Dungeon Master Runs DnD Like A Dating Sim | r/rpghorrorstories

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DnD Doge

DnD Doge

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@diego2112gaming Жыл бұрын
"I'm from Irongate," my group has one of those! "I work with him!" Was my first ever game, a Dark Sun campaign. The rogue (lil shit that he was) had gotten himself arrested for nickin' and fetchin', and our cleric went to go get him. The guards asked "How do you know him?" Straight face, cleric said "I work with him." You work. With the rogue. Who's under arrest. For stealing. Well, guess who's in the hoosegow right along with the rogue? The cleric. "I work with him." To this DAY we laugh about it, and it's been a long ol' time.
@jacobmarkley6943 Жыл бұрын
I've had that kind of issue with scheduling. I've learned a couple things from it. Talk with everyone at the table and pick a day that is regularly repeating, ie: every Saturday or every other Saturday. Also run the game in a sort of episodic style, so you don't have to worry about missing players
@stevenhowe7308 Жыл бұрын
I played while I was in the Air Force stationed in England. Games were at the recreation center in a conference room on Friday night at 6pm and the next day, Saturday at 4pm till midnight. The party always had their schedules open. Things happen, one player had someone in his shop get injured and shifts changed temporarily. The one girl in our party had to go to Sardinia for two weeks and we knew in advance and figured it into the game. On occasion, our thief had work issues, but his girlfriend took his place and ran his character. She was more fun in the game, so there was no problem.
@eesedesesesrdtsuperjoshuab7907 Жыл бұрын
There’s nothing inherently wrong with running dnd as a dating sim, I’ve seen someone who’s making a book that does just that, the problem is when you don’t tell people that you’re turning the game into dating sim, people won’t like it because they wanted to play D&D, not the ttrpg dating sim
@alacardkane Жыл бұрын
When it happened to a curse of strahd game I was in, it became very clear who the dm was showing favoritism
@Dumbdog124 Жыл бұрын
That's what I've been saying for a long time. You can have a crazy game that's all about a princess futanari and the party is their bdsm slaves but only if everyone is on the same page and has been informed and consented to the game being like that. Springing it on people is like the DM having an NPC cast silence and then passing out ball gags and forcing players to wear it while they are affected by the silence spell
@aegisofhonor Жыл бұрын
a local group is running a Strixhaven, is it any fun to play compared to a typical Forgotten Realms game? I have been thinking about joining the game but haven't yet.
@eesedesesesrdtsuperjoshuab7907 Жыл бұрын
@@aegisofhonor I’m running strixhaven at them moment, it’s definitely a different style of game, more roleplay than fighting and adventuring but it’s really fun, definitely worth it
@TheTrueLordOmega Жыл бұрын
you can probably mix the two a la Peter Grill (or Rance, even) given all the different waifus you could gather, but yeah, that sure is something that should be advertized beforehand and is probably not for everyone
@kylethomas9130 Жыл бұрын
I mean, Harvest Moon is technically a Dating Sim Franchise, but that isn't the sole feature the game brings to the customer.
@AmaryInkawult Жыл бұрын
Real Thordic? This implies the existence of numerous false Thordics. We got mimics to hunt.
@JenJenRome123 Жыл бұрын
DnD dating sim would actually sounds kinda fun. > Insert everyone wanting to date a dragon or Strahd.
@tsifirakiehl4250 Жыл бұрын
I honestly don’t understand why anyone would find Strahd attractive. My party made some jokes about seducing him in the first session, but then they met Ireena, and she gave them the details on how awful he was, and that was the end of that. Funnily enough, the monk actually ended up seducing Ireena, the druid tried to flirt with Strahd’s consort, Ludmilla, and the rogue-who was the only one NOT interested in the whole flirting thing-ended up telepathically pretending to be Tatyana and flirting with Strahd to distract him while the rest of the party snuck up on him with holy water.
@TheonlyMaskedMime Жыл бұрын
@@tsifirakiehl4250 yeah I never got that either Strahd isn't even that good looking.
