BAD DMs That Will Make You LOVE Yours! - DnD Horror Stories

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DnD Doge

DnD Doge

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On today's episode of Dungeons and Dragons Horror Stories, we have a few tales of horrible Dungeon Masters that will make you have a new found appreciation for yours!
First, we have a story of a DM that wants to make a realistic RPG, but fails in the execution of it. Then we have a story of a DM that forces a pregnancy onto the only female player of the group. Then there is a tale of a DM that makes an underage player character do some questionable things. And finally, a story of a DM that gets too many players, so decides to make them Hunger Games Battle Royal for a spot at the table.
Gameplay: Itorah
Music: Music: Medieval Tavern Music by Alexander Nakarada
Sir Orkshield by Ean Grimm

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@DietrichvonSachsen 2 жыл бұрын
I'm going to have to disagree with you, Doge: Telling the DM in the first story to go f himself is *exactly* the correct response to that kind of pettiness. This wasn't a failure to communicate on the player's part, it was the DM lashing out for people not following his abusive story as he wanted.
@vwolf2 2 жыл бұрын
100% agree I would have said the same thing and walked away. It's not anybody's job to try and make this guy a better DM, if he doesn't have enough introspection to see where he went wrong then that's on him.
@marybdrake1472 2 жыл бұрын
I agree too. The DM was going way too far with the so called realism.
@PancakemonsterFO4 2 жыл бұрын
Especially after telling his players that everyone died on the road. I kinda have a feeling he was planning to see their characters die in the most grotesque ways from the beginning
@fangspecter2232 2 жыл бұрын
i agree, its unrealistic to assume someone would have the patience after that, i sure as hell wouldn't and that bit of realism is something the DM clearly didn't have in his messed up world
@undyingembers5406 2 жыл бұрын
Exactly. I also get the feeling that this DM wouldn’t listen to any feedback anyway, no matter how “constructive” the players pitched it to him.
@jaysonklein6018 2 жыл бұрын
Honestly, I side with the players telling the "realism/mudcore" DM to F off. He PLANNED this adventure to be limited and frustrating. People play games/watch movies/watch cartoons to ESCAPE the shittiness of reality, not be reminded of it. The DM attempting to "convince" the players that "not everybody is an asshole"... while stonewalling the players WITH nothing but assholes is a moot point. He should've introduced friendlier NPCs to help defend his "convincing"... but didn't. Same thing with enforcing that magic is punishable by being burned alive AND omiting that fact before play. Both are completely his fault and his fault alone as he deliberately did all of this. Also, that lord should've died after having both of his legs cut off... ya know, "realism" from bleeding out when you have your femoral arteries sliced open?
@shadiafifi54 2 жыл бұрын
Exactly! Thus guy was just going on a power trip. Even if he wasn't, he was just trying to be tough for toughness' sake.
@KentaroMiyamoto21 2 жыл бұрын
@albatrossthedragon 2 жыл бұрын
The leg thing is what did it for me. Don’t claim you want things to be “realistic” while also having your lord gallop away… while legless.
@jaysonklein6018 2 жыл бұрын
Hey, KZbin... why have you deleted my responses to Adam Morell TWICE?! We're talking about a fictional character bleeding, not a real person or saying any threats to said person!
@Pachitaro 2 жыл бұрын
@@jaysonklein6018 just word it differently lmao
@schwarzerritter5724 2 жыл бұрын
Why do so many people think "realism" means Monty Python and the Holy Grail without the comedy?
@PaladinGear15 2 жыл бұрын
Maybe they thought it was a historical documentary xD "Man, things were weird in the past".
@heatherharrison264 2 жыл бұрын
A setting like this could work great, but it definitely needs the comedy.
@DoomsdayR3sistance 2 жыл бұрын
People apparently think swords have the sharpness of obsidian and that armour has the defence properties of a single piece of A4 paper.
@PaladinGear15 2 жыл бұрын
@@DoomsdayR3sistance Ha yeah, cutting someone's arm off with one swing of a longsword would be almost impossible, even more so if they're wearing armour.
@schwarzerritter5724 2 жыл бұрын
@@DoomsdayR3sistance And it wasn't even a katana.
@solarchos8821 2 жыл бұрын
"Somehow we managed to crit this lord twice and cut off both of his legs." IT'S JUST A FLESH WOUND!!! 7:05 - No, that DM deserved that response. He basically railroaded his players in addition to slamming them with Grudge Monsters AND the Plot-wagon.
@whensomethingcriesagain 2 жыл бұрын
"I don't know why this happens so often" I can tell you. It's sexual harassment, plain and simple. It's just bullying the female player because they can
@PlayfulOtter 2 жыл бұрын
It's disgusting. Every time I hear a story like this I get sick to my stomach and regret joining the hobby such a long time ago. Those "players" are monsters and I can only hope they all end up playing with each other and NEVER take up space at a table good people are playing.
