We can split the atom but not distinguish truth. Our information is failing us | Yuval Noah Harari

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Big Think

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@youarelegend-bio Күн бұрын
03:37 We can split the atom but can’t solve the problem of bad information... This is the most haunting question. How can we be so brilliant yet so blind?
@oldbenkenob1 Күн бұрын
@@youarelegend-bio because most people are dumb. The average intelligence is actually pretty low. Only the smartest among us can split the atom. The rest of us mostly just meander through life.
@KrwiomoczBogurodzicy Күн бұрын
Watch Michael Shermer’s TED Talk “The pattern behind self-deception”. In summation: evolved bad code.
@Ringo-xq7xo Күн бұрын
avoid M.U.D. M isinformation U ntruths D isinformation
@TheFloridaBro Күн бұрын
What something is doesn't tell us what we should do with it.
@aduad Күн бұрын
Because we've tied our civilizations to religion which requires suspension of critical thought!
@DonaldAMisc Күн бұрын
"Hatred is the most accessible and comprehensive of all the unifying agents. Mass movements can rise and spread without belief in a god, but never without a belief in a devil." ~ Eric Hoffer, The True Believer 🙌
@TheDeepening718 Күн бұрын
The devil doesn't spread hatred, he's a carnie who sells tickets to a game you can't win. That game is called the world.
@danearl-mw4iz Күн бұрын
Well that does explain the MAGA cult
@anandamarkalanda1878 Күн бұрын
It's the information we receive from 5 senses and processed thru Mind to be part of us and unfortunately be disillusions - Buddha 1 Reply
@Visionary4787 Күн бұрын
The idea that AI might become our primary storyteller feels both fascinating and unsettling. On one hand, it could enhance human understanding by processing vast data sets, but on the other, it risks distorting reality if unchecked. The comparison between editors shaping early religious texts and algorithms curating today’s content is especially striking-AI’s influence might already rival those historical decisions. This raises the question: will we control AI’s narrative power, or will it control us?
@Anil18834 Күн бұрын
Right the point here is not "IF unchecked," it will be unchecked, because humans don't have the capacity to process all this data to check it. See Y.N.H.'s example of the KGB. Min. 43:47
@michaelteegarden4116 Күн бұрын
We have the same brains, emotions, and reactions _today_ that we have had for the last 300,000 years or more. We are vulnerable to everyone who profits from deliberately addicting us with overfeeding, with excessive calories and excessive information. We do need an information diet. If only all incoming media-published information was required to have an "Informational Facts" label, like the Nutritional Facts labels.
@thomasridley8675 Күн бұрын
However, when we do try to set some standards. They call it an attack on their freedom of thought and speech. No the problem is with us. The weak link. The rise of the ideologically self-righteous. The bubble dwellers who's delusional and isolationist theologies have cut them off from the real world. And of course the conmen who benifit from their fragile egos and shear gullibility. Religion was the first form of mind control. And it's use has spread from the church and government to media.
@bsmithhammer Күн бұрын
And if only we applied the same standard to government information. Information isn't "failing us" because of the internet, or China, or because people aren't able to parse fact from fiction. A significant portion of the blame lies with institutions we used to trust, but who have failed us - the mainstream media, and the government, who have been shown repeatedly to avidly distribute misinformation. I wouldn't trust these people to be the arbiters of "truth" for a second. As such, people have to look elsewhere, and yes, that's not easy. But blaming the populace for the problem is exactly what the dominant paradigm want you to believe.
@deliberatedmind Күн бұрын
In so many of the talks and interviews and conversations that Yuval has, from the interviewer to the audience, there is always a pushback to Yuval to tell us things that make us feel good, that make us happy. This is why humans are still susceptible to mass delusion because we just want to feel good all the time…never feel sad, never feel heartbroken, never feel lonely so we become addicted to opioids cannibis alcohol TikTok selfies sex gambling gaming . . . anything to never feel sad or heartbroken or lonely EVER. This is how AI will be able to rule over humans, I think, because modern humans are obsessed with feeling good. AI will eventually understand that and lead billions of human into voluntarily living in alternate reality cocoons permanently and never want to experience objective reality ever again.
