DnD Player Wants To Play A Nazi | r/rpghorrorstories

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DnD Doge

DnD Doge

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@KalinTheZola 16 күн бұрын
Blame this on the fact ive been rewatching DBZA "Did you know I never even met Freeza?" "I'm pretty sure nobody complains about not meeting Hitler. I mean.... some do but... they're weird."
@Crocogator 16 күн бұрын
"Do you know what a whole senzu bean diet does to a man?" "..." "Korrin likes it."
@KalinTheZola 16 күн бұрын
@@Crocogator we needed more Yajirobe
@AzureKyle 14 күн бұрын
​@@KalinTheZolaSo does Korrin
@swallowed103 16 күн бұрын
First Story: The Op should contact the store and tell them what happened. If he did this to one Person, then I will wage my entire months Salary, there is a trail of more people. you don't get that brazen overnight. he has had practice... as creepy as that is to say a loud.... worse case scenario, He is using that Store as a Sort of "Hunting Ground" to pick up potential victims. all the isolated places he was trying to bring you... it screams Serial Killer levels of Siren blaring
@dembonesz3270 16 күн бұрын
I was thinking the exact same thing. That guy is genuinely dangerous and she has receipts.
@vexaria7939 16 күн бұрын
Report it to the store, to the police, to anyone who will remove this sicko. I know OP is shy, but staying silent will only cause more problems down the line
@siobhanroberts2329 16 күн бұрын
I'll say it before and I'll says it again: don't bother calling the cops about this kind of stuff. They won't do anything. Tell the store, but the police won't do anything because he hasn't tried to break into her house or physically attack her. But yeah, he's absolutely done this to other women. Let the community know.
@TigerKirby215 16 күн бұрын
I agree with this absolutely. I was about to say that sending unsolicited nude photos counts as sexual harassment, and with everything else the dude was doing he deserves to get in trouble for it.
@ShiKageMaru 16 күн бұрын
The guy was trying to get OP to lots of isolated places. That's scary as hell. He probably identified that OP had disabilities and that they felt isolated. Showing screenshots to the owner/manager could get the guy banned for life. Hopwfully ut works out well for OP.
@ArcCaravan 16 күн бұрын
That last story really brings out my hatred of people invoking teamwork or cooperation when they really want a dictatorship with them in charge no matter what they do.
@windscar15 16 күн бұрын
It reminds me of people who insist it’s only fair when they get exactly what they want…
@spectrelead 15 күн бұрын
Last story: The DM in that is one of those WoW raiders who expects everyone to know the entire raid immediately and only have Best-In-Slot gear and the absolutely perfect talent select for HIS style
@manatea6012 16 күн бұрын
It would be hella funny if the DM had all the Aryan npcs speak with an Indian accent.
@Ieatpaste23 16 күн бұрын
Jewish would be better.
@oliviabean8264 16 күн бұрын
@@Ieatpaste23 History nerd joke, look up the orgin of the word aryan.
@Ieatpaste23 16 күн бұрын
@@oliviabean8264 Maybe next time.
@mthalter 15 күн бұрын
​@@oliviabean8264guy who knows nothing here. Is it because both indians and Europeans came from the same indo-Aryan ancestor thingamajig?
@drsnova7313 11 күн бұрын
@@mthalter Yes, with the people living in the area of today's India (and somwehat beyond) being the "original" Aryans. I mean, it's a bit like a fourth-generation American calling themselves "Italian" because their great-grandfather came from there. In a similar vein, having been to the actual Caucasus (where locals are brown or olive-skinned anatolians with some slavs and arabs mixed in), it's never not funny to me how Americans use "caucasian" essentially for "western-european-I-get-sunburn-easily-descendant white". But yeah, it should nicely piss off any racist/neo-nazi.
@GeneralSturnn 16 күн бұрын
With the Aryan homebrew race, if the DM thought about it, he could have let it be OP, he could have made it to be where everyone reacted to them at a huge disadvantage(make it near impossible for him to visit a tavern, a shop, a city), lol. I mean... Aryan is just, white, blonde, blue eyes, why on Earth, do you need a homebrew race for it? is he ashamed of being Human? I mean... most "White Supremacists" I know are exceedingly lazy, and I find it hilarious to remind them:"You know that black guy down the road from you who works at a Dollar store while you stay home watching anime? he's better than you" the absolute fumes coming from them, lmao(He blocked me afterwards).
