Cyborg 009: Call of Justice - All Accelerations

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Күн бұрын

This wasn't too tedious to make.
It was only roughly 400 minutes of footage I had to go through compared to the absolute giant amount of time that The Cyborg Soldier put me through.
That being said, editing this video was such was a pain, because from all the sources I used to make this, the video was either too silent or corrupted to hell and back.
Because of that, some subtitles and parts of the video have sound/visual errors I may have failed to remove/fix and sudden subtitle font changes in order to have legible subtitles.
Acceleration Info:
The Accelerator is capable of mach-speed movement.
When in Acceleration mode, time appears to be completely frozen for the person in it.
It's incapable of going faster than lightning, unless it works in-tandem with a dormant superhuman speed ability.
When the Accelerator works in-tandem with the dormant superhuman speed, it is capable of going beyond the speed of light and reaching past an event horizon, reaching a place beyond and between dimensions.
When the Accelerator works in-tandem with Natural Superhuman Speed, it's capable of allowing the user to "go beyond the light" and see the future.
The combination of the Accelerator and Natural Superspeed is incapable of reversing time and undoing events, and the only one incident of it happening likely only occurred due to the shaman Blessed, Rajiv, and his ability to show illusions.
It's entirely possible to hit and fight a cyborg in acceleration mode if you're capable of predicting future trajectories and using projectiles faster than the cyborg to hit them, like Arnold Knox/Maxwell's Demon.
It's entirely possible to no-sell a cyborg in acceleration mode if you have a strong-enough barrier, such as a psychic barrier, to deflect any and all attacks that can be thrown, like Edward Higgins.
It's entirely possible to fight a cyborg in normal time if you're capable of thinking and predicting faster than a cyborg in acceleration mode, or have enough experience in combat where no matter how fast a cyborg in acceleration mode is, you can predict their next move from experience and only bother thinking of your next move, like Emperor.
It's entirely possible to neutralize a human, and I'd also assume a cyborg, moving at accelerated speed by restraining them, and also possibly by moving faster than accelerated speed, such as Jet's flight pushed to its max.
Natural Human Acceleration that appears in humans via the synthetic virus overclocking them rivals the speed of the Accelerator.
The Accelerator likely has been overclocking Joe since the first time he ever used it, which via the limiter in the Accelerator, allowed Joe to safely be overclocked, and with Rajiv's help, it unlocked Joe's Dormant Superhuman speed.
It's implied that Joe unlocked Dormant Superhuman Speed due to the Accelerator, since Catalina states that it functions similarly to the synthetic virus, and what allowed Joe to accelerate and save Francoise despite the accelerator seemingly not properly working due to Rajiv, and I believe Joe struggled to utilize his Dormant Superhuman Speed because he's used to using the Accelerator; he hasn't exactly learned or adapted to accelerate using himself, and only successfully did it after being put through a lot of stress, such as from seeing Francoise and Catalina get killed in their respective uses.
That being said, it's likely the accelerator was working during his time with Rajiv, as time slowed down, and it was likely confused as the natural experience of how time slows down during a panic rather than the accelerator kicking in; the accelerator went off when Joe used it, as his body wasn't truly changed, time effectively was frozen because of it, the rest of the events were an illusion from the accelerator to the point where Joe saved Francoise from death, and time didn't reverse.
It's unknown whether or not Joe truly can reverse time, due to Rajiv being able to create illusions, but if Ivan's words that Joe can't go back in time no matter how fast he moves is true, then my theory above is likely true.
It isn't made clear by the show, as it treats Joe's time-reversing feat as if it did happen, but Ivan's statement contradicts that it must've happened.
Either way, it appears Joe isn't capable of commanding the synchronization between his Accelerator and Dormant Superspeed at will, due to his lack of either experience or knowledge, to be consistently and always able to do things such as possibly reversing time, moving faster than lightning, and finally being able to go beyond the speed of light and break dimensional barriers at will.

