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Doctors Who Went Way Out Of Line
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#stories #doctors
Fair Use: For educational purposes and criticism.

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@dafien530 2 жыл бұрын
I was 29... I went to a pain management specialist. He told me I was "too young to have that kind of back pain" and accused me of being a "drug seeker" I told him where he could stick it, called him a few choice words etc and left. 10 years later I was referred to a local pain management specialist in my town (the previous one was out of town) and guess who I see there? The same asshat! He wasn't directly supervising my care, but when the person who was left, I was going to be stuck with him. He came into the room and I said, 10 years ago I was too young to be in this kind of pain. well I'm too old to deal with pieces of shit and left. to clarify, I have a t12 crush fracture, a herniated disk and no disk material between the t11,t12, and l1 vertebrae.. at times the pain is unbearable even with a handful of pain meds.. Its hard to get to specialists because they are so far away and the price of fuel... well makes it impossible as of late. I wonder what my life would have been like if that first doctor hadn't assumed the worst and done his due diligence and it is possible I may be better off if he hadn't put that comment in my medical file... Soo yeah...
@cheyblake2475 2 жыл бұрын
Are you doing better now?
@dafien530 2 жыл бұрын
@GalaxyeyeR can't.. 1. too much time has past 2. he is a 'medical' professional' and it was his 'medical opinion' 3. I could have sought out care else where, but I no longer trusted doctors to do the bare minimum and run tests. (still am VERY skeptical) 4. I'm very over weight 6ft @315 (183cm@ 143kg) and a large portion of doctors say my back problems are caused by my weight.. No. My weight makes the problem worse, but my original injury was a workman's comp claim, however I was young and dumb and didn't pursue it.. I just worked through the pain.. which was a bigger mistake than getting married... The workman's comp doctor just gave me drugs and sent be back to work... Yeah... and too many years have passed to sue that one as well (statue of limitations)
@whitneybennett5076 2 жыл бұрын
Mind-blowing how any medical health professional can tell a miscarrying woman in agonizing pain that it shouldn't matter if she loses the baby because she already has kids or still has the ability to have kids and can still sleep peacefully at night. I've never suffered pregnancy or a miscarriage, but I can't imagine how physically, mentally, and emotionally damaging and devastating it must be. Any doctor or nurse who says something like that is a horrible POS who deserves to lose their job AND their license.
@arianebolt1575 2 жыл бұрын
Acting like a child is replaceable because it's not born yet is so messed up.
@Mythical4227 2 жыл бұрын
My dads nose got f’ed up by a doctor who just stuck a scalpel up his nose. Then another doctor did nasal and throat surgery for the wrong reason to my mom. So many medical malpractices that my family experienced.
@lunarialoonatic 2 жыл бұрын
Wtf damn some doctors don’t deserve licenses and make me wonder
@supertuber120 2 жыл бұрын
Every once in a while you see someone working and think, "How the hell did they get their job? They don't know what they're doing." But when you think that about doctors and nurses that's some seriously dangerous territory.
@Mythical4227 2 жыл бұрын
@@lunarialoonatic well the first time my dads nose got screwed up it was a doctor hired by the military, and he told me you can’t exactly sue them for malpractice if they “get the job done”.
@Mythical4227 2 жыл бұрын
@@supertuber120 It is! Most of the time the nurses are much better than doctors, and it horrifies me to know how many mean and terrible doctors there are. My mom was screwed over for life because of them.
@morgandouglas6014 2 жыл бұрын
Whoever gave these doctors their PhD need to be fired. The first one in particular sounds like something you should be able to sue for, if you can’t already.
@Park-Kim_VMin 2 жыл бұрын
9000000000% Agree
@graciecat9694 2 жыл бұрын
Can veterinarians qualify for this subject? Because just about a year ago, my parents and I adopted a sweet rescue dog named Peaches who had pretty much been through HELL and had everything from heartworms to BULLET WOUNDS. Obviously, we took her to a vet as soon as we possibly could. They did an x-ray and told us that she basically had cancer and maybe a year left to live. We were heartbroken by this and spent about a month just trying to mentally accept what was going to happen. However, she did not at all act like a dog that was quickly dying; she had SO much energy and wanted to be active ALL the time. So, because we wanted a second opinion, we switched to a different vet who also did an x-ray and told us that they couldn't find anything that looks like cancer. That was the BIGGEST rush of relief I've ever felt in my life. We still don't know why the first vet thought she had cancer, but we're SO glad we got a second opinion. And I'm very happy to say that one year later, Peaches is heartworm-free, eating healthily, with the energy of a cheetah and VERY happy with life. :3
@SimplyGeminiOfficial 2 жыл бұрын
Aww I hope peaches is okay now! I hope you have a good year 😊
@booklover1298 2 жыл бұрын
1st Story: I think that someone can get cancer at any age. 3rd Story: I agree with Kyutie that it's a red flag that the doctor didn't take a biopsy. The girl and her dad definitely/obviously made the right choice when they went to his (the dad's) doctor. 4th Story: There is no such thing as "you're too pretty to be despressed." Someone can be depressed no matter what their looks/appearance is like. 5th Story: The first doctor is a terrible/horrible person/doctor. The girl/woman taking 18 Advil a day is a sign that her period isn't normal. The second doctor is a good doctor. Last Story: There is no such thing as "women don't get STDs." A girl/woman can get an STD.
@supertuber120 2 жыл бұрын
And I'm sure 18 Advil a day will start to do some damage over time. I'm shocked that they would tell her to just keep doing that.
@CrystalMermaid6 2 жыл бұрын
18 Advil a day will kill your liver your not supposed to take more than 6 a day
@Fau. 2 жыл бұрын
im willing to bet they were male doctors too, i don't know why but it's a common pattern for male doctors to just brush stuff off because they can't be bothered to do their job.
@nataliawagner3368 2 жыл бұрын
For story 3(med student here 😀): for melanoma you actually don't do biopsy. It should be cut entirely with 1-3mm margin and then it needs to be send to histopathology. After the examination the wound is cut bigger depending if it actually was melanoma and how deep info skin It grew.
