Concerning Behaviors Dobermans Do That Are ACTUALLY Normal

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Doberman Planet

Doberman Planet

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@DobermanPlanet 7 ай бұрын
➡ Try Ollie's fresh meals and see the difference in your dog! (Affiliate Link): ➡ Use coupon code "DOBERMANPLANET" for 50% off your first box of fresh food!
@giao2380 7 ай бұрын
My Dobie is 4 months old. She is SO smart. She can even cover herself with a blanket by using her teeth. I’m sooo shocked at how smart she is! Amongst other things! She was potty trained by 10 weeks old. She’s amazing!
@Blacksheep12267 5 ай бұрын
They are so eager to learn. It's part of the joy of the breed.
@suaveguy701 Ай бұрын
This is amazing and congratulations. I don’t know if you’ve owned one before but I have a female fawn she is unbelievably smart when she wants to be, she’s about 6.5 months. Be watchful when they are showing signs of this level of intelligence because this will make you teach them more and give them more freedom, which is a good thing but they are literally like human teens and can be irresponsible with those freedoms/do their own thing and become over confident as well as undermining and go rogue with their abilities i.e skipping necessary steps and or ignoring you, even sass and impatience so I have to constantly check her and it’s by the numbers training daily because the plan is service dog for her. Good luck to you both 🥂
@starlakelsey2782 7 ай бұрын
I've never had a doberman have the head bobbing. It would freak me completely out. Glad to have knowledge of it.
@DobermanPlanet 7 ай бұрын
Education is key! So glad you took the time to leave this comment!
@nancydenmark1614 7 ай бұрын
I had a Doberman that smiled. Full on lip curl. But there was nothing threatening or aggressive about it, she was just happy to see someone so she’d smile and wag her butt. Strangers weren’t too sure it was a friendly gesture though. She was never aggressive or growled at anyone. Well trained and socialized.
@a.fitzpatrick4395 7 ай бұрын Doberman smiles as well. It scares the soul out of some people.
@MultiChillidog 7 ай бұрын
my girl (may she rest in peace) only smiled at me, it was the ugliest smile you could ever see, but she was so beautiful, loved her dearly. I think if she ever smiled at a stranger, they would pee themselves and run the other way (LOL)
@MimikyuFan89 6 ай бұрын
As someone who's had epilepsy since I was 2 1/2 years, I knew instantly by one look that headbobbing Dobbie wasn't having a seizure
@johnfisher9969 7 ай бұрын
Thanks for the info on the head wobble. I figured my $600 backyard red male was just defective. He's done this his whole life. Vet said it wasn't concerning. He just turned 5 and hes a beautiful dog.
@a.fitzpatrick4395 7 ай бұрын
@johnfisher9969..... a spoonful of peanut butter will stop a tremor.
@christian350zdude 3 ай бұрын
My brother’s $2,500 Doberman from a reputable breeder does the head wobble too. My $1,000 backyard male Doberman has never done it, he’s 2 years now.
@holgerdanske3960 7 ай бұрын
It is really funny when dogs dream. You can watch how they run on endless meadows, jumping and playing around having fun. That's what I told myself seeing our Doberman dreaming and he has never told me otherwise.
@DobermanPlanet 7 ай бұрын
It is funny to see - and great to think about!
@holgerdanske3960 7 ай бұрын
@@DobermanPlanet 👍
@FreeSpirit47 4 ай бұрын
Some Dobie owners call it, "chasing rabbits".
@Blacksheep12267 5 ай бұрын
My dog went through a "factory reset" four times growing up. It's like she forgot all her training. All that was required was a couple repetitions and she was right as rain. It was very distinct and odd. People develop reasoning ability with age from concrete to abstract. It seemed like she had this "insight" and needed to test it out. Literally EVERYTHING she was taught gone. Also she does dream alot. Paddles her feet, woofs in her sleep and twitches. Been woken up more than once by hard kick.
@Leshy_ 13 күн бұрын
I thought u were talking about me 😂 I go to work I literally forgot what I learned the next day. My dreams are factory reset
@crystalheadbandz1592 3 ай бұрын
The nipping is common for "Maligators" as well! The difference is that Malis nip well past puberty. Every dog we had, was running, yelping and/or growling in their sleep. Yes they do dream!
