыл бұрын
This is awful! I'm an Autistic person and few things make me more angry than parents complaining about how hard life is for them because of their Autistic children. Newsflash parents: it's not all about you. Your kids need you to be there for them. And your children aren't burdens.
@Mary-mj2px 7 жыл бұрын
Preach it!
@hennessyorama 7 жыл бұрын
I agree! These vidoes are awful!!
@citatap 6 жыл бұрын
When someone is about to have a child, they need to be prepared for anything. Otherwise, they shouldn't even think about having kids.
@janegibbon282 4 жыл бұрын
Well said.
@amiahedmondson6320 4 жыл бұрын
@AnnaMichele 3 жыл бұрын
@kpaxian6044 Жыл бұрын
Exactly...they had unprotected sex to conceive a child. This is 100% on them and not the child. They are acting like martyrs and it's so irksome.
@redberriedceltictree 9 ай бұрын
@LuisOrtiz-ey1bp 2 ай бұрын
She didn't choose this, she expected a normal child which wasn't wrong of her. She was forced into this. I'm sure if she knew her kid would have asd she would've aborted like parents of down syndrome kids
@LuisOrtiz-ey1bp 2 ай бұрын
There's a limit to the unconditional aspect. And that limit usually occurs with severe asd or intellectual disability
@gaybowser 9 жыл бұрын
This has to be the worst thing i've ever seen in my life.
@christiebelawske398 4 жыл бұрын
Happy😁 to know this kids weren't electric shocked by Austisem Speaks.......
@pawnshopsonder 3 жыл бұрын
Hahahaaha... same.. 😀
@randompersonFire 3 жыл бұрын
It's not the only horrifying piece of propaganda that A$ made...
@pfftlecake 5 жыл бұрын
1:01 Mother says "He doesn't speak much at all!" to which her son attempts to reply. Just because he doesn't speak your language doesn't mean he can't communicate.
@mattstiefel4806 3 жыл бұрын
I wish the "positive thinkers" in the video could learn to have real faith in their kids. Children, autistic or not, pick up the signals of shame and resentment from parents. That child was probably invalidated for his entire childhood. Validation is so important.
@hackidreemurr Жыл бұрын
Yup, sometimes my brain works in dutch although I can't speak or understand dutch. Non speaking doesn't mean non thinking and not everyone thinks in words or phrases. Some people think more abstract and especially for some autistic people, it's hard for us to put our thoughts into words and often when we do, it feels insufficient. At least for me
@Brokenlady2069 9 жыл бұрын
This is crazy....I live in an almost total world of Autism and I would NEVER change it. Both my husband and my son are Autistic and I am proud of them! If anyone is against them, then I will welcome tearing them from us!! They came first and no matter what happens, they are the most important in my world!! They are PERFECT!! These ppl are NOT parents, they are fools.
@xlblackbrumzymaine 9 жыл бұрын
Sandy Jones i love this comment because it shows how much bs is in putted into this video. how the kids "can't" get a girlfriend or get married when ur clearly proud and happy of your husband and your son and ur family life, good on you! the fact the parents on this video even say that the kids "have no future" resembles ur statement, they're fools.
@xlblackbrumzymaine 8 жыл бұрын
how can you call autism a brand. I thought when you said that you were referring to AutismSpeaks, but you're clearly from the other side of the influence and knowledge of autism. It's a developmental disorder and saying people who believe in it are imbeciles is an ironic and ignorant thing to say. It needs more recognition of how much an impact it has, and that recognition is not just pushed just for bloody profit, it's pushed for awareness so people can be enlightened on it. This video and AutismSpeaks is undoubtedly promoting autism in all the wrong areas, and are one of a few companies that are trying to gain profit off the disorder for no real benefit. But saying the whole of autism is a brand you're kidding right?
@xlblackbrumzymaine 8 жыл бұрын
AutismSpeaks makes it sound like its a label on these kids. That they're gonna suffer and a cure is required to save these kids. Autism isn't a label, it just means that you're different. Yes, it sticks on you for life, but it's up to you whether you'll let it rule your life or whether you'll use that as an advantage.
@autismadventures7686 2 жыл бұрын
Both my husband and I are autistic and wanting to be just the crazy, funny, and normal couple down the street with two beautiful children and a dog. Both of us work and I am so happy I found my husband. Because my husband finally broke a cycle my family has. The cycle of abuse and drug abuse. If that can not be seen as a blessing I do not know what could.
@nicolemccloskey5172 3 жыл бұрын
The amount of grief I feel for the young girl Jody in this video is immeasurable. She has to sit there, listening to her mother talk about how she wanted to kill her. She comes over and sits in her mom's lap saying "what are you doing" at 6:00 in a very depressed tone. She is obviously aware of how her mom feels towards her. This is something no child should ever have to feel and I hope Jody is doing better today.
@booksquid856 Жыл бұрын really don't understand. It takes honesty and courage to admit this.
@revenge3265 Жыл бұрын
​@@booksquid856 No it doesn't. People like you and that mother are the ultimate cowards.
@AlexandriaBonertz Жыл бұрын
@@booksquid856 yeah no. If you want to kill your kid along with yourself, you need to get checked out. She isn't a hero.
@catcatcatcatcatcatacatacat Жыл бұрын
@@booksquid856 do explain bc that woman is crazy
@femkefeenstra7754 Жыл бұрын
@@booksquid856 It takes honesty and courage to confess a serious crime you've comitted, but that doesn't make it any better now, does it? Same with this.
@adryanblack13 10 жыл бұрын
This is quite offensive. This is why ableism exists in the autism community . As long as a child has the proper help and early intervention, they have higher chance of making it out here . Being born with autism doesn't mean being fcked for life ! Discipline is necessary but abuse should never tolerable. Some of us are late bloomers. Just because some don't move in the same pace as everyone else doesn't mean they are automatically worthless . This misinformation can drive a lot of individuals on the spectrum upset. I know I am. Hopefully I can make an autism blog soon. There are autistic individuals who graduated high school, went to college, financed independently , worked and owned businesses. So don't let the doom and gloom images on the media fool you !
@adryanblack13 9 жыл бұрын
Well I just need to be the new voice in the autistic community and put new views on the table .
@teaartist6455 5 жыл бұрын
"As long as a child has the proper help and early intervention, they have higher chance of making it out here." Considering the abusive "therapies" out there that are badly researched , the stupid parents and such I'm pretty fucking glad that only now someone really raised suspicion about me potentially/probably being on the spectrum. At least now I don't have depression PTSD/C-PTSD, debilitating anxiety, extremely shitty self worth and trained obedience on top of it all.
@AdamSmith-gs2dv 5 жыл бұрын
The Autistic community is one of the most discriminated against communities out there (look no further than this organization some how being the leader in Autism charity). We are so discriminated against not even the Democrats will support us, that's how bad it is.
