Crufts 2016 - German Shepherd Best of Breed

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On day 3 of Crufts 2016 Mr D Hall judged the German Shepherds and awarded the Bitch CC to Cruaghaire Catoria and the Dog CC went to Ch Yupp Vom Hammelsbacher Hof. Watch his decision for Best of Breed here.

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@FinlandiaWhiteEyes 8 жыл бұрын
Used to have GSDs when I was younger. Looked nothing like this. Sickening and heartbreaking to see those fiercely loyal, intelligent eyes shining out from a body that looks pretty much crippled. If these people loved their dogs, they would not have bred them like this. Does not surprise me that the coverage of the Group judging tonight did not show this dog on the move.
@nicbeard2855 8 жыл бұрын
Thanks for all the comments, I so agree with all of you. I have German Shepherds with straight backs and great hip scores. They have fantastic agility stamina and are super fast and strong. They would never be accepted at Crufts because they are Old school original form. When I see what these breeders and Crufts have done to create some twisted idea of what a German shepherd should be like, It feels me with disgust. Crufts should be investigated and charged with inciting cruelty to animals. So many breeds have had really bad health issues bred into them because of these people.
@annixwolf3973 8 жыл бұрын
+Nic Beard from which kennel did you buy them? i do not know any who have normal german shepherds... exept working lines, but in working lines dogs have spine problems (backbone) and most GSD i know are frustrated, nervous or agressive.
@michelle88960 8 жыл бұрын
I agree with you totally. My GS had a straight back and I met somebody when I was out walking, who told me that my dog would never win any prizes as a "proper" GS. I said I don't care about prizes, I just want him to have a long and happy, painless life, that meant more than any money or sodding rosette. My friend had a GS who lived to 17, he had a lovely straight back. I doubt this GS will see 5.
@pazrexthegermanshepherd4745 8 жыл бұрын
+Annix Wolf working lines don't have any back problems unless the dogs have a sagging straight back. You want the back to be Level and balanced, not completely straight. If the back is perfectly straight the dog has a higher risk of getting injured while jumping or running. If you see nervous dogs it's probably because they aren't reputable breeders. Working lines are high drive dogs but never nervous and always calm when they need to be
@keithgriffiths9864 2 жыл бұрын
My GSD had a lovely straight back, he had a wonderful temperament, never visited the vet, except for vaccinations, and lived to 13.5yrs old.
@delPigeon 8 жыл бұрын
Don't think eminent dog shows like Crufts should be rewarding this level of deformity. If they stopped encouraging it, then it would stop happening. These dogs have the same topline as a giraffe...
@JILLYKEAT 8 жыл бұрын
Poor dog! Shame on the breeder and the judge. This is so bad for a wonderful breed. I have owned GSDs for 30 years and seeing this dog brought tears to my eyes.
@michelle88960 8 жыл бұрын
+Jilly Keat Me too. I thought they were trying to breed this sloping posture out of them. So cruel.
@akcgermanshepherdbreedinfo2591 8 жыл бұрын
+michelle88960 they are trying... But then again these dogs are" roached" backed dogs not sloped back dogs. The" sloped"back dogs are the American Showlines which have been improved. The slope is now very slight.
@Joshj4986 Жыл бұрын
I have a slope back’d gsd and I firstly would like to say I agree they should have a straight back, but! We shouldn’t be coming arguing with the owners because they all deserve a home.
@susanthorntonbond3569 8 жыл бұрын
UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!!! You don't need to be an expert to see that dog is deformed, the judge needs glasses and the Kennel Club needs abolishing
@jogolock1190 8 жыл бұрын
The UK Kennel club are shameful for allowing this to go on, I thought they cleaned up their act. That judge should never be allowed to judge a dog show again.
@Zebra-dogs 8 жыл бұрын
I know nearly nothing about the breed standards but I do know that they shouldn't run like they're crippled.
@feorag 8 жыл бұрын
That judge should be stopped from judging. Both those dogs have roach backs, since when did a GSD have a roach back. The back should be straight, the slope caused only by the way the dog is 'stacked' for showing.
@asrieladams9914 8 жыл бұрын
+feorag no it should not be a straight back but sadly they have been bred with such exaggartion since the 1970's when GSD were at there finest. eg google BRitas german sheperds
@feorag 8 жыл бұрын
Sorry, but I beg to differ - the standard clearly says "Back between withers and croup, straight, strongly developed, not too long" and that's what it should be straight is flat, roach is not. I don't need to google GSDs, I know what they used to look like and I know what SHOW ones look like now. My 7 year old German Shepherd has a straight back!
@LifeIsAJourney4Us 8 жыл бұрын
That is disgusting. That is a deformed dog who can barely walk. They have ruined a fantastic working breed. My GSD is west germ. He is flat back and runs like the wind...How utterly disgusting....