@BohoMagik 7 ай бұрын
My dobie is about 16 months, I had never heard or read of head bobbing. 😔 Thank you for always keeping us informed! ❤
@michellechecketts6137 7 ай бұрын
THANK YOU!!! For this video. One of my two Dobermans started having idiopathic head tremors just a few days after starting her first heat cycle. It was around bedtime and my vet no longer has after hours service. I knew it wasn't a normal seizure because she was standing up when it started and she turned her head when I called her name. So, I started Googling. I found a little information on it, but as in the definition of the word idiopathic, nobody has any definitive information on the cause. A couple of weeks ago I had my Dobies at the vet. I brought it up and he decided that my pup has a brain infection of some sort. He put her on antibiotics AND prednisone. He did a blood panel and he bloodied came back perfect. I gave her the meds he prescribed, and regret it. Prednisone contradicts antibiotics, so it baffled me why he put her on a dangerous combination without a diagnosis. It did nothing for the head tremors. Prednisone is known to cause aggression in some dogs, so giving it without a clear diagnosis that deems it necessary is a risk that no vet should take. Guess what? My Dobie now bare her teeth at the other dogs, in our household, and sometimes chases one of them while snapping like an alligator. It is NOT "playful". We are still weening her off the prednisone (It's a medication that cannot be stopped abruptly) and praying that the aggressive behavior will subside with the prednisone flushing from her body. He also put both of my Dobermans on anxiety meds. They had a bad experience the last time they were at this clinic, it was stormy outside, and my pups just turned a year old. They were nervous and the vet's technician was treating the other pup a bit coarse. She eventually growled at the tech. It shocked us, because neither of our pups have showed an inkling of aggression, ever. After 4 days on the anxiety meds both our puppies were out of their minds. They started destroying everything they got their mouths on, climbing furniture (bookcases and shelves) to get at items that never interested them before - books, pictures and awards, trophies, cameras...) It was insane! I called the vet after looking up the side effects of this medication (side effects "in some dogs, may cause nervousness and destructive behavior...") and he wanted to double their dosage. We took the pups of the anxiety meds instead. In 24 hours they were back to their calm and loving demeanor. No more pacing and grabbing things they know they can't have. All day long, we continuously had to take things from them, without a break. The one with the head tremors is still a little vocal about needing her space now and then, but of the meds has restored our beautiful pups back the amazing Dobermans that they've become. We're changing vets, we trusted him and he nearly destroyed our dogs. I hope the information about IHT spreads to all owners, so they don't make the same mistake we did. Have the blood work done to see if there is an underlying cause, but don't let a vet stay dumping meds into your dog to see if it works. They're not disposable; they're not lab rats. They ARE our Dobermans.
@a.fitzpatrick4395 7 ай бұрын
A spoonful of peanut butter stops the head tremor.
@MultiChillidog 7 ай бұрын
@@a.fitzpatrick4395 never had a Dobermann with head tremors (Dobermann owner since 1987). I was wondering if peanut butter stops the tremors, if this condition might be caused by some sort of vitamin or mineral deficiency that peanut butter counter-acts quickly? do know why (medically) peanut butter helps in stopping these tremors?
@johnfisher9969 7 ай бұрын
Unfortunately, Vets, like human doctors are mostly in it for the money and they make it by selling drugs. They know we will believe them because we have granted them High Priest status in out society. My dobie is 5 and I don't go to the vet because they won't see him without vaccinations. He's healthy as a horse aside for this weird head wobble which is completely harmless.
@FreeSpirit47 4 ай бұрын
So, having had three dobies, I brought PJ home on March 8th. He is 4.5 months old now. His dinner is at 4 - 4:30 pm. We do an after dinner walk for 20 minutes. We come back, After an hour, I take him out for a few minutes. An hour later, I take him out for 10 - 15 minutes. At 8 pm, I take him out to potty. Then, I put him in his crate. At 12 midnight, then again at 2 am, I take him out. He poops in his crate every night. Is this revenge pooping? Is it a health problem? He never poops in the house, only in his crate. I got so tired of cleaning it up & throwing his beds in the trash. Now, he's in his crate with a few toys to chew on that won't be totally ruined by poop. All I do, now, is to rinse the bottom tray. Wanting him to be comfortable, the pooping in the crate is so frustrating.
@peggyhodge9581 7 ай бұрын
My last Doberman had this condition
@formulasaltythunder4806 5 ай бұрын
Have had our dobbie 3 weeks today. Blown away how smart she is. My Amstaff was chasing her. She had a nice lead. She darted behind the shed . The amstaff was waiting on the other side and our Doberman figured that out and went back the way she came. To have the type of intelligence is incredible. And also talk about speed. Shes like the flash. Great channel btw
@kristenburkett4274 7 ай бұрын
I have never heard of the head bobble thing!
