D&D Players, What's your best 'alright, I open the-' moment? # 2

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What's your best 'alright, I open the-' moment? # 2
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D&D players, what way did you use a "useless" spell in a good way? #2
D&D Players, What was your best "Wait...what?!" moment?
What's the biggest mind-f**k you've seen during a DND campaign?
What's your worst loot stories?
What's the saddest death that you have ever encountered while playing D&D?
What's the funniest way you spoiled a important plot element in your campaign?
DND players, what was your funniest “rolled a 1” moment?
DMs, What is a plotline you've always wanted to run?
Ever had another PC kill your character?
DND Players, What is the coolest character you have ever played?
DND players, what was your funniest “nat 20” moment? (r/askreddit)
DND players, what’s your best Stories of Rope? (r/dndstories)
D&D Players, what's the most screwed up thing you've ever done in a game?
What's the worst TPK you've experienced?
D&D Players, what's the most screwed up thing you've ever done in a game?
DND Nope Moments #1
What’s your best Tarrasque story?
What's the funniest thing PC's latched onto?
What is the most unexpected damage you've ever done as a PC or DM?
What is the smallest way your DM has driven home how "evil" a villain is?

Пікірлер: 153
@thepyrookami 2 жыл бұрын
the wizard dumping the bag of holding is so creative and hilarious
@loka7783 2 жыл бұрын
Plus , as an added bonus, all that stuff became useful at least once! :)
@saphiriathebluedragonknight375 2 жыл бұрын
I want to see that animated.
@sherylcascadden4988 2 жыл бұрын
Fibber McGee's closet.
@michaelleader633 2 жыл бұрын
"Alright, I open the chastity belt!" That poor damn thief was traumatized for the next eight sessions.
@MrTv19 2 жыл бұрын
It's funny how I told my sister when she had a kid how oddly dnd is great for learning. Helps bring about imagination, learning social, and just numbers in general. So glad to see someone else using it for fun and as a learning tool.
@loka7783 2 жыл бұрын
My Mom was a teacher and she had absolutely no issues with me learning to play D&D as it improved my reading skills a good few years over my classmates at the time. (I was 10 for context)
@mentok1 2 жыл бұрын
We found a mysterious amulet held by a werewolf that the DM did not expect us to obtain. My character held onto it for safekeeping. I couldn't identify the item so in a moment of downtime I told me DM "I attune to the amulet". We were playing online, but I swear I could hear him do a double-take. Our party killing that werewolf and getting the amulet was a wrench in his plans. My attuning to it was, and I quote, "a record scratch and a bucket of cold water". Made for a fun time though.
@BDC39 2 жыл бұрын
Don’t you dare leave me hanging what did it do?
@mentok1 2 жыл бұрын
So the amulet did a few things pertaining to lycanthropy, but the main thing was it turned me into a werebear (after a narrative trip to the moon). I honestly think the DM hadn't come up with anything concrete for it as it apparently wasn't supposed to fall into our hands (nor was I supposed to attune to it).
@norandomnumbers 2 жыл бұрын
Amateur DM for sure. The second rule in DnD is that the players are going to loot the bad guys and get whatever cool shit they have, especially if it's magic.
@mentok1 2 жыл бұрын
It wasn't an amateur mistake. The werewolf activated one of the amulets powers causing it to float in the air empowering him. The DM did not expect our warlock to fly up and put it in a bag. It wasn't a looting thing at all, but a strategic move mid-combat that he was not expecting.
@norandomnumbers 2 жыл бұрын
​ ​ @mentok1 I mean, it's still an amateur's mistake to not write out what the amulet does. If the DM want's to power the werewolf there are other ways to go about it. To me the scene seems like it was just a bullet point on the DM's session prep.
@thedragond4239 2 жыл бұрын
That last story about the push door made me realise that the ultimate foes in dnd are the doors
@Wolffang1996Hyano 2 жыл бұрын
They really are XD lol My fiance and I's last campaign play had a door that our Dwarf cleric had been trying to open and he got fed up and wailed on it XD
@thatoneotheridiot3361 2 жыл бұрын
This gives me an idea. Imagine a DM who, whenever you open a door, asks you if you push or pull, then just flips a coin to see if you guessed right. There are no consequences for choosing the wrong one besides looking like an idiot.
@thatoneotheridiot3361 2 жыл бұрын
"I open the door." "Alright, do you push or pull it?" "I pull." *coin flip "Unfortunately, this is a push door. You sit there pulling at the handle for a solid three seconds, making a fool of yourself before you try pushing. The door comes open with very little leverage."
@Wolffang1996Hyano 2 жыл бұрын
@@thatoneotheridiot3361 That'd be me XD
@Baldor493 2 жыл бұрын
Well... and Safes... Um.. ancient dwarven safe door... boobytrapped... nearly killed my near full health paladin... 10d6 of damage... WACK!
@e.regular3501 2 жыл бұрын
The first story is freaking great, and the one about the parent teaching their kid math through DnD... They're an ABSOLUTE LEGEND. I would have LOVED that as a kid, especially considering how much I hate (and still sometimes struggle with) math.