@wellforth 8 жыл бұрын
WTF That dogs back looks like a slide and it walks like its drunk... That judge as not got a clue
@Drobium77 8 жыл бұрын
HEALTHY GSD'S , ARE THE ONES USED BY THE POLICE!! Not these poor, crippled animals :-( The kennel club need disbanding, they're becoming more and more deluded and cruel in their picking of dog breeds
@VintageTat 8 жыл бұрын
+Drobium77 I think the kennel club mentioned in the papers today that they were considering removing the GSD from any further competitions if the vets keep on approving animals with conformation like this. Hope they do and sort the breed out. Roach backs are cruel ): ):
@WelshBathBoy 8 жыл бұрын
+Drobium77 I agree this is sick, however the Kennel Club did try to stop this in 2010 but the breeders kicked up a fuss. So to be fair to the KC they have tried, but obviously not hard enough, they should tell the breeders of this type of GSD that it is unacceptable.
@Drobium77 8 жыл бұрын
WelshBathBoy the 'breeders' are like the 'dealers'
@OfficialMixture 8 жыл бұрын
show breeders don't pay attention to the dogs temperaments and drives
@akcgermanshepherdbreedinfo2591 8 жыл бұрын
+KatjaKat01 the KC actually did change the breed standard for the Gsd shortly after this happened.
@GrantyGame 8 жыл бұрын
The judge and owners are sick humans, they should not be allowed these dogs
@Vipersword100 8 жыл бұрын
Absolutely horrible. Those poor dogs aren't fit for purpose not to mention the horrible pain those dogs will have to go through later on in life.
@iriscardy5213 8 жыл бұрын
I have grown up with GSDs, have been looking at my old pictures of my strong proud dogs, looking at the two poor deliberately crippled dogs makes me want to weep, ifs obvious why the police rarely use them.
@wellingtonboots 8 жыл бұрын
I'm fortunate enough to work with GSD police dogs, they are no way similar to this, more of a working strain. This show type can barely walk let alone achieve what they are bred for! :(
@googleisshittoss 8 жыл бұрын
Mr Hall should be struck off..and GSD's removed from Crufts, until their breeders get their act together!..absolute disgrace!
@tdk9518 8 жыл бұрын
+googleisshittoss The KC appointed him. There are people at head office there that have influence over who judges. I know who is guiding the choice of judge in several breeds. Would be interested to know how this person was chosen as he doesn't appear to have many champ show appointments behind him.
@tdk9518 8 жыл бұрын
+Td K I take that back. He has 12 previous appointments.
@Tonofhats 8 жыл бұрын
In case you haven't seen, The Kennel Club have addressed the situation and realise that the dog doesn't look healthy and have talked about it in last nights show what they intend to do, so at least it hasn't been swept under the carpet, and hopefully they will advise the owner to take the dog and receive proper veterinary care.
@ilovecanines 8 жыл бұрын
+TonOfHats Well, duh. I'm no judge and I could see it. They responded out of public pressure - well good.
@marionmcvey7633 8 жыл бұрын
Words fail me. I wept for this poor dog. When will the KC and the judges ever learn.
@ElviraChadfly 8 жыл бұрын
That's a novelty pet. It looks like a CGI alien from a scifi movie. I like my German Shepherds with a level back and a strong springy gait. Those have been crippled by selective breeding.
@googleuser2082 8 жыл бұрын
This is a DISGRACE to Crufts and GSD owners. This GSD should never have even been entered into Crufts, let alone win! Hip Scoring is an absolutely critical part of GSD breeding and it has been completely ignoring in this case. I will never watch Crufts again! I have owned German Shepherds all my life and so have my parents. The judge needs to be fired immediately and the winner changed. That poor dog could barely walk, in another couple of years it will have all sorts of issues. THAT IS NOT A REAL BREEDER.
@billyvalentine7955 8 жыл бұрын
+Ryan Banks Movement isn't a good indicator of CHD, have seen many a dog, and a number of GSD's who move like a dream and have hip scores that are off the charts. The hip grading systems in use are far from reliable in a lot of ways too but apparently there's now a DNA test for CHD predisposition for GSD's which will hopefully reduce the incidence further.
@saramorgan6606 8 жыл бұрын
+Billy Valentine That test for CHD predisposition has been around since my 7 year old was a puppy and is standard along with vision testing for all French breeders and KC. So please don't act as if it is some new thing that a UK breeder would not know about. The breeders of these two GSD know and so does the UK Kennel Club and certainly Crufts should know too. These both are pathetic unhealthy dogs and to say these are breed standard is just STUPID CRUEL THOUGHTLESS!! If this is the standard that CHANGE IT NOW!! no more excuses.
