Countdown to the 2024 election: Day 41 | MSNBC Highlights

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@AmitRay47 Сағат бұрын
If someone puts together all that Trump said in a book during his election speeches since 2015, the book should be called: An American who got away with his foolery!
@Gabedudley1 14 минут бұрын
How about a book called, "Brain Washed, How Dems are the New 1930s Germany
@thebilboshow168 9 минут бұрын
I'm sure you buy every book about Trump.
@Xogiang-u1m 2 сағат бұрын
No complacency 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 Vote Blue 🎉🎉🎉
@Lilian-cs6on 2 сағат бұрын
LOL You are delusional…. If you think the Camel has a chance 😂
@americanpatriot6484 Сағат бұрын
More inflation. YAY!
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these masonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other communist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
@@Lilian-cs6on Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these masonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other communist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
@@americanpatriot6484 Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these masonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other communist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well
@cornelisdebilde6850 2 сағат бұрын
In this election, there is only one crucial decision to make: choosing between Trump, who represents a dictatorship, and Kamala, who stands for democracy. Don't get too caught up in policies; this may be your last opportunity to make such a significant choice.
@americanpatriot6484 Сағат бұрын
joe was coup'd, that's how she got in. some 'democracy' you got there.
@mauliebella Сағат бұрын
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
@@americanpatriot6484 Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these masonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other communist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well.
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
@@mauliebella Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these masonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other communist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well.
@frusilac999 Сағат бұрын
Dictatorship. Man. You guys believe anything
@joelgillespie1412 2 сағат бұрын
Would people stop complaining about grocery prices! Just enjoy Biden/Harris! Share the joy!
@skydiver1013 2 сағат бұрын
Biden and Harris are the cause of high grocery prices! You know it!!!
@Christian-di8zu 2 сағат бұрын
So you don’t care about poor people.
@Lilian-cs6on 2 сағат бұрын
@@Christian-di8zuDemocrats are now the party of the rich…
@joelgillespie1412 Сағат бұрын
@@Christian-di8zu democracy is at stake!
@Christian-di8zu Сағат бұрын
@@joelgillespie1412 Yes democrats want to turn us into a socialist/ communist country.
@Christians4Harris 3 сағат бұрын
The idea we can safely do all our financial, business, governmental and shopping online but not voting is absurd.
@jamesjellis 2 сағат бұрын
Thing is a LOT of the country doesn't have reliable internet access. And even less can afford it.
@lovinglife419 2 сағат бұрын
@@jamesjellisthat isn’t why lol
@Christian-di8zu 2 сағат бұрын
Have you read any of the Bible???
@mauliebella Сағат бұрын
Well we ARE talking about trump supporters.
@americanpatriot6484 Сағат бұрын
Internet gets hacked.
@carlam3990 Сағат бұрын
I hate Joe talking over Mika all the time, I also dislike that she lets him do it, and those are the reasons I skip all their segments.
@simonw2468 50 минут бұрын
He sure thinks his opinion is more valuable than hers. Just plain rude
@asubuhijua5351 3 сағат бұрын
Trump/Robinson ticket disgusts American voters.
@skydiver1013 2 сағат бұрын
It only disgusts Communist voters.
@q20a08 2 сағат бұрын
@@skydiver1013 Like the Cheneys, Chris Christie, and all those from McDonvict's own administration who can no longer stand his stupid. Sure, all Communists.
@Christian-di8zu 2 сағат бұрын
I’m voting Trump/Vance !!!!!
@mauliebella Сағат бұрын
@@skydiver1013racists are the only ones who love it. 🤷‍♀️
@mauliebella Сағат бұрын
@sofiacristinak.-cd1nk Сағат бұрын
We gotta fight with everything we've got because WE ARE behind...this isn't a dead even race. DT disturbingly still has a lot of people willing to vote for him...(edit to correct spelling dead even)
@MartinJ-t7y 3 сағат бұрын
" Why have nuclear weapons if you can't use them?" Donald Trump. " Trump's mental health is now a national and global emergency." Dr Bandy Lee Psychiatrist.
@JOECURR1488 3 сағат бұрын
@skydiver1013 3 сағат бұрын
MartinJ-t7y, More like the state of your mental health is in question following that post.
@americanpatriot6484 Сағат бұрын
We'll need them with the path harris is taking us down. 😥
@mauliebella Сағат бұрын
I agree!!!
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these masonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other communist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well
@Hollywood-Wolfman 44 минут бұрын
He's talking nonsense... yes, $60 billion. The only thing is that the money goes to American defense manufacturers to produce new military equipment for the US military, and Ukraine gets the old stuff that the US will have to decommission!