@RememberingGooHara 4 жыл бұрын
@@AdamSmith-gs2dv this is so true.. And what's even sadder is that it's not talked about or recognized like blm. Unlike race, religion, or gender, autism spectrum is not a legally protected status!
@aussieman3021 2 жыл бұрын
@@AdamSmith-gs2dv The autistic community is about as discriminated against as the transgender community.
@remnant_867 9 жыл бұрын
This thing starts off meh, not really good or bad, but after the 5 minute mark it descends into hell. Women saying they contemplated a murder suicide with their child, making their children say they wish their siblings didn't have autism (I have no doubt that they were forced to say this) and people saying that they "lost" their child and their other children want to "fix them" and that the rate of divorce after having an autistic child is 80%. all of that is absolutely despicable. Autism Speaks is a terrible organization and people are too scared to go against it because of people questioning their political correctness and going against a worldwide charity. But, Autism Speaks doesn't care about kids for ASD. They don't have anyone on their team with ASD. They're treating it like its a disease, or an std or something. Autism speaks should not exist, and better organizations need to be made. It sucks how they treat Autistic children as nothing but a burden, and they need to get "prescriptions" and such. No. (P.S., Autism Speaks once took down and/or sued a 14 year old autistic girls blog.)
@luckyTorchic23 8 жыл бұрын
+ReMnant _ Have you heard of ASAN? Autistic Self Advocacy Network, run by autistic people, for autistic people. 'Not about us, without us!' They are an organization dedicated to bettering the lives of autistic people, the literal opposite of Autism Speaks, since Autism Speaks uses only 4% of funds to help families and 40% for research to eliminate autism. There are other good organizations too I just forgot what they are ;-;
@haveagoodmourning 3 жыл бұрын
as an autistic person, i think the beginning was pretty bad too 😓 first thing they show onscreen is a mother forcibly pulling on her child who is in distress- as well as filming the kid during it. i know i hate to be touched (let alone roughly pulled around) during sensory overload, and that i would hate even more to be filmed/exploited during a mental breakdown :( imagine that happening to a child
@MelissaTreglia 5 жыл бұрын
My husband is on the autism spectrum. He is a wonderful, sweet, intelligent man who just doesn't understand nonverbal cues and can become overstimulated from time to time. And I would never think less of him for it; on the contrary, he's been through so much and is a survivor. I'm proud of my husband's successes because I know how hard he works, how hard he tries to push forward and I'm there for him when he needs my love and support to boost him. And he's given me his undying love in return. So, lady at 10:58? Your son WILL find someone who loves him for who he really is, and accept his flaws, quirks and special needs... even if YOU can't. ANYONE can find love; you just have to be open to it.
@sonyagosain3409 6 ай бұрын
So why don’t autistic women get husbands like this? Lol do you know what even happens to us?
@zoekirk1848 9 жыл бұрын
"We can't throw this generation of kids away." Is it just me or could that be hate speech?
@CrashBoomBang78 2 жыл бұрын
Fucking should be. Absolutely despicable.
@thecubularemperor Жыл бұрын
Yeah that would be lmao (sorry for replying to a 7 year old comment)
@alchemistfightinggunupstv5991 3 жыл бұрын
As someone with autism myself this is NOT how living with autism is This is propaganda
@dr.seytan4310 2 жыл бұрын
@Astrid_2016 Жыл бұрын
Yes exactly it's neurotypical made autism propaganda.
@hackidreemurr Жыл бұрын
This is Nazi
@Q.Anderson Жыл бұрын
That's ALL Autism Speaks is Just bad propaganda
@randomgirl2956 Жыл бұрын
True I also have autism and for anyone who doesn't know what propaganda is its basically where someone is trying to get you on one side or the other basically with misleading and false information.
@evealexandria4285 4 жыл бұрын
Also Joddy seems like sure a sweet and adorable girl. She was so kind to her mother and showed so much empathy when she thought she was upset.
@teddyn240 8 жыл бұрын
Even though Alison did say in a blog that she did not contemplate killing her daughter and all she said was that she would rather kill her than put her in a bad school. She still said it in front of her daughter which is unacceptable no matter how you put you words.
@teddyn240 8 жыл бұрын
@mercyforthemerciless9160 6 жыл бұрын
It's not normal to decide you'd rather have a dead child than a child that has to go to a bad school. At all. I'd rather my kid be entirely uneducated than be dead.
@laureljade3476 2 жыл бұрын
it's like saying you "killed them in order to protect them" like WTF
@bonniejohnson760 Жыл бұрын
I wonder if the Authorities have seen this or if someone who either does or doesn't know her and these children whether it be personally or professionally reported her to the Authorities? If I knew who she was and she lived near me and she would say that in front of me, BELIEVE ME I would be the the first one to report her the the Police and C.P.S.. This is beyond toxic behaviour and she's a Garden Variety Narcissist and she favors her normal child over the autistic one and puts the autistic child as the scapegoat ( blames her for everything that goes wrong in the family instead of taking accountability for their own actions) these children should be in foster care until they can find suitable parents or parent figures who are fully trained and educated in autism and C.P.T.S D. and to properly raise the with pure, genuine unconditional love without the favoritism, hate and the bullshit.
@barbarajordan-white7852 Жыл бұрын
Allison? Where is this blog
@shomarus7030 9 жыл бұрын
"she didn't want to be on the swing" you said it yourself, maybE you shouldn't be forcing her on the swing. "I contemplated driving over the Washington Bridge, and that would be preferable to--" um. why the fuck hasn't your child been taken away from you? why haven't you put her up for adoption then? I hate all of these parents. And pills, _why give your children pills for autism_? Autism is autism. The lack of understanding how to react "normally" in social situations. That's it. And there's a whole spectrum. Ugh.
@Droooooo0 6 жыл бұрын
The pills were just vitamins and supplements.
@strawberrysoulforever8336 4 жыл бұрын
@@Droooooo0 That's what Mrs Pen marks said when she tried to kill her daughter by making her take an overdose. Okay, it wasn't a true story, but she did it because her eight-year-old had already killed three people. It's in a movie and a book. The little girl survives the overdose, but the movie had her getting struck by lightning at the end.
@Droooooo0 4 жыл бұрын
@@strawberrysoulforever8336 I have no idea what you're talking about
@strawberrysoulforever8336 4 жыл бұрын
@@Droooooo0 Book and movie "The Bad Seed". Look it up. It's about an eight-year-old murderer. At the time, it was very daring.
@Droooooo0 4 жыл бұрын
@@strawberrysoulforever8336 what does that have to do with anything
@ranvocado 2 жыл бұрын
“Look at all the pain he’s in” He’s just stimming leave him alone 😾
@emilyjello 9 жыл бұрын
all i see is parents not being able to accept that theyre children are not perfect.
@abbeycoleman5559 5 жыл бұрын
Disabled and neurodiverse kids ARE perfect though FYI.