@BunnyWitchcraft Жыл бұрын
I roll to fix him
@WTFisTingispingis Жыл бұрын
Strahd would be a fucking awful boyfriend. He's not even like Castlevania Netflix Dracula where he has a heart. Kinda.
@JenJenRome123 Жыл бұрын
@@tsifirakiehl4250 Yah. Even my party don't find him attractive either. But its still funny how people want to seduce Strahd. lmao However, Ismark tho.
@fred_derf 9 ай бұрын
The second story is clearly an example of a player that not only wants to quit, but wants to destroy the game on his way out.
@lanir9543 Жыл бұрын
I was sad to see the dating sim go the way it did. I was enthusiastic about the idea when I saw the title because the first thing that came to my mind was to use it as a puzzle dungeon where the PCs are helping monsters they probably wouldn't want to fight overcome love problems. Like a beholder chef who ends up doing food prep on their dates when they get overly enthusiastic (it swears this is accidental). A medusa or nymph with male gaze problems who just wants a partner who will appreciate them for who they are (read: can control their wandering eye). An ogress who's infatuated with one particularly famous bard. Two devils who mostly love to torment each other but need fresh ideas because it's gotten stale and just mean lately. It could be a lot of fun, I think, and the DM could hand out treasure the monsters were guarding when they leave to try out some of the PCs romantic advice. Or the monsters could just be thankful and give the PCs something. Might also be fun to meet some of these monsters later on and have options that allow for a roleplay solution or a fight that has a reasonable chance to end in surrender rather than death. The monsters didn't kill the PCs on sight the first time they met, after all.
@gimok2k5 7 ай бұрын
What you're describing is also not what a dating sim is - a dating sim is about PLAYERS pretending to date NPCs, not playing matchmaker between NPCs.
@SamWeltzin Жыл бұрын
The "I'm from Irongate" one is my favorite kind of tabletop story. Just a player forgetting how important something real simple is and blurting out vital information, which then turns into an in-group meme. One of the groups I roll with still says, "I use my greatsword" whenever someone (often the speaker himself) does something really, really stupid. Not as much of a story on that as the Irongate one, but the tl;dr is that a friend of ours was playing a small-sized rogue in D&D 3.0 and decided to use a greatsword despite the fact that it couldn't give sneak attack damage because "It's the strongest weapon in the book." Also, small-sized characters can't use greatswords in that version because there was no weapon size scaling, but we didn't know that at the time so this small hairy dude just ran around with a sword twice his height calling himself a rogue.
@zacharysieg2305 10 ай бұрын
I dunno, if I were a GM, and my campaign could be destroyed with one sentence, I would give the player(s) a chance to walk it back if that sentence was uttered. Still, I’m glad that Irongate story had a happy ending.
@SamWeltzin 10 ай бұрын
@@zacharysieg2305 Oh yeah, that's the best solution for such a thing, or at least allow an intelligence check so the character can take over where the player failed, but still, it's pretty funny regardless.
@M_Alexander 3 ай бұрын
I think my favorite thing to throw at my players is very minor curses. To clarify, three characters have been cursed (one was cursed twice before) and one more is holding an item she hasn't realized is cursed (despite that one player suspecting it and passing it by) but no actual harm has come to the players from these curses. "But then what's the point," you ask? Because it fills my players with _dread_ and they're constantly convinced I'm going to make something horrible happen as soon as they drop their guard. You can't buy this kind of suspense and tension. Every time I point out that nothing bad has actually happened, one of them always adds "yet!"
@PlayerBella Жыл бұрын
Well now I'm obsessed with playing a dnd game as a dating sim
@starbird3939 Жыл бұрын
Story 3 Had that. “Can we play on x day?” Player A, B, C, D: Yeah! Player E: (silence) (Day right before) Player D: I have a birthday dinner so I can’t make it. DM, Player A,B,C, D: Ugggggggh! Dx
@Headhunter-5000 Жыл бұрын
About the third story: If all but one have figured out a time and what to play: Do it without that one player. Next time he is on board, his character should come up with a good and entertaining in-game excuse why he haven't been there.
