Becoming an Adult

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Simon Clark

Simon Clark

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@Tomto000 6 жыл бұрын
You become an adult when you are no longer trying todo adult things, but rather try todo childish things again
@sanjeetsinghk 6 жыл бұрын
Channel Does Not Upload Any More ohhhhh
@vaisakhkswami857 6 жыл бұрын
Channel Does Not Upload Any More so my 1 year old nephew woud be considerd an adult .He peed on my pant and looked at me with a innocently Cute face i mean you cant get any more childish than that
@63565989 6 жыл бұрын
Channel Does Not Upload Any More I feel so attached rn
@orangei7590 5 жыл бұрын
So true.
@ElNietoPR 6 жыл бұрын
As soon as I moved out on my own and started paying my own bills is when I started feeling like an “Adult.” It sucks.
@zHeathy 6 жыл бұрын
Doc, now what? Moving in with Pixel Girl apparently :D That thumbnail made me think the big news was something else ;) ahaha.
@mademoisellesachaaa 6 жыл бұрын
I think I became an adult when I began doing the majority if not all the things that my parents did for me. And when you realize that your parents can't answer your questions anymore, and you feel lost. That's basically what adulthood is :P Or when you look around for an adult to help you and this chilling feeling hits ARE the adult.
@teshn1229 5 жыл бұрын
aye, when you realise you are the adult...
@DH-be4ur 6 жыл бұрын
On the topic of adult things, you'll be pleased to know I haven't yet abandoned my PhD on robot laser bone surgery, and actually made a ton of progress just a few minutes ago. Adulting comes in many flavours.
@gavinmacbride5642 6 жыл бұрын
Felt like this was somewhere between Casey Neistat and John Green - I approve
@zoenutakor7137 6 жыл бұрын
As part of A Level Sociology I studied childhood. Childhood as a concept did not always exist - it is Purley a social construct. Most theorists agree that we create our own childhood and adulthood. We define what adulthood me as and at what point we become an adult for ourselves
@draculanova6548 6 жыл бұрын
-insert forgettable name- Very true, the extension of education (which is driven by economic factors e.g. the needs of a knowledge-based economy) is a major factor in the prolonging of childhood.
@zoenutakor7137 6 жыл бұрын
-insert forgettable name- yes, but that is a childhood based on socially constructed definitions! Some during the revolution will have considered that childhood
@roylandmaines299 6 жыл бұрын
Isn't being a child is what a person is before puberty or full brain maturation or something. Cuz technically it's just about reproduction right? Not that it's like that societally though
@katisontheway 6 жыл бұрын
I empathized with this video so much! I’m a 26 year old teacher and all of my coworkers are at least 10 years older. In a lot of things, for example my relationship with the internet, my phone or social media, I relate to my teenage students much more than with the other Adults. (It doesn’t help that *some* of them sometimes treat me like a child...😪) It’s only when I really compare myself to the teens that I realize that I *am* a grown up, if that makes sense.... So, I think that right now what I’m going with, I guess, is that I’m a “young” Adult, the new generation of what we call an Adult. If adulthood is something that we as a society define... I’ll try to be the cool Adult? 🤗
@valtin7568 6 жыл бұрын
Adulthood: the moment you get home from the hospital with your first baby, nobody else there to deal with it and you've got to keep it alive. No 'oh shit' moment in your life will match it. Good video Simon.
@Turulcky100 6 жыл бұрын
One can be an adult and not a parent
@adamfirth3082 6 жыл бұрын
"You've got to keep it alive" lmaooo
@AdreaSnow 5 жыл бұрын
At each of these moments, I've had that feeling of "Holy crap, I'm an adult..." - When I first couldn't pay the rent and didn't have a backup plan - When I first accepted responsibility for an accident and it didn't just get shrugged off - When I spoke to my doctor about my declining health and he just said "you're not 16 anymore" (I was 22 at the time -_-) - When I first made a decision to throw a dinner party instead of a house party - When my parents could no longer help me with my issues and no longer had the answers to life - When I first questioned my morals and developed values in their place - When all of a sudden, there was nobody else to blame but myself - When I first said "back when I was a kid..."
@mattrobinson9423 6 жыл бұрын
In my opinion, you become an adult when you leave whatever higher education you do with your life, be that university, an apprenticeship or something else at that sort of level. So for me, I'm about to go to university, so I'll become an adult in approximately 4 years' time. Great vlog as always! Really looking forward to seeing more of your big, scary life as an adult!
