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"Women Need Men To Survive" | Pointless Hypotheticals

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Emma Thorne

Emma Thorne

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@jslyster 2 жыл бұрын
A fun anecdote: My wife went to a religious summer camp when she was a kid. She refused to recite the Lord's Prayer at breakfast. They told her she couldn't eat anything -- no meals, no snacks -- until she acquiesced. She was 11 years old at the time. Never mind the obvious child abuse. Things didn't go as planned. See, my wife was fanatical about plants (still is). She knew leaves and berries and roots and flowers -- especially edible ones. She lived off the land for more than a week. The staff literally NEVER SAW HER EAT ANYTHING IN CAMP. They finally broke and started feeding her because they were afraid she might die on them, which would have looked really bad. This idea that women aren't interested in or capable of survival is pureed BS.
@philwilliams2505 Жыл бұрын
She probably stole....FROM MEN
@golentan Жыл бұрын
Those people need to be in jail.
@0krana333 5 ай бұрын
Not gonna lie, your wife sounds like one of the coolest persons ever
@marc21256 Ай бұрын
In the alternate past, when your wife finally "broke" at camp, she didn't recite the chant, but instead, staff started disappearing one by one. She ate well, but we never speak of it.
@seansimons1257 Ай бұрын
never doubt the power of a person's weird obsession
@BenYork-UBY 2 жыл бұрын
"...feminists are saying man and women have the same interests..." Can. They say men and women _can_ have the same interests. Not that they always _do._ Also I've never seen a serious progressive say that men and women _should_ have the same interests. We don't want to equalize everyone's interests or pursuits. We just want to end sexual segregation of all interests so that men and women can equally pursue them if they want to
@Oceanaryia 2 жыл бұрын
And also that men have different interests from other men and women from other women he just assumes all men are robots that all think the same not acknowledging that people are individuals
@lockandloadlikehell 2 жыл бұрын
And once you're physically equal to a male, their won't be "sexual segregation" - I mean natural segregation Not a single female ON EARTH can even play D3 ball NVM D2 D1 or Pro yet they can survive on their own (and graduate Ranger school lol)- even as a kicker Not one on earth, but they're oh so incredibly capable and can obviously take care of themselves - even though they can't and won't do countless jobs men are forced to do for them. Women would all be dead in a matter of weeks without men doing everything for them that they can't and won't do.
@blara2401 2 жыл бұрын
@@lockandloadlikehell 1. Why do you assume the person you're talking to is a woman ? Not all feminists are women. 2. Why should physical equality be the discriminating factor that makes segregation acceptable ? Shouldn't it be gender-agnostic in that case 3. What is the relevance of ranger school to going extinct without male-dominated jobs ?
@farkasmactavish Ай бұрын
​@@lockandloadlikehellLiterally nothing in Ranger school is even remotely similar to subsistence survival. The reason special forces training is so obscenely hard is to put you in conditions that are so far beyond anything you'll ever realistically encounter, that when you ARE in normal situations, they're extremely easy for you. So sure, most women can't pass ranger school, but they don't have to, because nature isn't like ranger school.
@jacquigreenland4768 2 жыл бұрын
The amusing thing to me is always the assumption that if "X" happened today gender Y would be better. the reality is the people saying these things usually don't stand a chance of surviving in that situation because the skills they think are useful simply aren't in that situation. As an example a friend of mind once asked me if, in the event of a breakdown of society could I make a lightbulb - I replied yes, the science behind lightbulbs is quite simple, but why would I waste effort when making candles is so much easier and would allow me to use what electricity I could generate from wind/hydro power elsewhere. The ultimate reality is that base survival relies on a mix of skills, not just a particular macho subset. knowing how to prepare foods so you don't die and ensuring you get the right diet (see what happens with no vitC for example) are equally as important as hunting etc.
@jospinner1183 2 жыл бұрын
Most humans aren't geared for the all-meat "hunter-survivalist" diet anyway. Inuit peoples and others in the Arctic are physiologically adapted to a mostly-meat diet, but the rest of us would absolutely get scurvy (and quite possibly rickets) without sufficient vegetable supplementation in that situation. I like your response regarding light bulbs. 😄
@matthewbrown5228 2 жыл бұрын
I always think it's funny when people focus so much on hunting. Bait and traps are much simpler to set up, farms are easier to plant and tend, food is easier to find and bring in rather than chase down. Hunting is one of the least efficient methods of finding food unless you are specifically in a group setting. If you know how to cook, how to start a fire, how to find and clean water, how to navigate, and you don't have the slightest clue how to are much more likely to survive than if you only know how to hunt and find water. There's a reason we domesticated animals. There's a reason we are farm based societies. There's a reason the focus has moved so far away from hunting. This should be understood and applied for survival settings. Consider this. If you are hunting deer, they have literally evolved to avoid being killed. If you hunt are likely also being hunted. Nature is not kind. Avoid trying to eat things that bite back. And yes, deer bite. They also kick. It hurts. A lot.
@jaegrant6441 2 жыл бұрын
Check out Dark Emu by Bruce Pascoe. He (& Bill Gammage before him) successfully demonstrated that the hunter gatherer image of indigenous Australians is hokum, and that they had an extensive agricultural and trading society. It has completely changed my views on the emergence of agriculture and practices wise today. Edit: spelling
@jospinner1183 2 жыл бұрын
@@jaegrant6441 I've heard largely good things about that book, though I haven't read it yet. I know there's been quite a bit of debate in the academic community as to how accurate Pascoe's portrayal is, whether or not it's well-supported by the archaological record. It's a really good way of reminding people that ancient societies were more complicated than we tend to think!
@neoqwerty 2 жыл бұрын
@@matthewbrown5228 If I needed to find meat in a post-apocalypse setting, I'd definitely have my eyes on chickens (which I know from experience are easy to tame- thank you imprinting- and keep safe, plus I can use random dry tall grass for their bedding). Because they lay eggs, they're actually trainable (shout out to my pet rooster who got basic dog commands plus "hop on"), and I'd set up with the chickens as close to an area suitable for rigging up a garden as I can (ideally with a running water source 'cause irrigation yay), and if possible I'd rig up a rudimentary greenhouse for growing hardy green things in winter and use the chickens as heat generators over said winter. (though gotta watch out for the ammonia with the chicken body heat system, that'd need some pretty fastidious cleaning and stockpiling bedding for the winter season and since I'm near my water source I'd have to be careful about contamination with the chicken waste.) ...I really put way too much thought into survival with chickens after the apocalypse, huh. (Also, there's a lot of raspberry plants around here, good berry plants to have around and nearly impossible to kill.)
@davee.9906 2 жыл бұрын
I had an argument with a guy about black QBs in the NFL. He claimed that black QBs can't play as good as white QBs. And his proof was that there have only been a few black QBs that have won a Superbowl. He ignored the fact that racism kept black men from ever learning or playing the position. So of course there are more white QBs that have won Superbowls due to the fact that there weren't any black QBs. So saying that men dominate certain fields and women could never do those jobs is just idiotic and sexist. Women were told they couldn't do those jobs for years and they weren't taught how to do them until only recently. I think those guys are only exaggerating their stance to get more views. I'm hoping that's true but... 😉
@rd6203 2 жыл бұрын
@Butterflier00 2 жыл бұрын
and sometimes...not even let in to even try training for these jobs...
@heathers432 2 жыл бұрын
You seem like an amazing person. Thanks for your viewpoints!
@Sarajean913 2 жыл бұрын
The fact that we are continually celebrating in 2020 and 2021 the first woman to do xyz, or the first indigenous/black/LGBT person to do ever or first in 10/20/50 years is telling about how held back everyone is except straight white men who “dominate” ever space and that gobble up that red pill garbage. It’s why they try so hard to deny it - they don’t want to admit that the reason they are the “majority” or the ones “everyone needs” is because they have barred the competition from even attempting for so long. And that’s also why the very idea of women especially not needing them is terrifying which then translates into irrational rage and hate, causing them to lash out with nonsense and unfounded claims to alleviate their own self-propagated inferiority and fears.
@yamerojones 2 жыл бұрын
Flip your argument and it becomes absurd, white and asian guys don't have enough opportunity to learn the positions dominated by black guys in the NBA/NFL right? Diversity is inequality defined, anything else is creationist cope. And its always funny hearing people go back to the "learn to code" meme, no, not everyone can, because not everyone is the same. If they believed in true equality, there would no WNBA, why not just prove they can all play together, surely they could because they are all the same.
@ognjensijak989 2 жыл бұрын
That argument about women not liking survival is the equivalent to people saying that people of (insert town) don't want trains or transit because 0% of them use transit. But the town doesn't have any transit so of course nobody is using it when it doesn't exist. They probably would if they could. This was a bit off topic but it's used so often in arguments and it's so stupid
@attilamarics4808 2 жыл бұрын
They literally separated them by gender to prove women can do what men. It proved the exact opposite.
@Diinytro 2 жыл бұрын
@@attilamarics4808 Who?
@attilamarics4808 2 жыл бұрын
@@Diinytro The survival show everybody talks about.
@ThylineTheGay 2 жыл бұрын
@@attilamarics4808 the exact opposite being that the women did better?
@attilamarics4808 2 жыл бұрын
@@ThylineTheGay Not at all.
@klc9318 2 жыл бұрын
As one of those females in stem Im kinda sick of men telling me Im inherently inferior despite me finding engineering pretty easy tbh. It was too common to go into a class and here the tutor say "Now the girls may struggle with this..." or just having other students not listen to me even when I did give the correct answer. I could see many losing interest on the sexism alone...
