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DONALD, DUCK! PEP with Chas and Dr Dave (Ep 169, July 19)

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PEP with Chas and Dr Dave

PEP with Chas and Dr Dave

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@andrewzur Ай бұрын
I had the PEP shakes as I had no PEP yesterday!
@alecmcconnell9629 Ай бұрын
Me too!
@--enyo-- Ай бұрын
Just hook it to my veins.
@KellieSuttle Ай бұрын
10:30 p.m. on a Saturday night here in the eastern U.S. and 2 hours past my bedtime. I finally feel the Aussies' pain at having PEP released in the middle of the night! 🌙
@danielnarbett Ай бұрын
Share the pain! 😅
@--enyo-- Ай бұрын
Not today, sleep.
@Time0utForFun Ай бұрын
I spotted a beautiful example of raising the stakes on inconsequential views this week. Australian Senator Ralph Babet quoted in the ABC: "I call on the Prime Minister Anthony Albanese to join me in denouncing Tenacious D, Jack Black, and band member Kyle Gass, and I call on the Immigration Minister Andrew Giles to revoke their visas and deport them immediately," 😆
@Jimofthejimbos Ай бұрын
Even Crowdsrike can't stop PEP!
@pseudonym8791 Ай бұрын
Commenting for the benefit of the algorithm and hoping that everyone is getting back to some semblance of a normal circadian rhythm!
@Correspond-lk5wp Ай бұрын
Emergency PEP epsiode needed STAT after bidens announcement 😂
@--enyo-- Ай бұрын
Waiting for the PEP analysis for sure!
@SkandiaAUS Ай бұрын
Well done Chaz. Have been on call all weekend helping manually recover machines that usually don't require human intervention and has been a total pita. Catching up on some jobs around the house with PEP.
@alecmcconnell9629 Ай бұрын
Thank you for what you do, unsung heroes
@SkandiaAUS Ай бұрын
​@@alecmcconnell9629actually I'm only helping due to sheer number of machines down in my team. But I've witnessed IT managers working around the clock since Friday trying to co-ordinate the recovery. We're in the response phase right now but anger will come next 😂
@pseudonym8791 Ай бұрын
Hope you’re getting some rest! Thanks for getting things back online and hope that you’ve not had to deal with too much aggro :(
@pepwithchasanddrdave Ай бұрын
I am very grateful for both you and people like you. I was lost without my computer. It felt downright post-apocalyptic!! - chas
@SkandiaAUS Ай бұрын
@@pepwithchasanddrdave it's the IT team of every organisation that has been scrambling since Friday. The problem is that to fix this issue you must physically be at the computer to recover it by deleting this file. The error happens so early in the start up sequence that the computer hasn't even connected to the internet yet. I feel for all the IT teams right now, I've just been helping out to recover the Point of Sale computers at the retailer I consult for, these IT teams are coordinating the fix and gathering all the information you need to be able to recover these computers.
@Rhubarb2 Ай бұрын
Don't think I could make sense of US politics without PEP ❤
@davidofford7002 Ай бұрын
I appreciate a friendly word on departing, honest, heartfelt, ringing beautifully true.
@mikhailfilitov1479 Ай бұрын
Well that's classic PEP timing - just as I settle in for a Monday morning listen Biden decides he's pulling out of the primary!
@KellieSuttle Ай бұрын
I think it's time to reiterate the unanimous PEPper opinion that we definitely want a second PEP this week, but we're also a little worried about you, Chas, going to a function and then still staying awake until sunrise to edit our first PEP for us, and THEN giving us a Chas Unleashed on top of that. 😅
@OtherShaun Ай бұрын
Agreed! I would just love a second PEP now the Biden has dropped out, but I feel it is in the best interests of PEP (and Chas) if he keeps to the regular schedule. We want Chas in good nick for November.
@HairyNumbNuts Ай бұрын
I don;t tsee much value in another specifically on Biden. Chas may have other stuff on his list, and I'll never say no. Chas does analysis, not news, and I think we all need to see what happens over the next two weeks. The interesting thing to watch is where we are just before the Democratic convention. I think this is going to get even more interesting than it already has. If you look at polls, Harris' largest response isn't "good" or "bad", it's "who?". With Biden, Democrats wanted the focus all on Trump. With Harris, she needs to get out there and make a noise, and she has the unique advantage that while she can make policy, all she really has to do is prove she'll be a good Democrat president, that she has no weird ideas, and make a lot of noise about how evil Trump is. He does that himself anyway, you just have to play his quotes back to him, so that *should* be easy enough. However, the Democrats are their own worst enemies, I'm sure they'll try as hard as they can to screw the election up. I though the funniest news of all was Joe Manchin considering rejoining the party and running for the nomination!