@JEMS2401 2 жыл бұрын
My character, Lethe, is an Eladrin elf with severe forgetfulness, so he keeps a journal to...well...remember things. It contains pages on important events in his life or important people he wants to remember. This was about halfway into the campaign. Lethe had lost his journal and, not realizing who his party mates even were, was wandering alone in the forest looking for it. Eventually, he found a book, lying on a stone...in an open clearing of the forest. Surely it's not a trap right? Assuming it to be his journal, he, without hesitation, opens the book...that was a bad idea. Lethe is immediately blinded from a flash upon reading the book's page, and when he recovers, he's in a different location, more specifically, the Feywild. There, he meets a Pixie named Tulip...one who happens to be reading *his* journal. After an altercation, Lethe learns that both A) Tulip was the one to take his journal and plant the false one to transfer him to the feywild, but more importantly, B) Tulip has been messing with him and his journal for several years now, erasing or rewriting things just to screw with him, Lethe being none the wiser. He wasn't really sure what to think considering he couldn't tell anything was 'wrong' with his journal, and Tulip didn't seem intent on hurting him, just messing with him. The conversation went pretty well after that, Lethe being given back his journal and Tulip transferring him back to his party, which he now knew who they were thanks to his book. Tulip hasn't shown up since but the DM will sometimes describe a glittery sort of dust on Lethe's book, sometimes pages would be out of order or filled with scribbles, sometimes even drawings...and there was a new page in the book for Tulip which, strangely, Lethe never wrote
@BlackRainRising 2 жыл бұрын
bro this is... awesome, your DM is a hero for running with this like that, well done
@StinkerTheFirst 2 жыл бұрын
The bag of holding story is my favorite. I like all the stories here, but the bag of holding is the only one that made me pause the video so I could finish laughing. Thanks for the positive note at the end!
@Allantitan 2 жыл бұрын
Cleric: ITS A PUSH DOOR!! Barbarian: ok *grabs fighter’s head and pushes the door open using the fighter*
@stepgamerdad 2 жыл бұрын
Picking up on your positive note, Brian: I DM for my kid and a couple of their friends. It's been a bit longer than I'd like since the last session, but that's due to real life events getting in the way. If all goes well, we'll be playing again soon.
@Kro1401 2 жыл бұрын
The party was trying to break into a Hag’s toy shop when all of a sudden, the door grew teeth. So what does my character do but scramble back, over the chair and table. And then the chair grew teeth…
@BlackRainRising 2 жыл бұрын
"I open the shop" a sad phrase to go out on :P funny though
@pleffaa 2 жыл бұрын
In my first campaign as a player, one other player (fighter) had an obsession with violently kicking in doors. It took a couple of sessions before suddenly every door we encountered was opening outwards.
@loka7783 2 жыл бұрын
Oh those door can still open inward, it's just that the DC is a lot higher to break in. ;)
@HonestMagpie 2 жыл бұрын
My time to shine! I like to play this little "Prank" on my players. Feel free to use and/or modify it. I tend to forget about traps, so in the final dungeon of a big overarching campaign I'd finished (or at least, of the campaign I completed), I filled the dungeon with traps. Just, loads of 'em. Mostly fairly harmless, things to make them think. My FAVORITE of these traps, though, was the Gilded Treasure Chest. To start: The team has seen numerous mirrors in this dungeon, and knows that if they interact with the mirrors, they can see a snippet of the past. So they see a mirror in a corner-hallway and activates it. They see someone from the past turn the corner, go down the hall, then see a bright flickering orange light that fades away. They think, 'Huh, weird'. They go to the next room. Check the door for traps (nothing there). Open the doors: Big, unremarkable room. The floor is slightly warped in places, the floor and walls are somewhat darker here than in other places, but the only things of note are the door on the other side of the hallway, and a large porcelain treasure chest, with beautiful gilded edges. "That's a trap." They all say, immediately. "Yeah, probably," I agree coyly. Someone wisely suggested that they could just leave. That was an option. The door wasn't locked, nor was it trapped. Perfectly simple to just leave. But they CAN'T just LEAVE, surely? The druid/monk, who loved to see what nonsense I was going to do next (and cause fun nonsense, but in a good kind of way not an annoying kind of way, something of my 'partner in crime' in this game), he was FASCINATED by it. "I... pick up the treasure chest." "Okay. You pick it up. Nothing happens." "I... *shake* the treasure chest." "Okay, you hear some shuffling papers and clinking, like glass. Nothing happens." "I... Step away, with the treasure chest?" "Okay, you do that. nothing happens." "I leave the room with the treasure chest." "Okay, you do that, nothing happens." He decided to take it all the way to the only friendly NPC they'd run into, a warforged barkeep in an inexplicable bar in this castle, who seemed pretty neutral and amicable with them all. "Hey, what's this?" The NPC looks at them, points at the door, and says "You take that thing and get the hell out of my bar." "Oh, so... it's bad, then." SEVERAL seconds -if not minutes- of not leaving the bar and discussing later, the rogue pipes up: "I OPEN THE CHEST." The Barbarian goes "I STOP THEM FROM OPENING THE CHEST!" Contested strength roll. Barbarian loses because the dice find this hysterical. Cue me: "Hold on, I have to find more D6s to calculate the amount of damage you all just took from the trapped chest of fireball." Four party members go down, two were standing far enough away, poor barkeep is either unconscious or dead (I'm not sure they checked). It was my best trap. If you were wondering: They'd have gotten a lesser healing potion and a note telling them how clever they are, had they smashed the treasure chest, and would not have gotten the trap sprung on them. (If your players seem genre savy, you can also reverse this and have an enemy pop out if they smash it but have loot if they open it. I suggest deciding via coin toss if you haven't decided). I tell this story all the time, it's my favorite.
@ChristopherB. 2 жыл бұрын
I've never played DnD, and I love stories like the push door one because they make me realize how in-depth the stories are. YOu could spend an hour trying to open a door just to realize you're opening it wrong.