@js8303 2 жыл бұрын
I’m pretty sure you can’t be too young to have prostate cancer, or any cancer for that matter. I actually always think about how there are young people, around my age, who get cancer all the time and it’s so sad. You don’t have to be really old to get sick Edit: Too pretty to be depressed?? Since when did your appearance affect your emotions? Oh yes, because I am pretty I am happy all the time. Totally makes sense😅
@js8303 2 жыл бұрын
@Ba Gawk Thank you! I did the method that we talked about before where you type a singular letter and then edit the comment! (As you can see, I edited it to comment something and not just “e” 😉
@js8303 2 жыл бұрын
@Ba Gawk at first I edited it to say something kinda authentic just based on the title, then as I was typing it I heard the first story, so I decided to comment something on that😁 Edit: Now I re-edited and commented on the “too pretty to be depressed” because what the heck! 😬
@js8303 2 жыл бұрын
@Ba Gawk True! You’d have to read Kyutie’s mind or something to be that fast! And same here, I expected so much better especially from an actual mental health doctor. Like, usually it’s parents saying stuff like that, and even then it’s unfortunate
@js8303 2 жыл бұрын
@Ba Gawk I would edit the comment to say something related to the video because she says at the end to comment what our thoughts are, but she usually sees the comments before I can edit them/finish the video. And same here, mental health is very important and is to be taken seriously
@Kai_The_Kai 2 жыл бұрын
Every 30 minutes your body produces a cancer cell and effectively eradicates it. One day it could just miss one and 💥 You have cancer.
@Aerodil 2 жыл бұрын
That first story - goes to show you that cancer doesn't descriminate.
@islajadepierre9060 2 жыл бұрын
When I was in my mid 30s I was out with friends shopping and my words started slurring as I was speaking (according to them, I don't remember) and then I couldn't walk on my own. Next thing I know, I'm rushed to the hospital. I remember bits and pieces about scans and EKG but when I got to the room I couldn't speak or move. A condescending neurologist came in and said it was VERTIGO... because I was too young for a stroke....VERTIGO! The moron told them to send me home, but due to me not being able to move, a NURSE decided to get a second opinion. She saved my life.. I was in the Hospital for two weeks. Turns out I'd had an embolic stroke. Took me almost a year to recover.
@cheyblake2475 2 жыл бұрын
I hope your doing better.
@grobanite4ever85 2 жыл бұрын
That is attempted criminal negligent homicide
@islajadepierre9060 2 жыл бұрын
@@cheyblake2475 thank you I am doing better 😊
@islajadepierre9060 2 жыл бұрын
@@grobanite4ever85 I wonder if that's what it would be. Ppl keep telling me medical malpractice but that doctor was a douchbag. He never came back to my room and never showed his face to me again.
@cheyblake2475 2 жыл бұрын
@@islajadepierre9060 ok good
@kadan2889 2 жыл бұрын
Mom was loosing feeling in her legs, doc kept saying she was fine and it was nothing to worry about. Few years later, she had severe nerve damage that could have been prevented or at least slowed - even worse, the doc knew the whole time and didn't say anything
@stephaniecourteoreille5972 2 жыл бұрын
Holy sh*t that's gotta be illegal
@xflowerssx7603 2 жыл бұрын
I think one of the most important things about being a doctor is caring about your patients. If not what the heck is the point.
@zuzuwu. 2 жыл бұрын
No because the way some doctors pick and choose who to believe, your job is to save lives not judge people
@umasvlogsanddisabilityreso9377 2 жыл бұрын
I spent the first 12 years of my life where everyone in my family, particularly my stepmom who I knew since I was 5, knew I was different. I was born asleep so I didn’t cry when I came out of my mom’s stomach, it was a c-section 3 weeks early due to pregnancy complications caused by a medication my mom took that doctors approved for her to take when she was pregnant with me. I had many doctors tell me: nothing’s wrong with you, it’s just terrible two’s, she’s just shy, she has ADHD, it’s nothing, it’s low muscle tone, it’s a lisp, etc. When it was ADHD when I was ages 8-9, I had a medication that being dehydrated saved my life because it caused me a stomachache and it was bad enough for me to go to the pediatrician. He looked at my blood tests hours later then he said, run to the hospital your blood pressure is through the roof-near the point of having cardiac arrest. An absolutely unnecessary ADHD med almost killed me and god knows how long I had my blood pressure through the roof for. At age 11 (early 2013), I was diagnosed with Asperger’s (which is no longer a diagnosis, also known as high functioning autism.) now I just refer to it as autism and you should too because of the history behind the doctor who it was named after and because of the controversy regarding functioning labels. I’m now 20 and take meds for anxiety and depression since I was 17 and they haven’t caused me any problems. I spent the first 12 years of my life in all kinds of therapy (except ABA as far as I know thank goodness) and nothing really helped. I’m autistic and I’m proud of it. I would feel the same if I was also ADHD (which would make sense but I don’t plan on revisiting the possibility and I definitely wouldn’t be accepting any medications for it). This was in PR, where they also failed to correctly measure my scoliosis. Some doctors are pretty good, but my experiences are mostly ones that give me trust issues if I visit my family and end up at the doctors (now I’m in the mainland US)
@SimplyGeminiOfficial 2 жыл бұрын
Oh no I hope you are okay now! May you have a blessful and happy year😊
@N4Rl_ 2 жыл бұрын
My mom got her teeth messed up by many dentists and she had to get all her teeth removed, I had been ignored treatment for my severe eczema until my dad's dermatologist gave me something for it. Honestly, stuff like this makes me wonder how some of these people got into this field :/
@matthewmillburg3933 2 жыл бұрын
mom went to two hospitals that diagnosed her with diverticulitis. the third hospital correctly diagnosed c-diff. she would have died without the correct diagnosis
@Park-Kim_VMin 2 жыл бұрын
These “Doctors" need better education God they're in there for 4 years what the heck do they learn I think they need to stay in there for additional 8 years.
@car17yn71 2 жыл бұрын
An ER doctor ordered standard blood work. He told me the tests were all normal. Then he told me I had a stomach virus that was going around. He gave me a prescription for meds for nausea (that I was allergic to) and sent me home. I came back later because I was feeling worse. They put me in a "consultation" room. The doctor came in and told me that he couldn't run any other tests because my bloodwork was normal. He gave me a different anti-nausea med and told me again that it was just a stomach bug and sent me home. A couple hours later, I was at a different ER. They did a CT scan and realized that I had a small bowel obstruction (big difference in how you treat a stomach virus and an obstruction) ... they sent me to the big university hospital the next morning (the soonest they could get transport AND a room for me in the other hospital). That afternoon, I was rushed into emergency surgery. I was lucky I didn't have any bowel death from the delay in diagnosis.