@M_Alexander 3 ай бұрын
For the scheduling story, I was initially thinking what I would do is post a calendar and tell people to mark where they're available if they want to play
@BlackRainRising Жыл бұрын
For me, since I work a 40 hour week, if I'm the one running the game, I'm like "okay guys, this is *MY DAYS OFF* the *ONLY TIME I CAN RUN THIS GAME* if you can join hell yeah, if not... damn, but this is the time I have. Sometimes you gotta just put your foot down and if someone can't fill your time frame, find one who can or tweak your campaign for fewer players. I am like most people, I would prefer to gather up my friends and all play together but... if scheduling just doesn't line up, don't stress yourself out of wanting to play anymore... just do what you can with what you have or offer a few other people you know to tag in if they're available.
@numbskull9481 Жыл бұрын
Oh man, that scheduling horror story, had a very similar one. Even though I made my campaign a Play-By-Post to completely avoid scheduling conflicts, with the consequence of the game moving slower, my players still insisted on picking certain days to be avaliable to help the game run faster, everyone replying faster then usual to help run through the campaign faster. It worked for a time, until they suggested we all meet up on Roll20. I didn't shoot it down, hell I was for it actually, but after telling them we'd have to schedule for a day like that, I kept getting the same run around. Eventually, the game too stopped getting responses and the server eventually died. Everyone dipped saying they'd have to leave on account of "life changes." I loved all of my players and they're characters, but just to have your game ironically end for the very reason you hoped to avoid has really killed my entusiasm to try running anymore games.
@jacobgraves3823 Жыл бұрын
Players: Want game. NO SCHEDULE! Only game!
@leekonze7441 Жыл бұрын
My game fell apart, oof. Mine fell apart because I wanted to take a break. I had been running a Shadowrun game for about a year and a half. Prior to that, I had run a 2 year DnD game, so I really hadn't had a break, or a chance to play. So, after a Session, I explained to my players how I was feeling and asked if one of them could run something for awhile. They talked amongst themselves and said they would work something out, and they said that we would all meet up at my place, our usual place, next week at the usual time. Next week comes along, no one shows up. I text and call the group, no one responds. No one responds during the subsequent week either. About 2 weeks later, I'm out shopping and run into one of my players. He sees me and immediately tries to get away from me. I manage to corner him and asked what the hell was going on. He admitted that no one wanted to run a game, everyone just wanted to play, but they didn't know how to break it to me, so they thought just ghosting me and joining other games was an easier bet. After that, I reached out to my now former players for confirmation, and all but one confirmed. The one just didn't respond at all.
@dracawyn Жыл бұрын
I'm currently running the Strixhaven campaign fully like an over the top dating sim. However, I made it clear to the players that that was the intended vibe, and they all enthusiastically agreed
@TheFuriousScribbles Жыл бұрын
Hey, if a DM pitches an unconventional idea that the players are completely on board with, that's totally cool.
@pLanetstarBerry Жыл бұрын
That sounds amazing, I'm glad your group is having fun with that! I do love the social mechanics introduced in Strixhaven, especially the boon/bane system. I'm just sad that when the module was introduced, most of my players were college students who wanted escapism from an academic setting. Maybe someday I'll run a Magic College Shenanigans sort of campaign.
@K_i_t_t_y84 Жыл бұрын
That sounds hella fun tbh!