@giangggiangg8245 2 сағат бұрын
Harri 2024❤
@harryjove6725 2 сағат бұрын
Trump 2024, Asian Indian American
@mauliebella Сағат бұрын
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these masonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other communist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
@@harryjove6725 Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these masonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other communist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
@@mauliebella Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these masonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other communist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well
@mac888spectral7 2 сағат бұрын
2016: The Russian Interference. 2022: 81 million flushes. 2024: The Final Unburdening 🚽🪠
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these masonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other communist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well
@69Deez_Nutz69 Сағат бұрын
Can't wait for my abdomen to finally be cleansed. I pray for you Americans even if I'm not a spiritual person.
@kevingrant5695 Сағат бұрын
Joe you must give micka more time to talk and stop cutting her off please
@davidmhale521 Сағат бұрын
Why. That’s how all democrats treat their women. Like they are beneath them.
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these masonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other communist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well.
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
@@davidmhale521 Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these masonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other communist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well.
@danmac-d7w Сағат бұрын
so nothing on the actual topics being discussed?
@cindymeyer-hunt3208 Сағат бұрын
Why do you give Chump sooooo much airtime?
@X-VoodooKing-X 42 минут бұрын
Voting day in my country is a holiday
@pamtuffield9385 Сағат бұрын
In Australia rather than suppressing the vote voting is compulsory & we don’t have problems with fraud.
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these masonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other communist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well.
@WarGasm-d9q Сағат бұрын
You gave up your Guns very very Weak!!!
@americanpatriot6484 Сағат бұрын
@@WarGasm-d9q - Yep, they certainly did. And they are happy about it. LOL
@simonw2468 44 минут бұрын
They enacted stricter gun laws to reduce gun crime and mass shootings. A tried and tested method used in many other countries. Perhaps America could learn something from them
@embracedmadness 40 минут бұрын
@@WarGasm-d9qyou can still have a handgun and any rifle that isn’t semi-automatic.
@ianwest7003 22 минут бұрын
Surprising that Trump wants to get Zelinsky together with President Putin. Look at the respect vs disrespect of that sentence alone. How's that settlement going to go?
@davidmhale521 9 минут бұрын
So You’d rather the war continue ?
@KingJamesHusband 4 минут бұрын
Mr Putin owns Mr Trump​@@davidmhale521
@helge1104 Сағат бұрын
Not vote for a party vote for an able leader. No party is good with bad leadership. Just see history if in doubt, no matter what candidate that's in a leadership position can actually ruin a nation and will always lose in the end .
@MDK75345 2 сағат бұрын
Listening to the twist put on securing voting is crazy. 😂😂😂
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these masonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other communist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well.
@cindih13 Сағат бұрын
You know they’re desperate when MAGA come to MSNBC to while and moan, lol!
@Daddymcgoo2000 3 сағат бұрын
Trump lost
@americanpatriot6484 Сағат бұрын
Not really. joe was installed.
@danpayne8042 50 минут бұрын
MAGA stands for Me, Alone, Go, Away.
@whatsgoingon07 2 сағат бұрын
Trump looks like he’s got pink hair lol
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these masonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other communist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well.
@ianwest7003 20 минут бұрын
Someone please ask him what a Communist is?
@RobertConklin-m5u Сағат бұрын
El Cheeto es Frito
@ReneeKadlubek 30 минут бұрын
As for lawyers and psychs involved, they need to refocus on ethics I need to have facts I need to access money I generated I need privacy and I need to move on using my degrees. The answer is NOT INTERESTED and PLEASE STOP OR I WILL SUE YOU.
@ObiWahn68 46 минут бұрын
1864 weren't midterm elections.
@ianwest7003 32 минут бұрын
If you keep doubling your bet, eventually you will win.
@leeli2690 Сағат бұрын
Pipelines not stronger, Queens duty-free
@danmac-d7w Сағат бұрын
no idea what youre trying to say there, dude care to try again?
@ziziroberts8041 2 сағат бұрын
Can Floridians trust mail-in voting?
@skydiver1013 2 сағат бұрын
@ziziroberts8041 2 сағат бұрын
@@skydiver1013 That's what I think, too.
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these masonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other communist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
@@skydiver1013 Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these masonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other communist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
@@ziziroberts8041 Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these masonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other communist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well
@ruthieanans7800 Сағат бұрын
Is this journalism or a podcast? 😂😂😂 MSND&C
@el-is-odd Сағат бұрын
Keep at it everyone! This race isn't over til the last vote is counted!
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these masonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other communist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well.
@ReneeKadlubek 36 минут бұрын
Nobody should have had access to me and my family members. That is private and a lot of our lives were wasted bc that basic concept was not honored and a bunch of ppl were led to believe that our things were theirs. That's over I expect us to be made whole from damages and if it continues I will sue those doing so
@ReneeKadlubek 25 минут бұрын
I mean I want none of these ppl to access my private info except staff at these locations until we establish what's next for me which should have already been done in 2021. Saw some things through. Lies ppl trying to use and access my things and my friends trying to move forward without being harassed and stalked.
