Brit Reacts to Are These American Stereotypes TRUE!?

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L3WG Reacts

L3WG Reacts

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@gotham61 6 ай бұрын
Having lived in both Europe and the US for decades, I'd say that overall Americans are far more obsessed with cleanliness and hygiene than most Europeans. The woman in the black turtleneck is really annoying.
@magsstewart5488 6 ай бұрын
Yes, she is.
@bethlovcy1276 6 ай бұрын
Absolutely off base. Where is she from?
@Kim-427 6 ай бұрын
She seemed eager to please the people from the UK by acknowledging the stereotypes. Smh
@DevilDogDaddy7769 6 ай бұрын
I myself am doing some sort of cleaning in my house everyday. I have a schedule. Laundry is done 2xs a week kitchen is after every meal that's made. I have 3 dogs so vacuum everyday along with sweeping the hard surface floors. Bathrooms are deep cleaned 1x a week along with dusting the whole house and everyone keeps their own bedrooms clean. Hell I even change the bed sheets weekly. I have lived with dirty people before. I have also traveled quite a bit and you can find dirty people everywhere
@charlieschuder9976 6 ай бұрын
She was incredibly presumptious. "American restaurants are dirty?" Does she understand that we undergo inspections from the Health Department twice a year? I can absolutely guarantee you my work kitchen is immaculate compared to her home.
@notabot3375 6 ай бұрын
These Americans represent very few Americans.
@Kim-427 6 ай бұрын
This is what annoys me about these videos too. And they never respond in the way that you want them too. Lol I know that’s asking too much. But,When they talk about us making small talk and being in an elevator with someone and you acknowledge the other person. I would love when this comes up can someone please say it’s us being taught to be manner able. It’s considered rude to some extent to not trade pleasantries with another person especially if you’re in the same space. And the funny thing is people that pride themselves on proper etiquette would not know that it’s rude to not be pleasant to another person. So to ignore them is being polite? Lol Ignoring someone is considered rude to some of us. And at the end of the video the statements made by the two people from the UK were so presumptuous. Why do they assume that we aren’t aware of other people and other countries?! That’s stupid! And assuming that we would need to travel to be aware of that is ridiculous in a way. 0:02 So is that why they’re so wrong about their assumptions because they haven’t been to every state in America and met all Americans?
@Timbothruster-fh3cw 6 ай бұрын
​@@Kim-427 It's bc we aren't overly absorbed with them like they are us, they think we don't know they exist. I see it as they just want attention.
@Kim-427 6 ай бұрын
@@Timbothruster-fh3cwLol,I believe that they’re the ones that are self absorbed and they want the attention that Americans and America gets.
@charlieschuder9976 6 ай бұрын
It's crazy to me that these (likely) college-educated people seem to blatantly ignore international politics and have no understanding of World History when we're all taught such things in high school. If I ever have a conversation with someone who doesn't even have a modicum of understanding about global affairs, I would consider them ignorant. Then the two Brits have the audacity to claim Americans believe we're the center of the universe, when in reality people in Europe are constantly fed news about America. We don't control your news cycle, your media is just giving you what you want: more news about America. They can blame themselves for that.
@ryankieth1675 6 ай бұрын
Thank God someone finally said that. These videos are always filled with the most atypical so-called Americans. It drives me up the wall. Instead of trying to be politically correct, and having a wide representation of races and sexes who are all 20 something years old, how about they fill the room with middle-aged and older people who have lived in this country and experienced things? That’s where you’re going to get your truth. Sadly, those answers would offend millennials so much that they would report the channel for making them need to go to their safe space to eat crayons or something.
@TomBoyChic79 6 ай бұрын
Growing up I had Social Studies, which taught us about American History and I had World History, which taught us about other counties' histories.
@garycamara9955 6 ай бұрын
@nimue325 4 ай бұрын
Same. In high school there was one year of US history and two years of world history (ancient to about 1700, and 1700-WWII). But I’m 50 and my students now are also learning much better ancient history with deeper dives into various cultures in Asia, Africa, and South America when they are in elementary and middle school, plus modern history will have extended units looking at countries on those three continents and their cultures so that while they may not know everything about every country, they have a few areas of deep knowledge around the world (Ghana, for example) which serves as a jumping-off point for knowing what else there is to learn about African countries if they do further studies. I think this is a good addition to what my generation was taught which was the standard Babylonia - Egypt - Greece - Rome - Europe - England - USA - You! of the 80s and 90s.
@TomBoyChic79 3 ай бұрын
@@nimue325 We used to deep dives into what was going on in the world in both History classes. They were called Current Events, we discussed what's going on and how the ripples of history effect the consequences of today. We used a lot of Thomas Sowell's teachings in our American History class. Mr. Sexton was one of the best history teachers I've ever had.
@alisummers7984 6 ай бұрын
I live in Indiana.. Most Americans have such a kindhearted most amazing interaction I’ve had with a random stranger is as follows: in 2012, on Palm Sunday, my dad was terminally ill with a rare cancer .. that morning he had suffered a massive stroke that left him paralyzed on half his body .. he could no longer swallow, And struggles to speak coherently.. My mom had made the difficult decision to put him on Hospice, as we were told he only had days left.. ( where before we had about a year)- my mom, who also is in a wheelchair due to MS, and I left the hospital extremely sad. my Mom asked me if I could take her to grocery store for a few items she needed( looking back, I think we were so shell shocked, we both subconsciously wanted to maybe divert our minds for a few moments) Anyway, arrived at store and I was trying to lift my mom out of car onto her wheelchair , and all of a sudden I heard a man say can you use my help? And I turned my head around and there stood a very tall man in a tan suit and I looked down and pinned to his upper coat was a gold Angel pin.. and I started to cry.. The man had his hand out to offer his help.. I barely was able to mumble out my ty for your kindful offer of help, but I can do it.. and he insisted again, and I said I can do it.. he took a few steps back but still stayed till I got her in wheelchair.. he obviously knew were sad about something.. he gave me a warm smile and we parted ways.. I wish I could find this man to tell him how that one kind act , overwhelmed me so much, as he had no idea what a day I had.. that his kindness and the timing of meeting this stranger , and seeing that angel pin on.. that day, that man, was my guardian angel.. and I felt that.. so you never know that your compliment to that stranger, or a ransom act of kindness, can really brighten, even if just for a little bit, another person.