@Arivmario 7 ай бұрын
That’s why proper and thorough research is needed when getting a dog. Hiding behind the owner can also come from a weak temperament . 💪💪💪
@DobermanPlanet 7 ай бұрын
Totally agree that everyone should do good research when looking at breeders!
@Arivmario 7 ай бұрын
@@DobermanPlanet When I got my dogs I looked at what the customers were saying about the breed and the breeder as well.
@annamarkham-roberts4304 5 ай бұрын
My male has running dream where his feet moved and soft first I thought a small dog was trespassing, because his bark was tiny like a toy breed...but once I got up to make sure l knew it was just his dream
@kat_8984 7 ай бұрын
9:11 is my boy Ramzee. He always makes cute noises when he sleeps.
@NotAsTraceable 6 ай бұрын
My 3 year old female dobbie torn both her knee acl (stifle ccls) within a couple of weeks. Ortho vet said she has some genetic joint issue. Surgeries are 5k per side. I ordered the custom fit braces which really seem to be just a waste of money. She's the best most loving dog I've ever had. I'll never own another breed of dog.
@lydiakeene6421 7 ай бұрын
We got our blue girl at 9 weeks and she’s has been absolutely amazing. My first Doberman and now I’m obsessed with the breed. She’s now a year and a half and our biggest issue is jumping! Constant kangaroo jumping when she’s excited and she’ll throw her body at you when she’s extra excited. We redirect every time but it’s not breaking THAT one habit!
@Dobermann-Deutschland 7 ай бұрын
Hello, I've had Dobermans for over 30 years now but I've never seen anything like this. Greetings from Germany, your videos are very good🥰
@NVin357 7 ай бұрын
Hi, this is the first time I’ve seen tremors addressed in my Doberman. I have two and one has displayed this since puppyhood. Never received an answer from vets over the years. I really appreciate the information and thanks. I feel much better knowing it a fairly common yet disturbing affliction in the breed. Thanks again and God Bless
@DobermanPlanet 7 ай бұрын
Of course! Thanks so much for watching our videos - so glad you could learn something new about this! God bless you as well!
@rsg1963 2 ай бұрын
Ok, 2x Euro-Doberman owner with a 9 year old bitch currently (had her since puppy-hood). I honestly was thinking I'd agree with your list but after raising 2 of these beasts, only the 'ignoring a command' out of choice after puberty was familiar. The leg twitching while sleeping has happened to every other dog I've owned so nothing special there and not a single other issue tracked for me. But I love your channel, please keep it up!
@EatBeefBeHealthy 7 ай бұрын
My 2 dobies have 23 acres to run and play. 15 of the 23 acres is wooded, but they are so happy, healthy, and strong. I have a tracker on them, so I know where their at and they have a whistle on the collar if they cross the border fence and then they turn back...of course, I'm sent a notification. They are crated in the house at night and during the day for naps. I feed them raw meat diets, with some organ meats & cod/salmon fish chips for treats. They are for sure velcro pups (10 months old). They frequently look back at the kitchen window to see if I'm watching. If the male stands close to the border and barks at the neighbors, the female stays back and looks to see if I'm watching. I, really, enjoy the information that you provide. Thank-you!
@sskl9167 7 ай бұрын
Happy to read about your dobies. Sounds like they are living their best life. My partner and I adopted a 10 month old doberman 2 weeks ago. He is our first dog and we have been planning getting a dog for the last 2-3 years. He is very sweet and loving to us however the change and adaptation has been hard for him but for us too. Can you give me some advice specifically for daily routine? I’m trying to potty train him and give him enough exercise daily. I did research that the dog should not exercise an hour before and after eating…but then how to walk him to teach him to go potty , it becomes a schedule of walking him before and after a meal and then an hour later another longer walk? Sharing some experience and advice would be appreciated. Thanks
@WarriorsPhoto 7 ай бұрын
I haven't seen the shaking. I've seen the others and both of the dogs I work with have done these things. I don't mind it since they are doing what they do. It makes the dog a lot more fun to interact with. Plus if we stay consistent. It'll deepen the relationship with the dog.
@cindygibbons2255 7 ай бұрын
Head Twitching is a recent anomaly. My show bred male Doberman (7 years old) has it but his half sister does not. They are European (Romanian) and old American Marienburg lines. I have had Dobermans for over 40 years and have never seen this in Dobermans. He does not seem super distressed about it but wants to be petted and reassured. They last about 5ish minutes and every couple of months, not very frequent. This is not normal but I haven't found a correlation to anything yet. My friend has 3 Dobermans 1 European and 2 American show lines and none of them have this. We feed the same dog food.