@Chapman1886 2 жыл бұрын
Just wanted to add that no field that is hostile to people will thrive for those who are "not welcome". Having to put up with snide remarks and distrust on the regular takes the joy out of you, and you have to be incredibly passionate about the subject to "soldier on". That is the cause for many male dominated fields (alongside well-established gender roles discouraging both boys and girls from learning critical skills as children), not a genetic predisposition.
@Soulsphere001 2 жыл бұрын
That's a sick attitude for them to have. I'm male, but it's hard for me to understand their point of view. I don't know if I raised better or what, but even the idea that men could look down on women like that is sickening. I hope things are getting better in that respect.
@flyingpaladin617 Жыл бұрын
Cry more, princess
@mattjones5353 Жыл бұрын
You are inferior.
@obyone878 Жыл бұрын
@@flyingpaladin617 I don't think they have to cry at all. Your ilk does it for them.
@CodeNameX001 Жыл бұрын
Man, I can't tell you how many women never learn how to breathe. They're just not interested in survival.
@lisacrum7767 2 жыл бұрын
Calling out misandry is super important. The problem is that all the times that I've seen men calling it out they use it to justify their own misogyny.
@KreeZafi 2 жыл бұрын
Excellent point!! Misandry and men's issues are important, but sometimes it's just warped into misogyny instead.
@MrNv1234567 2 жыл бұрын
Fully agreed. Great point. Would not say, 'all the time' but I would assume it's an hyperbole
@lisacrum7767 2 жыл бұрын
@@MrNv1234567 from all the times that I've seen men calling out misandry, yes. But to be fair I don't actively search out men calling out misandry, just as I don't actively search out women calling out misogyny. The men that I'm friends with don't routinely call out misandry, but I know that if they were to they wouldn't be misogynistic about it.
@wazzzup2579 2 жыл бұрын
It literally is an Ouruborous cycle. You try eliminating a hate issue on one end and you produce another one after it.
@Eliftae 2 жыл бұрын
Except when these men act like misandry is a systematic issue or is as common as misogyny because this word has been used as the antonym of misogyny for a long time. Or when hatred of men is a direct response to misogyny. It is just as valid as saying i hate white/straight/cis people without actually trying to oppress them because it is systematically impossible.
@trashpanda3544 2 жыл бұрын
I'm willing to bet none of the men in these videos know how to set a snare, make a fishing line from nothing but string, can tell what plants are edible, know how to make a shelter from nothing but branches and rocks, can light a fire with sticks or even know how to kill and skin an animal. But you know who has done all these things? Me and my sister. I have a survival kit withing reach of me right now. These men have lived in cities their whole lives, they're sheltered boys that like to talk big but they would break under a survival situation.
@markhaunert5029 2 жыл бұрын
Agreed. I moved to a rural area from the city and the women and girls amazed me. Literally everything related to survival they were very skilled at doing. It wasn't like a forced thing either, they absolutely loved the lifestyle. ✌
@AaronReece 2 жыл бұрын
I honestly think the current societal tendency to treat males as dominant makes a lot of us think nature is the same way.
@Itri_Vega 2 жыл бұрын
I think a lot of these men think survival means wrestling a bear while wearing a loin cloth while the most important things are shelter, warmth and clean water.
@datrtzhush3734 2 жыл бұрын
Good on you,this just reminds me how long it's been since i went fishing
@markhaunert5029 2 жыл бұрын
@@datrtzhush3734 I'm lucky enough to have a wife who loves fishing. Not only does she usually catch more but can clean a fish faster and cleaner than i can 😰😃
@emsmith. 2 жыл бұрын
As a woman who started out mowing lawns to then become a welder, and is now soon to be production manager of the shop that I work at, I can say women are interested in these things, and can be quite good at them. And no. I'm not just an outlier, I'm a person, a woman, and the antithesis to this mans argument.
@Jaydavid25. 2 жыл бұрын
No you're not.. Anecdotal experience doesn't equal broad evidence..
@ClassicGaming7 2 жыл бұрын
It’s true that women are usually outliers in those professions just like there can be men in some others. (Psychology, social work, nursing I believe but I am be wrong there, etc) Just because you’re an outlier doesn’t mean you’re less of human. Who is making that case?
@EmmaThorneVideos 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for watching! Do leave your thoughts down below. If you don't know what to write, just put "Whamen". Every comment helps! Why do you think the redpill crowd so often use this wilderness survival hypothetical? Is it just a male fantasy? 🤔 And why, oh why use your personal KZbin analytics over actual sources?
@stevegeorge6880 2 жыл бұрын
The Wilderness survival hypothetical is probably used because not only does it highlight certain traditionally masculine strengths and narratives like the capacities of so-called lone wolves but also feeds into tropes of how modern society is emasculating and we must revert to survive. Using personal KZbin Analytics enables him to essentially cite his own opinion as fact but present it as the objective assessment of others. We all tend to seek out media that confirms our perceptions. His audience largely agrees with him by virtue of the fact that they subscribe to him and absorb his content. It's tautological bias confirmation presented as sociological analysis.
@Disdain7133 2 жыл бұрын
I just think it's about control. "You can't survive without me. Therefore, you should obey me."
@DR.NIMROD 2 жыл бұрын
Add a pubic reply…
@Dovekeeper 2 жыл бұрын
I think it is deeply tied to a need for a purpose. Society has socialized men to believe we are only valued in what we can provide others. As such it then becomes a social and emotional need for us to create that value. And have that value accepted by others. It also creates a vicious emotional spiral when our efforts to create said value end up being rejected by society and/or women we hope to win the favor of. Making us desperate to recover our ego and lost time in developing the rejected value as it is ingrained in us that our value is core to our worth and identify. This wilderness fantasy is just another man who has developed his skill and is afraid his value is being lessened. As such he is feeling personally attacked due to his personal worth and identity being tied to the attacked value.
@notyourname4425 2 жыл бұрын
I'm a male that had a female S.O. that, after the birth of our first son, would sometimes say something like, "If there was a zombie apocalypse, we would die within a day." I don't know why, but that cut me deeper than any insult ever thrown at me. Something about being told I couldn't protect my family attacked my masculinity and I'm not 100% sure why.
@anadice9489 2 жыл бұрын
"women would die if stranded on a deserted island" -man who would die if stranded on a deserted island "you should humble yourself and accept being wrong" -person who would spontaneously combust if he admitted to not being right about something
@zaharu4375 2 жыл бұрын
@aazhie 2 жыл бұрын
Omfg so true it's almost painful xDDD
@lockandloadlikehell 2 жыл бұрын
It's funny when females pretend they are as capable as males Nothing says capable like severely lowered PT standards and the fact that not a single female ON EARTH can even play D3 ball NVM D2 D1 or Pro, even as a KICKER, yet they can survive on their own (and graduate Ranger school lol). Not one on earth, but they're oh so incredibly capable and can obviously take care of themselves - even though they can't and won't do countless jobs men are forced to do for them. Jc, not even 2 healthy females working together can arrest one medium sized old man Women would all be dead in a matter of weeks without men doing everything for them that they can't and won't do Reality and Nature smack FEMALES and their delusions in the face every single day despite their hilarious proclamations The Brittany Griner effect.
@knos360 Жыл бұрын
man would figure out how to survive
@redlikeroses1062 2 жыл бұрын
I bet this guy hasn’t ever been in a survival situation before. Guys like this like to talk about how tough they are but once that situation happens they break. If you are confident in your abilities you don’t need to say you’re better at it.
@icravedeath.1200 2 жыл бұрын
I'm not, because I'm disabled and would rather kill myself than be a dead weight.
@benderboyboy 2 жыл бұрын
@@icravedeath.1200 Please don't think like that. I've learned survival skills and have been in survival situations before, and one of the most important role is someone who can just stay in one place, either to work on survival crafting, or just keep the fire going. In a survival group, everyone has a role they can play.
@miscalotastuff733 2 жыл бұрын
@@benderboyboy hmmm.... that depends on the group. depending on the disability they may get killed. in many groups if a woman was infertile she got nuked. kids born with any kind of flaw also got nuked. so he isnt entirely wrong.
@icravedeath.1200 2 жыл бұрын
@@miscalotastuff733 Im autistic and dyspraxic.
@erikrungemadsen2081 2 жыл бұрын
Fact: everybody breaks given time and pressure, everybody breaks. And @Ng Jun Xiang is right everyone has a role they can play. @misc alotastuff an infertile woman is not a problem, she is an extra worker that can't get pregnant, she is a net gain for the group. @@icravedeath.1200 Can you yell "fire" or bang two pieces of wood or metal together, can you sit and play with a toddler, can you sing a song, can you tell a story. Plenty of important work for non Rambos and non Amazons. Basket weaving might be the most underrated survival skill of all.
@jules_2.0 2 жыл бұрын
They have such a narrow definition of what a survival skill is. Sure, he knows how to start a fire, but does he know how to administer CPR? Does he know which foods are safe to give a small child? Does he know how to get 100 people to cooperate and not argue? Many men and women have these 3 skills but I doubt he does.
@CroatiaSurvival 2 жыл бұрын
I remember watching a few naked and afraid episodes where the women were the ones enabling them to actually survive. Everyone is capable of everything if they put effort into it
@katherinesmith1849 2 жыл бұрын
I don't remember specifics, but I remember one episode where the woman was a (ex?)marine and the guy dropped out after a few days. The only reason she didn't make it to the end of the show was because the team decided for her health she had to be taken out. She only had like two days left or something like that. I don't wanna hear men talk about surviving better than woman after that episode lol. Everyone can do it if they know what to do.
@Butterflier00 2 жыл бұрын
@@katherinesmith1849 and is proven that women are better geared for general survival.
