Bitwig Studio and NI Maschine Plus/MK3 - presented by Thavius Beck

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Bitwig certified trainer Thavius Beck walks you through the new Bitwig Studio support for Native Instruments’ Maschine MK3 and Maschine Plus.
Through hands-on musical examples, you'll learn how the integration frees you from the mouse and keyboard and allows for navigation, browsing, playing melodies in scales, step sequencing, clip launching, note repeat and arpeggio, and controlling Bitwig’s device chain via Maschine’s displays. Just connect your Maschine MK3 or Maschine Plus and get back in the groove.
0:00 - Creating a melody
2:12 - Browsing
2:38 - Creating a beat
4:20 - Plug-in parameter tweaking
5:10 - Adding a new track
6:20 - Changing the instrument
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@klausherbert3040 3 жыл бұрын
An in-depth tutorial about setting it up properly and how to work with it in Bitwig is desperately needed
@FirelordLelouch Жыл бұрын
That's the in depth installation
@HenningSprang 3 жыл бұрын
Nothing against Thavius' friendly smile - but it would have been slightly more interesting to see exactly what he does on the controller with his hands, and what the Maschine display is showing... as it is it doesn't give me a lot of hints whether it is worth to buy Maschine as an advanced controller for bitwig, which is what i am thinking about.
@phild5322 3 жыл бұрын
Isn’t the point of this demo to show what’s happening on the device itself? Impossible to judge the quality of integration without that view. Can you upload a proper demo showing the extent / limitations of control via the hardware please?
@Artek604 3 жыл бұрын
What you mean? The only thing we don't see is the M+ screen(s), but everything else - adding tracks, instruments, recording MIDI, tweaking parameters - is done on the M+ itself. But I agree a full documentation with all features listed is a must. This might actually be the final argument for me to get M+!!!
@TheBiggerNoise 3 жыл бұрын
If you have the M/M+, the Bitwig demo does everything but save, so you can check it out for real. Agree that the video wouldn’t help you decide if you should pick one up for controlling Bitwig.
@Artek604 3 жыл бұрын
@@TheBiggerNoise But that's what I'm looking for - a final argument to get M+. Can someone please do a proper walk-through? Because the documentation is very poor, e.g. no mention of what's on the screen, how clip launching works, scales, plugin control, etc.
@TheBiggerNoise 3 жыл бұрын
@@Artek604 Sorry, I was replying to Phil D and didn't see your reply. I really hesitate to offer an opinion here, but frankly, I'd only buy a Maschine if I thought the Maschine workflow was compelling. That's just one viewpoint from a hobbyist that struggles to complete simple stuff, so please take it with two grains of salt.
@Artek604 3 жыл бұрын
@@TheBiggerNoise Sure. The Maschine workflow seems fine and I'm in particular interested in using it standalone, but it's still pretty pricy. Finding out that it can work as a - pretty deep, apparently - Bitwig controller basically seals the deal for me. I was told M+ doesn't work in Bitwig as a controller, which turns of to be not true.
@jumpstar9000 3 жыл бұрын
First of all apologies because I woke up in a grumpy mood. Right, so this video and the other one showcasing the S49 highlight some real problems we have here. For example that nobody knows this stuff actually exists. Bitwig appears in the thread and says it has been in since 3.3.4, yet even Artur who is checking the Bitwig site for changes seventeen times a day doesn't even know about it. Turns out I did notice it on my S49 but purely by accident, and largely by trial and error figured some stuff out. I don't have a Maschine+ but I imagine what is on the screens is similar. Which raises point two. In the video Thavius says "hurrr, hope you can see the screens", but nobody can see the screens. Again, having used the S49 what is onthe screens is useful, but my guess is people are going to be thinking the actual Bitwig UI is on the screens (it's not). That doesn't mean it isn't useful, it's just not quite as beautiful as a fully native Komplete Kontrol or Bitwig experience. And there is nothing wrong with that. This said, now we have a situation where it appears like someone is being 'economical with the truth', when that could have been avoided by releasing a video with a camera directly over the device when the feature was released, showing exactly what buttons are being pressed to do what. These two videos are great to raise awareness of the support but they are dangerously skirting a gray line with marketing and intent I feel. I'm having to bite my tongue here somewhat because what I really want to say is rather more critical than I would like. Now with Artur, you keep sweeping in saying herp derp 'Driven by Moss' any time someone asks a question about