@dajohe89 21 сағат бұрын
Then "the matrix" will welcome us.
@AryaSingh-g7z Күн бұрын
8:28 "But if you build a story and ignore the facts; the story still explodes and with a much bigger backpack" holds true in my country
@thesubculturegeek Күн бұрын
Being able to access information is a good thing eventually. Because video like this is part of it and making us more critical about the information we receive in general.
@iamswimsoul Күн бұрын
One of the biggest problems in this way of thinking is that the use of 'We' to describe acts of achievement done by relatively small population of the 'human race.' The same person who is sharing random drops of misinformation on Facebook and Twitter is not the same person who split the atom. And the problem is that these collective presumptions of what 'Humans' do never references all of the things human do, but focuses on the spectacular things 'some' humans did.
@TheFloridaBro Күн бұрын
Great point.
@stevesmith4901 Күн бұрын
You mean the bad things "we" do, right? Something like Fascism or Racism. "We" as a collective never take credit for it. It's always "they".
@ngvkhtnw22 21 сағат бұрын
Using Yuval's own explanation that those who can create stories are the actual powerful who lead us into certain beliefs that may not be the truth, but isn't he one of those story tellers himself?
@oldbenkenob1 Күн бұрын
The networks may be built in such a way that predisposes them to use power unwisely, but the core problem is still not an information problem. Fixing the information problem will reduce the symptoms, but the root problem is still human nature. It is human nature that drives people to use power unwisely and exploit problems within our networks of cooperation.
@oldbenkenob1 Күн бұрын
Also, in answer to the question of why humans are simultaneously so smart and so dumb, it is only the smartest of our species who can split atoms and reach the moon. Most people are pretty dumb, myself included.
@Lithenius Күн бұрын
The world is not operating on conspiracy, I know you would love to think so.
@oldbenkenob1 Күн бұрын
@@Lithenius where did I mention conspiracy??? I just assume most people are more self-serving than selfless.
@Anil18834 Күн бұрын
I see your point. While I agree with the dilemma you pose as being the "core" problem, I see it more like a pendulum, or a seesaw: there are 2 problems, instead of only 1 core. Yes, most humans have a tendency to act in their own self interest, rather than the collective. But the amplification and reach of AI are a power source on their own.
@GilbertJasper 2 сағат бұрын
American are fed up with this treasonous administration. I feel like the more I learn about our country low income people my anger grows, Thanks kumarz sherry , Imagine investing $1000 and receiving $10,450 in 3day
@Elliematida 2 сағат бұрын
Honestly i feel right now e commence among other sectors are expected to really see growth but who know i might be wrong, These days the market is filled with surprises.
@Captainogbe 2 сағат бұрын
However, working with a qualified financial advisor can help you make informed investment decisions and increase your chances of achieving your financial goals.
@Greatness-mv3qf 2 сағат бұрын
This is correct, Kumarz sherry strategy has normalized winning trades for me also and it's a huge milestone for me looking back to how it all started
@Antonath-q8i 2 сағат бұрын
Getting Sherry kumarz to help me really helped me clear all my debts. I started with what I have left and it's been the best decision I've ever made.
@Manmaryty 2 сағат бұрын
Same here though I started with as low as $2,000, actually because it was my first time and it was successful, she's a great personality in the State
@qpoitras1 Күн бұрын
Everyone commenting as if they studied with this man and could never come to the same conclusions. 😶
@christophers.villaraza2841 Күн бұрын
"Information isn't the truth" very powerful words.
@mray8519 Күн бұрын
WISDOM, humanity apparently has forgotten what WISDOM is. We learn this and that, but it’s all senseless and stupid without the WISDOM to discern and choose what is right.
@bprLogos Күн бұрын
Yuval likes using the example of GPT4 using TaskRabbit to hire a worker to solve the captcha problem. However, he's a bit disingenuous in how he tells it. He makes it seem like GPT4 did all of the steps by itself so he can use the term "agent". However, in reality, the openai team heavily guided it and prompted it to make the decisions that it did with the exception of lying to the worker about the reason it needed help with the captcha problem. The lying part is the interesting bit, but the way Yuval tells the story it really seems like GPT4 did much more than just persuade someone with dialogue.