@FourFish47 6 ай бұрын
It's kinda funny how foreigners are afraid of Americans because "guns are everywhere", but they're afraid in their own country of someone talking to them 😊
@Navybrat64 6 ай бұрын
The Brits are the ones who gave us guns now they're like ewwww Americans with guns...😂😂
@kimp.e.8171 6 ай бұрын
I never thought about that, but yeah, true, lol! I live in a state that is notorious for "having guns everywhere," but I can go months on end without seeing a single one.
@carterpritchard5063 6 ай бұрын
@@kimp.e.8171same I live in Nebraska the only time I’ve ever seen a gun is on an officers hip and in my own home I’ve never seen another person carry or never even noticed it
@ZeallustImmortal 6 ай бұрын
​@@kimp.e.8171Bro I live in a house with over 50 guns and even I can go months without seeing one lol
@pauladuncanadams1750 6 ай бұрын
I just got out of my car in the Target parking lot the other day when a woman yelled out to me as I passed by her car. "That's a beautiful color on you!" I turned around and smiled. 😊 "Thank you!" And struck up a conversation.
@burrichgrrl57 6 ай бұрын
I was out and about doing some errands yesterday and had a number of friendly interactions with random strangers. If I make an overture and just get a look it's fine. I get it. Not everyone wants that. I would be sad though to live in a country where people just ignore each other.That sounds depressing.
@pauladuncanadams1750 6 ай бұрын
@burrichgrrl57 It's a funny thing. I've seen people, women especially, dressed to the 9s in Costco, probably coming from church or maybe stopping to pick something up before heading to some event. And you can see how much attention they put into their appearance. If I see someone who's outstanding like that, I will compliment them as I pass by. It's amazing to watch reactions. Some will smile and say thank you. Some will furrow their brows and look at you like you're from another planet, what do you want. Some will run away like you have a plague. Whatever. Their reactions aren't my problem. I'm not a Moonie. I'm not trying to give you a flower in order to get something. I just thought that you deserved a compliment. Gratis.
@kimp.e.8171 6 ай бұрын
I was in the parking lot of my bank when a lady walking out said, "You have such beautiful thick, curly hair. It's gorgeous!" Random, but I appreciated the compliment.
@pauladuncanadams1750 6 ай бұрын
@kimp.e.8171 I think that's beautiful. Just a nice person making a well-deserved but random compliment. They don't know you. They didn't have to. They didn't owe you. They just wanted to make your day.
@sshimmy2258 6 ай бұрын
American houses are overall very clean.
@mcm0324 6 ай бұрын
I clean our bathrooms every day and our entire house every weekend. I don't know where she was, but typical Americans are very clean. This video aggravated me.
@ThickDaddyTrucker 6 ай бұрын
American homes are very clean... I've been to Mexico and had to put toilet paper in a trashcan to be burned later... That was at a church, the homes? IDK.
@SSShadyLane 6 ай бұрын
You better say it
@bethm5791 5 ай бұрын
Yes. I live alone. I’m VERY ocd
@robertq55403 6 ай бұрын
Louis, I met some friends of mine at a thrift store earlier today. While looking around, this guy asked me what I thought about a shirt. I responded with ‘that’s cool.’ Then I turned to a young lady on the other side of the rack and showed her the shirt and asked her what she thought. Yep, another complete stranger.
@feralon9570 6 ай бұрын
We went for a trail hike this morning 9 out of 10 people nodded or waved or said hello. I thought about Lewis when I noticed it because it's something that just happens here. If someone says hi, I will answer 100% of the time. That's just how it is.
@Sabbylina 6 ай бұрын
I was in line at a bakery today and making small talk with the woman in front of me. She kindly took less than her normal order of croissants so that I could have the last 2. If we hadn't been chatting, that wouldn't have happened and I would have been out of luck. It pays off to be nice and get to know people.
@deniseharris9320 6 ай бұрын
It's not that we think we're the center of the universe. It's that what is going on in their country doesn't affect our lives, and we're busy. We work full time, have kids to raise, houses to maintain, and often times side hustles to boot. We can barely keep up with what's happening in our own country's society and government, let alone pouring over all the legislation Poland is knocking around this month because, honestly, it doesn't affect our lives. I know that sounds self centered but there are only so many hours in a day and when you're working sometimes two jobs just to take care of your family you don't care about other countries, you just don't.
@mushroomguy333 6 ай бұрын
Exactly. Most people have families to take care of and bills to pay, and naming every country on a globe doesnt pay the bills
@Navybrat64 6 ай бұрын
@GemmaJadeYT 4 ай бұрын
@nicodeathstroke1378 6 ай бұрын
A lot of “white room” videos are notoriously terrible (inaccurate and/or trashy content). The same applies to most Buzzfeed type channels and Top 10 channels. Very few of them do any research. I’d take these videos with a grain of salt.
@mariejustme 6 ай бұрын
I especially loathe Mojo and Buzzfeed.
@leiawhitmore1991 6 ай бұрын
Seriously. Leave the white rooms to do stupid sht like eat hot peppers.
@Aydin-Adam 5 ай бұрын
I agree with this stereotype of “white room” videos. Accurate.
@markbaltierra7226 6 ай бұрын
In US schools we learn state history one year, US history one year and world history one year
@lucylulusuperguru3487 6 ай бұрын
And, some of us Gen X, xennials had it continuously from junior high clear through high school. It's astonishing how much more I was taught in regular curriculum compared to my young niece presently.