controllers. Let me say something here. I am getting quite tired of herp derp Driven by Moss. I and am certain everyone is very thankful regarding Moss and his controller support, but I'm getting kind of annoyed because he 'does it for free' supposedly. Well, that's great, but then that provides little moral room for any criticism whatsoever. Like the fact that. Have a question? RTFM? Have a suggestion or criticism, don't be so ungrateful. I mean seriously thanks for the Launchpad Pro Mk3 support but thank you not that half the controls are totally different to the manual and there is tons of hidden stuff that only Moss knows about, and yes I have watched the videos numerous times. Same thing with this Akai mini I just bought. Well, I had to go and read the source code to find out what the mappings of pads and controls were doing. And this stuff isn't documented... well apart from in the source code. That's not cool guys and girls. As far as the LP Pro Mk3 I have resigned myself that the only way I can make it do what I need is to write a new control script because as it stands the physical UI of the buttons on the device is causing me cognitive dissonance in relation to what actually happens every time I use it. Now back to this video... Here is a question? Does the Maschine+ show the wave editor? What is the workflow for adding new tracks, undo redo, arming overdub, duplication, automation. I'm sure all this stuff is exactly in line with the Maschine manual right? /s As I said I am grumpy and woke up in a mood this morning because someone left the window wide open and I was freezing my ass off when I woke up. Like everyone else I will say how lucky we are to have bitwig, but ffs show the screens and do a step by step walk-throughs on all the controllers like a normal person/company ffs. The whole 'Just figure it out', and 'Driven by Moss' tropes are really getting tiring. Thanks Bitwig God's, Yours Sincerely Loyal Paying Customer
@kenrod6643 3 жыл бұрын
What a rant. It is unfortunate you can't see the oleds in the video, I'm sure they'll be another video at some point... perhaps by an individual party. But i will say, that anyone this deep into the niche should have a strong understanding of what "integration" can and can't do. Your example about the Akai mini you just bought is perplexing. What are you expecting that controller to do with regard to controlling Bitwig that it can't do currently? Who is ultimately responsible for the functionality you are looking for? You, Akai, Bitwig? Your example of the Launchpad pro Mk3 is also revealing. Someone else did the work and provided integration for free.... your appreciate it, but it's not built for you. It's not to your liking.... Guess what? You might have to do the work on your own to get things to your liking. Again, ultimately who is responsible for the physical UI being to your liking? How can another party possibly satisfy you in this regard while also satisfying everyone else. It's not as if I don't have criticisms as well (I'd like some focus issues to be ironed out). But to insinuate some sort of deception taking place is just irresponsible. Don't blame it on the window. BTW.... if any party is curious to see how well the controller they purchased from another company works with Bitwig, I invite them to try a FREE demo of the Bitwig software. If they find something they don't quite like, I would also invite them to check out the extensive official Bitwig documentation to see if there isn't an existing solution. After that there is always using the work of others to get things rolling. Check out Github. I also would recommend learning a bit about coding. It would go a long way in getting your midi controllers and software working for you instead of against you. And you know, there's a lot of free resources devoted helping people do just that. There, I got through the entire thing without saying "just figure it out", or mentioning "Driven by Moss" (even though his Bitwig API tutorials are excellent and are neglected on youtube).
@klausherbert3040 3 жыл бұрын
I agree. Atleast do some more videos how to set it up and how to properly use it in Bitwig. I installed the controller script and the Maschine is in Bitwig Mode but not a single button is working. And no one can tell me why....
@bitwig 3 жыл бұрын
Hello Jumpstar, thank you for your extensive feedback. We are listening, and we do our best. Here are some answers to your questions, I hope you find them useful: - Unfortunately, we cannot show the waveform. Due to limitations we cannot draw freely on the screens of Maschine controllers. - Adding a new track: Just press an “empty” group button - Undo/Redo: Press shift + Pad 1 for Undo, Pad 2 for Redo. - Arming overdub: Press Record - Duplication: Press and hold duplicate and the entity you would like to duplicate. Works for Tracks, Clips and Scenes - Automation: Press Auto All the best from Berlin!