@madebybambi 2 жыл бұрын
when i was around 3ish, my aunt was pregnant, it was my uncles birthday (her husband) when my aunt went into labour, she was in pain and labour for a long time. too long,. the baby ended up having a siezure due to lack of oxygen bc the doctors kept arguing for a natural birth instead of sending my aunt for a c-section. my uncle ended up getting the call that his daughter had died on his birthday, both my uncle and aunt sued and now they changed the whole prosizure.
@fal4thought 2 жыл бұрын
My dad had cancer and the doctors told him he was just getting older Was hospitalized for 2 or 3 months before unfortunately passing away, bless your soul dad ❤️
@NeptunesSon1 2 жыл бұрын
I got screwed over by a doctor. I have been on medication for most of my life and when I was 17, a couple of medications started interacting with each other and caused my liver to fail. I was told that I HAD to take those meds or I'd be homeless. I was bright yellow (jaundice) and I couldn't digest food. Eventually I missed that years Thanksgiving due to being in the hospital for an entire month.
@KB_Gacha 2 жыл бұрын
what do you mean by you would be homeless if you didn't take the meds
@NeptunesSon1 2 жыл бұрын
@@KB_Gacha I was told that if I didn't keep taking my meds that I would be homeless (living outside with nowhere to go) at the age of 17. I was in a group home for teens.
@LonelyWriter26 2 жыл бұрын
Idk if this counts, but none of the doctors believed my mom when she was giving birth to me. Kept saying she wasn't in labor, didn't give her any pain medicine, etc. Doctor walked into the room with coffee to find me chilling there. Also: "I'M IN F*CKING LABOR!!" -My mom apparently
@MeemahSN 2 жыл бұрын
@Bluejay Productions some doctors shouldn’t be doctors
@Park-Kim_VMin 2 жыл бұрын
@@MeemahSN for real though
@snowsarendelledisneylover3673 2 жыл бұрын
Something like this happened to my aunt she was in labor and my cousin was pushing her way out they told her it was to early for the baby to come and when they checked her and seen my cousins head she straight up told my aunt to stop trying to push her out and in her mean evil in labor lady voice she told her well I can't keep her in! The nurse was really trying to tell her to keep the baby in her stomach
@bobboby30 2 жыл бұрын
How the fuck
@naadiyamxmed8717 2 жыл бұрын
@@snowsarendelledisneylover3673 they never heard people born in 6months
@Park-Kim_VMin 2 жыл бұрын
My mom went to one hospital because she fell and her collarbone was hurting, the doctor said it wasn't broke just bruised well it kept on hurting they didn't even give her a sling or nothing for it. So she went to another hospital turns out it was broken, she went back to the first hospital and told them what the second hospital said you'll never believe what they actually told her they had the audacity to tell her that it was an old broken bone and my mom she said I know I ain't never broke my collarbone before. Second story my mom told me this one ~ when I was a child I had the chicken pox of course mom didn't know it at first, took me to the hospital and this doctor I use the term loosely told her it was ant bites. Well I kept itching and kept itching she then took me to my regular doctor then and he told her it was chicken pox not ant bites, mom of course went back to the hospital and told them that they diagnosed me wrong and when are they going to get some good doctors in here.
@kileyslife7541 2 жыл бұрын
At ten years old I had some weird experiences that my mom, my grandma, and I all thought were seizures. We brought this up to my doctor and she brushed it off saying "it will go away." Two years later it was getting worse, as frequent as 10 times a day. We brought it up again, and she said, "It could be seizures ig, but probably just panic attacks. See a counselor." So I did, for months, as symptoms changed and got worse. Eventually when I got a psychiatrist and explained them to her, she said, "Oh these sound like seizures, I think you should go to a neurologist." And as we expected, they are seizures. I'm doing a lot better now but the symptoms got worse over time that I'm still dealing with, which wouldn't have happened if my doctor would'nt have told us that they must be panic attacks. Tdlr: My seizures got worse and worse over time because my doctor said they're panic attacks, so she got me a counselor instead of neurologist
@that_idiot-in_space6410 2 жыл бұрын
I went to 5 doctors over the course of 2 years, about a pain in my chest (which got worse and worse by the day). That they described as stress and I should just take pain killers. Finally when I went to the 6th doctor (that actually listened), I got described actual medicine. Because I have an effection in the musclemass of my chest. I've now been on medicine for a year and I only feel pain sometimes.
@MeemahSN 2 жыл бұрын
3:24 that is gross, that is absolutely disgusting. That is foul and that doctor should be fired.
@mladyangel6971 2 жыл бұрын
My family hardly go to doctors anymore due to similar things like this. Our new family doctor, although she did get me some mental help, couldn't diagnose properly. My sister was sick and she told my mum to diagnose her and tell the doctor what was wrong. Another time, my dad split his head open at work, mum cleaned up the wound and sent him to the hospital. After 8 hours of waiting in emergency, the doctor told him "well looks nicely cleaned up, just take painkillers and your fine." Dad has been suffering from a migraine ever since.
@alimitlessside2901 2 жыл бұрын
:O wow that doctor sucks!!!!! he didnt even do anything!
@A13XIS_055 2 жыл бұрын
Your earrings are so pretty!!!
@cadenjones5896 2 жыл бұрын
“You’re to pretty to be depressed” makes me so f*cking mad…
@tacobell1299 2 жыл бұрын
I had a male doctor try to tell me my stomach pains were just stomach pains from not eating enough and then kept trying to get me to admit that I was pregnant. (I'm a trans guy and like woman..) Went to a woman doctor and found out I had a mass that they needed to remove. Cis male doctors never listen to me whenever I go to them so now I always ask for woman doctors.
@kurapikakurta1997 2 жыл бұрын
I get doctors making mistakes sometimes (believe me, it happened to me recently), but these are just insane.
@HannahsMusicAndNovels 2 жыл бұрын
4:45 No man should ever ask that question.
