Dehya, One Year Later: A Better Place

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Nano Reyson

Nano Reyson

4 ай бұрын

Reflecting on Dehya's journey one year after her release, it's evident that she has evolved positively. The progress is undeniable. Dehya faced skepticism initially, with some labeling any positive sentiment as mere "coping." It's crucial to question if she was truly ever "bad" or if expectations shaped our perception.
What are your views on Dehya's evolution? Comment below and let's explore diverse opinions and insights.

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@PazuChill 4 ай бұрын
Rise up Dehya mains! She is underrated as heck. She's okay at C0 and good at C1.
@rengokiri 4 ай бұрын
She’s pretty bad at c0, okay at c1. More than Good at c6 of course
@chicken7002 4 ай бұрын
I really hate that stupid worm.
@AlMeZero 4 ай бұрын
tl;dr - She's lackluster and a bad (NOT useless) character with still inherently bad with BIG kit design flaws, but she has definitely improved. She's a subpar and flawed Support (nothing wrong with being flawed) with clear weaknesses but is VERY cheap to build similar to Gorou. Her skill damage is so awful that Golden Troupe is non-viable on her. Her Pyro application on Skill works for Burgeon (not GREAT at it) and her Burst is too fast for Burgeon. An off-field character can still be a main DPS or at least a significant contributor to team damage. She's actually pretty neat in co-op IMO. A character's (lack of) strength doesn't mean they're unusable, it just means you could get better mileage spending your resources on someone else instead. She has improved, but she's still by far one of the worst characters in terms of meta. Again, play whoever you want. I've spent a lot of time messing around with Dehya and there are points that I can understand and some that I agree with to an extent, and she has definitely improved since her release but she's still pretty lackluster and underwhelming, even with the improvements characters have brought. And in a game with a vast cast and more to come, it isn't unreasonable for a character to be deemed good or bad. I can clear Abyss 36* with Aloy, does that make Aloy a great character? Another player can't beat Abyss with Alhaitham, does that make Alhaitham bad? Character strength can be carried (or brought down) by investment, so play whoever you want. You like Dehya? Awesome! But liking a character and 36* Abyss doesn't make them a good character in an instant. I actually somewhat like her as a support even though I still have so much issues with her skill alone. I absolutely agree that she is a support first and treating her as a dps first is just setting yourself up for disappointment. In terms of synergy, at least on paper, she does pair decently with characters that rely on not being interrupted (Charged-Shot characters, Neuvilette, Yoimiya, etc.) and unlike shielders she has potentially unlimited stagger resist during the duration of her A1 passive. What's iffy about her supporting capabilities is that what she offers is inconsistent and can be quite uncomfortable. Unlimited Poise disappears after A1 is gone and that has a cooldown that basically prevents abusing Sac Greatsword. And you'd have to ensure that your team doesn't move out of the safety circle, has enough health/healing to just facetank everything, and also ensure that the circle is placed down in an area where there won't be much hassle/need to relocate. Of course if you use Dehya with these factors in mind, then the payoff can be well worth it (I used Dehya to tank the Hydro Tulpa in Abyss and leveling Furina as her E doesn't self-inflict Pyro and the Tulpa doesn't move around too much apart from when it repositions itself and she has worked in my experimental off-stream Abyss clears.) And Dehya reducing the damage the team takes has direct anti-synergy with Furina, the one who should've played the role of the Hydro Archon who would definitely save Dehya. Dehya is better underwater than she is with other party members. Honestly, I think Dehya is BEST USED in Co-op as a pure HP% support, as her energy issues are somewhat alleviated there and her skill doesn't have any self-app that could backfire on teammates and having no Burst isn't an issue since other characters are doing the damage anyway. I heavily disagree with using Golden Troupe (if I misheard you and you said DON'T use Golden Troupe, my fault), even more so as a Support set since if you're building her with support stats in mind, her skill is going to do hilariously little damage that you're better off with 4-pc Tenacity (a set she quite easily procs), Instructor or 4-pc Deepwood in Dendro-heavy teams instead. Heck grab 4-pc Noblesse and just insta swap-out of her burst if you don't have access to Tenacity. A character being off-field =/= a main DPS is not true, at the very least they can still play a BIG role in the team's damage output. Looking purely at damage, Xiangling, Xingqiu, Fischl, Beidou, Venti, etc. can all offer an insane amount of damage and in some cases become the main DPS themselves. In Childe national teams, Childe himself isn't doing a massive amount of damage, he's enabling Xiangling to do absolutely ridiculous amounts of damage, and I believe it's the same case if you swap him out with Ayato instead. The Talent values and elemental applications do matter in determining whether a character's damage is bad or not and, as much as I hate saying this, Dehya's E values are quite lackluster, especially at C0. Imagine if Venti's Burst only swirled a total of four times, or if Yae's E did the same amount of damage as Xinyan's E's ticks. Dehya's E procs quite slowly and doesn't even