@WolfOfLegend 6 жыл бұрын
Obligatory "AAAAAAAAAAA YOU GUYS ARE SO CUTE" has been achieved
@YeahThisIsLife 6 жыл бұрын
I think adulthood is when you become self-aware, when you realize who you are and what you want to be and start working in a focused way to change (or stay the same). Based on this definition, there are far fewer adults than we'd like to believe lol, but who's surprised by that
@10steely 6 жыл бұрын
Great flow to this one, especially in the middle. Would love to see more of the continuous talking while changing locations, really moves it on well. Choosing and sticking to a topic throughout a “vlog day” might work. Allows you to tell us something you want to while showing what you’re doing and occasionally referring to it. Up to you obviously I just really liked the pacing compared to the vlogs, breaking up long talks to camera over different locations
@Fatima-zg7sr 6 жыл бұрын
I think you only become a Capital A Adult when you enjoy the taste of bran flakes
@petlover72704 4 жыл бұрын
Yay! In that case I'm still a child. After all I'm having Capn Crunch for dinner. I'm 37 btw
@MissKoalaFace 6 жыл бұрын
My biggest "Boom! Adult!" moment was when I was flown down to my state's capital for a job interview, and was put up in a 5 star hotel in the city. The receptionist asked my reason for travel, and I said "business". Huge imposter syndrome pretending to be some fancy business woman.
@antonswaminathaniyer9317 6 жыл бұрын
Simon I have been following your videos past 5 years. Congratulations on your new journeys in life. You really have a talent in being able to communicate your thoughts and that too so well! Thanks and Keep inspiring!
@Julietlovemovie 6 жыл бұрын
This was so fun! "They look like they have their sh't together" part, gosh, I was laughing out loud! Nice video! Can't wait for more!
@lynna.9772 6 жыл бұрын
Once you start questioning the things/beliefs you ALWAYS thought were true. The things that people or your parents have told you... It's about developing your OWN life philosophy really
@berserker8884 6 жыл бұрын
Ou lala i like this :)
@curiousgeorge6921 6 жыл бұрын
Ou lala soo true
@shannon95073 6 жыл бұрын
I was actually discussing the concept of adulthood and considering the distinction between "adult", "grown", and "mature" with my sister. After some debate, we both seem to have this idea that "adult" is more related to self-sufficiency, whereas "grown" relates more to actual physical ageing, and being "mature" is related to mindset, and how we respond to things that happen to and around us. However, we both seemed to agree that, whilst one can be grown without being mature, and mature without being grown, being truly adult requires both growth and maturity (as well as self-sufficiency). Of course this is just our view of it but it seemed to make sense 😊
@reneeirena 6 жыл бұрын
It was the day I realised that I was a terribly selfish teenager and 20 something year old, and that I needed to apologise to a lot of people for the pain I put them through.
@christiancardona9240 3 жыл бұрын
glad you recognized that about yourself
@davidjohansson8476 6 жыл бұрын
If what you say is correct, then I must be one of the few who would prefer you talking about your degree all the time. I'm a master's student in mathematics and I have absolutely zero interest in some European bank or Yoggscast. I just want to let you know that there are those of us who would prefer you keep talking PV inversion and atmospherical physics :) Afterall, it was the constant PV inversion talk that got me subscribed. You were the ONE youtuber who talked about actual science from the perspective of somebody who does science NOW. I couldn't care less about yet another physicist talking about space time and relativity based on the experience from one or two courses. However, I would love to hear about something much more unique(at least among youtube videos) like atmospherical physics from somebody who currently studies that field.
@jand7739 6 жыл бұрын
The first time I felt more like an adult was during my gap year, where I had to take up work for the whole year after being in school previously my whole life. It was a terrible year as the jobs I took were poor e.g. Pub work, retail, lifeguard and pizza delivery. It was not easy but being in that work environment opened my eyes as to what being an adult for many people is like. I just finished my first year of university and I had a part time job throughout. Being a student, I did not feel like an adult even though I was living alone, cooking for myself and looking after my own health. I felt like a lot of people in university spend their whole student loan on drinking (not the adult I want to be) - I was guilty of this during my Freshers week, a great experience though! Still, I feel most adult when I go to work at my job, and I am surrounded by older more experienced people, you can learn so much from those people, and talking with those people is just more interesting for me at least, and gives me a greater understanding of what it's like to be an adult in the real world. Still once I hopefully graduate with what I want (considering a PhD) and hopefully also get a better job, paying taxes, moving to a place to live etc. and finally deciding how I want to live the rest of my life I guess that's the part where I will become an Adult, I guess that's the transition phase you are at Simon, goodluck!