@ArcCaravan 16 күн бұрын
@@GeneralSturnn That guy's whole point was wanting an Aryan to be an in-game master race like they claim to be IRL instead of just another human.
@GeneralSturnn 16 күн бұрын
@@ArcCaravan We all know who the real master race is... IZ DA ORKZ! WAAAAGH!
@CooperAATE 16 күн бұрын
Hello, Doge. Hope things are going better
@andrewparsons2391 16 күн бұрын
Story 3- "We've tried nothing, and we're out of ideas!"
@Ieatpaste23 16 күн бұрын
Ha! That can be said about a lot of these.
@spiffiermage0040 16 күн бұрын
"Just treat him like a joke character." could work if, you know, everybody treated him like a joke character. Our problem player would most certainly not.
@kurisu7885 16 күн бұрын
On the first story, we're of the same mind set there. Call up the game shop and let them know that person is now costing them business
@Darkman9000 16 күн бұрын
"The sirens in Silent Hill" A doge of culture, I see 😌
@KalinTheZola 16 күн бұрын
nah. That pfp of yours is the real sign of culture
@Kagira2006 16 күн бұрын
Well duh his first appearance before he became a youtuber was in Silent Hill 2
@abbygleeson420 16 күн бұрын
"like spiderman but blue skinned and with multiple limbs" yeah i got multiple limbs too, two arms AND two legs. he ain't special (op if you end up seeing this i know this is petty and pedantic of me, i'm just joking around)
@TheZMage 16 күн бұрын
They’re almost definitely playing Spidermonkey from Ben 10
@Juju2927 16 күн бұрын
@@TheZMage Honestly, creating a Homebrew race by using the Ben 10 Aliens sounds dope.
@7thsealord888 15 күн бұрын
Story #1 - Yikes. Given his issues, I'm hoping OP can eventually recover from this, and move on to find a fairly normal group. Seems like Matt's own issues were on a whole different level. Story #2 - Another lucky escape, definitely. Always nice when That Guy bails before the game even gets started. Story #3 - Have A Serious Talk, if they haven't already. If That Guy is unreceptive OR fails to seriously improve his behavior, then the group has tried and they should boot him HARD, with no prospect of return. Story #4 - It's clear that Person didn't actually want to DM. What he wanted was a bunch of supporting characters while he played HIS Character.
@jefthereaper 15 күн бұрын
"Can I play a Nazi?" No "Okay, then I will play a multiclass: Paladin - Oath of the Watchers / Ranger - Monster Slayer, Who's background is a soldier who fights against specific enemies."
@marybdrake1472 16 күн бұрын
Yeah, the Op from the first story needs to tell this mess to the game shop.
@whitenekos 16 күн бұрын
2nd story. I want to say problem player is the black sheep of the family who also don't put up with it's dribble.
@KentaroMiyamoto21 16 күн бұрын
Boy I sure hope that's the case.
@whitenekos 16 күн бұрын
@KentaroMiyamoto21 it's the vulgarity used towards the brothers that im using as my argument.
@TheRuneTail 16 күн бұрын
Blue skin with multiple limbs......so Spider Monkey from Ben 10?
@ArcCaravan 16 күн бұрын
That second story just makes me think what German soldiers from the late 1930s would be actually acceptable to play as. So far I have Rudolf Von Stroheim and The Major. Maybe Red Skull.
@TigerKirby215 15 күн бұрын
Bro the Nazi wasn't only a Nazi, they were a freaking eugenicist. That's a freaking double yikes.
@LucyBean42 16 күн бұрын
First story: OP, if you're watching, you can join an online game. I recommend it, especially after that. I hope you have good luck in the future n_n
@Azazyael 12 күн бұрын
First story: I’m sorry for that poor child that encountered that. I am glad you’re back doge. But please take your time.
@Changeling 16 күн бұрын
Story One: OP needs to tell the store about that guy. He's a creep that's got all the danger flags and sirens blaring around him. They need to know that he's dangerous to have hanging out there. Story Two: Wha...? Nope, I would have given that guy the boot the moment he told me he created an "Aryian" character. If they're going to be pulling stuff like that before the game starts I don't even want to see what they'd do in the game itself. Story Three: Yes, communicate your issues with the player. While it doesn't guarantee that the problem will be fixed the problem player can't correct their behavior unless they know there's a problem to begin with. Story Four: I agree, OP was dealing with a bad DM who was all about the railroad. If that DM can't handle players rolling badly why on Earth would they play TTRPGs to begin with?