@pipeline789 2 жыл бұрын
Yes, exactly that, if I was one of the other players in the pregnancy story, I'd've had the time of my life helping to kill the unwanted brat, letting her make the finishing blow of course. The prostitution story is just plain bad, I honestly don't know how to make fun as part of this group
@alarkhar 2 жыл бұрын
About the third story... yes, I had a DM who couldn't play without adding sex to the mix, whether as a player or as a DM. Once, in an adventure, he had the innkeeper send us some prostitutes. We sent them back. He sent them again, at a discount. Again, we sent them back. He sent them again, FREE. Return to sender. He offered to PAY US. Recipient address unknown. He ended up having them sent to the room of the villain we were tailing, and spent ten minutes describing the line of whores going back and forth from the dude's room, hoping that we'd relent and get some for ourselves. No dice. In the end, I guess he realized he qucked up, 'cause the next day we had a serious bonus to our rolls to tail the villain, as he was barely standing upright... Then again, I shouldn't have expected anything better from a dude who, as a player, had his characters literally bang anyone and ANYTHING even remotely attractive...
@evolution031680 2 жыл бұрын
I love the image of the lord galloping off with bleeding stumps for legs. “‘Tis but a flesh wound!”
@dracokaleb1239 2 жыл бұрын
I mean... for the first story no amount of politeness was going to work when the "Go f yourself" came AFTER the DM declared their characters dead after stonewalling them with unhelpful NPCs that just didn't make sense. Saying "We don't think this game is for us" doesn't tackle the problem. If anything it would just encourage "There may be some people who'll tolerate this".
@KentaroMiyamoto21 2 жыл бұрын
That first DM has a twisted idea of realism.
@justnoob8141 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, literally nobody burn the witch in Medieval, hell, Medieval People in general doesn’t care about the witch either, they’re basically just a herbalist to their eye, meanwhile, that asshole who ride a horse is clearly magical
@bryantspears119 2 жыл бұрын
His form of realism was basically just, “I watched Monty Python and the Holy Grail.” It’s an amazing movie, but in no way realistic.
@whensomethingcriesagain 2 жыл бұрын
It's also seriously inconsistent. If he wants a gritty world where death and violence are everywhere, having his NPCs be all cold at the players for being "killers" makes no sense, since surely in such a world being a killer is not particularly uncommon.
@jaysonklein6018 2 жыл бұрын
@@whensomethingcriesagain asshole NPCs be assholes.
@Sigilstone17 2 жыл бұрын
First story: I like Kingdom Come: Deliverance as much as the next guy but the "realism" stops being valid when people can cast "Create Shit" and sling turds from their hands. And "discover the rules organically"? Fuck that with a spiked bat.
@danielramsey6141 2 жыл бұрын
You know, even Kingdom Come: Deliverance gets goofy with the character interactions. Honestly that’s the best.
@Mekora 2 жыл бұрын
Discovering the rules organically only makes sense if the party just fell through a portal or came out of cryosleep. If they've existed in the world, they should know some important things, otherwise they wouldn't have survived to the start of the game.
@mikem2849 2 жыл бұрын
I've played in more than one game where the DM wanted us to "discover the rules organically" and I can tell you: IT. NEVER. EVER. **EVER.** WORKS.
@alsenddrake7764 2 жыл бұрын
@@mikem2849 see, what they don't understand is "learning rules organically" is BEING TOLD THEM. Nobody learns "oh, murder is illegal" only after they kill someone after all. Nobody learns "OH! I score points by throwing the ball into the hoop!" MID-GAME.
@mikem2849 2 жыл бұрын
@@alsenddrake7764 "People die when you cut their heads off? Well, live and learn, I guess!"
@jacobmooney3404 2 жыл бұрын
Personally on the pregnancy story, I would have raised a shit storm at the moment my character was made pregnant because it would have made me supremely uncomfortable, and would have either left the table or been kicked from the group for it lol. I think I would have been more likely to be kicked though instead of leaving, I wouldn't have been of reasonable thought to not just leave of my own will.
@darkcrydotmrihavetoomanyst1440 9 ай бұрын
The DM should have just made a pregnant NPC to travel with the party instead of making a player pregnant
@dracoflame33 2 жыл бұрын
Something similar happened to me with the second story and having a future baby suddenly spring up on you. I played a female Paladin who managed to get an audience with the Goddess of Secrete, and through magic and a one-night-stand managed to impregnate the goddess. Of course, in knowing this, my character tried to follow the Goddess in the best way she could for the sake of knowing what would become of the child, only for said child to be “birthed in the future” and given away to another dimension, had a full life being evil, and then suddenly dropped into ANOTHER campaign that didn’t even involve my character. By the time my Paladin got to even meet this guy, the surprise and *”Oh shit”* factor had died down to a depressing degree. One of the players tried to coax some RP out of it and tell my Paladin, *”He’s your son, you should say something,”* and, of course, her response was, *”I didn’t see him born, I didn’t raise him, and I didn’t teach him what he knows. He’s not my son.”* Of course this is the simplified version of this story. It’s a lot more convoluted, over the top and doesn’t make any sense, but I’d rather save your brain cells
@michaelpomato45 2 жыл бұрын
The first story The lord riding away without bleeding out with no legs. No "realism" there. So F that DM. If he wants realism it has to go both ways.