@jospinner1183 2 жыл бұрын
@@Butterflier00 If you're talking about metabolic efficiency and the ability to subsist on minimal calories, then absolutely women are physiologically geared toward survival in harsh conditions.
@weirdghastlygames1323 2 жыл бұрын
@@katherinesmith1849 was it the same dude who got ended up shitting himself because he drank unboiled water directly from a hole they dug against her suggestion that maybe they should treat the water first? Talk about of a potential Drawin Awards Winner here
@katherinesmith1849 2 жыл бұрын
@@weirdghastlygames1323 I actually don’t remember but I wouldn’t be surprised if that was the one 😂
@Sonjacrow 2 жыл бұрын
The survival channel’s theory, “if women were in the woods, women would choose death over fishing, gathering fruit and berries, and cooking.” I don’t think he’s thought out his theory.
@harleyjones6222 2 жыл бұрын
The island comparison makes me laugh every time. It's an argument for proto-traditionalism predicated on early hominids having gender roles, which is, y'know, obviously bullshit.
@chatnoir9038 2 жыл бұрын
Right-wingers always have their own version of history that is not factual in any sense.
@stephennootens916 2 жыл бұрын
Oddly enough it makes me think of Lord of The Flies.
@KreeZafi 2 жыл бұрын
Do you have any good reading suggestions (just short-ish articles or whatever, not full books haha) about gender roles of early hominids? I think that might be useful in discussions with people like that.
@jospinner1183 2 жыл бұрын
@@KreeZafi To copy my response to a different comment: Recent archaeological evidence is also suggesting that the division of labor in prehistoric hunter-gatherer societies wasn't as strictly along gender lines as we originally believed. I believe there are several published studies on this, but the one I read was titled "Female hunters of the early Americas" by Haas et al. (2020), published in Science Advances. (You should be able to find it just by googling the title.) This was specifically about the remains of a female big-game hunter from about 9,000 years ago in the Andes. It's starting to look like hunting was less of a "male" thing and more of a "young, able-bodied" thing. Members of the group who weren't able to participate in hunts, namely the very young, the old, the pregnant/nursing, and the sick, would have focused more on gathering and fishing/snares, while the most physically fit members would have taken on riskier work like hunting large mammals. 👍 Edit: These are modern humans, biologically (so _Homo sapiens_ to be specific). We know a lot less about the societies of other _Homo_ species, with the minor exception of _Homo neanderthalensis_ (Neanderthals). So these are early humans that we're talking about, and not early hominids.
@KreeZafi 2 жыл бұрын
@@jospinner1183 Thank you! I'll screenshot your response so I can look into it later :)
@FeministCatLadySpinster 2 жыл бұрын
"Women aren't watching our channel, therefore they can't survive without men." That's... an interesting premise. Do these men really think that thousands of years ago, women just hung out in a cave with the babies whilst men hunted? Do they really think if something horrible happened and society collapsed, women wouldn't do what they had to for survival and would just die / hope a man would rescue them? Oiii.
@Bringon-dw8dx 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve certainly seen a few survival shows where it was the women carrying the group. The men would get one kill hunting the entire show (which is usually weeks-months) and act like a hero making a huge fuss about providing for the group. But without the women building and maintaining fire, getting clean water and foraging they all would have died within days. Kinda like modern life
@icravedeath.1200 2 жыл бұрын
Way to make me feel fucking pointless.
@rangda_prime 2 жыл бұрын
Historian here: The largest amount of calories and supplies in gatherer-hunter societies comes from walking foraging of roots, fruits, berries and nuts. Foragers also set snares for small game. Large game hunting did provide a lot of proteins and fats, but was a communal effort. The idea of a lone hunter sniping big animals with a bow is largely shaped by modern rifle hunting. You went out as a large group. had most of these as chaser who walked in a chain scaring and herding prey into bottle necks where armed killers waited. Everyone was needed and women participated. As for a lone hunter killing single animals, you shoot it with a bow and then follow the trail of the wounded animal at a walking/trotting pace. This kills every animal on the planet since we humans have superior stamina over long distances. A woman can do this as easily as a man.
@UsenameTakenWasTaken 2 жыл бұрын
@@icravedeath.1200 Women you've never met being able to take care of themselves and others has no bearing on you having a point. Nobody has said anything to attack you. If you're feeling depressed and anxious, I very much recommend talking to someone about it more honestly in a safer, face to face setting. I don't know if you can find a compatible therapist, or even afford one, but please seek help.
@icravedeath.1200 2 жыл бұрын
@@UsenameTakenWasTaken I've tried, but I don't have the motivation to look. (And also the fact that most psychiatric therapy isn't compatible with autism, but let's not get too hung up on that).
@UsenameTakenWasTaken 2 жыл бұрын
@@icravedeath.1200 Yeah, apathy and anhedonia are a bitch. And trust me, there's a big reason I used the Compatible qualifier there. It took me twenty five years to even get an autism diagnosis thanks to good ol' Asperger telling the Nazis that women can't be autistic, and professionals still believing him for some reason. Never mind the number of professionals that tried to get me to pray the religious trauma away after being told that I'm personally not religious. Anyhoo, hope you feel better soon. Even if it's only a little bit. You can make some really lazy cookies by mixing boxed cake mix with a stick of butter and an egg, then taking a wild guess at how to cook them. That's how I'm going to chase that dopamine today, but you do you.
@lentevanzyl9643 2 жыл бұрын
Its so disheartening sometimes to think that this level of misogyny actually exists out there. That people can hate our entire gender like that, and be so self-assured in their dehumanizing beliefs. Thx for covering this topic, its so hard to listen to but so important to talk about!
@robertmiller9735 2 жыл бұрын
It's not necessarily the "natural predisposition" of people. It's being pushed, with vast amounts of effort and money.
@nameless-bx8qu 2 жыл бұрын
Did you even watch the original video? Nothing in it is misogynistic lmao like wtf
@robertmiller9735 2 жыл бұрын
@@nameless-bx8qu I once heard a Wahhabi imam claim his sect isn't misogynistic, so I'm aware personal definitions of the word may vary.
@nameless-bx8qu 2 жыл бұрын
@@robertmiller9735 No like really go watch his video in full
@nameless-bx8qu 2 жыл бұрын
@@robertmiller9735 He criticizes modern women not women as a whole it's not a circlejerk of "women are inferior"
@tos100returns 2 жыл бұрын
This guy in the intro sounds like a byproduct of "Rugged Individualism." The hard truth is that we humans need each other, and it's why we've had so much success on this horrific planet. No one person does everything on their own. Even if I sit at home, get stoned, eat snacks, and watch KZbin all day, I am still depending on the efforts of THOUSANDS of people. This guy isn't only sexist, but he's also delusional about his own abilities. The idea that women need men to survive is misguided. People need people to survive, and he's clearly dismissive of his own need of others to survive. PS: Rhetoric = Retter-ick.
@rd6203 2 жыл бұрын
I take offense to "horrific planet" I fully applaud everything else you said 🤗
@mathiasbartl903 2 жыл бұрын
You can hardly be an expert hunter and an expert at making stone tools and at sewing leather clothing at the same time anyway.
@chaosvii 2 жыл бұрын
@@rd6203 Perhaps "wonderous terrific planet of terrors & wonders" would convey both the scary and the awe-inspiring aspects of nature in a way that shows respect for how we need nature far more than it needs us.
@rd6203 2 жыл бұрын
@@chaosvii 🤗
@rd6203 2 жыл бұрын
@Hyperion 666 Factual. However, I must argue that this is (in my opinion) because those spaces are intended for others and *not* for us.
@andrewkiess87 2 жыл бұрын
Ironically his video creates internalized misandry. I work in an overwhelmingly female dominated field (social work), and have never had any interest in being an outdoorsman. There is a pressure for men to be "manly" and no person should have to carry the weight of thinking that they are responsible to hold society together should there be some kind of disaster. Are those of us more interested in non-traditional male jobs less masculine? I'm assuming he'd say 'yes'. The fact that channels like TBYS miss these simple talking points is more than a little depressing.
@rd6203 2 жыл бұрын
@Jaydavid25. 2 жыл бұрын
You haven't watched his videos so you wouldn't know that he was a Yoga instructor which isn't exactly manly.. TBYS doesn't make points to pressure people into gender types.. He is simply following the data..
@andrewkiess87 2 жыл бұрын
@@Jaydavid25. dude, this is over six months old, but I didn't say anything about his other videos. I was only commenting on what was presented here. If you feel like you have to defend him, fine, but I don't really have a lot of fresh perspective to defend a YT comment that is half a year old.
@Jaydavid25. 2 жыл бұрын
@@andrewkiess87 I don't think there's a time limit that you can comment.. And she didn't represent his stance properly because she kept skipping around and then strawmanned him as being sexist.. But to the point TBYS is very reasonable and not the type to tell men that they should pursue strictly manly fields.. That was my point..
@andrewkiess87 2 жыл бұрын
@@Jaydavid25. I'm just saying that it was nearly seven months ago since I've made this comment or watched this video so I don't really have much to add to the conversation at this point.
@MstrCorrin 2 жыл бұрын
Human survival is always societal - The only evolutionary advantages we got over our competitors was our ability to communicate and learn from others. both the single gender islands would do worse than a diverse group. (even within a single generation)
@mouthpiece200 2 жыл бұрын
Yes it was societal, but still with males doing the brunt of the heavy lifting. Men are the workers, women are the breeders. No different than ants.
@matiaslangon6799 2 жыл бұрын
Exactly, it's easy to see if you imagine replacing all humanity with clones of someone. If everyone was my clone for example, there would be no firefighters, or cooks, pilots, artists, scientists, singers, and so on. Diverity in skills and interests are what makes humanity the dominating species on earth.
