Awakening of the Rebellion - Return of the Jedi Order? (Ep 59)

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8 ай бұрын

Awakening of the Rebellion Season 4 with the new version 2.1!
The Empire has lost its new planet killing battle station, the galaxy is in chaos. The criminal families and factions are uniting. The Rebellion has begun.
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• Awakening of the Rebel...
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@be-noble3393 8 ай бұрын
Shack: “You think you can win that fight?” Palpatine: (Strikes JoJo pose) “Indeed, I have foreseen it!”
@Hiipower23 8 ай бұрын
The Jojo pose😂😂😂
@gunraptor 8 ай бұрын
14:08 "I wonder if they're getting ioned or something...." > Literally a Loronar Strike -class Cruiser in the top left of the screen shooting ion cannons with impunity
@jurepec5779 8 ай бұрын
He even hovered over it but he didn't read the description which would tell him it's great for destroying shields
@nikhilanoop9707 8 ай бұрын
Hey shack those shipyards at kuat should be making lots of ships so they could go to the front lines faster
@sadlerbw9 8 ай бұрын
Exactly! They are capable of so much more than building the okayest super cap ship!
@lavitagrande8449 8 ай бұрын
To answer your previous question, yes the 75s are optimized for a different part of the game than the dauntlesses. To meta-game a bit, looking at the stats of each, the 75s are best used where fleet cap isn't really an issue, but credits are. Dauntless shine where the biggest limiter on a fight is situations where fleet cap ends up being the biggest restriction.
@jurepec5779 8 ай бұрын
So early-game basically just like shack said and then it loses it’s purpose
@anotherkenlon 8 ай бұрын
@@jurepec5779 The MC75 is also useful later in the game in situations where you need more hulls rather than better ones - either to more quickly replace losses, or to fill out more fleets. Assuming you have the shipyards for it, of course.
@FunkThompson 8 ай бұрын
@@anotherkenlonThey also pair very well with the Dauntless. Both have great firepower, and the MC-75 has the salvo ability for extra DPS. Dauntless jams, MC-75 slams with torps. Like, 1x MC80 / Home One in the rear with a Dauntless and pair of MC-75 up front is brutal. Especially if you can get them attacking the MC80 first before moving the brawlers in.
@dereinepeterpan5637 8 ай бұрын
The also have heavy armor, so they can tank against ships with light Turbolasers like a Lucrehulk
@FunkThompson 8 ай бұрын
@@dereinepeterpan5637Ish. They have decent shields and armor, but not great hull HP or whatever and tend to die fast to other torp-heavy foes. They also just aren't fast enough to have any hope of getting out of trouble, but then few ships are. Best bet is to have a real tank get the attention, and then move them in for barrage. Or as cheap-enough suicide bombers, but that is an expensive cheap-enough :D
@SolitarySpade_Davon 8 ай бұрын
Admiral's Log Admiral Davon Cress, CO of MC 80 "Independence" Class "Phoenix" Alliance Northern Fleet Ilum. An old ice world of which the Jedi resided upon many years ago. Luke expressed a great deal of urgency for it's liberation, especially given how we've promised him this operation maybe... one? Two years ago? Unfortunately with how things are going at the core, he'd be unable to personally see the operation himself. Kota instead took his place, leading his air unit and marines through the wastelands and into what was once a jedi temple, now turned black sun mining facility. The whole "airshow" as described by a few accounts was indeed a spectacle. Dozens of skyhoppers shot down by merely 6 X-wings. I know they're trainer aircraft, but you gotta admit seeing a furball like that planetside is a rarity nowadays. Kota's forces managed to break the enemy garrison, all with minimal casualties. The Liberation is helping with the logistical effort with setting up everything needed for what exactly Luke had in mind, so they'll not joining us over here anytime soon. Remember the Jedha raid mere weeks ago? Yeah, well The Empire responded with the might of a rather large imperial taskforce. Orbital defenses were quickly overwhelmed, and Leia and Katarn braced themselves for the inevitable assault. The assault came, and boy did the empire pack a lot. Wave after wave of stormtroopers poured in. Leia's forces managed to hold out for a short while until they were forced to retreat up the hill, which was subject to bombing runs and orbital bombardment. Still, whatever forces we had left had sent the empire packing. According to this here report, we would have seen AT-ATs on the ground. Oddly, there wasn't a mention of any AT-ATs in the reports being smuggled out of Jedha. In any case, Jedha is still being blockaded by that imperial taskforce. Our fleet was the closest, just being over Ilum when the order was given to move in to relieve the princess's troops on the planet. One problem though, the Utegetu Nebula, a vital imperial resupply hub was in our way. Normally, this wouldn't be a problem... until we saw the telltale signature of a Golan III platform lurking within, as well as a gravity well the empire so conviniently had. I guess the constant presence of the Black Sun back at Ilum forced their hand. I figured using the nebula as cover to jam imperial bombers while using our own artillery ships could work, while a large group of blockade runners would tear any approaching bomber asunder. To our mild surprise, the empire targeted the corvettes themselves. Guess the empire saw that they were losing that many starfighters that fast. Eventually, the Golan III would go down, but not before taking with it three of our CR 90s. We're one jump away from Jedha now. Hopefully the princess will hold out for just a bit longer. I've... gotten my hands in some deep imperial stuff. I wasn't aware the empire had more secret projects, so when The Vector Incident happened just a few days ago, I didn't know what to make of it. Any and all information pertaining to what exactly Rogue and Saber squadrons faced is kept well in the dark by the empire. No such information exists outside of the classified documents the empire safeguards in their archives. The only place I know that has information on all this would be Scarif... and... well, that's out of the window. As such, I've convinced high command to keep this all under wraps. Only I, Rogue, and Saber squadrons should know about what had happened with the Vector. I'll see if I can get Vantiss to find another imperial archive. If anything, if there are other imperial secret projects out there... well, I've got a bad feeling about this. For now, Admiral Cress, out.