@chadnorris8257 16 күн бұрын
There is actually a fantasy race called High Men, essentially Human but better. Aragorn being a good example. So I could see the "Aryan" idea working, if done correctly. Although the fact he used that word, and wanted a maxed out super soldier, does raise red flags.
@SmegmaFU 16 күн бұрын
Rolemaster has High Men.
@Ieatpaste23 16 күн бұрын
So, someone from Colorado? 😁
@marcusreading3783 16 күн бұрын
The thing is though, in those cases, its typically fairly blatantly obvious that they are 'better'. Numanorians are taller, stronger, live longer and are generally just...more than other Men in Middle Earth (although I'm not sure that applies to intelligence when you consider that they let literal Satan into their kingdom as a fucking advisor, but whatever). It also only applies to surface level physicality, they are just as prone to the foibles of mortals as every other group, see the whole thing with Sauron. Absolutely none of that applies to any group IRL, be it the physical advantages or the working with Satan thing.
@mark9960 16 күн бұрын
Aryan race, bro went with the most generic boring character possible. Why waste his time making just a human character. When the dm asked for the players to get creative
@rommdan2716 16 күн бұрын
For some reason human players in DnD are either newbies or racists
@ArcCaravan 16 күн бұрын
Main way I can see a human work in that kind of campaign is if they were explicitly someone to react to the weird characters, had a mutation/superhero motif, or were full on sci-fi. Not trying to make real life history look like it was better than it was.
@justinbradford6086 16 күн бұрын
@@rommdan2716 or we dont want to be a beast man that's furry stuff
@rommdan2716 16 күн бұрын
@@justinbradford6086 See?! 👆
@matunusdonnerhammer3423 16 күн бұрын
@@rommdan2716 No, mostly power gamers.
@AnonEyeMouse 15 күн бұрын
I let a player have a Gnome Supremacist in a play derived campaign (episodic adventures with the players action picking the campaign direction rather than an over riding campaign plot). It was fun. The character was a racist but so insanely goofy that it shouldn't offend anyone. For example he insisted that gnomes were the tallest race on Flarekh (the game world) and that the percieved taller races were using light warping 'hedge magicks' to appear taller. The setting has a trinary planet system that shares a single moon. No, it doesnt make sense. Shush. One planet is the ancient world. Flarekh is the current world and the last is the unborn world where the dead go to be reborn with the new world. The oldest races on Flarekh are those races who escaped the ancient world and came here as it was 'born'. These sre the elves, celestials, devils, and gnomes. This Gnome claimed that all the proported cultural and spiritual acievements of elves were actually Gnomish and stolen by the celestials and the Devils (working together) and given to the elves to deny the technological superiority of Gnomish ways, instead basing them, falsely, in the religious, artsy fartsy weak and feeble ways of the elves. There was also some hollow moon and flat moon nonsense in there. The character was clearly a joke... a conspiracy theorist coming up with the wildest takes on why Gnomes are the super race but somehow the 'weaker' races have gained dominance. Four sessions in and the Gnome is ranting to a tavern bar full of people getting healing elixir for a plague that killing people across the counrryside. Despite the fact the elixir is mixed fresh and given free, our Gnome is insisting tgat the elixir is a potion of mind control to make people give the priests all their money. We break 5he game at mid point at which two of the players got up, tore their sheets in half and called us a bunch of names. As they were packing up and calling a taxi they accused us all of mocking them and their religious beliefs before storming out. Seems they were alt right fundies who though vaccines were the mark of the beast. They'd never mentioned it to anyone in the game or in our local D&D or WH40K community. Had I known Id have not allowed the Gnome character... probably. Turns out, holocaust deniers too. I cannot say Im sad to see them go. Even let the Gnome kill their characters off.
@Arlesmon 16 күн бұрын
Just wondering. What would happen if someone wanted to play with the background of the second story, but only if they already have doubts and are planning to get out of there and to take them out and finally fight for good? Or one who was forced to be there, but do wants to get out and also wants to finish that army and try to live a normal life after that? Or basically any mentions of that should be banned no matter what even if it can lead to an interesting story of revenge or overcoming the big bad army? Of course, this is considering talking to the party first and everyone being on board with it
@ArcCaravan 16 күн бұрын
I'm guessing they'd have to remove anything that'd unwittingly validate the master race claims (ie IRL race being superior to human). Otherwise the alternatives would be as effective as the denied "joke character" suggestion in the story. Even outside the race flavoring, there was also breaking the rule about no homebrew that's too overpowered.