hit hard, making its best use in Burgeon-based teams (where you could 100% just use Thoma instead). Her Burst has been complained about so much that I don't think I need to delve into it as I assume you know this as well, but her Burst undeniably carries a large amount of her own personal damage. If you play DPS Dehya, there's a good chance you're running Emblem or a Burst-set instead of Golden Troupe or something. Just be careful not to get Frozen (and no, not jumping does NOT help. Just getting Frozen alone can already cancel your Burst.) If you're playing Burgeon (unironically the team I'd say she has the best chance of doing the most damage in without factoring others party members), then sure sucks that her application is slower than it needs to be and using her Burst makes her apply Pyro too fast instead. If you're playing Mono Pyro, then I'd say she's a pretty neat option honestly though again her damage will definitely lag behind others. Tier lists and meta talk shouldn't be treated as "If you use low-tier, you're dumb because they're unusable lol" at all. I force Eula into EVERY SINGLE ABYSS even versus the worms, Dorito and PMA. Why? Because I like Eula. Because I've invested a LOT into her. She's not the best character in the game and frankly other DPS do a better job at dishing out damage than her, but I still clear the Abyss with her. Doesn't make her SSS+ Top Tier in general, but she's who I adore. Putting her with Shenhe, Raiden and Zhongli might make other players pull their hair out seeing those three not being used in better teams, but it's my account and I play the way I want. But would I recommend a player to build their Eula before, say, their Neuvilette, Xiangling, or Kazuha? Absolutely not. I wouldn't recommend people to build their Dehya first either. At the end of the day, it's a single-player heavy game. Play with who you want, clear what you want however you want, but do not treat critical feedback as some offense, lie, or a sign saying that they're useless. Everyone has their uses even if somewhat outdated. Dehya has flaws and there are things about her kit that I absolutely HATE, but she's not useless. Aloy is an absolute meme of a character, but she can still be used in quickswaps and a quick cryo generator (and if nothing else, meat hunter.)
@NanoReyson 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for ACTUALLY listening and actually having a legit thought. People like to act that when you say good you are saying the best or that others aren't better. Or that if she doesn't outperform the most broken character she isn't good. With that said, I agree with most. I get good value from her E and that's why I said Troupe is an option. When built with the right stats and on the right teams you see a significant increase in her E skill. I would disagree on the Burgeon part, shes better as a burning character. One of the only ones really, because of her slow pyro app. It's why one of her best teams after her artifact set came out was the Overburn team with Nahida Kazuha and Kuki. I believe we will see more burning in the near future. Burgeon IMO just isn't as good and frankly the thought of high investment in a Thoma for it makes me gag lol. But yes, the point of the video that so many stuck still in their preconceived notions dating back a year is that when you think outside of meta and see the roles she is actually good in and better in (again burning) you can appreciate that she is good at those roles. Yes, you can find someone better in some of them and no she isn't the best. But it doesn't matter in this game who outperforms who, if you're good, you are good. And frankly, she's good. Not great, but still good
@AlMeZero 4 ай бұрын
Ah, Burn Dehya. Ran it a few times utilizing Nahida, Kazuha/Bennet and Ganyu since Zhongli was on the other side. Yeah I'd like to see burning, and honestly when she was first announced I along with other friends were fully expecting Burgeon (I did throw Burning in there as a half joke).@@NanoReyson
@NanoReyson 4 ай бұрын
@@AlMeZero yeah, to me that is her best role. Her and Nahida together great burning team. Outside of Neuvilitte and if I want to run main DPS, the teams I use the most with her is burning. Now other reactions can be added in like vape, bloom, overload to increase overall DMG of the team but burning is all I need and you don't need to build her EM. I use the same build for all 5 or 6 teams I use her in.
@Ivan6280 4 ай бұрын
Long story short for everyone : Dehya was bad, now is ok. Not because she got better, but because Furina was released. Ty for listening
@Akuji. 4 ай бұрын
My xiangling dehya monopyro is great My dehya doing 34k c0
@nonamenoname9550 4 ай бұрын
I really want to have access to his secret copium stash. Still playing her in every party where other characters can compensate for her... ahem, underwhelming performance😅
@NanoReyson 4 ай бұрын
You realize this is a game that doesn't require every character and you are free to play who you like?
@nonamenoname9550 4 ай бұрын
@@NanoReyson Well, you sound really woke. 'Everyone is beautiful'(C), in Genshin it's 'everyone is strong'. Hahaha. All this copium works only until you face reality.
@NanoReyson 4 ай бұрын
@@nonamenoname9550 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@samirSch 2 ай бұрын
@@nonamenoname9550 As someone who hates the woke crowd...stop being an ass, dude. She sucks or not, depending how you see it, but who cares? We're just trying to squeeze the max performance juice out of her, that's all.
@luisai858 4 ай бұрын
dehya furina bennett and mona helped me 36 star the abyss for the first time! she's so good idk why people hates her. her design is defo the best!