Пікірлер: 128
@theonlysaberfan7755 Ай бұрын
This franchise diserves more respect, I was one of ishinomori's longest stories and should not be forgotten
@555kurosawa 2 жыл бұрын
@sigekodaira8106 Жыл бұрын
@sigekodaira8106 Ай бұрын
@@IamWone日本語で失礼します。翻訳してくださいね。 私は自分の内にある神を信じています。生まれた時から死んだ後まで私と共にある神です。誰からも、教育機関からも教えられずに自分の経験で理解、感得した高次のエネルギー存在です。それを何と呼ぶかを考えれば一般的に神というのが近いでしょうから、ここでも神と書かせてもらいます。 私が思うに、誰もが確実に神に愛されてるんですよ。その祝福とサポートを受けて生きている。感知するのに敏感な人に鈍感な人がいる違いなだけです。敏感であれば自然と感謝の氣持ちを持つものだし、そうでなければただ運がいいと思ってるのかもしれない。たとえそうだとしてもその人の品格が高くて人格が優れていて、邪に流されていかなければその人は既に神意に適って生きているんじゃないですかね。(人間すべてが罪人であるのはその通りだと私も思ってますが。私は自分の内なる要請に従って自分に赦しを与えました。) 宗教の欠点は、信者・非信者の線引きをして差別化し、互いに優位性を示したがるところですね。自分と仲間の教わった神だけが本物であって、他は全部偽物であると断定して疑ってみることをしない。従順て何ですか?。私は羊ではなくて人間なので、キリストやらに飼われることを拒否します。私だったら、羊の柵に囲い込まれたりせずに素直に彼の友になって、一緒に楽しく笑い合うことを望みますね。愛されて、自分も愛してるのならそうしたくなりませんか。 イエスが、キリストが望むことは「人間がしもべになる」ことではないと私は思います。だから、敬うけれどもへりくだらないです。 加速装置ごっこをしたというコメントに、神の話を持ってきたあなたのセンスにびっくりしました。でも感謝します。
@capscaps04 Ай бұрын
@@IamWone what´s with the retarded bible sermon?
@ninja8tyu Ай бұрын
​@@capscaps04 I went ahead and removed that bot's comments. They've been spamming it elsewhere here. ​ @sigekodaira8106 それはスパムロボット、無視するのが一番
@TheDoomsdayzoner 18 күн бұрын
Placebo Effect is a hell of a drug. (LoL) It can even allow you to survive immeasurable pain from the most dangerous wasp sting, and even last long enough after loosing alot of blood. The wasp sting thing happened to a kid in Latin America, and he happened to be a Dragon Ball Z fan, so he screamed like Goku, and raised his adrenaline high enough to suppress the pain from the Wasp's Poison. (Extremely painful, 9/10 by the pain scale, a person can die from Shock)
@sonokomorii7456 Жыл бұрын
これ、アニメだったのか...。 ゲームのムービー集めたのかと思った。
@shadowmoon1746 2 жыл бұрын
21:27 まさかの新旧島村ジョーの共演
@ジャン-b9p 2 жыл бұрын
この映画3部作見に行ったけど、これ3部作にする意味あるのかっと思うほどストーリーが突っ込み処の多すぎて酷かった。  あと、フルCGを生かした戦闘シーンの手抜き描写・・特に後半は加速装置を手抜きが出来るシーンだと思ったのか兎に角多用しすぎで飽きる。 最後に自分が3作中一番好きな突っ込みシーンは、フランソワーズが危険を冒してまで002を助けに行ったのに、ギルモアの一言で009の方に向かってしまうシーン、 まるで「002が心配・・でも私はジョーが好きなの!」みたいな感じで心で爆笑した、せめて002が居る現場を去る瞬間に少しでも後髪を引かれるシーンとか入れればつんな突っ込みも無い物なのに・・まあ、フランソワーズのピッチリスーツごしのケツだけ見たい人にはお勧めな映画だったな。
@Mexican00b Жыл бұрын
he broke time and space and causality and rewinded time in "real time", stop time and even go beyond the speed of light and btw dimensions!? wth!?
@takechan1965s 2 жыл бұрын
@匠気岩間 7 ай бұрын
@donskiver 4 ай бұрын
I know a lot of people who shit on this because it's not "real Cyborg 009". And yeah, I agree with you. But they took a risk, did something different, and ended up telling a rather compelling story. I like it. It's not the most incredible piece of anime ever made or anything, but it did its job and kept my entertained for a few hours.
@codyhale6368 4 ай бұрын
I have always known of Cyborg 009, but I never took time to seek it out. I found this show while in college and truly enjoyed what I saw! I do love this show!
@MarkATorres1989 2 ай бұрын
I personally enjoyed it, though I did have an extreme hate boner towards Catalina, even if she did sort of redeemed herself. Also just how easy the humans got manipulated bothered me. Either way, that last Hail Mary of Joe sending Emperor off the Event Horizon was excellent.