@sailorsloth8183 16 күн бұрын
I mean, we don’t know anything about the background of That Guy’s character. All we have is that he unironically designed a race and class to be the Nazi ideal of a racially superior super soldier. Plus, the fact he tried to bait the DM into letting him play it “as a joke” shows he probably wasn’t interested in exploring the mindset of a conscripted soldier who realized the horrors they had committed and seeks to right their wrongs, or digging into themes such as the dangers of blind loyalty to a cause.
@AbstractStew 16 күн бұрын
I think that would be an interesting idea. A half-orc might be a better fit than some "human plus" type. Actually, the idea might work. You introduce a Saruman type wizard/madman who is creating these soldiers, from mutated human stock amd raising them on hateful propaganda. He then uses them as his personal army. This could work, provided that all their racial superiority beliefs are clearly depicted as lies told to them by a hateful maniac that doesn't care if they live or die. Far from being any kind of master race, they are pathetic victims. One of them could rise above this and become an actual hero. I still wouldn't want to deal with this sort of thing. That would be my answer to your question.
@samuelbell9106 16 күн бұрын
The text messages played out crazy because I'm sure it took a while for those pics to come through. So the GF probably saw the pictures and was like "who the heck is this chick?" Wild 😯
@bigggamer4399 13 күн бұрын
I actually played a nazi-like character in DDAL. My character was based on Tanya from the anime "The Saga of Tanya the Evil". If I had to sum up how I role-played him, it would be "A good soldier follows orders." He would save his team not because it was right, but because if they died, it might hinder his promotion. Even once used all of my healing potions on my party who had the worse luck on death saving throws.
@AbstractStew 16 күн бұрын
I wouldn't want ro play in a campaign with a Nazi PC. I have always considered "kill the Nazis" to be an unbreakable rpg rule. I would be morally obligated to go against party cohesion (which is important to me) by having to utterly destroy this guy's character (or, I suppose, be destroyed by him). Coexistence would not be an option.
@AshSonnenDrache 16 күн бұрын
Google "magical thinking"
@starofjustice1 16 күн бұрын
2nd story: Oh boy, with all the wanna be grapists we hear about in these stories, was wondering why we didn't hear about more wanna be fascists...
@ShepardCommander 16 күн бұрын
Ez, its a fake story. Stuff like "a mix of warlock and sorcerer with the ac of a wizard" pretty much gives it away (a gimmicky class but a really powerful combination). For a supposedly "op character" what he proposed sounded a lot like a regular human fighter. Meanwhile pants mgcee number 2 wanted to create a druid/barbarian singleclass (one of the most overpowered multiclasses in existance). An actual nazi would not have done that. They would do something like doomslayer. You would know if someone was genuinely racist before they even joined the table.
@Bizzyb33z 16 күн бұрын
@@ShepardCommanderand how exactly would you know about that 🤨
@ShepardCommander 16 күн бұрын
@@Bizzyb33z how would I know the story is fake? 1 - posted on reddit 2 - one person's perspective 3 - The caricature description of "that guy" 4 - fully homebrew with people from a game shop Those are just the most obvious reason. Of course there is no way to 100% disprove it, but based on those reasons alone makes me not belive the story.
@ShepardCommander 16 күн бұрын
@@Bizzyb33z also my long time experience as both a DM and player makes me realise its hard to coordinate homebrew with even one close friend in a campaign or oneshot, much less with a whole group of randos.
@Bizzyb33z 16 күн бұрын
@@ShepardCommander only reason I doubt you is because of my own personal experiences. When you’re in a group of mostly white male players, sometimes they become relaxed enough to show their true colors. Of course, I’m not saying all white people are racists nazi’s, but my last group definitely had an issue with alt-right weirdos
@SinnerChrono 16 күн бұрын
Imo if you want to play as something like this just find a group that is willing to explore morally grey concepts. The avg German soldier in ww2 had nothing to do with the regimes higher ups. It could make for a interesting story playing as a soldier in the closing days of the war coming to grips with the atrocities his country committed while still having to fight for your life.
@sailorsloth8183 16 күн бұрын
He didn’t want to play an actual Nazi soldier, though. He wanted to play the Nazi ideal of a racially superior super soldier. Two very different things.