@MarquisLeary34 2 жыл бұрын
The moment you said "Hostile NPC's" gave me PTSD. Oh yea, I've had one of THOSE GM's.
@pepekovallin 2 жыл бұрын
I'm grateful that the "worst" things my DM ever did to me was; 1, not telling me exactly how the magic sword I've got worked (in character reasons, it was a mystery I should uncover, that's why I don't think he's an asshole), and 2, killing ALL of my druid's pigeons, my backstory was that I was a slave but since I saw pigeons everyday, flying around, free, I've developed some kind of admiration for them, while starting to bond with two specific pigeons, and I became a druid because I wanted to get in touch with the pigeons a lot deeper, I wanted to understand them, feel them, maybe even BE then. After one scene where I've demonstrated a whole new level of connection with the pigeons, gaining the ability to flight I was deceived by an evil ghost that made me wander deeper in the woods I was, to the middle of an awfully cold environment, and without any warning, the ghost finally revealed that his dozens of pigeons were already dead But I wasn't upset with the DM, why? Because he SAID this game was going to be darker BEFORE we made the characters, we knew what we were signing for, and this terrible scene of my beloved pigeons being killed, only served as motivation for me to get my revenge, or at least getting stronger, because as I've said to my remaining pigeons "I think I've failed as a druid, perhaps I shouldn't be worried about ONLY connecting with pidgeons, but perhaps I should be trying to connect with the whole nature" unfortunately the campaign ended abruptly because the DM had problems
@viennasavage9110 2 жыл бұрын
The story about the aasmir cleric.... Thats so devastating for a character to go through though. Like, imagine a character legit going through all that, being abandoned and used by everyone only to die in the next fight. That one depressed me fr
@DoomsdayR3sistance 2 жыл бұрын
Enforced insemination of female player's characters is creeper shit, plain and simple. If somebody did that to any character in a game I was playing, I'd quit the group right there and then. Same deal if DMs try to force players to roll for pregnancy after sexual encounters, that to me should be the player's choice if they want to roll that. P.S. if a DM tries to force such a roll on your character and you're not willing to quit instantly, just say you take Nararoot for female characters or if your character is male, Cassil Seeds. These make characters infertile for multi-day periods. I came across Nararoot when making a table of herbs for a campaign I am writing, then while double checking it for this post found out about Cassil Seeds.
@LiteraryDM 2 жыл бұрын
While I'm all for talking about issues at the table. (Which sounds like it did happen to a degree with story 1). Sometimes just straight up leaving without explanation is justified. The players did express their frustration. DM tried to justify it, and the openly broke his own rules to protect his NPCs. Then use those same rules to punish the players. All for talking things out, but the players to me are justified in leaving like that. Not sure DM would have listened anyway based on initial reaction to complaints.
@davenrippe480 2 жыл бұрын
While the players could have tried to tell that DM from the first story everything that was wrong, including how wrong it was for everyone to just up and die from every little sickness or infection cause if it was fully that way none of us would be alive. But I won't deny that even I would give the "go F#(& yourself" as well because if he wanted realism then the noble would have been dead before he even left the field they were in from bleeding out due to the arteries that are in the legs being completely severed.
@jaysonklein6018 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with this one... also, the Fletcher is making and selling arrows *for a reason* ! He doesn't make arrows to be sold "just because". If he's gonna call your players killers, he wouldn't be making OR selling arrows! That's just ignorant and contrived.
@Bionicbutter43 2 жыл бұрын
@@jaysonklein6018 FR
@inky5574 2 жыл бұрын
DM: *has every NPC in town acting like complete asshats to the players* The Players: Ok, we're leaving this awful town. The DM: *surprised Pikachu face*
@DoomsdayR3sistance 2 жыл бұрын
"Realism", The paladin who is presumably wearing Mail, with quilted fabric underneath (presumably gambeson) and gauntlets lost their hands? Realism... uh-huh... yes.. totally sounds realistic that a goblin is going to be able to slice through Mail, Fabric AND Gauntlets. You're not going to slice through riveted mail with a sword, that just ain't happening if realism is the goal, potentially it can be penetrated and most blows will still hurt the user (since mail is still very flexible) but dismemberment? not happening. EDIT: the party caught the flu while going cross country? Does this DM not know how people catch Influenza? random air in the environment isn't going to infect anybody, it's a VIRUS. That means unless the party came across somebody who has Influenza or going to somewhere that somebody who has influenza has been, they can't just randomly catch it like that! That isn't going to just randomly happen while moving cross country. And this DM thought he knew "Realism". It sounds to me like this DM was probably not open to criticism in the first place, as the party told him things like how all the NPCs were being assholes and he didn't adjust it. He also ignored things like how the feck does somebody stay on a horse with their legs just being cut off? So I think being polite in telling him why his campaign is so terrible, would have just got a "fuck you" back from the DM to the player, the players in my opinion (and it feels like it's an half-omitted detail), probably did during the session itself try to explain to the DM why his campaign wasn't realistic and so after being ignored and having the DM be rude to them the entire session felt no reason to be polite to the DM who was in fact just being an asshole. Overall I think the players had enough of dealing with an idiot and that the DM was an Idiot! Might be rude of me to say that but he really doesn't understand what realism is. Also the lord had both his legs cut off? unless there is say, some kind of magical healer nearby that can restore legs, that guy is gunna bleed out before he gets half-way home.