@EzuKris Жыл бұрын
That became an unintentional vibe in our strixhaven campaign but everyone loves it and laughs along
@7thsealord888 Жыл бұрын
Story 3 - When it comes to scheduling, one thig to accept is that you may not be able to always find a slot that suits EVERYBODY. Best you can do is go with the majority and make some kind of arrangement for absentee players, such as making their characters DNPCs for that session. In this case, sounds like the Players weren't really that into it, despite what OP says. Story 4 - Surrender is something that Player--Characters will almost never do. If you have a scenario that involves the PCs surrendering or being taken prisoner, there are only two ways to do it that aren't likely going to go seriously sideways. First way is to just open that scenario with the Characters ALREADY prisoners. Provide a dramatic story of how it came about - probably involving unfair odds, trickery and dishonorable behavior. Promise the Players that they WILL get chances to take revenge and/or get their stuff back IF they aren't stupid. Second way is to warn the Players beforehand. "Look, guys, this adventure will involve you getting captured. Trust me and just roll with it, OK?". Get their agreement and then keep piling on the unfair odds until it happens. Yes, some DMs might vehemently disagree with this entire approach, but if the Players are a mature bunch who trust you, it should work out, Story 5 - Retcon and rewind, it's that simple. Blowing everything up at this stage, just because one Player said something stupid, was completely unnecessary.
@phobiawitch835 Жыл бұрын
Haven’t even heard the story yet (am about to) but Dating Sims and Dnd CAN work, if everyone consents to it being like that. Otherwise, the dating should be pretty minimal compared to the actual game and story. Though you can absolutely have dating sim style jokes in game. My group teases me constantly cuz I rhe player got flustered over how the dm described and NPC and made a joke myself about flirting to distract him while the others scouted the place out for clues. Didn’t happen but they domt let me live it down. I absolutely love the jokes though, cuz it lets me play up my character more, who is pretty much an innocent flower who gets flustered and embarrassed from all the teasing. It’s led to hilarious interactions in roleplay.
@UncleRedsnow Жыл бұрын
I ended up having to schedule on behalf of my GM because they would either never do it due to their poor time management or never make the effort to make sure all the players would respond. Did exactly the same as OP in 3 but I thankfully managed to make it work by chasing everyone until they actually replied. Ended up being the scheduler for the next 2 years of the game before I left - GMs aforementioned time management made sessions too long and we would go months without concluding anything. Since I’ve left and stopped organising I think there’s been one, maybe two sessions in over half a year…
@Doodle1776 Жыл бұрын
That one GMs massive mistake was trying to work around everyone's schedule. Set the time that works best for most and if someone cannot play they cannot play. It's dumb as hell to not play because one or two people cannot do it. Pick a single day and time of the week and keep it set at that.
@marybdrake1472 Жыл бұрын
I would have called out that dating sim crap on the spot. If I wanted something like that, there is a crap ton of video games made for that specific purpose.
@phillee427 Жыл бұрын
(Replying to the second reply about scheduling) This isn't to ask for any advice or offer any. I just wanted to chat. I have a permanently set schedule and have had for many years. All those who have played in my Cyberpunk or Marvel games are always made aware of this before I allow them to join, and those who play with me have no problem with it. Sure, every once in a while, there's a scheduling conflict when someone can't make the game, but those are aberrations. Having players with a more stable schedule was a blessing. And the Dodge was correct. The OP of that reply should have run with the two players who seem to have the most interest.
@JacobL228 Жыл бұрын
Reading stories from the comments section rather than the actual thread is an interesting idea; I like it. Also, give those little fluffballs a hug for me; they're so cute.
@unluckyone1655 Жыл бұрын
Ugh I had a GM like the last story. He definitely had a player v GM philosophy and had the habit of trying to pull the rug out under your feet if you had a streak of things going your way for a while. It didn't help that some of the players enjoyed "breaking" games and it just fed into the player v GM thing. I eventually got tired of playing because I was sick and tired of my characters getting maimed and mutilated and difficulty suddenly spiking in the middle of combat because GM was trying to kill another player.
@isaiahmarshall2551 Жыл бұрын
Sorry for you going through that. I once played a dnd cyberpunk campaign and that character went through it but because cyberpunk was able to get new cybernetics and things up until the boss fight. Which afterwards due to reckless during the battle he loss the ability to run and has permanent never damage that effects his anger. It was really fun that we won but a bitter sweet at the same time. One of the best Dms I played with and still playing with today.
