Desire (Is Desire the Root of Suffering?) - Teal Swan

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Teal Swan

Teal Swan

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@venrakdrake 7 жыл бұрын
"You could not have a desire if you were not meant to achieve that desire" Greatest thing ive heard all week
@angiestones6218 4 жыл бұрын
What if someone doesnt have legs and desire to have them? I mean she practicly states that anything is possible, while there are some limits!
@strawberrymins 4 жыл бұрын
i have difficulty believing that
@mv-id2uj 4 жыл бұрын
@@angiestones6218 there's really good robot limbs now. So you could technically get legs if you are an amputee.
@leskarty 3 жыл бұрын
Meant by who though? Why do I meant to have it.
@___rare___ 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah! Maybe we are meant to achieve it but we might not achieve it.
@saxuary 9 жыл бұрын
"Everything is perfect and there is always room for improvement." -Shunryu Suzuki
@antoineralic01 Жыл бұрын
More Like "You're perfect in your own way, you just need to be reminded in a way you don't need to think about but but BE ABOUT IT by learning the ways of becoming.
@thorspiritteachings 10 жыл бұрын
Desire isn't the "problem." Attachment to desire is the problem. A non-attached person will be at peace with a desire being met or not met. They become an open space willing to receive all experience. Desires come and go. To chase every desire is exhausting to the ego.
@ammd9419 7 жыл бұрын
Exactly! Desire but do not be owned by the desire.
@msmile9528 6 жыл бұрын
Exactly! That's why unahppiness exist! Misery exist! Because after a while ego gets bigger and bigger like a never be fed giant!
@lambmaster27 6 жыл бұрын
Oh damn, I like that.
@josephforfun8534 6 жыл бұрын
Do desires come and go when you don't met them?
@georgev.8997 5 жыл бұрын
Attachment to outcome is the problem .
@travingos 8 жыл бұрын
Desiring not to desire is still a desire. -Alan Watts
@Adamkww 8 жыл бұрын
Was just thinking this! I love listening to Alan watts 👍👌🙌
@Growing513 5 жыл бұрын
You didn't let Alan watts finish.he also said you get rid of desire by being aware of it.just like Buddha said to his leave it alone just like water ,if you touch it you stir it up
@theultrawarrior7448 5 жыл бұрын
@@Growing513 Yeah, Buddha had a better interpretation. BTW, it is not to live in hedonism. Blessings
@Hughesy16LFC 10 жыл бұрын
Forget about whether or not Buddhism says 'desire causes suffering', or whether it says 'attachment to desires causes suffering'. It seems that many Buddhists do try to rid themselves of desire, even though that's not what the Buddha says needs to be done. But that's not the point. There is profound wisdom in this video, which if you can understand, can lead you to a life of joy and freedom.
@eloise-mariebamford1737 3 жыл бұрын
‘If you desire anything, it is meant to be yours’ ~ I love that
@Hughesy16LFC 10 жыл бұрын
I like how she touches upon the two ways of aligning with your desires (and with your higher self/inner being). Essentially, one way is the 'Eckhart Tolle approach', the other is the 'Abraham Hicks approach'. The only thing that keeps us from alignment, from our natural state of Well- Being, and from our desires is our resistance- our negatively focused, disallowing thoughts. So to allow our alignment we simply have to offer no resitant thoughts. When we are in a no-thought state, we are offering no resistant thoughts. When we are thinking thoughts that feel good, we are not offering resistant thought. Different 'paths' to the same goal: alignment. Both paths will lead you to your desires (when practiced consistently), but it must be understood that the manifestations (the things) are simply bonuses. What you really want is the FEELING of aligning with WHO YOU REALLY ARE. This is where nonattachment comes in, because fulfilment cannot come from form (all things are impermanent), but they can certainly enhance the good feelings that come from alignment.
@FutileGrief 7 ай бұрын
This is beautiful, thank you so much for sharing. Wow this comment is 10 years old
@CB-eu3ix 7 жыл бұрын
A life without desire wouldn't be worth living. Its about releasing resistance of desire rather than attaching to it. But we need to differentiate desires that come from our true selves and the desires of the ego.
@08977564534231 11 жыл бұрын
Buddhism can't exist without desire, the Buddha taught this. The desire to reach nirvana, the desire to help others. The goal is to rid yourself of strong desires of greed in the area of material things.
@BruthaM 10 жыл бұрын
I agree. So glad the Buddha wasn't a Buddhist so did not teach Buddhism.
@hanaposkocilova3378 3 жыл бұрын
There is a difference between desire and intention in buddhism...
@poeticperception Жыл бұрын
​@@hanaposkocilova3378 different words for the same thing , don't u think ?
@fagbowsa 8 жыл бұрын
This video is every answer to every spiritual question I have found myself led to. Thank you profoundly teal. This is so so beautiful
@GiaS777 10 жыл бұрын
"Earthly Desires Are Enlightenment"-The Lotus Sutra. This is exactly what Nichiren Buddhism teaches. It teaches how to transform your desires through wisdom gained through meditation. Passion is the impetus for growth without wisdom you suffer, with wisdom you are enlightened. Peace
@mrjacobwilson24 11 жыл бұрын
It doesn't matter how "outmoded" you consider free will to be. The fact remains that we all choose our actions and reactions on a moment-to-moment basis. This is the definition of free will.
@rhubarbcheese 10 жыл бұрын
the fallacy of your logic is this: desire need not be there at all, because what is desire? To see how we get rid of desire is not a desire. Its not even a getting rid of desire. Seeing what desire is will destroy it completely.
@berenicek505 3 жыл бұрын
This might be my favourite Teal video ever
@ashegheaty 10 жыл бұрын
the more advanced your soul is , it desires less materials , and more helping others and reducing suffering in the world .
