Becoming a Bride of Christ!

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Dawn Hausmann

Dawn Hausmann

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@paulg2103 5 жыл бұрын
Congratulations Dawn! Your life and your videos, and your willingness to respond to my emails a couple of years ago have been a BIG impact. I am going to try to come out to MI and attend on your big Day. So excited for you! God Bless!
@johnpaul3362 5 жыл бұрын
I have never seen you happier! Thank you for posting
@kristinamaldonado386 5 жыл бұрын
God bless you! I praise God for your vocation. Thank you for your videos.
@adorablebelle 4 жыл бұрын
Dawn OMG! I was randomly wondering if your cause was ever approved. CONGRATS! You're amazing and have helped me so much in my own discernment. God bless you and cheers.
@asierlanchodiego7203 9 ай бұрын
I am elated I can partake in this joy with you, dear Dawn, because unfortunately there are many who won't understand this calling. Fortunately, God opens hearts to this reality even to this day, so eventually everyone is included. That is His wish. 🤗❤️🙏 I have listened to many of your videos in which you tell us about discernment and how to find one's calling. Discernment is a beautiful gift from God. It shields us from the evil wrought on this planet by the enemy. It is a solemn declaration of the love of Christ for the Church. Without this discernment, there is no true, unwavering love to be found on earth. There are loving people I have come across on earth and God bless their hearts, but Jesus loves forever. And still, I find comfort in your words, Dawn. It is not so much about what religion one is, because I have seen people argue over denominational traditions and, really, I have found them all endearing in their own way. Given how indecisive I am (God knows), how to choose over one of the thousands of denominations on earth? There used to be a time where this urge to choose would make grow weary but I don't think Jesus worries so much about denominational affiliation. If anyone asked me today, "What denomination are you?", I want to say "All of them." even though some would insist I am being insincere. I tap into the Church every time: Catholic, Protestant, Evangelical, Baptist, Orthodox, Jehovah's Witnesses, Calvinist, Pentecostal and many others I don't even know exist. I feel the connection, the holistic experience in each and every one of you. Thank you so much! 🤗❤️👍 You are all His Bride, 40 + million denominations, billions of family members and still growing. Had I been told 8 years ago that I would have these many brothers and sisters... Me, an only child!... Wow... The world will look at us and wonder one day: what keeps them together? Another mind blowing fact is that we will all wake up and leave our graves. Then we will meet Jesus in Heaven and there is going to be a huge wedding. I have never been to a single wedding in my life, but I feel I am going to have a blast, even though I hate partying. Because there is going to be prayer, and all the people we love there. 🤗❤️
@laudemgloriae3 5 жыл бұрын
Congratulations Dawn!!! So happy for you!! He may be calling me to this in Chicago.. we shall see. I love your witness! I would love to be there as well. If not I shall be in spirit!
@mikewilson6773 5 жыл бұрын
Awesome sauce! Congratulations, Dawn! Thank you for saying yes to the dress.
@jimjum1 5 жыл бұрын
this is so beautiful, dawn! congratulations! when's the date?
@conchimartinez4716 5 жыл бұрын
I'm so glad you tell us this great new!! God bless you!!
@philipneri9599 3 жыл бұрын
I just watched you on EWTN this morning, the program "Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist", and I want to thank you for sharing your story and the detailed events. I think you are beautiful, and your soul is beautiful...and this is a wonderful process that you have gone through, and will eternally experience. I did not know that women can do this, and I think it's another example of God's incredible LOVE for all of us. God bless you, and thanks be to God, always!
@daceliepins9108 3 жыл бұрын
God bless you! 🌹🌹🌹🙏🙏🙏
@Ford31083 5 жыл бұрын
Amazing, congrats Dawn!! This is wonderful news!!!!!
@lilyofthevalley4740 5 жыл бұрын
Congratulations Dawn! This is wonderful news! I would love to hear more about your journey. God bless!
@brideofchrist7588 5 жыл бұрын
this is madness it is Satan deceiving her and the other woman! for I am a Bride of Christ and all will be done in heaven not here on earth!!! we will be married to him in the Wedding Supper of the Lamb! not here on earth!! what a deception!!