@billygrantham5380 8 ай бұрын
Rogue Squadron Journal Week 348 - Utegetu Nebula Cmdr. Witton Bogre - Rogue 2 "Crisis on Jedha" The Empire continues it's assault against our forces in the Mid-Rim. In an effort to break the coming encirclement of the Core Worlds and halt our advance near Kuat, the Empire struck out at Thyferra and Jedha. Thyferra was quickly repulsed but at Jedha, where Princess Leia and Kyle Katarn had staged a rebellion to overthrow the imperial garrison, they found themselves trapped by General Veers. Caught in the middle of operations on Ilum, it was decided that Captain Shack and General Kota, along with Saber Squadron would finish up and take Ilum while the main fleet moved to relieve the trapped rebels. Unfortunately the main fleet had to go through the Utegetu Nebula where the Empire had an entrenched force waiting for us. Understanding that the Princess needed help immediately, General Madine ordered Rogue Squadron to bypass the defenses and move on to Jedha to reinforce her. Meanwhile he'd take the fleet and hit the defenses and break through. So we launched from the ship and snuck through the nebula, running as dark as we could. No comms, no astromechs, and on low power we coasted through single file unnoticed with Wedge leading us. Once out of range we jumped to Jedha. When we arrived at Jedha it wasn't a welcome sight. The orbital defense station as well as the defending ships were still burning and landing transports were moving to the surface. All guarded by ISDs. Realizing we couldn't do much on our own we instead opted to hit the transports ferrying troops. Thankfully we caught them completely off guard and in a matter of minutes several heavy troop transports were disabled and useless. Unfortunately that was about all we could do before the TIE swarms were sent our way. No word on reinforcements from our fleet had been received so we had no choice but to return to the Nebula. Upon returning we found the fleet heavily engaged. The imperials were putting up stiff resistance. We jumped into the fight towards the end and saved several squadrons of bombers and our artillery ship from a wave of TIES. Our timely arrival tipped the balance of power in the battle our way and soon we were leading an attack on the Golan platform that cracked it apart. Sadly we couldn't quite relieve the Rebels on Jedha but we did later get a transmission from the Princess herself, stating that they had repelled the assult and that no enemy armor had hit them. Thanks to our efforts in orbit. We saved the Princess, and all the others. That's why Rogue Squadron is the best.
@michaelzerles3160 8 ай бұрын
You should play the sub mod to awakening of the rebellion called glory to the republic it’s a basically a clone rebellion mod I think u would love it
@neofulcrum5013 8 ай бұрын
Or the Hardliners in the Remake submod.
@andrewclark7559 8 ай бұрын
Do the clones turn on Palpatine to save the Jedi or what?
@sixmonthgaze135 8 ай бұрын
Nah, still in early development
@dg-7273 8 ай бұрын
*Ghosts of the republic
@patriot17764th 8 ай бұрын
@brenobassocenci6571 8 ай бұрын
Officer: Hello my emperor, I have reports that the rebels took an almost useless planet covered in ice. Palpatine: what is its name? Officer: it seems to be ilum, an ancient Jedi pl- Palpatine: THEY TOOK WHAT?!
@NP3GA 8 ай бұрын
Palps is probably fuming right now
@user-zb5sq5do2k 8 ай бұрын
Cerulean Aces Log: Week 348 At Jedha’s Alliance HQ Well, these last few weeks have certainly been a change of pace. We’ve been reassigned as a rapid strike force by General Madine. It’s been stressful, because there’s so much to do. I have a vast amount of respect for the general, but he should stay in his branch and let the navy work it out for themselves. Regardless, here we are. Our job is to handle any breakout operations by the Empire from the core, as well as push at the Empire in full force when the opportunity arises. This isn’t too far off from what we were doing earlier, but there’s a lot more jobs to do now. With the Empire getting desperate, they’re pushing out in any way they can. Vader still hasn’t moved, but two other fleets have attempted to carve their way out of their corner in the last month. We intercepted one of the fleets that pushed out our forces in the southern front, but at a heavy cost of multiple MC-line capital ships. Another Imperial fleet is still wreaking havoc in another part of the galaxy. We’re on our way over there now, but who know what it will cost us. And if Vader moves… we could be facing another massive loss in the near future. There’s just so many holes to plug here, and not enough forces to do it. I heard the s crew recently liberated Ilum. Air strikes from X-wings allowed the infantry to move up largely unopposed. I hope they finish mopping up that Black Sun holdout soon, because we need that fleet up here, and soon.
@captainfierce8508 8 ай бұрын
Captain's log: (Week 335) I gather up rest of lighting squadron and some of the crew including Rebecca who I had a brief run into during the battle of maw and depart home one not knowing that would be the last time we see her. My little force of lighting squadron and a couple of u wings was really meant to join are original fleet from Rattatak who when I got word, chase a couple of ships out of the Ring of Kafrene. The empire currently has change course towards the north. I believe that was the same force that Vader commands. Hopefully we could do something. (Week 337-347) By the time we arrive over the ring of Kafrene, the fleet has gotten slightly stronger, dozen support ships but the 77th was still on Rattatak waiting for a chance to land some where. When I got aboard, everyone wasn't happy to see me and a couple of ships and not the tempest. I reassured them that lighting squadron being here will help us out even though having tempest would be better. Atleast the maw was ours. I got word that thyferra forces were else were so we decide to set a course there to poke and it went well. The empire show little resistance when we got into orbit and we basically control system but the empires force on the planet were even stronger and we couldn't against them till the army gets here. I decide to hold the ground army back and lay trap for the empire. Plan was to leave a mc80 and a couple ships wait over thyferra while we waited in a near by system for reinforcements. I was chilling with Rebecca and the commander of lighting squadron when I got word from are forces over thyferra. The Empire has come, trap was set the plan was made, let's keep thyferra from them. (Log ended)
@Zaeikil 8 ай бұрын
Commanders Log: Commander Rylan “Saber 1” Brask. Alliance Fighter Squadron Lead [X-Wing Squadron: Callsign - Saber] It's been… quite the month but it is good to be home, by home I mean back on The Liberation, where we belong. Saber got two new pilots to reinforce the squadron with the arrival of The Liberation to Ilum, one of them even being a certified Ace right out of the gate. The so-called Ace is Lieutenant Kino Hadrasi, with the other being a familiar face by the name of Lieutenant Marius Tarkett. Why’s he familiar? Well he was among the prisoners Saber and Rogue Squadron liberated from Yaga Minor. In fact, he even thanked me during the breakout. Small galaxy eh? On the other hand, Kino is quite the character. He’s a good pilot no denying that but he's also beginning to be a massive pain in my [data expunged]. I mean I’ve met some people who believe them to be above everyone else, the kids I went to academy with along with Lancer Squadron come to mind but none of those groups piss me off as much as Kino. Maybe it’s because he's one of mine and I expect my pilots to be a little humble. It doesn’t help that he loves to brag about his exploits as if his squadron took missions that were ten times more dangerous than the ones we flew. Guess he doesn’t know what we’ve been through. Almost wish he experienced Atramenta, would’ve humbled him. In terms of Galactic news, the Empire attacked Thyferra and Jedha. The Imps at Thyferra were quickly repelled. The rebels at Jedha weren’t as lucky. Most of Madines fleet was sent to assist the rebels on Jedha, leaving Saber Squadron and The Lib to take Ilum. No problem for us. The ground forces managed to repel the invasion, reports say Veers was leading the Imperial ground troops, with the assistance of Rogue Squadron and our forces in orbit. As for the Battle of Ilum, Saber was tasked with providing top cover for the ground troops led by Kota and Moxly. Saul and his boys were down there as well, I’ll say they keep training JTACs like that and these ground fights may become much easier. The calls from mostly the militia and Sauls personal section of his Warhost were some of the most accurate I’ve ever received. Before long, the planet was ours with only one of mine shot down, Saber 8 or one of the Twins Lieutenant Rayna Koe. Luckily she only sustained a minor concussion. Kinos gonna have a field day with this. That’s all I’ve got for now. I need a drink. If I have to hear another one of Kino's rants today I swear I’ll be the first CO to frag one of his subordinates. Commander Brask, Out. [END OF LOG]
@YABOIBISON 8 ай бұрын
As @totalnerd5674 commented from last video: please do the Endor missions before you launch a big attack on the core! "Find out where Ace Azzameen is being held (he is erroneously marked as Rescue Rouge Squadron in the mission list), get him back, and do the Zhar mission."