@informitas0117 Жыл бұрын
DM vs players types are the worst kind of DMs, besides actually criminal ones, they have a unique way of turning every single thing in the game against you including fun, as obviously fun is for them to have and not you ants.
@ShyBiiteVT Жыл бұрын
I really hope that DM in the last story keeps his sick joy of dismemberment and mutilation restricted to just the games.
@lagartopunkarra Жыл бұрын
I had, not only one, but 5 different DnD 5e campaigns from the same DM cancelled for different reasons, the first was the DM having emotional issues that we, the players and, at the time, friends, helped him get better, 2 of them because he tried to get new players, just for them to never show up or being problematic, and the last 2 because him and two of the players had a big discussion and stopped being friends and dropped from the campaigns. Now I'm in a The Wild Beyond the Witchlight campaign of his and one CoC campaign (this last one I'm not that invested, if my character dies in that one I'm just gonna drop the game), but if he cancels that last DnD campaign, I'm gonna just go back to the other two players that dropped and maybe start being the DM. Also, doesn't help that most of my characters in those DnD campaigns became some of my favourite, like my tomboy pirate simic hybrid rogue, my clueless golem-like warforged druid or my rude but really smart goblin artificer, all of these having their stories completely unfinished. I'm now playing with a gipsy tiefling bard that I'm loving and if she doesn't get a resolution to her story I'll be pissed.
@zixserro1 Жыл бұрын
Story 3: I mean, I get it, but if half of a party is showing up and the other half aren't, then just play without the other two people? Especially if those two are the consistent people who keep providing information. In a game I'm in right now, there's one guy who doesn't show up sometimes, because of work or time zones or whatever, and the rest of us just play without them, with the DM controlling their character whenever combat happens. Missing one player shouldn't kill the whole game; while the players were unfair about this, the DM was equally unreasonable. Also, as the arbiter of the entire game, the DM could've just said "We're playing on this day at this time, every week. If that doesn't work, then you can't play." Makes it simple. If players can't make it because of actual obligations, like work or something, then they can't show up to play when the game's happening anyway; if they can't make it because they made other plans and don't want to cancel, then they didn't want to play in the first place. If there's a set time and day for people to play a TTRPG, and they really want to play, they'll make that the time to play.
@nezukokamado46 Жыл бұрын
I would have said “Yhea no you can leave… I won’t let you talk to ANY player like that let alone my brother and also…haven’t you noticed THE GUARDIAN ISNT TAKING DAMAGE?!?”
@Nikodraws149 Жыл бұрын
At first I was very curious about this because I'm in a game right now that we all describe as half eldritch intriguing half dating sim. And now I am horrified.
@alanbear6505 Жыл бұрын
It’s a very short hop from “dating sim” to “dating simp”.
@PaladinGear15 Жыл бұрын
My character lost his eye the other day, pretty rough since it was during a surprise round where all three enemies who attacked me got advantage x_x Full health to down, too. Still, the DM said there are magical ways to fix my eye with magic other than regeneration, but it'll be like a magic item I put inside my skull to regain use of it.
@informitas0117 Жыл бұрын
Eyepatches are cool though!
@NachtroseSVK Жыл бұрын
I don't really get the schedulling hussle. For my group i was able to schedule games almost a year in advance. Got their shift schedules, put them into a google sheet. "Guys, for the next month, you shifts align on this, this and this day. Pick when you want to play." Job done.
@M_Alexander 3 ай бұрын
Wait wait wait. Why would missing an eye give you disadvantage on ranged attacks? If you've ever fired a bow or a gun you know that there's a good chance you aimed _with one eye closed!_
@simontmn Жыл бұрын
Some of my players *love* Dungeons & Dating, and play among themselves between sessions.