@alberthodges2091 4 жыл бұрын
@@abbeycoleman5559what if 'disabled' people are perfect while everyone else is imperfect, but disabled people are considered imperfect because there are more 'normal' people than us?
@peridaniel8265 4 жыл бұрын
@@abbeycoleman5559 That's not the way to look at it either. Nobody's perfect and everyone has imperfections.
@jononpaper 3 жыл бұрын
They are not “not perfect” they’re different. Please accept this
@jononpaper 3 жыл бұрын
@@peridaniel8265 yes
@shannonbriggs100 10 жыл бұрын
Well... this has offended me. I have autism and this video just makes us all look like awful, uncontrollable, selfish people. These 'parents' are bloody terrible. I didn't get diagnosed with autism until I was 11, before then my parents were told they weren't bringing me up right, I was just a little slow to develop and that I was just a misbehaved child and they had to look after me without any kind of help. My parents didn't have the luxury to understand what was wrong with me, why I was crying all the time, having fits, why I was still wearing diapers at the age of 6+, why I acted a certain way etc and not once did I hear of them complaining or saying how much of a handful I was, they just got on with it like any good parents would. And why are they acting like their child has no future, no hope? I've just finished a level 2 course in college and will be going into a level 3 course after the summer holidays... My behaviour and my ability to cope has has improved dramatically over the years, how can they say their child has no hope? Take them kids away from them and give them to parents who have to ability to properly look after a child.
@lubystkaolamonola529 Жыл бұрын
As it was said in documentary, divorce rate after autism diagnosis increases up to 80%. Would you consider that those mom are simply exhausted both physically and mentally? Without proper support system, lack of schools, programs, and even different spectrum of autism sometimes "THERE IS NO hope. Let me ask you, did your parents raised you by themselves or you had encountered numerous -logists at school to help with your improvement. I do not see bad parents here.
@andrewb6194 Жыл бұрын
@@lubystkaolamonola529 so wanting to kill your child and only not doing so because one is “normal” is good parenting? They all fail to actually understand their kids I’m sorry you don’t understand autistic people and only know about us from viewing Autism Speaks videos and stories like Chris Chan’s.
@KeniQilin Жыл бұрын
As someone else on the spectrum, I can tell you I passed my English GCSEs (UK) in high school. I'm a very talented writer. People are even impressed by what i write
@RTMonitor 8 ай бұрын
For the reason why it seems that they have "no hope" is obviously a lack of resources, but that doesn't mean they can be crappy for their excuses. It's sad that they can only focus on the bad side and not on the other side. These parents are clearly not educated, or they are wrongly educated that hurts not only themselves but also surrounding areas such as their friends, children, colleagues, etc. We need to stop the nonsense from Autism Speaks because of how much cruelty they are shoving us BS yet not letting us to speak. It's like if it only speaks from parents and not with individuals with autism. For this reason, I wear red on the day for Autism to oppose their message and let neurodivergent people speak.
@vanessaschattman972 5 жыл бұрын
I couldn't even finish this. The mother saying at 6:17 so calmly that she was contemplating killing herself and her child - and that she only wasn't doing it because she had a second , "normal" child to take care of - made me so disgusted, horrified and physically nauseous that I had to stop. How can these people even consider themselves to be helping prevent autism stigma?
@mistermasterinahat 4 жыл бұрын
Late to the game, but that's the entire point: they don't WANT to end the stigma. They want to end AUTISM. BIG difference. And in order to end autism, they have to CREATE the stigma for it in the first place. I'm not saying that Autism Speaks is entirely to blame for ALL the stigma in the past, but they sure as hell have NO desire to stop it and want to keep it active so they can make more money off of their fear tactics and false sympathy.
@shannonking8298 8 жыл бұрын
This isn't all autism is. I read somewhere that these families were told to ensure their houses were messy and that they were asked to change their schedules to ensure the kid would have meltdowns for this video. They don't show any of positivity. These parents look like they've had death sentences. They are all blaming their child for their divorces and financial problems. These people don't deserve their children. They spend all this time complaining about their child and basically casting them as a burden, but they never said anything positive about their children. It's like they don't love them.
@pumamountainlion7777 7 жыл бұрын
Apparently now your a conspiracy theorist.
@shannonking8298 7 жыл бұрын
i read it somewhere i can't remember where but autism speaks is a horrible organisation so this wouldn't shock me
@pumamountainlion7777 7 жыл бұрын
Shannon King To me what's horrible about autism speaks is not that they want to see the end of autism but rather that they want to microchip autistic people against there will (for there safety) they say that's like forced medication that's not good .
@jessegauthier6985 7 жыл бұрын
+Seeing Clearly Media Coming from the guy who thinks Autism was a genetically engineered weapon by the devil or some shit
@jessegauthier6985 7 жыл бұрын
Kay Peep. You are a meme.
@teddyn240 8 жыл бұрын
I would rather watch the twilight movies than watch this.
@Malicos 8 жыл бұрын
Then do eeeeet
@emmarose4234 5 жыл бұрын
At least the Twilight films are FICTIONAL.
@bestrafung2754 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah, as terrible as they are, at least they're not bigoted.
@kierancaldwell3442 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah I put the volume off and only came for the comments. Luckily most of the comments have restored my faith a little bit
@phub4386 2 жыл бұрын
“I was drafted, I have an autistic child” “I really had to give up my entire life as I knew it” That, is what happens when you have kids.
@BimBop83 Жыл бұрын
If you think that raising a neurotypical kid is anywhere near as difficult as raising one with special needs, you’re delusional.
@als2480 3 жыл бұрын
Autism everyday: me and my 3yo having dance stim parties to our favorite songs. He's just started to talk, but we still could communicate before then. It's called empathy and learning to communicate in their way as well.
@BritishMoron Жыл бұрын
massive w for your 3 year old
@hanna82115 5 ай бұрын
amazing parent
@xx_ac1dr3j3ctzz_xx7 4 жыл бұрын
they’re literally just saying “oh my child doesn’t like that i’m touching him/talking to him/etc... guess i’ll keep doing it even though they’re screaming and crying for me to stop” and “i’m abusing my kid because he can’t do the things i want him to do”
@LadyLeomon 9 жыл бұрын
As someone with Asperger's I feel offended by the way these parents seem to be implying their children are burdens. I wasn't diagnosed until later in my childhood around 10, even then I still went to Mainstream School, with hindsight I have to wonder how different my life would have been if I had been with other children with autism. But despite the hardships of high school I've made good friends and had rewarding experiences in charity work. My anxieties and need for routine do limit my everyday activities more often than not, it just means I'll work that much harder to look after my home and my animals. Equating being a parent to 'having a hangover' is just cruel. Ladies? If you don't want a hangover then don't drink, okay? They deserve help, I agree with that much. My mother had to fight to get what I was entitled to in regards to school for example, no one wanted to help me. I just don't think this charity is going about this the right way :p
@cactus6801 Жыл бұрын
Asperger’s doesn’t exist you guys are just autistics who are on the part of the spectrum where they aren’t affected as much by it
@TheAutisticFrog Жыл бұрын
@LadyLeomon Жыл бұрын
@@TheAutisticFrog why yes, there are charities for autism, thanks for pointing that out 😏😏😏
@TheAutisticFrog Жыл бұрын
@@LadyLeomon yes, but this aint one of em
@booksquid856 Жыл бұрын
Have you not read the studies that show sleep deprivation has the same effect on mood and cognitive ability as being drunk? Sleep problems are one of the most common and severe symptoms for those being labeled autistic. Nice if you didn't have that problem. But get off your high horse and stop judging this as fake. These parents are exhausted beyond your wildest dreams.