@dailybread300 4 жыл бұрын
Bride of Christ Heaven begins now, although we have the demons in the mix here.
@MrQuinnsean 5 жыл бұрын
Congratulations Dawn! I'm very happy for you.
@CatholicAmanda 5 жыл бұрын
Congratulations! God is so great! God bless!
@caribaez5711 5 жыл бұрын
Wow. I want to see if you have a video.
@tomspoors2685 5 жыл бұрын
@Sophias_booktube 10 ай бұрын
Hi Im 42 years old from the uk I wanted to become a nun when I was a teen I can not remember what age I was exactly but they did say I would have to wait to see after I became an adult, I remember I used to pretend I was a priest then a nun if wemen could become priests I would be one, I was not good at geting up early in the morning and a little bit lazy and I guess I wasnt ready to leave my paents at the time, I used to look up my catholic missle and do it daily I do not know whaere it is now but I do know I have them so I decided to forgo that, but at the time I did not know about conscration of virginity, but when I was dressing up to be a nun I would do mt own it was like as consacrative virgin ceremony could describe it I would say I did that but it was just between me and Jesus it was not like in a church thing please don`t judge I was young at the time I didnt look it up because I was brought up stricked safe enviloment, it was like I knew what I was doing but I did not know how I knew that it was like I was meant to do it, when I was a teen before that I was sitting on my bed I was not sleeping I was sitting up in my bed and it was like she had her arms streched out to me sheining like I knew who she was and like I had my hands crying reaching out to her she was saying something to me I could not make out what it was she looked happy anaway, so I nenever became a nun, and I enjoyed and lived my life, and yip I still am a virgin because I choose to be, no I am 42 years old I see the real world as it really is, and to think I feel like I made a mistake and not being a nun I feel like I coulde kick myself, I am happy the way I am, but something inside me still feels like I want to be christs bride I feel thats what I need but, alo my family and parents are catholics old school they would not understand what consecrated virginity means, if I could be a bride of christ between me and god I woukd withought no ceremony etc, not that I mean any negatvity stuff in that, I guess ever since I was a teen doing that private ceremony in the house I allways felt like I married Jesus? or am I just a bit eccentric, I mean there is a part in the bible where Jesus put it like this he likes or respects people who do things more in private for there they rewards would be great in heaven not that I mean anything against anyone else but maybe I could marry Jesus in private, well I guess there nothing beats a home wedding after all.
@cmcasadoiro 3 жыл бұрын
Congratulations! God bless you!
@AbbamyFathertheLOVINGCARE Жыл бұрын
❤❤❤of couse WHO Else could be Love He is ❤❤❤
@tamaratitsworth4421 5 жыл бұрын
Congratulations and praise be to God! I am in my own season of waiting, but my heart so desires to be His alone. The Lord always speaks to loudly to my heart through your videos, so thank you for sharing your journey. I will be praying for you!
@rayazacharia 2 жыл бұрын
Just Trust in him and all will be fine
@alessandryapak 5 жыл бұрын
Congratulations Dawn!!! :D
@gwendolyno.3330 5 жыл бұрын
Congrats Dawn! Thank you for answering the call. I will be praying for you both now and always. Stay faithful!
@lgeef1631 5 жыл бұрын
Congratulation! The joy on your face is so real
@brideofchrist7588 5 жыл бұрын
This is not Bible!!!
@leihirang7868 3 жыл бұрын
amen:) God bless us all forever.:)
@pavelrazamazov2672 5 жыл бұрын
@Imoutanames 5 жыл бұрын
We were created to fellowship daily with God he has blessed you with a loving desire to be by his side. Many blessings to you and your decision!
@Scpr.ValerieMay Ай бұрын
Oh Mary ever Virgin Please have mercy to us girls who lost our virginity by rape and incest And even we got pregnant May we still had Chance and no changes to be future nuns or consecrated virgins of Brides of Christ Amen 😭🥺 I am asking if I can be a nun or consecrated virgin if I became a single mother from r*pe or inc*st? Can I be? Yes or no?
@littlerose9941 3 жыл бұрын
@doortjezainal8080 4 жыл бұрын
God is sooo wild 🤣👍💕👰🏻
@pamelaputerbaugh3161 5 жыл бұрын
You have waited so long; I'm so happy for you!! Congratulations, girl!! (Doing a little "happy dance" in my computer chair!)
