Convention Horror Stories | Art Rambles

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8 жыл бұрын

EDIT: This was a live stream Edit which is why there is a chat box that pops up from time to time.
.:Finished Picture:.
.:Programs used:.
- Wacom Cintq 13 HD Drawing tablet
- PhotoshopCC
- HyperCam2
-Windows Movie Maker
.:Places to find me:.
Twitter- / xtwisteddx
Tumblr- / twistedmichie
Facebook- / twisteddisastersarts

Пікірлер: 168
@InazumaDash 7 жыл бұрын
Many artists are socially awkward. Like most people who spend a lot of time inside for work. Those who don't spend a lot of time talking to family members or friends even more so. It doesn't have to turn you into a jerk tho. What that guy did, just pointing to this sign and not even looking up is unacceptable. If someone genuinely suffers from live events I'd say don't bother going there to sell your works. Or just sell everything pre made, have your mom deal with customers. Hey I dunno. It's one of many solutions. I wouldn't buy from that guy either.
@thomasriccardi8561 7 жыл бұрын
d-did you say.. 4 commissions in 2 days? Good.. god.. are you a machine!?! :D
@snoozebvtton4874 7 жыл бұрын
1:18 Other person: Why is there a pic of a hot girl on your computer You: oh it was for a reference Op: yeah.. reference..
@Twist3dDisast3r 7 жыл бұрын
My life
@OkamiLyra 5 жыл бұрын
This is the most relateable comment I've ever read.
@Dynocation 7 жыл бұрын
Just a lil critique of the video. You keep eating the mic and making really loud huffs and puffs into it. Perhaps try to keep a certain distance from the mic or back away to breathe so the air doesn't make a huge puff or breathe sound into the mic. Sucks that some artists act like assholes at conventions. I would like to think it's a great place for artists to share their stuff and get support. I also know your feels on that. I get really anxious at conventions too. I wish I was more outgoing. T v T
@Twist3dDisast3r 7 жыл бұрын
Dynocation no thank you for pointing this out! I noticed it myself in editing and I started to edit them out of future videos. where I can. 8> I don't have the best mic so the only way for me to get decent sound is for it to be close to my face.
@Twist3dDisast3r 7 жыл бұрын
Dynocation also I know it sort of turned me down from getting commissions at conventions for the future. unless it is an artist I trust.
@dr3adfulsl0th 7 жыл бұрын
If you get a better mic, you can get a pop screen too- (unless you already have one)
@SuperCheetah 6 жыл бұрын
Tiny Tobi I found one for 5 dollars online, haven't bought it, but it seems legit, its at Walmart apparently (edit: for pop filter)
@eggwhites4983 7 жыл бұрын
Your rants fill my drawing hand with the power to go on.
@ravenstorme3558 7 жыл бұрын
I don't usually enjoy videos where people talk over speedpaints/video games/vlogs, but you make it extremely entertaining. Your voice is enticing, and your cartoon-y art is fun to see unfold. Nice work mate!
@maskedfoxx7173 7 жыл бұрын
Omg I just remembered a bad story about my trip to artist alley one day. Some of my friends think this is a little rude (and I can understand why if you do too) but I try to bargain in the dealers room and at artist alley. Last year at my local con, I was taking my personal finance class online with Dave Ramsey and literally just finished my bargaining course, like, two weeks before and was pretty excited to test myself (that and I was conveniently broke so I had about $30-50 for the whole con). I approached this one artist who had a cute drawing of Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton in three different sizes. I asked for the 8.5x11, which was $10. She said she was all out, and that I would have to buy the 11x14, which was $15. As mentioned earlier, I was trying really hard to conserve my money, and I was trying to knock her down to $12. I worded it very poorly, like extremely poorly. I had to come up with a sentence on the fly and I didn't think it through before I said it, and I said, "I can only do 12" and pulled the cash out of my wallet, except the last $20 I had got pulled out a little bit with it. I saw her glance at my $20, pause, and then she said, "Actually, I think I might still have an 8.5x11 left". And she pulled out her portable filer and I saw inside and she had three left!! I was so blown away we both were trying to con each other. At least my conning was unintentional. Whatevs, I don't really care.
@Twist3dDisast3r 7 жыл бұрын
Hmmm I don't personally think this was rude since the artist did in fact have the Prints left in hiding. Now I have never worked a con personally but I have gone to a few over the years. granted it was bad the artist saw the 20 because I know if it was me. I would be pissed as well. Also I see nothing wrong with haggling when you're nice about it. Like if someone says they cant budge don't keep pushing it. BUT if it's at the end of a con ( like the last day ) Then I see a LOT of that going on. Lots of artists just want stuff to be on sale so they can get rid of it. And they normally do this once they have made profit back for the con. As in their tickets , food , and merch were paid back off. now if it was the start of a con on the first day. I would say that is a bit mean. BUT since you pointed out that she hide 3 extra's proves that it is sort of a 50/50 I dunno. I also see people sometimes sell the Stand / Port examples if it is their last copy for a cheaper price. which i think is cool.