@Backpfeifengesicht789 Ай бұрын
@@HairyNumbNuts gotta be worth it for Manchin alone...
@--enyo-- Ай бұрын
@itmephoebe Ай бұрын
I'm a few eps behind (I know Chas can relate re keeping up with reading), but my mum texted me to tell me about the incredible title of this episode, and I had to come pay my respects! As my mum says, "Chas has outdone himself" 👏
@LittleRuss-j6w Ай бұрын
Hey Chaz, long time listener to PEP. Just talking to psychologist wife re Trumps “fight” response post ear bullet; she had a different take on things. While strongly opposed to his politics , she explained to me that the adrenaline/cortisol dump in that situation would have led most humans into either a fight, flight or freeze response with limited choice in the matter. She reckons he gets a free pass for his behavior immediately post ear bullet, as expecting a calm and reasoned response in that situation is probably unreasonable as it would be beyond most humans (without extensive military training), let alone Trump…. However the free pass does not extend beyond the time of crisis.
@CalebKerr123 Ай бұрын
Family loved your song Chas, look after yourself keep up the great work
@jord.an6123 Ай бұрын
brb moving to Colombia to get a minimum wage job
@lukeo5908 Ай бұрын
Is Friday night’s Fireside Chat coming to iView, or will I have to buy a bootleg VHS recording off the dark web?
@Backpfeifengesicht789 Ай бұрын
I have it, I'll send it free but just need your credit card details for verification...
@thomasedwards3299 Ай бұрын
The minimum wage discussion is nuanced and all up I agree with Dr Dave. Other points to consider are the minimum wage in Australia is a base reference point with relatively few people on the minimum wage for extended periods of their working lives; we have compulsory employer funded superannuatuon; our superannuatuon is legislated to rise regularly; we have numerous employee rights such as paid sick leave, annual leave, long service leave, parental leave, study leave, union meeting leave, domestic violence leave, moving house leave; we have regular mandated minimum wage increases pegged to inflation; we have clearly defined and regulated job classifications - ie we know what we need to do and what is unreasonable to be asked to do for our wage; we have world leading universal health care; we have an unemployment safety net should we lose our jobs; work cover in case of injury etc etc. Once we consider all these factors we quickly appreciate that in Australia we are very well off. I feel very lucky to live and work here. I also relate to Dr Dave's disillusionment regarding baseline adult competency. Which is why I do not believe in the deep state or conspiracies. There is just no way people could ever organise and coordinate themselves to execute such.
@merriblair3791 Ай бұрын
I’d also add that the table referred to was 2022. In Australia we’ve since had a substantial pay equity case in Aged Care workforce (lowest paid qualified workforce) and 2 Fair Work Commission minimum award rate adjustments above 3-4% (supported by Govt). Current table might reflect differently although CPI & inflation is still stubbornly high for ‘living wage’ comparison.
@Lenwang211 Ай бұрын
Good point, the annual leave along is salavatingly good. Also need to consider the percentage of young males on minimum wage compared to other OECD countries.
@Zugam Ай бұрын
Woo Pep is back. Now I wonder if I'll ever see Fridays Planet America.
@lawrencebillson6224 Ай бұрын
I'm shattered I missed it - especially when they mentioned it was a special live edition! I keep mashing F5 on iview in the hope it's been uploaded.
@m54n69 Ай бұрын
Yep, same here I really hope they release it!
@Backpfeifengesicht789 Ай бұрын
@@m54n69 recorded or live version?
@m54n69 Ай бұрын
@@Backpfeifengesicht789 Live version, they did release the recorded one at iview on Weds. But I have a feeling they won't release the live version.
@GrimJackal Ай бұрын
I think the announcement Biden just made guarantees a second PEP. What a wild time. But please take care of yourself too, Chas.
@dressydressy6246 Ай бұрын
Golly, Biden has dropped out. My head isn spinning. It cant keep up. Lucky we have PA and PEP 🙂
@bradkershaw491 Ай бұрын
Really love to hear Vance explain what Trump Policies did the reversing of decades of Biden's betrayels.
@danielnarbett Ай бұрын
Michael Steele is actually still a registered Republican, Chas - though he cops crap about it from his new friends at the Bulwark ;) ps. thanks Chas for the massive efforts to get this ep out!
@pepwithchasanddrdave Ай бұрын
Haha, yeah he may well still be registered as Republican. But he's a Republican like Tulsi Gabbard is a Democrat. It's a teensy bit disingenuous for mine! - chas
@Backpfeifengesicht789 Ай бұрын
@@pepwithchasanddrdave haha, damn, I was Tulsi for Dem VP.... (ok, not really, I was for Manchin....).