@MasamiPhoenix 2 жыл бұрын
So I'm playing a dwarven cleric named Thaddeus Thunderale. In addition to being a cleric, the Thunderales were a long line of famous brewers. Due to some good rolls and good roleplaying, I had several casks of mastercrafted ale, so potent, that any non-dwarf has to make a poison check not to pass out. Fastforward to our party trying to rescue villagers from orcish slave raiders. They're holled up in an old fortress, but we know a secret entrance. I bravely open the door to find out that they knew about it too, and had placed a single orcish guard there. He's only seen me so far, so hasn't raised the alarm. With unusually quick thinking on my part I say... Thaddeus: Have you accepted Moradin as your personal lord and savior? Orc: Have you accepted my foot up your ass? Thaddeus: ::singsong:: It comes wirh free beer! DM: roll persuasion. I roll a nat 20, 25 after bonuses. DM rolls sense motive for the orc and gets a 1, 1 afrer bonuses. Orc: Let's have it. Thaddeus: ::hands him a flagon of Thunderale. :: Sadly, he barely makes his poison check to stat conscious. Orc: Alright, you can go. What makes the story even better is that two dungeons later we get saved by the same orc, who is now a fighter(3)/cleric(1) of Moradin and "Moradin's Orcs" four other orcs (fighters(3)) who he convincd to go serve Moradin with him, because the beer was that good. From that point on Thaddeus referred to himself as "Saint Thaddeus" because he had performed a miracle.
@notalawyer9824 2 жыл бұрын
Really the only moment I had like this, we spent a week or so camping outside this ogre’s cave, our wizard (or whatever it’s called I haven’t played in forever) incinerating everything inside, our DM was mad we spent too much time planning this and succeeded, so he made the chest inside full of a perfume bottle and one gold.
@I-TM-I 2 жыл бұрын
Damn the DM absolutely LOADED that chest.
@hexagonalchaos 2 жыл бұрын
This is the tale of “alright I snort the dust” Party Found mystery dust in a very small hut in the city we were on a mission in The door was the biggest challenge the party ever had because we’re dummies Imp’s pitchfork split in half I tripped running at it with “me mallet” Bard’s arm was sliced off with a giant magic flash Imp sorcerer dared me (dwarven cleric/artificer) to snort it After bandaging up our bard I snorted the strange blue dust Roll a con save Something really low like a 6 About 4 piercing damage, a nosebleed, and the distinct smell of glass Anyways we later discover the bbeg only because the bard remembered my kinda stupid character thinking the dust was a magic item that caused nosebleeds And also maybe the evil monologue from an NPC we thought was just a quest giver after placing us in jail and finding us guilty of murder because “my source is I made it the f**k up!” I guess, but I think the glass snorting did help I never got my four silver pieces sadly… Gonna let the sorcerer roll at least one death save before I heal them Also the bard has a prosthetic arm now and I’m on a quest to avenge the death of my brother because unnamed guardsman 3 killed him so I’m gonna slap Obama/senator Armstrong in the face because reasons.
@andrewvela4920 2 жыл бұрын
Oh I remember this funny moment where the entire group was in the ancient ruins under ground and had just unlocked the door. The one joke led to another and we got into a full 30 minutes of conversation eventually I got fed up with just waiting for the convo to end that I said “Alright I open the door” me being the squishy wizard got immediately gored by a skeletal Minotaur and knocked me out immediately.
@genericusername9640 2 жыл бұрын
In my very first dnd game the last enemy surrendered and we knocked him out to question him. Half of the party wanted to torture him and the other half wanted to kindly ask him like he said he would. I wanted to calmly ask him. We raced to a room in the inn we were in. The maniacs that to torture him made it to the room first. I kicked the door down and immediately passed out because one of the people in the room cast sleep on me as I was running full sprint into the room. And the other player walked up to me and slapped me because “I said I would”. When I woke up I stood up and in the calmest yet most threatening voice I could muster, I said“I payed for this room. Now get out” The player to this date is still scared of me.
@silvergreylion 2 жыл бұрын
That dumping the bag of holding down the stairs is a re-use from a previous video.
@shyfrog3731 2 жыл бұрын
"Nope, it doesn't look like a mimic to you." "Alright, I open the door." "... alright, so-" "F**K-!"
@ericharris1499 2 жыл бұрын
Dude, learned dnd type 2 at about 8 years old with my best friend at the time during a rainy day. Never looked back and will definitely be doing that (with 3.5 or 5e) with my kids if and when I have them
@ericharris1499 2 жыл бұрын
Seriously remember that tsr beginner mod my much older step-brother ran for us.... Many times.
@andrenightscustoms251 6 ай бұрын
10:58 the push door got me 😂😂😂
@zensema 2 жыл бұрын
The bag of holding story was pure gold 😂
@DunantheDefender 2 жыл бұрын
I feel like if I was ever to be a teacher, I'd have my kids create characters in the beginning of the school year, then any sort of story problems I make for tests and such would all feature problems using those characters.