@aaausername 2 ай бұрын
Even if the kids don't speak they can still hear you...
@HalloWitch93 11 жыл бұрын
I have Asperger syndrome, and at a young age I taught myself how to both read and draw. I'm a high-functioning artistic mind, and my parents didn't go broke raising me. It also didn't completely change or distort their lives, as these mothers claimed their kids did. Was there ever anyone like me mentioned in this video? Not even once. Because I don't ask for a pity party, yet this video is exactly that. -_-
@mietschj 10 жыл бұрын
Couldn't agree with you more. Seriously, why are we allowing these fucktards to speak for us? It's ridiculous, really.
@lindaarbuckle5828 4 жыл бұрын
This is exploration
@bestrafung2754 3 жыл бұрын
This video only shows the bad side of autism and autistic children who are clearly severe.
@Pewie. 3 жыл бұрын
Bro I had the same story I have a mild autism and I started reading and writing even drawing when I was 6 at this age I'm a great reader and writer with a big skill of art and my parents never gave up on me thanks
@jononpaper 3 жыл бұрын
Geniuses are too intelligent to be understood by the neurotypical society.
@strawberrysoulforever8336 5 жыл бұрын
The most inspirational part of this video was Jodie's little sister talking to her and asking her questions. Then she ruined it by saying "I wish I had a sister without autism." But I can let that pass because she's only little.
@justanotherrandomgamer1380 5 жыл бұрын
That garbage mother probably manipulated the kid into saying that. That's why these parents don't deserve to be parents. They're just going to pass there scumbag traits onto their children and they're going to end up just like them l when they're older.
@baffledbrandon3132 2 жыл бұрын
I can't, because she was probably coached to say that.
@strawberrysoulforever8336 2 жыл бұрын
@@baffledbrandon3132 Okay, but my point is, she probably doesn't actually mean that. Also, apparently Jodie's capabilities are far beyond what this video was allowed to show. Luckily, Autism Speaks has become more willing to let autism actually speak since this video.
@Floppafan-wx9wl 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah that kids suck a a hole
@erindunn6689 2 жыл бұрын
She was probably constantly around people saying that autism was a bad thing, and being a little kid she took what the adults around her said at face value and decided that she didn’t want her sister to have this “bad” thing that was autism.
@eckmanch 10 жыл бұрын
These mothers need to be supportive of what their kids can do, instead of focusing on what their kids can't. A much better video would feature people with autism expressing what autism is like for them everyday, not NTs making all of these complaints. I'm sick and tired of negative stereotypes. Let's be positive for once!
@beesokay 3 жыл бұрын
"I didn't choose to do this," you actually did, when you decided to have a child
@titanmonarch 9 жыл бұрын
Neurotypicals Speak About Dealing with Autistic Kids, While Autism Is Silenced. I bet they edited out anything positive they might have said about autism. And 6:11 - what the hell? I'm autistic (well, high-functioning Asperger's, I realise I have it very easy compared to some...) and Autism Speaks certainly doesn't speak for me. Luckily I live in the UK where people have pretty much never heard of it AFAIK.
@bestrafung2754 3 жыл бұрын
In the UK, we have the National Autistic Society, which is good. Thank god Autism Speaks do not exist here.
@leannestrong1000 6 жыл бұрын
The lady who talked about putting the little girl in the car and driving off a bridge is teaching both of her children a very destructive lesson. Ableism.
@ns4022 Жыл бұрын
I’m a mother of autistic twins. They are now 21. I looked at this video and was horrified at her mention of driving off the GW bridge and the parts where she said the only reason she didn’t was because she had a neurotypical child. That neurotypical child wished for a non-autistic sibling. Sometimes parents with special needs children get on the pity-pot, and their children react to their disdain. I love my children and taught them to love themselves. I didn’t hand them over to therapist who tried to make their childhood hell. I remember stopping early intervention because they were talking above my sons head and doing ABA training to new workers while avoiding him as a human being. I enjoyed my children, didn’t get offended if they were criticized, as a matter of fact I taught them by example how to stick up for themselves. I looked for new and creative ways for my children to express themselves. I’m not saying it wasn’t hard at times, all children can be hard at times. I’m glad and proud for who they are, I think if you are that unhappy with having an autistic child, in all probability you would not be happy having children period. I figured it out, it was challenging but they were happy self accepting-kids.
@nonabonn 2 жыл бұрын
Fun fact: if you force a non-autistic child to do a puzzle they don't want to do, or force them on a swing, or do literally any of all the grabbing that happens to kids in this video.... THEY WILL ALSO CRY
@hackidreemurr Жыл бұрын
I agree. I mean if you're grabbing a neurotypical/allistic child, people will call you out for assault und assume that you're a pedophile. But wtf is it allowed to do the SAME thing with autistic children without being called out for the same thing? Why??
@jtjuh2000 9 жыл бұрын
Hey hey hey, you saw them smile in the last scene right? You know when they smiled? when they did something they liked and weren't forced to do.
@MrAndywills 2 жыл бұрын
As an #actuallyautistc my heart breaks for the children of these vindictive harpies.
@FrostysLinux 10 жыл бұрын
This video hurt my brain. - Someone with Autism.
@alberthodges2091 4 жыл бұрын
slightly old comment 'This video hurt.' - Everyone
@emma-mu2ex 2 жыл бұрын
And my heart too
@jtjuh2000 9 жыл бұрын
Ok look I'm only halfway through the video, but I want to say, I am autistic myself, and so are my 3 brothers and my father, but we never had it difficult at home, even though we got the first diagnosis around 2-3 years ago. The reason these kids are suffering, having meltdowns etc. is because they don't feel safe at home. They need so much attention because you keep giving it. I and my older brother needed very much attention when we were little, until my mom said it wasn't normal behavior, and then we just stopped. So slowly change the routines and tell them when you change something and why. Also some advice for the parents: let them do what they want to. If they run away, they are most likely scared and feel not safe at home. If they don't want to do or wear something, then don't force them to unless it is really necessary. Let them brush their teeth with a regular toothbrush and let them do it themselves. If they don't want to wear jeans and only sweatpants (like my brother)? let them. LISTEN TO THEM to make everyone's life easier.