@einwolf 2 жыл бұрын
"Now the DM doesn't think he did anything wrong, because they didn't politely tell him he didn't do anything wrong." is a weird sentiment. You don't owe it to anyone to be their educator about why you shouldn't railroad or power trip, or y'know that entire 3rd story. It is good and correct to just tell some people to f off entirely.
@Here_is_Waldo 2 жыл бұрын
I disagree. You don't owe it to anyone, but just leaving with no explanation doesn't really help either. Some people genuinely don't realise what they're doing is wrong no matter how obvious it is to you. A 2 minute conversation costs nothing and can save friendship's.
@lulospawn 2 жыл бұрын
Prego story: I have a principle of reciprocity between players and DM that I try to follow. Lile a golden rule. If my DM does something to my character, I assume that ooc it's okay to do it to the NPCs. If my DM has an angry mob of villagers try to burn the party sorceress, I understand that murdering helpless NPCs is on the table. If my DM thinks it's cool to impregnate PCs against their will, then it's fine to force myself upon that orphan that is asking for coin in the village square. That makes for short games, sure, but I don't mind burning bridges
@imnotsupposedtobehere2692 2 жыл бұрын
Ah, yes. Give them a taste of their own horrendous medicine. Not so fun when someone else does it to their NPCs. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
@Chrisheart322 2 жыл бұрын
Loses both legs Tis but a scratch
@AbyssalWolf335 2 жыл бұрын
DM knows what he did. Players are the good guys.
@gunmunz 2 жыл бұрын
5:00 'tis but a scratch!
@Blaze8t88 2 жыл бұрын
No 1. the GM gets the lionshare of the blame IMO, for throwing people blindly into a situation they wouldn't have walked into like that Like magic being illigal, crit punishing them ridiculously and then letting Larry the legless lordling ride off without problems. If the GM suggesting they all die of was it dysentery, it feels like it should be dysentery, and roll up new characters. If he didn't see what was wrong here, he probably wouldn't either if you explained perfectly what didn't work. (Doode I can take grimdark but this is just derpdark) No 2. Gesus, if it's a magical pregnancy why not make the men preggers too, "magic and what not".. what... c'mon we've all seen Junior! We have the magic and the technology! No 3. Oh fork that party N04. Why even ask for 8 people then? And hunger gaming them is just messy stupid
@RuinQueenofOblivion 2 жыл бұрын
I know, right? OP on the fourth one here, that thing was a mess.
@astonjanuary 2 жыл бұрын
You're rapidly becoming one of my favourite narrators for these. You have a great voice for it! You'll get there soon i'm sure.
@DaveTheGM 2 жыл бұрын
The most perverse thing in one of my games was one of my players lashing a broom of flying to himself and making crude references, I bit back by having the damsels they were saving mock him for overcompensating.
@ImaNerdANDaGeek 2 жыл бұрын
I love the way the dog avatar of the narrator's little ears twitch occasionally. Who's a good pupper?
@REfan2002 2 жыл бұрын
Man, these DM are so bad, makes Albert Wesker seem like a good guy.
@bryantspears119 2 жыл бұрын
Imagine Albert Wesker being a DM. I don’t care if I get experimented on after the game, I’d be too busy enjoying myself.
@REfan2002 2 жыл бұрын
@@bryantspears119 Wesker: Please roll for spell check. Test Subject: Nat 1.... Birkin: Nice knowing you.
@TorsilClimber 2 жыл бұрын
Morning Doge! ☕️ coffee and D&D cringe, best way to start morning.
@jeremyriley1238 2 жыл бұрын
First story: I am going to agree with everyone who disagrees with Doge, as the DM is clearly the one at fault, as his story was horrible and he even went and broke his own rule of it being realism with the captain living from having his legs cut off (as if he was Monty Python and the Holy Grail's black knight). Second story: Wow, the only female gets her character pregnant by magic and when she kills her child, the people turn on her? Good lord, I lost a few brain cells. I think for this one, the message is loud and clear: DMs should never do this kind of thing unless the person whose character is going to be the one pregnant is okay with it. Third story: What the hell is wrong with that group? Pressuring the OP's character, who was fifteen years old, to do that just to get gold to buy items for a tough battle? Also, the DM going as far as to actually tell of the nasty act and the results was nothing more than a scummy move. This story would be a good lesson about the dangers of peer pressure forcing one to do something wrong or flat out illegal.