@lambmaster27 5 жыл бұрын
Guess that makes me the least advanced lol
@marti-greciaodalyz9863 11 жыл бұрын
@luckylongshotz 10 жыл бұрын
The main problem Teal has with her understanding of Buddhism lies in the assumptions she makes about Buddhism, which unfortunately are largely mistaken. For example early in her video she makes it clear she assumes we are all seperate beings. In fact Buddhism (and Teal herself occasionally) argue that this is a mistaken view. One of the implications of this view are that we are everything and this means there is nothing missing and so nothing to desire. What Buddhists aspire to is a state of consciousness that is beyond attraction (desire) aversion and indifference. This non conceptual state is beyond desire and this is a key area of Teal's confusion. She has interchanged being beyond desire with being opposed to having desire and they are very different. That said Buddhist schools differ in their methods for getting to this state. Some schools train the minds of students by encouraging discipline and in some cases this means fighting desire. Other schools use the energy of desire to transform it into more positive energy. These different approaches mean both that it is not possible to generalise about the Buddhist approach to desire and that only some Buddhists try to overcome desire through discipline. Finally the use of the term Buddhist in the way Teal has used it also indicates a lack of understanding. While it is easy to assume that Buddhist teachers advocate a dogmatic approach to the teachings, since other religions do this, this is a mistaken view. Some Buddhist teachers describe dogmatism as "the face of evil in Religion" and advocate that the test that teachings should be put to is whether or not they are beneficial rather than what religious label is attached to them.
@WokeAF-24 6 жыл бұрын
Andy Harris ya know what your wrong and I’m right okay I’m always right remember that next time you debate ne
@jessesayles4936 11 жыл бұрын
she's exactly right I went against my desire and what I truly want and I have suffered because of it this woman is a genius I contradicted my desire by letting go of the perfect person I manifested in my life! I still regret it sometimes but there's no going back.
@sattsjalfminn6908 8 жыл бұрын
There is no sorrow without Desire, Suffering is the awareness of the lack of what we desire.
@rikkirodriguez5635 11 жыл бұрын
Nichiren Buddhism mainly says that desires will lead the way to happiness. I've clearly made a determination to enjoy wherever my desires lead, its super empowering.
@MrPemabenza10 10 жыл бұрын
Not fully understanding the subtle difference between afflicted desire which Buddha advises us to abandon and many other seemingly synonymous emotions like desire, wanting, wishing and so on. I have studied in indepth about these in Buddhist monastery and got phd. Don't try to explain which u don't fully understood.
@rrginnydworchak 11 жыл бұрын
Teal, I have enjoyed and learned from many of your lectures. And now I have an opportunity to share some knowledge. It is true many Buddhist sects teach that desire leads to unhappiness. But, Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism teaches that earthly desires are in fact enlightenment. You are correct in that we have desires, desires to learn, feed ourselves and family, etc. We chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo to bring out our most inner potential as human beings. True treasure is absolute happiness.
@thatsinpossible4967 10 жыл бұрын
What Teal expressed was AMAZING. Thanks! Many other commenters of philosophical bent below simply didn't GET your true profundity for multiple reasons which I won't DETAIL-so will just add: -- The PRINCIPLES OF VIBRATION and RHYTHM ensure that the divine spark WE ALL ARE continuously pulses anew with soul desire for growth towards unity consciousness and ultimate return to source. On the way.. we create and store within the Akashic Records a wonderful collection of experiences for Spirit. Spirit experiences itself THROUGH YOU. (because TWO is needed to experience something) That is why you exist! ;)
@thatsinpossible4967 10 жыл бұрын
..this poem seems appropriate to this video. ----------------
@mayraamato5177 3 жыл бұрын
@rodneyhatch56 10 жыл бұрын
Conflating the concepts of desire and attachment is an error. Buddhism is about cultivating non-attachment to desire, not eliminating desire. I hear that this chick is "vibrating" but that's about it. Meaningless white-noise buzzing like crickets in the dark.
@stevec8872 7 жыл бұрын
Agreed! It's also the true Scotsman fallacy. If your desire didn't cause happiness, you didn't actually desire that.. if you aren't happy, then it's not a "true" desire. Higher self, Vibrational frequency yadda yadda yadda. Having "healthy desires" is a much more sensible description than the "vibrational frequency" gibberish. And most of the time healthy desires (right effort/dilligence and right view) are in accord with recognizing impermanence and don't create a tendency toward clinging and attachment. This is just a series of bizarre buzzwords and tautological speech from a girl whose whole video is the result of mistranslated terms.
@jakescorpion1 11 жыл бұрын
one day a man was flipping through the channels and saw something that caught his eye. He watched and listened and something changed. He had a new awareness about him. SO he began to seek more of the same and so he found more. Increasingly his awareness grew. He was blind, now a seeker and then a sannyasin a seeker of truth~ . Then one day after further study and practice he becomes enlightened and fully understands. there are no shortcuts.
@FreeMarketSwine 10 жыл бұрын
Buddhism calls for rejection of that which makes life worth living. Good video.
@baze3SC 11 жыл бұрын
Same as with any desire. Up to a point it's fulfilling and healthy. Cravings should not be repressed or denied. Once you acknowledge your passions, they will no longer control you and they will be in fact useful. More so than any "external" rules since it's you who are cultivating yourself. Just avoid extremes on either side, that's all.
@angelsrosena 8 жыл бұрын
A life without desire is a zombie life. How will I be here itoday f my mom never had a desire to become a mother?
@sareapo 11 жыл бұрын
'no Self' & desire can still coexist! Just because there is no self does not mean desires stops or ceases! The difference is that there is no identification or attachment to those desires. Desire can be as simple as wanting a shower or having porridge for breakfast. I tend to agree with Teal in that we cannot stop desire, but the difference is that there is no self identity created or attachment formed around our desires whether they be fulfilled or not. This is the difference, and it is huge.