@yamerojones 2 жыл бұрын
No, it was group selection, and the problem with women is they don't have a stake in it, when over taken they just went with the better men. Its why they are oblivious to what supports them even this very day.
@snaptrap5558 2 жыл бұрын
I disagree. Mixed gender groups generally do worse than all-male groups at activities that men generally thrive in. Military combat units are a terrific example of this. Mixed-gender combat units have had demonstrably lower combat effectiveness than all-male units.
@MstrCorrin 2 жыл бұрын
@@snaptrap5558 1. Source please 2. Only focusing on combat is detrimentally reductionist, when it would be a terribly minor event in the survival situation proposed - in fact 3. Too many minds raised on toxic aspects of masculinity (over competitiveness, combative outlook, individualism to a fault ) would be the main source of violent encounters. Even if the hypothetical island had dangerous animals, working together to build is going to do a lot more to secure safety than running around with sharpened sticks.
@Yezu666 2 жыл бұрын
I used to work as a Wilderness Survival instructor, and I can guarantee that there is no difference in how men and women (or girls and boys) would be able to handle surviving on an island or in the forest on their own. Ultimately survival is being able to put A and B together and logical reasoning is in no way connected to one's gender. I'd even argue to the contrary, if we took 100 men and 100 women, if the resources they had at their disposal were scarce, women would have higher chance of surviving, for one reason - smaller chance of violence. Of course violence has little to do with gender itself, but unfortunately there is a difference in how girls and boys are brought up.
@JvS1711 2 жыл бұрын
Also generally higher levels of subcutaneous fat deposits allow for longer survival with restricted calorie intake.
@ThePiiX 2 жыл бұрын
Well, from the get go I couldn't shake this idea in my head that if 100 men and 100 women were to face that challenge, the 100 men would kill themselves over leadership or stupid unreasonable enterprises like absolutely needing to kill a big animal.. where the women would simply survive calmly, eating berries and building society from the ground up quietly...
@mjtechnoviking44 2 жыл бұрын
Testosterone would like to have a word with you.
@mjtechnoviking44 2 жыл бұрын
@@ThePiiX ever read the maidens war? Pretty good historical literature.
@yamerojones 2 жыл бұрын
Unsupported by history let alone the modern world. If women worked together better they would take over all industries and scientific endeavors, and cost less to boot! We all know this isn't how it is, and instead they have to force others to allow them to pretend. The vast infrastructure that supports modern life at all levels, from what you are typing on to the roof over your head were produced primarily by men. Its just reality, people claiming equality are just left with cope.
@raifdagget758 2 жыл бұрын
I lived in the woods for a year in a commune. It was about 2/3 men and the rest women. Other than one very toxic man who did a lot but treated everyone like shit because of it, the nicest houses, the most food, the most cooked meals and the most cleaning were all done by women. Edit: one time the men built a Thunderdome and spent the day beating each other up.
@jospinner1183 2 жыл бұрын
Thunderdome tends to be my assumption of how any male-dominated commune is likely to end up . . . 😂
@Disappointed_Philosoraptor 2 жыл бұрын
well as long as they're having fun I guess?
@jeffstrongman3097 4 ай бұрын
Can't we all get beyond Thunderdome? 🤓
@raphaelworkman_ 2 жыл бұрын
I grew up in a patriarchal religion in a conservative part of the United States. Until college I only interacted with conservative women who supported the patriarchy. I am very embarrassed to say that one time I gave my high school biology teacher a hard time when we were discussing average physical strength and speed specifically in the Olympics. I said something like “If men and women are equal why are there separate races for men and women? Why are men faster and stronger? Men are better than women.” I wish she had said this to me at the time, “Does being stronger make you a better person?”If I had been forced down this intellectual path I could’ve easily seen that a boy being stronger than me did not mean he was a better person than I was. He was just better than me at one thing. I was making the mistake of assuming that men and boys were better than women and girls at some things and that meant that men and boys were better in general. That assumption is wrong. A more nuanced and accurate discussion would be that, on average, groups have more or less interest or skills in certain areas. Individually there are people who do not fit into these overall patterns. For example some women are stronger or faster than some men. Some men are more nurturing and caring than some women. Culture and society plays a huge role in shaping what individuals and groups are allowed to do and consider and it was not long ago in places like the United States where women weren’t allowed to vote or to perform certain jobs and duties. So it should not be surprising that job positions and roles currently are over represented by certain groups. The men like the one in this video are making sweeping generalizations and poorly formed assumptions. I would hate to inhabit a society filled with only men, especially men like these. It would be awful in so many ways. And although it may be true, in some part, that if all men disappeared today some sectors of society would suffer a little bit, temporarily, society would be just fine in the long run, and in my opinion would thrive. I’ve often argued that if the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives were populated entirely of women, it would be a vast improvement in the lives of both men and women, old and young and society at large. One example is that women wouldn’t pass so many laws that harm women. They would probably pass equal pay for women and not pass anti-choice, anti-abortion laws. Another example is all of the sexual abuse allegations and people who abuse their power to gain sexual favors would shrink too close to zero. There would still be plenty of people on both sides of the political aisle who I have differing opinions with, and I would still disagree with some of them politically, but toxic masculinity would no longer be in the mix. I’ve been in female dominated professions for large portions of my career including working on teams where I was the only man or reporting to women as my bosses. Although I’ve had some very good bosses that were men, for the most part on average women have been better bosses and run groups and teams better than men. I’m not saying women are better than men in all things and at all times, but I am saying that these guys are wrong and that society would survive and be just fine without them and especially without guys like them.
@sarahallegra6239 2 жыл бұрын
I applaud you for realizing the flaws in the logic imposed on you in how you were brought up. It can take a lot to realize you’ve been brainwashed and fed incorrect info your entire life! You seem like a wonderful human being. :)
@drakecliff8378 2 жыл бұрын
simp all you want she aint giving you shit.
@jdh8727 2 жыл бұрын
@@drakecliff8378 100%
@yamerojones 2 жыл бұрын
The weak man tries to curry favor through prostration, the smile just fits. No society has lasted with your prescription for good reason, when women fail, they go with the men who had not listened to them.
@commonunicorn1975 2 жыл бұрын
Sexism is still alive and well in society. A lot of fields are male dominated not because women aren’t interested in them, but because women are actively shut out of them.
@rerooar 2 жыл бұрын
I saw a survival island type program here in Denmark once. A bunch of them, women and men, sat around talking about who would do what job etc. The main person trying to delegate the labor said "we can't just go off and do whatever job we want to, that won't work". A couple of the others just walked off and went fishing, collecting wood etc. The guy that went fishing literally came back with fish while the others were still trying to decided who should go fishing... yip. So IMO its about personal attitude, some men and some women will survive, the others will just talk shit until they die.
@markhaunert5029 2 жыл бұрын
He's just cherry picking. If you really want to see how well women are at survival skills look at true homesteading couples. It's beautiful to see both Male and Female roles are done together.
@rd6203 2 жыл бұрын
❤ Thank you! ❤
@AaronReece 2 жыл бұрын
They like to talk about ancient history as if males were the only hunters. Outside of times when they were directly responsible for children women hunted as much has the men did. Nature demands it.
@UsenameTakenWasTaken 2 жыл бұрын
I'm going to do both roles, and no one can stop me!~
@mikey-wl2jt 2 жыл бұрын
Erm...what exactly are those "Male and Female roles" again?
@markhaunert5029 2 жыл бұрын
@Hyperion 666 i should have slipped in stereotypical.✌
@AmandaJo_ 2 жыл бұрын
I love how these guys do all these thought experiments about "what if we went back to the before times/what if we had to survive in the wild", forgetting (or refusing to acknowledge) the matriarchal societies that have existed--and thrived--throughout history. Several of which still exist today, and one of them was actually just created about 30 years ago (Umoja, Kenya) and does exclude men entirely. Not to mention the various species that follow matriarchal hierarchies (since these guys love to reference that alpha wolf bs all the time).
@boring7823 2 жыл бұрын
The goto matriarchal animal is usually the Elephant. But Hyenas might be a better example here as they behave just like wolves, just with the females dominant.
@yamerojones 2 жыл бұрын
They didn't thrive, the Hyena is the example of aberration, it is a tortured monster compared to the regal lion. The bonobo is dumb and small because that is what happens when the metric for selection is males they can dominate, its only survives with our protection as it is an evolutionary dead end. Matriarchy is the definition of failure, the urban ghetto is the modern matriarchy of the single mother, a self perpetuating cycle of disaster.
@boring7823 2 жыл бұрын
@@yamerojones I was going to choose Lion as my example, but it's not quite as obvious that it's the females that drive away any "extra" males so some people think it's the male that's "in charge".
@AnnoyingNewslettersPage6 2 жыл бұрын
@@yamerojones The hyena is a tortured monster? Is that because of all of the dominance displays the females use to keep their breeding age males in line?
@zaharu4375 2 жыл бұрын
@Yamero Jones 🙄
@nicolealbert4378 2 жыл бұрын
“Women are less interested in survival” i mean that’s me but that’s more on millennial nihilism than being a woman.
@UsenameTakenWasTaken 2 жыл бұрын
Him, some dork on the internet: Women literally can't live without men, they need us to survive! Me, a lesbian that regularly goes winter camping, hunting, foraging, and weeks long hikes alone or with other women: Naw.
@yamerojones 2 жыл бұрын
Usual post of "I know an exception", but failing to understand the exception proves the rule. Your type is less than half a percent of the population, a subset of a subset of a subset. The bell curve matters, now imagine a society where all the jobs that keep things running are halved in number, and that is being generous. Imagine 91% of the plumbers gone, and that is the easy one as most people in theory could. Now imagine that amount missing from the actual substantive math and science fields and you have the answer of why things would fail. There are basically no female Einsteins.