@shibukazz Жыл бұрын
このジョーの新解釈は嫌いじゃない。むしろ好き。 だが、フランソワーズがブスなのと瞳が青くないのは許せない。
@DavidWillamas 6 ай бұрын
@海瀬利夫 2 ай бұрын
@トメヒロ Ай бұрын
今どきの可愛い絵柄に寄せて作ってるが、ジョーとフランソワが中学生みたい。 あまりにも作品イメージ変えすぎ。 ワンピースみたいな、009には要らない幼い顔アレンジ。
@yasha4106 2 жыл бұрын
what a sad ending, 002 and 004 both dead , joe trapped in that dimension for the eternity and without 2 season 💔 wish they remake the 2001 009 anime but without touching the good character interarction and develop and i wish they add more romance between 003 and 009 (and the rest of the cast also) in this 003 and 009 it is seen that they have a relationship but at the same time it's like they're just friends? they didn't develop that part as much as the 2001 and re:cyborg version
@burningpegasus 2 жыл бұрын
They all survived. You can see the ending with all 9 of them together.
@bossshun9 Жыл бұрын
Sometimes, good heroes have to die so you can love and remember them.
@bossshun9 Жыл бұрын
That acceleration power never gets old. He ain't no Flash nor Quicksilver. He is 009. The fastest being on earth.
@comiccraze927 Жыл бұрын
In terms of speed powers, this is what other forms of media should do to show speed with style.
@ashwolf2006 9 ай бұрын
and in the 2001 anime's final season all of them ascended beyond being cyborgs, and his accelerator was beyond ftl if i remember.
@Udocoffee9 2 жыл бұрын
旧作時代の私は 加速装置! と唱えて走っていまいしたが 体重が災いして敵(鬼)に捕まっていました。
@ninja8tyu 2 жыл бұрын
Hopefully things have changed now! (DeepL) 今は変わっていることを祈ります!
@scarecrow9818 Жыл бұрын
同じく😃 ただし"くそくそー"って言ってました😂 そう聞こえてたから
@まーさん-x3k 2 жыл бұрын
好きな言葉は 「信長の野望」 「加速装置」
@腐乱死体-p2z 2 жыл бұрын
カタリーナが最高。巨乳、ピッチリスーツ、ハスキーボイスとか堪らん。 平成から入って漫画は全部読んだし、原作準拠でまた連続物を見たい。 ぶっちゃけ攻殻のついでにコレ作ってないか神山さん?
@富良野あき 11 ай бұрын
@luckysalt 2 жыл бұрын
戦闘服(スーツ?)がカッコいい。 アイアンマンっぽいが、金属というよりも特殊素材的な設定なんだろうな。
@klaatubaradanikuto7195 2 жыл бұрын
@SippoMofuru 2 жыл бұрын
@@klaatubaradanikuto7195 「防弾性能」が、あっても「対戦車ライフル」は、防げません。
@fukky635 Жыл бұрын
@バードバード-t7b Жыл бұрын
@ボウラリ 2 ай бұрын
@jamespaguip5913 7 ай бұрын
I like the 2D art better than 3D
@村上亘-p5y 2 жыл бұрын
@ヒゲゴリラ-l9j Жыл бұрын
まあまあCGの出来がアレやな… 特に木が笑
@loszhor Жыл бұрын
Wow, that last part was pretty deep. o_o; But then again it IS a Tezuka work, yes? X3
@ninja8tyu Жыл бұрын
moreso ishinomori, but he did work for tezuka before
@loszhor Жыл бұрын
@@ninja8tyu Yeah, I just binge watched some vids on him so I can totally see why it seemed that way.
@正法菊池 11 ай бұрын
@obaolade1232 Жыл бұрын
I came here for the acceleration sound effects tho😅
@kappa-mtrlord 2 жыл бұрын
@頭のネジが取れたかもしれない地獄 Жыл бұрын
光速で移動出来るキャラなら、ONE PIECEの黄猿も、009と同じ風景を見れるんじゃね?
@grayshadow2597 2 жыл бұрын
The caster went unprotected by his own move so many times and he just nullifies his attacks which probably takes more effort than moving his allies out of his enemy sight then do some ambush.
@grayshadow2597 2 жыл бұрын
Apparently style is a must so he must land stylishly
@tociart Жыл бұрын
isn't 009 touching anything in acceleration mode obliterates them cuz of the insane friction from him moving very fast?
@grayshadow2597 Жыл бұрын
​@@tociart true, i didn't thought of that when I wrote the comment. But then how did he fall in accelerated speed, cuz gravity surely need time to work. him + everything he wears will be obliterated too. I just rewatched and he did touched them at 0:55 lol. Welp I should turn my brain off when watching anime anyway.
@grayshadow2597 Жыл бұрын
Dude is using his speed to reach opponent's back, stop then do a normal punch instead of doing the punch at full speed.
@tociart Жыл бұрын
true. 😂 u have to turn ur brain off to enjoy the show, especially if it's old anime.