@Awakening2C 10 жыл бұрын
I must add that I agree with her on the Buddhist principles that are already in existence. Even Buddha expressed that there were countless Buddhas before him. This video could have been titled different instead of dissing the teachings of Buddha. The poor teachings are the fault of poor teachers and the poor ears of the student. Buddha had 110 volumes of teachings, The equivalent of 300 bibles. To skim of what is poorly misrepresented is error on your part Teal not Buddhas.
@drugstorerecords 11 жыл бұрын
Alan Watts nails this. "There is nothing you can do to be liberated. All your attempts at liberation come from a place of furthering and continuing your ego. Therefore, all you can do is simply be aware of yourself as you are without judgement. See what IS. But then, if you can do that... there is no further problem." The flaw in Buddhism is that it's a human concept. And no human being is infallible, otherwise we would no longer be humans but something else altogether. So cheer up people :)
@iAMmikeD501 10 жыл бұрын
Isn't desire a manifestation of ego?? I appreciate the duality here, but call it what it is. Desire is not necessarily the force of the divine, and if frequently a manifestation of your shadow.
@observinthelaws 10 жыл бұрын
Does it make a difference whether it is a manifestation of the ego or not? If it does, can you describe why that is and why that is relevant?
@paareth 10 жыл бұрын
Michael Lebrun How inverted is the ego?
@observinthelaws 10 жыл бұрын
What do you mean?
@GregoryMichaelKlein 11 жыл бұрын
There is a school of thought that says the greatest fulfillment in life is to be found in serving others. This teaching is found in most religions -- and my experience proves it true. It does not neglect the things that we need to do for ourselves -- such as meditation. The purpose of "filling the cup" though, is specifically to serve others. Making a commitment to a partner, to go through life together, adds to our holiness -- that is, alignment with higher self -- (continued above)...
@lexiberinger6025 10 жыл бұрын
The concept in Buddhism of ending desire is one of the hardest things to understand. It helps to put it in context. The Buddha also said to "take the middle way" and he had the realization that extreme asceticism was pointless, at a time when it was a common spiritual practice. Teal does not explore these topics in any depth or context. Her conclusions are very limited and superficial.
@joepike1972 11 жыл бұрын
The teaching of the Buddha came at a time tied up deeply in third density perspective. To help break that perspective the four noble truths were made. Their ultimate lesson is very much to be found in this video Teal made. In our present age a good portion of the spiritual community have a misaligned take on the four noble truths. In a manner similar to Buddha, to create a learning experience, Teal chose the words The flaw in Buddhism. There is no flaw in the source perspective. Namaste Bryce.
@zoyab.2072 10 жыл бұрын
Most of the comments here reveal very cerebral, left brain kind of understanding of this clip. Every word she said ‘clicked’ with my own knowing, and I’m a student of Eastern studies for 30 years. She cannot be easily understood, because she speaks alchemy - some meta background is needed to see through these words. Don’t get lost in the head, Mind is very argumentative. It will exhaust you but won’t get you anywhere. Kindly, try to listen with your intuition…not with your knowledge.. listen with this 'other' sense.. the one that knows - there is no wrong.
@jistutz 6 жыл бұрын
Drop the mic, sister! ;-) Just kidding. Thank you for highlighting the argumentative aspect of the left brain and that it gets one no where. I was trying to articulate why I felt so flustered by the arguments against.
@georgev.8997 5 жыл бұрын
Desire is trying to manifest a need or want . Nothing to feel guilty about !!! Remembering also there is a cause and affect on us once manifested.
@destinations7133 8 жыл бұрын
All the answers. Thank you.
@deathnate4 11 жыл бұрын
I just feel for those people who take her words as truth...letting oneself be led over a cliff and happily doing so.
@suryadas6987 10 жыл бұрын
You are taking desire/craving too literally. Metta!
@lehcar82 11 жыл бұрын
Your emotions are the indicator of being in alignment with your higher self.
@WECanOn 10 жыл бұрын
I recommend you to study Buddhism further before making any video about it. Your vision could mislead you until the last moment. So be careful Teal..
@coolmohan 4 жыл бұрын
Or listen J Krishnamurti at least once.
@valkyriashaqua6454 11 жыл бұрын
Teal Scot. I love you, we are one and the same. I will write part two from the other end of the perspective. I was surprised to note that most of the comments failed to articulate the other end of the polarity. Instead they take offense and shrink rather than expand. I am 60 yrs. young, 4 kids ages 17,21, 33, and oldest killed his-self four yrs. ago. My desires have matured on every level and now I desire to feel that every thing I want and need has already been fulfilled.Every moment is love.
@Burchale 10 жыл бұрын
Desire for happiness isn't bad because only a fool thinks pain causes happiness. Being greedy, selfish, egotistical, etc. isn't bad because it is playing unfair, it simply won't make you or anyone else happy. Trying to be happy would pull you away from so called temptations because to someone wise, they would know that isn't the solution.
@Burchale 10 жыл бұрын
Alec Bell I am referring to the fact that destroying yourself doesn't make you happy. Destroying others or society doesn't make you happy. Getting want you want or realizing you already had it makes you happy. Realizing you can do that without burdening others is what leads to good deeds. Removing your want of your own happiness doesn't lead to good deeds, it leads to resentment.
@PhanteusZ 10 жыл бұрын
If there is beauty, there must be ugliness; If there is right, there must be wrong Wisdom and ignorance are complementary, And illusion and enlightenment cannot be separated. This is an old truth, Don't think it was discovered recently, "I want this, I want that" Is nothing but foolishness. I'll tell you a secret, "All things are impermanent!" ~Ryokan , Zen sage/poet.
@theXaint 9 жыл бұрын
Phanteus What makes one do anything if not desire? What makes one live if not the desire to do so? Thus isn't ending desire by the root is to end life? Is this what the Buddha taught, cessation of desire leads to the cessation of reincarnation - the cessation to be born into a life of suffering?