@deathlord269 8 ай бұрын
I know i've been mentioning "get Ace" for 5 episodes now, so there are a lot of people saying that, more so as we get closer to the end.
@pieterboshoff7582 8 ай бұрын
​@@deathlord269ya but he rarely listens to our advice i mean ive been giving him advice nearly every episode for years and i think hes only used my advice like 3times and straight after doing it he forgets
@deathlord269 8 ай бұрын
@@pieterboshoff7582 in fairness, there is also a lot of people giving him conflicting advice, and he forgets his own tactics too. he used to have bomber groups regularly take out capital ship engines with the purpose of separating fleets to make easier targets, a skill I got from him, and continue using, whereas I feel it's been 5-6 campaigns since he regularly employed that tactic.
@billygrantham5380 8 ай бұрын
I'm pretty sure Ace is bugged out. It said on the rescue mission he was in CorSec space but Shack didn't get him back when he took the planet. Perhaps Shack misread the planet but I'm pretty sure Ace is now gone for good.
@ghostreader3692 8 ай бұрын
Shack doesn't usually do the Endor mission. He always says he wants to play as the Rebellion, not the New Republic.
@ChrisVillagomez 8 ай бұрын
29:05 I've never been able to say this for a Star Wars game before, but look at all of those Imperial Carpets strewn about, it's like when 2 massive lines clash in Medieval 2: Total War and there's just carpets of bodies left afterwards
@generaljo7471 8 ай бұрын
Rancor Company Journal Captain Corsair Cross Ilum Return of the Jedi It's not every day you get an assignment to assault a Jedi Temple. Or what used to be one. Kota once told me that the Jedi younglings would be sent into the caves of Ilum to find their Kyber Krystals to power their lightsabers. And how much of a closely guarded secret it was. Obviously, that secret came out after Order 66 because we found a Black Sun Pirate Outpost built around the entrance to the temple. With support from the Rodian Group and the Liberation's X Wing squadrons, we made quick work of those scum and returned to Temple back into the hands of the Jedi. Heh, I'll be honest. I spent the last 20 years thinking the Jedi were gone, that the Republic I spent my early years defending was well and truly dead. But now, with General Kota, Commander Skywalker, and Kyle leading the charge, there's hope. We have a temple which we can train new Jedi. Perhaps this Galaxy will finally know the freedom that had been denied to so many generations.
@SamuelJamesNary 8 ай бұрын
Rebel Diaries 59 - It is strange to be on Illum... It's not where I got my lightsaber crystal. That came from another planet, but that doesn't mean I'm aware of the historic importance of planets like Illum to the Jedi Order. And to a degree, I can understand why young Skywalker wants a formal reestablishment of the order. Apparently, "Ben Kenobi" told him lots of stories on Tatooine before he blew up the Death Star... stories that were probably exaggerated and covering some things up, as I don't think he knows WHO Darth Vader is... but it does fit some of the sentimental and emotional reasons he wants to reestablish the order and train new knights from Illum. I can understand that. But wars are not won by emotion. Emotion only leads to rash decisions, which is probably how Anakin Skywalker BECAME Darth Vader, and that's why I haven't been too keen on rushing to Illum. As earlier in the war, all it would have served was as an emotional distraction, particularly while the Black Sun controlled Mandalore and there was concern about the Corporate Sector siding with the Empire. Now, as the Alliance High Command has ordered Operation Python to get around the Imperial holdings in the core and crush them from all sides... and as the Black Sun begins to disappear from the galaxy, now there is an option to secure the planet and make strategic use of it. I sense that Python will be a tough campaign, as the Empire won't take it lying down. And they've shown that by moving some of their Star Destroyers around, forcing the Southern Fleet to retreat from Thyferra and then sending part of that force to attack Jedha. That fleet is largely intact, but the Southern Fleet was able to return with reinforcements and destroyed the force that remained over Thyferra and that should allow for the ground units in the area to take the world... and for the moment, that should be the main southern effort... particularly while the Black Sun is also present at Fondor and immediately to Thyferra's east. If that force can begin constricting on the forces there, it may be easier to get reinforcements and increase the fleet size as Sluis Van continues to pump out cruisers, even old MC75s as missile ships. The fleet battle of Jedha wasn't much... though the Imperials did lose a carrier. The best news from there, was more that Princess Leia and Agent Katarn were able to fend off the Imperial attack and took out a large number of near elite Imperial infantry... which is good. To a degree, it gives me the sense that Katarn might be able to make a fine Jedi... more practical than Skywalker and not as emotional. But our paths have not truly crossed yet, and Captain Shack is busy with the Imperial garrison at a nebula that may enable the Northern Fleet to engage the Imperial Force over Jedha. This is where we come back to things with emotion. Shack is a fine Captain and has been since our service in the Clone Wars, and on a personal level... I can think of no man I'd rather fight beside. But at times he can be a bit emotional, and this rush to the nebula and then wanting to fight this Imperial fleet is risky and does leave the Black Sun in possession of a world between Illum and Ord Mantell, a world that should be reduced before any sort of plan is moved forward on the galaxy's outer edges... particularly while Leia and Katarn seem capable of holding out on the ground. In the meantime, I can only guess on some of what the Empire is doing. The forces at Iridonia and others will need reinforcement... and I'd even urge the Bulwark's fleet to raid at Carida, see if the fleet presently over Jedha was the same one that had secured the Imperial academy world. If it is, we can retake the world with Skywalker's forces and even consider a build up at Kuat to look into a campaign for Corelia which will limit Imperial construction and will aide in the flanking support for Operation Python. If what I sense is correct... we can do both. It would secure the Bulwark's fleet and the Core Fleet to handle the Imperial's main production centers while the Southern and Northern Fleets finish off the Black Sun and surround the Empire. - General Rahm Kota.