@snowsarendelledisneylover3673 2 жыл бұрын
2 stories that happened to me . . First story happened when I was like 3 my parents noticed I wasn't acting myself I was dragging my feet and constantly tilting my head and they said I just didn't seem myself they took me to the ER and were told they could find anything wrong and sent me home as the week went on it got worse and my parents took me back to the ER this time the head of the ER department was in and my parents explained the situation to him and how they came the week prior and were sent home he was mad they shouldn't have sent me home without figuring out what was wrong after several hours and testing they found I had a cancer tumor that grew to be a size of a golf ball within a week had my parents not gone back or waited it out and I not got the help I did I probably wouldn't be here which is crazy im 21 now and I'm healthy as can be . . 2nd story was my face got extremely puffy no idea what was wrong dad took me to the ER and after a few hours we were told they couldn't find anything and didn't prescribe me with anything my dad ended up taking me to urgent care the next day and the doctor told me it was either due to an allergy that I'm unaware of or the fact I was under the sun and my skin was sensitive to the heat he prescribed me with medication for the swelling and possibly applying aloe vera because it did look like it was due to the sun and it's happened before so we bought aloe vera and it helps and in turn it was from the sun because ive noticed it happens when I'm in the sun for a long time so I have to use aloe vera to help cool the skin down and smooth it out
@momoshikadora 2 жыл бұрын
In no way I'm justifying these people, but at the end of the day they're human too and they make mistakes. The worst part is that since they're doctors, it's still synonym with "someone who can't do wrong therefore listen without questioning" and they rarely get punished, also because the underbelly of healthcare is rotten and corrupted just as much as politics. And I'm in Italy where healthcare is "free".
@gumzee269 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve never had medical malpractice, but the amount doctors make off of people who need care is completely evil. My mother has multiple chronic diseases, constant hospital stays, thousands upon thousands of debt..and then my youngest sibling has conditions too! A BABY JUST BEING BORN WHO HAD TO BE BROUGHT BACK TO LIFE COST A FAMILY WHO JUST ALMOST LOST THEIR KID OVER THOUSANDS!! How is this ok?!?
@alimitlessside2901 2 жыл бұрын
i have no idea
@Nates_anime_artwork_yt76 2 жыл бұрын
Your videos are always the best to help me focus and make me happy. I love you and your vids so much Ellen. my day can't move without them🙏❤️‍🔥☺️
@mamadragon2581 2 жыл бұрын
While visiting me where I live on the East coast, my mom was bitten by a tick. It wasn't on her for very long, certainly much less than 24 hours. When she returned home to the West coast she went to her doctor complaining that her abdomen was bloated. After he heard about the tick bite, he told her it was because of that. Except swelling like that isn't a symptom of Lyme. It was ascites (fluid in the abdomen) and it was because she had Stage IV ovarian cancer which he hadn't caught. The asshole was lucky I was on the other side of the country. I guess someone has to graduate at the bottom of their class.
@alimitlessside2901 2 жыл бұрын
was she okay?😟
@mamadragon2581 2 жыл бұрын
@@alimitlessside2901 Unfortunately, no. She fought for 2 years but finally passed away a few months before my son was born. She at least lived long enough to know I was pregnant.
@carlablair9898 2 жыл бұрын
I thought that the med students graduating at the bottom of the class became proctologists.
@maryamshaaban74 2 жыл бұрын
I've had a bad back since I was about 13-14. To the point where I would stay in bed for days unable to move, just changing my position In bed was horribly painful. I went to 2 doctors who said I was too young to have such a bad case as I'm describing and didn't do a single test. My parents took this as a sign that I'm just faking it and every time I'd say my back hurts it grows into a fight, especially that my mom has a bad back as well, they think that I mimicked her condition since she'd use it as an excuse to sit and rest while I serve her, and she gatekeepes my pain, not just my back pain but any sickness or illness.
@alimitlessside2901 2 жыл бұрын
you'd think that the parents wouldve atleast made the doctors take a test? im so sorry for that. i hope ur okay and that nothing serious happens from this.
@maryamshaaban74 2 жыл бұрын
@@alimitlessside2901 I thought this too but I guess faking it was their initial idea and they took me to the doctors to confirm it. So they got their desired answer TWICE, why would they ask for any further investigation?
@_MasterOfDimensions 2 жыл бұрын
Reminds me of people telling me I'm too young to be depressed. I'm 14.
@rosamarques5959 2 жыл бұрын
A friend of my sister was having her first baby. She was 19 at the time but she was happy to start a family with her boyfriend. It didn't go well... It took many many hours, maybe even 24 hours or close, but I don't fully remember. The baby just wouldn't come out and the doctors refused to have a C-section. I heard many things... It seems some doctors even sit on her belly to make the baby come out, which must have been incredibly painful. The baby had to come out with forceps and I'm not sure if they used one or two, but the baby's face was very purple when she came out. And the worst, a nurse told the mother while she was going through all that pain, people sitting on her and all, that she didn't matter, only the baby had to come out alive and she had to suck it up. That girl was 19 and that was her first delivery experience... The baby is now healthy, but that experience left a scar in the mother.
@SyntheticCupcake 2 жыл бұрын
The back injury story reminds me of when I was six years old. Woke up on Christmas morning really sick, unable to hold anything down, burning up with fever. Mom took me to the ER and the ER doctor said that I just had a stomach virus. He told my mom to keep me on liquids, gave me a popsicle, and sent me home. I was still sick after Christmas, so Mom took me to my family doctor. It was pneumonia.
@ashdeo3963 2 жыл бұрын
My mom had this severe abdo pain during her periods, it was so terrible that she wouldn't be able to get up from bed n no pain killers were strong enough to help. Dad took her to government hospital n they just gave her paracetamol so he took her to a private GP. She did scan n adviced mom to do a papsmear. She told her she can see something small and round in her uterus, but a pap would tell her if it's an infection or just a small clot. Pap report said there was something in there and this doc gave her some different painkillers and told my mom that treatment with her would b expensive and she should go bk to government hosp with this report. Few weeks later, government hosp lost moms folder. Almost 5 months of not treating her, saying her folder was missing, my mom's sis took her to another private GP and after scanning, he told mom that she needed immediate operation as a tumor had developed and it was the size of an egg. If it burst, there would be no way my mom would survive. She was again sent to another government hosp, as my parents couldn't afford to pay 4 a private operation. It's been so long now and after having her surgery, she's now doing fine. It's all thanks to my aunt and to the 2nd GP, who's fee was paid by my aunt. She was told to pay half the money, as she had come via private doc, but my mom told a counselor her entire story and after confirming it, she told us not to pay anything.. Sometimes hospitals and doctors can be so so so so irresponsible. I don't even want to think what would have happened if my aunt hadn't interfered.