@superblackhawk.44 2 жыл бұрын
@隠神刑部-v7z 3 ай бұрын
@signumxmagnum 7 ай бұрын
Why didn't he just make the first one fainted, why bother destroying all the icicle..
@ninja8tyu 7 ай бұрын
watch the show -- he wanted to end the situation peacefully
@sayansaha155 Жыл бұрын
I...don't really like the fact that he can go light speed. Too bullsh*tty for me. I like the original version more. Re cyboryhas some very cool feats.
@ninja8tyu Жыл бұрын
Yeah, they basically made 009 more akin to a god than I'd like, since Ishinomori usually keeps all his heroes grounded. Technically this isn't the only time 009 could go lightspeed: once due to his accelerator malfunctioning, but also he gained psychic powers to become a Psi-borg, thanks to 001 in God's War, capable of traveling faster than light, accelerate things around him faster than light, and moving so fast he can teleport, and that wasn't so bad because he was literally fighting against gods, so the playing field was leveled (and he, alongside the rest of the 00-Team, still had a tough time winning). That being said, I don't see it as too big of an issue, since I don't believe Joe can do this transdimensional acceleration on command, and had to struggle to even move faster than lightning, and was only able to push himself to do it on Emperor because it was at the threat of sacrificing 001 and the other time was due to losing 003.
@rakeshdeka5149 2 жыл бұрын
Song name in the background
@t3233226 Жыл бұрын
@相馬直之 11 ай бұрын
@temp4743 2 жыл бұрын
Do you think a cyborg devilman is possible?
@eddiejoewalt7746 2 жыл бұрын
@temp4743 2 жыл бұрын
@@eddiejoewalt7746 I did 😭😭 but I just watched it yesterday
@bossshun9 Жыл бұрын
That was a good movie.
@Max_Litva-d9zh Жыл бұрын
I don’t know how it is here, but I know one robot devil. He tortures everyone with songs and dances.😊
@jonathantyner171 2 жыл бұрын
@bernardoescudero8844 2 жыл бұрын
@marid1972 2 жыл бұрын
@ninja8tyu 2 жыл бұрын
I personally feel that the Accelerator has the ability to also propel the user upward and downward to account for gravity, but yeah, it isn't covered. (DeepL) 個人的には、アクセラレータは重力を考慮して上下に推進する能力も持っていると感じていますが、アニメでは説明されていないのは事実です。
@winston1771 11 ай бұрын
@wizwell 2 жыл бұрын
すごい落書き感 見てらんない
@no4874 2 жыл бұрын
@vegsmashed 2 жыл бұрын
I really am not liking this 3D animation stuff taking over it looks awful.
@ninja8tyu 2 жыл бұрын
I do hope that sometime in the future, they'll make another animated Cyborg 009 series.
@lordthaps Жыл бұрын
Why does he not punch the ice guy?
@ninja8tyu Жыл бұрын
watch the show to find out
@lordthaps Жыл бұрын
@@ninja8tyu 😅ok... I'm currently watching the main series for now. I figured now that I'm older, I'll probably understand it better
@Max_Litva-d9zh Жыл бұрын
Because it was killed him. Maybe, they need him alive.
@銀猫-m1c Ай бұрын
@ようかんまん-i1y Жыл бұрын
言い方が違う必殺技じゃないんだからw かそくそーーち(小声)
@kazu19720329 3 ай бұрын
コレじゃなさ過ぎだろ 加速装置というより時間が止まっただけだろw The Worldかよ。
@井上和彦-z7r 2 жыл бұрын
@2side1coiniskandaraslar69 Жыл бұрын
Ultraman animation is alot more smoother
@thelegendaddyspamdonut7605 2 жыл бұрын
This is ex-arms level animation
@slipipipi7971 2 жыл бұрын
I know its depressing that this is all the respect this old ass series gets
@LilXancheX 2 жыл бұрын
Who you calling old?
@yasha4106 2 жыл бұрын
ex arm is way worst than this
@2side1coiniskandaraslar69 Жыл бұрын
Yes but this animation is not advance in that time
@yossy1123 2 ай бұрын
@ボウラリ 2 ай бұрын
@山田太郎-f9x9r Ай бұрын
@ssato1957 2 жыл бұрын
@中西ソラ Жыл бұрын
@jekl1029 Жыл бұрын
I love his cartoon
@ハッピーマクドナルド 9 ай бұрын
うるせえよ 受け入れろよ 頑固親父
@MegaDman16 Жыл бұрын
Man I hate the CGI in this looks cheap, like it was a early ps3 cutscene. The 2001 and DvC where the beat in terms of Cyborg 009 animations.