@jumpstar9000 3 жыл бұрын
@@bitwig You are welcome 🤣 > We are listening That's the spirit. Happy Ascension day Berlin from Amsterdam. It's a shame you can't draw on the screen, though that was also my presumption. Seems like a technical problem that could be turned into a BizDev problem. Well either that or you could build your own native controller and bypass NI, although that seems rather drastic. There are a lot of arguments that could be made for NI to have perfect BW integration, (which I have also mentioned to NI). AFAICS Bitwig and Native Instruments could be a match made in heaven. FWIW, I know I beat up on you, but I do recognize the challenges involved. About twenty years ago I was working on high end commercial and home automation software. The work needed to integrate the massive amounts of hardware was insane, and we also had a similar sized team. So kudos that you are taking it on. It's a dirty job but someone has to do it. Hopefully you recognize the pressure/feedback is well intentioned. You have an amazingly loyal customer base, but also some impatience is creeping in. The good news is it's because that loyal customer base wants you to succeed. Well anyway, you know..., so no need to dwell on it. Keep up the good work and all :-)
@NakulKrishna 3 жыл бұрын
I think this is cool, but I’m hoping you have proper videos coming out with the full extent of the integration, with us being able to actually see the screens and the feedback from bitwig to maschine. This seems a little too casual in terms of its production value. Considering that a lot of people who are interested in bitwig are also interested in or already have a maschine these could sell more copies of bitwig if presented more clearly and comprehensively.
@jumpstar9000 3 жыл бұрын
@kaykramer9045 2 жыл бұрын
Exactly my thoughts! I am also wondering how it all works…
@vetiarvind 3 жыл бұрын
Very cool. You're able to do the complete workflow with Maschine.
@maddogmorgan 3 ай бұрын
Just moved to Bitwig and loving it
@STF_YVR 3 жыл бұрын
Can’t see Maschine’s screens
@FotoxBr_nl 3 жыл бұрын
You have to install script via control editor in order to get this to work. This is only mentioned in the machine help file, not in the SL xx mk2 help file.
@klausherbert3040 3 жыл бұрын
I did but I can't control a single thing in Bitwig with it...
@bitwig 3 жыл бұрын
@@klausherbert3040 please get in touch with us via our support form here: so we can help you.
@player1tv Жыл бұрын
Super cool - I always struggle with mouse control over the nobs, having full finger access is awesome.
@flobeatz 2 жыл бұрын
How exactly do I use repeat in bitwig on MK3?
@blind2nothing1 Жыл бұрын
Good Stuff. Would anyone mind posting some step by step instruction concerning initial setup procedure?
@StephanieSante 2 жыл бұрын
I understand that Moss covers the Push 2 scripts for Bitwig. But why doesn't Bitwig have native scripts for the Push 2 that match the standard push functions? Why would you support for example Maschine Mk3 and not Push 2 natively?
@paul_bismuth Жыл бұрын
Hi, do I well understand that he's using the MK3 as a controller, and that it's the same thing with a Maschine plus you need to set as controller, using computer sound banks and CPU and not M+ standalone ?
@embersandash 3 жыл бұрын
Are all the integration features shared across Maschine and the Kontrol keyboards? Or can one do more or less than the other. Are their specific Bitwig integration trade offs?
@Artek604 3 жыл бұрын
You can read the specs for each when you select the controller in Bitwig's settings. Last icon in top-left corner opens the documentation.
@jumpstar9000 3 жыл бұрын
The answer is yes
@MrCshmn 3 жыл бұрын
Is this using M+ hardware purely as a controller for Bitwig ? Or can you still use M+ as itself? When I tried using my M+ to run maschine as a plugin inside Bitwig I couldn't even get the transport to operate correctly/sensibly. Shame as I was enjoying using Bitwig over ableton.
@v4bene 3 жыл бұрын
As a plug-in Maschine cannot control transport for the host (there is a workaround by activating host control in the Controller Editor). Or with this script by switching between MIDI mode (with transport control) and standard mode (controls the plug-in). Just press SHIFT + CHANNEL.
@daft4682 4 ай бұрын
Would it be correct to think of bitwig as a replacement for the maschine software included with the hardware?
@-zoave- 3 жыл бұрын
That looks interesting. I use only Maschine, but I miss some functions sometimes, and I think to try another DAW. I like Maschine because of the complete integration and full control on the controller (I need hardware to make music !) and NKS for several plugins dev. If Bitwig is fully controllable on Maschine mk3 controller, it would be great !