@SinnerChrono 16 күн бұрын
@sailorsloth8183 I agree. I'm not suggesting that he wasnt in the wrong. I'm suggesting an actual way for someone to roleplay in that setting with a character who could be nuanced and flawed in a very human way. It's called role play for a reason. Im not advocating for nazis or anything.
@minimalbstolerance8113 15 күн бұрын
Not D&D, but I played a former Nazi scientist in a game of Vampire: The Masquerade once. His backstory was that he was caught up in the patriotic fervour in the 30s, became disillusioned and disgusted by the atrocities he was part of in the 40s, got taken to the USA as part of Project Paperclip and spent most of the 50s trying to atone, before being turned into a vampire in the 60s. I thought the whole zigzag from hero to monster, trying to work his way back to hero before becoming a monster of a different type would be interesting. The GM and the rest of the group agreed to let me play him, and even now, several years after the campaign ended, Dr. Otto von Kaltzdorf is still probably my favourite out of all the Vampire : the masquerade characters I've ever played.
@drsnova7313 11 күн бұрын
I played a former hitler youth once in a roleplaying game taking place in the aftermath of the war, who suppressed some of his memories, made them more palatable for himself, being confronted with the truth over time, and being made more and more aware of his role in the atrocities committed. I literally cried at one point, it was so intense. So yes, this can be done, and done spectacularly well, by the right people, for the right people. That guy was not those people.
@Azazyael 12 күн бұрын
We had a character from 2nd edition he “crit” all the time. And would sleep through anything else until he’d hear dice roll and he’d snort and wake up with “I crit!” Our dm normally would pause to jot that down because he was ignoring the players rolls.
@franciscobrisolladeoliveir9596 15 күн бұрын
As someone who likes to listen to Den Of The Drake and Crisp, I really enjoyed your narration and voice. IMO really soothing and you picked some really nice stories. Subscribed
@Normaschthewanderer 15 күн бұрын
I'd troll the guy wanting to play an Aryan by saying "okay, you get to be Persian. Otherwise you're human."
@saphirexeyes 16 күн бұрын
Hi Doge hope you are well.
@theangrysocialist6884 13 күн бұрын
fun fact the lable Aryan encompasses people from the middle east to North spain
@Kagira2006 16 күн бұрын
I already knew where the second story was going when he said he collects warhammer 40k minis.
@Kunoichi1116 16 күн бұрын
Hope everything is getting better doge
@Kierawolf 16 күн бұрын
the stalker thing I've experienced before that is just creep shit to go through and i really hope the op never has to deal with it.
@brianvance1178 16 күн бұрын
Why would ANYONE want to play a Nazi in any DnD game?! What the hell is wrong with that kid?!
@littlegiantj8761 16 күн бұрын
Probably plagiarizing Stroheim from Jojo's part 2
@japan100100 16 күн бұрын
Playing a nazi would actually be pretty interesting, depending on the campaign and context. A nazi who comes to his senses and redeems himself. Or maybe a time traveling nazi who travels back in time to see how his ideals really measure up in a particular society. No need to be scared of historical concepts.
@littlegiantj8761 16 күн бұрын
@@japan100100 someone who was selected for the SS, but doesn't buy into the extremist rhetoric; but stayed because their flaw is naive loyalty that bleeds into trusting everyone
@japan100100 16 күн бұрын
@@littlegiantj8761 Exactly. The same could be said of almost any soldier during varying times throughout history. Imagine being an American soldier having to napalm villages in Vietnam and coming home and being called a good guy. History is very colorful and interesting when it is explored thoroughly.
@oliviabean8264 16 күн бұрын
@@japan100100 Conversely the idea of being one of the people who literally was just instinctively shooting above peoples heads, watching in abject horror as a few psycho's in your squad did horrendous shit to civilians, and then coming home to people calling you a baby killer and a war criminal also sounds like a pretty fascinating character concept to me.
@TheFuriousScribbles 14 күн бұрын
My cats aren't even a year old yet, but I look back at older photos I have of them and gosh.... They were so little!
@drsnova7313 11 күн бұрын
Regarding story 2: To be fair, I think there wasn't too much wrong with the race in itself - basically, some Sparta-like place. Or the equivalent of a space marine chapter. It could be interesting to play a sort of...redemption thing. Where the character recognizes over time the flaws in his people's convictions, and where their supposed perfection falls short, and he begins to see how others are just as strong, just in other ways. For example. No, the problem wasn't that he wanted to play a nazi - the problem was that he most likely WAS a nazi. "Aryan" and "Alpha" in his race/class should be (and fortunately was) an instant disqualifier.