@rachelthevoice 2 жыл бұрын
My doctor out of line story still makes me mad whenever I recall this happening to me. I quite young, six years old, and the doctor was giving me my annual check up and I started laughing because when he was checking around my stomach area to make sure everything was OK with my organs in that area he started pressing down on me harder to the point where it was hurting and I started to tear up and cry. My mom was watching all that’s happening was very much pissed off and went to Momma bear mode, as she should have, and filed a complaint. We never use him ever again as a doctor and he shouldn’t still have a license in my opinion. I had even told him beforehand that I was ticklish so it’s not as if he was unaware even before he started the check up. To this day I still can’t let people tickle me because of this and I’ve even confided in my boyfriend about it all and I’m having him try to help me get over my fear being tickle because I don’t want to have the hold that it still does on me.
@Fau. 2 жыл бұрын
i hope doctors can be sued for this kind of behavior and intentional misdiagnosing or failure to run tests.
@shadowboxer1 2 жыл бұрын
I can see why people self-medicate instead of seeing the doctor.
@ashdeo3963 2 жыл бұрын
When I was admitted in hospital with my 1st baby 2yrs bk, a woman pregnant with her 2nd baby, cried out in in pain, that the baby was coming and requested the nurses to take her to the delivery room. Nurses scolded her for 'not listening to the doc that her opening was just 3cm, there was no way she was going to deliver now'. After she started crying and screaming in pain, a trainee doctor was called and he advice the nurses to take her to the delivery room, n they did, without even using a wheelchair. 1 nurse went as far a saying that 'you should know better. U can't hv the baby now. U should b able to bare the pain, since it's ur 2nd child' Less then 3 minutes later, the doc was still there, the same nurse ran back and told him, "She gave birth, n both of them is fine" Later one of those nurses came to explain the situation to me saying, "sometimes this happens " To this day, I cringe at the thought of what would hv happened if she had just 'Bared the pain' some nurses r unbelievable.
@TheHylianDragonGirl 2 жыл бұрын
My mum almost passed away this last year, or maybe it was this year, I can’t remember exactly when, I think perhaps January or February. Anyway, do to some previous medical work she had done to help lose weight and get healthier, she cannot under any circumstances take any sort of steroids. Last year we found out she had breast cancer, and even after getting a double-mastectomy, she still needed to get chemo treatments “”just in case.”” Well, she did, but by the third or fourth round her health started greatly declining, and swiftly, to the point my dad had to call an ambulance and go to the emergency room with her. The doctors did a test, and she had a perforated ulcer, a rather big one, thanks to the steroids. Now, my family and I are very religious, and after much praying and fasting on our friends and family’s part, my mum made a full recovery in just a few weeks. Well and truly it was a huge miracle she was seen to, treated, and healed so quickly. You might be wondering what the moral of this story is, though. Well, those Cancer specialists would have seen my mum’s medical history, and would have seen the fact she shouldn’t have taken steroids. In the medical field, though I’m no doctor myself, it should have been known to them her previous surgery that made it apparent she shouldn’t take steroids, YET THEY GAVE HER STEROIDS ANYWAYS!!! I really, strongly, dislike the human race sometimes. And I STILL think my mum should’ve sued em, but I digress. The funny thing is, two of my brothers are in the medical field. One’s a doctor, and one’s a nurse, and BOTH thought the doctors who screwed up should’ve been punished. Or at the very least, had their medical licenses taken away, if possible.
@teritt 2 жыл бұрын
And this is why I have only basic checkups here and actual medical problems? We go to Mexico. She was lovely and gave me a delicious snack, I miss that kind environment
@ihaveabsolutelynoidea7818 2 жыл бұрын
Who else misses when she used to say "jokes" after almost every sentence 💀❤
@KiwiKeyblade 2 жыл бұрын
Okay, I've been thinking about this for the past few videos, but I'm absolutely OBSESSED with your earrings! They are so cute! :D
@cecileclifford2566 Жыл бұрын
I went to an emergency mental health doctor who asked me if I was depressed and then told me that they hate depressed people. We left immediately and later checked the reviews, he had also told a young girl she was “too pretty to be depressed”. I hope he’s had his licence revoked.
@kaitsenpai Жыл бұрын
no fucking way. wtf. that pissed me off. i truly hope he had his license revoked as well, that is so dangerous. especially an EMERGENCY MENTAL HEALTH DOCTOR!!! OMG. that is so dangerous to say something like that. that could of been someone’s 13th reason… literally. these people become doctors for the wrong reasons (money) and forget that empathy is the biggest part of it. i’m so sorry he said that to you☹️
@AlyssaWaters22 2 жыл бұрын
I started to see a new doctor and the office has us come 20-30 minutes in advance. About a week or two ago I went in to basically get a check up and see if something was wrong because my period has been irregular, so they took blood from me. We go in for the results, wait the 20-30 minutes, just for them to weigh me, and the doctor to come in for not even 5 minutes and told me nothing was wrong. I have never had to come in so early before an appointment before so I was upset when we waited so long just for the appointment to happen that quick. I was woken up from my sleep to go there and I was so tired that I accidently fell alseep when I got home. Honestly it wasn't too bad but I would have rather slept than go. I would also like to mention we had the appointment scheduled for a different date but I couldn't make it in that day, so my mom requested to do it over a call and the doctor said no and she wants to be in person. Like come on now, nothing was wrong, I get you want to be in person but it would have been a lot easier and time saving if you just said it over the phone. I would like my time back ma'am.
@bitter_sw33t 2 жыл бұрын
3:15: Well, and you're stupid but you're still a doctor soo...