@ZeallustImmortal 6 ай бұрын
​@@lucylulusuperguru3487Thats a locational thing, plenty still learn about it every year. Lemme guess, Alabama?
@lucylulusuperguru3487 6 ай бұрын
@@ZeallustImmortal Where in the world do you get Alabama from that?
@gmcris5014 6 ай бұрын
One year my family and I were going on vacation and were seated next to a business man from San Francisco. We chatted with him throughout our flight. When our plane landed he asked us to join him as his guest at the VIP lounge at the airport because he knew our layover was eight hours long and he wanted us to be comfortable. He told the guest desk that his flight to Hong Kong leaves in two hours but he wants us to stay at the VIP lounge as his guest until it's time for us to board. It pays to talk to people even if you do not know them.
@richdepuy1754 6 ай бұрын
I'm surprised the guy from Tennessee didn't have more to say about American food. He should at least have a clue about the regional barbecue styles.
@P_Fighter893 6 ай бұрын
I'm gonna assume the editors cut it out to help their agenda.
@ryankieth1675 6 ай бұрын
Doesn’t matter where he lives or where any of them live. They’re clueless kids who have experienced almost nothing about their country or life in general. You’d get more compelling opinions from door knobs.
@ramNjam 6 ай бұрын
The smug of the brits in this video is more stereotypical than burger and pizza.
@burrichgrrl57 6 ай бұрын
Gotta say, I agree. Ugh! :-/
@mushroomguy333 6 ай бұрын
“states are not that different” I would bet all my posessions that Alaska and Hawaii are wayyyy more different than Spain and Portugal
@burrichgrrl57 6 ай бұрын
You couldn't get a more obvious example of someone who has absolutely no idea about what America is like. Heck, the eastern part of my STATE is quite different that the western part of it! One has the coast, the other has forest and mountains. Even the people are different. Yeesh! Glad Lewis liked it but I found it stupid and annoying, lol.
@mangayakposowa4334 5 ай бұрын
@johnfischer_2definitely not lol. Hawaii and Alaska may be exceptions, but even though things vary among Americans, there is still American culture. Eastern Europe and Western Europe are very different
@KayentaRojo 5 ай бұрын
The difference between the southwestern US with Spanish culture everywhere, Midwest, South, Pacific Northwest, and California is HUGE.
@nimue325 4 ай бұрын
@@KayentaRojoYes, California can be a perfect example all by itself, having such a reputation as a liberal state but that is almost entirely based on the cities, and then the rural farmland is very conservative!
@ohslimgoody 6 ай бұрын
America is huge it would take 50 years to visit each state and not just pass through it. And the hygiene question I don't know who raised her but Americans as a whole want nothing to do with the funk.! In my opinion that's a European thing
@hollycook5046 6 ай бұрын
😂 "We want the funk, gotta have that funk"
@debifacenda6142 6 ай бұрын
Good song! Lol
@geminiseason6901 6 ай бұрын
In the largest cities, most people use public transportation. Buses, trains, taxis. Wouldn't label it a party. 😂😂
@kookiekris 6 ай бұрын
It took us 7 days to drive across the United States with stopping in Ohio for two days. We started in California and ended in Connecticut. This was before cell phones. We also were pulling a pop up camper, driving our suburban, had our 2 dogs and our daughter was 2 at the time. It was an experience I'll never forget and yes, we have traveled to Mexico before. The US is huge. I recommend you do the most you can while you're young, you won't regret anything!
@justmare111 6 ай бұрын
Even if there are a lot of people on the elevator and nobody speaks to one another, I still say "have a great day" as I leave. If it's just a couple people in the elevator, yeah, you normally just ask how they're doing or, like when in Vegas, ask if they're having any luck in the casino, etc... It's just about being friendly... and I'm an introvert!
@kimp.e.8171 6 ай бұрын
@draperdragon2068 6 ай бұрын
Concerning small talk and general social things for myself, I make it one of my daily goals to make someone's day or get them to smile or laugh. Usually, I give a random pick me up "Hey! You *points at random stranger* you are awesome and don't let anyone tell you different!" "*While making eye contact* You are a beautiful person, have a nice day!" or silly cheer when they do simple things "Doing Great!" "You got this!" Small talk and a simple conversation can make all the diffence in someones day. Words are a powerful tool and if not used lightly can hurt people in ways that can't be fixed. So, I use my powers of verbal communication to save the world; one smile at a time. As a Native American, I'm a slight outlier in my easy, cheerful, loud, outgoing personality, and I love to share kindness to everyone. My goal in life is to make people smile and to make a positive change in their day. If I can manage to be remembered for an encouraging comment; I will have made my goal a thousand times!
@marshall517 6 ай бұрын
American History(which has a lot of English history in it), World History, and Social Studies Which included world events is all taught in our schools. In college you can get more specific history classes such as Native American history or Asian history etc. We are mostly clean houses unless there are like a whole bunch of kids who live there. Then sometimes it's not so clean. But our restaurants and drive thrus are always clean as they are inspected regularly and without prior notice by government officials. It is rated with an A, B, C type rating and that sign must be placed by the front door of the eatery.
@hollycook5046 6 ай бұрын
America is so big and diverse each state is like its own country
@darrelllalonde8208 6 ай бұрын
We have a class called world history where you learn about every country.
@BTinSF 6 ай бұрын
If you pay attention.
@Apollo_Blaze 6 ай бұрын
Yes, we also had world history class in school.
@christinahuber2459 6 ай бұрын
I love how open you are! I think its funny they say Americans are ignorant of other countries but I would say many in other countries are just as ignorant of American culture and history and it is bigger than several other countries. Just like assuming going from one state to another is "not that different" is very ignorant. We do learn world history in school but we learn more about American history. We also learn state history.
@cookielady7662 6 ай бұрын
Yes, that guy showed his own ignorance saying states are "not that different."