@mattstiefel4806 3 жыл бұрын
Reading this makes me grieve the family I could've had. I'm glad there are decent people/parents in the world.
@mintmint2355 3 жыл бұрын
0:13 1:13 1:31 5:29 10:26 11:21 Whats up with their obsession of stopping the children from stimming? As long as they are not harming themselves or others there is nothing wrong with stimming. They may feel overwhelmed and stimming helps them self regulate, and these parents dont let them stim...
@coreforce9872 3 жыл бұрын
They’re probably embarrassed by it.
@MichaelStephenLordReserei1987 10 жыл бұрын
Aspie, musician, artist, graphic designer, computer engineer with interests in Astronomy, Physics, History, Medicine. But I've also been very introverted, was never any trouble for my parents or teachers, just a quiet and hard working student in school who received many awards. While I do and did have meltdowns and shutdowns, they never included kicking and screaming--my stim is only a bouncing leg. My parents, grandparents out of the goodness of their hearts always supported my interests without question. I've known many other people all over the spectrum similar to myself. I should probably say that I wasn't diagnosed until recently at 27, but I myself knew I was different as of at least 5-6. I was held as an example for my younger siblings. I know that I'm not the only one who is on the spectrum that shares many of these aspects. I'm Autistic and proud, and my entire family are proud as well. Autism Speaks does not speak for me or others like me...they're poison, and it's just appalling.
@aria24601 5 жыл бұрын
Is no one going to talk about the younger sister saying "i wish my sister didn't have autism"??? That's worrying!
@letitiamarshall8661 3 жыл бұрын
It shouldn't worry you. No one wants to be disabled. BUT also, since she/he is, they should be proud to have them, PERIOD.
@teampneumonoultramicroscop972 2 жыл бұрын
She was probably told to say it
@Honeycoupe Ай бұрын
They probably made her say it tbh
@sparrowtalkstoomuch 3 жыл бұрын
Oh my god that blonde lady in the green shirt... The cold way she awkwardly hugged her daughter at the end... Gut wrenching
@Twobirdsfanaccx Жыл бұрын
Fr, she defo doesnt care about her child
@CrashBoomBang78 2 жыл бұрын
I love how they're like "he won't do the puzzle unless he's in the mood", "she doesn't want to go on the swing" as if they're actual problems?? STOP FORCING YOUR KIDS TO DO SHIT THEY DON'T WANNA DO JUST TO PLEASE YOU! Literally nowhere in this clip were the kids accommodated or allowed to be themselves, and you wonder why they're having meltdowns??
@XavierP333 Жыл бұрын
You have to understand that the parents do these types of things to help their kid's mind develop. To help them grow and be self reliant. Again, bashing parents of a mentally impaired child isn't helpful. Being a parent of a severe autistic child isn't easy. Most folks don't give credit to the parents for doing their best. It's like saying, "don't teach your child to read because he doesn't want to" "Don't teach your child to put on his shoes or get dressed if he doesn't want to" I have an autistic child, with mild autism, he has meltdowns, tantrums, yells, spits, needs prompting, etc. and thanks to me repeatedly teaching him to read, even if "He didn't feel like reading" he learned to read at the age of 4.
@CrashBoomBang78 Жыл бұрын
@symmetricalorigami6728 First of all, autism is not a mental impairment. Secondly, there's no such thing as "mild" or "severe" autism, the spectrum isn't linear. And lastly, get over yourself.
@XavierP333 Жыл бұрын
@@CrashBoomBang78 Actually, Autism IS classified as a disability. It is an impairment that affects both neurological and mental development in daily life. It is under the ADA. In the U.S., Autism even qualifies for social security disability income. Any child or adult who isn't capable by his/her own means to perform normal daily tasks on his/her own due to low neurological development is considered mentally disabled.(by normal, I mean by self care, being able to self express , self dressing, self feeding, self bathing, not being constantly prompted, being able to identify simple tasks to get around, driving, reading, writing, being aware of danger (ex: not running into traffic) not needing to be monitored) Second, there is levels of severity in the autism Spectrum. It is not labels, it is a MEDICAL FACT. Children with autism are evaluated by a pediatric psychiatrist, the psychiatrist determines how severe the child's condition is by asking the parent's questions about the child's capabilities and limitations. All this is done to help the child to have a better quality of life in adulthood. Some autistic children do fine while others with higher severity need professional help for the rest of their lives. It's truly unfair how you don't accept reality, you choose to disbelief that children with autism are all the same and they're not. Some are more severe than others. And you bashing on the parents who are trying to help their child is truly ignorant. I'm currently teaching my autistic 7 year old multiplication tables "even if he doesn't want to" and thanks to consistency, he has learned a lot. He may not able to self express or have a normal conversation, but every day consistency is helping him a lot. Therapists, psychiatrists all encourage constant consistency for their mental development.
@lukebytes5366 Жыл бұрын
​​@@XavierP333here are a number of ways to teach skills without resorting to force, it can be a simple as finding what your child actually likes and going from there. To provide a legitimate, though different perspective; i am autistic. I always liked reading early grade cartoon books like diary of a wimpy kid, even as far as 6th grade. When everyone actually tried to get me to read beyond that, I hated reading. It felt useless when my mom always took me to a library to spend my summer reading books when all the dialogue I'd ever want would be in video games I'd be playing instead. It felt like the choice to read what I wanted wasn't in my hands anymore, and it turned me off from books. How have my unusual ways of reading affected my skill? I was consistently many grades ahead of a normal reading level, even with my apparently poor eyesight. I also recently scraped by an English college course which was consistently stressful (mainly because I never had a real English class) but barely manageable once I put the pieces together. I won't pretend to know everything about parenting, especially to a parent, and learning to do things you don't always want to do is a necessary thing to teach, even if it's not easy. What I'm trying to say here is that children will learn in ways you won't always expect, especially autistic people. And imo, finding that unique flow of learning and guiding them through it is more beneficial than simply going through a checklist of life lessons. And also, in the context of the comment, it's a bloody swing. If they wanted to bond with their kid there's a million different ways that don't involve uncomfortable levels of force.
@haannguyen4402 Жыл бұрын
⁠my mum taught me that autism isn’t an excuse for not trying (I was diagnosed at 4, and I’ll graduate high school next year)
@beesokay 3 жыл бұрын
One of the most infuriating things about this video is that when they're talking about schools, or people judging their kids, or having to spend tons of money on therapy or special food, they are so, SO close to understanding that the actual problem is that the system completely fails autistic people, and anyone else who doesnt exactly conform to society's idea of normalcy. But then they completely miss the point and blame the child instead
@beller9853 11 ай бұрын
Her Daughter is autistic, is in the same room, and can hear her say "She would have gone over a bridge with her if it were not for her other normal child 6:30" Sic,. Stop thinking children with autism can not understand you!.