@RevanX77 8 ай бұрын
I think in that first fight you made a mistake choosing to attack the small ships first, both MC types are more suited to brawling with other capitals than missing frigates or anything smaller. Because of that both ISDs were able to focus down your ships for almost the entire length of the battle without even losing effectiveness.
@steves578 8 ай бұрын
yep, I kept having this issue in my own playthroughs, I would be so focused on dealing with the Frigates and cruisers it didnt occur to me that the main threats were ISDs, the only time you should focus down smaller ships is when theyre big threats aka ION weapons and artillery.
@VenomSeeker 8 ай бұрын
(Haven't watched the whole space battle yet, just letting it be known) 3:43 Shack: You really think you can win that fight? *Sees Imperial battlegroup* Shack: Yep you definitely think you can. I just love the immediate "well shit" moments that occurs with these playthroughs from time to time XD.
@chrisyotas5854 8 ай бұрын
I love the empire in these types of games. You look at the disc stack at the top of the screen when the alert pops up and you go "oh, thats so few ship, 6 ships cant possibly beat my much bigger fleet" and then those 6 ships turn out to be brutally effective against capitals and they got enough carrier support to blunt any and all fighter advantage. It's just such a good wombo combo to delete anything with as few ships as possible.
@mrat0m316 8 ай бұрын
I would love to see Shack continue this as the Rebellion in Thrawn's revenge.
@mikavanpolen8418 8 ай бұрын
Given the amount of attacks the empire is launching, it may be useful to invest into more QRF fleets to reinforce and retake exposed planets.
@YoniX50 8 ай бұрын
Don't forget about Wraith Squadron, good pilots AND infiltrators. In the books.
@deathlord269 8 ай бұрын
I think he meant in the game (mods included) there aren't many hero squadrons.
@davidgray3061 8 ай бұрын
That phrase cought me off guard " I shouldn't have left Armco for this". Does that mean we have Armco Marines fighting for the rebellion (Alliance to Restore the Republic)
@MrAdamArce 8 ай бұрын
Shack: I don't have bombing runs *swarm of X-Wings* - Are we a joke to you?!
@Glacier36 8 ай бұрын
[Mission Debrief: Snowblind] [Black Sun Mining Operation, Ilum] [Captain Kyran 'Nightswan' Tadden recording.] "I don't blame command wanting me to go in ahead of time of the intended attack once 'Phoenix' fleet had taken orbit. Though somehow I could just tell that Kota had more than just reservations about launching this attack at Skywalker's insistance, being one of the last surviving Jedi from the Old Republic I could guess there more to it than whatever his grumblings were." "Still, I had been given a job to do; determine the extent of Black Sun's influence and operations on the planet... if any. We could see from orbit it looked like someone had cut a gargantual swathe out of the planet's equatorial region, no dount the Empire having strip mined the planet for all it's worth, I really don't see how Black Sun could have managed something on this scale. So other than an out of the way supply base, why were they here to begin with? That's what I was going in to find out as well as to mark targets of opportunity. Getting in was easy, a few 'alterations' to my usual apperance and a noticably 'aggressively Mandalorian' demeanor and I practically had the run of the facility." "It was clear that the Empire had come to some 'arangment' with the Black Sun when I stumbled upon their mining operations around what must have been the old Jedi Temple on the planet, while the Black Sun were all over the place, they were using close to top-of-the-line Imperial Mining Equipment to dig into areas around the temple with surveying equipment trying to find the best way to breach the temple interior without causing damage to the point the structure would ultimatly collapse on them. And it was clear the Black Sun had been busy with the state of one of their storehouses packed wull of storage crates and shipping containers, most loaded with mineral ores, others somehow packed to the brim with small Kyber crystals of varying shades of colours, blues, greens, oranges, purples... and this turquoise one I couldn't help but be compelled to grab from the crate while no one was looking." "I made a point to note down the shipping destinations on the crates and containers, pretty much any and every black market you can think of in the galaxe: Canto Bight, Nar Shaddaa, half a dozen worlds in the Outer Rim as well as one that doesn't ring a bell, 'Batuu'. I'll pass the locations off to Bridger and he can do a deeper investigation with the Bothan Spy network, though I expect Batuu to be a bust given it's not on most star charts. All I knew is time was quickly running out before the Ground Invasion started, so with what time I had left I made the call to knock the mining facility I was at out of action before setting up a hoaming beacon for the ground invasion to lock in on to start dropping troops. A few 'misplaced' and live thermal detonators can cause all kinds of hell and did exactly that before the guards knew what was going on. Afterwards I just ran for the plataeu in front of the temple and dropped the homing beacon, one of the rare times I'm glad to see Kota's militia and marines hit the deck first. I passed off what I knew to the Genral before deciding I was best helping the infantry push, even if it was just with a blaster rifle." "Once the temple site was secure, Kota's men made sure to secure any crates with those small Kyber Crystals. What he plans to do with them I have no idea, but the almost disgusted look on his face tells me he isn't too happy to see the crystals packed away like that. For now, though, we take solice that Ilum is under our control.. and the rumour and gossip mills have started." "Nightswan, signing out."
@commanderknight9314 8 ай бұрын
Shack those are twin blade frigates. They have power to engines not power to weapons like the assault frigate.
@unknownperson5859 8 ай бұрын
Loving this series shack, please keep making these.
@tophercaesar5375 8 ай бұрын
Fighting in close range space battle, ships firing at each other at point blank range…brings in slow firing long range heavy artillery ship to brawl. Oh Shack, never change.
@diamondq7s124 8 ай бұрын
Having the Jedi be back in the galaxy is going to be amazing, Rebels with there troops and ships with the Jedi and there's as well fighting the Empire!
@steel3z3u59 8 ай бұрын
14:19 omg That MC80 nearly misses that ISD!! Shack you have to get a shot of that!!