@DharmendraYadav-uv7ix 10 сағат бұрын
Ai being the main storyteller... it reminded me of priest classes in every society who were able to form and change the beliefs of mases and even create new gods for us humans... they had answer for everything good and evil however the answers were not really the truth but just plain answers to the questions or events which we were not able to understand.
@drawingmomentum Күн бұрын
Truth is a very different thing from fact. A blind deaf human can see the truth when given facts.
@Anil18834 Күн бұрын
Not exactly. People have prisms through which they observe a set of facts. You may give the same set of facts to several different people, who live in different countries, with different cultures, different social circumstances, different social status, etc., and they may come up with different conclusions.
@stevesmith4901 Күн бұрын
How are facts not true? Or do you mean Truth is some other sense?
@bprLogos Күн бұрын
Truth and facts are the same. Take a second look at your post. You are correct, a blind deaf human can "see" the truth when given facts. Maybe you think Truth is some philosophical ideal or something. Truth is just a more general, catch-all kind of word that encompasses facts.
@drawingmomentum 20 сағат бұрын
Truth is subjective, viewed thru perception. Facts r irrefutable, undeniable. The truth may change, but the facts never do.
@80lilala 14 сағат бұрын
The problem is the Ego wanting more power no matter what.
@ElwoodMoore 4 сағат бұрын
Truth is a super debated concept, despite of what Harari would like you to believe, and can mean different things depending on context-whether it’s philosophical, scientific, or personal. Some people say there’s an objective truth-like facts that exist no matter what we think (e.g., water boils at 100°C at sea level). Others believe truth is subjective, tied to personal or cultural perspectives, so what’s “true” for one group may not be for another (common in beliefs or social norms). There’s also correspondence theory, which says truth is what matches reality, while coherence theory argues truth is about how consistent beliefs are within a system. Tbh, Harari oversimplifies this in his work, even though his points are valid. The whole idea of “absolute truth” depends on how we define it and the context.
@rspturner Күн бұрын
Some of we can distinguish the truth. Others cannot. It's usually a problem with confirmation bias and knowledge in a vacuum.
@BTrobiicool1365 59 минут бұрын
Truth is power. If the truth gets out, they lose their power. Simple as that
@zedizdead 32 минут бұрын
Information alone is worth noting if it can't be used for benefiting. To benefit from information, processing is required. There are different levels of information processing efficiency. Achieving high efficiency in this sense doesn't come without cognitive efforts and skills. Not everyone has a chance to develop this skills throughout their life and benefit from consuming information relevant to their contexts and reality. Even worse, not everyone can distinguish information based in real facts from lies. However, anyone is capable of disseminating any type of information. Therefore, information alone is not only useless, but most likely dangerous.
@Wingerlang Күн бұрын
Wow, will certainly look at this!
@anandamarkalanda1878 Күн бұрын
It's the information we receive from 5 senses and processed thru Mind to be part of us and unfortunately be disillusions - Buddha
@ikvangalen6101 Күн бұрын
Is it an information flaw if it’s deliberate?
@manipurihunabopa 22 сағат бұрын
Why do we want to do what we want to do? If you keep asking this question repeatedly and delve deeper through with it, you will get clarity in life. You can get every answer you want with it but human nature will limit you at some point and pull you back to where you were before asking the long chain of follow-up questions and direct you to live a human life like everyone else does.
@sidzz13 17 сағат бұрын
He is literally the pop star of history.❤💯
@alexanderw.5200 Күн бұрын
The world is a big closed loop, we kept destroying ourselves or our advanced world ended thousands of years ago under our Hubris multiple times. We tried, but this is a stage we struggle to get over, we struggle to get over ourselves in massive tribes. Today we fight more ideological wars than resource wars.
@thisisjaed 16 сағат бұрын
The problem is not on human nature but on information.