@tomstruct Ай бұрын
1:54:23 had me in stitches. Before he said Patterson I thought he was going to say Caleb Bond
@TW-yz9md Ай бұрын
My 11 year old daughter desperately wants to know if WTFAQ is coming back.
@danielnarbett Ай бұрын
Ooh, a mystery 'white flash' at 16:17 - does that mean the whole rest of the episode is secretly Chas Unleashed and the US is actually a corporation with insurrection law and Trump is the son of JFK?!? Um, I think the delayed PEP episode temporarily scrambled my brain...
@--enyo-- Ай бұрын
I noticed that. I guess correspondence got too long?
@leftoverlover Ай бұрын
Is it just me or does Vance look like the Toecutter from Mad Max?
@pepwithchasanddrdave Ай бұрын
@alecmcconnell9629 Ай бұрын
Finally!!!! 😅
@jaihawkins Ай бұрын
Chas: The left says Trump was hit by glass, here's Michael Steele saying so... Everyone: 🤦‍♂️
@avus-kw2f213 Ай бұрын
Donald Trump‘s life was saved by the ghost of Shinzo Abe That is a very popular belief
@Tonko369 Ай бұрын
Or Donald was saved by the ghost of Cricket, back to take one more for the team.
@tomstruct Ай бұрын
Pep sundae! 🎉❤
@tomstruct Ай бұрын
1:36:45 would be interesting to clarify the difference between deflation and disinflation, one for Jericho maybe. Thanks for all the effort this week team. Spewin that I missed the live show! I think I gave up waiting by 9pm, hadn’t seen any announcements
@Tonko369 Ай бұрын
So grateful that Pep is here. Will the Planet America fireside chat from Friday going to be up soon too?
@camerondeagostini2683 Ай бұрын
Just curious did you have to get any kind of approval for the "we shouldn't have taken time off" music video? it's the kind of thing I love but normally would be killed by higher ups.
@pepwithchasanddrdave Ай бұрын
Yeah, since we're meant to be a news show and the ABC can get in serious trouble if it does anything too freaky in news, we DO need to get permission whenever we do bits on Planet America that are a tad unusual. So we sent the script off for approval beforehand. Thankfully, they usually are pretty lenient with us, they know our show is a bit different! ;) In this case the only objections they registered were mild factual ones. But putting in long disclaimers for a couple of these lines wouldn't have scanned too well, so they let us get away with it! - chas
@robinedwards6322 Ай бұрын
They've realised that Chaz can't be leashed
@tomstruct Ай бұрын
@@pepwithchasanddrdave what about royalties to billy Joel? Or is it all covered under APRA (performers’ rights org in Australia) fees paid by the ABC?
@pepwithchasanddrdave Ай бұрын
@@tomstruct Honestly I have no idea. But the Facebook video of it seems to be monetised and paying royalties to someone, so I'm guessing it's him! - chas
@leon.b1991 Ай бұрын
8:45 Just some feedback for you here, Chas. I love this show's commentary, I find it really insightful. Overall, very few complaints! But, just so you know, misusing the word "psychotic" is very harmful to people who actually experience psychosis, and furthers the idea that psychotic means "evil" or "bad". RFK does not have a legion of psychotic supporters, he has a legion of misogynistic and vile supporters who may knowingly and eagerly harass this woman. Psychotic is not a synonym for "awful people" or "misogynistic harassers". The majority of people who experience psychosis struggle hugely with their condition, and will never become violent or harm other people. Psychotic symptoms mean a person is experiencing a diagnosable disconnection from reality, which is very frightening and stigmatised, and misuse of the word often prevents people seeking support. I know you probably didn't mean to further the stigma, but accidental misuse can still be harmful. Someone I love very much experiences psychotic symptoms due to schizophrenia, and I wouldn't want to share this episode with her, for example. Anyway, like I said, I love the show! So please don't take this as some jagoff being a pedant about stuff that doesn't matter. Love you guys. Keep it up.
@pepwithchasanddrdave Ай бұрын
That is an excellent and very reasonable correction, Leon. Thanks! - chas
@avus-kw2f213 Ай бұрын
1:11:21 maybe he was so upset about getting rejected he decided to prove himself to the shooting team by doing a assassination 2 years later
@rowanalthor2668 Ай бұрын
Wunderbar 🎉! Great to see you survived Y2K!
@noahmccarthy6415 Ай бұрын
Sean O'Brien and Markwayne Mullin should organise a boxing match for charity
@avus-kw2f213 Ай бұрын
1:43:20 it wouldn’t be American politics if there wasn’t any hypocrisy
@Zei33 Ай бұрын
I reckon the assassination was likely a type of ‘suicide-by-cop’. Sometimes people just want to go out with a bang. When you’ve got literally nothing to live for, taking someone/as many people down with you is something you actually consider. It’s absolutely a mindset I can speak to as someone who suffered from severe bipolar disorder. I think it’s difficult for people who haven’t been through that mental pain to understand, which is why most people are at a loss to the actual reason.