@KingJamesHusband 5 минут бұрын
Mr Trump's mob becomes more brainsick with each passing day.
@xxodus7 34 минут бұрын
Remember when Trump said he wanted to drop a nuke on a hurricane to make it ' go away ' lol
@colowyowatchman4420 28 минут бұрын
Remember when joe boden said, "get h jjtff hj ht egg h!!"
@thebilboshow168 11 минут бұрын
Remember when Kamala said she would ban fracking?
@KingJamesHusband 2 минут бұрын
​@@thebilboshow168 Mr Trump drew the path of a hurricane with his thick magic marker.
@ReneeKadlubek 24 минут бұрын
So I mean nobody should be accessing my info except staff or I'll sue them when I get an atty
@ReneeKadlubek 23 минут бұрын
Expect staff. You know bc I'm like a person and years of my life have been wasted on this and I have less than zero desire to be part of a show and I will not be going back to lies or liars.
@MDK75345 2 сағат бұрын
BOY 😂 When Trump speaks about our Country he must hit a nerve 😂😂😂😂😂
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these masonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other communist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well.
@rare6319 Сағат бұрын
Msnbc has highlights 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these masonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other communist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well.
@joshjones6072 27 минут бұрын
The "weave"? More like the hair weave 😂
@LustraGaming Сағат бұрын
1:56 almost sounded like "Today, most states allow male voting" I can only applaud that.
@jdw5726 35 минут бұрын
Every one please vote early! Trump got to go
@colowyowatchman4420 28 минут бұрын
Voting for Trump ✊️
@thebilboshow168 11 минут бұрын
Democrats gotta go 4 years of misery
@RefrigeratorWilliamPerry 22 минут бұрын
I just voted for President Trump💯💪🏻🇺🇸
@Benilda9867 Сағат бұрын
@MSaldivar81 Сағат бұрын
Watch “From Russia With Lev.”
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these masonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other communist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well.
@freedomwithcheese618 13 минут бұрын
Jackson Richard Lee Donna Young Kimberly
@ReneeKadlubek 22 минут бұрын
I should be using my law and psych degrees and im sorry so many xhose to take the unethical exploitative route 2013 on. That needs to end and Renee expectsva plan ao aje can move on woth consent.
@JustAroadcone 55 минут бұрын
Just FYI Joe, 18:14 This is the fundamental principle of communism's approach to housing issues. Some of their idea's can work...
@Christians4Harris 2 сағат бұрын
'Elections are RIGGED! Early voting is RIGGED! Mail in voting is RIGGED! Now don't forget to mail in your ballots early.' -- Concepts of a Brilliant Weave Plan.
@americanpatriot6484 Сағат бұрын
2020 certainly was.
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these masonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other communist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well.
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
@@americanpatriot6484 Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these masonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other communist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well.
@carmellavisconte3562 Сағат бұрын
60 court cases stated it wasn't !
@ReneeKadlubek 16 минут бұрын
I'm going to keep doing what I do and all accessing my things and trying to exploit can do so open and notoriously and can expect lawsuits and should have criminal charges. Appreciate staff stabilizing while leaders determine what's next for me outside of that bc I won't put my name next to anything like that
@Nukleotyde 2 сағат бұрын
@americanpatriot6484 Сағат бұрын
Go red to save the country!
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these masonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other communist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well.
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
@@americanpatriot6484 Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these masonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other communist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well.
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
@@americanpatriot6484 I’m voting for trump.
@americanpatriot6484 Сағат бұрын
@@Crash1025Bandicoot7 - all smart people do. 😃
@Muttenchopsforever 3 сағат бұрын
“underserved” is just a democrat word salad for people wanting more free stuff
@abbersj2935 2 сағат бұрын
Is it? Do the rich ever seem "underserved" by the republican party? $7Trillion in tax cuts for them would infer not.
@2stepsforward3stepsback65 2 сағат бұрын
The stupid don't understand that republic represents business while democracy represents ppl that's why I can't understand that if your not an entrepreneur why republican views align with you some of you folks need to review your understanding for politics
@ziziroberts8041 2 сағат бұрын
@@Muttenchopsforever My eggs, milk and bread are far from free these days. Which planet do you live on?
@Christians4Harris 2 сағат бұрын
Robinson is wrong. Plutocrats own millions of Americans. "Welfare Queen" and "Taker" means YOU.
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these masonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other communist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well
I will *NEVER VOTE BLUE* again.🤢🤢🤢🤢😖
@LifeisLikeaBike 2 сағат бұрын
Well, we are voting blue
@mac888spectral7 2 сағат бұрын
Only thing that was ever blue about you was your 🔵🔵
@drakemia4079 2 сағат бұрын
We will vote a blue wave and be free ,trump never has done anything but BS a crowd .