@mranderson9553 7 ай бұрын
the konga line of stromtroopers was amazing
@torresstormer9136 8 ай бұрын
so if the imperial fleets that hit you are something you would build... this means that this episode has been a galaxy wide captain shed vs. captain shack tactical and strategic showdown
@HeadCannonGames 8 ай бұрын
They should put Hera in that capital ship from the new squadrons game and have it produce the Ghost kinda like Vader gets both his SD and his TIE
@Coley0120 8 ай бұрын
That would be for the new republic era and the ship is the starhawk
@jakewilson5418 8 ай бұрын
Great episode Captain. We are concerned at the aggression of the Empire, but we continue to have faith in your command. May the force be with you.
@KaiserMattTygore927 5 ай бұрын
Shack is surprised the MC75s died so fast when he threw them at the enemy largely unsupported and surrounded on almost all sides.
@RevanX77 8 ай бұрын
I sometimes get a little confused when the opening narration is at odds with what happens in the episode. For example here you say taking Illum was Luke's plan and you contacted Kyle about it and said Rahm Kota didn't want to do it, but then in the game Kyle is off defending, Luke is sitting on Chandrila, and Kota is in fact the one that takes the planet.
@anotherkenlon 8 ай бұрын
Just because Luke isn't at Illum doesn't mean it's not his plan to have the Rebellion take the planet.
@deathlord269 8 ай бұрын
I take it as Kota is still going where he is told, but will have no part in the Order itself.
@TK199999 8 ай бұрын
It still doesn't make sense the Liberation doesn't have both bombing run and orbital strike.
@asomewhatdecentperson9190 8 ай бұрын
Hera in the Alphabet Squadron books had a refurbished Republic carrier ship that she used as her flagship. She eventually goes to an MC-75 in Star Wars Squadrons to Home One (and is presumably in command of the ship since its implied Ackbar got a promotion) when Ahsoka rolls around. I kinda hope we do get Alphabet Squadron and Vanguard Squadron as additional fighter groups for the Rebellion. Since they would be active around this time of the New Republic. The only other “hero” squadrons in canon to my knowledge is Corona Squadron (From the book Lost Stars), which is a group of mostly elite X-Wing pilots. And Blade Squadron, a group of B-Wing fighters that took down Vader’s flagship during the Battle of Endor.
@jakushkadarkstalker6278 8 ай бұрын
This isn't the new republic though. The second death star has not been destroyed yet as Shack seems to be uninterested in doing that story mission.
@deathlord269 8 ай бұрын
** Begin Transmission ** Commander Shack, as you are aware, our focus on the Black Sun has given the Empire the ability to redirect their attention to us. Scary as that is, the Empire has shrunk, and while they can respond to situations quicker, outside of their roaming response fleets which other units are working to track down, they can't act in the numbers they used to have. Thyferra was them trying to not lose another planet, and Jedha was a counter attack against a hole we made in their net. You've taken the... Utegetu Nebula?, whatever that is, I have it on the chart but I have no record of it's significance. I have more information on "No Space" though that's due to a member of my company formerly being a historian and going on random rants. With Illum's ground captured, I still think it's worth taking a stroll through Adumar, if not to take it, to at least set up a blockade. Come down and take Bilbringi, and we have a good supply line to assist Jedha, or to redirect our assault fleets. Zhar is still an issue and I've begun to be called crazy for how fixated on it I am. For the record, my company pushed back rancors on Dathomir, we already know I'm crazy, without the fixation on Zhar. That said, in my last transmission, I said we were being reassigned with Dathomir wrapped up. currently my forces are being reorganized and we're set to do more pest control on Felucia. Because Acklays = Rancor apparently. Shack, as a favor to me, not one commander to another but as someone who has fought with you in the clone wars, let me know where Ace is, and a detachment of my company will go get him ourselves. Alternatively, while the Hapes are determined to keep to themselves, thankfully for us, as we are the ones surrounding them, the Black Sun have 3 more key locations that they hold entirely. I've addressed Adumar, but, if we take Atzerri, that pushes the remainder of their forces to Fondor. It's a planet with lots of potential given that it has ship yards, ground factories and facilities to train ground troops, but it's still one planet. Commander Jester of Epsilon Company, out ** End Transmission ** if someone else would like to just please tell me where Ace is, that'd be great for the sake of remembering without having to rewatch many episodes. It's been so long since Shack has gone through the missions list, so while I will have my Character will still not know, I would personally like to know where Ace is.
@Guy_Man 8 ай бұрын
“Do you really think you can win that fight? - Oh…(panicking)” 3:45
@LarsLoveToMosh 8 ай бұрын
The Purgels....BANZAI!!! Your CR-90 Cotvetts just laying a Screen of Flak Fire at them was straight out of the Pazific
@mason0450 8 ай бұрын
I loved Star Wars Starfighter, still have it somewhere
@konnigkratz 8 ай бұрын
Carida then Corulag, and Adamarr (whatever the top Black Sun planet is) to Bilbringbi - should always be thinking of how you can reduce the avenues enemies can attack, which will also increase the number of ships you can place to defend each choke point.
@gunraptor 8 ай бұрын
Shack, why don't you run Nebulon B Frigates in your siege fleets? They have the longest viewing range of any ship close to their price, and they come with Longprobe Y-Wings. If you were playing Empire, the same is mostly true for Nebulon B2 Frigates, but they come with TIEs, so you need to mix in either TIE Scouts for the same functionality as the Longprobe, or Xg-1 Starwing Assault Gunboats for an almost-similar scouting role (long sensor range, but no scanner ping). For the Black Sun, HWK-290s have a 2000 FOV reveal, ARC-170s have a 3000 FOV reveal, and the Hardcell Transport (a frigate) seems to be the Nebulon-B equivalent with 4000, but nothing with long range scanning like the TIE Scout / Longprobe.