@leonardomeloni69 4 ай бұрын
Because any other unit does more damage than her if you switch Dehya with someone else in that team And she's a 5 star, that's why
@Cajun_Seasoning 4 ай бұрын
because as a 5* she deals less dmg than some of the worst dmg dealing 4*s
@cresentj 4 ай бұрын
People hate because they dont know how to build (i still see people using emblem on her lol) and because people are sheep and will jukp kn the hate bandwagon faster than any other bandwagon. Its really that simple. A support character that can mitigate half the damage the team takes, utilise aoe off field pyro damage and deal 300k x number of enemies (her punches are aoe) i 4 seconds is not bad at all. People using emblem and ignoring dendro while playing her is what makes 'their' dehyas (if they even have her) bad. But its easier to cry about the tool than admit a skill issue.
@luisai858 4 ай бұрын
@aceofgeo 4 ай бұрын
@@leonardomeloni69 not really. the purpose of Mona and Furina is for Dehya to vape reliably. If you use that team and replace dehya with hutao or yoimiya or klee etc then it would not work as well. those 3 supports are definitely some of the best buffers in the game but the 2 hydro units main role in that team is for dehya to vape reliably. you can try the team for yourself it's surprisingly fun! furina and mona to dehya is xingqiu and yelan to hutao, yoimiya, diluc, klee etc
@lenwok3222 4 ай бұрын
Im just salty she one of the few characters i invested in her weapon even though all she needs is c2 to fulfill her role
@quihuynh1647 4 ай бұрын
She is okay, but her weapon is one of my favorite weapon in genshin.
@meixintongzha9146 4 ай бұрын
i hope i will get c2 dehya in next pity and next next pity. Otherwise c0 dehya is unplayable. Really love the character but damage multiplier is too low.
@Therepostr 4 ай бұрын
Dehya is incredible and unique in its mechanics. Her defense method has no analogues, except for another Honka Star Rail game, but not about that. Her imposition of pyro status is rare and you can play with it, because you don't always need frequent pyro on the opponent. Her only problems are the unfortunate 9 seconds of protection, which weakens her role as a support. This causes some discomfort and the presence of C2 only increases its duration, but not protection, because it lasts 9 seconds with a basic skill state of 12. If you like a character, then you can't argue with a person, but for those who got it by accident, the benefit will be minimal, on a par with other standard characters except tignari, and trying to squeeze damage out of it if you're not a fan of it is simply pointless, because the same resources and efforts can be invested in, for example, itto. As a result, the character is a wonderful defender and unique and useful in mechanics, but she feels like the character from whom convenience and a distinctive feature have been taken away and because of this she is very specific and replaceable
@NanoReyson 4 ай бұрын
The majority of players don't really care if a character is replaceable or not. When you focus on her intended use which is support first sub DPS second, then it opens up more of what she can do. I've never had an issue with the 9 seconds IR and frankly think it's over exaggerating because people's expectations weren't met. She is good at the unique and rare job she provides. More niche than your standard teams and definitely not meta. But the idea that she's bad or was ever bad or like some people say "the worst 5 star" has always been wrong. Then again, it is opinion based and what the player values more is ultimately what matters more to them
@nonamenoname9550 4 ай бұрын
It's all good, except her HSR counterpart has her main flaws fixed: 100% skill uptime, better self-healing and most importantly, PARTY WIDE HEALING. It's almost as if they are using Genshin as Open Beta Test, actually listen to our complaints about characters kit and then release perfected version capable of solo sustaining whole party... in HSR! Oh wait...
@NanoReyson 4 ай бұрын
@@nonamenoname9550 and nobody cares, two different games two different game mechanics and yet one year later still the same whiney ppl that can't get over it. Move on, and let the people with a brain that don't follow the loud minority make up their own minds. You can yell and whine a billion times how much you don't like her kit, won't change a thing. So move on. Arlecchino is coming, why not prepare yourself to be disappointed with her kit?
@nonamenoname9550 4 ай бұрын
@@NanoReyson You do realize that you are a loud minority that preach 'Dehya is ok' here? And you aren't very good at it too. Just how blind one needs to be to never notice how Genshin is used like OBT for another, favored game? And even worse, playing a white knight and defending nultibillionaire corporation's horrible decisions.
@NanoReyson 4 ай бұрын
@@nonamenoname9550 60 million player base, less than .001% that complain about her kit. Mostly loud reddit Internet users that are the minority of the player base. But yup, that's what I am. Have a good day sir. I'll keep enjoying my good character
@Erox006 4 ай бұрын
as someone who really likes her design and story , i have to say , yes she does what no one does , but she's not good at it , for whatever reason , kekhoyo hyped her for months , then disappointed everyone ..
@nonamenoname9550 4 ай бұрын
That's because she was just a testing template for HSR Fu Xuan. They got their money from Dehya, just from different banner in different game.