@flipperpines1629 5 ай бұрын
I’m autistic myself and this is very Offensive to me why are we as autistic people being treated like a disease and not treated like human beings it’s so ableist
@CherylFigueroa-il5uf 4 ай бұрын
Well it is a development problem this is reality
@catbatified9063 5 жыл бұрын
1:23 does the parent not realize that electronic toothbrushes are sensory hell??? at least be educated before you do things to your kid that could harm them but wouldn't harm you
@Dogwolf12 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah I can deffo see that. Literally could be like bristly static.
@Anaea Жыл бұрын
yeah why an electric tooth brush specifically??? even as a teen turning on one of those things feels like youre holding a rapidly vibrating cat. it doesnt affect me much but to a small child holy shit of course it would do that
@pandorasangel2747 Жыл бұрын
Yeah the sound isn't that much different from orthodontist equipment
@cuedepie4376 5 ай бұрын
horror movie aah scene
@sharklordsatan3882 10 жыл бұрын
Speaking of bad organizations, I am a Autistic middle schooler who has to put up with a so-called 'special ed' program called SCIP. I'm going to sum up what I had to go through. (WARNING: WALL OF TEXT AHEAD It started somewhere around 1st grade or so, maybe earlier, mayber later, I don't remember all that much. I..had major problems with the teachers. Basically they didn't understand what they were doing, and always ended up pissing me off, always ended up making me retaliate. It was god-awful. Hell, I used to be so bad I rarely went to class - I was stuck in that damned SCIP room - and when I DID go, I usually ended up having an fit to the point where the teachers made everybody clear the fucking room, and when I had a fit they usually locked me in a small, tiny room with barely any privacy. And then I got into a phase, around 2nd or 3rd grade, where I would piss myself in a corner in that room (on purpose) out of sheer rage. Around 5th grade though, it was somewhat better. My class used to switch between a class for a day before switching to the other class. One was focused mainly on math, and the other got on the other stuff. One day I was having sort of an fit. I didn't feel switching to the other class (my class was supposed to go to the math class for the day) and I was working on a sort of 'booklet' with different dragon species. I don't remember much, but I do know that at one point the math teacher got fed up with me (he was some guy named Mr. Schoummer or something like that, and he had a plant thing in his heart so that if the room was dead silent and if he was close enough you could hear the tick tick tick of it going or whatever) to the point where he came into the room, grabbed the thing from me, and tore it in half before throwing it into the garbage. I do believe it was 5th grade when that happened..which was also the grade I was in when I called one of my SCIP 'assistants' an pig. Which made her cry. Yes, I do regret that, and I wish I had apologized to her sooner, but now I can't. :| Sometime in elementary school, I was also switched SCIP classes (we had 2 that was connected by a big room that kids usually went into to play with toys/take breaks, or as a sort of 'replacement' for the tiny room - or should I say heavily reinforced closet. I was somewhat mad, but it was okay. Until they told me to read the rules on the whiteboard. Which I had already read and knew, and I didn't want to read it out loud because I thought it was stupid and humiliating. Middle School was somewhat better, but unfortunately it DID have an SCIP program as well. I was sort of 'traumatized' by then from the previous stuff I mentioned back in Elementary, but most of the teachers were nice. Then one day an 12 or so year old kid with SEVERE autism (so bad, he acted like an 4 year old) came in named Tommy, to be a part of the SCIP program. Or he might've been already there, but whatever. He had some..problems that I'll say as I describe what my experiences with him were like. The first 'encounter' was me casually sitting at a table. I was working on some work, or perhaps drawing, I don't remember, but he walked next to me and suddenly fucking pulled his pants down while laughing/giggling like a maniac. Fortunately I only saw his rear, and not his..well, you know. The second time was scary as hell. I was doing my thing at a desk, minding my own business, when suddenly he walks next to me and GRABS my left arm and leaned down to bite it. I fortunately jerked my arm away before I got bit, and I did threaten the teachers that I WOULD sue if he DID bite me at ALL. The third time was somewhat scary but not as much. Again I was doing my work, while Tommy was watching a movie (The Little Mermaid, to be exact) that the teachers had set up for him. I happened to look over to my right JUST as he was reaching across from his desk to pinch me. And the fourth and final one before he left the SCIP program was the most intense one yet. I was sitting at a desk (again), working on some work. Tommy was walking out of the room that he usually stayed in or was put into whenever he had an 'incident', I looked behind me and he had that usual grin on his face. I shrugged and turned around back to my work. The next thing I fucking knew, he had latched onto the BACK OF MY NECK with his teeth, chewing on me as if I was some chewtoy. I just sat there in pure shock for a moment before started saying loudly "HELP HELP", and the teachers got him off of me as he was making his way to my right shoulder. I was crying, and I almost immediately went to the 'Quiet Room' (they didn't put kids in there when they were bad or whatever, but it was basically around the same size of the room I used to get locked into back in elementary) to just rest. They put him in his room, and I asked the teachers to call my mom to take me home. Guess what? I didn't get to go home because my fucking douche bag of a teacher named Ms. Downing (She's basically the 'main' teacher in the SCIP program) either didn't call home or..whatever. Some time after that, I was commenting on a hardcore war-fan kids' Assassin Creed jacket (his name was Marcus, he was from my elementary school and he was pretty nice), and suddenly Ms. Downing (from her desk) said "Don't interrupt my class" in a REALLY rude way, even so it hadn't even started. On that same day, or the day before or after, she called me an 5 year old when I was stressed out/having a 'fit.' And then a few months ago this year, they made up a fucking LIST where I couldn't make any sexual comments, growl, or anything like that. If I did even ONE of those it would automatically earn me a trip to eat my lunch in the SCIP program with that fucking Downing hag.
@Azmoslam 10 жыл бұрын
"And then I got into a phase, around 2nd or 3rd grade, where I would piss myself in a corner in that room (on purpose) out of sheer rage. " Shutup. Although I admit when I was young I used to go very mad in school and flip tables over, all that stupid shit, but its not like I didn't know I was doing it, I thought it was fucking funny, it was a good way to calm down. But really, you pissed yourself out of "sheer rage"
@normalwizard7645 10 жыл бұрын
That's absolutely horrible!! I am not in the program myself, but our special needs thing sounds really similar. My locker in middle school was right next to their room, and from what I could tell it was 2 teachers taking care of maybe 6 kids with autism. Theyre locked into a double classroom together the whole day, though occasonally one of the teachers takes a few of them into the hallway for one reason or another. The kids seemed really nice but the teachers... not so much.
@Olivia-W 9 жыл бұрын
Special needs people are treated a bit like dirt, usually, but if we want to rise above that, we can't sink to their level. It's hard, yes, but I believe through advocacy and peaceful protests we can make our voices heard. Martin Luther King made it work. I believe we can too.