@dead_vibes 2 жыл бұрын
I would've outed them all as forcing someone to be raped in dnd to every player I knew.
@mikem2849 2 жыл бұрын
The thing is, mudcore was NOT 'how things really were in the middle ages." Like, yes, *some* of that stuff is true, but a lot of it has been overstated, misunderstood, or even outright fabricated. A few examples off the top of my head... Dirt farming. It's just farming without a lot of heavy equipment. Lots of people dirt farm today. I grew up on a dirt farm. It's not hell on earth. Mud huts. Mud is actually a very good building material that is extremely weather-resistant, and when dry is NOT filthy at all. People live in mud houses today. What do you think adobe is? The local lord confiscating all gold. This was true, all gold was the property of the nobles and had to be turned over. However, the law REQUIRED the lord to pay a finder's fee to anyone who turned over their gold legally. Living surrounded by human waste. Not even remotely true until the very late middle ages and early renaissance, and ironically it was never the poor dirt farmers and village folk who did this - it was the rich people living in the cities who thought they were immune to misfortune and didn't feel like taking their chamber pot to the dump to empty it. Witch burnings. These were EXTREMELY rare, even during the absolute pinnacle of the witch hunting era.
@Aperson66779 2 жыл бұрын
After listening to these I honestly feel much better about myself as a DM
@Isaygoodday5 Ай бұрын
DM was the only bad guy in the first story. Simply not being super polite towards and a-hole doesnt put the party on his level
@jrepra 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1: the players expressed multiple times their displeasure of every single person in town being horrible to them. That should trigger a normal dm to stop and think. But you can't say the dm 'doesn't understand why they would want to leave the town that was only horrible to them in multiple ways'. And to punish the players because things don't go your way when you make it impossible for them to want to stay? The dm had many times until they gave up to listen to the players and adapt. The dm didn't listen. The dm didn't adapt. So I cannot fault the players for just noping out of the not fun situation that wasn't fun. Also, I thought the algorithm dragon would be a black dragon with green markings (matrix joke)
@thecrookedcleric5112 2 жыл бұрын
Realism and D&D go together like Drider Venom and Mandrake Root.
@goncalocarneiro3043 2 жыл бұрын
Realistically speaking, like... How are you supposed to react to getting magically impregnated? It isn't "rape" in the sense that there's literally no sex involved, still a tremendous breach. No abortions, so now what? No love for that child, no trauma associated with it... Now suddenly that thing appears as an adult and appears to be an enemy? Am I to believe the realistic reaction is to make a "disappointed parent" speech? Heck no. Sure, maybe SOME characters would try that, maybe some would take responsibility for the kid, but discounting apathy as an IMPOSSIBLE reaction to the situation is silly.
@asteriondeltoro124 2 жыл бұрын
DM#2 Clearly has no idea How Mom Works. I mean, this "baby" was clearly evil, the product of some perverse magic, and probably not even human, so there's no reason for the player to emotionally bond to whatever-it-is- it's nothing more than a glorified tapeworm. And the player has no investment in the story because the story is, frankly, dumb. I mean- was DM really expecting some other reaction? DM#4 is also kinda dumb- you can't teach people to work as a cohesive party if they start off trying to kill each other. Well, I suppose it CAN work if you're a good DM and have a decent hook- maybe a Spartacus scenario, with slave gladiators rebelling- but not if losing the first combat results in the player getting kicked from the game. If DM needed to cut down the size of the group, a random roll- plus a lead on another game for the losers- would be more fair. But Doge is right in that it's probably for the best. The "calling while brushing his teeth" thing, added to the random change from eight players to five, suggests that the DM doesn't have his shit together. Even if the DM is a decent sort, if he's not organized, it'll be difficult to play in that group.
@RuinQueenofOblivion 2 жыл бұрын
Oh tell me about it! I'm the OP for the fourth story, and that was a freakin' mess. I'm glad it didn't make it past a session 0, if you could even call it a session 0.
@jrytacct Жыл бұрын
I *strenuously* disagree with you on Story 1. That DM *knew* he was being a Grade A A**hole and just didn't like being called out on it, or that his victims/playthings were abandoning him.
@DisneyChar Жыл бұрын
I liked the refusing to play his game and literally wandering in a random direction, even if they had given him a written explanation of everything wrong he would just ignore it. Battle royal? Hello 4 barbarians and that rogue who backstabbed into the game.
@villager5310 2 жыл бұрын
In the game I’m currently in, magic is illegal in one the the countries we travel in. While there we all avoid casting spells in front of the guards and townspeople
@PancakemonsterFO4 2 жыл бұрын
No DnD>Bad DnD
@Ophelia381 2 жыл бұрын
We found him. The one DM who would run FATAL.