@PhanteusZ 9 жыл бұрын
Zoltán Sághy The desire for truth is the highest of all desires, yet, it is still a desire. All desires must be given up to the real to be. So it isn't a something we achieve like we achieve anything else in life. Instead of searching everything, and clinging to ideas and concepts, it is exactly the opposite. "As long as you do not see that it is mere habit, built on memory, prompted by desire, you will think yourself to be a person -- living, feeling, thinking, active, passive, pleased or pained. Question yourself, ask yourself. 'Is it so?' 'Who am l'? 'What is behind and beyond all this?' And soon you will see your mistake. And it is in the very nature of a mistake to cease to be, when seen." ~NIsargadatatta Maharaj Here is a conversation between a student and a liberated man: Questioner: To eat, to drink, to shelter one's body; to live? Maharaj: The desire to live is the one fundamental desire. All else depends on it. Q: We live, because we must. M: We live, because we crave sensory existence. Q: A thing so universal cannot be wrong. M: Not wrong, of course. In its own place and time nothing is wrong. But when you are concerned with truth, with reality, you must question every thing, your very life. By asserting the necessity of sensory and intellectual experience you narrow down your enquiry to search for comfort. Q: I seek happiness, not comfort. M: Beyond comfort of mind and body what happiness do you know? Q: Is there any other? M: Find out for yourself. Question every urge, hold no desire legitimate. Empty of possession, physical and mental, free of all self-concern, be open for discovery. To answer your question yes. Until one loses desire even for this life, worldly experience, he will be forever in the cycle of reincarnation. That doesn't mean the sage should "avoid" to do certain tasks. To him, all experience is an experience. He neither craves nor averts, neither desire nor fears an experience. Whatever comes, comes. He will do what needs to be done but in his heart he has no desires.
@theXaint 9 жыл бұрын
Phanteus Thank you! "He will do what needs", based on what reference?
@utopiawalkedaway 11 жыл бұрын
Dear Teal, How many times can you save me even without me directly asking you to?Thank you so much for coming to us. I cannot express how grateful I am for you. I desire that people do not bring you down with any negative comments. I "desired" to be Buddhist for a while, but immediately stopped that because I could not understand that basic desire concept. Forgive my user name. I just recently gave up on my lifelong belief of utopia, but my desire for your wisdom & YOU proves utopia exists.
@PhanteusZ 10 жыл бұрын
*PLEASE READ THESE, IF YOU WISH FOR A TRUTHFUL EXPLANATION* _Free from desire, you realize the mystery._ _Caught in desire, you see only the manifestations._ *―Lao Tzu (Taoism)* _The desire for truth is the highest of all desires, yet, it is still a desire. All desires must be given up for the real to be.....When all search ceases, it is the Supreme State._ *―Nisargadatta Maharaj* _He abides by the fundamental Oneness and indulges not in sensory pleasures._ _Thus, abandon those desires and abide by this true essence of Tao._ *―Lao Tzu* _When you know that you lack nothing, that all there is, is you and yours, desire ceases._ *―Nisargadatta Maharaj* (*Ashtavakra Gita)* Poem/Teaching of an Ancient sage 1.12 You are Self-the Solitary Witness. You are perfect, all-pervading, One. You are free, desireless, forever still. The universe is but a seeming in You. 10.4 Bondage and desire are the same. Destroy desire and be free. Only by detaching from the world does one joyfully realize Self. 15.17 One who knows for certain that the universe is illusion, a no-thing, becomes desireless, pure Awareness, and finds peace in the existence of nothing. 17.7 The man of Knowledge neither cares for the universe nor desires its dissolution. He lives happily on whatever comes his way. He is blessed. 2.17 I am unbounded Awareness. Only in imagination do I have limits. Reflecting on this, I abide in the Absolute. 16.1 You can recite and discuss scripture all you want, but until you drop everything you will never know Truth. So the last one actually goes for me, but I hope you all can contemplate. I can post more from other ancient scriptures etc. if you guys want. Different sages, same truth.
@PhanteusZ 9 жыл бұрын
Pata - physics I believe Teal has a limited understanding about Buddha's real teachings. Buddha taught that all things are empty in nature. There is nothing worth desiring what is ultimately transient and unreal. Even the whole Chakra meditation prepetuated by many new agers aren't relevant. 2500 year old teaching says: _38. Do not practise meditation by fixing the mind on the six adhara chakras, the ones that are up or down or in the middle, or anywhere else. Giving up all such meditations, make the mind always devoid of any support [either inside or outside]._ This is also beautiful. _12. Being rid of the worldly knowledge, the great hero who has acquired pure wisdom, in which there are no sense objects, and which is all-pervading and without any form, will attain immutable moksha without fail, even though he may have no desire to attain liberation._ ~DEVIKALOTTARA
@Alterrius 6 жыл бұрын
Phanteus that is so awesome. Provides me insight what to read
@BiggySeth 11 жыл бұрын
I'm a buddhist and at the same time a big teal scott fan. So I have always be conflicted with her teaching and buddahs. This clears it up alot so thank you. I'm realizing now that both paths eventually point in the same direction from different veiwpoints. learning to narrow desire or capture desire are really the same focus. Because both lead to eventually being able to create reality and be one with it at the same time.
@salixstorm1571 10 жыл бұрын
This is a misunderstanding of Buddhist teaching. Of course we need desire and the Buddha even taught that. The desire to become enlightened for example. But becoming attached to desires is something else.
@raymondmeadows5363 6 жыл бұрын
Salix storm in order to achieve nirvana one must have no desire? Or one must accept desire? Is the desire to achieve Nirvana accept able?
@hanaposkocilova3378 3 жыл бұрын
The goal of buddhism isn’t to get rid of desire. The goal is full understanding of impermanence, suffering and nonself of all existence by experience, then desire no more exists as well as suffering.