@blueskies236 7 жыл бұрын
aw..but you can cosplay whatever you like. Also, your art is amazing.
@Twist3dDisast3r 7 жыл бұрын
Dawww you think so thanks!
@bellajenkins5669 7 жыл бұрын
The audio in this was painful
@perrylover99 6 жыл бұрын
My friend brought me to my first con (SacAnime) and I was cosplaying Osoro Shidesu from Yandere Simulator but my mom didn't want me to get a wig because I already had blonde hair so I kinda just looked like a school girl with a scar made from eyeshadow (because I get irritated skin from soke kinds of makeup like "oh I didn't notice this was part of the makeup I can't wear now I'm gonna be red an maybe itch") and my friend was Maka from Soul Eater so she got asked for a lot of pictures, I'm grateful that she brought me but she practically throwed her stuff at me (even though I had my own stuff that was to big for my bag to carry, and I wouldn't have minded if she had asked me to hold it rather than throwing it at me or if she didn't get annoyed when I asked if she just wanted me to put it in my bag) she would walk off with other Soul Eater Cosplayers without me and not tell me where she was going, so I was lost a lot,she tried to make me buy stuff for her with my own money, and I had told her that "Maka, there is one thing I really want to do, you can drag me to whatever you want but just please show me where this one thing is" (I wanted to go to the free autograph session because the voice actors for Zelda, Urbosa, Viridi, Lady Paulitania and Genji where there, I even told her "hey you can just leave me there and we can meet up later") and she told me she would show me where it was and she would even watch my stuff if I wanted her but she started following around a Medusa and a Spirit and tried tracking down a 707 and I tried to ask her (while we where walking and she wasn't talking to anyone) and she told me she didn't know I needed to be quiet and figure it out myself. I'm so grateful she took me but I'm kind of angry at her and she uses it to get me to do stuff for her (example: "Hey you should grab my stuff for me and cut it out" "Maka I can't I need to do my own work" "But I'm lazy and I brought you to con!") I'm so glad I didn't get harrased and she didn't get harrased at all but I wish it had gone differently, her dad did call her out on her making me hold her stuff though so thank you Maka's dad you're a hero to me for saying what I couldn't
@brunettewithglasses 6 жыл бұрын
Sorry you didn't really enjoy your con😦 also she dosnt sound like a very good friend if she uses things against you
@friesianexile5904 7 жыл бұрын
I've only been a dick to a "customer " once. I try to price my items fairly, I do leatherwork and leather is not cheap. But this girl marches up to me and asks "why is your stuff so damn expensive" I just stared at her and she repeats herself. I finally compose myself enough to say "because I'm not slave labor"
@MykahMykah 7 жыл бұрын
a friend just had to deal with getting a commission done from a con. back in march she'd paid someone for a watercolor commission the friday of the con and the artist said to expect it on sunday since they were watercolor commissions. ok nbd. the girl texts my friend later saturday that ink had spilled on the WIPs and she had to start over so that meant she'd have to mail in the art. okay thats fine stuff happens! weeks and weeks pass after the con and the girl had forgotten to get back to my friend but she was still going to do it. first time she tried sending it and the post office damaged it (mind you this is after weeks of asking her about it; and no not constantly messaging her to bug her). second/final time a friend that goes to the same college as her just picks it up and will give it to my friend next time she sees her. neat! the commission was AWFUL. looked absolutely nothing like the OC and some parts weren't even colored in?? like idk man. i get that stuff happens but when your clients that had paid already have to remind you to send their stuff that's kinda crappy, especially when you can tell it was obviously rushed;;; granted it could've gone A LOT worse but my friend is just grateful that it's over with. while its not a total nightmare story, it was just kinda frustrating. stuff like that is what makes me iffy about even doing just sketch commissions at cons bc i don't wanna ever have a situation like that ever.
@Fluffykiwi3 7 жыл бұрын
My friends and I commissioned an artist for some colored pencil sketches and it was the last day and the artist said she would mail us the art later and I said i would take a refund because i'm paranoid, the artist said they spent the money in the dealers room and drew mine that day and my friends gave her their addresses for later and they never received their commissions.
@Twist3dDisast3r 7 жыл бұрын
Yup this has happened to friends of mine as well. It has made me extremely paranoid for commissioning artists are future conventions. Unless they are artists I trust.