@sweetheartxd287 2 жыл бұрын
When I was 14 I had this skin issue where random pimple like bumps would pop up in my skin in random places it was about a centimeter and was very painful it would bleed and when a tiny little pressure on it I would feel like someone was doing nails on my skin Anyway I went to consult a dermatologist he told me I was just fat and gave me some strong medication I took them But THAT MEDICATION WAS NOT MEANT FOR A 14 YEAR OLD it was so strong it disturbed my period cycle I got periods in every 1 week and 2 weeks max it was such a bad experience for me
@shannonhill5676 2 жыл бұрын
I went to a doctor because I got hurt on the job working in a warehouse. The guy literally didn't even spend a few minutes in the room with me and kept going to other patients that came after me. Mind you I was in incredible pain in my lower back, my right leg was going numb, and was losing control of my bladder. Told him all of this and he blew me off, saying it was just a sprain in my lower back. Went to see another doctor and turns out the immense pain in my lower back was because two of my discs got turned in opposite directions and were locked. It was causing nerve damage due to how long they had stayed locked and crooked. Took well over a year to get better but now I have some permanent damage and can't do things as well like I used to. I'm also in my early 20's.
@dio6586 2 жыл бұрын
I hate when doctors just don't believe you, I can sometimes tell when I'm coming down with something and I went to the school clinic to have them sent me home since I was sure I was going to come down with a fever. On the way I remembered a project that needed to be passed and ran around the school to put it on my teacher's desk and ran to the clinic, when I got there I couldn't catch my breath and they said I was hyperventilating and to calm down, even after I told them I just ran and couldn't catch my breath. They didn't believe me because I said I didn't have asthma. Doctor proceeded to coerce information out of me about what could have caused my anxiety attack, she made me so uncomfortable especially since I didn't want to be talking about my life and mental health with someone who isn't a psychiatrist and in a school clinic where the nurses could overhear what I was saying. I started crying because I didn't want to be telling her these things but she just used that as another symptom that I have problems with my mental health, they gave me a pill that said it would help with my 'anxiety' and called my mom to pick me up, they let me nap till my mom got there and I woke up with a high fever (shocking) and I knew it wasn't the medication because that fever lasted all weekend.
@shannonhill5676 2 жыл бұрын
@@dio6586 Yeah. I hate it when they do that and not listen to you. I'm sorry you went through something like that. I can honestly say it's not surprising to me that doctors don't listen to their patients no matter where they are. I hope you were OK and that you were able to get better after how they dismissed you.
@CinnamonArtStudio 2 жыл бұрын
i once slipped ad broke my ankle badly, if the break was a millimeter wider, I would have had to get surgery. The ER doctors said I twisted it and didn't give me any pain meds because I didn't cry. I was in a wheelchair for 6 months because my mom was a nurse and COULD SEE a break in the x-ray. So my dad and she took me to a child doctor that helped my ankle heal.
@spookymoo5832 2 жыл бұрын
"Everyone goes through this, why are YOU here?" When I tried to confide that I was being ab*sed
@loosilu 2 жыл бұрын
My friend went to my dentist, he told her she needed a root canal. She FREAKED and went to another dentist, who told her everything was fine. It turned out my dentist was right. We all want to believe tyhe doctor who says the thing we want to hear. It may not be the thing that's true.
@sweetsea3607 2 жыл бұрын
When I was in high school a lump appeared where my ribs are. I went to the doctor who said that it was most likely to be a lump of fat that's just come to the surface and it happens very often, but just in case I should keep an eye on it and come back if it changes. A few years later my lump changed colour. At first I thought maybe I somehow bruised it and waited for quite a while but it never changed back. So I went to the see a doctor but this time it was a different doctor. I told them the whole story and they said it's just a bruise. It was definitely not a bruise and I explained why I know it's not a bruise. They kept insisting it was a bruise, but when they realised they couldn't just brush me off they finally decided to actually do their job and advised I get an ultrasound. From the ultrasound it was discovered that lump is actually a mutation called an arteriovenous malformation or AVM for short. It's where there's an unusual tangle of blood vessels that have blood from both arteries and veins trying to go through. So yeah it's not a bruise and I'm also a mutant. When my parents found out about it they joked that I could join the X-Men. 🤣
@alimitlessside2901 2 жыл бұрын
Lol but glad you got an ultrasounnd!
@BrandonL_00 2 жыл бұрын
It sucks that sometimes doctors are out of touch with their patients. I'm lucky that all my doctors are super nice and understanding besides my psychiatrist. It was a few years but I still remember the comment he made to me. I'm prescribed Fluoxetine from him and when one of the nurses told him I still have days where I'm sad he told me "You're still depressed? Even after all these years you've been seeing me?...Okay...." I regret not saying anything back to him but I wasn't in the mood to start drama. I still go to the his clinic but he doesn't work there anymore. Also for the first story, I can't believe the doctors said that. Prostate cancer can happen to men of any age, rarely even to boys/teens. This is the reason why Gynecologist exist for women as they're supposed to go regularly at a young age to make sure everything is alright because girls too can have problems at any age. Men see Urologist for the Prostate but it seems like it's not common/encouraged for men to go regularly unless there's a problem.
@disableddragonborn 2 жыл бұрын
I've had 91 surgeries, my first being the day I was born, and so I have had a lot of experiences with shitty healthcare workers. One that stands out is when I was in really bad condition and my then-pediatric neurosurgeon walks in after I believe more than an hour after we got to the hospital (the hospital is four hours away from where I live because the local hospital almost killed me with incompetence at least once before I switched), the neurosurgeon walks in and says, "Sorry, I had to finish my book." I can't remember that event because of the acute condition I was in, so my mom is the only reason I remember it. Needless to say, I replaced him with a much better surgeon who is smart without being cocky, which is rare.
@justven24 2 жыл бұрын
doctor said when my grandad was struggling to breathe, passing out and having debilitating chest pain, it was just indigestion and sent him home. went to the hospital a few days later. gallstones, gallbladder infection, double pneumonia and sepsis. had 16 operations, lost 3 stone and was in and out of hospital for 5 months. if he listened to the first doctor, he 100% would’ve died in the span of a week.
@bloodinthesn0w 2 жыл бұрын
@tardismole 2 жыл бұрын
I'm mortified to call myself a doctor.