@ImCiambello 6 жыл бұрын
Figuring out that I can get myself into situations where I end up working on a source extraction algorithm for the upcoming James Webb Space Telescope at Harvard was definitely the bell that made me realize I am no longer a teenager/young adult, but a "capital A" adult with potential, skill and responsibilities. So I guess a big part of that process is realizing what you are worth and capable of.
@KhanStopMe 6 жыл бұрын
“Adult” - Simon Clark
@mangafreak09081 6 жыл бұрын
I came home to visit my parents this weekend and apparently I look like an adult now. So maybe it's a slow evolution of becoming more and more adult but only an outsider can really see it since you are way too involved in it. Love the video and all the comments!!!
@finthechat7134 6 жыл бұрын
That's actually a very good question. Even my dad, who is 70 years old, tells me he still feels like he's 18. I've honestly never really thought about it myself.
@ryanfry4859 6 жыл бұрын
That DnD starter set!!!! Huge fan and definitely an inspiration as I pursue my bachelors degree in physics and looking to pursue my masters next. I also love the podcast with you best friend Dan, I thought I would be funny to mention however that I have started to pronouncing words differently since watching channels such as your, standupmaths, and numberphile. I am from America and as you mentioned in your podcast I definitely say aluminum but also different pronunciation for words such as amazon and I’ve always just used math as in both a singular and plural form where it appears you and Dan use maths as plural. Sorry for my gibberish comment love the channel and podcast!
@user-gd8td9kg3i 4 жыл бұрын
You become an adult when you realize that the people around you, especially your parents, don't know much more than you do
@jackburger2817 6 жыл бұрын
your videos are beyond therapeutic
@codieloades5741 2 жыл бұрын
The loft is for parents, true quote by Simon Clark 😂😂😂 loved the video
@HeyCarlaRawr 6 жыл бұрын
I think that the more you experience, the more you gather knowledge that will help you react properly at situations until you learn to expect the unexpected and that's the feeling of adulthood, finding yourself in a situation where you have been before and it doesn't longer feel as frightening as it used to be.
@tangmengkheang8793 6 жыл бұрын
My definition of life is that life is like a wave, it goes up and down. One moment you are fine, minutes later you are not. Life is all about those downs, we can’t just go straight forward like a line! Its the the drawbacks, failures, mistakes, upsets and disadvantages that give life a meaning! We can’t predict the next drop is but all we need is to be ready and don’t sit in on place while it happen! Every problems have an alternative solution! And try not to repeat the same mistake over and over! That’s how I define life! As for adulthood or going to be one, well..... I’m still 19 but I can say is that when you start to realized some of your parent speeches are true, began to have a passion to be independent and to walk your own path (the correct one) without any hesitation!
@rfldss89 6 жыл бұрын
I'm looking forward to the vlog showing the repair of that trap door, as well as everything else you'll break in the mean time ;)
@eemzemzemz 6 жыл бұрын
Really enjoyed this video. I liked the continuity of the main theme throughout, esp. enjoyed the part where you travelled back home using different shots whilst talking about the same thing :)
@dgblitwin 6 жыл бұрын
It seems to me that there is no real boundary between young adulthood and adulthood as far as changes in the self, but of course there are very physical milestones as far as responsibility that can make life feel 'adult'. I think when I came to realize there was no boundary of the self was early in my undergrad when I had a number of experiences where my parents confided insecurities and anxieties to me individually. It was then that it really sunk in - they have been doing this for longer, but there is nothing fundamentally different.
@ThomasRintoul 3 жыл бұрын
For me, I think I'll become an adult when I'm no longer dependent on my mum financially. Now I'm wanting to do a PhD so it's entirely possible I'll be nearly 30 before I'm fully independent. But yeah, financially independent and not living at home. I'm already not living at home cause I'm in a private rented flat but I am dependent. Love that student life
@ca673 6 жыл бұрын
I think for me it was going back to Uni to get my Master's Degree when everyone was close to ten years younger than me and a lot of times not really fitting in, because of the age difference (early 30s vs. early 20s). That was definitely one realization of 'adulthood'. However, THE biggest realization was definitely getting married at the beginning of the year and then applying for a different tax category. For both of us that felt like a very big Adulthood moment.