@billyvalentine7955 8 жыл бұрын
+Sara Morgan I wasn't suggesting that at all, the predisposition study I read about was dated July 2015 and some of these tests are not widely known about around the rest of the world, or the research widely accepted. What I was saying is that movement alone isn't a reliable indicator of CHD, I made no comment on whether or not these 2 dogs are breed standard or not.
@saramorgan6606 8 жыл бұрын
+Billy Valentine Owners of pedigree dogs in UK and Europe should know what tests are available to prevent terrible genetic defects and so should reliable breeders and just reading about a test available widely since 2009 in 2015 is a bit behind. I am not talking about vets and/or dogs from underdeveloped countries or non European. But I am pointing my finger at breed standards set by and accepted by UK Kennel Club, Crufts, and other international show venues where breed standards are issued that are the root cause of such DEFORMED dogs. These DEFORMED dogs rated applause at Crufts and become the stud service and higher prices for the puppies of these so called champions----increasing the incidence of genetic diseases that are preventable into the gene pool. Every dog with papers from France and Belgium and Holland that I have seen since 2006 shows lineage as far back as possible plus an A B or C rating for tests on at least 2 prior generations for hip dysplasia, eye problems, etc. And I am talking about breed standards, CRUELTY, IRRESPONSIBILITY, greed. If you do not see crowning dog that looks like this as BOB as dangerous, then I have nothing more to say.
@EC2019 8 жыл бұрын
+Ryan Banks The thing is, the BOB winning bitch has been hip scored. Her result is 13 which is the breed average and a pretty good score, indicating she does not have hip dysplasia. Hip scoring is only a check of how the ball and socket joint of the hip looks under x-ray, which is a system wide open to interpretation and opinion-based grading in the first place. It is not a score of how soundly the dog moves or stands in its normal everyday life, but a grading of skeletal structure. Frankly the problem with this bitch is not to do with her skeleton per se but her very loose ligaments. The issue here isn't hip scoring but the fact that this bitch has been bred to be "overtype", i.e. totally exaggerated in all the characteristics which define a GSD as a breed (so has the dog, for that matter). These dogs are West German Showline GSDs, a type/style of GSD which now dominates the breed in Europe. While in theory the KC standard applies, in practice the breed specialists are judging and breeding to the demands of the SV, which is basically the West German Showline GSD club, located in Germany. (A notable example here is the curve in the back, which in the SV's interpretation is not a curve in the back at all because the "back" is only a small portion of the topline of the dog, not the whole spine from neck to tail-root, and by that interpretation they would say that both these dogs have straight backs). This is why there is such a profound change in the type of the breed in the last few decades. Those who prefer other styles of GSD such as the DDR (East German) type, the old British "Alsatian" type, or other more moderate types find themselves out of favour in the show rings and so have given up trying to win. Only when these other types of GSD come back into the breed rings in any kind of numbers will there be any movement away from the hot mess of this year's Crufts situation.
@HeidiKarinaOnyx 8 жыл бұрын
Disgusting. As a veterinary nurse it is shocking to see the amount of dogs with hip dysplasia let alone the GSDs on crufts- stupid stuck up programme
@lewisbrown7276 8 жыл бұрын
Absolutely disgraceful!!! So much for the kennel club saying that they were revising breed standards... So the KC think it's OK to put through a dog that is so sloped and can hardly bloody walk!!! I'll stick to my two "square back" type thank you, at least they don't look like they are going to collapse at every step!!! VERY telling how the Pastoral Group judging showed EVERY dog being run up except for the German Shepherd!!! Come on Kennel Club and sort this mess out!!! 😤😧😤
@annhutton497 8 жыл бұрын
These poor dogs, I could cry! They look deformed! How can the Kennel Club be allowing this cruelty!!!!! 😡
@jogateshill2136 8 жыл бұрын
I agree - I have 2 straight backs who are really healthy. No chance at Crufts though!! I was there today and thought it was sad that this hasn't been addressed by the KC
@evelynwhite4478 8 жыл бұрын
When I watched the highlights of the Group judging on TV I found it pretty strange the GSD was the only breed they didn't show a clip of in movement...who am I kidding. I know exactly why they didn't.
@WWolfendale 8 жыл бұрын
I've owned GSD s for 30 years and I am still amazed at this practice, tell me how that dog would cope with mountain life, caring for her flock. Not the proud and noble dogs I own.
@melissalatchem4827 8 жыл бұрын
The Kennel Club "say" they are trying to address some of the breeding problems, and then allow this poor creature to be held up as a prime example of what a GSD should look like? Disgraceful promotion of cruelty
@TheSheaminator 8 жыл бұрын
it's absolutely disgusting what they've done to this beautiful breed of dog
@MichelleNguyen07 8 жыл бұрын
Neither of these dogs encompass the beauty of the German Shepherd. I understand that working and show lines are different but the hunchbacks on these dogs is unforgivable.