@Backpfeifengesicht789 Ай бұрын
That's a very brave comment, and I can understand it. However, It's also the most selfish exit.
@Zei33 Ай бұрын
@@Backpfeifengesicht789 obviously. But do you really think the dude who tried to assassinate a president really had selflessness on his mind?
@Backpfeifengesicht789 Ай бұрын
@@Zei33 apparently google doesn't like my replies, but I get your point.
@--enyo-- Ай бұрын
1:28:15 Chas says "Marjorie Taylor Greene said..." and Dr Dave just looks at the ceiling with an 'Oh god, now what?' look on his face and a half laugh, half groan.
@--enyo-- Ай бұрын
1:32:52 I heard that Trump looks on J D Vance as a younger version of what he thinks himself to be, and that to/in front of his sons he would talk about how good he (Vance) was. That's got to be a bitter pill for them. They definitely don't have Trump's knack with showmanship/charisma.
@--enyo-- Ай бұрын
1:44:50 For their ads the Democrats should just play reels of Vance making those points and screenshots of his previous tweets and quotes about Trump.
@--enyo-- Ай бұрын
1:51:50 Re: Peter Thiel, would you say he’s a vengeance capitalist?
@--enyo-- Ай бұрын
2:58:45 YES to second PEP. Biden stepped down so it’s a promise now. 😉
@OtherShaun Ай бұрын
Am I wrong in thinking that any voter who would NEVER vote for a black woman for President has already gone over to Trump many years ago? America voted for a black man for President, so why not a black woman? Naive?
@Backpfeifengesicht789 Ай бұрын
Logical to me.
@wagtag_ Ай бұрын
I'm stereotyping, but I can imagine a category of working class rust belt dad who would've voted for Obama (maybe swayed by his VP pick), then Trump, then Biden. That person might be relatively socially conservative (although likely less than in 2008 just due to the march of time), and might at least have to have a think about whether a woman could do the job. That said, I like your way of framing it and think you may be right. If in the last 15 years someone has become open to a woman as president, as I suspect many have, it seems very possible they've also evolved on a gay VP, just saying.
@OtherShaun Ай бұрын
@@wagtag_ That's really well thought out @wagtag. Thanks for the intelligent reply.👍⭐
@Backpfeifengesicht789 Ай бұрын
@@wagtag_ Yep, but I doubt the Butt will get VP. I'm tipping Kelly.
@Backpfeifengesicht789 Ай бұрын
(however, I really rate Buttigieg)
@garyhost6289 Ай бұрын
Are we going to see a copy of your latest fireside chat on iview at any point, or is it lost to time due to computer failure?
@Backpfeifengesicht789 Ай бұрын
I waited to watch the live version, which was ~30 instead of ~50. Probably puts them in a bind (and by waiting, I mean watching the same IT outage story repeated for 6 hours).
@petermcmanus8424 Ай бұрын
Thanks Chaz for another great PEP... I'm gonna push back at you regarding a certain Trump victory come Nov (from Fire side chat). I don't think Biden is a chance but if he drops out & replaced with a younger candidate I think Trump is very vulnerable, I come to this theory due to the overwhelming knowledge that a huge amount of voters want an alternative to the two current candidates.. (best you check this) but I'm informed that 20% of republicans would prefer a different candidate to Trump, if correct that is alot of potential voters either staying at home of voting for a younger Dem candidate, it would also give better reason for swing/independent voters to vote against the threat that a Trump presidency would present. Maybe my optimism is a result of listening to the likes of pod save America, Ezra Klein & the like but from all the info I've been absorbing I think its too early to tell.... Obviously the key is old Joe passing the torch.. Learn lots from you, Dr Dave & guests..... appreciate ya's lots!
@alecmcconnell9629 Ай бұрын
Are they going to release Friday’s Fireside Chat Chas?
@pepwithchasanddrdave Ай бұрын
I have no idea to be honest. I don't know if the proper Fireside Chat we originally recorded was even saved. We'll find out tomorrow, I guess! - chas
@alecmcconnell9629 Ай бұрын
@@pepwithchasanddrdavewow, sorry to hear that, fingers crossed! Amazing how crippled so many things can become in an instant, makes sense given how integrated everything is but incredible to see what happens when a crucial link in the chain breaks
@HairyNumbNuts Ай бұрын
@@pepwithchasanddrdave When they do finally tell you,. tell them off me for for constantly listing it on the ABC TV guide. It was listed several times at different times on Saturday .. 9am, 11:30am, 4pm ... never &%^&^%$*& appeared. I was ready to write a very determined letter to the ABC but then I remembered it is 2024.