@merlinHPtwilight 6 жыл бұрын
Oooh I was at the museum in Manchester a few years back, I was fascinated by that huge computer. I can't wait to see that video you're making on it!! Also a TedEx talk thats amazing!! Another thing to look forward to. You're doing great stuff! Very adult-y ;)
@Milena-bh8bc 4 жыл бұрын
The level of maturity in thinking is what matters most. What are your priorities, what things do you take into consideration when making choices, stuff like that define adult behavior. This change in thinking happens at different age for different people, depending on their intelligence and whether the need for them to mature even appears at all. ^.^
@emilygardner 6 жыл бұрын
So happy for you! I think I'll be an adult after I finish this year long internship and start my first full-time job.
@rfldss89 6 жыл бұрын
On topic of when Adulthood starts (keeping in mind I'm almost 10 years younger than you, so I might be completely wrong about this): I'd say it's at the latest when you've gone independent of your parents and you're in a stable situation. For example, you are clearly an Adult now (notice the capital A, very important distinction). You've got your degree, you've got a home separate from your parents' and you've got a relatively stable source of income. Boom you're an Adult now. Congrats, now make the best of it and don't disappoint your childhood self.
@mandrewhannaford1755 6 жыл бұрын
i think you become an adult when doing so called "adult" things becomes so natural that you don't think they are adult anymore.
@apulunuj 6 жыл бұрын
You are an adult when you constantly do things that don't cause some instant gratification.
@Erdnussbuttertoast 6 жыл бұрын
i don't think the notification bell has anything to do with whether videos show up in the sub box because I don't have notifications turned on for any channels i'm subscribed to and I still get all their videos in the sub feed. congratulations on the move :)
@dan-white 6 жыл бұрын
Still not feeling like an adult and I’m about to turn 30.
@addy7464 3 жыл бұрын
Simon said the same thing in the video about him turning 30😀
@daysofsunshine5974 6 жыл бұрын
I felt like an adult when I had to deal with difficult situations (i.e.friends' safety in intense personal situations, needing to look after older/younger people), which was around the same kind of time I had my first job and started sixth form. Also at 18/19 when my schoolmates started having children/getting married and those weren't exactly teen pregancies.
@TreespeakerOfTheLand 6 жыл бұрын
I _guess_ I feel like an adult? I am 22 years of age, but feel like 28 since a few days. I even felt like I was in my forties last week and I enjoyed watching TV shows for geriatrics in my teens. I guess my childhood began slipping away at about 15 :')
@JK03011997 6 жыл бұрын
"Laypersons perspective" has a deep appreciation of statistics (especially error and statistical significance), calculus and numerics. I am sure the questions a doctor of physics are the same someone who just finished school would ask :D BTW: If you want to travel and make interesting science videos, maybe, as a longer project, you could check some local science out when you are in a certain city. What I mean by that is when you are in a city (say Avalon :P) you could write an email to one or two of the local departments (would assume physics would be a good fit) and ask if you can interview a few profs on what they are currently researching. I found so far, that pretty much any department of any uni has at least one really cool project going on and most never get public attention, especially before a paper is published.
@b4itstarted 6 жыл бұрын
I'm at the age where I am the same age as a lot of the people who worked at my daycare when I was 7 and that blows my mind. I remember thinking those people were REAL ADULTS and now I'm their age and I do not feel as "adulty" as I remember thinking they were when I was little (if that makes any sense). I'm still in university getting my undergrad, but right now I'm working full time away from home, so I make $$$, pay my own rent, cook all my meals, have to get my healthcare sorted out, etc, but I still don't feel like an adult.
@FilmByZeb 6 жыл бұрын
Great vid! Loved the discussion distributed over the time - really helped imerse!
@amymaiii 6 жыл бұрын
Keep doing these little talky videos!!
@GameChampion36483 5 жыл бұрын
5:11 "Adulthood is defined by what you do, not by a tickbox..." You couldn't be more true.