@cosworthlady 8 жыл бұрын
I actually can't get my head around this and how bad these dogs are. Shame on the breeders and owners and especially the kennel club.
@stevep119 8 жыл бұрын
how the hell did that win it slopes like a bastard and can't even walk properly well done crufts for encouraging breeders to breed dogs with more health problems
@peterdefrankrijker 8 жыл бұрын
You are 100% right! I've had to put down several GS dogs as young as 1,5 yrs because of degenerative myelopathy and severe HD. It is ALL the breeders' fault. They have selected on low hindquarters without, for a minute, considering the health of the breed. And no, don't tell me you breed what the customer wants - the customer wants a healthy dog. Breed that - for a change! These judges should be tarred and feathered.
@Warrendoe 8 жыл бұрын
Just appalling this has to be stopped.
@curtis6472 8 жыл бұрын
I don't know anything about crufts this video just popped up in my feed, why are people so angry at this video.
@thegranddredd 8 жыл бұрын
+Curtis Qwertis the dog that wins doesn't match the criteria to win, something to do with its back legs
@germanshepherdforty3 8 жыл бұрын
The slow motion video of this dog's movement in the group judging clearly shows, that it drags the back feet. This breed is nothing more than a deformed mutant now, the nickname frog dog is very appropriate now for them. Heartbreaking to watch what was once a magnificent breed and so graceful in movement.
@CeliaHaddoncats 8 жыл бұрын
The judge should be ashamed of himself.
@glenturner3583 8 жыл бұрын
The poor dogs are deformed. This is disgusting and the sponsor should be ashamed of themselves. I won't be buying their product.
@AceBlaggard 8 жыл бұрын
Hoping this gets coverage on Channel 4 this evening, let them know via Twitter, email and Facebook that you want it discussed and that Noel Fitzpatrick is included in the discussion. Don't let the Kennel Club ignore it or spin their way out of it, they approve this breed standard.
@sniperbrook82 8 жыл бұрын
@raisingyourpetsnaturally 8 жыл бұрын
OMG! That is so incredibly sad. I can't believe that poor dog even made it into a dog show, yet alone won best of breed. I do not want to lose our breeds, so I believe in good breeding, but this is awful.
@swavis589 8 жыл бұрын
Those dogs look bloody disabled. Disgusting!! :(
@TheManiac777 8 жыл бұрын
Best of breed? I don't think so unless it was being run by Quasimodo! Poor dogs look deformed and crippled, not fit for the purpose they were originally bred for at all
@cotswoldseeker5609 8 жыл бұрын
I have never watched Crufts before..until now..never again. I just can't believe what I am seeing- I am honestly wondering if the judge may not be psychologically well. How can anyone in their right mind think that that is a healthy and strong looking dog: I honestly feel almost tearful in watching this. This may sound a bit strong, but this is how I feel just now. Poor poor dogs. I hope with all my heart that this never happens again. I have never owned a shepherd- but I have always found them to be beautiful, strong and powerful dogs. For them to be reduced to this is almost unbelievable. I am so very glad that so many people have spoken out against this abuse- hopefully, this will bring it to an end.
@angelaibbotson8362 8 жыл бұрын
I have been showing, breeding and recently judging Alsatians(GSDs) at championship level and these dogs are the result of the decimation of our lovely breed over the last 30-40 years. When I started showing Alsatians(GSDs) this type were just beginning to be imported from Germany and breeders who had always had the correct Alsatian type began to be brainwashed into thinking these would improve the breed. I have always likened it to the tale of 'the Emperors New Clothes!!!!! I am heartened by all your comments but as our judges who judge the correct type of Asatian(GSD) are rarely if ever invited to judge Crufts you will not be able to see a true specimen of our beautiful noble breed in the future.
@stevemiddleton4316 8 жыл бұрын
As an owner of 2 perfectly happy, straight backed GSDs, this is disgusting. The Kennel Club, the judges and especially the irresponsible breeders all need to hang their heads. These dogs will suffer horrendously in later life. Appalled!
@shannonfisher2011 8 жыл бұрын
R U kidding me it actually put a lump in my throat to watch this! That so called judge should be disbanded. Apparently there is no compassion for these breeds both more than obvious having "hip displacia" Sickness me that almighty dollar rules again. :'(
@billyvalentine7955 8 жыл бұрын
+Shannon Fisher It's not obvious hip dysplasia, this can't be accurately determined through their movement, not all dogs show signs of CHD through their movement and not all dogs with poor movement have CHD.