@nvfury13 Жыл бұрын
I have a couple: 1) The party is in a stronghold of the BBEG; a guy so nasty he has a squad equipped with gear fashioned from high rank Celestials, some of it still crying and wailing in pain, since they aren’t dead. They find a hidden place under the stronghold, which is warded before the secret door, every few feet in the secret passage, and eventually leads to a massive containment magic circle with a Force Cube inside it, that has a perfect cube of adamantine inside it; messages on the walls and ceiling in *every language* “Do *NOT* open this! Even *I* *cannot* allow something this *foul* to be loosed on the world! - [BBEG’s name]”. Of course, they decided to open it, unleashing the horrible Eldritch-Undead-Elemental Corruption *thing* contained within. The horror cranked up a notch when they all had to make multiple saving throws; the Fire Genasi Sorcerer being horrified as his flames turned to the sickly greens and browns of swamp muck and his tiny Fire Elemental Familiar started being poisoned by being exposed to him; the Dwarf Cleric suddenly screaming in agony as his bones twisted and started bursting out of his skin in spikes (think Doomsday) that slowly exuded a strange dark blue fluid; the Elven Rogue started going into seizures and Exorcist level vomiting, slowly being turned into something that looked like a peat bog mummy; the Human Fighter suddenly sprouting a distorted mouthless face ringed in tentacles that have mouths along them from his stomach. 2) I have a recurring Homebrew item, Shadow Cloaks, which (among other things) act as limitless extra dimensional storage that puts things in stasis…the number of times someone gets their hands on one and commands it to dump everything stored inside, only to either be crushed by a mountain of hoarded junk, or attacked by something someone managed to trap inside is silly.
@AjiraCtelin1993 2 жыл бұрын
Fun story from Relic Estate: "You broke the damn door, Nero!" Not exactly *opening* a door, but it was funny seeing a trap and a magical effect. The party's Gunslinger tells me to dispel the magical trap. Turns out the trap was mundane. The magical effect was the unlocking mechanism, which the dispel check broke, meaning we had to fix it to advance the plot.
@djm.o.d.1 2 жыл бұрын
I was young, and was only my 2nd or 3rd time ever playing dnd, was in a "wizard tower" with 5 other players, the other rouge disarmed a few traps and unlocked a few doors so I wanted to feel useful by going through the next set of doors, I listened with my ear to the door first, heard snoring so figured "sneaky me" could just slip in easy, nope, it was a sleeping red dragon who woke up from the bright light from our groups light spell, and all the noise of them looting treasure, it incinerated me and they closed the doors.
@cyelamckrane5620 2 жыл бұрын
Current campaign...I'm playing a Kenku Bardlock. The other members of our party are a Dragonborn Druid, a Dragonborn Ranger, and a Hill Dwarf Barbarian, said players are a mix of Neutral and Good aligned. I of course as a Kenku, am Chaotic Evil. Which doesn't really mesh well with most of my party, but backstory-wise makes sense. Anywho, after we completed an escort mission turned 'save the town'. We get approached by some Lizard-folk who seem to think the four of us are strong enough to help them. As we investigate possible reasons for some nefarious deeds, we find this broken down Temple. Kill a few bad guys after entering, and discover basically every door is locked. Since we don't have a rogue and I'm the only one proficient with thieves tools, I'm making a lot of rolls. As we get into the meat of the temple, encountering trap after trap. Trying to not get killed by a pair of undead minotaurs, I end up utilizing acrobatics to jump over an illusion hiding an acid pit at a corner junction. Once I'm safely on the other side there is only room for my character to stand and a random locked door. I got the door open, but didn't roll very high checking for traps. I didn't want to open the door, but the tantalizing possibility of freedom being on the other side out-weighted that trepidation. The instant the door opened a crossbow fired into my Bardlock, and a failed strength save (tiny little bird arms = shit strength). So for the rest of combat, I'm shit rolling strength checks to get out of the acid pit. The druid ended up wild shaping into a giant constrictor snake to save me, one more round in that acid and I would have been rolling a new character. DM was floored. We found the acid pit before combat. We'd found similarly trapped doors and hallways. He never thought my weak little bird, who valued self-preservation would be dumb enough to fall for that trap. He never thought that I wouldn't meta game that shit, having played with him for years, knowing full well that something like that would happen (I don't know how many times one of my characters has put on cursed items because of him, I never learn) I still did it. This however, would have been the earliest for the death of one of my characters. We were level three at the time. And since the other players are new to the game I was trying to cripple myself and make the game more for them instead of making myself the main character and/or lead decision maker. Strangely we are now level eight, the barbarian and druid have basically put me in charge. My multi-classing is not as big of a hindrance anymore. Although I'm still squishy, and still have tiny little bird arms, now I have a cloak of acrania and can just walk up walls to save myself, especially since that wasn't the only pit my character has fallen or been thrown into.
@gavinmaretzki6675 2 жыл бұрын
Had a party of very new, very low-stat players all do a pseudobossfight against a pair of large Black Puddings (acid slime). After the battle was won, I announced "I grab my mess kit, take some bottles out of it, and begin putting the remains of the ooze into the bottles." Got an acid burn, 2 bottles of highly corrosive ooze, and an instant solution to a highly armored enemy.
@knutandersson4606 2 жыл бұрын
A dybbuk box, huh. Nice alternative to a mimic, gonna make some stats for that.
@allyrose9494 2 жыл бұрын
Easily, it was when the party was split up looking for a shadow that was following us, I was in the inn's dark storage room, and I opened a chest that turned out to be a mimic, bad enough. But what was worse, once I beat it, one of the maids from the inn came down and as it turns out the mimic was actually a guard/pet for the inn...... the only good news to come out of that situation is that I did manage to bring him back, but still, I learned my lesson to not instantly stab monsters on their own in establishments again
@chrisfletcher1773 2 жыл бұрын
Ok you ready for this? I'm running a campaign where I'm trying to give magic items with interesting effects. So I gave one of the team a portable rope bridge in a box with a 60ft. Firing range. So my boss was standing on a cliff edge and she opened the box knocking him off the cliff. He passes a reflex save and grabs the rope. Now he's hanging there, she asked do I have any movement left. I say we'll you used an item interaction so sure. She's about 50ft. Away, I figure she can't do much. She says I move up 30ft. Can I cast a spell? She's lv 3 and has only 1 spell so I say go ahead. She says I cast open close... I'm like on what? She says his hands. Fails a will save and does a Mustafa off the cliff...