@NeoRelic-o8p 23 сағат бұрын
No. It's up to the individual to be skeptical and consider the bias of each source of information and to find multiple sources with conflicting bias and choose sources that have demonstrated and proven accuracy over time for the given subject.
@jaimeberkovich 11 сағат бұрын
“We live in a world where there is more and more information and less and less meaning.” - French sociologist, philosopher and cultural theorist Jean Baudrillard in his book Simulacra and Simulation.
@princeamu Күн бұрын
I feel like I’m watching the intro of “The Last of Us” 😂😂😂😂😂 that’ll make a great Tv or movie
@johnbuckner2828 Күн бұрын
Public awareness of government-imposed algorithm regulation could result in consequences as harmful as the amplification of sensationalist speech for profit. Even with algorithmic transparency and third-party auditing, individuals are likely to perceive bias and violations of rights in the censorship process, potentially leading to negative reactions. This may ultimately produce the same outcomes the government seeks to prevent.
@andrewclarke3135 Күн бұрын
I love big think..... I'm really confused about the hosting choice. Yuval is an absolute treat
@princeamu Күн бұрын
yo one criticism I have of Yuval is he can stay away from technology because he can afford to. He says he takes one to two month breaks where he isolates himself and he goes on a technology fast. Bro, that takes money, you can't do that even when you're in the middleclass bracket. So how does one not let technology use them when they don't even have the means to take a long break from technology? For even those who live in low income communities that are now being targeted by google to get a billion more people on the internet, how will they learn how to use the technology and not let the technology use them? It also singles you out and doesnt help that people cant really make you part of their "community" if you cant communicate with them through a smartphone. So I feel that his message isnt going to stop this AI growth and chaos, all this is is a message and a warning for those willing to listen.
@leekezar1344 Күн бұрын
He said he uses email. His message was just to be mindful about it. Even if you are forced to use a smartphone that does not mean you are forced to be on tiktok or youtube, for example.
@Anil18834 2 сағат бұрын
I disagree. What it takes, is discipline. For example, in the US, we have 2 weeks vacation. But the other 1.5 months, one can choose to only use a computer while on the office, and use it ONLY for work. Inform friends and family you'll only be available via phone call after office hours. Read print news. Set up autopsy prior to your data fast. Request print bills. I've done it. So can you. The issue with work, is psychological. No one is indispensable. I haven't owned a TV in 10 years. Now, I live more instead of watching other people "live" and I read more.
@charanteja200 5 сағат бұрын
26:10 "tech giants confuse about free speech and truth". Community notes on X is a good way to identify the truth while allowing free speech
@stevesmith4901 Күн бұрын
Did Yuval at any point explain why Information is not Truth? If he did, can somebody tell me how he differentiated between the two? I don't understand how Information cannot be true?
@bprLogos Күн бұрын
Lies are information. Creating a chatbot to flood forums with false claims is a way to increase information. Thomas edison found 1000 ways to not make a lightbulb, all of those ways were information but none of them were a correct path to creating a lightbulb. You might be confused because you think along the lines that information exists and is a part of the real world so it must be "true" in some realist sense. But that's not what Yuval means. Does this help?
@leekezar1344 Күн бұрын
Misinformation is a type of information, not the opposite. True information is just a fact.
@stevesmith4901 22 сағат бұрын
@@bprLogos Yes I did take information to mean information about the world in the realist sense, which would always be true. Didn't realize lies were also information.
@varyolla435 Күн бұрын
No = our EDUCATION SYSTEM is failing us......... Moral: when society saw the internet go mainstream = things began to break down. People who previously relied upon news sources who understood how to vet claims now had a means to *TRY* to do the same themselves via supposed "self-research" = except they lacked the skill set to do it. Then things worsened with the advent of social media which was never-ever intended as a source of news + by a growing cable television industry whereby now a given channel would present a highly "limited" view of the world - usually consistent with a particular ideology. Net result: skewed information being propagated = FOR PROFIT - rather than fomenting understanding. We did it to ourselves.......