@RavikumarTulugu 10 жыл бұрын
classical example of spiritual nonsense unlimited, word juglary, let me explain for once and all, desire is a tension in mind, desire is a response to the external stimuli perceived by senses. desires are like the grass, grass grows no matter how many times you cut it, no man can ever fulfill their desires. desires in themselves are not bad but when they turn in to lust or obsession they pull you in to a vicious cycle. yes we need desire to get rid of desires, but there is a profound teaching here, buddha says use desire as a vehicle to go beyond the desire. just like using a boat which is used to cross a stream, after reaching the bank you dont carry the boat with you you leave the boat because you dont need the boat any more. in this way buddha advises use our desires as a yana ( vehicle) to go beyond the mind.
@kallipolis1486 10 жыл бұрын
I very much agree with you, to see how empty desire is you at first have to experience it and come to terms with it for what it is so you can elevate yourself from such a position of desire in order to distance yourself from it. In terms of saying that the elimination of desire is a desire in itself that is a little more interesting, well in that case I see it not so much as a compulsion like lust or greed but a learning, like when a child learns not to put his hand in the fire or he will get burned so as you grow to see the emptiness of desire you naturally grow to distance yourself from it rather than desiring to be so distant from it. I don't think you can desire not to have desire as from my experience you simply have to come to terms of understanding of it first through contemplation and self realisation before you can move on. It is a becoming rather than a desire
@she_wizzdom4410 4 жыл бұрын
When you don't understand what someone is trying to say at least have the basic decency to shut up
@Monyia 11 жыл бұрын
Source/God is never-ending desire of Itself, never stops, never dies, always expending and everything thing is perfect the way it is NOW♡Thank you Teal, much love♡
@ashegheaty 10 жыл бұрын
desiring to have a big house and a lot of jewelery and a lot of cars , is that spiritual ???? i dont think that would help us expand .
@BestCaseHypothesis 11 жыл бұрын
Consciousness and Desire go hand in hand. It is the nature of a consciousness that is self aware, to desire. We can accept desire, see that it exists, but we do not have to be attached to it, or consumed by it. Desire can be used as motivation to improve ourselves or it can be abused. We cannot eliminate desire just like we can't eliminate the ego. It is a necessary part of human consciousness. I agree with the others, desire is okay, as long as you can let go.
@Bri-ss1gu 10 жыл бұрын
Your interpretation of Buddhism is similar to many who just look at the religion on the surface, including myself when I was first introduced to it. It just sounds downright miserable, but I think you have misinterpreted Buddha's teachings. Buddha himself says the secret to happiness is to want what you have and not want what you don't have. I'll explain my interpretation of this with an example; let's say that my desire is to achieve nirvana. Rather than saying "I am not happy because I am not enlightened right at this very moment", I can instead embrace the small steps that I have already made, set new goals for myself, and enjoy each present moment leading up to liberation. I view nirvana as something that is already mine, something that both I and God want for me (and everyone of course), and that as long as I put in the work and dedication I will eventually achieve it. The idea of renunciation, or liberation from desire, is not intended (in my opinion) to be interpreted literally as "don't desire anything", because desire is eternal, there will always be desire, the problem is when desire becomes a hindrance. I can, for example, desire to become a millionaire, as in I would not mind being one, but I am perfectly happy with any amount of money that I have. If I desire to become a millionaire, and put all of my focus on this desire, and despise the lack of money that I currently have, then this desire has evolved into a problem and I need to gain the ability to renounce it. Desire is not always separate from the negative emotions that are frequently associated with it. I also believe that with dedication to the teachings of the Buddha and regular practice of meditation, eventually the mind will learn to focus on having desires that are helpful on the path to liberation rather than a hindrance. I would not have to suppress the desire for money for example, I simply would have no interest in it. The point that I'm trying to get to is that you say that it is your desire "for this KZbin channel to be a way for us to connect with one another", but posting a video that casts judgement on the religions of other is a hindrance to that exact goal. Please do not be a catalyst for division among us, you are free to hold your own beliefs, as is everyone else on Earth. Everyone must find their own paths to liberation, please do not judge someone else for their path being different from yours. Pointing out the flaws in the avoidance of desire is perfectly fine, but do not aim these ideals at an entire religion that you have not properly researched. On a more positive note, I do enjoy your videos, I find them very insightful and helpful with many of my questions and concerns. Please learn from this, Namaste.
@Bri-ss1gu 10 жыл бұрын
I offered an explanation of my interpretation not to summon a New Age prophet to preach to me about the fallacies of my beliefs (no offense), but simply to explain Buddhism so that she could understand the perspective of Buddhism that I and many other Buddhists have, something a bit deeper than her shallow interpretation of it. I thought that a different perspective on Buddhism may encourage a greater sense of unity, which was the main goal behind my comment. Unity is of fundamental importance no matter what our beliefs are, and when we have a clear understanding, acceptance, and love for each other this creates unity. At the end of the day, a variety of religions and beliefs exist because of a variety of viewpoints and experiences of spirituality, and this diversity should be embraced rather than condemned. No two people are the same, so it would not make sense for their spiritual experiences to be identical, and at the end of the day most spiritual concepts are more or less opinions aside from a few core truths. Asserting your opinions as "correct" over the "flawed" opinions of others only causes division, and unity is so much more important than who's right and who's wrong.
@bigfletch8 11 жыл бұрын
Deepak Chopra recently spent a month as a Bdst monk. He desired to experience scarcity from a position of material wealth. Desire is "of the mind", which is there for experience. It is (as with everything) a "now" experience mentally projected into the illusion of the future.Illusions are essential steps on the sacred journey.Full consciousness does not recognize past and future, but like the physical body,the mind it is healthier when being exercised. "In it but not of it".