@RevokFarthis 2 жыл бұрын
In a level one party, we bullheadedly pushed into an area we weren't high enough level for. We found and killed a level 4 sorcerer, and took an amulet and book off his corpse. Me: "I spend the evening studying the amulet, and the book." DM: "well, after a few moments you realize that the oddly shaped lock on the book is a perfect match for the back of the amulet." Me, someone who has played wizards for *years*, currently playing a wizard, with Identify: "I stick the amulet in the lock and open the book." My unspent spell slots: "wait, what?" My ritual casting feat: "uh... bro?" The DM: "Are... are you sure?" Me: "Yup." DM: "... ok, I was not prepared for this. The book bursts open, a flash of light and arcane energy blasts out from the book throwing you all against the wall. Before you, emerged from the book that was his prison stands a lich." The Lich: "Finally! After mellennia I am free! This land shall pay for trapping me, starting with this pitiful town!" Monk: "You can't do that! We freed you, you owe us!" Lich: "Oh? Perhaps. And that is precisely why I am letting you live." *a magical doorway opens behind him, and he beckons us to go through* "Quickly, before my generocity is recinded." Monk: "I charge the lich and attack!" Ranger: "no the fuck you don't!" DM, trying really hard not to tpk us: "with a casual wave of his hand you are thrown across the room and fall unconcious." Me: "Yessir, rightawaysir, haveagooddaysir." As the party grabs ths tortle monk and books it through the door.
@otterbanana1556 2 жыл бұрын
This was my first campaign and there was a leather sack Me: how about we check it something is probably in there Fighter: make monk 1 do it Me: please don’t Monk 1: I put my hand into the bag Dm: you feel a sting and there’s a centipede on your hand Monk2,fighter,and dm: laughing Monk1: get it off get it off Me: told ya so Long story short: magic user tells monk not to open a bag fighter tells the monk to open the bag monk opens the bag and almost dies and quits TLDR: monk don’t do the thing, monk do the thing, I did the thing and I almost died and got salty and left
@Toshikills 2 жыл бұрын
We were playing a Power Ranger themed campaign. Out party found something resembling a "space dumpster". You can imagine how the rest went.
@CodaBlairLucarioEmperor 2 жыл бұрын
You freed Rita from her space dumpster? At least you didn't free any of the much more powerful Power Rangers antagonists.
@kendrixhavlik3051 Ай бұрын
loved the guy who was motivating his kid to do math
@wouterdgrove7506 Жыл бұрын
6:16 my favorite BY FAR
@MitchT97 2 жыл бұрын
My regular dm to me in my first ever campaign I’m running “I open the dragon.” He’d used detect magic and I did hide something in a pouch of gold it kept in its stomach. Took some digging/swimming around on his part though to find.
@disableddragonborn 2 жыл бұрын
That parent that used D&D to teach their son math is brilliant, but if it had been me as a kid, it would only have created a burning hatred for the game.😂
@datwongunner3482 2 жыл бұрын
Our group opened and planted some beans from the bag of beans, right after leaving the death house in the start of curse of Strahad. Proceeded to derail and destroy the starter town. We summoned 2 different dragons a chromatic and a red one. The mummy temple and a few more cr 14+ (about 10). We were level 3. That was the first 3 out of 8 beans planted
@tagerobin8832 2 жыл бұрын
I died heading ITS A PUSH DOOR!!! 🤣🤣🤣 my ribs!!!
@kiarastardust 2 жыл бұрын
curse of strahd campaign (Not the aasimar one. I was a monk this time). Our fighter opened the closet door upstairs while we where searching for the kids who had run upstairs when a direwolf had managed to break down the frount door. so we where looking for them to make sure they where ok. we had heard a sound in the closet and the fighter opened it thinking the kids where hiding in there, only to get attacked by a sentiant broom. And to make it better, neighter the broom nor the fighter rolled high enough to pass the other's ac the whole time. At some point the dm and the fighter just played it off as the fighter was getting chased by the broom as it was whacking him with its bristled end but doing no damage. We eventually managed to shove it back into the closet and barricaded the door so it couldn't get out.
@falvlynn2303 Жыл бұрын
Not DnD but another pen and paper role play game: I play a female noble knight, Ranuaile. A friend of mine plays a wizard, who found his calling as a priest serving the goddess of healing and agriculture, Tirato. These to characters have basically decided to adopt each other as siblings. So our party went to raid an evil wizards tower (to steal an alchemic recipe we needed to bargain with the duke). We managed to fight our way through his front-yard-from-hell, protected by the corps of a dragon possessed by a demon and make it to the front door of the tower. Tirato warned Ranuaile NOT to tough the front door, since it might be spell-trapped - and proceeds to go into a ten minute argument with another party member discussing whether he should magically check the door or go looking for a side entrance. But Ranuaile did not have the pacience for this. "I open the door now!" - well Ranuaile opens the door, her fingers get a little tingly but nothing seems to happen. We start to search the tower. Half an hour later, she grabs the book wee need and her fingers are overed in tree bark. It took a little over a day until she was completely transformed into a tree. The party put her in a bag full of earth first, a big flowerpot later and hurled her arround for weeks. It took Tirato - priest of the goddess of agriculture! - faaaaar to long to decide to water the Ranuaile tree, while she was slowly dying of thirst ... Finally, they managed to find someone who could turn her back into human form. But this was not the end of the story. The transformation left some consequences, and every morning, Ranuaile was horribly sick. It took a while until we figured out that there was pollen flying around while she was a tree and Ranuaile had gotten pregnant! A few month later, she gave birth to a beautiful, dryade-like baby and took two years of maternity leave from adventuring. But now, I play her again, and every time she wants to open any door that is even a little bit suspicious, someone shouts: "Be careful or you'll get pregnant again!"
