建議所有鍾意芷靈嘅朋友仔,可以試下自己喺屋企用電腦,ipad,乜都好,用自己嘅生活相片/影片,剪一條幾分鐘左右嘅 Video clip,你就會知道芷靈呢條片係屬於嘔心瀝血級數咁樣分享畀大家! 點解咁講呢?喺片裏面除咗主軸介紹點整燒肉之外,條片係有好多支節,而呢啲支節嘅介紹都係有影像/圖像!當中所費嘅功夫係屬於嘔血級數咁嚟分享比我哋!當中仲有考慮埋一支公生活嘅 Viewer!! 以冇電視台級資源同器材嘅剪接人士嚟講,芷靈,so proud of you, and thank you !Take care!
the most comprehensive and practical step-by-step tutorial of bbq pork belly cooking i have ever seen. excellent! and looking forward to seeing more of your great work~
@KatyCat747 Жыл бұрын
@karywan264 Жыл бұрын
好多謝你呀!之前試過幾次都失敗,今次我跟你既方法做,成功左❤ 超級開心🥳
@BackpaCooking Жыл бұрын
@Fibiyau Жыл бұрын
多謝您芷靈 對食物既尊重 又pro !!
@goldeneggssweetheart7116 Жыл бұрын
Catharine embodies the characteristics of a courageous and self-reliant that most of people are admired. Highly talented at cooking is incredibly amazing. Thank you for your sharing with us.
I incorrectly thought that making roast pork was difficult. Thanks to your video. You have explained very clearly the steps and provided various examples. I can see that you have put in a lot of time to make the video. I will definitely try. You are great!!!