@Onayateru 7 жыл бұрын
When I show examples and commission prices am I actually asking for name and address and say that they'll receive it through mail in a few weeks due to if they want quality. If not I show my rushed art and some is like Yeah okay
@CaKeBDA 6 жыл бұрын
i know the feeling.. i got a piece of me and my boyfriends ocs literally 30$ and the other ones i had got all under 10$ where hellaaaa better. i know i was paying for a sketch because their finished work looks amazing it made me sad. it was the only art piece iv ever thrown away.. broke my heart
@jojoboat1949 7 жыл бұрын
When I went to AnthrOhio (a furry convention in my state) I decided to get a sketch from an artist which was 10 bucks, so she "took a picture" of my fursuit so she could draw the character and said she would mail it to us when it was done. Now that i think about it, that was an instant red flag because she never asked for our information. I still haven't got it. But some dude drew me for free, colored and all, because he lined my fursuit. He was pretty cool. I later met him at FurReality. The look on his face was so happy when he saw me
@Candielette 6 жыл бұрын
My first con and time in an artist ally i was buying gifts for my friends and family. I found an art booth from this dude and looking at prints i found one that i recognized the character (didnt know her name) but it was from Mass effect. I told the dude and his paged in the book wasn't labeled with numbers or anything and i was trying to explain it cuz he didnt want to stand up and take a peek and the book was tied to the table (assuming to keep it from getting stolen) and i was struggling explaining which one i wanted and he sighed really loud and stood up and just made it a big deal that he had to actually look at what i wanted to buy. ): My bf loved it and i never told him what happened but dang. It made me scared to buy things for awhile at a con.
@alexf3036 6 жыл бұрын
I love how you use colors c: but I think the round stuff she was holding seemed too flat/2D.
@heartofglitter 7 жыл бұрын
I don't agree with the idea that artists should go home after a Con and work on commissions to bring back the next day. A Con is usually 10-6pm, that's 8 hours of work already, to then go home and do more... I think that's unreasonable for anyone. I have a commission list I know I can complete over both days, if that fills up then I don't take anymore. I don't rush the ones I have just to try and squeeze more in and make more money, and I also don't work myself into the ground and burn out so I'm not on my game for the Sunday.
@krzlcve 6 жыл бұрын
My experiences at conventions have “luckily” been mainly positive, although I’ve only gone to two
@wakaran2414 7 жыл бұрын
To be honest I'm kinda similar. I have depression and if it hits me hard one morning, one afternoon, it often lasts a while and I WON'T draw. I physically can't bring myself to do it. If I do try when I'm not so bad if one thing goes wrong my bipolar acts up. And it's not just with art for other people. It's equal for mine. I have SO MANY sketches that are unfinished. One is in waiting for me to do a speedpaint for(And hope it looks good). But then I try and get my ass in gear when I'm better(And sometimes I get ill in the depression so it delays me more)
@louise4152 7 жыл бұрын
I went to a YOI con for my first anime convention I'm a cheap fuck so I only bought a few merch fml
@simpleplan32230 7 жыл бұрын
Coming back from Anime Expo, I have to say that I had a great time. Probably because I went with my friends. In my 4 consecutive years of attending, I'll say my worst year was the first one because I didn't know what the hell I was expecting. But I haven't experienced any of these horror story situations. I always get my badge on day zero, I bring plenty of food, money, and supplies. I bring people I know who I will mesh with. And I plan out all four days. I can't feel but miss something. That being said, I understand having bad experiences where nothing seems to go right or something out of the blue messes with you and mucks up your day. But what I can say is, plan everything out and be adamant and proactive. It helps to be prepared. Expect the worse but celebrate when things fall into place and go right. You deserve to celebrate your victories. If you ever get that booth going at artist alley, I'll be sure to stop by. My friend has opened me up to the place. Prints, keychains, pillows and stuffed animals, and some good people I can converse with. After all, we come from the same background and appreciate the same thing; just different aspects.
@Twist3dDisast3r 7 жыл бұрын
oh no i've learned over the years how to have a good time! in fact Cody and I just went this year for day one and had a blast! Thank you very much for your input 8>
@wilbursoderberg9533 7 жыл бұрын
if its a headset mich put it below your mouth then you wont breath on it.
@Twist3dDisast3r 7 жыл бұрын
..... That's what I had been doing. ^^; eheheheh eheheh maybe i should just keep the thing on my head
@lotopauankaz.4500 7 жыл бұрын
Isn't this floatie a bit flat?
@alliesaurusdraws3650 7 жыл бұрын
I L♡ve your Art Rambles
@Twist3dDisast3r 7 жыл бұрын
yey im happy you do!
@xXstokoseXx 7 жыл бұрын
love your art and story, but just a tad critique I have. in your drawing, the leg one the left looks like the big toe iss on the wrong side. the bathing suit top on the right breast looks like the same on the left, giving the perception a bit wrong? I'm not exactly sure how to word that last one, but anyway. great job!