@timoreiswolf3313 8 жыл бұрын
+Billy Valentine It's no matter of hip dysplasia, its a matter of agony breeding. Nothing more or less. That's just a cripple, nothing more.
@shannonfisher2011 8 жыл бұрын
Billy Valentine​​ I do not want to offend u Ms Valentine but I am a owner of the breed for 50 years been a dairy farmer forever I work with veterinarians everyday and most r close friends. One of them just wrote a journal on this. He showed me the video. U R correct about the CHD but 4 vets concurred it as CHD. Please don't take this as me being a smart xxx These vets have been doing clinic work with animals many years.  Your opinion is your opinion.
@billyvalentine7955 8 жыл бұрын
+Shannon Fisher Hip Dysplasia can't be accurately and reliably determined through movement alone, especially not in a video or are you suggesting these 4 Vets have examined this dog and her x-rays and confirmed CHD?
@billyvalentine7955 8 жыл бұрын
+Timor Eiswolf I know it's not but a lot of people are assuming, due to it's movement that this dog must have hip dysplasia which is as unhealthy as assuming a beautifully moving dog doesn't.
@flyballcollie 8 жыл бұрын
The Kennel Club is a disgrace for allowing creatures like this (I won't call them German Shepherds because they don't even look like the breed should be). Shame on the breeders who breed these over angulated roach backed animals, and shame on the judges who appear to have no knowledge of what the correct conformation is for this dog.
@ilovecanines 8 жыл бұрын
Painful to watch, not just the horrible breeding, but poor handling on these dogs.
@saramorgan6606 8 жыл бұрын
+ilovecanines The handlers looked as if they were choking the dogs in order to carry it and move it along in the ring. Both handlers should also have to explain their actions and at the least be fined. Personally I think they should be banned along with the head of the UK Kennel Club and Breed Club who allowed the breed standard to be so awful and deformed.
@EC2019 8 жыл бұрын
+Sara Morgan But the thing is, neither of these dogs meet the KC breed standard. They are highly faulty. The KC has come out and stated that they are not happy that the judge made this choice. This is a result of judging to breed fashions, not to the actual written breed standard which calls for a straight back, no falling away at the croup, says that absolute soundness of movement is essential and says the dog should never be nervous, over-aggressive or shy. The head of the KC has nothing to do with this. It is the judge and the breeders who are at fault.
@saramorgan6606 8 жыл бұрын
+Éadaoin Ishii (Kazeshimasou) Thank you for clarifying. However, I do think that KC in UK and Crufts have a public obligation to assure that breed lines produce sound and healthy dogs. Public censure would be a good thing! How awful that it is not only the tiny fashionista doggies with their diamond studded collars carried around in Kelley and Birkin handbags all day that are being bred for fashion!!! Enough of a public outcry can stop this abuse. I know this is a possibility because when I lived in California a particular breeder was really running a puppy farm with her bitches constantly pregnant and the puppies dying from an assortment of ailments related to inbreeding and stress between 1 year and 3 years old. Can you imagine how sad this is for the family, especially for the children, who have adopted the puppy at 10 -12 weeks when the defects were not visible? Both the breed club and the KC put this breeder on a black list---but I guess that was before PC stupidity. I remain outraged!
@EC2019 8 жыл бұрын
+KatjaKat01 The KC do not police judges on the day. They are mainly a record-keeping office in London, just like most KCs around the world. It is the breed clubs which educate, train and qualify the judges, not the KC directly. What has happened in the GSD is that the more extreme West German Showline dogs (those seen in this video) and those that favour them have become fashionable since the 80s. Those who favour the older straight-backed type have been essentially forced out of the breed club hierarchy by those who would emulate the Germans (the Germans who themselves have taken their own breed far away from the original vision of its creator), who have now become the majority. It becomes a self-perpetuating system because those who put forward the judges are those who have a vested interest to see that their own type of dog is promoted. Many judges then will seek to ensure they get further appointments from the same breed clubs by choosing dogs for the awards which will please those who select the judges, or indeed putting up the dogs which belong to people who will soon be judging themselves in the hope of the favour being returned. It is a problem in many breeds and it is the biggest reason why many have stopped bothering with dog shows much at all. You'd be surprised how many judges know or care little about actual breed standards. The GSD standard in the UK is actually excellent in terms of describing a sound dog, if only it were adhered to. I couldn't help but feel those lovely GSDs in the police display would make fine Best of Breed winners under the actual breed standard.
@vegasrenie 8 жыл бұрын
+É Ishii I showed Bernese Mountain Dogs many years ago (the 80s, mostly) and wondered about the GSDs even then. Seeing these two poor dogs now just makes me shudder. Thank you for the education. That at least explains some of it, but it's all inexcusable.