@diegoundreiner6392 2 жыл бұрын
Bro gallopping away legless is hilarious
@theofficerfactory2625 2 жыл бұрын
Den Of The Drake: Hey Doge, I heard you got some cringe for me to horde! Give me some or I'll sick my cousin, the algorithm dragon on you again!
@ZeroFighter Жыл бұрын
Since DnD Doge is asking what us viewers think about the 'realism' GM, here's my two cents. The GM doesn't know what it was like in the medieval era, and can't fathom what the existence of real, verifiable, demonstrable magic would do to the growth and development of cultures up to that point. Yes, disease was a very severe problem, but because of that very reason, people constantly tried to keep everything clean, and when they got dirty, they'd clean themselves up. Not only that, but villagers / townsfolk wouldn't be such isolationists as to be assholes to strangers. Rather, this was likely their only source of news outside of their village or town, and so when an adventurer walks into a store, the person manning it would be polite and welcoming, eager to ask what things were like beyond the perimeter / walls. Then, if random do-gooders cleared out a mine that the village had until recently been utilizing, said town's lord would only be too eager to let them keep a portion of things, only taking what he thinks the town should rightly keep, or may even need. This incentivizes others to do right without asking for any rewards, so it was a fairly common practice, summed up by a semi-popular slogan in pop culture from the last couple of decades; "You keep what you kill."
@l0stndamned 2 жыл бұрын
1. The players were right in their response. The DM sounds to up himself to understand what was going wrong so diplomacy would have been wasted on him. 2. Sounds like someone in the group had a breeding fetish and was trying to use the game to indulge that. Can't decide if I'd have left as soon as the pregnancy was mentioned or kill the monster like the OP did if I was in her place. 3. If the players are under-levelled for an encounter, then the DM should have picked/designed a more suitable encounter, so they were failing as a DM even before the weird stuff started happening. I agree that the gold-stealing should have been the default plan, and that this sort of content should be discussed in a session zero (which I doubt happened). 4. Could have been a fun idea in very carefully planed circumstances, but just dropping it on the players was both a jerk move and kinda stupid. I would have noped out of there pretty quick. Had a few bad DMs in my time, but they tended towards the mild side of bad.
@Bionicbutter43 2 жыл бұрын
In my group we have a running joke "Roll for d size" We have fun
@keepscrolling3652 Жыл бұрын
The first dm killed the whole party between sessions. Telling him off was completely ok.
@koboldking7153 2 жыл бұрын
I like to imagine that Den of the Drake is the algorithm dragon
@axelwulf6220 Жыл бұрын
I think that Realism in a Fantasy game is subjective The part where the party was just met with immediate hostility and none of it being relieved was too much
@Spideymania 2 жыл бұрын
Great storytelling as usual Doge! ❤
@JangoFox 2 жыл бұрын
Fuck, that poor Cleric. Player shouldn't have just left sooner, they should've gone out to buy milk and never came back. I'm sad there's no part of this story where the Cleric gets her revenge on the party and the brothel owner. Or light the table on fire.
@heatherharrison264 2 жыл бұрын
When a situation like this happens, the only way to stop it is to get up and leave for good. It will only get worse if you stay, because the perverts have been rewarded for their terrible behavior, so their perversion will only escalate. What is it about tabletop RPGs that attracts creeps like this?
@BlackReshiram 2 жыл бұрын
@matmil5 2 жыл бұрын
Nice Den of the Drake cameo
@RuinQueenofOblivion 2 жыл бұрын
Hi there, I'm the OP from that last story and have a couple of things to add. The DM has a bad reputation on the server I found him on that I was not aware of ahead of time. Also sorry for not listing you, I probably should've added you in retroactively, oh well. Sadly the campaign I joined after it fizzled out too, but no horror story there.
@kiravremyanoi4772 2 жыл бұрын
That one story with 15 years old aasimar-tbh that OP also looked like a walking horror story with his "manipulative 15 year old" and "deck shenanigans that got whole game retconned"
@jrepra 2 жыл бұрын
What? I dont understand what you mean. You mean people shouldn't play young characters or call people on their BS? You mean shenanigans all characters usually do outside the creepy stuff? Regardless of how young or old a character is, consent is still important. The group did not care about consent and even threatened the character with no lodging. No part of that situation should have been entertained. Sleazy villain wanting to so things to a 15 year old? Kill him and take the gold. What was their alignments again? It obvuously wasn't anything good aligned. There is no way to justify the rest of the group's actions here.
@ArcmageZaln 2 жыл бұрын
That dang dragon keeps finding you. 😋
@jfast8256 2 жыл бұрын
I hate when DMs make "magic is illegal" and they effing ommit that fact. I mostly make magic characters.... I would REALLY like to know if magic is illegal so I don't make one....