@petrikatainen5090 10 жыл бұрын
Who is it that desires? It is your ego. It is the ego that constantly sees the present moment as insufficient or as a means to an end. Dissolution of the ego means the dissolution of desires. Inner peace can only be found in the eternal NOW, so when you immerse yourself completely in the present moment, there is no room for the ego.
@petrikatainen5090 10 жыл бұрын
My original post was a bit badly written. You are right, it is just an illusion but yet it holds enormous sway over people, because people identify them selves as their ego. Like you said, we are trained to that. A conditioned mind always seeks self definition in the past or fulfilment from the future and misses the present completely.
@headmaniac1 11 жыл бұрын
You are right in saying people can be dissastisfied with their NOW and suffer. However, understanding this simple mechanism of manifesting from our now and allowing our feelings to drive us, we come to a place of serenity. The trick is having desires and living the feeling of having it right now, in our now. That will make it come even quicker. Seeing that it is not there comes from a place of lack and negative emotions. If life is a journey then I want to feel good along the way.
@magicaree 10 жыл бұрын
Buddhism teaches about the problems of mundane worldly desire, craving and attachment i.e. Desires that cause clinging. To say that spiritual desire is the same thing is uninformed. Buddhism is the art of progressively letting go of clinging and the pain that is inherent in worldly attachment. There are dangers of attachment to spiritual pursuits, but Teal, you are in danger of that more than a Buddhist monk.
@salik17 11 жыл бұрын
I really appreciate how clearly this woman expresses a commonly-held New Age attitude. I've sometimes forgotten just what pernicious rubbish these ideas are. So, we can be as greedy, self-centred and solipsistic as any hard-line materialist - but feel all spiritual too! Truly, a marriage made in heaven....or somewhere.
@jvaeni 10 жыл бұрын
When pretty woman speak, shallow BS smell that much prettier.
@deathnate4 11 жыл бұрын
The teachings of the Buddha are not flawed, only man's understanding is.
@shockz18 9 жыл бұрын
I've desired to dislike this video
@urasoul 11 жыл бұрын
desire stirs in the present moment and receiving true desires can increase happiness.
@62001a 10 жыл бұрын
Buddhism has been developed thousands of years. Which means so many talented, gifted saints devoted their lives, It means there is your answer already. Study more before post videos.
@MysticUnity 9 жыл бұрын
Anna Bb I am not sure if I understand your comment properly but are you telling Teal to study more before she posts videos? If so you should be aware that before Buddha became a Buddha he desired to find the cause and end to suffering. If Siddhārtha Gautama had not the desire to explore the world he would not have left his palace, he would not have became the Buddha, nor the desire to serve others and help them with their liberation.
@62001a 9 жыл бұрын
MysticUnity My point is that Buddhist never oppose desire. As you said the desire to find out the truth made Siddhartha to Buddha. Every monk has the desire to find peace and knowledge. However, Teal claims that Buddhism opposes desire which I don't like. That's why I wrote that she should study before spread misguided information to her followers. P.S the video named Flaws in Buddhism when I posted the comment, I am not sure that she just changed the name of video or whole content.
@MysticUnity 9 жыл бұрын
Oh I see. I can understand how people who don't have direct experience of the teachings may view it that way. As I understand Buddha taught mastery over the mind, which teaches one how to alleviate craving & attachment among many other things. The difference between desire and craving is subtle as craving is an expression of neediness which can generate into insatiable hunger leading to great suffering and ultimately to unwholesome actions. As for desire, "Dancing in the delight of desire is spectacular. It is a teasing, a delicious yearning for something just out of reach, but with the promise of its fulfillment." That's good Teal changed the title, it means she's learning from her teachings as well. :)
@alexc2265 7 жыл бұрын
Anna Bb Ad populum and appeal to tradition? History has been filled with geniuses and none of them have worked out essential issues that still plague us today. Why would this be different?
@Felzx 6 жыл бұрын
ahahahaha ; )
@jamesgordley5000 11 жыл бұрын
It's as if she's saying that if you ordered a filet mignon in a restaurant, and wolfed it down too quickly to appreciate it, your reaction should be to order more and more food. This is exactly the approach to life that's destroying the world. Only in modern western society could people be delusional enough to call it spirituality. And you don't get better at relationships by raising a bar of selfish parameters you want someone to conform to, and then disposing of them the moment you become more spoiled. You get better at relationships by letting go of externalized standards, and connecting with a person's interior, which is not defined by your demands, but is ultimately the inherent buddha-nature of every human being. She will never know that, because instead of cultivating the capacity to appreciate the proverbial filet mignon, she thinks she should order more.
@jordanm6160 8 жыл бұрын
My desire is perfect as it is. Unfulfilled desire can cause some suffering but keep on trying. A half full not half empty. Simple thinking with simple thoughts, A drop to the ocean is the whole ocean. Desire is good to have.
@1InnerGuru 11 жыл бұрын
Is really misguided to imply that a desire-less state it is a 'bad thing'. In truth such state is at the very core of our sojourn. It's our natural,way of being. Being fully content within oneself is the greatest gift we offer ourselves, It is truly the gift of complete, boundless, unshakable freedom, and I witness more and more regular folks like us living from that inner core of inner contentment, trust, joy, infinite patience and endless loving kindness for all life.
@dalelinsey9350 11 жыл бұрын
The Era of Telling lies & passing Judgement is finished, we all have the choice to move on & become pure Light beings. I am a christian & I have been so shocked by people from churches i have attended passing judgement & laughing at people from the same Church who are suffering either mentally, emotinally financially or problems in a couple. Christianity and newage can work together its just man who buts the obstacles in the way.
@danielalexander2367 11 жыл бұрын
Thank you for coming from a place of love in this video. A lot of what is said is misleading though. Many people desire very specific things such as to be with a specific person. To say that one could not have this desire if they were not meant to have the object of desire is just untrue. Often times while striving towards one thing, life teaches us a lesson that diverts our course long before we reach what we are striving for.