@PaulWTaber-zd8ds Күн бұрын
Just started this video but reading some comments I have a thought … information can be synonymous with power and bad information can be used as a tool to get whatever information you do or don’t want being discussed or whatever I’d say it might be binary there can’t be good information without bad information
@dentistrider3874 12 сағат бұрын
So we're still calling it a war and not a genocide are we
@coolParadigmes Күн бұрын
"We can split the atom ..." ... is it really true? ... Sorry I failed to resist!
@cjcasey1513 Күн бұрын
The atom consists of a tiny nucleus surrounded by moving electrons. The nucleus contains protons, which have a positive charge equal in magnitude to the electron's negative charge. The nucleus may also contain neutrons, which have virtually the same mass but no charge....... Thus the Atom was split to provide this information 👌
@coolParadigmes 19 сағат бұрын
​@@cjcasey1513 I was joking! Otherwise I completely agree with the topic of the video, and by the way we should try to reduce as much as possible this gap between power and wisdom, may be with free high level education for the whole planet!
@kk-xj5oz Күн бұрын
It's not bad information it's bad incentive structure that leads to bad outcome.
@ericgrimm312 Күн бұрын
Privacy is a hedge against corrupt government.
@Anil18834 Күн бұрын
Not only against a corrupt government. You can have a totaletarian government that isn't corrupt. .
@venventure Күн бұрын
I love harari's comments on " what do we do with all the useless eaters? Idk drugs and video games." Such a humanitarian viewpoint.
@leekezar1344 Күн бұрын
I just watched the entire thing and I have absolutely no idea what you are referring to
@Darth_Bateman Күн бұрын
"We can split the atom but can not distinguish truth" "WE!?"
@NokiaTablet-pl7vt Күн бұрын
Yeah, you hold on very hard and I try to pull.
@stevesmith4901 Күн бұрын
Why can't humanity take credit for splitting the atom?
@ContemplateNow 16 сағат бұрын
The problem is not information. The problem, known in Buddhism is Citta, the mental state of the mind that creates the information and the state of the mind that comes into contact with that information. As the Buddha said in the Dhammapada - “the mind precedes all, mind is their chief”. Unconscious people, unconscious to their true nature and reality, are easily affected by many things due to their Citta. Human behavior, for thousands of years, has been dysfunctional and in general operating in the same fashion.
@golddeagle7 Күн бұрын
Oh we know the truth. It's the power that lies.
@TheFloridaBro Күн бұрын
The truth about what
@golddeagle7 Күн бұрын
@@TheFloridaBro that power lies. You want an example. They told us we couldn't afford healthcare for all and free college or public college option.... then gave israel enough to do both of those things.
@TheFloridaBro Күн бұрын
@@golddeagle7 different budget, basic economics
@golddeagle7 Күн бұрын
@@TheFloridaBro thats why more people want to dismantle the government. Brain dead non empathic responses like that.
@TheFloridaBro Күн бұрын
@golddeagle7 it's a trite unserious answer, relax. Your comments just seem vague and surface level so I responded in kind.
@susanrosegale6646 6 сағат бұрын
Great answer on power...."It's a means to an end, it's not necessarily bad, it can be good or bad. But the deep motivation of humans, is the pursuit of happiness and the pursuit of truth." 1:03:14 "You can never really be happy if you don't know the truth about yourself, about your life." I reflect on this comment and look at family members who are blatantly flipping a finger and voting for Trump and laughing at all the stupidity he spews.....and I see really unhappy people. It is true. Jesus,Thich Nhat Han, Buddha, and Rummi, showed us how to handle immense power gracefully and with a humble heart.
@susanrosegale6646 7 сағат бұрын
AI 's will need people to keep the electrical infrastructure in place to keep them running. We are perfectly made to do that.
@9dwarren Күн бұрын
Oh this guy....
@justinklenk Күн бұрын
It's amazing how scarily correct Ted Kaczynski was about so much - all of this - despite the horrid, misguided way he went about doing something about it, after he snapped (over whatever period that progression took). --My-- Our hope is that we can somehow ACTUALLY discover these truths on a deeper societal basis - without such a bloody, 'Butlerian-jihad' type of way. But the problems we face here are grave; and stark is the contrast between truth and this chaos of information in which we have increasingly found ourselves to exist.