@villager5310 2 жыл бұрын
I don’t see it as my responsibility to tell someone their flaws when I don’t even know them. If it was a friend of mine or someone I kinda knew, I’d do my best to help them out a bit, but someone who I couldn’t make it through an entire dnd session with is getting no sympathy.
@classicrockkid345 Жыл бұрын
Honestly if I was the Claric in the story I would held the gold hostage. I get the choose who gets what, I keep all the gold, and every roll I get is a nat 20.
@ryanrizzo4869 2 жыл бұрын
@DnDDoge 2 жыл бұрын
Then I shall have your sword!
@ryanrizzo4869 2 жыл бұрын
@@DnDDoge Verily! Then it yours, m'lord! Keep up the awesome content! ;)
@naddakeeps9964 2 жыл бұрын
Nah son. Do you really think a DM that petty would actually respond to valid criticism? Those players for the "realistic" game did exactly the right thing and don't deserve the ire of being in the wrong when it was there time and characters that were being fucked with and wasted.
@leokaws4944 2 жыл бұрын
I dont actually play but I've heard plenty of stories and I do think the DM in the first story..maybe should have got an explanation BUT it was super rude to just say the whole party died on the road from catching the flu.. it was obviously just because the party didnt wanna stay in the town
@Wrathura Жыл бұрын
Stories od DMs who can't separate their secret google searches and dnd gameplay.
@potatofairy8535 2 жыл бұрын
I kind of disagree with Doge; the players explained what the problem was when they wanted to leave the town and pointed out the NPCs were being overly crappy towards their characters. So, I understand them not wanting to talk it out with him anymore.
@Spartan890 2 жыл бұрын
Here's a comment to power the anti dragon shield.
@scoots291 2 жыл бұрын
One time a friend asked me to join a campaign because one of their players left and I agreed. At the time I didn't know but this campaign was basically centered around the book of erotic fantasies. So I made a female elf (wait for the cringe) psionic who didn't like/trust magic. The party thought I was playing a dude until I went to the lady's room with the party's succubus a session before (spoiler). That character constantly asked themselves why am I hanging around with such perverted savages. There was a merchant we had constant interaction with who sold (cursed) magical items and other types of items for cheap. This npc was always trying to give an item to them and because extremely disappointed my character never wanted anything even getting so desperate to give a 80% discount most times and even tried to give my character free items. A cursed item ended up killing a pc so my character when to collect retribution in the form of coin. He activated an anti magic field and I just mind spiked this npc to death. The other pcs were like "da fek you doing" my character said all these magic items can be yours if you help me kill the guards and dont let them call for help." This activated the murder hobo part of their brains and proceeded to do just that. One of the pcs tried to steal a magic item and triggered the security measure of having a 2 story building collapse on us. Only 2 pcs lived.
@Luircin 7 ай бұрын
Only just came across this video today, so I doubt that this comment will actually be read. BUT, I did have a game where surprise forced pregnancy was a thing and how I handled it. Specifically, *I got player permission before I did it.* It was 2005 and Book of Vile Darkness had recently come out and they all wanted an edgy-as-hell campaign. So when a Sin Dragon of Lust used the Searing Seed spell from the BoVD issue of Dragon Magazine 300 in order to make a character forcibly birth a half-fiend clone, *it was with player consent.* ALTERNATELY, how it SHOULDN'T happen is like what happened with a different campaign that I was a player in. GM's girlfriend was playing a 13-year-old sorceress, and during party downtime he went on and on about how this underage character got into birthday orgies, and responded to our utterly horrified expressions with "Well, that's what happened back then!"
@xenosayain1506 2 жыл бұрын
I almost had one of these moments in my game. Had my players escorting a caravan that lead to a city where there was a growing a false hydra. One of the merchants wives was pregnant and near due(did this mainly just for flavor. A player was pregnant and gave her a lot to talk with the npc. Also pregnant in real life not her in game character.) When the caravan was attacked by bandits one of our players kept grabbing and yanking her around to protect her until he induced labor. In game ge was a field medic by trade(cleric). So he tried to deliver the baby and I was gonna give him guaranteed success because his profession doctor roll was high(plus healing magic). He asked what do I roll for this. The whole table started yelling NAT 1! Over and over. So he rolled and I had to stop the game for a moment to stop from describing him messing up a delivery and accidentally killing the child. We timed skipped over it and made up a convoluted story of him delivering it successfully and breaking his medical bag by slipping in the afterbirth and landing on his doctors bag in full armor. I thought it was better than going full still birth in a semi serious game.
@xenosayain1506 2 жыл бұрын
I forgot to note. He did roll a bat 1
@seto_kaiba_ Жыл бұрын
I gotta disagree with the whole "no brothels unless you literally talk about it in session 0" BUT those players and DM were jackasses who were taking away player agency and trying to make her do something she clearly didn't feel comfortable with.
@Pachitaro 2 жыл бұрын
First DM deserved worse words. Got off easy tbh
@BloodwyrmWildheart 2 жыл бұрын
It's just a game. Calm down.