@mallb0y 6 жыл бұрын
Ask the PhD economics students, what is economics
@aminahachimi 6 жыл бұрын
😁😂 we got too much in Economics that we've forgot what this science's definition. LOL
@jorthouben 6 жыл бұрын
I don’t think being a adult or child is something that switches on and off. It‘s not ‘black and white’ in the sense of: you’re an adult or you’re not. It’s a process, something that is slowly achieved over time. And during that process (and even at the end) there isn’t a point where you’re suddenly an adult.
@walrusking8414 6 жыл бұрын
2:53 I have that same fridge and the middle drawer is also a complete arsewipe XD
@TheIdeanator 6 жыл бұрын
Oh yeah! Manchester's MOSI is fantastic. Their loom displays were rather cool. Also, I'm as old as you and I still don't feel like much of an adult despite feeling more mature than the younger folks.
@CMcN 6 жыл бұрын
@raskolnikov8644 6 жыл бұрын
Jesus, I've been with you since the Oxford days. Watching this journey has been incredible man, congratulations. You deserve all the happiness that comes your way. P.S: Spotted the horus heresy novels in one of your boxes, do you still have a 40k army? I haven't played in years and have been thinking about getting back into it.
@SimonClark 6 жыл бұрын
I still have my astartes, and am in the process of starting a tyranid swarm! 8th ed is REALLY fun
@raskolnikov8644 6 жыл бұрын
I hear the nids are great now with the demise of template weapons, I'm thinking of getting together a mob of boyz for the same reason! If I'm ever down south I'll have to teach you a lesson in kunnin' :P
@Antenox 6 жыл бұрын
I felt like I became an adult about six months after I started my last job at the age of 31. It was the first job I had where I felt I had control of my own professional destiny, and that if I did well, I would have almost a free choice of what to do with my life afterward. For the most part, I was right, and that feeling hasn't ended (yet).
@Ssrghvcf 6 жыл бұрын
These videos are so much more fun, now that you look less stressed.
@nvsabhilash 6 жыл бұрын
I just passed out of college and would be joining a job in a new city completely by my own (though I am highly interested in doing a PhD).. I still feel every one around me are adults except me :/ .. I am still waiting for my "Adult" moment. Thanks Simon.. your videos inspire me to do a PhD.. I have started working to prepare for it..
@toboldlysplitinfinitives6518 6 жыл бұрын
Dude, I know. It's so weird right? I've been living with my girlfriend for like 3 years now and I still can't quite get my head around exactly how Adult I am. Doesn't make it better that I look much younger than I am so people often don't assume that I'm an adult. It can cause awkward situations from time to time.
@karakhanzi 6 жыл бұрын
Maybe the concept of Adult really just exists for children (since we do like to define stuff and it's easy to tell children to listen to the Adults (as opposed to giving a 4y/o a lecture on semantics, anatomy, culture and psychology), and once you're old enough you kind of just kind of have this existential crisis of definition and eventually roll with the flow of your life and wherever that happens to be. You touched on this, but I think mental maturity (how you choose to react to life events, and even simply knowing that you CAN make a choice) is a good marker that also encourages self awareness and growth, but I would not ever recommend that we define Adulthood like that. Yep. It's messy. Q. for the Economics (I'm not literate here at all) For the future and younger generations especially: Are there any key economic concepts that should ideally be known by the layperson?
@matildasmart7746 6 жыл бұрын
Ah this video couldn't have come at a better time for me. I just turned 16, and although means i'm not an adult technically or mentally, I've been having more and more existential crises (I just had one now over the fact crises is the plural of crisis) about how i'm getting older and soon I'll be having to do properly adult stuff, like getting my own place. When I was younger I thought that adults all had their life together and that when I hit the age of 18 I would too; but now I feel like we grow and develop as people and eventually we have to do 'adult' things. I think the best definition of adult is not 'someone who has everything figured out' like I thought when I was younger, but just a person who has to start becoming responsible. But then again I'm not technically an adult yet anyway so who knows how i'll feel in 5 years time.
@mademoisellesachaaa 6 жыл бұрын
It feels really freaky, and there are a lot of stressors on you as an adult, but I guarantee that your early twenties are 10x better than what it feels like to be a teenager. You'll have new pressures and heavy responsibilities, but there's a lot of freedom and personal responsibility that feels good and rewarding. You'll feel less aimless and more purposeful, as well as more capable because of all that you have the power to do. You just have to make decisions and then pursue them, and you can achieve anything. It's both daunting and exciting.
