・台湾レール幅が異なり、直通運転できない ・近鉄架線×第三軌集電装置の開発進めていますが、見通しが立ってない ・奈良ー大阪近鉄奈良線と JR大和路線走る路線がある、けいはんな線生駒駅乗換できるのため、直通運転実現性は低い This channel continues to push ideas that are unrealistic. Due to difference in rail gauge, through service between TRA and Taipei MRT is impossible. Kintetsu is still in testing phase. There is no plan at this time to run direct service between Nara and Osaka via Keihanna line let alone express service. It may happen only if the Chuo maglev lands near a Kintetsu station, which is still decades away.