@YourheroSerene 6 жыл бұрын
Syko usually when they're a paid artist, it's standard courtesy to not critique their work unless they ask. Just so you know for the future. You're not being rude, but most likely the artist is aware of whatever flaws they have, and they will decide at their discretion what they practice. If something turns out wonky on a piece, it's because the artist realized they have a time table, and we all must compromise and move on at some point. No piece is perfect.
@xXstokoseXx 6 жыл бұрын
YourheroSerene You're right, I'm sorry. c:
@louise4152 6 жыл бұрын
I think you meant perspective-
@peachbubble8652 5 жыл бұрын
YourheroSerene it doesn’t matter if it’s a paid piece, it still can have a critique
@watercolourferns 5 жыл бұрын
@YourheroSerene Where did you get that from? I do paid work and I'm always looking for critiques because it helps me improve, deadline or not.
@sagei.y.juniper5644 6 жыл бұрын
TWO QUESTIONS what software do you use and how do you get it?
@anisas2554 7 жыл бұрын
Maybe you cosplay as mei from over watch?
@StormyBuckets 7 жыл бұрын
Ahhh I probably couldn't do a booth if you need eye contact. Aspergers is a bitch -_-
@Twist3dDisast3r 7 жыл бұрын
Hey that should never stop you! I have lots of friends with Aspergers and Autism and they work through it to do booths and sell their art! If they can do it I believe you can to.
@StormyBuckets 7 жыл бұрын
Heh, thanks! It'll take a lot of work, but i'm working on it!
@mewmewlunar 7 жыл бұрын
Another aspie w/ bad eye contact, a good tip I heard that looking at their nose instead their eyes, most people won't notice the difference and I've found it really helpful in improving "eye contact".
@mudmudmud7007 6 жыл бұрын
im aspie too, it'd be so hard for me since i struggle to talk alot of the time ; - ;
@fogdragon23 5 жыл бұрын
After my first couple commission experiences, I just buy prints. Saves me money and anxiety. Lol
@ThatsOffensive00 7 жыл бұрын
the last time I was at a con, in february 2017, I comissioned someone to draw my character, it was the last full day of the con but they said they where going to be there the next day to, I gave them a reference that I had made myself and was very proud of and they promised I would get it back but the next day they where gone and they didnt text me, they didnt mail me, NOTHING. Im hoping to see them at the next con in the end of this month because HOLY SHIT I AM PISSED OF AND WANT MY ART BACK! so thats the worst con experience I have had this far.
@fredericorivera7226 7 жыл бұрын
ellellen00 ._. how did it go?
@abbthacat8023 7 жыл бұрын
I am the same with anxiety like that
@insomniacsushi7024 6 жыл бұрын
I'm sorry but I gotta ask, I know this video is old but...did the mic taste good? XD
@_super__cool_9834 6 жыл бұрын
I must say your a big inspiration for me to improve my human anatomy!
@Twist3dDisast3r 6 жыл бұрын
yey 8D
@fox__fire 6 жыл бұрын
I am a fairly new convention artist, and thanks to this video, I come off as very nice and polite, and I NEVER ignore people. That's just a way to drive away customers. Sometimes i'll bring my 3DS with me if the convention is slow, but i put it away when someone's close to my table, in a way to show that I am open to discussion about things, such as fandoms or my products. In terms of commissions, I have only done 1 drawing commission on spot at a convention, but as I was going to get my pencil crayons to colour it in, i fricking slit my finger on the metal case that holds my art supplies, so I wasted about 10-ish minutes looking for someone with Band-Aids, cleaning up my hand, and trying to settle back down and figure out how to draw with this injury to my dominant hand. I said to the purchaser that I would take an hour to do their commission, but when they came back an hour later, i had to tell them that I wasn't done due to my injury and I apologized. I got to finish the piece before they came back a second time, but it wasn't as good quality as my drawings usually are due to having to hold my pencils in a weird way to draw/colour.
@SoylentGamer 7 жыл бұрын
If you're still interested in some tips on voice recording, the channel 2kliksphillip has a video on it.
@Twist3dDisast3r 7 жыл бұрын
Oh thank you! I'll check it out
@hexmaniacrhea 6 жыл бұрын
I just found your KZbin channel and I love both your art rambles and story time videos :3
@xmoonwavekitty8154 7 жыл бұрын
i love your videos sooo much I always watch them while I'm drawing and always keep clicking in between my drawing and what you're drawing lol nwn thank you so much for taking the time out to make these :T I am also an artist on a budget ^.^
@JuliaNightmare 7 жыл бұрын
I live in Boise and every year during Memorial Day weekend (Friday - Monday) is Anime Oasis. The 2016 con was my first one, and I was only there for the last 2 days. Originally the just the third day, but a nice lady I met in the elevator had a spare 4 day pass since her friend couldn't make it the last 2 days. One of the artists in artists alley\the dealers room was offering discounted prices to people with single day passes on the first 3 days (then the discounted prices to all on the last day) because she personally thought it was a little unfair that people had to miss out on potential great deals just because they could only be there for one day.