@seeker4924 3 күн бұрын
Off topic but I absolutely love the concept of a triceratops druid
@luangu 12 күн бұрын
Story 2: Dude, just play a Girhyanki.
@Baahlvorn 13 күн бұрын
I dont see any problem to Role play as one
@Loppy_Hausen 16 күн бұрын
Thanks for the stories Doge!
@vortega472 15 күн бұрын
Lucky as a kitten - oooooooooohhhhhhhhhh!!!! So cute, but *ahem* they are always going to be a kitten, no matter the years or size.
@theofficerfactory2625 16 күн бұрын
Story 1: Oh wooooow. Yeah, that's bad juju right there. Cat break: Such a vicious little void. Story 2: Hitlerite; ya need to watch TIKHistory and watch the origins of the national socialist workers party. It is all kinds of WTF and WTH and huh? It's no wonder hitlerites hate him. Story 3: I hate that kind of player. Story 4: That title, what?
@krysbingham2501 16 күн бұрын
I bet the whole 'who are you send me pictures' was not his girlfriend, but because women have a habit of giving other phone numbers to creeps in order to avoid this sorta behavior so I think its happened to him before. It hard to tell those types of guys no but he probably got more brazen as time has passed pulling this crap with women so he doesn't hide it well after he gets contact info
@sunzi42 16 күн бұрын
Why are SO MANY creeps drawn to RPG:s?
@theyaden 16 күн бұрын
Gaming has been an accepting place that almost anyone is allowed within so those that don't fit in elsewhere are often allowed a place. The downside of all that acceptance is that sometimes the person that doesn't fit in anywhere there is a good reason and said person will find themselves getting kicked from group to group once they figure out he or she is not merely weird by societies standards but someone they don't want to be around.
@ArcCaravan 16 күн бұрын
@@sunzi42 Because there's creeps everywhere when you look hard enough. In this case, looking at tabletop horror stories.
@davidtherwhanger6795 16 күн бұрын
Nazi Player Story. I think that dude would have caused trouble later on. I just get the vibe they would not be quiet about it and rub it in everyone else's face any time they did shine. And deride any one else when the spot light was not on them. I think this because they didn't have to say it was Aryan. They could have just called it an alternate Human and called them Prussians. And given it some kind of old knight order name to the class like The Sword Brethern. In his mind it could have been what he wanted without drawing attention.
@Ieatpaste23 16 күн бұрын
The had a human supremist god in 3.5. You know a lawful evil communist would be an interesting choice.
@jampine8268 16 күн бұрын
I mean...aside from being an actual Nazi you mean?
@davidtherwhanger6795 16 күн бұрын
@@jampine8268 But that's my point. This guy was not going to keep it quiet or keep it to himself.
@jampine8268 16 күн бұрын
@@davidtherwhanger6795 you say that like if he was quiet about it would better even after straight up outing himself as a Nazi. The second someone reveals that, the only acceptable answer is "Get out", or else you're now chill with Nazis.
@davidtherwhanger6795 16 күн бұрын
@@jampine8268 So you think they all should just die? Driving people out makes people cling to their ideology as it is all they have. And lash out as they literally have no other option left. You cannot change any one's mind if you keep them isolated with only their own thoughts. Interacting in a positive way has worked wonders for Daryl Davis' cause.
@1wolftank 9 күн бұрын
No one tell the guy who wants to play a N@zi about achtung cthulhu
@jondawson7911 16 күн бұрын
Wants to make a character Aryan? So just a white guy?
@mercylavigne 16 күн бұрын
To be Aryan you need to be White AND German.
@ArcCaravan 16 күн бұрын
​@@mercylavigneI thought it was white and blonde with blue eyes.
@mercylavigne 16 күн бұрын
@@ArcCaravan No. The term "Aryan" was created by the Germans just after Germany became independent. The concept of a 'Superior race to lead and conquer Europe' began there.
@marcusreading3783 16 күн бұрын
I am fairly sure that Aryan is (or was) a real people group. Which I believe originated from somewhere in Asia. So not white people in other words.
@littlegiantj8761 16 күн бұрын
​@@marcusreading3783They were completely fabricated. The entire Aryan thing was invented by the Reich for propaganda purposes.