@whophd Ай бұрын
Geez there were TWO versions? This reminds me of Y2K millenium bug lore.
@alecmcconnell9629 Ай бұрын
@@whophdplus the live one John warned Chas about. The news coverage of the IT story obviously meant they didn’t get to do it but having watched ABC News24 on Friday night, #Firesidelive would have been better TV then what was aired
@Stefan-qy4ro Ай бұрын
Hey Chas, Saw you answer a few questions re Fridays planet america show. Given they had 2 repeats showing, one on Friday night and one on Saturday, you'd hope they have a saved version somewhere. Any idea if the ABC will chuck that version on Iview? I've been itching to see your brilliant work
@dressydressy6246 Ай бұрын
Oh, and Harris will need a running mate. I wonder who she will pick?
@Backpfeifengesicht789 Ай бұрын
I wish Buttigieg but can't see it happening. I'm thinking Kelly(?) - would mean at least Arizona yeh?
@rambletonne Ай бұрын
re Biddens bullseye/crosshairs comment - I recall back in the day when Gabby Giffords underwent an attempted assassination that a lot of hay was made about Sarah Palin having published an add with crosshairs over an image of Gabby Giffords prior to the shooting, and that being called an inciting event. So I think there's some quid pro quo here, although I would agree that neither example would stand in court as an act of incitement.
@Backpfeifengesicht789 Ай бұрын
constant crosshair ads, surely a donor phone call aint in same category.
@avus-kw2f213 Ай бұрын
1:18:30 if the sides were reserved would you be giving the same benefit of the doubt ? Everyone is biased and it can be very hard to think past the subconscious bias which is why acknowledging it is so important This is also why emotion and politics goes so poorly together as when someone gets very emotional, there’s nothing to stop the bias
@RadhE-ug6on Ай бұрын
I wonder if the shooter wasn't particular about which candidate he shot, and it was just that the trump rally came first. The common question I keep hearing is about these two old men, both unsuitable for the job. Just wondering. Since he has connected with both sides.
@dodgestregis4990 Ай бұрын
@51:00:00 the stars always go to the top left regardless of orientation when in stationary position - when enblazened on a moving object the stars take the lead - because that's where the flag would be attached to a moving flag pole causing it to be backwards
@backstreetsbackalright5754 Ай бұрын
The esafety commissioner again dropped the ball preventing Australians and the world from viewing videos of attempted assassinations.
@purplebaron5398 Ай бұрын
#44 Posting every podcast until we get Planet Britain
@samuelese22 Ай бұрын
The chaos is over there now, so give it a rest
@avus-kw2f213 Ай бұрын
1:56:18 no a person inside of a woman’s body which is their property taking nutrients away from the woman’s property So what do all good Republicans do when someone is on their property stealing from them ?
@Backpfeifengesicht789 Ай бұрын
Every life is precious, unless it steps on my front lawn...
@malcolmdean2326 Ай бұрын
Was Planet America Fireside Chat on Friday night 19/7? Can’t find it on ABC iview?
@amygirl2106 Ай бұрын
Hey Chas hate to break it to you but the e-verify thing is an RFK thing too… haha
@JohnUtoob Ай бұрын
@pepwithchasanddrdave Ай бұрын
That's a good podcast title! I might use it! - chas
@Senectus Ай бұрын
Thank you!
@ArtVandelay2022 28 күн бұрын
I long for Richard Cooke
@avus-kw2f213 Ай бұрын
5:15 i’m planning to store all my wealth in a chest full of gold and silver so if anything it’s newfangled
@avus-kw2f213 Ай бұрын
1:28:50 the worst consequence of pardoning Trump which I can think of is then it would save the belief that both sides are cronies looking out for each other which in a way benefits Biden as it hurts Trump‘s antiestablishment reputation
@ciknay547 Ай бұрын
1:36:00 did they ever end up doing the live show? If they did, they clearly weren't able to upload it to youtube yet, I can't seem to find it.
@Lenwang211 Ай бұрын
I thought Chas mentioned in a tweet that they're trying to locate the footage, which might have been lost due to the IT issue
@mrtonysantos Ай бұрын
oh no, chaz got dr dave's mic
@kentarowatts Ай бұрын
It didn't surprise me at this point for Joe Biden to drop out of the race. I just didn't expect it to be less than 24 hours after PEP.
@Backpfeifengesicht789 Ай бұрын
Hey Chas can you explain AOC's comments on legal challenges - if there's a potential issue with changing candidate on ballots then why are the conventions so "late"? Or is this (ballot date) just partisan state shenanigans that will only end if RNC/DNC held same week?