@postapocalypticnewsradio 2 жыл бұрын
PANR has tuned in.
@Wolffang1996Hyano 2 жыл бұрын
3:12 Goblin Slayer.
@docholiday6194 Жыл бұрын
6:17 that Wizard is a fucking genius
@lexington476 2 жыл бұрын
13:50 oh this was me, back when I was a kid I had a considerable amount of trouble learning to read, even today I know Edgar Allan Poe, but I'm not even remotely literate, if nothing else I did finish college several times over. But yeah, back in the early nineties you had to read everything in a computer game, I have no idea how many times I played BattleTech Crescent Hawks Inception sll text.
@tyrianqrow8690 2 жыл бұрын
We were doing a one shot based off the movie Sky High where we were all students trying to make it thru high school. It was kind enough f a pointless just for fun type of game where we ended finding out that the school counselor was a supervillain that was brainwashing the strongest students to become bad guys. Well my characters super power was essentially just spidey senses.”SIDEKICK” anyway I was at my locker between classes and the DM as me roll an intuition check at advantage(due to my super power all intuition checks were at advantage) I rolled high enough to pass the check as the DM says you feel a slight vibration at the front of your skull(meaning there was mild danger infront of me)but as this was the first instance of my ability activating my character didn’t know what it meant and brushed it off as the start of a headache. Well one of our party members was a trickster type who was just really good at building traps and things and was also my characters childhood best friend. Well as soon as I’m done putting in my combination to open my locker the door flies open as a boxing glove on a spring flies out and nails me directly in the face. Roll damage. Nat 20. Roll to see if I stay conscious. Nat 1. Hello nurses office. T.L.D.R. The first time a character went down in our campaign was due to a friendly prank gone wrong
@wrathfulcoma4357 2 жыл бұрын
“I think that should buy you plants of time”
@pensador6953 2 жыл бұрын
demon, summoning, book. nuff said.
@jamesharris5918 2 жыл бұрын
I loved the bag of holding it was cool to hear I like the wizard made me laugh loud out
@PsycopathToasterly 2 жыл бұрын
Just had this happen todays session. Players are exploring obv haunted non magical hospital with a foyer of hanging corpses druid and cleric open door to a hallway and i have them roll stealth. cleric fails as they see a tall gaunt figure (the bagman) who turns his head 140 degrees to stare at them and skitter towards them on all 4s like some bs nightmare spider. metaphorical pants were shat as i had the party roll init.
@Workman-rs3sc 2 жыл бұрын
so i am a new DM and i wanted to fuck with my friends while they were exploring a bit of Waterdeep Dragon Heist(i made some edits to keep on their toes). They just turned level 3 and they were exploring some new stuff like the fact the guilds were altered as well as some of the maps given to us. One found a hidden room in one of the Zhenterim hideouts and found two crates. they asked if they want to open it and i said, "you can try". they try to open it and it was sticky. they immediately went into fight mode and attacked the sticky crate, thinking it was a mimic! Turns out: it was a crate filled with raw sugar and after they investigated inside the thing, they found a lot of gold bricks! I'm still cackling to this day about it.
@loka7783 2 жыл бұрын
I'm guessing the goblin swallowed some bit of treasure the party was after?
@izzywood2874 2 жыл бұрын
A whole-ass landfill
@V1_Ultrakrill 2 жыл бұрын
Remembering the time my party opened 3 chests All 3 chests were mimics within a beholders lair
@tonyliu6721 2 жыл бұрын
Three times the surprise guarantee or your money back!
@Mad_Alyx 2 жыл бұрын
“I open the goblin” _Doom Slayer style!_
@jrdoughty13 2 жыл бұрын
Hearing this made me very happy
@theinformant7251 2 жыл бұрын
My first d&d session ever, the party had entered a room through a trapdoor to find three chests, one normal wood, one silver, and one gold. We figured two of the chests were traps so after some thought while the others debated I realized the silver chest was the one not trapped. After opening it, inside was another chest made of crystal. Now the rest of the party was to nervous to open the crystal so I said screw it and opened it myself netting me a +1 ring of protection.
@Grzesuav94 2 жыл бұрын
The Box does not judge. It just hates.
@lexington476 2 жыл бұрын
8:59 okay, important question did they get all the junk back in the bag of holding?
@Logamer-tn6db 2 жыл бұрын
Imma go with no...
@nicolashugli9661 2 жыл бұрын
Last week my party found an iron flask locked away in the prison. After i described it, the wizard goes: "I pull the stopper and smell on it." In it was an invisible stalker that is right now on its way to (try to) kill a powerful priest from the wizards backstory
@雪の鷹 2 жыл бұрын
Misheard: introduced my son to tabletop gaming to help him improve his meth. Me: Eh? Wha? Stops what I'm doing and quickly scans the text then facepalms.