@professorsponge1554 15 күн бұрын
Story 1: First we get pronouns and details of the player's life. why? Then OP tells us she has mental disorders. Automatically tells me this is not going to be a real story or at the very least will not be told in an unbiased way. Thank you for telling me in the first paragraph. Story 2: Okay. So the DM opens up the flood gates and says anything goes. Permitting anything in his campaign world. And the nazi player is introduced as a 40k player (because all 40k players are nazis according to reddit) and from the way its described its not 'Aryan' it sounds more like he tried to make a space marine and the redditor is trying to make it sound like it was a nazi. I don't buy this story for an instant. More likely the dude didn't have any imagination and tried to make some Kreigsman marine race and OP flipped his rainbow wig at the sight of it. That's IF this happened in any shape or form in our reality. Story 3: Opens with the cliche 3.5 grognard being mean to 5e players. He apparently cheats and is every bad stereotype. Yet for some reason everyone plays with him. Do people still think any of these stories are real? Really? Story 4: I laugh at the idea of anyone thinking 5e is hardcore. Okay, if this chipmunk was really this annoying, I could see the players 'nah, how do we kill this god-mode furry dmnpc?' "did you put points into things you didn't need?" Like... what? OP's being very vague here. Wait. so... he's mad you talked back at his DM NPC, mad you didn't min max out the yin-yang, and didn't kill things fast enough so he booted you and another guy for bad rolls? I'm a bit of a loss for words how to fathom this DM's train of thought here. I guess this can stem from the idea of the paladin/warlock build (or stuff like it) being so broken its considered the meta to 'win' D&D 5e, but what a boring way to play. It sounds more like he wants players who'll play his game his way, and I have met people like this.
@LEWS316 16 күн бұрын
Hope you aerdoing better doge, considering your RL problems of late, you'rea good guy from what we see here, love your work but if you need to take some time, do so
@Terestrasz 16 күн бұрын
...Why are all these people commonly found in Warhammer?
@Muazen 14 күн бұрын
The Aryan guy just wanted to roleplay short, tan and dark haired Indo-Iranian. Why so hard on him? Just give him Sanskrit as language and move on.
@dionnejinn3789 16 күн бұрын
Aww... Baby Lucky!
@ThePainter08 15 күн бұрын
Ten bucks the guy in the second story plays deathwatch, inquisition, or kriegw
@TheRealTimeline 16 күн бұрын
I'm going to be honest, I don't see anything wrong with playing a nazi theme character. It's fantasy game so you can make up and do what you want. They even have one party member who is dinosaur themed. So long has that one guy is not preaching the nazi ideology, let the man have his fun.
@jampine8268 15 күн бұрын
@TheRealTimeline bro, you think the guy who spouted nazi idealogy at the first chance they got isn't going to do it all the time? Out of every character thry could ay, they picked a Nazi, and only one type of person would choose that: A Nazi
@ivancybran 15 күн бұрын
bet the aryan dude was overweight, had glasses, dark hair, brown eyes and was balding.
@jampine8268 14 күн бұрын
You mean like all of the German leadership at the time was?
@Theokal3 16 күн бұрын
.... First story is terrifying.
@aleximarie8958 16 күн бұрын
Awwww Lucky kitten 🥹
@chomper720 16 күн бұрын
@vampire9545 11 күн бұрын
As an übermensch, just no 😆
@anthonyseverino8292 16 күн бұрын
The Aryan character idea sounds absolutely awesome, now I want to see a campaign with that kinda of character player in it.
@rommdan2716 16 күн бұрын
@SmegmaFU 16 күн бұрын
I'm running a Campaign based on the Draka Novels by S M Stirling that fits the bill. The Drake are High Humans in my campaign.
@ArcCaravan 16 күн бұрын
I believe that campaign was called World War 2.
@LucyBean42 16 күн бұрын
@ArcCaravan yeah. But they turned out to be underpowered instead, and had the "Froze to death in Russia" feat
@rommdan2716 16 күн бұрын
@@ArcCaravan Which ended on a TPK because of how useless the build was, lol
@ghost7685 16 күн бұрын
what the fuck is even wrong with the second story? what did the guy even do that's so abhorrent? there is no explanation
@jampine8268 16 күн бұрын
Bro, do you not know what "Ayran" means? No, like seriously, did you miss that whole part about World War 2?