@johnpearson1689 8 жыл бұрын
I've always had German Shepherds and I love the breed but what the hell were those ? The dog wasn't great , the bitch was awful and it was nervous . It's supposed to be a breed that can work all day everyday guarding a flock , those looked like cripples , no wonder the Group judge didn't waste time looking at the BoB . The Kennel Club really need to sort this breed out asap . It's noticeable that the continental police forces are looking more and more to the Belgium Shepherd as they are a sounder breed more capable of being able to do the work compared to the modern German Shepherd . They are destroying the breed if they keep on breeding like this .
@christinee3126 8 жыл бұрын
RIP The German Shepherd Dog
@Beadifferent 8 жыл бұрын
I emailed the Kennel Club after watching this poor dog, I was appalled at the sloping back, I have kept GSD's for 45 years and they have all had straight backs, what was the breeder/judge/handler thinking even entering this dog? I see they mentioned it last night.
@michelleb7851 8 жыл бұрын
What a disgrace. These poor animals bred to such a way that they can't walk correctly. The owners of these poor animals should feel ashamed. I would never purchase a German shepherd from their litter and I hope everyone else would stay well away too. Crufts should ban this breed in their shows. poor poor animals.
@maciefergal1675 8 жыл бұрын
The Crufts Facebook page is being bombarded with complaints. It is just heart-breaking. How much longer can we stand by and not insist that something is done about the state of this breed?
@gailharrison5879 8 жыл бұрын
Those dogs do not look healthy. They look to be in lots of pain. so sad
@Ferniegair 8 жыл бұрын
This is a sad day in the history of such a beautiful and noble breed. To be reduced to this wreck of dog, the KC, judges and breeders should hang their heads in shame. You'd never see any police force in the world trying to use a dog like this. Definitely NOT fit for function.
@anjatveteras3990 8 жыл бұрын
the breed is completely ruined if these are the best examples of the GSD
@WattWood 8 жыл бұрын
+Anya they certainly are not just look up Iron von de wolfen .. thats a german shepherd , dogs like these have been bred to conform to the twisted minds of kennel club judges ... they are not a reflection of the breed
@Steve27775 8 жыл бұрын
These people don't care about animals.
@mariahenderson9425 8 жыл бұрын
I owned GSDs for many years as did my family . Thankfully our beauties were straight backed and went nowhere near a show ring . They looked noble and stunning. Compare a working police dog or guide dog to these poor show quality animals (????) and you will see an absolutely beautiful dog. I think this breed should not be shown until this obvious DEFECT is eradicated.
@moozymaxwell242 8 жыл бұрын
Can't believe the applause... What the heck is there to clap about. You all should be completely ashamed the damage & cruel disfigurement done to this once active, fit & healthy breed. These poor examples of poor dogs are completely suffering having to be strung up just to move them and hoisted around as they can't move themselves. That is not something to clap about or be proud of. Poor dogs.
@kerensabirch5214 8 жыл бұрын
I don't think these dogs are in pain (at this stage in their lives, at least) but it does look bizarre. Such a beautiful and graceful breed has been allowed to mutate into this ridiculous and potentially harmful shape. There need to be new guidelines drawn up bringing them back to a healthier standard.
@saramorgan6606 8 жыл бұрын
+Kerensa Birch I grew up with champions and have had beautiful healthy happy show dogs all my 60 plus years--these dogs were clearly in pain and practically being held up by their handlers! Trendy is not necessarily healthy or smart for humans or for dogs!
@larryashurst7229 8 жыл бұрын
BOB? Does that mean 'Best of broken' by any chance?
@meyarz 8 жыл бұрын
The frog dog returns... Disgraceful, shame on you Kennel Club!!
@grantstanners9506 8 жыл бұрын
Crufts has never been about the dogs, it is just about who knows who they should put leads on the breeders and run them around the ring...
@jeriksson7686 8 жыл бұрын
@linimurawski 8 жыл бұрын
They have to stop rewarding breeding that is crippling the dogs. This is not the standard that a responsible breeder should aspire to achieve.
@paul1962uk 8 жыл бұрын
the judge should be ashamed, high time the KC an the breed council got a wake up call!
@KoznarovaKaterina 8 жыл бұрын
unbelievable, I feel so sorry for the breed in general and this particular decision is just shocking and sad :-(
@alisontalbot5971 8 жыл бұрын
BLOODY HORRIBLE. I had a stunning GSD with a lovely straight back and he lived until 14 yrs old. He came out with us when riding in the woods and alsorts so he had a very full life. These probably couldn't make it a few miles. And what sort of pain will they go through when they are half of my dogs age. Wrong, wrong, wrong.