@maestrovichozo6586 5 жыл бұрын
Not only did you love Christ, you already loved me too
@AbbamyFathertheLOVINGCARE Жыл бұрын
Yes once here Made IT too ist IT such a big Deal No its Not AS a vergin AS a mother AS a priest a father WE all are here TT of become holy i wate die a awakening of Saints Not of vergins Not of missionary cuoples i wait For saonts
@adeodata6364 5 жыл бұрын
Wonderful, Dawn ✨❤️✨ We're in November, when will it be, that we may join in prayer? The Lord truly blesses you. Thank you for sharing this Joy which is from out of this world... ✨🙏🏼✨
@stevesawicki2062 5 жыл бұрын
Yay! Beautiful inside and throughout!
@jesuscristo3878 4 жыл бұрын
I LOVE YOU MY BRIDE im here and i will see you soon
@thewaychurch8091 7 ай бұрын
@nickstar6170 2 жыл бұрын
Dawn, I hope you are saved by Jesus Christ, and Him alone. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the power of salvation. Don't let anybody distort the Gospel, He saves us all by Himself, it is up to us to accept that free gift in Faith, and add nothing to it. He had paid it in full, and we have no power to keep salvation or lose it because we are in His hands once saved by Him. False Gospels/doctrines teach a Jesus-Plus plan of salvation. And that is so wrong. Ephesians 2:8-9, romans 3:23-26. Free, paid for by His precious Blood for all eternity.
@Scpr.ValerieMay Ай бұрын
I actually want to be a consecrated virgin or bride of Christ 🙏🏻🕊️💔😇 I pray I could be a consecrated virgin Unfortunately 😭 SAINT GORRETI,ANGES JOAN, AGATHA, DYMPHA AND PHILOMENA ARE ALL CALLED VIRGINS I need a saint who literally got raped, lost her hymen. Bear offspring after abuse. She is a literal victim of rape! Like Saint Francis who became poor, so-called patron of the poor. Unfortunately Some woman their childhood Became Victim of sexual abuse and incest 😭 I wonder what Jesus thinks of girls and children victims of sexual abuse Then results children by rape And diseases,and worst disability by verbal abuses 😭🥺✨But I wonder can a young girl who was a victim of rape or incest and have child/ren after rape, Can be a bride of Christ?😭🥺 May God grand my novena That the Catholic church one day have a saint Who was a victim of female sexual assaults. Or a saint who was a victim of rape then results offspring after it. May God have mercy to us survivors.. Or maybe one day I'll be a saint for children victims of sexual assaults. I shall not be allowed the universal church didn't have a holy victim like me 😭😇
@THERESIO 9 ай бұрын
Wow if you think if God is not a lover then you're wrong 😜
@rebeccasavy6743 5 жыл бұрын
😂😂😂😂 I'm dead! Literally dying of laughter. You do know that God will only have one bride right? And this bride is definitely not the church. There is no way in heaven and hell that God is gonna marry both men and children as young as 2, you'd be calling him gay and a pedophile. The song of solomons clearly indicates that there will be a intimate relationship between one man and one woman, while the Shulamite woman’s friends is the church! And BTW we are gonna miss the actual wedding ceremony where the bride walks down the Isle, as Christ will only be coming in the second or third watch.(Luke 12:38) And if you READ Luke 12:36, it states: And you yourselves like to men that wait for their lord, when he will return "FROM" the wedding; that when he comes and knocks, they may open to him immediately. See he'll be returning from the wedding(Ceremony), to collect us(the church) to only be part of the wedding feast. Christ will come get his bride in the first watch as indicated in Song of solomons 2:8 -13 Listen, it is the voice of my loved one! See, he is coming! He is running over the mountains, jumping across the hills. 9 My love is like a gazelle or a young deer. See, he is standing behind our wall. He is looking through the windows, through the wood cross-pieces. 10 “My love speaks and says to me, ‘Get up, my love, my beautiful one, and come with me. 11 For see, the winter is past. The rain is over and gone. 12 The flowers are coming through the ground. The time for singing has come. The voice of the turtle-dove has been heard in our land. 13 The fig tree has its fruits. The flowers on the vines spread their sweet smell. Get up, my love, my beautiful one, and come with me. .....and I think this will happen around the beginning of spring? Anyways, then he will come and fetch the church/his body in the 2nd or 3rd watch as Song of solomons 3:6-11 clearly states: What is this coming up from the desert like smoke? It has the smell of special perfumes, with all the perfumes of the traders. 