@lindadianesmith6013 6 ай бұрын
I’m from the US Midwest and live in Texas. I’ve also lived in the England. No, we’re not dirty! If anything, we’re about the same as the UK. We do speak louder than other cultures. Not sure why. I found the environment in India much louder overall. I agree we don’t have a specific cuisine. My ancestors are from the Uk and Germany so our food is a fusion of those two. I rarely eat fast foods Food desserts are neighborhood s without grocery stores or healthy food options - they have to travel a fair distance to get those things which may be too expensive. I love to meet new people and accidentally surprised quite a few people in Europe by starting conversations in stores or trains or elevators. I met some interesting people and won’t change
@garycamara9955 6 ай бұрын
Food deserts are usually caused by theft among the inhabitants. Stores will move if people steal constantly.
@garycamara9955 6 ай бұрын
Europeans are naturally unfreindly.
@philmakris8507 6 ай бұрын
Broooo, I was a state licensed Security officer/Doorman at some nightclub up in Lake Tahoe. Every spring for a month there are groups of Welsh, Emglish and Scot uni kids on holiday. And dude I can nit lie talk about a pain in the ass. Talk about loud, drunk and annoying. Broooooo!!!!
@nimue325 4 ай бұрын
Yeah, I think Americans are certainly loud when we are away from home so our reputation is not unfair, but the British also get/stay loud when traveling. People from some cultures do seem to quiet their voices more when they travel (I’m basing this on 13 years of volunteering at a major tourist site). Glad Americans are not alone in this!
@helencantimagine 6 ай бұрын
I'd like to see these videos with older people who have lived in the real world.
@Kim-427 6 ай бұрын
I often think that too. Many of the KZbinrs are young. And when you’re young you have only had the limited experiences that you can speak from. And also maturity and the comprehension to understand things at a particular level. What I mean by that is when I was in my 20’s I understood things from a 20 year old perspective. You turn 30 and have a very different perspective about the same thing when you were in your 20’s.
@solace6700 6 ай бұрын
This might sound bad but there's enough pop culture/political issues within the states that we kinda have the 'luxury' to not care about other countries. Its maybe similar in Russia, china, india etc. idk tho.... Imagine if the EU was one country.. plus america is way isolated from a lot of countries just by geography so that plays a factor too.
@Loki_Trickster 6 ай бұрын
This is a huge factor. US is 66 countries in a Trench coat. Europeans are going to know about the German Chancellor the same way I'm going to know about the Texas governor, or the atrocious abortion laws in Louisiana vs assisted suicide laws.
@richardmartin9565 6 ай бұрын
I could care less about how others live in other countries.
@magsstewart5488 6 ай бұрын
The female Brit is sort of a … yeah, that. Would not buy her a beer, so to speak.
@andrewmazar4921 6 ай бұрын
Yeahhhh I was thinking the same thing lol
@cherylguzman5014 6 ай бұрын
I like the 2 girls on the left
@jamestapp3314 6 ай бұрын
When I went to school in Texas not only did we have US history we had a year of world history and a year of European history
@ladyjustice1474 6 ай бұрын
I find it interesting that the red head doesn't have a full concept of the tourists that come to America, or how many corporate types from overseas transfer to here for work purposes. She needs to do way more research.
@joebright4607 6 ай бұрын
Yeah, be careful of grandma. There’s a meme with a terror group threatening the US, and a photo of an 80 year old woman with a monster shotgun sitting on her front porch; she says “ ya’ll hurry up now, I’ve got pies in the oven.”
@janetbaker645 6 ай бұрын
😂😂😂😂 so true
@traceyfortney 6 ай бұрын
You are so right Lewis. There are 46 countries in Europe and 50 states in the United States of America. I love to travel. I have visited 39 states and both oceans plus the Gulf of Mexico & Canada. Each of our states is like another country. Each state has its own laws and culture and diversity of people. 😊
@toodlescae 6 ай бұрын
When our allies all expect us to defend them they don't seem to havre a problem with us. Is it really surprising that we think that we're the center of everything when they look to us to get involved in everyond else's problems?
@mcm0324 6 ай бұрын
Maybe someday, due to what I just watched, we won't be there when they need our military if this is how they feel about us. This generation is in a lot of trouble. There is so much disrespect. I've never seen it before, and it is very sad.
@Timbothruster-fh3cw 6 ай бұрын
The fact they constantly talk about us is enough for us feel like the center of the universe!😂
@Timbothruster-fh3cw 6 ай бұрын
​@@mcm0324Yeah, if this is what learning about about other countries is like, I'll just stay ignorant!
@georgemetz7277 6 ай бұрын
Last night I finished Masters of the Air. It was fantastic. The final was pretty sappy and tear jerky but not without truth. They tried to cram a lot in but it would be a good reminder for some folks to watch. I was left they'll love us, until they don't.
@Navybrat64 6 ай бұрын
​@georgemetz7277 If it wasn't for Japan, the USA would have never entered WWII and Europe, and the Soviets would've been screwed. I referring to the whole thing. No weapons, aid or anything. The USA rebuilt Europe and Japan but Europeans think they can stick their noses up at us. They can suck it!
@davidterry6155 6 ай бұрын
I grew up in a very clean house. I had to make my bed every day before school, never allowed to have clothes on the floor. I had a paper route that took about an hour and half and school started at 8am. I’ve gone to friends’ houses and clean their bathroom toilet and sink
@brianlewis5692 6 ай бұрын
America is not divided politically 50/50. It's more like 25% Republican, 25% Democrat, and 50% Independent. Independents often vote for either one side or the other and they are fluid in their choices (i.e. "swing" voters). The guy (Krispy) from the "UK" looks very central or eastern European to me. So maybe he's a transplant to the UK. "Americans are dirty" - my first thought was "dirty-minded" or "dastardly/untrustworthy/back-stabbing", not "unclean"...
@burrichgrrl57 6 ай бұрын
Same here, because that made more sense to me. That they meant literally was a shock.
@purplelotus517 6 ай бұрын
I feel that many Americans are just very proud to be American and it comes off to others as being self centered. But hey, we are the most powerful country. We also, imo the most generous. How many times have we got involved in wars that weren’t ours but helped our allies?