@bigskybcs 8 жыл бұрын
Disgusting. When will breed clubs put an end to this horror. They look DEFORMED. Repulsive.
@clairehenderson970 8 жыл бұрын
Absolutely shocking. These dogs are not fit for purpose. The poor dogs will suffer from chronic back pain at a relatively young age due to the horrific standard that they are being bred to. The judges should be ashamed of themselves for putting such poor specimens through.
@kailua2211 8 жыл бұрын
pitty for the breed
@SteelFrosty4Spottys 8 жыл бұрын
I'm just your usual animal lover and don't know anything about conformation but even I can see these poor dogs aren't moving right because if the way their back slopes. Saw a pug the other day too that was that show bred it couldn't breathe because its nose was so squished. It's about time judges chose the normal looking dogs rather than the supposed show standard that beggars belief that anyone could think looked OK. These people who own and show them cannot be animal lovers. They are nothing more than pot hunters.
@thebeardedcountryman 8 жыл бұрын
this is cruel
@samboyd45 8 жыл бұрын
absolutley disgusting !!!!! best of breed ??????
@Rimfaxe96 8 жыл бұрын
I wonder what people buy such dogs. I'd never buy an anatomically crippled dog. Hell, I've seen 3 legged dogs who walk better than this!
@Snowleopard755 8 жыл бұрын
What makes this even more disgusting, is that in 2008 the BBC screened a programme "The trouble with pedigree dogs" in which a vet said "The dogs are falling apart". The programme was most distressing (still available here on KZbin, the title in in Spanish, but the documentary is in the original English ) showing Cavalier King Charles spaniels rolling about screaming in agony because they've been bred with skulls too small for their brains. Instead of being shame faced, the Kennel Club complained that it had not been given the right of reply (beyond my understanding what reply could be given to the physical veterinary evidence been shown) and their complaint was upheld by Ofcom and here we are, eight years later, with a dog that literally looks like it is falling apart with a handler seeming to have to hold it up to stop it collapsing, winning 'Best of Breed'.Let's not forget though, the role that snobbery and fashion play in perpetuating the existence of these badly deformed dogs, which often cost upwards of £1000. There was a time when Pugs, probably the breed with the greatest number of health problems overall (prone to EIGHT different eye problems alone owing to being bred with exophthalmic eyes - imagine the pain of that) were rarely seen, now they are everywhere as they are the latest fashionable dog (along with another flat faced dog, the French Bulldog). If people didn't buy these badly deformed dogs, then the breeders and possibly the Kennel Club would go out of business.Although there is a degree of overbreeding occurring in the cat world, there are breeds, popular in America, which the Governing Body of the Cat Fancy in the UK refuse to recognise e.g. the Munchkin (a cat with dwarfism) and the Scottish Fold ( a genetic mutation that causes musco-skeletal problems as the cat gets older). Also, most cat lovers seem less likely to accept extreme distortion of cats e.g. the extreme wedge shaped head that the Siamese was bread with proved unpopular with ordinary people who preferred the traditional Siamese with a normal cat shaped head.
@DanielBlaney 8 жыл бұрын
+Snowleopard755 agreed. Unfortunately the stupid flat face persians and Exotic shorthair seem to be the most popular purebreds now. People really just need to go to their local shelter and adopt a domestic shorthair/longhair. There is so many cats out there that need homes.
@puppytraininguk836 8 жыл бұрын
Next time the Kennel Club discuss dog welfare just refer them to this. A KC appointed judge awarding the best of breed to a dog that is clearly and absolutely been bred to a shape where it could not be "Fit for Purpose" Disgraceful.
@indydyna 8 жыл бұрын
Shame on you Kennel Club, what a awful dog. He is not capeble of walking normal. what a bad back.
@00Kal00 8 жыл бұрын
What the hell are these?! And... where's Rumor?! Not a fan of this breed in general, but I'd rather see Rumor winning again than these guys even near a show ring.
@KelseyTVS 8 жыл бұрын
Both of those dogs are unwell, but the runner up was definitely looking better. Representatives from Crufts and the Kennel Club have given an interview about how this BOB winner was appalling and they're considering banning GSDs from Crufts until they are healthy
@buzzard732 8 жыл бұрын
@germanshepherddoglover8853 8 жыл бұрын
This practice of breeding German Shepherd Dogs like has to STOP, NOW. How much pain are these dogs in. I've had GSD for over 30 years and ti see them looking deformed like this just breaks my heart. What was that judge thinking, he has done a huge disservice to the breed. They need to be breed with straight backs and pain free.
@azrua 8 жыл бұрын
These breeders should be ashamed of themselves, to breed dogs that will have major problems at some point is disgraceful. The Kennel Club and Crufts should put a stop to this and not for just German Shepherds. The judge that put this dog through should be banned from judging for life.