@johndoe1956 8 ай бұрын
man all I can think about is what would happen if shack built a massive fleet of GR-75s and smashed into a imperial system for fun
@sonofjack6286 8 ай бұрын
Commander's Log Ilum Week 148 [Begin Log] The Jedi Order has the chance of now being reborn. Action has been quiet as of late. With Ilum's orbit secure, Madine led the fleet to the Utengetu Nebula to open a way to Jedha, with Leia and Katarn under siege by Veers. A few corvettes were lost, but their sacrifice was honored by the Northern Fleet's newest victory. As for Leia and Katarn, they're holding the line at Jedha. Veers' first assault was thrown back, so he sits in orbit with the fleet there. In less fortunate news, Thyferra has become a more contested system as of late. A new Imperial fleet was thrown at the orbit to force the Southern Fleet out. The assault worked for a time, before the Southern Fleet returned. The commander down there decided it would be smart to turn the MC75s he'd had built into fire ships, being thrown at the Imperial fleet to break them up. The MC75s were both deatroyed, as was the MC80 Liberty being used as the flagship of the Sputhern Fleet. Thankfully, the Imperials were driven out. As fkr Ilum itself, Kota and Moxly led the ground assault against the Black Sun base. A platoon of speeder bikes were used in support, as well as Saber Squadron in support. One X-wing, Ranya's, was shot down, with her being safe. Thankfully she wasn't hurt badly, just a concussion. Well, that's all for now. I've got some business to attend to. Prince Sugimoto is doing well enough, but that foster father of his is so annoying, as are the royal guards. Let me tell you, it's good to be home, but these toy soldiers are making it annoying very quickly. [End Log]
@Zaeikil 8 ай бұрын
(After the battle of Ilum, Rylan is seen in the cantina with a rather tall glass of Corellian Brandy. His hair is not as neat as it usually is and he looks very tired and fed up.) [I know this is just a starter but if you've read Rylans log then you'll know why hes like this. I don't have a big plan or anything other than probably the introduction of Sabers 2 new pilots. besides a little character interaction never goes wrong.]
@billygrantham5380 8 ай бұрын
​@@Zaeikil(Kylah enters the Cantina holding a datapad. Completely focused on it's contents and sitting near Rylan but doesn't notice him at first.) Bartender: "What'll ya have chief?" Kylah: "Hm? Oh! A Chandrilan Sunset please." Bartender: "Sure thing." (He gestures towards her pad.) "You're not gonna cause another brawl are ya?" Kylah: "Oh, no. This is just a message from Witton." (The bartender gains a look of understanding as he makes her drink.) Bartender: "How is Rogue Squadron? Word was they had another tough mission." Kylah: (smiles) "To Jedha. Witton gave me the highlights. They had to fly blind and deaf through the Utegetu Nebula, past the imperials there. Then they hit the fleet attacking Jedha. Caused one heck of a mess for the invasion force by taking out their transports and saving the Princess' life from an orbital bombardment. After that they flew back to the Nebula and saved the battle there from going bad." (The bartender chuckles at hearing the story. Raising his voice for the whole bar to hear.) Bartender: "Hear that boys?! The Rogues saved the Princess on Jedha!" (The bar's patrons cheer and raise their mugs in salute towards Kylah, given for close relationship with the Rogues. The bartender sets Kylah's drink down in front of her.) "You must be very proud of your piolt Chief." (Kylah gives a nod.) Kylah: "I am. Just wish I could see him. It's been six months." Bartender: "I'm sure you'll see him soon enough. I have my gripes with the piolts but they're not bad people. They'll be back, just like Brask here is." (Kylah takes a sip of her drink. Recognizing Rylan for the first time.) Kylah: "Oh! Rylan! I didn't notice you. I'm sorry. Is.. Is something wrong?" [Been a while since the squadrons were separated like this. I have no plan this time so this is your story.]
@Zaeikil 8 ай бұрын
@@billygrantham5380 Rylan: “Yes… and no. Just, quite frankly, exhausted. You know the two new pilots I got? One of them, Kino, is…” (Rylan sighs before drinking from his glass.) Rylan: “I just don’t know what to do about him. No matter what I try, he’s still so stuck up? You ever had to break someone superiority complex?” (He lays his head down on the counter.) Rylan: “I knew I was bad. But not this bad. This is worse than Lancer, dare I say it.” (After a short, semi awkward silence, Rylan speaks again.) Rylan: “Sorry. I shouldn’t be offloading all this on you of all people. Im sure Wittons doing fine, he doesn’t need us watching his back all the time. Could really use his advice right now…” [Small note. Rylans not drunk. But he’s had to deal with Kinos shit for about a half a month if not longer. He’s only in this state because he doesn’t know what to do at this point.]
@billygrantham5380 8 ай бұрын
​@@ZaeikilKylah: "I come from Kuati nobility. All I know is superiority complex. It's kinda our thing. I don't know how bad this Kino guy is but, they only way I know how to break someone out of that kind of mindset is to take everything away from them. Their status, authority, power, title, whatever it is that makes them feel like their in control. It's what snapped me out of that kind of thinking."
@Zaeikil 8 ай бұрын
@@billygrantham5380 (Rylan sighs.) Rylan: “Were it so easy. I can’t take away his skill nor his natural talent, because trust me he has plenty of that. those are the only things I can think of. I mean he’s not just cocky. He arrogant and incredibly prideful.” (He takes a drink from his brandy. Then his eyes widen as he hums.) Rylan: “If I can’t take anything, then I’ll just have to give him something. I reason. I’ll have to teach him natural talent only gets you so far. Though I wouldn’t be able to use the whole squadron, he’d complain about getting ganged up on. The problem being, the squadron he served with before had seen plenty of combat, hence how he has his Ace status. That squadron has since been put back as a defensive squadron elsewhere. I saw his record and asked him to join my squadron. I don’t think he knew of our reputation beforehand, I think he just wanted to see some action. I guess I’ll have to show him why were called “The Shadow of Rogue Squadron”. I don’t know how I’ve never thought of this before!”
@captwaffle1361 8 ай бұрын
treat the mc75s like you would the rebel one (mainly flank the enemy to deliver big damage). they are not suitable frontliners and never should be
@lightspeedvictory 8 ай бұрын
In terms of Rebel fighter squadrons that can be turned into hero units, there is the Lightspeed Panthers, whose creation was as a tribute to the IRL Flying Tigers. In the Legends lore, they had fang-jawed nose art like the Flying Tigers and shot down over 286 Tie Fighters to the loss of only 4 X-wings during the Fei Hu campaign. This, alongside the general success of the X-wing, forced the Empire to develop the Tie Interceptor and Lancer frigate Requesting you do the Endor questline plz
@Landiosmedjos 8 ай бұрын
It’s a shame you can’t upgrade the fighter complement of the mc80 justice like you can with imperial ISDs. It would give the justice a lot more versatility
@residentmemberofhell 8 ай бұрын
Rebellion Era Hera Phoenix Squadron, the Ghost and some A-Wings. NR Hera on a Capital ship? She also ran that Doom Dougnut for a while
@Coley0120 8 ай бұрын
It was mainly a fighter training ship I believe
@MajorHickE 8 ай бұрын
The imperial strike cruiser is what's disabling your ships' abilities. IIRC ion cannons can have that effect in addition to draining shields. You may want to let your X- and B-Wings target strike cruisers before ISDs; your MonCal tanks are more thank capable of squaring off with ISDs in the meantime.