@finlayames6216 2 жыл бұрын
@@yamerojones 1. It’s a useless thing to discuss half the population disappearing because it wouldn’t happen. 2. You say she’s the exception yet I’d say only about 50% of men I know actually are compete in the skills she and video were discussing (and by competent I mean have actually done in the last 10 years) so a lot of men would also be screwed if dropped into the wild. 3. Imagine 75% of all healthcare workers disappeared and think about how quickly people would start dying. Again, it’s a stupid argument to make and but if you insist on making it then it cuts both ways. Women would have issues with infrastructure, men would die of disease so I struggle to see your point.
@fjparasite1172 2 жыл бұрын
@@yamerojones thank you yes.
@fjparasite1172 2 жыл бұрын
@@finlayames6216 imo the issue is saying INDEPENDENT (aka not needing anyone) yet live a confortable life in society.
@catpoke9557 2 жыл бұрын
@@yamerojones The problem with the discussion is that it's pointless. The only way to make it is to assume society would fail SPECIFICALLY if men went extinct, but the fact is, it'd also fail if women did. The biggest reason why isn't even the jobs people hold. It's the fact that almost half the world just got thanos snapped and nobody was prepared to handle the fall. Also, most men don't go winter camping, hunting, foraging, AND week long hikes alone or with other people. At least not in countries where internet access is the norm. Not sure about other places.
@Lightweaver123 2 жыл бұрын
Given that we live in a society where personal survival skills are largely superfluous, I would argue that it's a sign of male privilege to have the time and money for "survival classes"
@wb8695 2 жыл бұрын
BINGO!! Plus these men don't seem to grasp the concept of (not getting killed in a dark ally) or (not being kidnapped in a parking lot) as essential survival skills that all women have to learn one way or another. What a privilege to not be afraid to walk alone at night!
@thegrumpyoldmechanic6245 2 жыл бұрын
I'd rather spend the time biking and skiing. Survival skills should be superfluous.
@mouthpiece200 2 жыл бұрын
Men do not have more time or money than women. You are listening to feminist LIES. You think survivalism is a hobby of the wealthy? No its a hobby of country boys. You're desperately trying to make the facts conform to your narrative but you are falling on your face. How pathetic to think that outdoorsmen learn their skills through "classes". You really don't have the right to an opinion here, be quiet and learn instead.
@jospinner1183 2 жыл бұрын
This is a really excellent point. In the real world, people tend to develop skills that actually make a difference in their lives. Most modern Americans will never be in a situation where they'll need to build a fire without matches or a lighter, or navigate through the woods without a compass and topo map. Instead, most of us have to focus on social skills to find and maintain employment in a city, and attempting to stretch our monthly wages to cover all the expenses that pile up. These are skills that are way, way more important than "survival" skills for most people. I'm pretty outdoorsy, but I'd trade my ability to forage and survive in the mountains on my own for better social skills any day.
@JvS1711 2 жыл бұрын
@@mouthpiece200 you might want to reconsider your point of view when you take a look at the plethora or survival instructors and the bush craft and survival industry that exists in many countries all over the world. And stop being so disrespectful.
@matiaslangon6799 2 жыл бұрын
I like it when he says "The fantasy feminists promote, is just that, a fantasy". While talking about a fantasy scenario where men and women have to survive in the wild divided by gender. Also, life isn't just about survival but about progress, and we need all kinds of people to survive and progress. Diversity is the strength of humanity, being able to survive in the wild more than someone else doesn't mean anything in the grand scheme of things. Honestly, the whole gender wars is really stupid, and people perpetuating it on both sides are either bad people or just delusional. Here's hoping one day we all become computers and can stop arguing about who's better based on avarage physical prowess.
@fjparasite1172 2 жыл бұрын
Literally a few months back in NYC no trash worker went to take out the trash and the city became a dump. So not too far off.
@lockandloadlikehell 2 жыл бұрын
Feminist self delusion and incapability is good entertainment
@user-do2ev2hr7h 2 жыл бұрын
I really don't get the argument that video is making because even if you wholly believe the idea that "women need men to survive" the unspoken and thinly veiled (if that) corollary is "to defend them from other men". If all men disappeared, women would be more than fine and quite honestly as a man, I'd trust a society of all women to survive in a SHTF scenario over a society of all men.
@RichWoods23 2 жыл бұрын
If there's any validity in comparing that to the way I've broadly seen men and women behave in the work environment over the last 40 years, the great majority of women would cooperate and subsume their egos in order for the group to succeed, yet many of the men would be prone to disputation, competitive behaviour, and the hoarding of skills and resources, while the remainder of the men form one or two smaller cooperative groups in common defence against the disruptive men. We're a social species. Guess which 20-30% of the total number of men and women aren't going to last long.
@jospinner1183 2 жыл бұрын
You may be right, but I think you might be selling men short. I've often been surprised by how quickly men can shed the chains of the patriarchy when they aren't around other men. I have a suspicion that a good portion of macho posturing is due to attempts to look impressive for women, so without women, men might do okay. (Just as women would probably be fine if men suddenly disappeared.) Reproductive capabilities aside, humans are really adaptable and that's not something that varies with gender.
@Sarablueunicorn 2 жыл бұрын
@@jospinner1183 Weak men try to look "impressive" for women because they can't impress men.
@jakeloranger1419 2 жыл бұрын
If we going to use stereotypical views to support an argument, I would say women have been more conditioned to work together towards a common goal. So they would have an advantage over men for survival. The men would be fighting over who will be the "alpha." Obviously, that statement contains a fair amount of nonsense as it ignores the reality that both men and women are on a spectrum, with some them exhibiting the more stereotypical attributes of their gender and others showing qualities more typically assigned to the opposite gender. So this debate on which gender would better survive without the other is just plain silly and not at all productive. It's just a pissing contest. My first thought when I saw the line "Women need men to survive" was how come we almost never hear in the news that a woman stalked and then killed her ex? And yet, stories about men killing their ex-wives or ex-girlfriends are far too numerous and common. This would seem to point to a greater difficulty in handling a break-up among men. Of course there are many factors involved in these cases of femicide, none of which absolve the men of their responsibility. Stating this problem as a case of "I can't live without my woman" is greatly over-simplifying the issue. Nevertheless, it seems apparent to me that the problem of misandry is nowhere near as prevalent and destructive as the rampant misogyny displayed in practically every society in the world today. Which is why I don't seriously these complaints of unfair treatment given by men who seem to blame women for all their problems. What I do take seriously is the misogyny expressed by so many men. I really don't understand why these men hate women so much. And I find the "incel movement" especially irksome, not to mention frightening for the potential for great harm it poses, as evidenced by the man who drove his van into people in Toronto a few years ago. I, myself, have spent a good deal of my life alone, not out of choice. There were times when I was pretty miserable. But I never blamed women for my situation. But then I didn't have the attitude that I was entitled to be in a sexual relationship with a woman. I just had a difficult time finding a woman who wanted to be with me. There were a bunch of reasons, but they had to with me, not the women. Currently, I have been celibate for over fourteen years, but it has mostly been by choice. I'm in my mid-sixties and I have long standing health issues so I haven't been interested in dating or trying to find someone. I guess what really bothers me is why are so many boys and men not learning to take responsibility for their emotional well-being? And why do so many women have to pay the price for it?
@fraser551_ 2 жыл бұрын
According to this guy: The entire male population disappears. Women: "Well, guess I'll die" 🤷
@ilikecookies9796 2 жыл бұрын
In reality, it would probably be more like: "Guess I'll thrive".
@laju6398 2 жыл бұрын
Well he is kinda right they will die. Someday... In the distant future...
@kobayashi1194 2 жыл бұрын
@@ilikecookies9796 “Dinosaur eats man, woman inherits the earth.”
@serpenking 2 жыл бұрын
No this is wild bc I went through a phase of really liking to watch naked and afraid, and I specifically remember the woman of the various teams excelling in the challenges. obviously there were exceptions, but a regular pattern for the episodes to follow was "macho survival man tires himself out by hunting and drinks rancid water and has to be flown out of the setting, meanwhile the woman just sits there like 🤔 and politely continues foraging for food and makes it the whole time alone"
@joeyfalco7009 2 жыл бұрын
If the hypothetical is that we're manless in prehistory, you can't rely on our history of actually having men. Yes, men were the hunters and protectors in prehistoric societies. But that's the path of least resistance given that *in general* males are genetically predisposed to be bigger and stronger. But in a society where men never existed, the path of least resistance would be for women to hunt and protect. And it's a loooong leap of logic to assume they would fail. My source: all the Tinder profiles of women holding fish they caught and mammals they killed.
@sinceritii3846 2 жыл бұрын
There's more and more evidence that our idea that men were hunters and women were gatherers is false. In the past prehistoric human skeletons that were found with weapons were just assumed to be male. This propably happend due to bias. But when modern scientists reevalued the the skeletons many of them belonged to females. Nowadays many historians assume that hunting was a community activity that was done by both men and women
@KateeAngel 2 жыл бұрын
It actually had more to do with the huge infant mortality rate, because of that people needed to have a lot of kids to not disappear. For women that meant being pregnant, or breastfeeding a baby for almost all young adult life. Plus giving birth can cause complications, which can last for a lifetime. So most women couldn't do the tasks men did, because they were too young, too old, pregnant at the moment, had to care for a baby or had complications from their childbirth. Only small number of women were left out of all those categories. Both in hunter-gatherer and agricultural societies. A non-pregnant woman without any health problems actually can train to do physical tasks with almost the same productivity as most men.