@michellecrippen1770 6 ай бұрын
My pup had head bobble when he was a puppy but not since. (:
@sheilahbuettner8452 7 ай бұрын
The terrible toddler phase with our youngest, most recent female was so severe I was almost convinced that she wasn't the same puppy as the one I had picked out at the breeders and somehow they had switched dogs on us (even though they had chipped her as soon as we selected her). Thank goodness with consistency, perseverance, and a whole lot of butting of heads regarding appropriate behavior it was like one day a switch flipped and suddenly the doberlociraptor phase was over. She's still hard-headed and still looks at me sometimes like I'm dumber than a box of rocks when I ask her to do something she doesn't want to do, but she eventually gives in. She may just be letting me win to humor me, though.
@sheilagilleland4312 7 ай бұрын
My female is the same way, if she doesn’t want to “play the game” a training session is usually called a certain game. I have two, so I work them together if I can. She will just sit and look at me. I swear I hear her telling me, shes not playing that stupid game! I’ll usually tell her “ok I see you don’t want treats today, so I’m just playing with Jazz”, oh , if treats are involved then shes going to play now! Shes 2 and shes still a spoiled brat! That’s my fault I wanted her so bad and probably babied her a bit. 🫤 this breed is by far one of the smartest! I’ve had four of them now and each one has a completely different personality. Just like a child, My doberchildren!
@sheilahbuettner8452 7 ай бұрын
@@sheilagilleland4312 yes! I call Star the bratty little sister all the time because that is just what she acts like...a bratty youngest child. Her older brother and sister tolerate her little diva self like indulgent older siblings. She is our 9th Dobie and yes each has their own personality but she is the diva-est one we have had
@Keith-zn4vq 3 ай бұрын
My doberman Heidi doesn't head bob like that. But she does growl at my older dog when she's trying to sleep and he gets to close to her. and she's only two years old.
@joeh14 5 ай бұрын
I’ve never seen this. I bet it’s scary.
@okysssodaigui7043 7 ай бұрын
Sometimes the head tremor is due to low levels of calcium ( when it’s calcium the tremors happen frequently and the frequency increases until more calcium is added to the diet) if that’s the case it usually goes away within a week of giving them a piece of cheese or two twice a week. I’ve had several dobermans, I currently have two.
@bisou7856 7 ай бұрын
Thank you for this! Very informative! Good to know!
@davessparetime83 7 ай бұрын
My 2 years old Doberman has started clacking his jaw opening and closing like a Shoebill Bird. Not very often.
@Tinythegoblin 7 ай бұрын
My doggo also does this
@JoeR203 7 ай бұрын
Mine has always done that. Like a loud chomp sound. I think it's his way of saying "I really want something" or "Come on. Let's go!".
@kathyarcher9836 3 ай бұрын
My 4 year old Mix Dobie "baby talks" in her sleep. She sounds like a little 6 week old pup!
@grobanite4ever85 6 күн бұрын
That's cute!
@angiekereakes6551 7 ай бұрын
we love you and your channel!!!! (and of course, we love Doberman)
@tiffanyarns6152 7 ай бұрын
My doberman doesn't have these but my daughters pit bull did. Even the head shakes. Her vet said not to worry he most likely doesn't even realize he's having tremors. We've noticed being on a raw diet drastically lessened them.
@DobermanPlanet 7 ай бұрын
That is interesting! Thank you for sharing with us and taking the time to leave this comment!
@stickydh 7 ай бұрын
Just got a rescue from a BB. Can you do more on those if you can. But this video helps with a lot of things i didn't see you cover much before.
@sskl9167 7 ай бұрын
Hi there , First time owners here. 2 weeks ago we adopted a 10 month old dobe. We bonded immediately and he is a great dog but we are struggling with the adaptation process and daily routine, do you have any advice for us? Thanks
@stickydh 7 ай бұрын
@sskl9167 i honestly wish I did. Im just as lost with mine. My best bet is to binge his videos. They helped me a lot. Try to maybe mimic as much of previous owners schedule then ease into yours if they had a schedule. But this and "DOGumentary TV doberman" helped. But this channel is the best for all dobie needs. Sorry couldnt help more.
@sskl9167 7 ай бұрын
Thanks for the channel recommendations. I’m trying to watch as much as possible. The first owner didn’t meet the dog’s needs, he was neglected and abused, malnourished and scared and I can’t really continue his schedule as I’m pretty sure there wasn’t one. But the dog is not aggressive, actually he’s pretty sweet and good dog. I’m trying to teach him basic obedience and potty train him but he has some gut issues and it makes it even harder for me. Some days are nightmare others are easier but I do feel overwhelmed at times. Everyone tells me the first few months are the hardest so I’m trying my best. Feels good to talk to another person in similar situation as mine. How it is going with your rescue dobe? What do you struggle the most with? Sending you some moral support and thanks for rescuing him/her.