@avus-kw2f213 Ай бұрын
2:58:50 one minute left 😡 Should’ve included more of the comedy song to get it to 2:59:59
@davidofford7002 Ай бұрын
Comments on the new situation in the immediate aftermath of the RNC and in this moment of hiatus before the Democratic National Convention in Chicago. Of course, that is just that bit so far away that no one, not anyone hass actually mentioned the date all this week. But here are my questions and queries. And they arise because I really have no idea what is going on, and I haven't for the better part of three weeks anyway. But I am a little worried that there will be a natural inclination on PEP to make a summary judgement, as really nearly and virually always there necessarily must be. There is one thing that gives rise to this concern, or really two that came up today in newly available inteviews. The first was a "1 on 1" inteview with a local journo in Wisconsin. And the second "the Mooch" inteviewing a guy about his new book, and incredibly intimate view of Trump in his entre into "reality" TV. And in the context of Mr Trump and the 'real' protrayal of event stage in Pennsyvania this time last week . . . I do think that no one has put together the whole sequence of things better than Chas, and Chas so ably supported by Dr Dave. HOWEVER . . . let's put it this way . . . better than ninety-five percent of young men and old in the US believe they can shoot their own lightweight - non-competition - rifle to an an accuracy of one minute of an arc every day of the week, and an inordinate number likely to say all too readily, and "all day long". One supposedly experienced military sniper, therefore remarked immediately after the event to say he could teach any one to shoot to an accuracy of 1 MOA is no more than nine or ten minutes. Of course this is not of any importance . . . except for one thing. But let me proceed. There has been a competition on KZbin for a few weeks now, organized through some of the Swiss KZbin fraternity, but as close a kin to any Old School old boys from an Aussie range, open to anyone in the world, to obtain that accuracy on a less than competition weight rifle . . . and send in the report. I put it to everyone that the very best that the young man could have got was 3 MOA, if indeed he were a good shot, and if it were not a snap shot, and he were calmly prepared on the range. And that is what you are all assuming he did obtain, precisely from his point of aim. And in summary . . . the whole thing is impossible. And anyway, all that we do know is what the head of the lead investigative agency said before Congress the other day, soberly and as a wholly honest statement. Everyone should remember, there were initially two shots in immediate and rapid succession. A pause to readajust the point of aim, and five follow up shots. As a very rough new point of aim, let us assume then the puddle of tier two security contingent around and on top of Trump. Consider the radius of that lump of people and convert it to inches. Call that 'n'. Consider the following equation: (400*12*n) divided by (60*60) I put it to everybody that the subsequent five shot group was no less than 2n, or 120 MOA. I am in no way intending to contradict Dr Dave's assessment. Let that stand. More than anything, I am so very, very appreciative of Chas' judgement. Chas is the one person who gets it right. Correct and exact. And with this basis, we can go a fair way to a conclusion to summarize what happenned, even as to focus on this will appear to trivialize everything. There were only tier 2 and tier 3 units available, no collegiate responsibility, no understanding of the Rules of Engagement. The tier 2 and tier 3 only know that you may only return fire. And which of course, here must wait twenty-six seconds. Chas is absolutely right in his assessment of the actual critical moment. Both prior and post. Absolutely superb. I am therefore drawn to repeat my invitation to Chas to join the Intelligence Corp in the Home Army here. Although, I must admit to everyone, for my part, I am strictly forbidden to take part in the life of arms. The point is, that it is all so easy to be caught up into world of reality TV. Forty percent of those actively involved in politics in the US may prefer to, as one hundred percent of the Wisconsin contingent at the RNC found themselves wholeheartedly last week. The concern I have is that no polls and really no passive measure of anything means anything at the moment. As the report from Wisconsin illustrates so remarkably, things are on an incredible knife edge. Local knowledge teaches us that the only thing that is of importance there is turn out. The side that fails to turn out will lose. Either side could slip up in any one thing. Perhaps the most important thing is good old fashioned door knocking, the bread and butter of political campaigning in Australia, always, and there too. One thing that is not ever going to be so super obvious in Australia is that the campuses are empty till the academic year starts. Do be aware that today is precisely and exactly the equivalent of Australia Day in the Northern Hemisphere.
@Backpfeifengesicht789 Ай бұрын
Does door knocking really work? I couldn't think of anything worse. If anything, I'd vote for the party that didn't invade my personal space (if otherwise undecided).
@avus-kw2f213 Ай бұрын
14:29 so the ghost of Enoch Powell isn’t the only ghost people want
@yeah.cheers Ай бұрын
Where can we see the live Planet America from Friday? I didn't see it uploaded.