7 See, it is the traveling wagon of Solomon. Sixty of the strong men of Israel are around it. 8 All of them use the sword and are very able in war. Each man has his sword at his side, keeping watch against trouble in the night. 9 King Solomon has made for himself a beautiful wagon from the wood of Lebanon. 10 He made its long pieces of silver, its back of gold, and its seat of purple cloth. The inside of it was made beautiful by the daughters of Jerusalem. 11 Go out, O daughters of Zion, and look at King Solomon as he wears the crown his mother put on his head on the day of his wedding, on the day his heart was glad.” So lady if I were you I'd just live my life, find me a husband here on earth and start a family. I think that'll be much appreciated by God himself, I mean that is the main reason why he created both men and women, to make good offsprings and make the family of God larger for the end time battle. You don't wanna stay single for the rest of your life, to only end up disappointed to find out that christ has already picked his bride that he wants to spend the rest of his life with. Imagine how embarrassing that would be to go to heaven hoping to wed Christ in your beautiful white wedding gowns, to end up seeing a beautiful woman in gold standing on his right hand, as Psalms 45:9 states (Daughters of kings are among your honored women; at your right hand is the royal bride in gold of Ophir)
@melissaw1903 5 жыл бұрын
I am glad you see that he marries the bride in the first watch. I will have to look at Song of Solomons. Rev 12:5 The woman is the church and the man child is the bride. Satan is after the bride and there is a fight and he is cast to earth to rule for 3.5 years. The bride is also the overcomer. He who overcomes will sit with Him in his throne. Therefore the bride would be a company of people that have prepared them selves. Once Jesus becomes the bridegroom he comes and gets the wise virgins, the church and meets them in the clouds and takes them to the marriage supper which is after the wedding. Hope that makes sense. Tonight we studies she will have the light of Jesus light like a crystal clear stone.
@rebeccasavy6743 5 жыл бұрын
@@melissaw1903 so you agree with me that there is only one bride right?
@melissaw1903 5 жыл бұрын
I think it a group. Jesus said he is coming back with his army of 10 thousands or so. I think that is when he comes in the clouds. Honest News Network is the only minister I know that teaches the bride goes in the first watch.
@rebeccasavy6743 5 жыл бұрын
@@melissaw1903 then I think you need to go back and read your scriptures. It's usually the person with the smallest voice that ends up preaching the thruth while the devil will deceive many. That's how the devil plays out. The bride is really only one person because if it isn't then the song of solomons, psalms 45, Matthew 9:15, hosea 2:2, ezekiel 23, S.O.S 7:7-9 and many other books of the new testament wouldn't make any sense, remember that every single thing must come to past God bless
@mncrump 5 жыл бұрын
Dawn is going to become a bride of Jesus, and that's the end of it. There's certainly no need to laugh about any of this. The formal practice of consecrating one's virginity to God is ancient and worthy of great respect. Jesus will give Himself utterly without reserve to any woman who for love of Him withholds nothing of herself. Union with God is the very purpose of our existence. It is most certainly not inferior to earthly marriage, and it is insane to think that God would reject a woman's gift of her whole self. But even if He should do such a thing -- which is not admitted -- it would still be nobler for a woman to sit at His feet and forever adore Him Who is Truth, Goodness, and Beauty incarnate than to marry a created man. Consecrated virgins are treasures of the Church. They are the very flower of womanhood, and the greatest of these is no less than the Most Holy Virgin Mary herself, the Queen of Virgins. Congratulations, Dawn!
@OfGod181 5 жыл бұрын
How do you know? You marry the true God. What I know is that Jesus is not a polygamist. He has Only ONE WIFE; they are married since before the creation of the world. Are you Catholic or Christian. Thank you, and God bless.
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