@LucyBean42 Жыл бұрын
How my game collapsed: I ran two weekly games with much the same people. An OOG fight came about in one of them, and the animosity boiled over to the 2nd one. The first camping collapsed, and the player quit the 2nd one. After that, the magic was gone and the 2nd campaign collapsed a few months later, but THAT was due to another player quitting because I told him not to shout the F- slur at my table. Went on a rant about "censorship" and defending his right to be a bigot.
@flexiblenerd Жыл бұрын
Longest campaign I've been in lasted 3 sessions. World was homebrew but everything else was purely by the book. DM would not handle scheduling, either; he let us figure it out. I have only certain times I can play that I know I won't get interrupted, but the problem was we had people from at least three or four different countries. Scheduling is a bitch.
@Saru5000 Жыл бұрын
Since only two of the people were sending their schedules, set a time based on that and play with whoever is there. It's not ideal, but neither is being stressed out by your hobby.
@ChaosCounseling Жыл бұрын
I also had a campaign fall apart due to a single poorly worded sentence
@shadiafifi54 Жыл бұрын
"That ought to be worth some likes, right?" No, Mr. Doge, it's not worth some likes. It's worth ALL that likes! 😁
@ChaosCounseling Жыл бұрын
Yeah my 5 year long group just fell apart because of scheduling/ certain players becoming insufferable
@ttiagoox Жыл бұрын
i like the attempt on reworking the usual text box design, but its not easy to read and i got heavily distracted by the pixelated corners.
@ttiagoox Жыл бұрын
Can fix the rouned corners issue by using a really high resolution image for the full screen.
@broke_af_games9661 Жыл бұрын
Schedule conflicts. Live by the 50% rule .... If atleast the half/majority of people will show up, run your game. People stop cancelling for just One person. If they want to be there, they will be there and if they don't, they won't. One thing people is a whole kind of hate is missing out. If you show that you can be having fun without them they will make more of an effort to be included. If you're worried about your encounters, don't be. The players will survive because you will just make little adjustments to the encounters. You could even designed the encounters to be X enemy plus Y minions equal to z times the number of players. Example: Remoraz + 3 babies per PC. Or even: Remoraz + 3 babies per PC. Half party use lair actions, full party use lair actions plus legendary actions. The game is malleable.
@williek08472 Жыл бұрын
OK but that thumbnail is cute
@mentalrebllion1270 Жыл бұрын
I make a point of pushing and arbitrating schedules for everyone and being a point of contact for those who have to miss a game or two. I’m the note taker of the group so I always give a thorough summery with the important details their character would know and the overall session. And I’m there to answer questions between sessions if they need them. I’m not the dm but dm let’s me do this so that they don’t have to I guess. It’s done with full permission at least. I just like having a schedule or a general schedule is all, even if plans have to change I want the framework of one. Usually scheduling isn’t too big a deal as I tend to run with smaller groups. However, recently, I did join a campaign that is huge. It’s something of a high school campaign (but an adventuring school) and set early 2000’s in sorts tech (obviously still with the fantasy theme). We had a lot of players wanting to join and so the party is something like 8 or so with 5-7 playing each session. Sometimes we get the full number which is great but it means we spent a month figuring out scheduling properly (even just having the meetings for those was difficult) and then discussed what happens for those not there and how we plan to run that. I spend my day after filling in the missing party members on what happened and reporting to dm on who attended the session (dm wants to know who is flaking too much to gently point out to them that they probably don’t have actual time to play even though they want to and it may be better to find a campaign that better suits their schedule). I don’t mind all this. I enjoy being a go between and I play a similar role in the game (my character sneaks out of class and joins everyone else’s at some point which has led to some hilarious hijinks). Anyway! It’s a bit of a nightmare even then. More so than my more loosely scheduled game I play which we always have to ask each other on Monday if we are playing that week and when. That one is so loosely scheduled but at least it’s no problem. It’s a super small group though of just a 3 person party and the dm. I honestly much prefer scheduling that one.
@ikki_jabul4456 Жыл бұрын
Scheduling, the biggest & most challenging B.B.B.B.G. Big Bad Before Beginning Game. 😅 The worst.