@pepwithchasanddrdave Ай бұрын
Hey, i honestly don't know where it is, or if it even exists in a recorded form. When we made it there wasn't much working! We'll put online whatever exists when the editors get in tomorrow. - chas
@lawrencebillson6224 Ай бұрын
@@pepwithchasanddrdave Where is the best place to catch up on this? Do we mash F5 on Facebook or iview? Thanks for burning the midnight oil and getting this one out. Great episode.
@yeah.cheers Ай бұрын
@@pepwithchasanddrdave Thanks Chas!
@avus-kw2f213 Ай бұрын
16:03 now I want to do that but aliens aren’t real
@fatcityarchitect Ай бұрын
Time for the Chas “great moments in fashion” review 12. Planet America - 17th July 2024. ‘DB Doug Burgum for America’ currently the republican Governor of North Dakota, this is his 2024 Presidential campaign logo on a light blue t-shirt. This is the first political shirt repeat by Chas since I started these reviews and I assume it was worn due to Doug not getting the nod for VP. Chas has previously stated that his shirts are nearly always feature persons who have dropped out or otherwise left races. This is definitely a gift to Chas from Eric Woolson offered in PEP 148 and retains the previous rating of 6/10. Planet America Fireside Chat - 19th July 2024. Global Tech Outage as a natural result of Chas’s Comedy Song, no program and no shirt to report. Planet America on Television Podcast Edition, a first for Chas and John - 20th July 2024. ‘Hinkenlooper 2020’ a campaign for a former Democratic Governor of Colorado for the Democratic nomination for president in 2020; never made it out of 2019; a white/blue logo on a black shirt, with the logo a stars and stripes graphic in a mountain formation - rated 7/10. Planet Extra Podcast - 21st July 2024. Dark Grey pullover for a somewhat delayed upload on KZbin- rated 5/10.
@dodgestregis4990 Ай бұрын
I love this
@whophd Ай бұрын
Chas, can you compare how Trump vacillated on choosing Pence, to how he vacillated on choosing Vance? Even before the VP speculation started the first time, did you (like me) think about how likely it was that he would be in a constant fugue state with whoever he considered seriously - unless he could pick himself, he’d always have misgivings about bestowing the independent power of legitimacy that a Vice President attains? It’s against his internal nature to operate nearby someone who isn’t strictly in a hierarchy under him. Vance (and arguably Pence) gave the closest facsimile of this to his face, I bet.
@PuckeyTee Ай бұрын
PEP o'clock!
@avus-kw2f213 Ай бұрын
40:54 notice how they care more when it effects them
@strikeforce448 Ай бұрын
46:02 I think his reaction goes to his nieces description of him being a very insecure man obsessed with creating an image as a strong man to compensate for his long held insecurities.
@NeilAnderson-pk5lc Ай бұрын
Question: I’m no conspiracy theorist but what are your thoughts on the possibility that Judge Eileen Cannon rang Justice Roberts or Thomas and asked for advice on how to cook up a dismissal and he offered the idea of ‘non binding dictum’ - with a promise that it was just vague enough to uphold it when it came to the Supreme Court? In light of the weird reasons they recently gave for the Presidential immunity ruling it occurred to me that this could be a sophisticated ruse by the Trump judges. Your thoughts?
@avus-kw2f213 Ай бұрын
15:23 wow 2016 was 8 years ago
@iainmcmillan10 Ай бұрын
Late pep fucked with my tism deluxe, damn you Microsoft
@billfeatherstone3018 Ай бұрын
Thanks Chas .. when you call Vance ( and Vivek et al), “intelligent” I averr. I would reserve that for people who are wise honest and altruistic. Cagey capable adroit articulate calculating etc do not add up to intelligent ❤
@Backpfeifengesicht789 Ай бұрын
Everything is relative, and by republican (and particularly MAGA) standards...
@merriblair3791 Ай бұрын
Dr Dave. At 1.55:40 re the reason you’re unsure about the transformation of Vance’s ideology, is because you didn’t stick fat & read the last 25% of his book & the chapter about his wife!!!! 🤷‍♀️ 😂
@avus-kw2f213 Ай бұрын
1:46:34 trump isn’t racist yes racists support Trump but Trump has nothing to do with racism
@MiscreantTautologous Ай бұрын
Viva La Me'ico!!