@JuliaNightmare 7 жыл бұрын
The earings I bought from her are cute and I'm glad I got them when I did.
@Mars0Bars 7 жыл бұрын
I have anxiety but it's specific things that give me anxiety, such as my phobia of abandonment. One time I had a dream where my twin abandoned me and I ended up almost having an anxiety attack when I saw him and ended up crying myself to sleep for the next few days because laying down to go to sleep gave me terrible anxiety because I've had dreams that have happened twice
@ani_the_bunny 7 жыл бұрын
As I told ya in a other video the drawing is beautiful, and I feel sorry for you that you have bad experiences with cons. I have one as well but it has nothing to do with art and I found out later what was the matter. And I just go to smaller cons as well becaus the artist have more time and ther are not a thousends of persons who are in my near and it dont cost that mutch. Haha.
@Twist3dDisast3r 7 жыл бұрын
I've been trying to find smaller cons to try to go too but its a bit hard in my area. All of the smaller cons got really big and aren't really small any more.
@ani_the_bunny 7 жыл бұрын
Ah okay, well in germany its easy to find smaller cons becaus the most "big cons" are small as well they are just i think 3 or 4 really big cons and they are far away from my home and not all are really anime cons but have a big part for that. And next to my house is a very small con (about 300 persons) every year, whats very cool from a youth club.
@Twist3dDisast3r 7 жыл бұрын
Oh man that sounds like so much fun! I live in California. SO all of our smaller cons have recently gotten really big. Atleast 10,000+ unless a new new one pops up this year.
@ani_the_bunny 7 жыл бұрын
It is fun :D the funnyest thing is that in a museum is a small con next week and I will sell my art ther *happy* The bigest Con in my City ( I live i the Capital City ) had about 5000+
@MomoDearestt 5 жыл бұрын
this makes Georgia anime artist allies look like heaven. because all the artists were very kind and answered all my questions, because I, too want to have booth. People actually gave me links to where they get their stuff made, they were so sweet! I never commissioned anyone at a con because i usually go for one day. Honestly, one of my friends had better commission experience at Furry con than AX, :I
@melluctive 5 жыл бұрын
“I’m not skinny” She’s *T H I C C*
@ameliesavastano6253 6 жыл бұрын
I love your art style
@castellorizon 7 жыл бұрын
That's kinda what happens in Texas, lol. ((weather wise))
@user-gl4yu4dg9u 5 жыл бұрын
Artist struggle #232 "it's a reference, I swear!"
@Silverrain84fly 7 жыл бұрын
I had a bad experience at my city con last year where this guy came up to me and started asking all these questions, he then asked me to go on a date with him out of the blue. I myself have bad anxiety and I was alone in one of the artist ally corners and this scared the fuck out of me. I side no of course but fuck did it ruin my day. The things was is that the guy didn't even smile once and talked in this rude tone, he didn't seem friendly at all! I had to walked outside and calm down, it was so fuckin wired, pisses me off thinking about it. I plan on going again thou, I'v never really had any bad experience with he the artist, I guess cause I'm to shy to ask any questions lol. Awesome art btw!!♥️
@Twist3dDisast3r 7 жыл бұрын
Oh no i would love to go to cons again its just that now im a bit more wary... Sorry to hear about your anxitey I can feel ya bro!
@dantespimp 4 жыл бұрын
LMAO, I had to stop the video during the bit about commissions not having the same quality as what's advertised - OMG, SAME THING HAPPENED TO ME AT ANIME EXPO! XD I attended that con years ago as an artist in the Alley. During dead time though I browsed other tables. There was a dude selling 4x6 commissions that were AMAZING (it had a unique punk-ish art style) and priced within my budget. So I commissioned the guy on Friday, paying him right there and then. Now, me being an artist, I totally understood how drawing while selling is tough, so I requested a penciled drawing of Sephiroth and told him I'd pick it up on Sunday, giving him the whole 3 days (remember, this was for a 4x6 drawing of an easily recognizable character). That way, he wouldn't have to rush it and he could pick up other commissions that needed to be done sooner than mine. There were two things I specifically requested for this commission: a) I wanted him to be as creative as he could be (meaning, if he wanted to draw Sephiroth in a Chocobo suit or as a cowboy or whatever, he had free reign to do it) and b) draw Sephiroth in his unique punk-style. Basically, I wanted this artist to put his own special touch on this very iconic character. So Sunday comes. I get my commission. And... it's nowhere near the quality/style as advertised. ;-; Proportions are 'meh'. It doesn't have his punk-ish style. And worst, there's nothing unique about this Sephiroth - it's yet another Sephiroth drawing I've seen a million times. ;-; Anyway, because I didn't want to be a Karen, I thanked him and expressed my gratitude for his time. All the while, I felt like I just wasted my money. This is exactly why I don't take commissions at the con myself. I'm not confident drawing something on the spot yet. Even if it's something simple, I want it to have the same level of quality-control as my other work. I honestly don't know how other artists are okay with drawing mediocre work for paying patrons, all while advertising their best stuff to them. I get that these artists want to put their best foot forward and attract customers with their top work. But unless you know your commissions will be up to that standard, the best thing to do is to show samples of ACTUAL commissions done at these cons.