@ihavealifeyaknow6827 6 жыл бұрын
Wow. When I was younger my family moved to another country because my of my Dad's job. (Well, this was the second move but regardless) I went to a really expensive international school (oh look at me, mr fancy man.) An international school is just a private school but for kids from all countries. (And you could literally be friends with someone related to the king. In fact, my sister was.) I got no support, because we didn't know I had autism. When we came back to my home country. (I won't reveal because I like privacy.) I went to primary schools that didn't have support. But then I got into a school that could support me. So yeah, happy times for me.... No. I still got into fights. And I think it's because I couldn't get help as early as I should have done. But that is just my theory. Edit: I went to a special school for my last primary school year. It was shit. Why? Because I am very intelligent and schools like that don't focus on you learning educational wise, but instead learning how to be kind and stuff like that.
@toilet7970 2 жыл бұрын
Did you got out of the program
@gracekatharine 3 жыл бұрын
I cannot imagine what it must feel like as one of these children to later stumble across this video and watch your own parents complain about you as a child. None of these parents should have had children if they weren't prepared for the struggles that came with it. I have never hated anything more than this organization.
@candlewax9133 10 ай бұрын
Not only that but the children are aware of what's happening now as in a cut part the mum in green says her daughter doesn't love and then her daughter comes and hugs here saying she does only for the mum to shoo her away
@animefan2454 6 жыл бұрын
7:16 is probably the most heartbreaking and hurtful thing I have ever heard.
@sensoryzoo8293 5 жыл бұрын
The murder suicide thing and cure speech(I see this weekly) didn't hit me nearly as hard as that did. Why are teaching your daughter that's something she should say
@animefan2454 4 жыл бұрын
@@sensoryzoo8293 it's fucked up that's what it is.
@ceceschannel7804 Жыл бұрын
She probably said that because she wants a sister who talks to her and plays with her and loves her and shows that love
@Honeycoupe Ай бұрын
She was probably told to say this..
@leannestrong1000 10 жыл бұрын
The sister said, "I wish I had a sister without Autism." I have Asperger Syndrome, and that makes me wonder if my brother (2 years younger than me) ever wishes I didn't have Autism!
@necelticsox 10 жыл бұрын
that mom is teaching that daughter a really dangerous idea. autistic people can actually identify far away objects better than most people, so if we get "rid" of autism, we get rid of that ability to tell far away objects so well.
@leannestrong1000 10 жыл бұрын
necelticsox Yeah, she is! Really it's a very dangerous idea to kill anyone, whether they're Autistic or not.
@normalwizard7645 10 жыл бұрын
I think that the girl who said that was autistic and wishes she could have someone her age who didn't have autism with her. But idk maybe i misunderstood
@teaartist6455 5 жыл бұрын
@@necelticsox Could you maybe inform my eyes of that? They seem to be quite stubborn in their nearsightedness.
@NoNo-vv4vo 2 жыл бұрын
If it makes you feel better it's definitely the mother filling the sister's head with garbage and that's the kind of thing debunked with perspective and distance from the parent in question.
@strawberrysoulforever8336 4 жыл бұрын
I have autism. My parents had no friends that knowingly had a child with autism. Many of them did not have children at all. Some of them did have children, and one family was from my kindergarten - I was friends with their oldest child who is a true-to-life genius. The only friend they have that has a child with autism was a friend of a friend, and their daughter was diagnosed when she was in her twenties, and only with a number of other things.
@fiorearciuolo691 6 жыл бұрын
Looking for the mother who contemplated murder-suicide? She starts talking about it here 6:00
@darkartsninja 11 ай бұрын
Friendly reminder to all parents that if you choose to have a biological child, you CONSENT to the possibility that your child might be different, might have different beliefs, development, even sexuality when they get older. It is still your responsibility to love and care for the child you brought into this world, even if they are not "normal".
@leannestrong1000 4 жыл бұрын
If I were in that situation where I had to worry about a call from the school, stating that one of my future children had been acting violently, I would want to know more facts, before deciding what should happen next. There could have been some bullying going on, or someone might have done something to make that girl do that.
@ZeldaWolf55 12 жыл бұрын
10:01 "When you first get diagnosed..." Ok yeah this shouldn't be about how YOU feel. YOU don't have it, he does. How do you think HE feels? HE CAN get married. HE CAN have children. I just hate this video.
@urlocalfrog11 3 жыл бұрын
One of the mums literally says " I hope that when my neurotypical child grows up the will be some sort of cure to stop autism happening" like autism is NOT BAD!
@LuisOrtiz-ey1bp 2 ай бұрын
No, it's not bad, it's horrible and should be cured. Hopefully technology will allow us to do so, or at least detect autism in the womb so we can abort
@Ella-ly6uh Жыл бұрын
I am a mother of a 3 year old autistic little girl who is currently mostly non-verbal. I also have a younger child who appears to be developing typically. While I worry about the future of my precious daughter all the time and constantly try to find ways to help her, I certainly would never compare her to her typically developing sibling and moan about losing the 'babyhood' of her brother because of her autism (!) like one of the mothers in this video does. To hear the mother of that beautiful autistic little girl say that she contemplated killing herself and her daughter and it was only the fact that she had another, non-autistic child that stopped her from doing it made me feel absolutely sick, especially as she says it right in front of that precious child, who I am certain, understands everything her mother is saying. I know that my 3 year old understand most of what I say because I can see it, even if she doesn't respond to my requests. I don't assume that because she can't talk, she won't know what I'm saying and even if I ever, EVER felt the way this woman did, I would NEVER say it in front of my precious little girl. This girl comes up to her mum and apppears to ask 'what are you doing, mum?" (beautiful communication, btw) with a distressed look on her face and her mum completely ignores her and goes on to say those horrible things with that poor little girl right behind her. What the hell is wrong with people! To me, that's abusive and cruel behaviour on her part! And then she cuddles the younger sister lovingly and says nothing when the child says that she wished she had a sister without autism! It is YOUR JOB as a mother to teach your other, non-disabled child to accept, respect and love her autistic sibling especially as she is clearly old enough to be taught that! Who else is going to do it if you don't?! Well, I wish I could give that autistic little girl a cuddle and tell her how beautiful, smart and special she is.
@Frankybeanselevators Жыл бұрын
This is the creepiest video i've seen in a long time, the fact it comes from an organization supposedly supporting autism is terrifying.
@banbanthebandit4002 4 жыл бұрын
6:17 so you wanted to end a child’s life before it could truly begin, you monster
@robertafierro5592 Жыл бұрын
Autism is very difficult. My mother would have put me in Willowbrook if I was Autistic. She hit me Every Time I became frustrating for her. She hit me 8n public and the passerby saw her Assaulting me . I was so glad that somebody saw this.