@jaclo3112 2 жыл бұрын
@@sinceritii3846 that is correct and it differers depending on where people lived. In Australia many aboriginal tribes women were hunters. When i was a kid we went camping with the local aboriginals and it was the women who taught us girls to hunt AND gather. A myth that really needs to die is the myth of the male protector. Again in many cultures women protected themselves, children and even men. And like today, the greatest threat against women's well being and lives....are men, in particular the men closest to their "protectors".
@wickedymike 2 жыл бұрын
@@sinceritii3846 Also, I seem to remember reading some papers that supported the claim that the gatherer role was much more important than the hunter role. The gatherer was much more consistent in bringing in sustenance, while the hunter was very inconsistent in providing. I can't recall the papers, so I can't provide citations. But it does seem logical, especially since we since have evolved to an almost exclusively agricultural society, where only gathering remains...
@catpoke9557 2 жыл бұрын
It's not even entirely true either. Generally in primates the females do less hunting and fighting, but they still DO it. The reason they don't generally do it is actually because they have babies riding them. So for childless humans, protecting and hunting isn't going to be a problem.
@Ddenver100 2 жыл бұрын
So, during WWII many women worked in the factories to keep the war machine going. I guess it was those survival skills kicking in.
@mouthpiece200 2 жыл бұрын
Charging a machine gun nest to defend your tribe is much more of a survival instinct.
@Ddenver100 2 жыл бұрын
@@mouthpiece200 Both are survival instincts. You do not win a war by just having soldiers. You need the supply chain of equipment. Everyone knew that and everyone contributed to the war effort, both men and women. It is human nature to survive. People will figure out what to do.
@Sarablueunicorn 2 жыл бұрын
@@Ddenver100 You are absolutely right. War is a team work!
@cockatooinsunglasses7492 Жыл бұрын
Damn, so all of those vegetables, potatoes, corn, meat, dairy and eggs that my grandmother had to plant, care for, harvest, slaughter, process and store must've never existed, then.
@GabrielBadwolf 2 жыл бұрын
Victims of DV that’s male are less likely to be taken seriously than woman. Some places it’s hard to get custody of a children after splitting up if you’re a man. Boys are less likely to be adopted than girls. There’s loads of valid things like that they can talk about that could benefit society as a whole to talk about.
@jaegrant6441 2 жыл бұрын
Exactly right!. And because there are people going around calling themselves "men's rights activists" as a cover for misogyny, these very real and damaging scenarios continue. People forget, the common working man had to fight, strike, protest, be arrested, and die for their own right to vote. It isn't men, or women, that are the problem. It is attitudes that embrace elitism, exclusion and intolerance.
@MichelleJNorton 2 жыл бұрын
It always seems like the red pill crowd only care about so called Alpha Males. For them, no other males exist.
@Sarablueunicorn 2 жыл бұрын
Dude! Take your head out of your ass and think the world isn't USA only. Majority of societies do prefer men, to the point that if something out of the ordinary happens women are the first of being eliminated. Example #1 China (1.3B habitants): With the 1 child policy implementation families would prefer a male child. With this in mind female fetus were largely aborted (thanks to the ultrasound), killed at birth or abandoned everywhere, while women were sterilized against their will, but not men. Orphanages were crowded with baby girls that nobody wanted anyway. In case of divorce the father has the right to keep the custody of the child and all the benefits! There's something called LAWS and they vary from place to place.
@GabrielBadwolf 2 жыл бұрын
@@Sarablueunicorn I’m from Ireland. Also take your head out of yours first. Just because there’s the opposite problem in some counties doesn’t mean it’s not a problem in the counties that it is a problem in. My brother was a victim of DV and no one took him seriously even in the divorce.
@BNK2442 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, and some awesome dudes like atheist Justin Trottier and Ally Fogg talked about these issues. Shame that Emma's bff PZ Myers helped to kick the first from many atheist organizations and kicked the second from Freethought Blogs.
@sethwooten5678 2 жыл бұрын
It's adorable that you would expect a nuanced, thought pervoking debate from this guys video Emma. Very optimistic
@MoxieRocker 2 жыл бұрын
@Ur So Gay reported for spam. Also way to miss the point, spammer
@sethwooten5678 2 жыл бұрын
@Ur So Gay I suggest you look up the definition of "trade work". There are many healthcare positions in health care. Imaging techs, nursing assistants (who actually do all the work btw), dental assistants, elder care, phlebotomists. Trade work refers to a job that requires training, but not a bachelors degree or higher. Get your info straight before accusing others of lying. There's also a difference between lying and being wrong. That's why I'm not calling you a liar
@sethwooten5678 2 жыл бұрын
@Ur So Gay health care workers are trade workers. Trade worker does not = construction, or repair worker. Even if it did, I have worked with women on construction sites. They work better than some of the guys. There's not a lot of women in construction, but there are some.
@AnnoyingNewslettersPage6 2 жыл бұрын
”Very few women are interested in survival at all.” I'm pretty sure they have a vested interest in staying alive. Besides, if he wants to go with the survival by hunting idea, then that contradicts his point, anyways. Wars are what hunting and gathering has morphed into, with the same pretense of garnering resources, but with the added benefits of culling surplus working and breeding age males from the population. There's less competition for mates, jobs, and resources within the tribe if a large chunk of them die in pointless wars. And, on that note, see Rosie the Riveter. When the men went off to war, who kept things running on the home front? Women. Now, there is so much information available, that if all men just snapped out of existence tomorrow, women could take their place and have everything still running smoothly after just a small hiccup. Women remaining at jobs could train other women, and in jobs that were entirely male dominated, they could train up on it, if they didn't eliminate it for being utterly unnecessary in the first place. As an example, without men's professional sports teams, there would still be the women's teams, which could move into the better funded men's stadiums, and convert their old one to homeless shelters, if there were still homeless people at all after the reorganization happened. Diplomatic relations between countries would essentially get a fresh start, as the overwhelming number of men in political office would be gone. It's not going to be the post apocalyptic, Planet of the Apes, hellscape that he seems to think it will be. If anything, it'll be the Planet of the Babes. 😉
@Oceanaryia 2 жыл бұрын
Very true!
@ThePereubu1710 2 жыл бұрын
I wouldn't survive very long by myself being male, middle-aged, myopic and in ill health. It wouldn't matter how many "survival skills" I learned, one day I'd lose my glasses, my medication would run out and I'd just be too old! Your point about misandry is so important. There is a valid discussion to be had as to why so many men feel threatened by gender equality - the same could be said about the dominant white Western culture feeling threatened by people of colour - but people like TBYS do nothing to push that discussion forward in a positive light. Thank you for your insightful analysis as usual.
@saltydinonuggies1841 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah thats my point. I have plenty of survival skills but i use more energy than i have caring for myself now. Let alone in an apocalypse. I know how to build a shelter but staying on my feet and not passing out trying to find the supplies would be a lot harder.
@jospinner1183 2 жыл бұрын
Yes, I really appreciated that Emma mentioned this. I'm a feminist woman, but I try to remind men that my interest in women's equality doesn't mean I don't love and appreciate the men in my life. Toxic masculinity hurts men even more than it hurts women, honestly, and it makes the misandry even more difficult for some men to handle.
@elegantoddity8609 2 жыл бұрын
The nature of these types of group identity dividing system, hierarchical or otherwise, is that it provides a kind of safety net for self-worth. I may have to take it from my boss, but I'm still the boss of someone else. Even if I fail at this task, I can take heart that my caste as a whole is superior at it than someone else. This mindset doesn't necessitate that the person on one end thinks that they're "above" the others. Indeed they might view others skill as more valuable but fall back on the other to justify their worth. But when someone from one party shows superiority in the defining trait(s) of the others, it is very disheartening.
@jsin3127 2 жыл бұрын
"I'm guessing an American reality show." Oh...oh Emma doesn't know about naked and afraid. New series on Emma's channel should be her reaction to naked and afraid. Everyone must know about this show and it is my solemn duty to expose as many people as I can to it
@SchwartzerAdler 2 жыл бұрын
My personal experience, which is not specific to survival or any other skill, but just overall, is that men need women more than women need men.
@saltydinonuggies1841 2 жыл бұрын
At this point, yeah. Cis men arent taught SHIT anymore. Even how to properly clean themselves, let alone other things. Its bs.
@SchwartzerAdler 2 жыл бұрын
@@saltydinonuggies1841 That's not necessarily what I'm experiencing... Care to elaborate?
@jospinner1183 2 жыл бұрын
I think it tends to vary, but this is my personal experience too, at least when it comes to dating and relationships. I kind of think this comes down to gender roles and how women are now encouraged to have lives outside the home, while men are still often discouraged from traditionally "feminine" pursuits, such as cooking, cleaning, and most social interactions. So while most women work outside the home these days, men are still much less likely to know how to take care of themselves (particularly older men). As an example, my father only learned how to do his own laundry when he was in his late 50s, when my mother had finally had enough to his smelly socks after 35+ years. 😂
@AnnoyingNewslettersPage6 2 жыл бұрын
His, ”Feminists say STEM classes in college should be 50% and 50% men,” sounds like he's just regurgitating Milo Y.
@mouthpiece200 2 жыл бұрын
Many feminists do believe that.
@BenYork-UBY 2 жыл бұрын
@@mouthpiece200 then they're doing it wrong
@carriepinkduck 2 жыл бұрын
I'm in the Midwest of the US. Most women I know have "survival skills" lol. It's part of the culture in our region. Camping, hiking, fishing, etc are normal parts of the lifestyle here. My mom lives in a house in the woods with her husband. She chops wood, makes fire, catches/cleans/cooks fish, and I could keep going. She does lack some physical strength that her husband has so if he weren't there, she would need another person to help her with some things but they are in their 60s and 70s so that would happen over time either way.