@Nameless82284 2 жыл бұрын
I'm having trouble peeing. My doctor told me that I shouldn't have trouble peeing since I'm too young. He did 2 different urine tests, 6 different blood tests, and an ultrasound all over my body. The doctor came back with my tests and they were all clear. I didn't have anything, all he told me was to lose weight. I'm taking some pills to help me pee and I'm feeling a bit better. I'm also been drinking cranberry juice and have been going on a diet. I think it's getting better now, and I can empty my bladder. But I still don't feel normal yet.
@cheyblake2475 2 жыл бұрын
Keep treating yourself and you'll get better soon.
@Nameless82284 2 жыл бұрын
@@cheyblake2475 The point is that I'm having trouble peeing and I don't have anything.
@muciclover26101 2 жыл бұрын
I would get a second opinion. I'm also an overweight young woman and have had trouble peeing. Eventually I was referred to an urologist. Turns out I have OAB as well as something else. I'm sure weight plays a part, but isn't the reason. Good luck. :)
@Nameless82284 2 жыл бұрын
@@muciclover26101 But I'm a guy.
@muciclover26101 2 жыл бұрын
@@Nameless82284 Oops, my bad. I guess I shouldn't have assumed. But I still would get a second opinion.
@ephemeralmochi3061 2 жыл бұрын
8:03 Probably doesn’t matter but I have a dog named coco and this caught me off guard
@AllyBubblesSpriggs 2 жыл бұрын
Violence is acceptable in these stories!!!!
@bsouthmama3010 2 жыл бұрын
I haven’t watched yet, but…. I had a sinus infection a cpl years ago and my ear got stopped up. Dr told me I would have to get steroid shots, IN MY EAR, and I prolly wouldn’t get all my hearing back. He was the main Dr, my Dr was on vacation. A few days later and she was back……and so was my hearing
@rosepetunia1829 2 жыл бұрын
I have a seizure disorder and my doctor once told me that this happens to all kids and I’ll be fine if I just ate more healthy stuff. I started eating healthy more and still got seizures.
@solargomez2490 2 жыл бұрын
Some doctors just suck.
@chrisclare565 2 жыл бұрын
I had to scream and shout to get the tests done that verified that I did had Cervical Cancer. Because I listened to my body, it was caught in time but if I didn't throw a tantrum they wouldn't have caught it in time. KNOW YOUR BODY, LISTEN TO IT AND FIGHT FOR YOUR HEALTH!!!
@dio6586 2 жыл бұрын
I can sometimes tell when I'm coming down with something and I went to the school clinic to have them sent me home since I was sure I was going to come down with a fever. On the way I remembered a project that needed to be passed and ran around the school to put it on my teacher's desk and ran to the clinic, when I got there I couldn't catch my breath and they said I was hyperventilating and to calm down, even after I told them I just ran and couldn't catch my breath. They didn't believe me because I said I didn't have asthma. Doctor proceeded to coerce information out of me about what could have caused my anxiety attack, she made me so uncomfortable especially since I didn't want to be talking about my life and mental health with someone who isn't a psychiatrist and in a school clinic where the nurses could overhear what I was saying. I started crying because I didn't want to be telling her these things but she just used that as another symptom that I have problems with my mental health, they gave me a pill that said it would help with my 'anxiety' and called my mom to pick me up, they let me nap till my mom got there and I woke up with a high fever (shocking) and I knew it wasn't the medication because that fever lasted all weekend. On the Monday back I was gagging so bad multiple times and people we're worried I'd puke throughout the day, it was because I was seated near the chalk board and I'd breath in the dust, my classmates and teachers asked if I wanted to go to the clinic but I refused because of that incident.
@chrisclare565 2 жыл бұрын
@@dio6586 Number 1 rule of life is that YOU are master of your life. Having said that, I never had the courage to stand up to bullies at school. Despite the anti-bullying policies, teachers and school staff are not often recognised as the bullies. Did they have written consent from your parents to administer medications 💊 other than Paracetamol? It definitely sounds like they over stepped their boundaries. Talk to your folks about what they can and can't say or do.
@dio6586 2 жыл бұрын
@@chrisclare565 I didn't think about the consent form thing, I'm not sure if my school had something like that but I think they noted down what they gave me at least. This was a couple years ago though and I still haven't told my family, I didn't want to worry them back then but now that I think about it I probably should have. It definitely did feel like my boundaries were ignored and I just felt pressured to answer. I just avoided the clinic as much as I could and I think that doctor sent a note to our school counselor or something because I was called to meet with her, although they never addressed anything about mental health and just asked me about something I mentioned with my talk with the doctor (really creepy teacher but that's another story). I don't really think I have any good experiences with doctors outside my normal one, my normal doctor is a really nice lady and she's been my doctor since I was a baby although now that I'm becoming an adult I'm not sure if she'll still be my doctor which is sad. The only other doctor I've met outside of family was my mom's chemo doctor and he said I was pretty and that he would be glad to adopt me, which hit me hard since I knew at that point that my mom was dying.
@chrisclare565 2 жыл бұрын
@@dio6586 if I could give you any advice, it would be stand your ground. I used to be a teacher and I would always tell my students to that just because someone is older than you, doesn't mean that they know more. They may have had more experiences but that doesn't mean that they have lived the same experience as you.
@swagclowngaming 2 жыл бұрын
Is it just me that thinks the second nurse (second story) watches those TikTok POVs and saw one that said "you have a limited heartbeat number to survive" and based their medical knowledge off of that?
@prisha_27 2 жыл бұрын
I think so too
@stephaniefunk9142 2 жыл бұрын
My dad is alive because his primary doctor decided not to go by the guidelines and have his prostate biopsied . He was in his early 40s and his biopsy was 90% cancerous. There are always people that fall outside the guidelines. Any good doctor will be cautious but thorough.
@AoAstar 2 жыл бұрын
when i was around 9-11 i started having terrible stomach aches. they werent all the time, came around once in a while and i never knew when i was going to be sick or just fine for a day. they were painful to the point where breathing would be too much, id faint from the pain and got concussions multiple times. it got worst and worst as i was getting older and it got to the point where i couldnt move from the pain for a day or two. we tried to figure out what i was allergic to, trying not to use the doctors too much cause it wasnt cheep. finally we went to the doctors when i was 12, specialist after specialist telling me to point out where things were painful, tell me i wasnt pointing to my stomach, and then do a bunch of test on my stomach to tell me i was fine while i hadnt been able to move for a week when i became 13 i finally figured out i was just someone with terrible period cramps, hoping to test for emdemitri this summer. thank you folorida doctors, for when i was pointing at an organ that wasnt my stomach and telling you that it made me sick, they stuck with me to make sure i didnt feel dumb!