@GC-Shadow1327 4 ай бұрын
Bluntly adding "Dehya was Never at all Bad", a phrase that would be framed as copious blasphemy. I make it no secret that I hold a negative view towards certain types of genshin players that, even waay before the Flame-Mane debut, pretended to be All-knowing of the game that they would go around doom-posting of how bad the character is without fundamentally learning the exact mechanics (attack spammers...) then repeat the cycle despite proven wrong. Now with Dehya, I would say Hoyo is 40% at fault for taking an extremely long time to release her as a playable Allogene, that allowed audiences to imagine huuge expectations of her being a Meta DPS despite several hints in the story of her being a Support. As u can imagine, this opened doors for spiteful blasting while making sure their pride was intact. The disregard for her strengths were unbelievable despite how easy and fun she is to understand. I personally have Dehya at C0 yet she is one of my best units ever due to sheer versatility of her kit alone (one of a very few times I praise Hoyo) because it actually depends on the players' skill instead of DMG spamming. The 'complaints' I have heard are just common flaws that I easily overcame (albeit I solely wish we were given more agency during the Burst). The only character I am willing to agree with the community that is objectively bad so far is Hydro Traveler. Oh and right now the best weapon the Melusine Card-board Sword... Weapon banner is a huge jerk to me😓
@weeb69 4 ай бұрын
I don't wanna say cope but cope
@weeb69 4 ай бұрын
the people doomposting dehya were theory crafters, people better versed in gameplay than you who certainly knew how to compare dehya to other characters. During pre-release, it was not yet leaked that she'd be a standard banner unit, and people just tossed it around as a joke with how bad her damage output and support capabilities were. She truly does not do anything well, and if you're trying to convince yourself that she's "good" because she still clears abyss despite doing so slower than any other hypercarry or non-hypercarry team, because she still has defensive utility despite being worse than 4 stars, because she still has pyro application despite being scuffed and infrequent, or because she still generates a small amount of particles... that's just unhealthy cope at best she's "barely usable", definitely far from good her kit design is god awful in so many ways, she performs terribly for a reason
@GC-Shadow1327 4 ай бұрын
@@weeb69 Guy, It should not be news to anyone that theory crafters are nowhere Ever close to being 100% right hence the 'theory', And are certainly not the best gamers. There are already so many past instances they messed up for other characters, so no I don't put my faith on strangers against my experience. You convinced yourself Dehya is barely usable according to your coping standards, I rather value actual practicality over the math, we are not the same. The claim Dehya being bad is not an objective truth at all There has recently been an event were players exposed their 'Skill Issue' by complaining the trial characters with "badly built" sets kept them from acing Pro. YET those I witnessed strolling through that level USED Dehya. Accuse me of "Coping" all u like, I am through with the brain-washing tactic this (Loud minority) community has normalized. Dehya is a great balanced unit who was wrongfully overlooked online.
@weeb69 4 ай бұрын
@@GC-Shadow1327 dude you are just full of anecdotal evidence and fail to understand the concept of objectivity. The closest anything can get to objectivity in this game is calculations, which you are turning down. Fair enough, you player her as a support, what would you care about dps calcs, right? But her support aspects fall behind other units like dedicated shielders and occasionally even xingqiu, bennett whose kits are already so loaded, as well as other general healers. So at that point, arguing for her defensive utility is silly because, at best, she's a zhongli downgrade. As for the other things, you seem to misunderstand what theorycrafting refers to. TC (shortened) is doing math, thus theoretical rather than actual in game experimenting (not preferred since that's not representative). It is not making up things on the spot, or anything of that sort. It's pure math. While it is possible to magically miss and overlook some amazing use case for a character, given the amount of people calculating things months before a character is released and even after, especially for dehya who had a huge fabase looking at every last thing she could be used for, that clearly was not the case. As for the event, I don't even know what this point is, the builds were terrible and the trials you could pick were not very synergistic and it was still insanely easy to clear with just 2 or 3 characters. Maybe the circles you go to just happen to have people not very good at the game, or idk, but i never heard of anyone struggling with that event.
@GC-Shadow1327 4 ай бұрын
@@weeb69 (Sigh) At least u somewhat admit to the evidence at the start, but then brew up a lukeworm lecture of parroted ignorant points just to hold on to your prideful insistence that I should agree that Dehya is bad. So u want comparisons?: XQ; while his element Skill provides inter-Resistances it does not give simultaneous attacks for follow up reactions like Dehya's. Benny-Boy; 😒Does not move his field. And now Zhongli (I detest this desperate action of using my Fav Character to shame Best Girl); Both Corrosive and Maneuverable enemies are a problem for the Geo Lord, Not for the Flame- Mane. Dehya does not fall behind other Supports, enough with the false-hoods. And anyone who straight up claims she is an Anti-Synergistic unit is frankly being dishonest, I experimented plenty with others. Say with me now: "Theory-crafters are Human", meaning they are extremely fallible and entirely different individuals, not your divine foretellers. I should not need to point out such Common Sense (a concept that's fleeting so rapidly in this modern era). To that good sir, I am closing this unproductive topic. Its fine if u want to hang on to your view, but do not play word gymnastics to convince me what should be objective. Peace.