@nestorv7627 6 жыл бұрын
exactly me, I'm 16 too
@jongathers2588 6 жыл бұрын
Well, mate, I'm 17, and lemme tell ya, it gets worse.
@legowar10 6 жыл бұрын
I'm in my last two semesters of my bachelor's in science, but I still don't feel like an adult yet. My parents stress about finding a stable job and finding a partner after I graduate and they make it seem like it's a obligation. To me, both of those are important, but imo, as long as you want to be exactly where you are in life, being satisfied of what you are doing is proof that you are an Adult.
@gloriajoaquim2344 6 жыл бұрын
when you think, you became Adult is when you can support yourself. considering yourself as an Adult is when you are in charge of yourself will be an Adult is when you are not able to support yourself yet, but will be in the future.
@7orqu3 6 жыл бұрын
Not sure if he has a PhD or is doing a PhD he never talks about it
@ascrun 6 жыл бұрын
He has gotten his PhD
@thelastcube. 6 жыл бұрын
7orqu3 he _is_ PhD edit: haha I got noticed by Mr. PhD
@maahirbharadia7487 6 жыл бұрын
Shaz R. It’s a joke.
@HeyCarlaRawr 6 жыл бұрын
What if Shaz was making a joking about the joke? You instantly assuming that he wasn't is not cool Maahir not cool...
@maahirbharadia7487 6 жыл бұрын
very true, very true
@martyrace7347 6 жыл бұрын
Wife 2 kids House Career Still a 16yo in my head yo
@SimonClark 6 жыл бұрын
That warhammer life :P
@RoulinBrooks 6 жыл бұрын
Well said. I'm 53, married, house, the whole deal. I can't get my head around the "adult" thing. I'm in denial. There's no such thing as being an adult.
@sundusadem9779 6 жыл бұрын
whereas me as a 16 year old can't wait until i am an adult
@RoulinBrooks 6 жыл бұрын
Growing up is vastly overrated. It's like shaving. I remember I was about 12 when I shaved for the first time. I thought "I'm grown up!" and that it was really cool to shave. A week later I had to shave again and I thought "You mean I have to do this for the rest of my life? This kind of sucks actually."
@SH0dah 6 жыл бұрын
what it is like to have kids man
@jonathanharrison1632 6 жыл бұрын
Great video. House looks great bro!
@ShaoVideoProduction 6 жыл бұрын
I hope to think of my self as an "Adult" when I get my masters...
@ShaoVideoProduction 6 жыл бұрын
No.... No, no, no, we don't think of you as having figured it all out. :'D
@hakimchulan 6 жыл бұрын
I hope when I become an Adult, I get to have good sleep
@mademoisellesachaaa 6 жыл бұрын
No luck, my friend.
@rfldss89 6 жыл бұрын
oh yes please gimme some regular good night's sleep if there something I don't like about being young is messing up my sleep pattern by attending parties and going out. As much as I enjoy being with my friends etc, I hate that it just keeps reverting back my efforts to have a consistent sleep schedule
@GrowingPothos 6 жыл бұрын
I find myself not knowing whether to burst your bubble or keep your hopes up.
@annah.3532 6 жыл бұрын
I feel like I'm slowly but surely turning into an adult. I'm planning to move out of my parents home to go to uni in october and OMG ALL THESE ADULT THINGS COMIN MY WAY i mean how do i rent an apartment properly like AH.
@annah.3532 6 жыл бұрын
and now that I'm at that point in the vlog: I ACTUALLY WANNA GO TO FRANKFURT, GREAT.
@teshn1229 5 жыл бұрын
if you can make 'adult' changes step by step, rather than all at once, and keep up a good relationship with your parents, it isn't too scary.
@cooperfinnigan9577 6 жыл бұрын
I do not consider myself an adult. But the first time I felt like an adult, although momentarily, was when I enrolled to vote. Yeah that was a good moment.
@simonsbeard8085 6 жыл бұрын
A person will become an adult once they can grow a proper beard in under a month. I'm pretty sure that's the official definition
@vaisakhkswami857 6 жыл бұрын
so you mean most women are not adults
@simonsbeard8085 6 жыл бұрын
I mean most men are not adults
@vaisakhkswami857 6 жыл бұрын
Simon's Beard well most women i know can't grow beard under a month sooo
@LockyDoesScience 6 жыл бұрын
I still don't consider myself to be an adult and have got a very strong feeling it's going to be a long time yet until I do.