@masterbdog1130 2 жыл бұрын
So in an edge of the empire campaign im playing a wookie jedi named poc the second who had a translator droid with a british accent. Anywho we were tracking down a bounty for i think it was the hutts? Either way, while we were checking out thier hideout, the rest of my party tries to break in and hack the security door. They fail. And so my dumb self decided to knock on the door. The intercom boots up and i ask them, "is so and so here?" Obviously they say no and hang up. Cut to a few hours later, we come back with some explosives. Open up the back door, only to find that they set up a freaking turret. My character was essentially our tank and almost got one shot by it. Needless to say, They almost party wiped us because my dumb self thought it a good idea to knock on their door.
@amberkat8147 2 жыл бұрын
I open the GOBLIN?! Poor goblin.
@Salad_Pickle 2 жыл бұрын
All I did was look under a chair! The signs were there - a random chair in the corner of the dining room, with skid marks where it was moved.. but I don't have many games under my belt aaand... the chair nearly bit my arm off.
@dragonknight951 2 жыл бұрын
My interpretation of how that "Open the goblin" bit went. Barbarian: "I Open the door." DM: "there's a goblin behind door, looking slightly alarmed at the 7 foot tall mountain of muscle where there would normally be a hallway" Barbarian: "Alright, I Open the goblin..." DM/Party: "Wait wha-" Barbarian: rolls nat 20 to hit and max damage "With my axe." DM: "...Alright, you "Open the goblin" and behind Them, is a room full of more goblins, now all looking rather terrified at the 7 foot tall mountain of muscle that just bisected their friend. Everyone roll initiative with advantage because they are currently all in shock due to failing their saving throws because if that isn't a reasonable cause for terror I don't know what is." Barbarian, in character: "Grom open door, Grom go through door, that how door work. Little goblin block Grom, Grom go through little goblin!"
@RevokFarthis 2 жыл бұрын
Story would have been perfect if you ended it at "Alright, I open the goblin."
@99zxk 2 жыл бұрын
Critical multiplication is usually 2x1Dn.
@outsider8209 2 жыл бұрын
Just started Strahd and went into the house, went opposite side of the basement from my whole party and "I open the door" it's a fuckin mimic. Level 3 character getting assaulted by a whole ass mimic and my party was across the basement and could hear my little gnome ass artificer scream because the chanting of the ancients is happening. Let's say I would've been dead on turn 3 on combat if my dm was like "this is dumb for lvl 3" so it dissappeared. New trait for my character, don't trust inanimate wooden objects, or openings. Poor poor Waylen ac 19 and you still get downed the most
@Bellia25 2 жыл бұрын
My party just teasing me at this point. For touching shit I shouldn’t across campaigns. The obelisk was by far the worst though. My boyfriend still jokes about it
@piramidasukcesu9417 2 жыл бұрын
Time to open the Pandora.
@Tribozom 11 ай бұрын
3:09 XD
@JameSeraphim Жыл бұрын
2:54 wow that is gross. He said he lookec carefully snd the dm didnt call for a investigation roll. Even though the trap was nullified by the key, the player said he looked and the DM lied i guess
@imma3knee 2 жыл бұрын
@kendrixhavlik3051 Ай бұрын
the ultimate norman door
@dlewdm 2 жыл бұрын
Oh man. How about this story from a game of Rifts (by Palladium) I ran. So the group was infiltrating this facility that was mysteriously empty. Except for the dozens of fresh bodies and blood everywhere. The group decided to look for survivors and ventured in - only to be attacked by dimensional beings that looked like dogs who were completely immune to conventional weapons - they could only be hurt by energy weapons and magic. So they flee from the first one they come across and lose it in the complex. Then they hear weird noises and come across 3 shut doors. One player (my brother) decides “let’s open all 3 doors at the same time”. My response: “are you suuuuure you want to do that” and I look to the group with my evil DM grin. The group thinks this is somehow a GREAT idea. All three doors open. Dimensional beings jump out of door 1. Door 2 has a survivor who lost his mind and starts chucking GRENADES at the group. These grenades don’t hurt the dimensional beings, but they MESS UP the PCs. One of the group fails his horror check and tries to flee. The commander of the unit BACKHANDS HIM WITH A NEURAL MACE AND CRITS. He falls unconscious. Meanwhile left and right while grenades go off and make it easier for the dogs to drop PCs. Near TPK because a player decided “let’s open all three doors”
@ceylonwilliams8353 2 жыл бұрын
I don't remember the name of the campaign but it had to do with an interdimensional carnival, the players losing something, and the fey wilds. We were in a tower and there was blood going to three separate doors. The party was discussing what to do when I decided to go to a door at random and knock. (In my defense this was at my school DnD club and it was the last session before graduation) the door opened, I got pulled in and it if wasn't for the dragon born in my party I would have been eaten by a hag. Sill gona say worth it. TLDR: I knocked on a door and nearly got eaten by a hag
@SoulcatcherLucario 3 ай бұрын
think that's wild beyond the witchlight! we're playing through it right now (my first time playing dnd at all) and i love it :)
@LordSeir 2 жыл бұрын
Player: I open the bag of holding Me:😳
@gamebrainjagras4193 2 жыл бұрын
@trinalgalaxy5943 2 жыл бұрын
Mine comes from red markets. it was clearly a trap. we all knew it was a trap. someone asked "whats in the box?" my first reaction was its a bomb. my second reaction was "I open the box." low and behold, it was a bomb. fortunately I recieved the least amount of damage
@kayq3231 2 жыл бұрын
session 0. I was exploring a sunken ship until a massive monster decides my friends and I would make a taste snack. we hide because we can't fight it. inside the ship i see a glow coming from a treasure chest. my focus is torn between the glow and trying not to die. a friend covers the orb inside with a cloth to dampen the glow. I grab touch the orb because worst case scenario we're dead either way and bond an ancient water dragon to me that I have to free before I can return home.