@duranrolle2809 4 ай бұрын
First off you said that she is a sub-dps depending on how much dmg you think a sub-dps should do which doesn't really make sense. Shouldn't there be a parameter of what counts as sub-dps rather then anyone's individual opinion? Secondly you mentioned that dehya is unique which is mostly false. The only new thing she does do is absorb dmg the on-field char would have taken onto herself. The other 2 things she does that can be considered support are interruption resist and follow-up dmg. You know who else gives those two things, xingqui, beidou, thoma and even xinyan depending on cons. Even the one unique thing she has isn't that great because unlike an actual shielder or healer you can't get away with having just dehya if you can't avoid taking dmg in abyss. So you will end up bringing a healer/shielder anyways to keep the party alive. Also notice how some of the chars who also do the 2 things dehya does are much better received because of the simple fact that they actually do sub-dps dmg and in other cases like xinyan, are not well received because they don't really excel at anything they do to be worth investing over other chars. Just because you can get by fine with a char and enjoy them doesn't mean they can't also be a terribly designed char. You showed in the video that you understand that she's not the best char and she can't do dmg like hu tao etc, but why can't you accept that she's easily top 5 worst chars in the game if not the worst.
@NanoReyson 4 ай бұрын
You listened to what I said yet also ignored what I said. I said she's first and foremost a support character. She can be a sub DPS but as I said in the video, comparing her to a main DPS or even other Sub DPS who's main roles are only based on dealing DMG makes no sense. So, if Dehya had no defense utility and her kit was based solely on DMG, then comparing her to say a Xiangling makes sense because they both have the exact same role. The other characters you mentioned roles aren't the same, they have certain things that provide some utility but they aren't built on being split in half. Now if her kit being split in half for you makes her 5th worse, than that's your opinion. This notion that "you still need to bring a healer" is just nonsense. No one complains that you need to bring Xingqiu AND Yelan PLUS ZL to maximize HuTao DPS. Or that Xiangling is always tied to Bennett to maximize her DMG, but Dehya, now that's a problem. The community picks and chooses what to be upset about when the expectations were not meant and therefore NEED to make an excuse just to justify the disappointment. No she's not the 5th worse character. She's is very much a good character. Maybe instead of me needing to admit anything, you should probably re-evaluate her role, admit she was never made to be a main DPS and that despite needing a healer, like other characters that NEED certain characters to maximize their worth Dehya also and she isn't tied to just one or two characters and can be versatile with several characters while providing use. That isn't 5th worse. You can her niche, but 5th worse? Yeah no.
@duranrolle2809 4 ай бұрын
@@NanoReyson You yourself said at 1:30-1:42 that dehya's job is survivability and doing some dmg. If your trying to say that doing "some" dmg isn't the same as being a sub-dps then fine but your missing the point. I'm trying to convey that xingqui for instance does the same survivabilty/some dmg stuff as dehya yet is massively more respected because the truth is that his pro's outweigh his cons. Like you said hu tao/xiangling are like butter n bread to some supports to reach their ceilings, but that's dmg wise and the gains they get aren't even comparable to dehya with same investment. Now lets look at it again, you just basically agreed with me that dehya does still need a healer/shielder despite you yourself saying that her job is survivability and some dmg. She needs help with survivability when her job is to help survive, and if you say that she needs help with it because she's split with some dmg then we circle right back to the beginning. Her dmg isn't something you yourself even want to call sub-dps and her survivability needs help to she basically sucks at her job on both fronts. Hence making her a top 5 worst char candidate. Like most people who says she bad ain't even saying it out of spite but honest to god sadness at how bad mihoyo made what could have been a great char.
@NanoReyson 4 ай бұрын
@@duranrolle2809 first off, Dehya does not need a shielder, everything about her kit and even her weapon is about not having a shield. Now, let's talk about survivability. Does she limit the dmg that others take? Yes. She self heals. She has IR that allows your other characters to not get interrupted. All of that is survivability. Now, the team still needs a healer, well yes, just like with Xingqui as his survivability aspects aren't non healer or non shielder proof. Yes he can mitigate dmg but not enough and still benefits from having a healer which for most is the standard Bennett. As far as DMG is concerned, Dehya does good enough DMG to have as a sub dps. But that is always subjective. ZL provides a better shield, but his dmg will never be as good as Dehya withough a massive investment. Dehya provides defense that Xiangling doesn't, but Dehya will never do the dmg Xiangling does. In the team in the video. It comes down to what does good mean to you and what does it mean to other players. I don't compare characters because I don't, and I'm pretty sure you don't, only play the characters that do the very best at all aspects of the game. So one doing better than another is irrelevant because it doesn't even matter to your team comps. Dehya provides survivability that works, and works good. I will preach to anyone to put her on a glow set and not an Emblem set and value her E skill as much as her Q skill. Try running her on teams like the one I used. You can sub out Furina for Kazuha for her overburn team which who many Dehya users that agree she's good have been using that team since her release. I don't recommend her as a hypercarry. Use the team I use and swap her for others and see if it's as comfortable, or better. Try it without her and see if she wasn't needed at all. I belive in testing and making ones own decision instead of just going by what people say. Think outside of the box of what has been said she is and, try out what I say.