@andrewdavies9993 8 жыл бұрын
How the hell can that judge award the winner to that, he has just condoned bad breeding, it can't walk correctly, the owner looked like he was having to hold the poor dog up while he was walking around. I've had many German Shepherd and know how this breed can suffer with their hips due to bad breeding, I've got one at present, she is only 14month old and already had one hip replaced and now awaiting her other to be done next month, it's people like him ruining such a lovely loyal breed, plus what more its people like him would have the dog put to sleep as it "wouldn't meet their criteria". The kennel club need's to get a grip and ban this cruel breeding, otherwise this beautiful breed will be ruined for ever.
@elsekarinrosseb634 8 жыл бұрын
How can anyone in their right mind think that these dogs are healthy? They are almost down on their knees and can hardly walk.mshame on breeders,mshame on judges and shame on thenkennel clubs who are allowing this to go on!
@angelawootton5262 8 жыл бұрын
Absolutely disgusted by this - those poor dogs. It's time something was done about this worth the KC promoting ridiculous breed standards. If they the best of breed, it's a sad day for German Shepherds.
@Future_Ghost76 8 жыл бұрын
absolutely disgusting what the piss poor excuse for humans did to this once gorgeous breed. poor dogs POOR DOGS
@ElaineEverest 8 жыл бұрын
The dog show world is ashamed of this breed and what is happening. Please don't tar us all with the same brush. Most of us care for dogs and their health.
@dsmpf222 8 жыл бұрын
Appalling, Bob was sidewinding and roachbacked, the best of opportunities bunny hopped. If that's the best the UK can come up with, they should start over, startinG with rereading the breed standard.
@LongCoatGermanShepherds 8 жыл бұрын
There are breeders such as myself that focus on dogs that ARE straighter-backed, unlike this poor's horrific what dog shows have done to some lines of German Shepherd.
@asrieladams9914 8 жыл бұрын
+Long Coat German Shepherds Judges and the Kennel Club should of stamped down on it years ago that with the "Double Handling" but they did not as usual
@Sinpathie 6 жыл бұрын
And this is why I show poodles. Straight backs, their hocks never touching the ground, plus they’re plain beautiful! But.. on Facebook I just saw a picture of a poodle with a sloped back. Everyone was commenting “Beautiful!”. I hope that that dog never breeds or wins a show. I’d hate for poodles to be ruined as well.
@lillieannensorensen6512 8 жыл бұрын
Horrible! A best of breed that must be held up in order to walk. That judge...does she drink?
@Len4847 8 жыл бұрын
+Lillieannen Sorensen The Dog was being held back to prevent it from Gaiting if you look carefully, and the Judge... Was Male (A Man, if you look even more carefully) do you drink?
@lillieannensorensen6512 8 жыл бұрын
I don't drink enough to make those dogs look good. I'm an FCI group 5 judge. Most of the judges I know are women. I misspoke.
@caradubh 8 жыл бұрын
I know the Kennel Club is trying to improve breed standards for some breeds. But, this is absolutely appalling and certainly things need to move a lot faster in the GSD breed! This judge should be banned from ever judging dogs again. Total incompetence!!
@hugolord2436 8 жыл бұрын
Absolute disgrace. Modern breeding has completely screwed up the rear end of the GSD. What is the matter with judges and breeders?
@mikedavies9983 8 жыл бұрын
I agree with all these comments it's an embarrassment, the judge should never be allowed near a dog and the kennel club have to see sense. Look up the GSD origin and see what they should look like.
@davidpenman3150 8 жыл бұрын
This dog was given BoB? #WTF
@divinesalon339 8 жыл бұрын
it's disgusting they need to check the history of the dog how they ment to look! they not boverd about the health issues they will encounter. the judge at KC need putting down!
@TheManic1112 8 жыл бұрын
Agree with a comment below that the GS should be removed from shows until any and all deformities are corrected. Has the judge the power to say he can't judge the breed because of the deformity in the ring ?
@kenbrooks7794 8 жыл бұрын
All the Judges at all the Champshows have to shoulder the blame...... if they didn't 'put up' these type of dogs Breeders wouldn't breed them like it.
@lukasdano6888 2 жыл бұрын
Sick competition!!!
@michellecotter7017 8 жыл бұрын
Neither one should have competed for BOB or allowed to compete.
@georginabrown5321 8 жыл бұрын
The demise of a wonderful breed. Topline and backends of a crippled breed. They need to look a the breed 40 years ago to remember w2hat a sound dog should look like...
@sallybradbury2334 8 жыл бұрын
What has happened to the breed I used to love? The breed that got me started in agility 30 years ago. Just awful to see. :(
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