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Edits are listed below disclaimer..
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Star Wars. All rights go to to the Walt Disney Company and Lucasfilms Ltd. I do not claim ownership of any part of this film or any of the material used. This is a fan production/edit, is not monetized and as such, it falls under the principle of fair use. All trademarked and copyrighted licences are property of their respective owners. Fanedit is only legally viewed by those who own the source material (original films) and is not to be distributed for profit or other personal gain.
This is a fan-production and is not for profit or commercial use or monetized in any way. All trademarked and copyrighted licenses are property of their respective owners, especially the Walt Disney Company and Lucasfilms Ltd.
EDITS: (minus things that are just rearranged or omitted as 5 hours of movies are cut here). Revision. Removed error with a double scene, new edit Geonosis. Changed romance/song scene a bit. Cleaned up many transitions.
THE PHANTOM MENACE: Short line from Obi-Wan from Episode 4 (as this should be viewed in Machete Order and after Vader claims he is Luke's father) about the old republic before custom opening crawl to clear up questions people might have about how Anakin got into space on a ship. Edited space battle with Maul fight as the start of the film. Maul fight music before Obi-wan engages Maul made more primal from original soundtrack. Edited Darth Sidious scene from earlier in original film to make it clear he is behind this. Anakin gives Padme his carving before he leaves Naboo to begin his Jedi training while Padme looks to be dressed incognito visiting his departing ship. Anakin's departing conversation with his mother occurs as a flashback MUCH later and during Attack of the Clones timeline after vision about his mother.
ATTACK OF THE CLONES: 10 years later text added at start of film. Changed alien text to make it clear Padme is the ex Queen when introduced with Palpatine, which could be confusing. Heavily edited assassination attempt, music and sound during it and car chase. Edited bar scene to make it feel a little more exciting. Added deleted scene with Obi-wan and dart to transition to shortened diner scene. Edited later romantic scenes with music from the soundtrack. It works visually without the dialogue. Anakin never mentions he hates Sandpeople children or that he killed them to Padme and instead promises her he will be the most powerful Jedi ever, before breaking down and crying. Star Wars sad medley is played over it while Padme comforts him. This is again to make the love story more believable. Assembly line scene is skipped, with Jango capturing Padme/Anakin. Padme's love confession before arena event is edited and shorter. Arena event is HEAVILY edited and shortened to be more of a rescue from Mace Windu. There is only one creature that is there because Jango Fett kills it. Yoda does not fight Dooku as it never made sense to me from a Sith/Jedi power level perspective. He is also old and his fight with Palpatine should be seen as a last ditch effort, which is why he has to go into exile.
REVENGE OF THE SITH: Three years later text before film. Edited space battle to be MUCH shorter and a little comic relief from Artoo as the gates to the ship where Palpatine is being held close. Artoo whistles to let Anakin/Obiwan know he can take them to Dooku. Crash landing made a little more exciting/shorter. Palpatine's talk with Anakin at concert edited to remove Midicholorians/Grievous and other repetition. Palaptine attacks Mace Windu and company faster with his first strike after landing, so it looks like they had no time to react. Removed Palpatine's message to Mustafar and dialogue before Anakin kills them because it made no sense. Anakin should believe he is doing "good" in a twisted way, by assassinating separatists, which a Jedi would never do. I believe he would find out later the Emperor played him for a fool, but it is too late to change the past. Anakin on Mustafar and Emperor's speech edited together and shortened with multiple video tracks. Anakin no longer says "you will try". Yoda Palpatine fight shortened and Yoda no longer looks up after he falls with disdain for emperor. Yoda doesn't say he must go into exile immediately. He just says he failed. Anakin/Obi-wan fight on tower shortened with Obi-wan swinging to the small platform in the lava immediately. Leia's name not revealed for Machete Order purposes. Vader's first breath is Padme's last breath. Ending with TFA trailer music and video mostly synced to things happening on screen.