@Riddickisawesome101 Жыл бұрын
I’m very sorry she did that. She was abusive and you deserved a lot better. Are you away from her now?
@robertafierro5592 Жыл бұрын
@@Riddickisawesome101 oh yes!! She's long gone. She didn't even want me at her deathbed. Later on I found out what she had against me. I was an exact replica of her sister who she HATED. I always longed for a Mother who would put her loving hands on me instead of hitting me. Her behavior affected my life to this day. I am now 62 and still trying to deal with her life lasting hate. Not everyone is cut out for parenthood. But one thing everyone should know is that children need LOVE. Thank you so much for your interest. That was very kind of you to reply. Thank you.
@Riddickisawesome101 Жыл бұрын
@@robertafierro5592 I’m really sorry. I’m glad she’s at last gone and not able to terrorize you any longer. I’m in my 20s and living on my own and still trying to recover from the trauma my parents caused me. Hopefully in the next few years they’ll be out of my subconscious for good
@doodleghost6225 3 жыл бұрын
2:53 The mother: "and all the pain he's in" The kid: Happily stimming Bitch what???? Do you think ASD is painful????
@somethingwithbungalows 3 жыл бұрын
@TeamFriendship8600 3 жыл бұрын
I mean, just look at Satoshi Tajiri, Anthony Hopkins, Temple Grandin, Dan Aykroyd and Elon Musk. They're CLEARLY in a lot of pain.
@pizza134 3 жыл бұрын
@@TeamFriendship8600 elon is autistic? I KNEW IT
@desserteyes6978 2 жыл бұрын
Happily stimming so when you stim your happy?! no your anxioys which is different fuxk you
@emilyr6510 4 жыл бұрын
I remember when I was doing ABA I cried cause I didn’t WANNA DO A MONSTERS INC PUZZLE KAREN!
@Idiotic_B_Purcell 3 жыл бұрын
I heard from other comments that ABA is literal conversion therapy. Tell me, what was more of it like? I wanna use the info to bash folks whom support it and want a cure for Autism like it's a terminal disease
@alexmarian4642 3 жыл бұрын
I never did ABA luckily, but my diagnosis was annoying. I was just chilling reading some Nat Geo Kids magazines during the “break”, and Karen walks up to me with her creepy-arse exaggerated fake smile and patronising baby voice and is like “dO yOu WaNt To PlAy WiTh ThE dOlLs?”. I said I didn’t, but she kept pushing me. After about a minute I got really uncomfortable and sweeped the toys on the floor and claimed they all died in an earthquake so we couldn’t play with them any more. Her facial expression lmao. ETA: I was 10, way too old to want to play dolls with a random adult.
@fuckablepancakes 2 жыл бұрын
@@Idiotic_B_Purcell as an autistic, it caused me severe depression. I got so tired of masking from it and I lost my sense of self identity from being told I had to blend in with everyone else. As an adult, I still feel so lost from it. It was so stressful a a child to constantly have a script in my head that never felt like my own words. I was so happy before I was mistreated. People assume I’m unhappy because of autism but I’m unhappy with the way people see me and treat me because I act differently sometimes due to being autistic. I have so many strengths from thinking differently but so much time was wasted on the parts of me that “needed to be fixed” as a child that I didn’t recognize the gifts that came with my diagnosis until much later. I’m now thriving in school and I got varsity on my sports team. When people first talk to me, they wouldn’t know I was autistic until I felt I could trust them to be kind to me.
@tomatozest6074 3 жыл бұрын
funny how she’s using an ELECTRIC TOOTHBRUSH on her clearly overstimulated child. i couldn’t go near those things when i was little, no wonder he was crying
@digi_gabrielic Жыл бұрын
That mom wanted to murder her child because she has a disability that she was not properly accommodating. Many parents in recent years have shown that you can raise a happy Autistic child just by accommodating them and treating them like human beings rather than burdens. I understand parents get overwhelmed and struggle, but if you consider driving your child off of a bridge because of her disability, you need serious help.
@introvertedwifi4818 4 жыл бұрын
Who the hell tries to control their kid by grabbing their shirt like that
@myamimike 3 жыл бұрын
In Autism Speaks' 13 minute video. Autism spoke for maybe 8 seconds. You might not have heard them over the parents demonizing their children.
@hayleybest982 4 жыл бұрын
These mothers are acting like they are the victim but imagine these poor children being misunderstood and getting a camera in their face and their mum saying they are so hard to control
@mis0cat 4 жыл бұрын
I'm very late to the "party". But as an autistic person, I just want to say this. To all the parents of autistic children saying how hard their lives are since they had that child (e.g. I had to quit my job, every day is a struggle, my life now revolves around autism). Just please, take a moment and try to imagine how hard it is for your child. Overstimulation, bullying, masking, being told that we need to be fixed just because we have a different way of viewing the world and processing input. Many autistic people have to deal with a variety of those things, every single day. We don't choose to have meltdowns. We don't choose to be nonverbal. These aren't things you should fix. These are things that you should learn about and provide your child with support and love when they do happen, Nobody chooses to be autistic (however I do find many parts of my autism advantageous in the creative and academic categories). If you find yourself thinking about yourself when it comes to caring for an autistic child, remember that however hard it is for you--your child is experiencing that struggle tenfold. Autistic children are not burdens or in need of fixing; we are in need of love.
@mis0cat Жыл бұрын
Coming back to this as a college freshman whos writing a paper on autism speaks--this video was so incredibly damaging for me to watch as a newly diagnosed person. I watched this while grappling for acceptance and appreciation after being diagnosed at 14--this video probably delayed my acceptance of myself by a year or two.
@newtlyme7820 4 жыл бұрын
"Life is absolutely crazy" Imagine how much those kids think that! Imagine having thoughts and emotions repeat over and over while crying because something triggered it and just having your parents be like "ugh my life is crazy and terrible I have to be a parent"
@unsaltedtoast 2 жыл бұрын
i hope these kids know that they are loved and accepted into the autistic community :( their parents talk about them like they’re a burden
@hackidreemurr Жыл бұрын
Yup but depression and PTSD will be engraved forever into their minds just like how it's with me and it makes me so sad 😞
@harlotstarlett 4 жыл бұрын
This is disgusting. They view autistic children as burdens and like their life is not worth living. And the worst part is that they make their kids feel that way. The little girl said “I wish I had a sister who didn’t have autism”. It’s disgusting and it’s sad.
@aaausername 2 ай бұрын
As an autistic person, thanks for extinguishing my sense of self worth and making me feel like a burden.
@aaausername 2 ай бұрын
Oh yeah, and my parents are divorced.
@evrenmoon5217 9 жыл бұрын
Autism Speaks needs to be stopped. I am autistic. I deserve to live, as I am. And no, I am not a fucking burden.
@icare3170 6 жыл бұрын
The "I would have killed my daughter and myself if a didn't also have a normal child" is at 5:59
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