@wickedpastelaj6755 7 жыл бұрын
How do you get two canvases of the same piece up so you can see the product from how it looks as a full and as you zoom in on it.
@Twist3dDisast3r 7 жыл бұрын
You go to the "view" tab and then click "new" 8>
@wickedpastelaj6755 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you
@abbiepanda9367 7 жыл бұрын
You should do more story time videos
@Twist3dDisast3r 7 жыл бұрын
Aww Thank you~ I plan on doing a few more ouo don't worry
@theblackrose5465 7 жыл бұрын
I absolutely adore you hun! You are FANtastic!
@laoaidan2400 7 жыл бұрын
California weather sounds like what we have in the carribean. We don't have four seasons, we literally have dry season which I believe is December 1st to May 31st and wet/rainy/hurricane season which is June 1st to november 30th. We don't get snow here where I live and if trees are turning orange, it's not autumn, it means someone failed miserably at protecting the environment. Long comment is long :P
@heatherchandler4444 7 жыл бұрын
you keep eating the micc.. it makes my head want to explode
@hemlixx3504 7 жыл бұрын
I have started doing art recently and I had got my first art trade around 3 months ago and I spent forever on my art trade and when I sent it to the other person they didnt even reply! I tried to get back to them but they never responded. Ugh. Does this ever happen to you? Love your art by the way!
@Twist3dDisast3r 7 жыл бұрын
OH yes yes this has in the past. Which is why I came up with a new rule for arttrades. Who ever asks first get's their half done first! Because I have been screwed over like this in the past. OR if you wanna get your half done first. Let's say you're a busy person or something. Just tell them you have it finished but you wont send / post the finished copy until You have seen their end of the trade. Thanks for loving my Art QuQ Also something else you might wanna look into for the future is to see how often this other person posts. Maybe it isn't their fault and they have very busy lives. I have a few friends like that XD infact a couple of buddies of mine have been wanting to do arttrades but we're always so busy we almost never find time to squeeze them in.
@RiaxaraCo 5 жыл бұрын
I’d like to one day be able to cosplay, but I can’t at the moment.
@ChloeRoestel 5 жыл бұрын
Why is she running AWAY from the water?
@S0SHIN 7 жыл бұрын
the first time I went to comic con last year or the year before it was fun af I saw a lot of wonderful art as well!!! I bought some cute buttons and a few other things I csnt remeber lol but I feel the social anxiety thing af tho bc my cosplay was falling apart and right when I walked in I started crying bc I was overwhelmed as shit bc it's not like other cons where it's just one big room it was one small buildinh and was packed to the brim every one was basicly shoving one another just to get by. but still fun for my first comiccon
@cookiescremefrappuccino1674 7 жыл бұрын
I used to want to go to cons Now I'm too spooked
@secretlyaraccoon4034 5 жыл бұрын
oof that sucks. I've only been to 3 conventions so all the interactions I've had with artists were good but it must suck having to deal with those types of people. Also while I was watching this my gerbils started freaking out so I took them out and brought them to my computer and they watched so intently it was hilarious 😂😂😂
@Talkin-fr0g 6 жыл бұрын
*as Redding burns in distance*
@luka4282 6 жыл бұрын
my first ever convention i went to was Heroes and Villains, which also was in the same hall as Walker Stalker. It was just a huge mess and a disappointment for me, also a friend got screwed over on a print. We saw examples and what showed up in the mail was not the quality that was promised. Also it was a rather dead convention, not many were there at all. I'm waiting for an anime con and hoping it will be better, cause all that happened was i got sore feet.. although i did have a plus that 3 people wanted to take my photo? i was dressed up as Kikyo from Inuyasha (the only cosplay i own and i finally wanted to wear it after owning it for about a year) i'd give my experience a 3/10, only that high cause of the nice people i met that wanted a photo of me all dressed up. i really wish i had taken photos of the art print promised and what my friend got in the end... but i don't so.. that artist needs to rethink who he uses to make print cause it was really bad. pixelated kinda bad, not worth $100+ kinda bad...