@oldgrayhairs8246 7 ай бұрын
Awesome video as always. I had a female Doberman when my sons were young and she never had the head bobbing. One of my sons currently has a female Doberman and I haven’t seen the head bobbing in his Doberman either but I will have him watch this video, so he knows what it is if she develops it. Thank you for all the tips, which were right on the money. And yes, Dobermans can dominate their owners, if you let them. The are very observant of everything that’s goes on around them, they learn quickly, and they get real smart very quickly too. And they know who among the owners the dominant ones are and who of the visitors are dominant too. My son’s Doberman knows I’m a dominant visitor and she loves to see me and I love seeing her too. She’s a very good girl. I was just stopping by to see what new videos you have posted. Have a great weekend. 3:35am. Time for some sleep. 💤🇺🇸
@souless08 7 ай бұрын
My current Doberman is the most dream active dog I have ever had in my life so far. Most of the time when its bedtime, i have to make sure she is laying back to back with me if she is not at the foot of the bed because she runs like crazy in her sleep 🤣and her legs are really going hard and she barks/howls in her sleep often as well.
@silviakapfinger5060 7 ай бұрын
Love your channel!❤ Great Video,thank you John👍🐾🙋‍♀️
@DobermanPlanet 7 ай бұрын
Thanks, Silvia!! Appreciate you always reaching out!
@user-rr8ro2lu1b 6 ай бұрын
This is such a great video. What a good idea for content. I am a first time Doberman owner and definitely refer to your channel a lot! Some of these tendencies would be frightening if they came out and it’s reassuring to know they’re normal! Thank you for such great info all the time
@cathyba5113 7 ай бұрын
Excellent video John, thank you for your work
@DobermanPlanet 7 ай бұрын
Thanks so much, Cathy!!
@vaishalibansod5400 7 ай бұрын
Thats good ..! He trained me ..i am getting up early for his morning walk ..🐕👍
@DobermanPlanet 7 ай бұрын
Haha love how you put that! They can teach us to have better habits! :)
@julianb1474 7 ай бұрын
My guy had the tremors sometimes. Other than that he was a great dog with none of the other issues you talked about.
@DobermanPlanet 7 ай бұрын
Interesting! Thank you for sharing with us!
@anitaannytta9749 7 ай бұрын
the video is missing one - crazy drinking from water ball ;) love this channel
@a.fitzpatrick4395 7 ай бұрын
My Doberman has idiopathic tremors once in a while...... a spoon full of peanut butter gets rid of the tremors in 10 seconds.
@ninovic4708 7 ай бұрын
Sir can i ask a question? A deformed leg of a doberman can be fixable? He got injured when his 5 months and now his 1 year already but his feet is still deformed.
@DobermanPlanet 7 ай бұрын
Great question! Please consult your vet on this topic!
@SlaughterHausD 7 ай бұрын
Only one of my 3 Dobes had the tremors so I was hyper-nervous when he started doing it at a bit over a year. Vet explained it wasn't seizures. His only happened a couple of times a week but it was always at feeding time. I could slip him one piece of kibble and it would immediately stop. Wish this video was around back then. Every breed, every pup I've ever had "chased rabbits" in their sleep. LOL
@edengarden6811 7 ай бұрын
I have head tremors myself. It's not dangerous. Can be caused by mental trauma. Dogs are not dominant, they can show dominant behavior. Our dobby is now 6 months old and finally the nipping and biting is calming down, it was HARD. We leashed our dobby again and continue working on recall. Some days he is perfect other days he is like whatever, so we put him on a 20 meter leash for more control. Works awesome! You can call your Dobby and if he/she is not responding you can put some pressure on the leash. Everytime our dobby comes i celebrate with cuddles, high voice and nice snacks. Also when the biting is bad, i walk out of the room, he HATES that so it works, after a few seconds i come back into the room.
@gutsandgrittv5076 3 ай бұрын
What about suckling?