@duranrolle2809 4 ай бұрын
@@NanoReyson Ok so i'm glad that we can agree on some things but I cannot agree with 3 things your saying. 1st. Xingqui needing a healer/shielder is not the same as dehya needing a healer because like you said they have different roles. I just pointed out the fact that dehya's support can be done by other chars that are respected and some that aren't. 2nd. Saying that "As far as DMG is concerned, Dehya does good enough DMG to have as a sub dps. But that is always subjective." is just not good at all. If anyone can decide what is considered sub-dps as they feel then all chars can be sub-dps at that point which defeats the purpose, which is to help people understand how much dmg to expect from a chars off/on-field dmg. So no Dehya is either a sub-dps or not. 3rd."Dehya provides survivability that works, and works good." As I just explained, unlike xingqui who's main role is not survivability but still has it as a bonus, Dehya who you think half of her whole use is surviving. Her still needing a healer is ridiculous. You don't hear people saying to bring zhongli+healer or jean+shielder because having one of them is enough survivability for playing genshin. You mentioned bennet as a healer, the support who actually supports a team he's in insanely well. Even if he didn't heal you would still bring him because he so good. Dehya also heals!.....herself....amazing support. The point is the fact a support for surviving needs help surviving when other survive supports can do it alone shows that dehya is not a good support. Final thoughts are that yes this game is very easy to the point you can play the worst chars and make it through all content in the game successfully while still playing the chars you want if you understand how the game works, so play what you want. But that doesn't mean all chars are good, just that the game is easy.
@NanoReyson 4 ай бұрын
@@duranrolle2809 Dehya survivability is still good regardless. Now have I tried her on a team without a healer? I have not because most teams I play her in are burning teams that require healing. And yes I've seen these teams without Dehya not be able to survive on their own. As I said, she may be more niche than anything similar to Nilou bloom. In that niche she is very good IMO. A character doesn't need to be better than other characters to be considered good. There are roles they are suited for and some they aren't. And when I say that Dehya as a sub DPS does good enough DMG, I'm not saying it's just avg. Her total burst for my teams is over 400k DMG. I consider that good. Her coordinated attacks do at least 20k while also, if with Furina allowing for high Vapes of over 100k from Furina's pets. I say that's pretty good. I don't need her to do Xiangling level of sub DPS. Xiangling is broken and in a league of her own. What is the role of the character. Do they do that role good? It doesn't matter if someone does it better. It's not about the other units. Does Dehya provide survivability. Yes she does. Does she deal DMG, yes she does. And IMO she does both very good. The cherry on top is, she's fun to play and comfortable to play. There extremely good units in the game that I don't use because they aren't fun to play. I can acknowledge they are great at what they do, but gameplay wise, terrible. So I don't play them. I say this because many ppl think those that think like me base it off of "she's fun to play" and it's not just that.
@Cajun_Seasoning 4 ай бұрын
at the end of the day you can make any support in the game 4* or 5* still deal more dmg than her
@kaibacorp13 4 ай бұрын
Maybe for you everything is dmg but it's not mean it's for everyone nor it's fact.
@Cajun_Seasoning 4 ай бұрын
@@kaibacorp13 no, not everything is dmg ur right. but even in purely support value, she is outclassed in every way apart from her auto heal. And it kinda is a fact that anyone deals more dmg than her. Half invested dps barbara can do more than c6 dehya and that's just one example.
@kaibacorp13 4 ай бұрын
@@Cajun_Seasoning and you are right this time as well but aren't we have enough great sup and dps already? What's problem with sometimes now and then a clunky char that just having pure no brain fun with that char?
@Cajun_Seasoning 4 ай бұрын
@@kaibacorp13 Personally i have no problem with not powerful characters, I always try to make the underdogs as strong as possible cuz its fun. However, its more of a slap in the face to people who really wanted and waited and saved for her specifically, especially because she is so important to the story (unlike Hu Tao). Its more acceptable for 4*s to not be strong, but everyone expects 5*s to be actually useful, not just barely functional and that's a reasonable assumption to make. Considering 5*s are the money makers for Mihoyo, its also reasonable for people who spend money on this game to get a complete product (even though the same argument still stands for f2p). The argument isn't even that weak characters cant be fun, they absolutely can. But time and time again, Dehya struggles with doing the most basic stuff that people just don't find her fun that way at all. TLDR, weak is acceptable. Broken is not acceptable.
@cresentj 4 ай бұрын
If you think any 4* or 5* can do more damage than her you clearly cant do maths. Explain exactly using maths how layla (another support character) can do more damage than dehya. I'll wait. Dont ignore the question and shift the goal post. Explain or dont reply.
@jhad1harold 4 ай бұрын
you can run the same team with a thoma dps and still get the same result dehya is bad at both defense and offense. if i want a defensive option in my hyperbloom team with that c3 furina i would just get noelle. she would have more fanfare resulting to more dps, and noelle is a fking free 4 star man this video is pure cope.