@Navybrat64 6 ай бұрын
Well said!
@jadeh2699 6 ай бұрын
Americans are frequently called dirty by Europeans because not all Americans take their shoes off when they enter a house. I personally would never ask my guests to remove their shoes coming into my home, and I certainly do not want to walk in my stocking feet where people's pets have been or on cold tile. Instead of taking off your shoes, just wash your floors more often. The homes I visit in the US are super clean and tidy. To be fair, my non-American relatives and friends are also very clean and tidy.
@ladyjustice1474 6 ай бұрын
There are cloth booties you can slip over your shoes.
@illinoisan 6 ай бұрын
I went to a family gathering at an in-law’s house (US) and took my shoes off for comfort. The hosts were visibly affronted and requested that I put my shoes back on. I had clean socks on. There were half-naked toddlers running around barefooted. I couldn’t for the life of me understand why they insisted that the adults should keep their shoes on.
@Kim-427 6 ай бұрын
This American ask people to remove their shoes. You get a look but they remove them. And I would have no problem taking mine off if asked.
@nullakjg767 6 ай бұрын
i think its far more disgusting to have someones sweaty ass sock dragging across my floor. i can vacuum up dirt, i cant do anything about your foot fungus being spread around my house.
@deniseharris9320 6 ай бұрын
In my part of the country we have "stickers" (the seed of a plant with spikes that stab into you to be carried off to grow somewhere else) that get tracked in and embedded in the carpet. My guests leave their shoes on because no matter how much we spray for the stickers, we can't get them all, and I don't want somebody stepping on one.
@brucetreat531 6 ай бұрын
When I was in school...we were required to take American and World History classes...and that was from grades 7 to 12.
@StuartistStudio1964 6 ай бұрын
I think the "loud American" stereotype probably comes from some tourists who seem to think that if they speak English louder to natives, that they'll somehow suddenly understand.
@joshuamerchant9618 6 ай бұрын
I work in a dirty job blasting papermills and power plants ethanol and oil refineries so I get pretty dirty but I shower every day
@BradleyDavid1962 6 ай бұрын
If I were offered a free home to move to in Cheekyville England, I'd have to pass. Why would anyone ever want to leave America? We literally have everything we need if not more than the rest of the world has.
@Jml416 6 ай бұрын
I've been to so many different countries when I was in the Air Force that I have lost track of them so I have a little more insight than a lot of people that have never left the US. On the first one about Americans being "dirty", I don't where that comes from. Yes, there are dirty people, homes, businesses, etc. in the US, but some of the dirtiest I have ever witnessed was in several other countries (I'm not naming them here). The small talk thing, in my opinion, is just being friendly and it is more of a difference of where you are and the situation. On a New York subway I wouldn't even look at anyone, much less try to talk to them. Lol. Yes, many Americans DO consider themselves as the center of the universe, but so do many Germans, French, etc., etc.,etc. As far as traveling to other countries, in my case, "been there, done that". I have zero plans to go anywhere that I can't drive to, with the exception of if I got the chance to go to Ireland. (one the few places I have never been). I don't think videos like this are representative of most Americans. Many of these are filmed in S. Korea with exchange students. Just my two cents....
@susanobrien9917 6 ай бұрын
Ex army here also travelled extensively and just (at the age of 58!!) saw Ireland (have been there twice in the last year!!) and when I tell you how stunningly beautiful it is I am not exaggerating. I stood on a huge bluff overlooking the ocean and actually shed tears from the sheer beauty that surrounded me!!! Travelled from the west coast of Ireland to the east and also did the wild Atlantic way. Beautiful scenery everywhere 🥰
@cookielady7662 6 ай бұрын
We were in a store recently and the guy behind us showed my husband something on his phone. The woman in front of us moved back and looked at the phone with us. We were all discussing the price of the object. None of us knew each other except for my husband and me. That's pretty typical here. Edited to add Geography King has a great video about "dumb" Americans not knowing their geography. I bet you would find it interesting.
@dbagga 6 ай бұрын
In the UK, if there's only 2 people in an elevator instead of talking to each other, one farts and they play Whodunit.
@richardmartin9565 6 ай бұрын
These dont sound like the Americans I know. They all act like Europeans acting. First off we'd more likely say were from th United States, not from America.
@srice8959 6 ай бұрын
Some Americans are loud and some are not. It has a lot to with where at you’re at in America. We’re a nation of 350,000,000 people from all over the world here. Also the food thing I’ll put my New Orleans food against anywhere else our Local Cajun an Creole cuisine is so damn delicious. Edit: Those on the street interviews you really need to take with a grain of salt. Because I’ve seen a few of them in person, and quite often they’ll go with the biggest moronic individual they can find so that they can feed into the stupid American trope. At lunch in a cafe in the French Quarter here in NOLA we watched them interview a dozen people until they found a goofy that was dumb as a box of rocks. I’ve also seen here on KZbin they were doing a video about how street interviews are done for propaganda. They would have the people that’s being interviewed answer 50 questions, and the video editor would chop it up where the answers would completely different from the questions asked. An one last thing is if you pay attention to who normally gives the dumbest answers normally fit a certain age group and demographic
@feralon9570 6 ай бұрын
I've been saying this since those videos became a thing. They really gotta hunt for the least intellegent people. That's where the views are. No one would watch if everyone got every answer right.
@burrichgrrl57 6 ай бұрын
Exactly. They don't show video of the thirty people that could answer the questions. I am shocked by how stupid some of those people are though. I mean, wth! Hard to explain someone who doesn't know how old they would be if they were born 12 years ago.
@DrumLaFlamme 6 ай бұрын
Mate, I drive a Transit bus in an urban center (maybe if you visit you might wind up on my ride), small talk and just being friendly is a huge thing. Trust me, when you're on a midnight run and you have only one person, the old "hey, what's up, was getting lonely driving this big empty bus around" and then we talk about our lives for a while. it's fun.