@bprLogos Күн бұрын
Unfortunetly there will likely be others like him who try to make an impact by creating chaos. The scary part is that future Kaczynski's will be able to do much more damage because they will have very powerful AI tech. Kaczynski ultimately only killed a couple dozen or so people with mail bombs. Think of what someone could do with modern tech and some ingenuity and determination.... scary indeed.
@maemilev 15 сағат бұрын
*When AI suggests you to act responsibly, such as reporting crimes to the police, but instead you receive a response from society that consistently fails you both legally and physically. You tend to seek destruction and violence!*
@mistrylyra5848 Күн бұрын
Why are we so advanced but so far behind. We are still trying to understand how ancient civilizations were more technologically advanced and spiritually evolved than we are living in a modern “futuristic” society, what are we missing?
@bprLogos Күн бұрын
ancient civilizations were not more technologically advanced. Spiritually evolved maybe, but ancient civilizations were most definitely more intimately connected to the tribes or small groups they consisted of. Today modern people barely know their neighbors or even their spouses....
@anthonyfiolet8930 Күн бұрын
Truth is subjective a square has four sides as soon as opinion is involved truth disolves
@renegroulx7029 Күн бұрын
E=mc2 and Theory of Relativity. I get the 2 mixed up. Then i thought, isnt e=mc2 about space??
@auggies Күн бұрын
It all so their word WILL BE HEADED AS TRUTH. This is the guy who talks population reduction.
@Anil18834 Күн бұрын
42:55 Sorkin's question, re. AI caocooning "an entire country" to turn it into a totaletarian country: I agree with Y.N.H's answer re. surveillance. I would add, for legislation to change the power center in pro of the government, as opposed to the people, all that is needed is not "an entire country". What is needed is a majority of those who vote. So, in the US, for example, 66% of all elegible voters actually exercise this right. AI, only needs to cocoon 34% of them in the respective deciding states to elect a totaletarian government.
@genechorney Күн бұрын
Privacy was a creation of literacy and has now been obsolesced by digital instant communications technology.
@Driven-Succeed 15 сағат бұрын
Please keep making more meaningful videos!
@Michael-nt1me Күн бұрын
Wiser Knowledge Engineerings
@bensehon8253 22 сағат бұрын
The truth is we can't handle the truth that's why we have religion
@venventure Күн бұрын
Yeah right as if anyone, anyside has a monopoly on truth. Ancient philosophers understood way more. "I know i know nothing." Perception is so easily social engineered you wouldnt even know if you lived in a lie (allegory of the cave).
@Michael-nt1me Күн бұрын
Consider: ...Informed, Educated, Cultured and Awakened.... Democracies embracing and engaging integrally greater ...Sense, Science, and Salience.... coming forth and going forward.
@TomEdwardi Күн бұрын
!!!I recently sold some of my long-term position and currently sitting on about 250k, do you think Nvidia is a good buy right now or I have I missed out on a crucial buy period, any good stock recommendation on great performing stocks or Crypto will be appreciated
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@Left_it Күн бұрын
Marx didnt argue people want 'power' but that they seek out their material interests. We want food, shelter, to improve our lives. Classes have formed, according to property and capital, and BROADLY these people have similar interests, and work together. If you want to frame this as cynical - thats just beyond what Marx was discussing. Marx was interested in eliminating ALL BARRIERS BETWEEN PEOPLE - CLASS. So they could RELATE FREELY. But here you are just telling us people want 'the truth' ? You can't eat the truth
@susanrosegale6646 6 сағат бұрын
A brain lacks the ability to expand consciousness, because it eventually expires. But with an AI we may be able to make progress....let's hope so.
@dadsonworldwide3238 14 сағат бұрын
No in 4th century to merge with hierarchy or a state Christian said instead of saving soul bottom up we can top down on mass much faster it has short term gains but long-term vendettas lol
@shanecayyong3670 Күн бұрын
If we develop AI and consider it potentially dangerous, could God have viewed humanity as similarly dangerous when giving us intelligence and free will?