@JR-gu2qv 2 сағат бұрын
​@LifeisLikeaBike u must be planning to be dumbs soap picker in prison .Enjoy 😅
@americanpatriot6484 Сағат бұрын
I hear that all the time.
@kaiserauer1 2 сағат бұрын
Draft dodger/ debate dodger…
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these masonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other communist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well.
@Savagekirbypuff 2 сағат бұрын
How do you plan to win this election ? I grew up as a middle class kid
@skydiver1013 2 сағат бұрын
The Republicans will try and win by getting the most votes. Democrats typically win by stuffing ballot boxes at 1:30 am.
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these masonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other communist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
@@skydiver1013 Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these masonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other communist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well
@letsgorandall9848 Сағат бұрын
We still have open borders. Thanks kamalatoe.
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these masonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other communist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well.
@thesmilingtouristguide4931 Сағат бұрын
Stop the nonsensical name calling. Immature with no facts. That's why y'all viewed as dimwitted (we do laugh at you!!). Sad but true.
@danmac-d7w 49 минут бұрын
you should be blaming your hero hes the one who killed the bi partisan bill written i might add by a republican
@Christian-di8zu 2 сағат бұрын
Thank msdnc for showing us why we need to vote for Trump !!!
@hwnsrfaboy43 Сағат бұрын
Nah just you. The rest of the grownups going Harris
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these masonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other communist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well.
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
@@hwnsrfaboy43 Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these masonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other communist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well.
@Christian-di8zu Сағат бұрын
@@hwnsrfaboy43 Grown ups don’t need the government to babysit them !!!
@69Deez_Nutz69 Сағат бұрын
​@@Christian-di8zuhow ironic of you to say that gopnik kid, stay outta trouble and keep out of Ukraine.
@Crease17 2 сағат бұрын
NBC says "Republicans are the baddies and WE are the goodies and you can trust me, some rich guy on the TV" 😂
@2stepsforward3stepsback65 2 сағат бұрын
If u aren't a entrepreneur why does republican politics benefit you
@skydiver1013 2 сағат бұрын
@@2stepsforward3stepsback65 Because I am in a Labor Union and unlike Harris, Trump is on my side.
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these masonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other communist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
@@2stepsforward3stepsback65 Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these masonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other communist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
@@skydiver1013 Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these masonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other communist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well
@davidmhale521 Сағат бұрын
America needs change. Vote Trump.
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these masonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other communist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well.
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
I’m voting for trump
@americanpatriot6484 Сағат бұрын
Everyone is.
@robfalter2522 2 сағат бұрын
we are not going to elect a marxist. say goodnite harris😎
@cameronschreck3505 3 сағат бұрын
TRUMP 2024 🇺🇸
@LifeisLikeaBike 2 сағат бұрын
He can't be trusted with the "nuclear button".
@skydiver1013 2 сағат бұрын
@@LifeisLikeaBike and a communist like Kalama Harris can? I don't think so. Trump has a satisfactory record as President.
@michaelschriever1343 2 сағат бұрын
And if Trump becomes unable to work after 1 or 2 years, which seems quite possible for an 80-year-old man, the „great“ D.J.Vance will come to the top of the country. He would probably go straight to the employee in the Donat store with the nuclear suitcase under his arm to restore his EGO. Hallelujah !
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these masonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other communist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
@@LifeisLikeaBike Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these masonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other communist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well
@Anita-ts5ep 2 сағат бұрын
So many bots and trolls
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these masonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other communist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well.
@Christian-di8zu 2 сағат бұрын
Will democrats have us in WW3 before November ?????
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these masonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other communist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well.
@johnconnor1847 2 сағат бұрын
Remember when AOC said jewish space lasers? I sure do. It was very Weird!
@countrygirl3109 2 сағат бұрын
Get your facts straight. That was Marjorie Taylor Green when she suggested in a 2018 Facebook post that a Jewish-financed laser beam ignited one of the worst wildfires in California's history.
@Anita-ts5ep 2 сағат бұрын
You mean Margery Taylor Green.
@countrygirl3109 Сағат бұрын
@@johnconnor1847 Get your facts straight. That was Margorie Taylor Green in a 2018 post suggesting that jewish space lasers caused a California wildfire.
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
@@countrygirl3109 Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these masonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other communist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
@@Anita-ts5ep Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these masonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other communist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well
@ronacosta2903 31 минут бұрын
Anyone else notice the only two black dudes leaving at 16:44?
@Lilian-cs6on 2 сағат бұрын
Poor MSNBC is in full panic mode as they realize Kamala is going to lose BIGLY 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these masonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other communist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well.
@WarGasm-d9q Сағат бұрын
Trump surging in all polls!
@hwnsrfaboy43 Сағат бұрын
H/W 🩵💙2024
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these masonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other communist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well.
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