David Sinclair, PhD, A.O. of Harvard University says, it will degrade to nicotinamide, which is something you don’t want to take high doses of because we’ve shown in my lab many years ago that nicotinamide will inhibit the sirtuins, and PARP as well, and interfere with DNA repair.”(哈佛大學 AO David Sinclair 博士表示:它會降解為煙酰胺,這是你不想服用高劑量的東西,因為我們多年前在我的實驗室中證明煙酰胺會抑制Sirtuins 和PARP 也會干擾DNA 修復。”) 請問NMN在人身體內轉化為NAD+之前,是否有機會降解為煙酰胺(nicotinamide),殘留在身體抑制Sirtuins???那吸收愈多的NMN,就愈有機會煙酰胺殘留嗎?如何避免? 另外,直接食精氨酸,很容易在小腸及肝臟代謝消化了,是否應補充瓜氨酸,到腎臟轉化為精氨酸後被利用才是正確??