感謝蒼藍鴿的影片,我把影片重點資訊寫成英文大家歡迎取用 Gender verification in sports ensures fair competition in single-sex events. Methods have evolved from physical exams and chromosome tests to hormone testing. Chromosome tests, which identify XX or XY patterns, proved unreliable due to biological variations and did not consistently correlate with athletic performance, leading to their abandonment by sports organizations. In contrast, testosterone tests focus on hormone levels, which are directly linked to athletic ability. Testosterone significantly impacts muscle mass, strength, and endurance, providing a more accurate measure of performance potential. Unlike chromosome tests, testosterone levels are quantifiable and can be monitored, offering a practical approach to maintaining competitive balance. With testosterone levels differing up to 15 times between men and women, it is a crucial indicator for categorizing athletes. Testosterone testing ensures fairness by addressing a key biological factor affecting athletic performance, making it a superior method for maintaining equal competition compared to chromosome testing.
@@user-mb3mf2og9k 波蘭田徑女將Ewa Kłobukowska於1964年代表波蘭得奧運金牌,破三項世界紀錄 但1967年蘇聯和匈牙利組成了一個6人醫療團,用不合乎規則的秘密檢驗手法,斷定Ewa染色體有XY。國際田徑協會(IAAF)稱其「one chromosome too many」,Ewa被判定為男性,世界紀錄遭到撤銷。 這段期間,Ewa飽受輿論攻擊的折磨,最終退出體育界, 後來她懷孕生小孩,也並未得到任何正式公開的道歉。 奧委會因此案例,1992年調整性別測試的SOP,不再接受染色體檢驗報告,而是以選手護照判定性別。
@centscents5 ай бұрын
研究上這個情況叫做 disorders of sex development (DSDs). 在生理特徵上跟女性完全無異,當然也有男性有類似的情況。 大概是每3萬人~5萬人就有一個DSDs。 YT 不讓我回應期刊的索引。 自己找google , 很多xy female 跟xx male 的文獻。 The Human Genome Project 在2003 年完成, 其實可以從這裏找出相關的證據知道案主的基因演化過程。 結論是目前的生理及生化證據無法證明林是男性,而且證據指向林氏女性的可能性很高。當然IOC 可以改變檢驗標準, 可是在那之前,目前的標準適用。
醫生講得很好,更重要的是: IBA沒有任何證據,當被問到證據時,IBA回答是China is one of my favorite countries. Taiwan is a part of China. 居然還有一堆留言站幫沒有任何證據的IBA說話,還要林郁婷自己提出證據。指控別人的,不是要拿出證據嗎?不然我也懷疑你們沒有腦,你們要去照斷層掃描,證明自己有腦來給我看。
@Idylliac5 ай бұрын
雖然 很多台人支持她 以及 IOC,但是 歐美網民是一面倒地 支持 IBA 以及 被打到痛哭流涕的 義大利女拳手。林 應該立即拿出 自己是xx的證據 來澄清謠言,吊打 他們歐美網民 以及 IBA 的臉。
Do you have an english version of this video? I want to share the video with my foreign friends. Most of us don't have such professional medical knowledge. It's really important to tell the truth to the world.
@poseison21495 ай бұрын
I think you can use the CC subtitle function of KZbin to automatically translate into English. It translates very accurately.
You wouldn’t think that westerners don’t know this knowledge and won’t discuss about it, but now people in the English-speaking world are still questioning it, and mostly supported by scientific evidence.
@awaroriko5 ай бұрын
sharing this video to the english-capable crowd will only make them think that Taiwanese are selfish and arrogant, disrespectful and unfair to other athletes, and also denying the truth only for them to win a gold medal.
一般女性體內的睪酮濃度僅約0.06至1.68 nmol/L;男性的濃度則介於7.7至29.4 nmol/L之間。 而奧運用的標準是10.0nmol/L,這導致了部分擁有較高睪酮濃度的DSD能獲得優勢,使得公平性產生了爭議。 據統計,DSD好發機率為1/5000,但頂尖運動員中卻高達35/5000。 DSD放在男性比賽中是弱勢,但在女性比賽中卻又是優勢,這才導致其處於目前的爭議中。 但選手生下來長怎樣並沒有任何錯,討論規則該怎麼制定比較公平才是正解,而非糾結DSD到底算是男性還女性。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2024-08-09 EST 15:51 更新,下面的內容 YT 不讓我直接回覆網友,我只好編輯原始留言。 今年 IOC/PBU 只看護照 Passport 認定性別,所以查"Olympic testosterone rule for female boxer" 只會查到舊的10 nmol/L [1] [2] [3]。 [1] 報導的媒體: National Review ,文章名稱: The Dangerous Olympic Boxing Gender Experiment [2] 該官方文件檔名為 IOC Consensus Meeting on Sex Reassignment and Hyperandrogenism ,Google 有 [3] 你 Google "Joint Paris 2024 Boxing Unit/IOC Statement" 也會看到官網裡有提到: "As with previous Olympic boxing competitions, the gender and age of the athletes are based on their passport."