@whitedragonryuu2219 6 жыл бұрын
i know art is really old but i feel like the floaty thing could be bigger ?
@dirtyypoison 5 жыл бұрын
Ah goodness. My first con experience was a MESS (It was Anthrocon 2018, it had around 8,000 attendees.) It was a bad decision on my part, as this con was my first one. I should have gone to a smaller con, but I didn't really know if any of the smaller ones in PA were trustworthy (y'know, people coming out late on the con floor that are dressed in way that would make me uncomfortable as well as anyone else who was with me. Not to say that wouldn't happen at AC, but I think it would be a little less likely). I forgot to eat breakfast, so I couldn't do the parade on the second day. (I also had a hot as hell kigu on, so that plus a fursuit was overwhelming.) I had to retreat to the main con floor. At that point, my friends and I decided to split up for awhile. Annnnnd, we lost each other for awhile after that. I was still SUPER dizzy and for then we just decided to head out to watch the parade to wait for everyone.We eventually caught up by a restaurant and I'm pretty sure my partner and I were both having a panic attack as a result of getting lost. Long story short, I set off a chain of bad events and my pals got a bit angry with me, but we're all good now. I am a bit scared to go next year, but know I know that I need be flexible with my plans and remember to take care of myself. Moral of the story, don't try to go to every panel possible, try to take it easy, ALWAYS be in contact with whoever you're there with and REMEMBER TO EAT!
@nolwazi3076 5 жыл бұрын
4 toed lady. With very small feet
@frogextract4310 6 жыл бұрын
Ok so I remember I went To my first con when I was 10 and I'm older and mature now and I remember and I will forever regret saying this when passing but a artists booth "I could draw that myself" and I was a little asshole as a kid and I feel pretty shitty after saying that and it's been like 4 years
@Pigeonswaiting 6 жыл бұрын
Watching enough of these videos starts to make you compare your voice to characters' voices. You sound like Mittens from Bolt. (Which is a good thing, congrats)
@milo3703 6 жыл бұрын
Justtttt wow......
@laurenhunt4061 6 жыл бұрын
hey twist, i just wanna say i’m a fellow Californian (well, born in California, live in Ohio now). my first convention was not great. was like $100 per person to get in... and there wasn’t really anything interesting to do. i was cosplaying as Sakura from Naruto, and going with my dad. needless to say, i’m not very interesting in cons nowadays, except RTX, when last year and had a blast, and i really want to go again in the future.
@laineydoodles9297 5 жыл бұрын
The people that are nasty towards customers should count their lucky stars that they get commissioned at all. I'm trying to get my foot in the door (mind you, I'm on Tumblr, a little inactive on Deviantart but will come back) and getting people to commission me to draw things for them. I admit, I am very envious of people with a customer base and I want to be professional and friendly towards people that commission me along with not being dismissive of potential customers.
@ibbygames5284 6 жыл бұрын
oof talking bout anime expo, i went this year and it was so bad that people wanted refunds on their one day tickets cause they couldnt even get into the main hall and me and my friend both thought we were going to have a heat stroke. but it was pretty nice still after you get over the line fact for my experience XD
@SamoyedzRUs 5 жыл бұрын
I don’t think that having your best examples is “lying”. Yeah it can be annoying when it isn’t that level, but sometimes artists have bad days or get overwhelmed. Especially when they only have three days to do many commissions. However, missing hands and just not working on it because you don’t want to is ridiculous. When I do commissions over the internet, I take lots of time so that they’re the best they can be. At conventions though it can get super stressful when that one day happens to be your bad day. Just my opinion on it!
@SuperCheetah 6 жыл бұрын
I think the link isn't working, I don't know why, but it isn't showing up for me. (This is for the finished picture in the description)
@Twist3dDisast3r 6 жыл бұрын
ah maybe it changed. this video is a few years old. You can find the finished picture on my dA
@SuperCheetah 6 жыл бұрын
Twist3dDisast3r oh ok, your art is amazing!
@Tealux_Art 7 жыл бұрын
do you remember what the artist name was ? i also got a commission done at Anime Expo for $30 and it looked nothing like their art style and it was messy
@Twist3dDisast3r 7 жыл бұрын
demyx Amaya no sorry I don't remember the artists name D8
@safiyas5921 7 жыл бұрын
I dressed up as an akatsuki character when I was 10 -_-
@starlette7820 5 жыл бұрын
They don't deserve refunds because they were paying also for the artists time they put into working on it. If the art isnt complete trash and only looks a bit different, then refunds arent deserved.