@gunraptor 8 ай бұрын
57:57 What scale of ground combat would I want in a new Empire at War? I would want much, much larger battles, and even *planetary* scale campaigns, with specific flashpoint zones controlled in a way more similar to games like broken arrow. For instance, I want to choose where my forces would make planetfall and establish a beachhead. From there, I would want to be able to dispatch terrestrial task forces around the planet to take various objectives. This would allow both for the large set piece battles like the Battle of Hoth or Battle of Geonosis, and it would allow for smaller-scale battles like the Battle of Endor or the Battle of Scarif that rely on commando actions by elite troops. It could even facilitate even smaller confrontations like duels. But, yeah, I was always bothered by the fact that Empire at War had these epic space battles with thousands of people on every capital ship, and then the fate of the planet was decided by a single round of a company-scale RTS game with only 9 available units, with the 501st being represented by like three platoons (which, if lost, meant everyone in the 501st Legion apparently just committed sepuku on the spot, and the unit was lost as a whole). So, I want each planet to be entire mini-campaigns that play out along with the galactic map's campaign, where confrontations would be of vastly changing scales, and auto-resolve meant much more than it does in the current game. Or, you could just have planetary battles play out more like a more intricate version of a Sins of a Solar Empire type battle, in "real [accelerated] time" but with every unit properly represented. Every ground force would need spacelift (between planets) and cheaper airlift capabilities, while space battles played out in orbit actively as the ground battle was fought (if the space battle wasn't already won). Of course, each planet would have critical locations and centers of gravity like mining regions, urban areas, and manufacturing areas, all which would provide various resources. Yes, this is *way* more complicated, but you have to admit that it would make for a very interesting game. Also, I've always wanted to plan a planetary invasion, even as nightmarish as planning a mere military exercise might be IRL, but the idea of the grand scale of it, and the visualization of what kinds of tools might be available to help facilitate such a complex operation in the future is just kind of awe inspiring. tl;dr: I want a game that lives up to the name of "Empire at War" both in the macro scale and the micro scale.
@mooyokai3746 8 ай бұрын
Forget about the weak Jedi. The Sith will bring order to a chaotic universe.
@admiralcasperr 8 ай бұрын
58:00 Wargame scale would be a perfect representqtion of what the movies portray.
@danielhuston7575 8 ай бұрын
Don't worry Shack it was the man flu talking. The whole carida thing
@Thechannelthatexistsforcontent 8 ай бұрын
@jakushkadarkstalker6278 8 ай бұрын
After all of these Rebellion campaigns in this mod I cannot recall if Shack has ever made it through the story to the point where it is New Republic Era.
@Sporegenitelo 8 ай бұрын
A Foxhole-like game set in the Star Wars universe would be perfection
@Wedgekree 7 ай бұрын
On the 'Rebel Heroes' bit, the Empire has like twice as many heroes as the Rebellion, the Black Sun just as many and they can build thier own in the form of mercenaries.. And a lot of the Rebel heroes are corvette/frigate ones which aren't survivable far into the game. I'm hoping the new update brings some new ones!
@LoliFoxQueen 8 ай бұрын
I've been playing the origional SW battlefront 2 recently. it's still just as fun as i remember
@BC3789 8 ай бұрын
32:00 Shack: That was our only retreat point, I wonder how many people are going to be like 'Oh Shack" The People: Yes.
@jakehopt 8 ай бұрын
I've been watching you for 3 years mate; super proud of how far you've come. Especially with regards to bringing RTS Star Wars to the forefront of Star Wars YT gaming. Also there are several planets you pronounce in a way that literally triggers me hahaha. It's not a big deal but, from watching the old legacy content in games, etc. plus the audiobooks from Random House they pronounce a couple things different. Kuat is pronounced KOO-WATT, Ithor is pronounced EYE-THOR, Yaga Minor is pronounced YAH-GAH Minor... God I couldn't help type it out. I know you just laughed at folks correcting you and literally typing it out but, I had to lol.
@dixievfd55 8 ай бұрын
Shack: Did the Rebellion ever have another hero squadron? Wraith Squadron: Are we a joke to you?
@FlorianXXV 8 ай бұрын
that intro was great
@jaywerner8415 8 ай бұрын
"Why is the shield going down?" That would be the STRIKE CRUISER Shack! Its armed with nothing BUT Ion Cannons and Stun Ion Cannons. The MC75s are alot of things but Tanky is not one of them. The MC75s are DPS, they are loaded with Torpedos and Close Range Turbos on each side and have the Salvo Ability, Its is fast for a capital ship, it just takes a while to accelerate (it is still a big boat after all). Have MC80s or Dauntless's tank for them and they will rip into enemy capital ships. You want Tanky Ships, talk to the MC80 Liberty (best shields in the game) or the Dauntless (its basically build like a tank). If you Want a Tanky Torpedo Boat, Build MC40s. Want a FAST torpedo boat? MC30s. Some Marauder Corvettes would not be bad for Sniping those Imperial Carriers. And your probably gonna want more of those Bulk Cruisers/Carriers in your fleet.
@treopl 8 ай бұрын
Shack if you want to do more operations like that on Ilum I recommend to make H-Wings squadron for bombing runs. They are much better than Y-Wings.
@tkc1129 8 ай бұрын
Part-way through this episode: "Go INTO the nebula." Has Shack ever not taken massive losses after saying that? It's a very weak enemy this time, but... In Legends, Gold Squadron was not a hero squadron. It was completely standard to name Rebel squadrons after colors. There were many Gold and Red and Green Squadrons. Hey, Battle for Naboo was excellent! Star Wars: Starfighter I'm not so sure about.
@TheDownrankTrain 8 ай бұрын
Hera commands a Lucrehulk which she uses as a fighter pilot training centre
@swagger24321 8 ай бұрын
Plasma devils would be a very cool unit to be
@razorka1293 8 ай бұрын
this ground combat has a lot of human wave tactis goin on
Kota Militia be like when rushing that build point "Rangers lead the way"
@gundam0121 8 ай бұрын
hero idea HONDO and his ability is he switch sides based on who killed him and you can recruit his pirates and steal credits faster
@YABOIBISON 8 ай бұрын
I wish we had more minor heroes in AOTR, especially in the rebellion. They don't have to have command bonuses, but just interesting abilities. Imagine if you could rescue Admiral Raddus from some prison camp?