@kenyonmoon3272 6 ай бұрын
A "food desert" is a neighborhood without a grocery store, in a city this is usually considered two or more miles or no transit access to the grocery stores in the area. In rural areas that changes a bit, but a 30 minute drive is a good estimate for defining a food desert.
@LifeinthePNW442 6 ай бұрын
Or have a grocery store, but it has limited supplies of fruits and veggies or other healthy options.
@redonk1740 6 ай бұрын
Small talk and sociability with neighbors varies a lot here too. The further south and/or west you go, the more likely people will be to randomly chat you up. There's some places like New York where people might walk past you, bump into you, and keep going without ever having acknowledged your existence, and then you have places where random people will talk to you like you've been friends for years. It's a bit of a mix where I live. I've lived in a few different places in my city covering the whole range of knowing your neighbors. I've had neighbors that I literally never said a word to - couldn't even tell you how many people lived there. I've also had neighbors cut my yard and shovel my driveway without asking and have had spare keys exchanged etc. I've had neighbors that I would have a short friendly chat with when I saw them, but we both kept to oursevles. There really is no "American" anything - the country is so large and diverse that we pretty much cover everything from culture to language to weather and everything in between.
@john-dm1rx 6 ай бұрын
Sorry to disagree with you. I am a NYer and believe me NYers will talk your ear off. This is a perfect example of what this video is about STEREOTYPES.
@redonk1740 6 ай бұрын
Maybe I didn't word my comment the best because these NYers are getting butthurt over something I didn't really say. I never said people in New York won't talk to you. You get both everywhere you go - you just tend to get more or less of it depending where you are. I just used NY as an example because of the population density. Obviously there's more incentive to say hello if you're standing next to someone in an empty store vs walking past literally thousands of people on a sidewalk. That's all I was getting at. And yes, GENERALLY SPEAKING the amount of social interaction with strangers varies by region.
@princessl651 6 ай бұрын
New York to California, the flight is 5hrs and 20min, but there are layovers and a flight could take 7 hours with a layovers and connecting flight.
@PeterOConnell-pq6io 6 ай бұрын
Stereotypes: The last refuge of the willfully ill-informed.
@DavidW.R. 6 ай бұрын
Oh Man! I'm still laughing about your comment on the elevator! "Talking would be more weird than the silence!" I nearly always chat it up with the other person in the elevator because I think the silence is definitely more weird! LOL
@portialancaster3442 6 ай бұрын
I'm American and I think some of us are loud, but not me or my friends.
@Cookie-K 6 ай бұрын
Well be prepared to talk when you finally get to come to the States my friend! You wont be here for more then an hour and I can almost guarantee you will have small talk with someone 😊.
@josecortijo1423 6 ай бұрын
What's the forecast for most Americans don't think it's the center of the universe, they are talk to stand up for themselves and speak up. Parents normally tell their children speak up so people can hear you and don't be afraid secondly my longest flights within the United States was from New York to Hawaii a little over 14 hours when you add the two stops in between.😂
@josecortijo1423 6 ай бұрын
America's like anyone else would get upset if you try to tell them that something that they made should be called something else an American will call it what it is because they invented it. When other people in other countries tried to tell them what they call it in their country
@Kim-427 6 ай бұрын
I agree completely! The problem that I see with Brits is they weren’t taught about America. Because many of the things that they misunderstand about us comes from our freedoms and individualisms. We speak loudly as the commenter said previously because we’re taught to speak loud and clearly to express ourselves and stand up for what we believe. If people knew that you wouldn’t see that as being loud,wanting attention or self centered. They seem to have only been told negative things about Americans and that’s how they see us.
@feralon9570 6 ай бұрын
The truth of the matter is EVERYONE is the center of their own universe and that's just how it works.
@chrispruett81 6 ай бұрын
American's aren't loud.. it's just Everyone else is too quiet!! lol
@marypittman5821 6 ай бұрын
I talk to everybody 😂 American here!
@claudiaclark6162 6 ай бұрын
Europe doesn't sound like a nice place to go
@Timbothruster-fh3cw 6 ай бұрын
Yeah, Lewis thinks so.
@feralon9570 6 ай бұрын
Oh, I disagree. I'm for sure going to Scotland in the near future!
@IAmNonCreative 6 ай бұрын
I would love to go to some places
@claudiaclark6162 6 ай бұрын
@@feralon9570 I wouldn't call the United Kingdom part of the Europe and I wouldn't call Australia part of Asia
@feralon9570 6 ай бұрын
@@claudiaclark6162< Wait, What? Please explain. I'm hella confused by this comment.
@butterbeanqueen8148 6 ай бұрын
A plane ride for me to visit my daughter is 6 1/2 hours. I currently have 2 houses in two different states. My car ride from one to another is 4 hours. And that’s on a good day.
@DevilDogDaddy7769 6 ай бұрын
I have a voice that carries and my wife has to tell me sometimes to bring the volume down. My wife speaks to everyone. People are just drawn to her. There are times we are at the grocery store and she can have 20 min convos with a total stranger. I say as little as possible and avoid talking to people. There are a lot of entitled people/self-centered people all over the world. That is one thing that gets to me about Europeans. Yes most people in the US have not left the states. I live in Texas. I can get in the car and drive 10 hours and never leave Texas. You can drive across France in that amount of time. It is a 6 hour drive to visit my in-laws and a 4 hour drive to visit my girls at college.
@jordanparker5949 2 ай бұрын
"Your texts are louder".....only Lewis could come up with that one. My daily laugh.
@mariejustme 6 ай бұрын
We are clean as a rule and not necessarily louder. Just really confident and opinionated. 😂 Also, we are really into “community” so we speak to people randomly, and because it’s polite. It would be isolating to me if no one ever talked to me at the store, etc.
@chynnabow 6 ай бұрын
How many times do we pass strangers entering or exiting a place in which we smile, say good morning or hi? Majority of the time… doesn’t cost a penny to be nice and considerate of other people. You never know that simple acknowledgment may make a persons day.