@lihao 11 жыл бұрын
The reason why it's hard for us to attain awakening is because we define and view things on our own beliefs. That's why many conflicts arise from misunderstanding, and Buddha taught us to meditate to let go of our own view. As Desires can be good and also be bad, but it doesn't matter, we must let it go. Buddha taught us the 'middle path', let go of the bad and also the good. When we get attached to a part, then we cannot see the whole. Desires hinder our Ultimate Wisdom and Great Compassion.
@rob_see 10 ай бұрын
powerful teaching, thank you. i can finally stop feeling guilty about my desire
@garden6205 4 жыл бұрын
This video really helped me .I would always feel guilty when i desired something,thought it was wrong to want things but deep down i always knew i am here to achieve so many things.Thank you Teal 🙏
@tattvagyanimahatma2739 11 жыл бұрын
This is exactly what I was thinking of saying, the title is misleading to get audience, but will back fire on the speaker.
@lotus-fe7ek 8 жыл бұрын
desire is to be dual in nature, of course desire is necessary to become desireless, but true enlightenment is when you naturally go beyond desire and become one with non duality and therefore become whole and one with all that is , the great I AM
@sourcehauntings8851 10 жыл бұрын
One more thing.. After years of diff religious teachings my kids decided to talk to a tree that they named Marcy. For hours they would chant and pray by this tree and tell me the wisdom of Marcy the tree. I was worried and went to the lama and questioned him why they would divert from ALL of their teachings on various religions to make a damn tree a figure of divinity. "Because," he said," they finally understand the ROOT of all religions." Anyway, I still ponder what he said and some days I get it and others I think it's a pretty lofty branch for me to swing from.(;
@bgoodfella7413 9 жыл бұрын
It is critical we discern positive desires from negative ones. The desire for freedom, enlightenment and helping and loving others is clearly positive. Yet a desire to drink alcohol excessively or get away with a crime or simply "to always be right" are negative human desires. A desire to smoke a cigarette would obviously be constantly present for someone struggling to quit. This teaching could lead a person to think give into every temptation and desire because it is your vibration and what you really want. And like "the Secret" just desiring and visualizing a million dollars everyday isn't going to magically make it manifest in your life. It may motivate you to work harder and seek wealth, yet sometimes you have to be careful what you wish for because you just might get it.
@healanimatthews1140 11 жыл бұрын
teal said that we live in a constant desire state. thats what we are made for. to desire and manifest. from becoming an atom to a mineral. she did not say that a nothingness does not exist. its simple to say that to become nothing requires desire. desire is key.
@deathnate4 11 жыл бұрын
I watched it because someone linked me here to show me the flaw in Buddhism... I agree with you.
@Gauthinours 6 жыл бұрын
From a buddhist perspective, I believe, suffering comes from reacting inappropriately to the feelings that arise after one or all our 5 senses makes contact. Each time we see, hear, touch, smell, taste ... a feeling arises. This feeling can be pleasant or unpleasant (or neutral). We then react with craving to the feelings that we like (because we don't want it to stop ever, even though everything is impermanent) and react with aversion to the feelings that we don't like (because we want it to stop forever, even though everything is impermanent). Craving then develops into attachment and aversion into hate. In buddhism there is a differentiation between 'good' desire (desire of well-being of other, desire to overcome one's own suffering) and 'bad' desire (desire without proper basis or foundation which is very much related with attachment). I think.
@Undech01 10 жыл бұрын
As the venerable Ananda told the lay man who asked how is it possible to have the desire to eradicate desire, the venerable Ananda replied 'good man before you came here did you have desire to do so?' Yes venerable sir. ' and upon arriving what happened to that desire?' It disappeared sir it served its purpose.
@Undech01 10 жыл бұрын
You can ehi passiko (come and see) it for yourself. You have to directly experience this phenomena, as the Blessed One said this teaching is deep difficult to comprehend to be directly exsperienced by the wise. when one starts concentration meditation there is desire, vitikka and vickara applied and sustained thought. when you begin to become concentrated to let go of applied thought and go with the momentum.
@rochepienaar 11 жыл бұрын
Teal is 'Jedi mind tricking' those who would feel a negative emotion to the controversial title because it forces them to question themselves further. She does this in a loving way I'm sure as any teacher would want their students to question more deeply. I love you Teal.x
@antoineralic01 Жыл бұрын
And i love that she does this.
@chancepdj 11 жыл бұрын
In the beginning there was the word (desire). So (that part of) the book is right. Your desire will not stop as it is in synch with the universe and is condition to development here. Tuning into higher frequencies is the way but it is a bumpy road. The good news is that you know the bumps to come as it are your bumps. Keep repeating this Teal.
@newyoda 10 жыл бұрын
No single religion / philosophy is perfect - it cannot be as we live in a multi dimensional reality. Every single person has a different perspective of reality than any other.
@earringsabound 11 жыл бұрын
My interpretation is that wanting the now, that fully accepting the now, is the end of desire. The goal being to be at peace with everything as it is and then continuing to be at peace as it changes, as it moves away, as it decays. I think the idea that letting go of desire is itself a desire does not have to be the case. The idea, in my view, once again, is to simplify things and change your perspective on how your life is unfolding so that the idea of not wanting what is there is foreign.
@NinaPaganaMiller 11 жыл бұрын
Teal, you have no idea how much you just lit a light in my soul. It was torn apart by the frustration of not feeling that my desires would ever become reality. I was constantly questioning myself and it was about to end a deep relationship with a wonderful person. And a few words from you, and now I know that the stronger my desire is, the harder the Universe is working to make it happen. Now is the time for me to enjoy the beauty of it all and watch peacefully. Thank you dear lady...
@Wonderwall36 11 жыл бұрын
I agree completely with your second paragraph. There is one way to soothe, calm and/or tanscend desire: meditation or a similar practice. Concentration and consciousnes that is directed at the feeling of desirte tends to tame it, hence, a reduction in one's level of suffering.