@DiscJockeyMark 2 ай бұрын
disegnati molto male, meglio re cyborg 009
@吉田俊子-g6p Жыл бұрын
@kyokougizou 2 жыл бұрын
原作の真実の最終回 「ジョー!キミはどこにおちたい?」 宇宙空間にジョーを助けに来たジェットも共に大気圏突入して燃え尽きるんですけど、加速装置の使用って毎回大気圏突入と同じなんじゃないの、もしかして。笑 架空のギミックとはいえ、 サイボーグ体での音速加速についてのSF考証はせめて1968年平井和正著「サイボーグ・ブルース」は参考にして欲しいな。 「サイボーグ・ブルース」の主役、黒人のアーネスト・ライトは加速中、直前にたたき込まれた圧縮プログラムと思考パターン演算を肩の予備電子頭脳で遂行するだけの「無感情な完全なロボット」になっていると表現されてましたね。 加速終了後は衝撃波で服は破けて全裸フルチンの黒人が突っ立ってるだけ、と。笑 ちなみに、幾許か残ってる「生身の脳」は慣性制御装置で潰れるのを保護してるそう。。 ウソでも屁理屈でもこのくらい考証は着けといて貰いたいモンですワ。笑 でも、もしかして石森漫画では、ジョーやジェットが音速加速中、思考判断が可能なのは、001の超能力での補完のおかげなのかも、と思いましたな、今回。 そんならば可能なのかしら?笑
@山田聡-x1j Жыл бұрын
@ここは何処私は誰-n3v 2 жыл бұрын
@井上和彦-z7r 2 жыл бұрын
@のうくりおじさん Жыл бұрын
@井上和彦-z7r Жыл бұрын
@@のうくりおじさん 様 コメントありがとうございます。ネットで断片的に見て面白いのはわかってるんです、旧エヴァの劇場版で「からかわれる感」が植え付けられてしまったんです、それまでは「マットアロー発進命令」のDVD買ったり旧エヴァのカードアホほど買ったりだりしてのめりこんでたんですよ。すみません。
@のうくりおじさん Жыл бұрын
​@@井上和彦-z7r からかわれてる、って思うのは、分かってるけど言い返せない、って感じかなぁ
@井上和彦-z7r Жыл бұрын
@@のうくりおじさん 様 ありがとうございます、仰る通りです。面白いということはわかっていてもなんだか「のせられたくない」感が出てしまうんです、レンタルで観る!とか言いながらサントラCDとかはつい買ってしまっています。捻くれ者ですみません
@サクラ橋桜 29 күн бұрын
@kaneidareyue7715 Ай бұрын
Really dumb anime, instead of targeting the person summon those things, why not just target the summoner instead. I just remembered why I stopped watching this anime.
@graygull771 2 жыл бұрын
あのな、SFの基本として、もし物理学の範囲を超える話を書くなら、その(似非でも良いから)根拠を示せっていうのが、最近のハード SFの常識になってるのな。日本人はちょっとそこいらが欠如してて、SFとファンタジーが結合されてる作品は多くなっているのは嘆かわしいんだわ。 オレとしてはハードSFの大ファンでしかも009の大ファンだから、これは違うな。確かに009を描こうとすると、強大な敵が必要となるけど、ファンタジーに逃げるなよと言いたい。 勿論、「Re:Cyborg009」も観たけど、あれは009最終章の、いわば神々との戦いの一部を切り取っただけって、すごく情けない作品。もっと面白い敵を想像してみな。
@jonulrick4353 2 жыл бұрын
But the "gods" were cyborgs And the devilman cross over isn't canon is it?
@marikotLalpha 2 жыл бұрын
@山田太郎-f9x9r 2 жыл бұрын
作品世界の中の論理体系に矛盾がなければ由とされるのがSFの面白さだけれど 剣と魔法のファンタジーならやめてくれ 途中だけれど十分だ これ以上は鑑賞に値しない
@graygull771 2 жыл бұрын
@@山田太郎-f9x9r さん そうなんだよ、加速した状態でどこまでできるかと考えてみれば判る、飛ぶときは加速できるが、降りることはできない。横に飛ぶことはできるが、下に蹴らない限り、下方に対しては重力加速度しか使えない。なあ、ちゃんと科学で理解できる話なんだから、原作をガッカリさせるような話は作らないでくれないかなあ。
@klaatubaradanikuto7195 2 жыл бұрын
元々の原作が、あっち行ったり、こっち来たりで、結局「未完」のまま終わってるから。 後から来た「第3者達」に好きにされてるとも言えると思うし、こういう部分を突っ込んでも無理がある作品なのかな?
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