@stupidratt 2 жыл бұрын
@T4N7 2 жыл бұрын
Backstory: One of my old GMs was a ass n was mad I built a 3rd fighter for this party of 4 (the leader being a rogue) so he set up a plot to go down a magic well but used his homebrew rules that orcs can't use magic as a reason that the portal didn't work for me even tho an elf n half orc went thru at the exact same time so i went splat n made a caster like he wanted but a healer the spite him wanting mage damage. She was good at fighting horses of enemies but of course he only thru mini bosses at us 1 or 2 at a time n things that my weapons basically bounce off of n bo one actually got hit most fights cuz they did massive damage n ended things in a round or 2. So most of my time to shine was out of combat. Speech skills were off the chain n I had utility for almost everything; I was rdy to mess up the GM's day. Backstory out of the way. We entered a room n the rogue's player always reminded the GM that he had trap sense so the GM needed to tingle his spidey senses any time a trap was nearby. Well we entered a room with a chest... no trap sense. Is it a mimic? It is real? The rogue takes a risk n tries to open it. Not a mimic but it IS A TRAP!! Dafuq?! GM describes a hissing sound n smoke coming out the keyhole (ergo it's a fuse based explosive). Everyone freaks out, my Inquisitor pushes them aside n says to calm down. U may have guessed from the class name n me saying it was a healer that it's not the 5e Rogue subclass but the Pathfinder class... create water in that game is a cantrip n stacks with ur caster level... I came in at lvl 8 so I let loose a kiddy pool worth of water inside the chest n grinned a shit eating grin at my GM n watched his eyes seethe in rage.
@danieldosso2455 2 жыл бұрын
Doesn't the Bag of Holding by RAW have a max holding weight?
@cocopuffs903 2 жыл бұрын
Yup, 500 pounds worth of items
@lexington476 2 жыл бұрын
What is a Jarred Demon?
@180msdavid 2 жыл бұрын
the drunken whizard
@niekatheunknownweirdokid Жыл бұрын
I stan Finnegan Pennyhille now ngl
@buddhapoquan5859 2 жыл бұрын
Zomg first story ... dead
@lilpotomus4261 2 жыл бұрын
This is a story of a failed opening so here's the set up we had just gotten a small box with some sort of infernal written on it. It gets handed to our tiefling who can read infernal who then says he can't understand it it's just nonsense. After a few reasonable attempts to open it from the other party members it then gets passed to me the level 3 black dragon borne barbarian I tell the DM I want to hit it with my great axe I then get a response that is familiar to anyone who has ever made a stupid decision in D&D "Are you sure about that?" After responding with yes I have to make wisdom saving throw I succeed and take half damage of 21 mental damage. I am knocked to the ground on about 5 hp the box is still not opened and the party is laughing and telling me I'm a dumbass while using basic healing.
@jrp7808 2 жыл бұрын
I can't wait to play DND with my kids
@kink1194 2 жыл бұрын
Who said they were dissecting the goblin
@_gold_eye_2656 2 жыл бұрын
It was never opened. I think we know why. Locks, lots and lots of locks.
@MrRukrio1 2 жыл бұрын
oh hey, a video i can contribute a story to in the comments section: okay, so in a campaign i'm in, the party went from fighting corporate evil to finding out about there being a cult wanting to make evil dragons under their control. and over time this cult has become a bit of a thorn in the party's side, doubly so because of their robes, which conceal the wearer's identity, and are cursed, with the added benefit of being scryed on by whoever the fuck made them. (we still don't know who in the campaign but i'm pretty sure the party wants to beat the shit out of them for reasons i'm about to explain) and the first time the party wizard goes to try to dispel magic/remove curse, we find out the hard way that whoever made them did not want such spells being used because how many spells are set to go off the instant somebody tries, the only saving grace is that the DM rolls only one of them playing out, and the rest are left for future attempts. oh, and in case you're wondering, no, you can't brute force the robes with enough magic, we've found that out already. a more recent encounter lead to me trying using mage hand to try to take off the robe in an attempt to see if they were actually part of the cult, so when it turns out random villagers who were recruited can't take off the robes, yeah we were like "fuck. guess we're going to have to get them to come with us to help find more of said cult's actually dangerous members." after the cult in question blew up the party airship. TLDR cultist robes lined with far too much magic to be worth dispelling with low level magic due to basically being "on attempt to remove, use deadly but wild magic"
@JohnFleshman 2 жыл бұрын
heh 3 different dms over more than 20 years have killed my low level characters with mimics. lol.
@phantom9in Жыл бұрын
What's in the box?
@disableddragonborn 2 жыл бұрын
"Dibuke box"😂 Dybbuk is pronounced "Dib-uk"
@endel12 2 жыл бұрын
It took me a few to understand what he was talking about. “What the heck is a dibyuke”
@johnniefinney3266 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Mr.ripper
@turtrenold8532 2 жыл бұрын
I once rolled a 26 on a deception check to make the goliath who sounded like a girl to acually think he was a girl and the goliath rolled a -4 which then the goliath slaps his meat on the table and lops it off with a cleaver we got free rooms in the inn because there was no inn keeper as the inn keeper was the goliath
@destructor3152 2 жыл бұрын
We found out the local lord was a crossdresser by looting a dresser in a manor house.
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