@GlasTaibhse 11 ай бұрын
Is this only for maschine 3/+ or will it work with maschine studio as well?
@IntiPeruCinema 2 жыл бұрын
ummm this is great but how tf to you set it up!?
@JC-pu3vl 3 жыл бұрын
This is potentially brilliant. Do you have to download a script from somewhere? Or do you set it up from within Bitwig?
@bitwig 3 жыл бұрын
The script is part of the Bitwig Studio installer, and you can access it from within the Dashboard.
@JC-pu3vl 3 жыл бұрын
@@bitwig sweet. Looking forward to trying it out.
@godkekliveshere431 2 жыл бұрын
Uf this is a dream program for life performance .
@Artek604 3 жыл бұрын
Huh? Which Bitwig version was this added in? Where's a documentation for what this extension does (e.g. what's visible on the screens)? I was considering getting M+ few weeks ago and was told - by community - that M+ doesn't yet work with Bitwig :o This changes a lot and it actually looks quite awesome!!!
@bitwig 3 жыл бұрын
These new extensions have been added recently, in Bitwig Studio 3.3.4. As usual, documentation can be opened by clicking the "?" icon in the Controller device in Settings > Controllers.
@Artek604 3 жыл бұрын
@@bitwig Thanks! Will the documentation still show for me if I don't have the device? I remember you had detailed description for each controller with pictures on your website, but they're not there anymore :(
@bitwig 3 жыл бұрын
@@Artek604 yes you can add the extension in Settings, and view the documentation, without connecting the device.
@Artek604 3 жыл бұрын
@@bitwig Thanks! It works indeed! But the documentation says nothing about using the M+ dual displays for example, whereas Thavius implied there's some info there? We really need a more comprehensive walk-through of its features for arranger, clip launcher, step sequencer, device control, etc.
@bestfriend100 3 жыл бұрын
can we get full bitwig integration with the machine mikro 3
@Artek604 3 жыл бұрын
Driven by Moss supports Mikro Mk3. You won't find more comprehensive extension than what Joergen does (for any device actually):
@bestfriend100 3 жыл бұрын
@@Artek604 HEY THANKS ILL HAVE TO CHECK THIS OUT. can you link me some info on how to install this
@Artek604 3 жыл бұрын
@@bestfriend100 Just extract the archive to c:/users/[xxx]/documents/bitwig/extensions, launch Bitwig and add the controller in settings. Perhaps also look at the manual that's in the archive, as it might mention some critical settings in NI software.
@jumpstar9000 3 жыл бұрын
@@Artek604 dude you really need to stfu about driven by moss. This is a question for bitwig not us zealots.
@jumpstar9000 3 жыл бұрын
@@Artek604 Bitwig is on another level now. Do you have any idea about how ridiculous it sounds about going to random sites, copying files extracting to various directories. This has to stop. Period.
@melomane2010 2 жыл бұрын
Have to agree with the other comments - this video really needs to go more in depth and show what's going on with the Maschine controller and software.
@giannisozo7928 Жыл бұрын
Still no Mikro support?
@jumpstar9000 3 жыл бұрын
Bitwig is a group of extremely talented individuals who have solved World Hunger, but are incapable or unwilling to talk to hungry people. And we all love them ❤
@gilbertacosta8138 3 жыл бұрын
Yo are you guys hiring in anything for marketing?
@jumpstar9000 3 жыл бұрын
Haha they should be. I would sign up in a heart beat as a technical evangelist to provide better official content than this.
@kristingamer 2 жыл бұрын
I'm pinning myself up. upload a tutorial on how to configure it correctly
@dixydo 3 жыл бұрын
I have MK2 and I feel myself abandoned :-(
@Nosh_Feratu Жыл бұрын
yeah, nothing against Thavius, but the thing is this video doesnt ACTUALLY tell you anything about how to connect or what you need does it? Can we not just have a video where it shows you N.I Controller Editor, it has Bitwig controller settings on screen, it provides links to the templates and quite simply walks you through how to set it up and even, perhaps, demonstrates some of the functions on the MK3 when connected to Bitwig? Is this really too much to ask for as someone who has spent £0000s on software and hardware?
@lukemakayabu4369 3 ай бұрын
this video is misleading
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