@HermioneGirl1987 6 ай бұрын
I’m American, but I’m an introvert. I really struggle with making friends and talking to someone about more than just the weather. Because of this, I find it easier to just make polite small talk with everyone instead. I guess my European roots go pretty deep. (My family is actually only a few generations in the states mostly Irish, German and Czech and English.
@GameCarpenter 6 ай бұрын
As a native NYCer, very New York intro...not, 'I'm from America' but, 'I'm from New York.. in America'. Still remember when I was moving to Ohio as a young man, my friend and me figured I'd be living on a farm or something (despite moving to a city larger than New York's capital.)
@JASONLOTT30290 6 ай бұрын
4:23 dirty Americans exist but I think the TV show “Hoarders” probably created the opinion that this was common. Based on my experiences I would say that the vast majority of people in general are clean.
@robin-76 6 ай бұрын
Did you learn about the Revolutionary War/The American War of Independence in school?
@Yourekillinmesmalls731 6 ай бұрын
I mean surely they learned about the Marshall plan?! 🫣
@nullakjg767 6 ай бұрын
i doubt they call it that. they probably call it "that time we decided we didnt really want america"
@WolfLove89 6 ай бұрын
I've talked to a few Brits and they told me they never learned anything about it in school.
@Navybrat64 6 ай бұрын
​@@WolfLove89the Brits don't want to teach their students how the mighty British military who conquered 90% of the world lost to a bunch of farmers with muskets....😂😂😂 get off our lawn.😂😂
@WolfLove89 6 ай бұрын
@@Navybrat64 Dang pesky farmers 😂😂
@brianbjerke7684 6 ай бұрын
I would like to see this conversation with people in their 40' & 50's. Men and women that have lived a little more then these 20 somthings.
@marshallwilson878 6 ай бұрын
I had to move from Tennessee to California a few years ago. It was a 31hr drive in a box truck. Most Americans who travel.. don’t need to leave our borders.
@songbird989 6 ай бұрын
I'm glad I wasn't in that video! They would have offended me right away with that first question!
@scotchsour 6 ай бұрын
It is weird. Europeans traveling between countries is like Americans traveling to different states.
@Maggiemoo88487 5 ай бұрын
10:00 also yes to small talk 😂 be prepared to walk past an old persons house while they are sitting outside and ending up chilling on the porch with a totally random guy drinking ice cold sweet tea! Their stories are so interesting!
@zengirl7510 6 ай бұрын
🤣🤣 WHY WOULD YOU THINK WE'RE LOUD!? 🥰🥰 Kidding...kind of
@silentrage5425 6 ай бұрын
Okay, I have to give them the small talk one, but the food thing really gets me. Maybe it's a south-east thing, but like today I had to go to the store for the veggies to make my Chicken Noodle Casserole (it's kind of like a chicken soup with lots of veggies and made for warmer weather). While waiting at the check out, my daughter and I talked with the lady behind us about her dog (yes, she had her dog at the store). We shared a prayer and a hug and will probably never see each other again. Now that may not be normal for the rest of the US, but it very normal for where I live.
@philmakris8507 6 ай бұрын
Crispi is short for Crispin
@burrichgrrl57 6 ай бұрын
They are both two syllables so not actually short. Personally I'd rather be Crispin.
@sandymitchell8182 6 ай бұрын
To the British girl WE ARE THE CENTER OF THE UNIVERSE!! 🇺🇸
@ryankieth1675 6 ай бұрын
I’m American, and I’ve driven for longer than your longest flight, and I consider that close to where I live.
@rayleenerwin1703 6 ай бұрын
You are correct regarding travel. I traveled NYC from CA. It took 7.5 hours on a direct flight from SFO to JFK. It's around 5 hours to get to Maui, HI from Nor-Cal and about 3.5 hours to get to Cabo MX. I consider any direct flight under 5 hours to be short.
@williamstelling2164 6 ай бұрын
Now, as far as loud, we just know we are the shit. If you are the man, then be the man
@debbiedoughty 6 ай бұрын
International travel is too expensive for many Americans. I have been fortunate to visit Italy, Korea, and Guatemala. The first two of those trips were about 17 hour flights. It seems to me that it would be a lot easier to travel internationally when you live in Europe.
@jillollipop2978 6 ай бұрын
My son and I walked the Dales Way in May 2022 (northwest England) and ended with 3 nights in Keswick (pronounced KEZick, for those who want to be in-the-know). We took a train from Penrith to Manchester and I found myself sitting across from an older woman from Scotland. I don't remember how the conversation started--I probably initiated it, because American--but we had a lovely interaction for the 90-minute ride. She was transferring to another train at Manchester, where we were ending our trip. She was so helpful and went out of her way to make sure we got where we needed to go, even as she had a train to catch in short order. I think she was as pleased we talked as I was, and I'm generally quiet and keep to myself. I hope she's well, Jan from Scotland, who walked the West Highland Way years ago with her late husband and part of the Camino de Santiago with her sister. ❤
@bonitasmith8880 6 ай бұрын
I used to be so quiet. But I've gotten louder since I got older. I grew up in the 80's, with loud music, soooo I think that helped make me half deaf 😂😂
@JC-es5un 6 ай бұрын
I’ve lived in America all my life and I’ve been to the Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, Canada and Texas, driving to all of those places (one trip from Michigan to Washington state and back I put over 6,000 miles on the rental car), and I still haven’t been to every state. The only country besides America I’ve ever been to is Canada (I’m from Michigan).
@kimp.e.8171 6 ай бұрын
We're loud and proud. 😁 Food deserts are pockets of areas that do not have grocery stores for many miles, and for areas that do have stores but they're in high poverty domains, they're either too expensive or they're not offering good quality food. It feels awkward NOT to talk in the elevator. Only because we are the universe, Lewis. LOL! Kidding. She's right, though, because we do have a lot of self-centered people over here, a lot of it stemming from an unnecessary high level of pride.