@megandorrian4802 2 жыл бұрын
My brother was completely about pain in his side. He got a scan in the wrong part of his body 5 years later it turns out he has cancer in is testicles. He's lucky that it's was slow growing and could be treated. He could have died if it was aggressive cancer
@Ilovefurin 2 жыл бұрын
@laurafranich4807 2 жыл бұрын
I think some doctors need to remember; First do no harm.
@littlered8060 2 жыл бұрын
It's sad these doctors are out for money they really should be reported and lose their license
@o.m9514 2 жыл бұрын
Wow, this was very mature and educational. Thank you!
@indiaweston3116 2 жыл бұрын
Wow this was brutal some of those ppl should be fired
@CatLoverX74 2 жыл бұрын
My brother had an appointment was in the exam room waiting hears his doctor say to the nurse I do want to see any more patients today 😑 luckily I got him to start going to my doctor that actually cares about patients 😊
@knightraven7044 Жыл бұрын
Malpractice all of them 😂 sue sue sue
@camifasap1588 2 жыл бұрын
I haven't watched any of these videos for Abt 5-6 years, it's amazing coming back ❣️
@Emma208l-3 2 жыл бұрын
I think that the doctor in the ER might have pulled a 24hour shift and doctors are also human so he might have made a mistake due to sleep deprivation it is really hard to work all day every day
@territoryxdeath3614 2 жыл бұрын
2nd story reminds me of those TikTok POVs lmao
@keringtoncondron7273 2 жыл бұрын
I have a genetic condition that puts a lot of pressure on my knees and hips. my 7 year old sister has it too. im thirteen and me and her have gone to PT for it. if anyone tells me or my sister that we're too young to have joint issues, imma give them a few months of PT. (like i said, its a genetic condition)
@camillasaabymadsen7764 2 жыл бұрын
when i was a young teen my doctor from my home town told me "ya you are overweight" i asked "should you not weigh me first?" "nah i can see it" (for info i was 170 cm and weighted 50 kg) then i moved to another town and told my now doctor this and he said "what an idiot i would have hold an eye on you cause you where really underweight in such a way if you weighted only 2 kg less i would have you forced into the hospital" i was shocked.
@WittyRoseKoi 2 жыл бұрын
I love your videos kyutie
@monikaszaro1836 2 жыл бұрын
I fall Asleep with your videos playing in the background I like listening to you reading reddit stories.
@lexyp.4611 2 жыл бұрын
it's one thing to be rude as a doctor and another to be rude and also I'm literally coming to you, a your damn job. better safe than sorry
@asiyamalik9665 2 жыл бұрын
ive never been this early before.. goodmorninng i love you!!!!!!!!
@Lillanthae 2 жыл бұрын
Had a dr insist I had biopsies done on my chest. I haven’t had anything done on my chest…. I was there for my ankle. I should have reported him.
@forgettheworld4277 2 жыл бұрын
I really wanted to hear her say “far out” but I guess not 😭😭😭
@nicolevose3066 2 жыл бұрын
7:34 I feel like there is a bit of a double standard there. Let's say that a man bemoans that his girlfriend got pregnant with his off spring. He wanted to get married and raise the baby together. She rejected his proposal and had an abortion. People will gladly tell him (and make it a point to be really condescending about it) that he can marry a different woman and father her children.
@darkbladetri 2 жыл бұрын
Hopefully most o f these people were fired or reprimanded
@erinchappel1359 2 жыл бұрын
I unfortunately have a doctor who every time I go to her for anything all she does is look at me and say there's nothing wrong with you. Btw the son or daughter in the first one should sue.
@nataliawagner3368 2 жыл бұрын
For story 3(med student here 😀): for melanoma you actually don't do biopsy. It should be cut entirely with 1-3mm margin and then it needs to be send to histopathology. After the examination the wound is cut bigger depending if it actually was melanoma and how deep into skin It grew.
@SJHredkingdom 11 ай бұрын
My doctor said I was too young to have my breasts examined because I thought I had cancer. Switched doctors. This new doctor took me seriously. No cancer, but we're still puzzled as to why my lymph node on my left armpit is swollen. Hasn't gotten bigger or more painful, but it hasn't gotten better either. Fortunately, thanks to the mammogram, we found a benign spot on my right breast, something to look after. My mom is friends with someone that had a family member die from breast cancer at 32, hence why I decided to have a look. I have a friend that went through 3 doctors before finally figuring out that she had Crohn's disease and she's in 20s. No one took her seriously until the diagnosis was made/ found.
@ilikedarknes3351 2 жыл бұрын
2nd one: Okay so my resting heart rate is like 95-100 bpm does that mean I'm going to die earlier because I'll run out of heart beats?? And people that have a resting heart rate of like 60 are going to live longer than me? I honestly find this hilarious. Just imagine, "Oh! You've reached 2 billion heart beats, you're gonna die now!"
@ashlismith8596 2 жыл бұрын
PhD should stand for pathetic, helpless and dumb
@alizakhan7586 2 жыл бұрын
When I was little I had a some similar to leukemia however mine was rare idk how to spell or say the name but white blood cells killed my red blood cells
@SirBoopsALot013 2 жыл бұрын
My legs have been bothering me since around New Years ( numbness spasms and pain) I’m 14 and the doctors said “ it’s just you and pt would help “ a month of pt and it just felt the same if not worse stopped pt. Then in early June I went to a neurologist they said” we need to do blood work and give you brain and spine mris “ that I haven’t gotten yet i was very active up until Covid and only see my friends in school That’s my story this all happened in 2022
@alimitlessside2901 2 жыл бұрын
thats this year! my goodness! people really need to learn! Someone had a similair thing happen to them in the comments (((its different so people who are reading replys no he is not copying)))
@SirBoopsALot013 2 жыл бұрын
I didn’t even see the comment
@-.-4 2 жыл бұрын
We do not have a fixed number of heart beats. That nurse needs to be reported.
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