@NanoReyson 4 ай бұрын
Then go ahead. It's not a Hyperbloom team but you do you and move on. Thoma isn't better, requires more investment and frankly is overrated and used as an excuse to not invest in Dehya because then ppl have to admit they were wrong. You clearly don't know how the team works and why since you think it's a Hyperbloom team. If I wanted a Hyperbloom team, Dehya wouldn't be on it, everyone knows that. But I'll take my cope with and you stick to your Thoma and Noelle
@kaibacorp13 4 ай бұрын
I build my dehya in unique way that I use for exploring and it's called immortal build it's basically cannot die in dragonspine nor against any enemies or even bosses that don't one shot you (I test it with chicken dendro boss 😅 forgot the boss name) and I enjoy it. BTW I use the bell for dehya and it's best f2p weapon for her. She gave hp scaling and also it give you shield, what the hell more you want.
@GC-Shadow1327 4 ай бұрын
I'd say my fav part about her kit is that we get to dual-wield Pyro and Hydro resonance thanks to her Hybrid/Split Scaling.
@matamatmassivetac5789 4 ай бұрын
Damn, a couple people here in the comments are treating you saying "Dehya is good" like a personal attack to themselves. Regardless of people who don't know what they're talking about, I agree with this video and your opinion. Dehya has found a few good places among astonishing teams. I find her status as one of the few defensive pyro units a great one, not for what her baseline damage is, but from what her defensive capabilities offer. Also, one of my favorite things to do with Dehya is use her as a shield-breaker against Abyss Heralds. ICD of course takes place (one chip per three hits, and one final chip from her Incineration Drive). People are quick to dismiss her because they've never investigated the hidden details of ICD, Elemental Gauge Theory, and Poise. I wish people did. And then they'd know why I find her fascinating. She is deeply involved in hoyo's hidden mechanics without many people realizing it. Hell, it's also what people seem to forget about Eula. She has her own IR that makes her pretty unstoppable. But I guess when you have a shield bot like Zhongli, you tend to forget about how to actually play a game.
@NanoReyson 4 ай бұрын
It is the loud minority that comes out in droves the minue someone dares say Dehya is good. Most haven't tried anything other than Mono Pyro or attempting to vape with Mona (pre-Furina). They can't think outside of the "dps check" box. It is both sad and hilarious.
@matamatmassivetac5789 4 ай бұрын
@@NanoReyson I've had a revelation lately. Once one gets rid of this preconceived notion that their account must always be updated with the latest and greatest, they become free. I mean the game itself doesn't stop you from putting Dendro artifacts on a Cryo character. It doesn't stop you from doing stuff that seem contradictory. Why? The game is meant to be fun by being full of team customization options. So it just seem counterintuitive to the idea of fun by deciding the only merit your account harbors are teams that beat Abyss faster than anyone. To me, Dehya wasn't meant to be something that towers the tier list. She's meant to be a choice. An option for an alternative gameplay style, to change things up a bit. Because what she brings isn't something the meta needs to worry about. It's what the players can choose to investigate. "Can she carry you through the abyss?" becomes such a boring question. "Can she be fun?" is a lot more interesting. Hoyoverse gives us a lot to play with. They're still making video games here. I think what people get offended about is being rejected from imposing their restrictive idea of "fun" on others. The game never says "you're an idiot" for throwing Dehya into a team, so why must people?
@NanoReyson 4 ай бұрын
@@matamatmassivetac5789 I feel people tend to follow a certain standard and then for some reason get offended when others don't fall in line. They are convinced that their opinions are facts because "these other loud people feel the same way" In a game with 60+ million players, to even believe that there is one standard is bizarre. But the amount of people that actually do the Abyss is a drop in the bucket compared to the total player base. There are meta characters that I would never pull because I think they suck. My opinion is my opinion and isn't based how much DMG they do. HuTao sucks. Why do I think she sucks, because the jump cancel charged attack playstyle is horrible and not fun. The charged attacks of all pole arm users sucks. I tend not to use them that much unless they are simply and E bot (yes, my Raiden is an EM E bot for my Neuv team and I don't care). The game lends itself to many different playstyles, and within those playstyles certain characters will be perceived as good vs others, and it's ok to have a different opinion based on your playstyle. The issue is when you get salty because someone dare say a character is good that you have made up your mind isn't.
@toolazytocomeupwithaunique4959 4 ай бұрын
I did a quick look at the comments and as usual a lot of people come off as very out of touch as to where Dehya falls in the overall meta especially since they seem very pre-release framed and not in the context of some Fontaine characters that synergize with her defensive properties or Furina that gives her more team archetype availability if you do play her as a DPS -- and I see her Burst DPS build as something similar to Noelle where you are trading carry damage for a durable on fielder and driving off field damage (this is how I used her post-Furina although I have been distracted by plunge teams lately). I think, whether or not you believe she was intended to be or not, her being standard character is exactly where her measure of a character is: Not as good as limited options often times (much like other standard characters) but not useless either and can still fill useful roles in teams. She does want to be on teams with healers but she also gives extra padding if your healer is either Shinobu or Bennett (both characters that do not have the opportunity cost of being healers due to how much damage they provide) or even in some extreme cases your only healer is Neuvillette.
@marcelosanchez9703 4 ай бұрын
I wish i could see how many dislikes this has, the ratio is probably wild.