@pacio49 6 ай бұрын
I was freelancing in Manhattan for ad agencies and got into the elevator at one of the posh highrise 1920s art deco office buildings with the marble foyers and dripping wealth from yesteryear kinda deals, and I had my headphones in with Muse's Uprising playing. I thought I had the noise cancellation on but it must have been switched off because halfway up to the 70th floor or whatever it was just me and this older lady left, and as soon as the doors closed to resume the journey she turned to me and said, "One of those days for you too, eh? I'm not familiar with that song, what's the title? I like it and want to finish listening before I have to deal with my day." Best elevator moment ever. I pulled the headphones off and used 'em as tiny speakers for the trip and gave her the info, and she stepped off with thanks and like a "Give 'em hell" moment. Made my whole week. And that's why we do small talk. You never know when the person with you just needs to hear something from a stranger.
@Szunne 6 ай бұрын
It is not that we are unaware of other countries, people and their problems. It is if it does not effect us we don't care. I know that sounds selfish, but it comes from being inundated with TV telling us 24/7 how this country or this people need our help. Come to find out everyone needs help, but only Americans are forced to give our time and money to help. We are the biggest contributor to charities, NATO, and military defense of our allies. Yet we have massive infrastructure problems, homeless problems, and hunger problems in America that is not being addressed because all our money is going to foreign aid. Tell me why we should care. After all that we are called the ugly Americans. If I am going to do the time I am going to do the crime. I don't and won't care about other countries until the things that need to be fixed in America are addressed first.
@Navybrat64 6 ай бұрын
@lindadianesmith6013 6 ай бұрын
It takes about 5 hrs and 50 minutes to fly from New York to Los Angeles.
@feralon9570 6 ай бұрын
It's only 7 hour from New York to London. 😊 I just made the same point. London is closer to me (east coast) than Alaska is.
@Ladiofthewoods 6 ай бұрын
Americans travel abroad, across the country and to our neighbors north and south. It is much easier for Europeans to travel to other countries because they are so close, very much like traveling to other states is for Americans. We couldn't easily shoot over to France for a 3 day weekend but the Brits can. Just like most French would not come to the US for a 3 day weekend. Living in New England I'd do 3 day weekends in Canada and when I lived in the southwest I'd do the same in Mexico. Proximity matters. In public school we were educated on some of the history of other countries, seemingly more than Lewis learned about the US. Also "Americans think they are the center of the universe."? Lol Love that stereo type. Then again who is it that other countries turn to when trouble arises? Much ❤
@Navybrat64 6 ай бұрын
😂😂 true.... our border it proof of that!
@dianneagain3830 6 ай бұрын
My mom and all the moms I knew growing up Mopped the walls and hoovered along the ceilings quite regularly. Cleaning he tops of the fridge and behind our appliances is fairly normal for a lot of the people I know. But there are some real gross people out there if you ever clean an empty rental property. Food desert is a place where you can not walk or bike to get groceries. Traveling outside the US I can feel peoples attitudes change once they hear my accent. All of the sudden they seem to be waiting for me to become rude or demanding or something.
@BTinSF 6 ай бұрын
Tell them you're Canadian. Americans I know used to put maple leafs on their backpacks or luggage traveling in Europe (which is sad considering what the outcome of 2 world wars might have been if we'd just minded our own business and even now the Europeans are getting ready to blame us if the Russians win in Ukraine).
@feralon9570 6 ай бұрын
My longest flight was over 12 hours from Baltimore MD on the east coast to Anchorage Alaska on the West coast. It's about 7 hours from Pittsburgh to London, 9 hours from Pittsburgh to Alaska.. So Alaska is legit further from me in the US than your guys are in Europe. That kinda shows the context of the size a bit more. I'm planning a trip to Soctland in the near future and it will be less travel time than Alaska was.
@janetbaker645 6 ай бұрын
Growing up, my mom was a nurse, we had to scrub the floors on our knees…not me any more…I get the wet floor sheets to put on mops…I put to down and scrub with my feet…
@ZeallustImmortal 6 ай бұрын
Im American, I'm loud. I work in a shop with power tools all day, I HAVE to be loud for most of my day, so sometimes I just accidentally get loud in other situations because its very natural to me.
@deancollins1371 6 ай бұрын
When I was in school in the 60's and 70's in California, history was taught from about 4th grade through the end of high school. I remember one year of history was dedicated exclusively to each of California history, US history and world history. That accounts for 3 of the 9 years of history class.
@pauladuncanadams1750 6 ай бұрын
A food desert is an area with no close by groceries. This happens in rural areas and areas that are poverty and/or crime stricken.
@seanziepoo7495 6 ай бұрын
12:37 the way this specific example plays out, is whoever gets in First, or is Already in there says, "What floor?" "I'm headed to 5." "Oh, if she's in today tell Betty Seanziepoo says Hi!" "Willd do, here's my stop, have a great day."
@southernbelle007 6 ай бұрын
^This!^ Such a perfect example of being friendly, polite, and having good manners. I remember when growing up and in school, there was a saying "She thinks she's too good to speak." Snobs are so rude, and not much fun!
@toddm149 6 ай бұрын
A food desert is typically in large cities in neighborhoods with high crime rate or perceived high crime rate that no grocery will remain there. I can imagine in very rural small towns can also be considered food deserts because they have to travel many miles to a grocery.
@SpecialKindOfCrazy 6 ай бұрын
The person you ignore in the elevator could end up being your best friend for life if you start talking.
@kimnapier8387 6 ай бұрын
Lewis I only have KZbin and I adore your content, immensely! Thank you. Please carry on with uploading to KZbin ❤. It's a part of my day, now and you bring me joy. BTW.. American, Californian here! I'll trade places with you ❤️. I've always wanted to live in the UK
@kathykelly6045 6 ай бұрын
I don’t talk to people in elevators or restrooms. I do tend to talk to people in the line at the grocery store.
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