@avus-kw2f213 Ай бұрын
50:10 I wouldn’t call the former Japanese Prime Minister a God
@sahan8465 Ай бұрын
Let’s go🎉
@avus-kw2f213 Ай бұрын
28:17 at the very least keep a eye on him or question him
@avus-kw2f213 Ай бұрын
1:37:37 yay
@jsma9999 Ай бұрын
Range finder at an Event where High Profile people Speaking OMG. Rangefinder is used for Distance Measurement BUT Why, probern is If every Person Width Field Glasses/binoculars get lifted you would empty seats
@avus-kw2f213 Ай бұрын
17:15 if I did that I would feel horrible for the rest of my life
@avus-kw2f213 Ай бұрын
PEP on Sunday ? It seems you took my suggestion of making PEP a Saturday show but kept the tradition of being a Day late
@pepwithchasanddrdave Ай бұрын
Haha, the fact this happened the week after you said that WAS quite coincidental! - chas
@avus-kw2f213 Ай бұрын
43:27 what number shot was the one that hit Trump ? And Kennedy was done with a bolt action (I do agree that raising the gun ownership age to 21 is a brilliant idea)
@Kangaroo-Bob Ай бұрын
Chas has PA or PEP covered Project 25 yet? Is it really more extreme than what either party normally does when they gain power. Is there anything in their website that rings alarm bells for you
@pepwithchasanddrdave Ай бұрын
Yeah Dave talked about Project 2025 in PEP 168, Kangaroo. Thanks! - chas
@Lenwang211 Ай бұрын
Hi Chas, will there be an emegency episode on Biden dropping out? Or it will be on covered on the regular schedule? Thx
@wagtag_ Ай бұрын
@Lenwang211 Ай бұрын
@@wagtag_ Thanks! Shame I didn't stick to the very end :p
@tomstruct Ай бұрын
2:44:47 but does he also mambo like he’s crazy?
@avus-kw2f213 Ай бұрын
5:31 I’m sure Fulgencio Batista was just as bad
@KellieSuttle Ай бұрын
Thank you for those numbers, Chas! I'm sorry to ask a follow-up, but it interests me that Dr. Dave said that this wasn't an issue that most Americans thought about. I feel like I've heard more about trans issues than I have any other political issue on social media. Is this just a result of my own social media bubble amplifying the issue for me, or is this the result of the majority of people not actually consuming as much political content online as it's often feared they do? (Specifically, I'm thinking about how it used to feel like I saw a lot about trans issues on Twitter, back when I used to be on Twitter, even though I never sought posts about the topic out. However, I remember you guys giving a stat a couple years ago about the small percentage of people outside the media who actually used Twitter, and how that number's only dropped since Musk took over.)
@dodgestregis4990 Ай бұрын
@2:09:00 talk to Sarah Longwell and sit in on a 'the focus group' podcast and you'll see exactly what you just surmised
@pepwithchasanddrdave Ай бұрын
I'm glad SOMEONE has gathered some evidence to support my wild guesses! - chas
@avus-kw2f213 Ай бұрын
58:10 not even that the President of the United States
@avus-kw2f213 Ай бұрын
J D Vance seems like a pretty good candidate but time will show
@BassPhat Ай бұрын
Do any knowledgeable PEPers out there know what level of security will be afforded to Harris up until the election?
@wagtag_ Ай бұрын
I doubt the Secret Service even know She certainly already has a security detail. You'd have to think it's now at least what Trump has (on paper at least 😉)
@Backpfeifengesicht789 Ай бұрын
good question, more relevant than RFK equivalent.
@avus-kw2f213 Ай бұрын
33:58 what is DEI ?
@pepwithchasanddrdave Ай бұрын
Diversity Equity & Inclusion - it's a practice where groups practice affirmative action to accelerate the availability of opportunities for people who belong to a minority or have underprivileged status. - chas
@avus-kw2f213 Ай бұрын
@@pepwithchasanddrdave Americans should feel thankful they don’t have the Bangladesh government who will shoot you for protesting against it
@philipedney1931 Ай бұрын
As a committed Christian who believes the teachings of the Bible I believe that God is sovereign over all that happens but that people are still responsible for the actions they take. This the Bible teachers. So I don’t have any trouble saying that God did save Donald Trump. But what we don’t know is what he saved him for. In the Bible we know that God raises up people on behalf of the people of God to rescue them at times when they call out for help. But we also know that God also raises up people to bring punishment and judgement on those who reject his ways in order to make them realise they need to turn back to him. We have direct words in the Bible that both Assyria and Babylon God raised up to bring judgement. With no devine word from God we don’t know what Trumps purpose is. But as I look at his character, his instincts, his lack of faith, his respect for others I see nothing to suggest he is going to be a saviour for America.
@gartsky Ай бұрын
God works in mysterious ways. We don't know why Trump was saved and for what God intends for Trump. All we know is that may Corey Comperatore rest in peace. There was no reason for him to lose his life. He was just 50yo. Died saving his wife and daughter. Hero.
@pepwithchasanddrdave Ай бұрын
That's an interesting angle, Philip. Hadn't even occurred to me. Thanks! - chas
@Backpfeifengesicht789 Ай бұрын
@@gartsky Yeh, I find this argument hard to take. It implies God saved a multi-time bankrupt landlord and took the life of a firefighter - along with many other good people through history.
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