@amandaromaine1999 7 жыл бұрын
I seriously understand your anxiety. Me and you. Really I understand. And people throw it around to say they can't go but really I understand. Is it an artist thing? XD I swear it must be. But i know that others have anxiety as well. When i go to church camp (we go for a week) I have breakdowns on the first's awful
@Eye_of_Newt_Designs 5 жыл бұрын
quick question for anyone who recognizes, what is the program being used?
@Twist3dDisast3r 5 жыл бұрын
@LizzieShiro 7 жыл бұрын
I always thought Anime Boston was bigger than Anime Expo. I may be wrong.
@Twist3dDisast3r 7 жыл бұрын
I'll have to look into it! I was always told that AX was the biggest one.
@oklol496 7 жыл бұрын
your oc is weak it's not even a recoloration of a sonic character
@Twist3dDisast3r 7 жыл бұрын
This was a commission for a client. I must be so ashamed that I have weakened the Sonic gods
@oklol496 7 жыл бұрын
damn right
@alisiana7779 7 жыл бұрын
Kaz I don't really see you making any ocs or any art for that topic. Sorry if it was only a joke but that's really offensive/rude to the person who made the oc.
@oklol496 7 жыл бұрын
haha yeah but if you actually had looked more in-depth to the comment and the way others reacted to it you would see its just a sarcastic joke. :/
@pugglehugs8032 7 жыл бұрын
This is the internet, I am not saying all people are idiots but no one can here the tone of your voice as you are typing on the keyboard
@ChloeRoestel 5 жыл бұрын
I only buy from venders who are willing to speak with me. Like this one time I was like “how much are the pins?” She says “A dollar” I stand there. I could’ve taken a pin she never would have noticed.
@victorianrat65 5 жыл бұрын
me:watching video in school on my phone, and Twisted pulls up a reference of boobs, and I don't care, I understand. Some random fucking person:hahahah bobs lol *walks away* me:what the f-
@nanyummyify 7 жыл бұрын
Nice work and talk man thanks for sharing :) (though i am a year late with the compliment)
@rokukou 7 жыл бұрын
Yeah I get how you feel, I always feel late when I comment on old videos
@bearlover92 5 жыл бұрын
Akatsuki pronounced Ah-khat-ski If you didn’t know this already. I’m sorry I’ll go now
@kbunzzzz 5 жыл бұрын
My earrrs
@microdogland8496 7 жыл бұрын
Go to Quest Con it's a small one
@Twist3dDisast3r 7 жыл бұрын
Where is it?
@microdogland8496 7 жыл бұрын
It's in Mobile Alabama in October
@dzossabramenko9039 6 жыл бұрын
Was Neytirix there??? She's my fav artist!
@Twist3dDisast3r 6 жыл бұрын
Uh I don't know the name. So Maybe?
@lilak6213 5 жыл бұрын
The video is short T^T
@Abs0lut3Cyner 5 жыл бұрын
Rip headphone users.
@cecilb8287 6 жыл бұрын
*S m e e c h*
@Blind_Eye046 6 жыл бұрын
$8 for a two character drawing is an absolute steal, and the fact you would complain and talk about the artist as if they were an absolute piece of crap for leaving a hand out is crazy to me. Especially since you do commissions and should understand how little $8 is for a two character illustration. I hope people who watched this video didn't leave thinking that they're entitled to a masterpiece for a measly $8. There is already an entitlement issue within the community, and it's sad that you'd sit here and perpetuate it as an artist yourself.
@syntaxfailure5233 6 жыл бұрын
Doesn’t it bother you when venders say there’s “tax” on the items?? That against the ruuuulleessss. -why you gotta snag some extra cash from me bro?-
@angelinajv7 7 жыл бұрын
3:52 was I the only reading the messages
@Twist3dDisast3r 7 жыл бұрын
@akane1928 7 жыл бұрын
you shouldnt copy the foot you first drew onto the other leg, they have toes on different sides and it looks awkward
@redrevelry 6 жыл бұрын
Isn't false advertising illegal?
@estuuary4722 7 жыл бұрын
@BugCatcherSamm 6 жыл бұрын
Cheap programs? Firealpaca is free and is excellent 😘
@pp-lc3lm 5 жыл бұрын
@jordandraws8354 6 жыл бұрын
No offense but the floaty on the girl looked very flat and 2D with the thick lining around it.
@Twist3dDisast3r 6 жыл бұрын
Nah I see it now I did this over a year ago xD
@StormieKumo 7 жыл бұрын
[NO OFFENSE] but you call these 'horror stories' and they arent really horror stories they are real life bad experience stories or something like that
@ludmilamanna612 7 жыл бұрын
But everyone knows what she meant by it. Real horror stories about anime cons would be really weird... And many people title it that way because it's short and interesting.
@StormieKumo 7 жыл бұрын
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