@Acinnn 2 жыл бұрын
talking about strength. Me and my mum needed to replant this rhododendron bush and the roots with the soil were so heavy.....we couldn't really lift it from the hole put it on the cart we grabed some long planks, metal plate(for under little stove) and rope and managed to pull it on the cart... same with placing it to new place... we used the tools to overcome the fact we are not very strong :)
@carriepinkduck 2 жыл бұрын
@@Acinnn 100% point wasn't that she needed a MAN to do it but that she may just need another pair of hands, or like in your case different tools. The fact that her husband is around and happens to be strong doesn't distract from her skills and interests.
@gaybatgosqueak 2 жыл бұрын
I'm not implying that the people you know aren't doing cool or useful things but I just wanted to highlight something that wasn't touched on, that knowing certain skills like hunting, fishing, camping, and hiking aren't necessarily going to help you survive if you were left in the wilderness alone, without resources. I think a lot of what these men are counting as survival skills are not actually that. Again not to say that the people you're referring to don't also have those skills, just pointing out the disingenuousness in the reasoning of the men in the video
@Acinnn 2 жыл бұрын
@@gaybatgosqueak It seems to me the women and the men he has in mind conveniently also hapend to be "city girls" and "country boys." btw by resources you mean in nature or for example owning basic tools like knife and string ?
@gaybatgosqueak 2 жыл бұрын
@@Acinnn Most likely, they seem to live in a world where giant groups of people are all stereotypical robots so it makes sense. Yeah, tools or anything that would help you survive that can't be naturally found in the environment. I mean when people go camping, hiking, or fishing, they tend to bring tools, proper clothing, equipment to cook and eat, first aid supplies, etc. Where if you were to be stranded on a deserted island it's a lot more difficult to do those things with just sticks and rocks. I personally wouldn't have a lot of confidence in my survival skills if I had nothing, but give me water bottle with a filter, matches, a gun or bow, and other supplies and I could probably do ok, ya know.
@joseignaciomontes5712 2 жыл бұрын
As someone who started pretty much in the red pill crowd but have tried to get more reasonable over time, your videos are amazing, keep up the good work
@uncannedspaghetti 2 жыл бұрын
I’m not sure I would put calling out misogyny and calling out misandry on the same level. While it’s important to be critical of everything, misogyny is engrained in our society and actively oppresses women and femmes. Misandry (especially as a reaction to the patriarchy!) isn’t a systemic issue, and mens hurt feelings about it will never match the violence women face.
@icravedeath.1200 2 жыл бұрын
I don't know what to do.
@avien9068 2 жыл бұрын
I agree but while misogyny is more of an issue let's not pretend like the other one isn't
@uncannedspaghetti 2 жыл бұрын
@@avien9068 not trying to! I think it’s important to make a distinction, but I have no problem with people calling out misandry
@icravedeath.1200 2 жыл бұрын
@@uncannedspaghetti Like, can't I bitch and complain about the issues I face as a autistic bi man?
@avien9068 2 жыл бұрын
@@icravedeath.1200 bit of an overreaction my guy...
@DavidMiller-dt8mx 2 жыл бұрын
Could it be that more women are more interested in survival in real situations, rather than hypotheticals? Just a thought. I don't know.
@unepresenceambigue 2 жыл бұрын
When I go camping with my bf I'm not sure he'd survive without me tbh 😂
@danymitehazard 2 жыл бұрын
Oh yeah and you?
@fussycat5526 2 жыл бұрын
Narcissist detected
@claratalbot7613 2 жыл бұрын
So to this guy because I'm a woman living in a small town, love playing video games, & has medical issues, I absolutely must not be interested in survival skills. Even though: I do know how to set up a tent, & perform emergency first aid, & make a fire with & without a lighter. I just don't care for hunting or camping because I don't have to relay on it to live
@davebeach2343 2 жыл бұрын
Saying women need men to survive only reveals the speaker's own insecurities. Those men who feel unfairly attacked by society today are lacking in self confidence, or realize that they need to change how they act. I'm adding to my original comment to say that these two men make claims which are how they want the world to be, not claims based on real life. They have some need to feel superior to women because they refuse to acknowledge women's equality. Elevating themselves to feel better than women means they need to feed their own egos. I might pity them if it wasn't so destructive.
@Sarablueunicorn 2 жыл бұрын
Women don't need men to survive, actually men are more likely to leave a female partner in case of severe illness or disability than the opposite :/ But sharing the world and life with men should be great anyway. We protect eachother and grant eachothers survival. Why so much hate? Makes me sick.
@davebeach2343 2 жыл бұрын
@@Sarablueunicorn I don't understand the hate either, it really makes no sense.
@davebeach2343 2 жыл бұрын
@@Sarablueunicorn I don't understand the hate either, it makes no sense. I guess it stems from the males fear of losing power and/or place in society. But it's like hating one's own body part, or a physical feature of the world. The hatred by men of women is both self destructive and harmful to society as a whole. I wish that I knew of a productive method for combating that hate other than trying to change one person at a time, but I don't. If you have any suggestions, they would be welcome. Thanks
@historyinspoonfuls9018 2 жыл бұрын
I've spent a big chunk of my life in male-dominated hobbies and careers: shooting sports, flying, an engineering university, the Marine Corps, working as an engineer. I've had a wide variety of experiences, some of them unpleasant. Let's not pretend that women "aren't interested" in male-dominated fields in a vacuum. If you're choosing between hostile environments and welcoming environments, it's logical to expect many people to prefer welcoming ones.
@brittanylikesmemes_ 2 жыл бұрын
literally this man just needs to write some of his fellow men in prison and ask THEIR opinions. I write to several inmates (10/10 would recommend, prisoners are people that deserve attention and care) and a sentiment I see shared amongst the men prisoners is just how awful it is to have to live without women. not even sexually, just the feminine aura and company. not saying this proves anything or that everyone’s experience is the same of course, but I AM saying that there’s the ability to put this theory to the test, prisons, and actually seeing how difficult it is for each gender to go without the other. I just know this youtuber, whoever you’re reacting to, probably would not want to do that as i’m sure it seems it wouldn’t inevitably suit his agenda.
@lexihopes 2 жыл бұрын
Seconded and would also recommend, with the caveat to know and be able to articulate your boundaries. It's very likely to be helpful in some minor ways (if they call you beautiful and you don't appreciate it, for example) and will be incredibly useful if you get the rare person who's just after money or something (for me only one person was super pushy and manipulative, but a couple others eventually turned into asks for money and not much other substance). The popular websites for it will have guidelines for what sorts of things you might want on your radar to create a safe and healthy experience for both parties. Someone who can't trust their instincts about people may struggle more. For me, if I was lukewarm about a person from their profile it did usually turn out to be a more difficult relationship. I would argue, though, that the desire for female company is not *entirely* desexualized/deromanticized. I trust that it feels that way to them and I know they aren't, like, only wanting a sexual relationship from me, but I find that feeling is expressed less by gay penpals, and that the people who talk about it the most blur the line between friendship and flirting more.
@icravedeath.1200 2 жыл бұрын
You are right on one thing, I'd rather be dead than seperated from My girl friends for a prolonged period of time. (Because a large majority of my friend group is girls, because I don't do typical 'boy' things, and therefore don't have much to relate to boys with).
@Kawamura2 2 жыл бұрын
I definitely agree with this. Hell, I am a gay guy, and I think it would suck to not have women around. I like women's perspectives, friendship, etc., not to mention the female members of my family that I adore. We both need one another, whether there's sexual or romantic interest, or just platonic interest. Or, at least, I know I do.
@icravedeath.1200 2 жыл бұрын
@@Kiki-vc1xo I don't know, I think you can request someone's personal details I you know them.
@yamerojones 2 жыл бұрын
Hybristophilia is why certain things weren't allowed in functional societies.
@martaaleksejczuk1660 2 жыл бұрын
Just wanted to add an industry that is essential and is widely female dominated - sewing and generally clothing preparation. I don't think people realise how difficult it is to prepare materials and clothes that can reliably protect you from cold.
@nicholascastro5528 2 жыл бұрын
I am a *Man* and I am more happy just being a couch potato than "surviving' outdoors with the bugs and frogs: I have no problem admitting that there are many fine *_Ladies_* all around the world who are way more "manly" than I'll ever be, if it's based on this arbitrary & outdated system of thinking.
@greggmarkowski5203 Жыл бұрын
Emma, I love how in this video and in all your videos for that matter, you really try to give your subject the benefit of the doubt. You don't go on the attack just be snarky and funny, you really do try to make good comments backed by (gasp) evidence and when the subject has some good points you highlight them. In other words, you really try to be fair. If this gentleman ever watched this video and took your comments and suggestions to heart, he would have a much better product. Keep up the good work!
@gingerbatch1 2 жыл бұрын
Wonder if he ever read anything about how women carried the US through Ww2, like sir...have you never met Rosie the Riveter ?
@bestaqua23 2 жыл бұрын
Or the night hags , or Hedi Lamar
@burntgrahamcracker2866 2 жыл бұрын
I’m fairly certain Rosie never existed she was modelled after a pianist who avoided work to protect her hands
@burntgrahamcracker2866 2 жыл бұрын
@@bestaqua23 okay I’ve looked up lamarr and her invention while impressive wasn’t adopted till the 60s and the night witches weren’t instrumental in Russia’s success they were famous because they did so much with very little support. Russia’s owes its victory to the winter and just throwing ill equipped conscripts at problems until they went away
@Butterflier00 2 жыл бұрын
@@burntgrahamcracker2866 rosie the riveter, as a person, didn't exist,but it was a lot easier to have this character that stood for all the women that took military industrial jobs during the war... kind of like "uncle sam" rosie didn't exist...but the 1,000s of women that did the riveting. certainly did.