@cresentj 4 ай бұрын
People tend to get salty when there world view is challenged. How dare someone use dehya outside of mono pyro/vape with a crappy emblem that does next to nothing for her.
@nonamenoname9550 4 ай бұрын
@@cresentj dendro does nothing to her either, since she loses to Thoma as burgeon driver in every way possible. It doesn't mean you can't 36* with her in party, it just means she is outperformed in every area (defensive support, sub dps, burst carry) by C0 4* character. What is really wild is that people are still in denial after all this time.
@blueeyednick Күн бұрын
put Bennett on this team instead of Kuki it would be so much stronger
@vjbd2757 4 ай бұрын
Dehya is NOT a good character. Theorycrafters have been doomposting her before and after her release and Dehya mains also agree. The only good thing about her banner is her signature weapon which works better on other characters. You pretty much need cracked units like Kazuha, Bennet, (Mona), Furina, and others to make her just as good as other B or C-tier Main DPS. The only thing she excels at is exploring hazardous areas and Fontaine's underwater sections. Besides that, she's really bad.
@NanoReyson 4 ай бұрын
Theory crafters think she's a DPS, sorry but anything they say when it comes to her I won't listen. They are too prideful to admit she isn't. But you can listen to them all you want and follow the crowd and not think for yourself. That is fine
@vjbd2757 4 ай бұрын
@@NanoReyson Lol. Theorycrafters have tested her in every role and she sucks in all of them. She's neither a good DPS, a good sub-DPS, nor a good support. The only team that she's sort of decent is Ganyu melt and barely anyone uses that. Dehya mains hoped that Furina would at least make her good but she ended up making Noelle cracked. Maybe the Pyro archon can save her or perhaps you should lay off that copium and admit that she's bad at 0 to a few constellations.
@NanoReyson 4 ай бұрын
@@vjbd2757 and other people have done the same and found the opposite of what they think. Their opinions means nothing. You are more than welcome to follow them, I don't. She's good, the beauty of this game is that there are MANY characters to choose from. If you don't think she's good, move on. My opinion shouldn't bother nor trigger you so much.
@vjbd2757 4 ай бұрын
@@NanoReyson Dehya is bad. Plain and simple. Her kit is Hoyoverse's fault not mine. Dehya mains have been practically begging her to be buffed until the end of her banner to no avail. It's practically to everyone's benefit for her to be buffed. But I guess to you, she's fine for what she is and that's simply not true. Characters require a lot of time and investment to be stronger. Dehya, unless she has high cons, is simply not worth it.
@NanoReyson 4 ай бұрын
@@vjbd2757 again, you do you. She's good. If you don't like me saying it, oh well. Move on
@Dayard 4 ай бұрын
Dehya is not a support, she is nothing. She's not a good sup, not a good dps. The fact that you play her and somehow make her wackily "work" don't make her good. I'm a main Dehya since day 1, I have her C1R1 and I love playing her, but I'm not deluded, she is indeed the worst 5* in the game and even worst that most of the 4*. Accept the reality man, why do you have to pretend she's good ? Can't you enjoy bad things ? There's only one team to my knowledge where Dehya is good, it's as an E bot with Neuvillette.
@NanoReyson 4 ай бұрын
The fact that the only team to YOUR knowledge where she's good is E bot for Neuvilitte just shows your lack of actual knowledge and thus anything you said is invalidated because you have no actual knowledge. You are probably like the person who continues to try and fit a square peg into a round hole, and then frustrated because it doesn't work and therfore it is an issue with the peg and not your use of the peg. But hey, she's bad to you, she can continue being bad to you for lack of actual knowledge of her role. Meanwhile, as I said she is good. She's a good support and good sub dps.
@Dayard 4 ай бұрын
​@@NanoReysonLol so much salt, why don't you give some examples where Dehya is good ? Just in case the one in your video is not, it's just 3 exellent character and Dehya who could not be there and it wouldn't change anything... Actually just put almost anyone else in place of Dehya in the team and it would be an improvement. Doesn't matter how much your telling something to yourself, it doesn't become the truth just because you want it to be. Wich 5* is performing worse than Dehya, tell me ?
@NanoReyson 4 ай бұрын
@@Dayard because I don't need to. If after a year you still don't know then what's the point? I don't care about going back and forth with random trolls. Your point of replacing Dehya in that team has already been disproven by many. Do your own research and make your own content if you care so much. At the end of the day, your opinion is that she's bad and your knowledge is that she's only good in one team. After a year, if that's all you know that's based on choice. Move on
@Dayard 4 ай бұрын
​@@NanoReysonYou're the one claiming she's good while the majority of the community tells otherwise. Yet you don't show evidence of her being good ? And when someone disagree with you you get rude, go ad hominem and tell it's a troll. You're barely 3 staring the 12/2 within the time limit with 2 of the most broken characters in the game and and Kuki who's great too... Oh and Furina is C3 and Nahida C1. I'll ask again, wich 5* is performing worse than Dehya ?
@kevinhong760 4 ай бұрын
@@NanoReyson the fact your comment did nothing to refute OP besides belittling him proves anything you said is invalidated.
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