@DeCritique 2 жыл бұрын
This is just one of the best thing i've heard this week so far,,, not desiring causes endedness, so it is good to desire and then align with your higherself by being in the moment, happily-- . creates the atmosphere for the manifestation of what you want. {right?}
@perihelion2483 11 жыл бұрын
“If we manage to get to the root of all our specific desires, which is synonymous to fully releasing all resistance and shadow, we would be left with one ultimate desire which is to be in sacred communion with all Life as it presents Itself through us and everything around us in the eternal now. From this primal state of alignment follows all proper thoughts, desires and actions that move us to engage the Numinous from one rupture of joy to the next.” :)
@blisstomiss9690 11 жыл бұрын
I understand your love for the Buddha. I too love his teachings. I personally think desire is a basic human ego thing. I think it's all about "what is behind the desire?" The motive for a particular desire. Is it a necessary thing one is wanting or just feeling that one is lacking in certain things to feel more happy or maybe to fit in. Those desires need to be controlled or ignored all together. And those unnecessary desires DO cause suffering, not only to self but to others and the planet.
@StrongHeartLives 10 жыл бұрын
Desire is not a problem in Buddhism. It is specifically attachment and clinging to desire that causes suffering. Attachment and clinging are at the heart of suffering. Desire can be experienced with wisdom or ignorance - wisdom can transform desire into a powerful tool for self knowledge but ignorance in the face of desire leads one to make the same mistakes over and over. Tantric Buddhism, for example, marches straight into desire fearlessly with the notion of not clinging to the ups and downs too much in order for our desire to be our own teacher.
@jca201225 11 жыл бұрын
Dhamma is beyond what you just stated. It's freedom from boredom, etc... Your beyond that. You begin/don't begin in a desire less "state". Space between thoughts etc... Where there is no desire no want's no boredom, no desire to love or not love everything just is. Desire is of Ego, the false "I". You are the awareness/space that is behind the eyes looking through the eyes. The one who is behind the speaker. Who is the one looking through the eyes and who is the one speaking?
@JanTijmes 11 жыл бұрын
Thanks, Teal. Last year I found out that desire means 'of the stars'. yet the word 'want' tells our subconscious we will never have, as it comes from scarcity/ lack. So desire is quite positive. I teach the Buddha's Vipassana Meditation with 'Vipassana New World'. The Buddha had needs too. Needs & Desires are quite different than Wants and Cravings (which accompany attachment). It is quite healthy to desire something so long as we are grateful for what we have, ie: we're emotionally balanced.
@1984Astral 11 жыл бұрын
Exactly; it's the attachment to temporal materialism that causes suffering because it's the fear of loss--which is inherent when you place all value on things that you can just as easily lose--which drives insecurity, and that insecurity causes us to cling to the objects of our attachment. However, it's a "false" desire, since no amount of material possession can ease the insecurity or offer permanent fulfillment. Material attachment is a false substitute for spiritual union.
@vsgopalakrishnan 11 жыл бұрын
Teal is a fine thinker and speaker. Desires should have a realistic, realizable basis, and they are okay then. Desires should go with patience since very few things are achieved at once, and things take efforts. If desires shoot beyond needs and become mere wants, there could be trouble.
@GregoryMichaelKlein 11 жыл бұрын
Note that I'm not attacking you Teal (I'm sure you know that). I find much value in your teachings and believe the New Age teachings have much to offer the world. This movement, as a whole, would do well do ground itself in the ancient religious teachings, including, yes, even the world's current dominant religions, before aiming for the stars and other dimensions.
@breathof13dragons 10 жыл бұрын
Not to knock anyones personal opinons, but based upon my own findings, this philosophy is also flawed. Once we become one with the universe, all desire fades away, that is the truth and these are the lies: 1:00-"It is not actually possible to rid yourself of desire completely", 5:24-"resisting your desire is what leads to suffering" in fact, when we give into the will of the universe, it takes all desire away and replaces desire with wholeness. Wholeness brings joy and can be achieved no matter ones position in life. "It is not one's position that makes them happy, it is their disposition." When we are whole, (One with ourselves and the universe) there is no room left for desire because our soul already has all it could ever need within itself. So if we do desire anything, it should be to be one with ourselves as well as the universe. That my dear friends is how we raise our vibrations, by being whole and completely content with ourselves and just existing. Godspeed my good friends and God bless :)
@kafrenchable 10 жыл бұрын
I agree with Teal in that if we as incarnated beings here on earth have no desires then what would be the purpose of being here? We are here to experience and learn and grow and the only way to do that is to have wants and needs and work toward fulfilling them. Just being human means we are not whole and one with God or the universe or whatever you want to call it. When we go back to the other side I think we become whole again.
@hanabi18-78 10 жыл бұрын
kafrenchable Actually you can learn and grow without desire. You can just be and experience, without striving, and that can lead to learning and growth as well. Especially, because every day you have to respond to outside impulses. The basic "idea" behind Buddhism is that change is permanent, and you can either respond to it based on your desires, which can mean going against the tides, which is where friction and unhappiness arises. Or you can respond to it based on experience and let life take where it does, without friction and suffering.
@rbourdillon 11 жыл бұрын
I can see her point to a degree, because I have heard this from some Buddhist teachers, that you have to get rid of your desires. Then again the 4 Noble Truths kind of causes you to focus on suffering. If you follow the LOA, then you actually may be attracting suffering into your life, just by thinking about it. One of the main reasons that I left Buddhism, is because of this continual focus on suffering.
@Sinemind 11 жыл бұрын
The essence of Buddhism is not a concept. Our true nature transcends all concepts. It transcends desire too. As such it is great peace.
@jakescorpion1 11 жыл бұрын
what you know to be knowledge is not knowledge it is borrowed information. enlightenment is about awareness.
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