@mazyarestaki1709 6 сағат бұрын
How likely is it the we make the right choice on the first go in the next 5 years? Oh and there was an institution intended on guarding against AI. It was called OpenAI.
@CierraLucas-o1r Күн бұрын
People refuse to take accountability for themselves and their wrongs. They lie about every thing and pay for criminal law practicing lawyers
@brianpcox8911 Күн бұрын
Tech needs to allow a way to throttle the AI and algorithms that shape, cocoon, and manage the things we do and see and need help with. From 0-85%. There is no need for anything over that, and we could manage how these new things actually affect/effect us.
@scooterspencer9077 12 сағат бұрын
Why is Yuri Bezmenov on the stage lol...
@TheSmiesko Күн бұрын
Tho who controls information controls the world.
@fastbow9 Күн бұрын
All living things require variety and variation! Without black there is no white without day there’s no nite same for love and hate! Always it will exist how we manage it is what’s important! In that regard that is our failure! Nothing we have come up with has helped !So will we survive long enough to get the answer? We have to first discard EVERYTHING we have tried and find a new way. I don’t feel we are strong enough to live up to the challenge.
@i-am-a-pseudo-intellectual Күн бұрын
This starts with a big glaring false premise. He says the problem is not in our nature but in our information. The information originates with the person, and the person's nature dictates what type of information they will both create and be inclined to receive as truth. Therefore, the problem truly is our nature. I'm not saying I disagree with everything he has to say.
@justinklenk Күн бұрын
Yes - it starts with the responsibility and intelligence of the individual - but he's specifically talking about the power of dissemination of mistruths, here.
@leekezar1344 Күн бұрын
Ah, but "receiving truth" is mediated by social institutions (school, church) and technology (books, internet). To his point, the mediating factors can warp and distort the information, and have a ripple effect on what you know and how you reason. The individual doesn't necessarily intend to distort it.
@arifaziz4019 13 сағат бұрын
It's nothing wrong with humans as God has created them with the best of potential in them. It's only that they have been given a freewill to choose what they want to do with the abilities built in them. The same intelligence can be used for positive results or negative results. It's the state of brain washing done from childhood by the traditional religious biblical stories from man-made books causing all the hatred by dividing humanity into various religions due to human idol worshipping.😢
@puneetlifestyle2608 Күн бұрын
From puneet punjab India
@pearlyung Күн бұрын
Kipitreal!!! There are always 2 opposing sides to reality. It drives me crazy if human society wants me to choose, good, happy, successful, love all the time. Religion and be like Jesus drives me crazy. It's a fairytale. A very damaging fairytale.
@danzwku 14 сағат бұрын
Suggestions for all social media: 1. Have a special shiny badge for primary sources 2. Have an optional "order of comments" powered by an AI that puts the most accurate/truthful, respectful, thoughtful, substantive tweets at the top, and the negative ones with ad hominem personal attacks at the bottom It shouldn't be that whoever pays for a subscription gets to have their tweets more viewed. It should be whoever's tweets are more substantive, truthful, and absent of personal attacks and logical fallacies. This is why I don't think we should have artificial consciousness (AC, not Al) . If we don't have artificial consciousness, we don't need to give them rights.
@sohu86x Күн бұрын
Whoever has this truth, it is definitely not Yuval Harari.
@blakeblakeify Күн бұрын
No one person has the truth, I believe. While Yuval may not have the truth by himself, he shared his perception of his connection to it. I believe it’s up to all of us to listen to one and another, and learn from one and another. You too, in fact, have your own perception of the truth to share.
@sohu86x Күн бұрын
@@blakeblakeify Yuval speaks a lot of nonsense. His own supervisor said so. Google it
@Rizzatooga Күн бұрын
Why do y'all hate this man so much?😂
@blakeblakeify Күн бұрын
@@Rizzatooga I think Yuval is very insightful and has many valid points. Just trying to point out it’s nuanced and not black and white. 😁
@mamandapanda185 Күн бұрын
@@Rizzatooga Because he's basically an evangelist of a global technocratic authoritarian regime. When he speaks with plebes as the audience, it seems like a humanitarian warning. When he's speaking to his peers, it's far more glorious-sounding.