@Vandicoup 8 ай бұрын
She's not just a high ranking officer. She's the literal General of the entire New Republic at the moment. Hence why they have addressed her as "General Syndulla" multiple times throughout the Ahsoka show. She's the highest ranking military officer they have. It's also a beautifully fitting call back to her father, who was also a General, during the Clone Wars. :)
@Freesorin837 8 ай бұрын
I feel that this late in the game the MC 75s are still useful but they need to be hyperspaced into flanking attacks when the enemy has already been engaged by the MC 80s and Dauntless.
@zevjohnson 8 ай бұрын
Most likely the specops platoon had proton charges as engineers for anti-structure, then grenadiers with thermals det's for anti-infantry (and I'd assume more grenade types for practicality but it's more to code)
@sarahshaw7315 8 ай бұрын
I think the Jehda fleet was the other half of the one that was split, you destroyed one half while the other had ran off to push elsewhere
@powelly0708 8 ай бұрын
Goodnight from down under shacky great way again to end the night ❤❤
@danpalage577 8 ай бұрын
I reccomend taking the Roche and Hapes to expedite movement. That and to clean up the map.
@Kamiyoda 8 ай бұрын
Hey, The Naboo Game was AMAZING, don't hate it just because its a prequel game
@VanDavey 8 ай бұрын
I love hearing Shack talk about the SW FFG game, I wonder if he's every played or looked at Star Wars 5e. It's a fantastic community made conversion for D&D 5e to fit Star Wars.
@thomaswellman-boyde1684 8 ай бұрын
Shack i have to question the plan to send both of the MC75s at the start of the episode into the Defense station two ISDs and mob of fighters and bombers. I thought that they were support arty ships meant for mid to back line might be worth trying them again there? I still agree that a bigger ship would be better. Great episode though loved the battles at Jaku and Ilum. Dont forget you have Stealth troops in the core that you could move faster then the ones training. Also you should go into the information menu and go into the economy to see how much the empire is making, you could say that the Rebellion has Spies in the Economic Branch !
@adamd5849 8 ай бұрын
Also, Hera commands an Acclamator that acted as a carrier. She was then moved to the Starhawk project, so that could be a unique thing for a tech level. Rebels get a level 4, with the results being New Republic ships (both canon and legends) and new heroes for that tech
@RinIsArty 8 ай бұрын
I swear that shield bubble is so freaking buggy it's insane
@keithclark9719 8 ай бұрын
wrath squadron is a good commando, fighter squadron from legends.
@Monolythic 8 ай бұрын
Inertial dampeners are a common trope in sci-fi to explain away g-force impact on space-ship passengers. But the same stress on a passenger does not apply to the frame of a starship. I would be interested to know how the home rule addresses the lack of stress on a starship's frame while flying in a zero-g? Do they increase risk of damage to shields / systems due to evasive maneuvers perhaps not always calculating the best routes to avoid pockets of micro-space debris?
@Isometrix116 8 ай бұрын
My head cannon is that command was going to drag it’s feet taking Ilum and just say they’ll do it “when resources are available” until Leia and her strike force got trapped on Jedha after helping its people overthrow the empire. The moment that happened, they just said ‘Surprise! Resources are available!”
@dixievfd55 8 ай бұрын
in reality fighters have countermeasures and jammers to deal with missiles. It would make sense for fighters in Star Wars to have those as well.
@devangsingh1689 8 ай бұрын
there are fighters with passive countermeasures in AOTR
@simpleviewer1334 8 ай бұрын
For Hera in the game, she could be similar to vader a hero capital ship that launches a hero fighter, ex- vader gets the ISD-1 Devastator but also Vader's personal squadron
@MrSHADOWANGEL999 8 ай бұрын
A glorious return
@darwinmurdoch905 8 ай бұрын
Oh btw u have a massive land army near thyferra and an interdictor around kuat
@erikkluczkowski6973 8 ай бұрын
its kinda weird if you consider this. Shack on the Liberation has kind of been relegated to a support role. after breaking the black sun at mandalore. even though shack the player is still leading the whole game.
@cameronmontgomery1549 7 ай бұрын
shack: look how quickly the MC75's die My head: well yeah they are taking the majority of the empire's fire power. 2-3 ISD'S would do that to a ship!
@CaptainShack 7 ай бұрын
It's so true!. Feeling ship that can even hold out for a little while under that kind of pressure is the dauntless which costs like 20 grand.
@winniethepooh5554 8 ай бұрын
Jedha has the merc available. So don’t forget to use that next invasion
@bradleywoods1999 8 ай бұрын
The empire would of one that battle if they deployed the three AT-AT, strange they didn't.
@DameWhoGames623 8 ай бұрын
I think if Empire 2 came out and ground combat would be redesigned, it should be like broken arrow or world in conflict kinda style. The space battles are fine the way they are but could be more refined in a newer engine.
@swagger24321 8 ай бұрын
There was so many good Star wars games for Ps2 Star wars clone wars and they even had a Speedo race game
@logannelson2541 8 ай бұрын
Use the MC75s as close attack combat but have nebulons as their anti missile shield
@jasonmcarthur4764 7 ай бұрын
I like your idea about a Hera hero character. Maybe a modified Acclamator like in the Alphabet Squadron books?
@FunkThompson 8 ай бұрын
MC-75's are not tanks. You need something taking fire for them to truly shine. Get a tank in range, first, then move the MC-75's in to range.
@jessepage6575 8 ай бұрын
Wasn't there a comic or story recently with Hera in a Lucrehulk? That would be awesome. I always wondered why the rebellion did not use more Separatist soldiers (biological supporters not droids) and warships. Even if the Empire destroyed most of them surely there would be one or two laying on some forgotten outpost somewhere, or those ships being in hands of non-CIS factions. The Lucrehulk especially since it was a freighter. That was my one (tiny) quibble with the Andor series because I could have sworn they said he was a separatist at one point (maybe a Mandella effect and they never said that in Rogue One) but the show doesn't seem to suggest he had any connection with the CIS at all. I would love to see more stories of separatists like the Bonteri family from Onderon or other confederate heroes trying to figure out what to do with this new empire. Newer Disney stuff seems to be hinting at Separatist sentiments being more ingrained in the galaxy than in the EU while imperial loyalty is less than in the EU... which is an interesting take.
@gideonmiles7161 8 ай бұрын
I mean, holding Jedha with nothing more than a Kyle, Leia, a handful of taun tauns, a dozen squads and a sand crawler against 3 AT-ATs, and a dozen infantry divisions is probaly the most rebel thing ever to have happened
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