@ghost7685 16 күн бұрын
@@jampine8268 "a cold savory yogurt-based beverage popular across Central Asia, West Asia, Southeastern Europe, South Asia, North Asia and Eastern Europe." First google search and i would have thought it was a bird race.
@jampine8268 16 күн бұрын
@@ghost7685 I realized I mispelt it, but oh god, YOU ACTUALLY DON'T KNOW?! I uh dunno how to break this gently....the dude was a Nazi. Aryan was the purported master race Hitler sought to dominate the world, (Despite every single Nazi leader failing it's criteria), and eventually kill everyone who wasn't one. I mean like...shit, that was a major part of the Nazi ideology, and the driving factor of the holocaust, that's a pretty major historical fact to completely miss out on.
@ArcCaravan 16 күн бұрын
@@ghost7685 Hard to tell if you're pretending to not understand or actually missed Doge's commentary and video title.
@ghost7685 15 күн бұрын
@@jampine8268 ah, the "only blue eyes and blond hair" thing. Ok. Also that wasn't the biggest thing about the nazi's and the second world war. I actually like the second world war and often go check history about it and this thing doesn't actually pop up.
@evancarlson5805 16 күн бұрын
Pet peeve: when someone thinks they are supposed to give mods permission to delete their off topic posts.
@michaelcohen8259 16 күн бұрын
I'm a bit disappointed that you've apparently stopped doing "Friday Glory Stories". Those were easily as interesting as the horror stories.
@dracawyn 16 күн бұрын
@justinbradford6086 16 күн бұрын
going on walk in the woods is not a red flag
@bunny.castles 16 күн бұрын
No but the combination of desperately spamming texts, mainly only suggesting secluded spots, not explaining the links he was sending after being asked, and the fact that he had only just met her would make me apprehensive too. Being so full on can be off putting. I was in a game where the dm had harassed a female player till she left and it went pretty much just like this. In our case, sure asking someone for a lift home isn't terrible. But when you've just met someone 20 minutes ago and are pressuring them multiple times for a lift home, that is a little off. Then there was the pet names, trying to get her to come to the store alone for trivial things, boundary stomping and sudden outbursts of aggression. Same with this situation.
@ShiKageMaru 16 күн бұрын
2nd Story: That guy was a KKK recruiter. That's how those guys operate. They hang out at a place, test the waters, then they try recruiting. He was at the "testing the waters" part. And when he said "brothers" I'm pretty sure they're not familial.
@clericofchaos1 16 күн бұрын
Meh, i've seen worse character concepts, and if you think about it, it's not that different from playing the imperium of man in warhammer. I would actually argue the imperium is worse. They take xenophobic genocide and crank it up to the galactic level.
@ArcCaravan 16 күн бұрын
@@clericofchaos1 It's the difference between fictional regimes and invoking the name of those with real victims. Same as insulting elves compared to real minorities.
@clericofchaos1 16 күн бұрын
@@ArcCaravan Sounds like people are just too thin skinned. Besides, technically the Aryans have no victims. They're just blonde haired and blue eyed. the political regime that wanted to produce Aryans had victims, but you can't blame the blonde haired and blue eyed people for what their government at the time was trying to do.
@ArcCaravan 16 күн бұрын
@@clericofchaos1 The issue isn't playing an Aryan, it's trying to play one as the ideal master race the Nazis claimed they were. It's hard to consider people who don't want Nazi association thin skinned when the people who want it are the ones getting more offended after being denied. Nobody is claiming it's wrong to play a white-skinned blond-haired blue-eyed human, just don't treat real racism like it's just a fun idea nobody should have a problem with.
@clericofchaos1 16 күн бұрын
@@ArcCaravan It should be a fun idea that no one should have a problem with. It was, once upon a time. It was played off as a joke in several old radio shows, cartoons, and tv shows and uncle ruckus is hilarious. At any rate, there should be no limits to the first amendment.
@ArcCaravan 16 күн бұрын
@@clericofchaos1 Considering this potential player wasn't arrested, no first amendment right was violated (assuming the person was in America). That right doesn't mean everyone has to agree with them and has to accept them in their personal activities. Nobody is obligated to accept everyone wanting to play a game with them no matter if they want to play as an unentertaining bigot, PDF, purely fictional war criminal, or whatever.
@RdWarrior-x8y 16 күн бұрын
Doge, sorry about your dad. Much love
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