@Markyroson 6 жыл бұрын
I prefer to just go with the legal definition 😂. I think Richard Dean Anderson legit became an adult in his early teens though, with the bike ride from Minn to Alaska solo because he felt like it 😂
@AlexiMetalPiratex 6 жыл бұрын
You can afford somewhere bigger than a 2m squared studio flat between the two of you, the joys of moving out of Oxford! :P Congratulations to you both though
@camerongarson9963 5 жыл бұрын
hi, I'm a 14-year-old British Canadian. i asked around with a few of the people i know and we tend to think it's when you buy a house. cheers love the videos
@syafiqk92 6 жыл бұрын
The point when I start to feel like an adult is when I start working on my first full time job after uni and realised that if I make a mistake, I could harm someone.
@johannauhl8862 6 жыл бұрын
oh my god I can't believe you were in Frankfurt! I live there.
@HeyCarlaRawr 6 жыл бұрын
And I can't believe that he lives at the spacetime as us, what a time to be ALIVEEEE.
@ON-zm5xj 6 жыл бұрын
I'd like to imagine that an adult, in the sense of who I thought was an adult as a child, is defined by your responsibilities and who you react to them.
@samuborostyan9047 6 жыл бұрын
Awesome video dude!! :)
@mmkfk 6 жыл бұрын
From the title and thumbnail I thought you two were getting engaged but I will take moving in.
@fejfo6559 6 жыл бұрын
I turned 18 recently and I'll finish highschool soon so the "Adult" things are starting to happen but I don not think I'll be an Adult until I'm no longer dependant on my parents.
@LostieTrekieTechie 6 жыл бұрын
No no no... Any of these days I'll get that capital A-adult status and know what I'm doing. The bit about people older than you is so relatable, but age isn't what "adulthood", whatever it is, is.
@victoriapownall4871 6 жыл бұрын
I feel like university has made me feel less of an adult in a sense as before I kinda figured I knew what I wanted in life and how things would go but when you're suddenly on your own and left to fend for yourself you realise how little you know about yourself and the world and so it's hard to feel like an 'adult' in that sense tbh
@potatopassingby 6 жыл бұрын
lmao i love how u even blurred the picture xD
@Zedstergal 6 жыл бұрын
Nice editing Simon 👌🏻
@claudiajade624 6 жыл бұрын
I think being an adult means supporting yourself independently. Ie Living out of home, paying ur own bills etc. Slash...I've been thinking lately that mayb u really start feeling like an adult when u have kids.
@davidrainho3363 6 жыл бұрын
Portugal?! I am waiting for you here!!!!
@anketheron2967 6 жыл бұрын
Congratulations on leveling up to Adult.... Love your channel 👍
@carlosbornes 6 жыл бұрын
Dude where and when is the conference in Portugal?
@sciencish4463 6 жыл бұрын
Here's a question for the economists - the Nobel Prize for economics (not an actual Nobel Prize, fun fact) was reasonably given to the field of behavioural economics. Is it possible to put the insights that people aren't purely rational into global economic models, and if so, what changes does this make to how we predict the ebbs and flows of the global economy?
@omniscientist1159 6 жыл бұрын
For me adulthood is when you disband yourself from the family entity, where you don't have a lot of responsibilities, and create your own entity like with a partner because with that comes further responsibilities. Like maybe we feel like adults when we feel like we are more and more like our parents, having a lot of stuff going on that no one except ourselves that gonna have to deal with it.
@RaidsEpicly 6 жыл бұрын
Great video! Could anyone remind me of why pixel girl is pixelated? I recall vaguely it was something about her wanting to get into some job field where it wouldn't be proper for her to be in all these videos? I don't really understand it though considering that you're a pretty public figure now, it seems inevitable some of that is going to rub off on her
@dsolis7532 6 жыл бұрын
With you and Joanna Hausmann doing videos about being adults I'm starting to get worry about everything :O
@pm9572 6 жыл бұрын
Good video Simon.
@joscelynhyam7336 6 жыл бұрын
I feel like you become an adult whenever you feel like it, I think I felt like an adult at 16 when I got job
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