@Tyrone-db8mo 7 ай бұрын
Thanks for your videos, you would be the perfect person to ask, is it true the doberman will favor one person of his or her family
@gailscibelli9148 7 ай бұрын
Thanks for mentioning the unwanted urination. I have been plagued by this for years now. My Dobie started urinating when excited as a puppy. Seemed normal. Everyone said give it time, he will grow out of it. Well he's 4 years now. Still urinating. I've tried very hard to figure out if it's excitement or submissive. For awhile when my husband would come home he would pee. He meets new people, he pees. He LOVES people, but pees. Doesn't seem to be fear based. He just gets so darn excited, even over people he knows. I almost have to let him greet people outside. And warn People watch out for your shoes getting peed on. It can be kinda frustrating sometimes. Like Cesar says No touch, No talk, No eye contact. Lol. Sometimes that helps. Just ignoring him till he calms down.
@eleanax9268 6 ай бұрын
mine urinates and doesn’t even realise it. He’s currently 7 months old hopefully it goes away
@gailscibelli9148 6 ай бұрын
@@eleanax9268 oh geeze. Well hang in there. They say it's lack of confidence. So try to build up his confidence. Whatever you do don't yell at him it will only make it worse. As hard as it is, try to ignore. My guy seems to be getting better. I try not to get him over excited. If people come to your house tell them to ignore your dog. Cause he might pee if they get him to excited. GOOD LUCK. He's got to grow up. 🤣
@heatherbee17 7 ай бұрын
I expected to see Dober tantrums on the list! 😂
@kristinlawrence3704 7 ай бұрын
What about expressing every emotion through their antenna looking airplane ears 🤣🤣🤣 we just got a 5 year old girl named Karma for my 15yo. I didnt want to get one. She kept sending me your videos. I kept telling her they dont live long. My Mom lost her prized Alice and all her pups to Parvo in the 80s and never could bring herself to get another one. Shed always said they dont live long and their brains are to big for their skull. Karma protected my daughter from an intruder the 1st week we had her. Tore the guy up. Who knows what his intentions were. Ive never been happier my 97lb 15yo daughter sleeps with a 120lb doberman
@Kyle_almighty1 7 ай бұрын
My Doberman sheds insane amounts of hairs and he cries all the time nonstop & he is already 1 yr and 3 months old, is this normal??? I can’t stand that shit. we could be doing nothing just chillin and he starts crying like crazy. it pisses me off. I also can’t leave him alone or get my eyes off him for 30 seconds without him destroying something he already knows he is not supposed to! I have to tell him the same command 2-3x that he already knows. & if I leave the area he starts acting crazy thinking he is free to do whatever damage he wants just cuz I’m not in the room. I’m ready to give him up!!
@danieallen5609 7 ай бұрын
Does he get 2hrs of exercise a day?
@gailscibelli9148 7 ай бұрын
Sounds like he's not getting enough exercise or mental stimulation.
@user-bj6zh6me4h Ай бұрын
I think you should get a cat instead, ur dog is obviously anxious. Help him by training him, it is only YOUR fault he behaves like that, you can't be pissed off when he doesn't know any better, he's a dog ffs, guide him and teach him how you want him to behave
@flakorenteria3596 2 ай бұрын
How do u deal with ur Dobue when he ignores commands u know he knows? Im not going through it but im curious since i have a Doberman puppy and want to be prepared.
@LoriM222 6 ай бұрын
@Doberman Planet I know that Ollie would probably be the best solution for my Lily but because of this horrendous economy, I just cannot afford it right now, so would you recommend a Protein supplement that I could give her to help? She'll be 2 years old on July 8th, 2024 but I've had her for only the last 5 months and she's awesome, came to me house trained and knew many commands already. She's the sweetest girl and smart as a whip!
@gabrielvelazquez8328 6 ай бұрын
Are Doberman friendly with other dogs ?
@tinaosullivan6451 7 ай бұрын
Amen alot of uncommon behavior for a doberman be prepared
@borahaebts8652 7 ай бұрын
What is the perfect age to adopt a doberman puppy ? Can we adopt doberman puppy earlier in 8 or 10 days old?
@bisou7856 7 ай бұрын
No any puppy needs to stay with their Mom till they are 8 weeks old !
@matty99 7 ай бұрын
Americans amuse me with their over reliance on the word super. 😆
@sayawilson887 7 ай бұрын
Love your videos! Training is going well, but looking for a private trainer in it near the Bay Area! Do you have any trustworthy suggestions???
@melissabradshaw2952 7 ай бұрын
John - what are your thought on freeze dried raw foods?
@Keith-zn4vq 7 ай бұрын
My doberman doesn't shake her face like that.