@BunnyWitchcraft Жыл бұрын
The amount of games that doesn't leave first draft bc of scheduling.....
@ebenezeranton3568 Жыл бұрын
Ok with story 3 (and any group that has scheduling conflicts as bad as that) I’m sorry but that group does not want to play dnd, they just like the idea of saying they play dnd. Sure life happens, but people who wanna play make room for dnd, and will certainly communicate it.
@BiGGMiXX340 Жыл бұрын
The current campaign I'm in has dating sim type elements so I can see it work but it all depends on the dm and the players.
@alanbear6505 Жыл бұрын
…must obey the will of Lucky…
@EzuKris Жыл бұрын
I read the title and thought of Strixhaven campaign
@dragowolfraven3806 Жыл бұрын
A dating sim based on D&D could be fun. Hopefully it doesn't turn out like DDLC.
@AmaryInkawult Жыл бұрын
But I like my visual novella with existential dread
@vortega472 Жыл бұрын
Another week - another day with the Doge. Ah Lucky, sweet little guy, you got it buddy, I've liked this video. Hey, unlike the subject(s) of these stories, we must be good because we got another Kitty break - was that Alice? She is so pretty.
@tenchraven Жыл бұрын
Had a campaign fall apart when the warm up was done and it was time to start the time travel. Uhm... Yeah... Time travel isn't worth it. Dating sim... Yeah, keep your kinks at least 300 feet from the table. Body horror... The loss of a limb or getting a curse should be a possibility but not a regular even. Then you said "40K enthusiast", which explains a lot if you know the insane bullshit that is the lore.
@Dr.Bright87 Жыл бұрын
Commenting for Lucky... he looks like my cat, Greebo... i miss that little asshole.
@realdragon Жыл бұрын
In my group we had PC that was brainwashed or something during their nightwatch and just left. Player wanted to change characters, but it was RP moment for us because we obviously went looking for them and instead found new party member. Eventually we stopped looking because we didn't know where to go
@LoneTiger Жыл бұрын
What background is that during the stories? Did not see any game name reference like other videos, so I', assuming it's not a game.
@jrytacct Жыл бұрын
What video game is in the background? Usually you mention what it is.
@DnDDoge Жыл бұрын
An area inn Elden Ring
@jrytacct Жыл бұрын
@@DnDDoge Thank you!
@Timmah119 10 ай бұрын
Lmao I would play a Plasmoid for that last story & be like tough tits DM I can reabsorb anything you cut off back into my body or just make whole new ones 😂
@jennybratz7261 Жыл бұрын
I did run a game for my husband that was a dating sim with him it was fun but that was the point of the game don't bring this into games that aren't built for it.
@Spikex99 Жыл бұрын
Wait hold on, aren't you supposed to die if a character stat hits 0 or less? How was the fighter even existing with no strength?
@michaelk7007 Жыл бұрын
Yeah that was weird. I'm guessing they meant like a negative modifier? Like 9 for a -1 to STR rolls.
@boxturtlebruce6110 9 ай бұрын
One of the reasons I like playing tortle the lore prevevents shippers
@philipwagner9169 7 ай бұрын
There are dozens of possible uses of SOL on Wikipedia, none of them look like they fit here. Please, when you use abbreviations, spell them out on first use. Otherwise, like here, you fail to communicate.
@manegirl93416 Жыл бұрын
Is it weird that I associate the Hyrule Castle Courtyard theme more with your videos/cats more than with it's origin in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time now?
@Soronax 3 ай бұрын
Post for love
@SnaxTheSnaxolotl Жыл бұрын
Hi lucky!!!
@fred_derf 9 ай бұрын
"Being fairly newly wed, [red flag] we decided to make two characters that had the potential for a romantic connection [HUGE RED FLAG]" Do not. DO NOT! Do not ever bring real life romance into the game, it will ruin the game and possibly your real life romance.
@CooperAATE Жыл бұрын
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