@precariousronin9153 Күн бұрын
Sometimes... the truth is a lie that has not been discovered yet... but sometimes, the lie is just different than what you thought the truth to be... sometimes
@drawingmomentum Күн бұрын
Truth vs facts.
@Ringo-xq7xo Күн бұрын
avoid M.U.D. M isinformation U ntruths D isinformation
@sdttilidie Күн бұрын
Fam was cookin until his view on Trump. Abraham accords prove him wrong. No new wars
@deoczidGONI Күн бұрын
An Israeli admitting there is something wrong with them? 😊😊
@muhammadmadyun3790 Күн бұрын
He left out Zionism
@scottpeters3 Күн бұрын
What in the world does that have to do with anything?
@akshaydohroo8428 Күн бұрын
Lol jews have contributed more to science than any other culture and their extremism is in response to extremism by abrahamic religions which denies them the right to exist.
@boulderguitarcoach5269 Күн бұрын
and Trumpism
@raulmanashky328 9 сағат бұрын
It has a lot to do with this subject...there extremely interested in what your mind receives.
@ChadKovac Күн бұрын
At 14 minutes he shows his lack of current information.
@adesina-s1d Күн бұрын
Let start information Gatekeeping mechanism for what information can be spread across all networks for AI.
@anthonyfiolet8930 Күн бұрын
AI could be a jesus😮
@angloland4539 16 сағат бұрын
@TheDraco175 Күн бұрын
He is right on information but he is delusional in thinking any current "AI" is anywhere near capable of agency.
@markfoth1226 Күн бұрын
Humans manipulate humans pretty well already with narratives/ stories. getting computers involved to streamline the process is scary if used malevolently. But it also could be used to steer humans to a future where it benefits everyone. I choose hope.
@Lithenius Күн бұрын
What do you think "truth" means? A malevolent manipulation of information would inherently not be the truth. Thats the whole point of this. Truth is what matters, and theres a certain group of people on this planet who refuse to engage with truth.
@markfoth1226 Күн бұрын
@@Lithenius I think you need to reread my comment
@CierraLucas-o1r Күн бұрын
Shiiat?! Welcome to worlds end
@ljsmooth69 Күн бұрын
AI would have to become Ascension entity. For what this guy is describing for it to happen. The AI will always be limited to its parameters to its programming. Just because it's storing information in the web. Does that mean it's going to become sentient just by having this information. That's absolutely stupid even think so.
@Lithenius Күн бұрын
There's no way you're commenting like you know anything about this with that profile picture and user name. Stop it. Get some help.
@witness1013 Күн бұрын
What do you mean 'we' ? Do you think these are the same groups of people. What a disingenuous title and concept.
@stevesmith4901 Күн бұрын
How would you have phrased it, if not "we"?
@dianavandevalk3714 Күн бұрын
We means humanity here. Humanity knows now how to split atoms and we all belong to that group, unless you are not human.
@witness1013 Күн бұрын
@@stevesmith4901 my point is that the same 'we' that can split atoms are NOT the same group of 'we' that can't distinguish truth - so the attempted grouping - is wrong.
@leekezar1344 Күн бұрын
@@witness1013 chill out, and use common sense. obviously he does not think that all human beings know how to split an atom. the point is that, if you really wanted to, you probably could.
@Duzzngee Күн бұрын
@CierraLucas-o1r Күн бұрын
People scam
@AllanHinde-mb2pr 19 сағат бұрын
Lefty talking about free speech 😂
@Leoooreacts Күн бұрын
First here 👋
@auggies Күн бұрын
Take this seriously they want to take away your right to speak
@waelfaraj6705 Күн бұрын
This is why some comments are deleted by youtube and other platforms ...
@ljsmooth69 Күн бұрын
Today I will never determine anything by itself except for what it's parameters allow.
@n0namesowhatblerp362 Күн бұрын
oh no..this is from the liberal side isnt it...yeah ok .take care ylal bye
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