@animalisticores5713 7 ай бұрын
Does Ollie help with things like head bobbing or anything else? I also see they have a bottle that looks like they have vitamins for the dog but not sure
@rohitnavale888 7 ай бұрын
hello sir, I have a 9 month old American doberman female she is 22 inches tall how many more months will she grow. Her mother's height is 26 inches. please reply
@danamariesabatini8823 7 ай бұрын
Hey, I grew up with a black boderman and right now have an American pitbull terrier. We were thinking about the next dog being a red or black boderman. Can you name any good breeders in the New York/New Jersey area? Also all of the dogs we had were rescue from dog fighting so we really want a dog that doesn't have a pass, and to be their's 1 home.
@June6Baby10 7 ай бұрын
Just curious, how common is it in Dobermans to be allergic to chicken and other poultry? It took us months to figure out that it was the chicken, but he is nearly 3 years old now and thriving. But we have to be careful, if something has chicken or turkey in it, he’ll be puking and have diarrhea for about 24hrs. Thanks 😊
@stormshadowctf 7 ай бұрын
Really dont like the food ad in the middle. Sold out, huh?
@adithyakankipati8516 7 ай бұрын
I have a 3 month old doberman female puppy. She sleeps with me on my bed. I have made sure that I wake her up every 3-4 hours and let her pee in the trained area. But still she ends up peeing in the bed. And it's done while she's asleep. She is directly peeing while she's still asleep. What can I do to avoid it .!!?
@Tinythegoblin 7 ай бұрын
Hello! I wanted to ask a question, I'm a first time doberman owner and my dog is really anxious and will jump at people that surprise him. I don't want him to bite anyone and he often scares people. My mom said that my dog caught my anxiety or something like that and I feel really bad because he's a very good dog, and he loves people, but he's jumped at people and barked a lot when they do sudden movements or he didn't see them coming. Do you have any advice?
@EatBeefBeHealthy 7 ай бұрын
Check out his video "7 Warning Signs Dobermans Show MONTHS Before a Behavior Crisis"
@CrumleyCindy 7 ай бұрын
These dogs were bred as guard dogs. If they get suddenly startled, you may well see a reaction. It does not mean aggression issues or a bad dog. It just means you have to be respectful of the breed and understand them. Once they realize there is no threat, they typically will back off. But the barking is a warning and a reaction to something they saw or sensed as a threat. You probably need to work with him some more on desensitization and more socialization. But they’re bred to protect you at all costs and sudden movements scream danger danger in their eyes. I wouldn’t recommend someone they don’t know jumping at them or catching them off guard, they’ll see an ugly side because they are doing their job, protecting you.
@alexandraittah1089 7 ай бұрын
If you train your dog in basic obedience and ask your dog to heel when walking with you, then when it gets startled and has an undesired reaction you can say “no, heel” and put it back into a heel. The dog needs a job and if it feels like its job is to guard you and react to threats then that’s what it’ll do. If it knows its job is to walk beside you and heel then that’s what it will do and if not it will get a correction from you for not doing as told. Basically, if the dog doesn’t know what the expectation is then you can’t get mad if it makes its own decision. Make the decision for your dog and that will build its confidence. I tell my dog to heel when we walk and to “break” when I allow it to go and sniff and pee and do dog stuff. When we start our walk, I ask my dog to sit before I open the front door. Once the door is opened I release him by saying “ok” and he can walk out. This is a threshold boundary command. It lets your dog know you’re in charge of what will happen on the other side of the door and that this is heel and break. My dude used to react to people on walks and threshold boundaries and heel and breaks fixed this. Do it consistently every time. They learn quickly. Reward your dog for doing well. Say “good heel” or “good sit” and give him a little treat if you use treat training. Use your voice inflections to show what’s good and what’s bad. I have a child and having a large breed working dog is similar to parenting a toddler. I give my dog loving leadership. I have to constantly train him and ask him to do things or to stop doing things that are a danger to himself or others. Basically, dogs are pack animals and need leadership.
@NoNameNoFace-rr7li 3 ай бұрын
idiopathic head tremors are more concerning to me that the negative traits on the white or black doberman
@ogforever1 7 ай бұрын
What European breeder did you get your dog from?
@eleanax9268 6 ай бұрын
Mine was from Via Felicium Kennel by Ekaterina Kovovalova Russia
@c.rincon7145 7 ай бұрын
I have a Euro Dobie that is 3.5 months, but he still nip at my pant legs and collar at lead when walking. I've tried the snout grab, nothing. I've tried depressing his tongue, still nothing stops him from biting. Is it just his age and will out grow it? I've walked him 3-4 miles per day so I'm thinking he is getting exercise. What am I doing wrong??
@bisou7856 7 ай бұрын
Do the head tremors last their whole life or is it temporary?