@Pachitaro 2 жыл бұрын
@@BloodwyrmWildheart Go eat your cereal with no water 😡
@aikotitilai3820 2 жыл бұрын
The one with the underage cleric pisses me off so much
@Rtrstormghost327 Жыл бұрын
Doge learn dragon slayer magic to deal with that dragon
@TheOvervoid 2 жыл бұрын
Your DnD campaign sounds really fun
@DnDDoge 2 жыл бұрын
It is, though that particular campaign has been on hiatus for a few months.
@TBTabby 2 жыл бұрын
Some people just need to be blacklisted. Forcing pregnancy and prostitution on female players is just inexcusable.
@TheCouncilofHoods 2 жыл бұрын
First DM took a page out of JR Martins book in regards to what "realism" is it seems
@ninodelta622 2 жыл бұрын
Just one note on the first Story. If you don’t see that Killing your players characters off game for the fact that your players didn’t do as you liked, will earn you a go F*ck yourself from your players, then try again after learning not to kill the party out of pettiness!
@OzzySilent420 2 жыл бұрын
Was I the only one who thought a Doge and Drake collab was coming?
@thatsmythic1779 2 жыл бұрын
begone algorithm dragon
@brokenmonkeychannel 2 жыл бұрын
I have to disagree in the first story, in the story, OP said that they had complain already with the dm before he auto tpk the party. Maybe there's some info that we didn't get in the story, so, its better to not asume. Btw, sorry for my horrible english, and great video, keep the good stuff, man!... errr... or dog?
@pantalaimon8433 2 жыл бұрын
For 100% power force shield
@Pandadude-eg9li 2 жыл бұрын
Don't worry Doge, you will make it some day.
@blackrosebud8707 2 жыл бұрын
I'm a bard I'll make the dragon love me
@ChaosCounseling 2 жыл бұрын
See the title of the video, reaches for a pillow to scream in.
@BlueTressym 2 жыл бұрын
Everyone knows the shield is actually powered by Lucky's cuteness...
@randommaster06 2 жыл бұрын
I got to DM a one-shot for my group back in high school. I had them face an invisible Rust Monster. I was not allowed to DM again.
@macro3751 2 жыл бұрын
people who think realism in a medieval setting is "people are dirty and seem to hate you for no reason" know next to nothing of the medieval period respect was a value just as important then as it is now, some people were asses but that is still true today people would try to remain clean whenever possible, people wouldn't just go around covered in shit out of their own volition and they would try to dress as good as they could, even the commoners, the medieval people irl were a lot more conscious of appearance and good manners than you might think plus, if magic truly exists in the world then it's more realistic that it *wouldn't* be outlawed, as though not necessarily as prevalent as some stories might have you believe, "mages" so to speak were emplyed in medieval courts every now and then in the real world, of course their "magic" was fake, but still Astrologers would read the stars for the most opportune times the ruler should make political decisions, Alchemists would claim to be able to produce riches or even go as far as claiming they could extend the ruler's life protection stones, divination, elixirs and potions all of that were things that would every now and then be seen in a court in the middle ages, and if the rich favoured it, that means it likely wouldn't be illegal, or at least, not *totally* illegal
@kurbyschneider1607 2 жыл бұрын
thought he was making a joke about den of the drake at first
@Darkman9000 2 жыл бұрын
Holy crap, another pregnancy story? It sounds like people who played that Corruption of Champions thing, and got a bit "invested"
@koboldking7153 2 жыл бұрын
I got a horror story about a dm who punched holes in his wall, and even later on tried to kick a player out of my campaign & server, if you'd ever like to hear it.
@wolfherojohnson2766 2 жыл бұрын
You should post it on Reddit!
@koboldking7153 2 жыл бұрын
@@wolfherojohnson2766 i am a bit afraid, because last time I tried, I couldn't post the actual text of the story and just the name. I had edit the post after
@RiveroftheWither 2 жыл бұрын
While I understand the super frustrated players telling the dm to f off, however I agree that had they actually tried communicating first MAYBE they could have gotten the dm to understand.
@ajperry1757 2 жыл бұрын
Send me in I'll take that Dragon down!
@keybladewizard49 2 жыл бұрын
jesus christ that last story
@Galaxykuma 2 жыл бұрын
What's with the pregnancy kink shit? Why do people do this. Like what the hell man.
@DnDDoge 2 жыл бұрын
I know! I read at least one story with this in it every other week.
@Galaxykuma 2 жыл бұрын
@@DnDDoge I don't even want to get started with the pedo group. Disgusting!
@jaysonklein6018 2 жыл бұрын
Btw, does any body know what other youtuber read the "asshole DM and the town of assholes" story? I could SWEAR someone else did, but I can't recall who: Crispy? Crit Crab? Drake?
@SteelandSouls 2 жыл бұрын
Why is Den of the Drake attacking your dog house?
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