@DobermanPlanet 7 ай бұрын
Some Dobermans only have one episode their whole life, then owners never see it again, but other Dobermans have them a lot more often - over the period of years.
@bisou7856 7 ай бұрын
@@DobermanPlanet thank you very much for your response, I really y appreciate 😊
@Newbegin628 7 ай бұрын
I am a new Doberman owner. She is about one year old and super cute but I am not at all use to my private spaces being invaded like this!!! She is like the glue on the back of a stamp with me!!! I find it very intense and I want to know if this behaviour will be better with time. I am now a bit confused if I really want such an intense dog follow my every move... She might need a stronger leader ... I am 60 maybe she's a bit to spicy for my Age!
@jondoe5114 7 ай бұрын
I love your channel! Please keep up the great work. You mentioned dog food in this video. Have you seen "Pet Fooled" ( ) on KZbin? It was an eye opening documentary. I'm very concerned about what I feed my standard size 95lb purebred 2yr old male Dobie. I used to feed him "Origin" as a pup, but he started to have major skin allergies when he hit puberty. I switched to "Taste of the Wild" a year ago. He tolerates it, but I know he's not in love with it. Can you please watch the video and give us your opinion on what the best high/low end foods are to feed our pups?
@taf_motorsports 7 ай бұрын
Added concern is anxiety causing Lick Granuloma
@deatte7063 7 ай бұрын
What age is best to neuter a doberman puppy?
@danieallen5609 7 ай бұрын
2 years
@deatte7063 7 ай бұрын
@@danieallen5609 why 2 yrs?
@danieallen5609 7 ай бұрын
@@deatte7063 so the growth plates will have fully closed.
@DobermanPlanet 7 ай бұрын
Great question! Here is a video about that:
@leanie6579 7 ай бұрын
I found if my boys glucose drops he starts with the Idiopathic head shaking . I will feed him a small meal or a few snacks and he is fine. I also don't feed big meals once a day, I spread it out in 3 smaller meals. And he hasn't shaked since. Ps. Just what works for my boy.
@lindathelander406 7 ай бұрын
My boxer has the head tremors and my vet says it’s common.
@DobermanPlanet 7 ай бұрын
It's good to hear the vet say that (and see these videos) so you know you're not alone!
@lindathelander406 7 ай бұрын
Thank you !!
@yadiraovalle3692 7 ай бұрын
Thank God the nibbing will eventually go away. She is a wild child 🥸 love her tho💓💓
@bisou7856 7 ай бұрын
Is 6 month the best time to neuter your Doberman?
@melissagayle2816 7 ай бұрын
No will stunt growth more like 2-3 years they need that testosterone for proper development. I've done intensive research so I would never sterilize a dog bec vets don't tell u how important that hormone is for overall health.
@taf_motorsports 7 ай бұрын
2 years minimum
@DobermanPlanet 7 ай бұрын
Great question! Here is a video we did on this: Hope this helps!!
@bisou7856 7 ай бұрын
@@DobermanPlanet thank you, I watched it and it was very informative. Thank you so much for educating us. I love watching all your videos!!
@christinanoname5773 7 ай бұрын
You endorse Ollie’s in many of your videos, I keep hearing peas are extremely bad for Dobermans from food for Doberman groups and DCM FB groups and even brought up that you endorse Ollie’s and they have a lot of peas… they told me you were paid to say it. So, are they not bad (peas) for Dobermans or are you taking $$$ and giving bad intel to Doberman owners?
@martinajunkers4315 7 ай бұрын
They’re extremely high strung so Dobies will display all those I’m so excited I don’t know what to do with myself behaviour. One of the worst things is THE WHINE. Want a blanket? Whine. Want a treat? Whine. Feeling lonely because their human sofa is on the other side of the room?? Whine. They left you sleep in bed in the morning and are drinking coffee upstairs while you are suffering extreme abandonment issues? Whine!
@ajones5336 7 ай бұрын
the problem is breeders have really ruined this dog, dobermans have all kinda problems now and are a waste of money for this 3 or 4 yr life span
@a.fitzpatrick4395 7 ай бұрын
@ajones5336...... where are you getting a 3-4 year life-span? I know of many dobermans that lived beyond 12 years..... one lived 16 yrs. Get one that has been tested for the heart issue. If that is excluded the dog will likely have a healthy life.
@alfchooberance 7 ай бұрын
Totally disgusting human behaviour that is ACTUALLY quite common in the USA. Biggest concern for me when looking at US Dobermans is the completely unnecessary hacking off of their natural ears as well as the docked tail. And no, it's not down to individual human preference. The puppies really don't need such trauma (potential for infections etc) in their young lives.
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