@KubkaKawyprzyGrze 10 ай бұрын
I love how he blatantly ignores difference between "being intrested in learning" and "being capable of learning"
@alanamontero4743 2 жыл бұрын
This is reminding me of the time I had to watch some bros try to start a fire and had to put a lot of effort into not cracking up laughing. The bros had gone on about how the "men would take care of it" because "it's a man's job" and "women don't understand these things." They didn't want any input from the women. Meanwhile, they didn't have any kindling and were trying to start a fire BY LIGHTING LOGS. 🤣 But I knew how to start a fire so I was just watching them do everything wrong and biting my tongue. Eventually, they were apparently tired of the whole not having a fire thing and did get input from us women...and the fire was lit. These things are learnt skills, not inherent biological capabilities. And they are skills that many men in western countries - I suspect the majority of men - haven't learnt.
@S.J.Vanderwood 2 жыл бұрын
I remember watching a documentary of an (quite unethical) experiment where equally big groups of young boys and girls were left alone in seperate houses without an adult for a specific amount of time - The girls remained civil until the end, they spent their time drawing, playing and cooking while the group of boys had already established a hierarchy and destroyed everything in the house that they could get their hands on, like savages.
@Cool-Vest_Leo Жыл бұрын
That sounds like a skill issue. I'd say that regardless of which group loses, because the correct answer should be a tie.
@RubyTuesdayJB 2 жыл бұрын
His argument that Bear Grylls-esque ‘survival content’ happens to be more appealing to men is an indication that women wouldn’t want to survive is comparable to the argument that the majority of cookbooks are probably bought by women…ergo men don’t want to eat?
@RubyTuesdayJB 2 жыл бұрын
That was poorly phrased, I’m tired…I hope you know what I meant 💀 🥴
@shushunk00 2 жыл бұрын
Gender is a socially constructed term, sex is not binary, it's bimodal.
@mouthpiece200 2 жыл бұрын
Gender patterns are consistent across all cultures, and therefor are rooted in biology. You're either male or female. Sex is binary.
@shushunk00 2 жыл бұрын
@@mouthpiece200learn about the topic It's a waste of time to agrue for such a basic fact
@mouthpiece200 2 жыл бұрын
@@shushunk00 Its your job to learn, my job to teach you. Gender does not change from culture to culture. It is biological.
@mouthpiece200 2 жыл бұрын
Don't care if Emma agrees with you. She's wrong too. You don't think I can't find people to agree with me?
@07Flash11MRC 2 жыл бұрын
@@mouthpiece200 "across all cultures, and therefor are rooted in biology. You're either male or female. Sex is binary.": It would behoove you to ACTUALLY read what they wrote and try to understand it, before you open your mouth. Have you ever looked up what "bimodal" means? "Bimodal" is still "biological", so what is your point? "Its your job to learn, my job to teach you.": You're teaching lies, so no. You should not be teaching ANYONE ANYTHING. "You don't think I can't find people to agree with me?": This is a fallacy called ad populum. Just because some people agree with something, doesn't make it true. And in your case everything you said is DEAD WRONG.
@EmiCheese 2 жыл бұрын
The island of Men would've murder each other in no time, dude. What kind of delusion is that?
@beethany3020 2 жыл бұрын
Where I went to school, you MUST partake in what is called a 24 hour solo. They hike you out three days into the back country, and then send you on your merry way, by yourself, with only the clothes on your body, some rope, and your backpack (which has only water and more clothes). You have to make your own tent, and survive on your own. If you do not complete this solo, you cannot complete the 8th grade. Funnily enough I remember everyone passing… not just the boys?
@EmmaThorneVideos 2 жыл бұрын
That is really interesting! We only had optional events like that, but there were plenty of girls taking part
@TheEwqua 2 жыл бұрын
"put 100 men on an island without any women and they'll survive just fine" **laughs in Jamestown**
@mouthpiece200 2 жыл бұрын
The lesson of that story: Don't try communism.
@optillian4182 2 жыл бұрын
@@mouthpiece200 ???
@ExtraordinaryMachine333 2 жыл бұрын
@@mouthpiece200 I think you are confusing Jamestown (VA colony) with Jonestown (cult commune).
@jaclo3112 2 жыл бұрын
@@mouthpiece200 jamestown...not Jonestown. Big difference. Or just look at the beginnings of colonial australia. Men failed dismally without women.
@paulelkin3531 2 жыл бұрын
The history of early Wyoming is similar, where the men pretty much lived in empty tents until some women built brothels and used their profits to build entire towns.
@Itri_Vega 2 жыл бұрын
If an apocalyptic event happened and we had to survive it would come down to who can adapt quickly, in combination with working together with other people. Sex or gender would have little bearing on that as the threat would likely be a virus, natural disaster or nuclear radiation, nothing you can beat by having more muscle mass. Also maybe women would watch stuff like Bear Grylls in higher numbers if these shows didn't largely air on channels aimed at men (at least in Germany, a lot of survival shows aired on DMAX, which advertised itself as a manly channel) and/or focused on stereotypical male aspects in their general advertising. Closeted transmasculine me enjoyed DMAX for the cliché masculinity (dudes fishing in stormy oceans, custom motorcycles and survival stuff very much has flannel and too much axe deodorant energy lol) but it was definitely very cringy at times and definitely didn't resonate with people of any gender who weren't purposefully looking for this kind of stuff (like I was). Similarly, a channel aimed at feminine women had a repulsive effect on me because I wanted to be anything but the stereotypical woman who loves gossip, bland men in suits and the colour pink.
@rd6203 2 жыл бұрын
@jospinner1183 2 жыл бұрын
Even in the US, those survivalist TV shows are, in fact, marketed toward men. I'm a woman, but I still love watching those shows, despite the horrifying commercials and the stupidly macho storytelling. I always end up critiquing their techniques and their utter lack of knowledge about their environment. I'm an outdoorsy person, and I tend to think I'd do a better job in those survival situations than a lot of the TV hosts.
@jonneexplorer 2 жыл бұрын
Also Bear Grylls is widely regarded as a joke to anyone with any real survival skills...
@jospinner1183 2 жыл бұрын
@@jonneexplorer I honestly preferred Les Stroud. He didn't bring a whole camera crew with him in Survivorman. There was also less macho posturing.
@Anesha12 2 жыл бұрын
Bland men in suits
@TheMightyFuChan 2 жыл бұрын
Does he think that if all the men disappeared women would just sit down and die without at least trying to step up and cover all the jobs men were doing?
@Vynjira-chan 2 жыл бұрын
I don't pretend to know what he's thinking, but I will say he sounds no different from the Men who think you can just hold your period until you go to the bathroom, and real men don't wipe their asses because that's gay.. and every other ignorant thing you've ever heard from Men... I really wanna know how he thinks Men would survive if all the Women just up and disappeared.. we're a long way away from growing people in tubes.. even if they manage to figure out how to transplant a womb, there won't be women to transplant them from.. and the current technology of growing them requires a womb to scaffold new cells onto.. not to mention the logistics of finding volunteers/forcing other men to undergo this procedure.. etc.. Meanwhile, if all the Men just up and disappeared, we already have the technology to take DNA from one Ovum and implant it into another Ovum.. and the number of women who were pregnant before all the Men disappeared.. means they'd still be having kids for months after Men disappeared.. and Humanity would continue.
@TheMightyFuChan 2 жыл бұрын
@@Vynjira-chan indeed. I honestly don't understand this tooth and nail fight over who the superior sex is, can't we just agree that people bring different skills to the group that makes everything function as a whole? (Basically what Emma said) 🤦
@franciscodetonne4797 2 жыл бұрын
"Women need men to survive" Without women, no one would be born. One can say that human's sexual reproduction requires a man and a woman, but without women doing child bearing, humanity wouldn't exist. Humanity kinda requires women to even exist. Society seems to have a bizzare underappreciation for the support role. If I have a supporting GF/wife, I'd go out of my way to show her that her support is of utmost importance. Also, as a male human, I've seen and heard of many other male human being trashy in general so this guy is 100% a sexist and a narc.
@summertimedesigns 2 жыл бұрын
Women also, under the right circumstances, have the ability to produce milk. If we're considering an extreme survival situation, this could potentially sustain a person(s) for some amount of time. It's so bizarre to wake up one morning and realize that your body just made food. It's like discovering that you can pull bacon out of your elbow... 🤷‍♀😂
@michajastrzebski4383 2 жыл бұрын
meh. Men will just work a bit on an artificial uterus...which is something that is already being in the works. And you can already get a viable egg without a woman being even involved in literally any way. Support? I can support myself on my own, without a woman.
@pencilpauli9442 2 жыл бұрын
I'm trying to think of something wittily absurd as a response to the video's title, but while I believe I possess the wit, I am failing to come up with something more absurd. It's another one of those "Embarrassed to be Cis-male" internet moments.
@BorderWise12 2 жыл бұрын
"Strength and stamina disadvantage..." TBYS apparently hasn't heard that women actually have a stamina ADVANTAGE over men. Here's a quote from a BBC article called 'Are women better ultra-endurance athletes than men?' "In general, women have a greater distribution of slow twitch muscle fibres,' said Dr Nicholas Tiller, a senior lecturer in applied physiology at Sheffield Hallam University. 'These muscle fibres are more resistant to fatigue and more suited to endurance.'" Basically, men are (on average!) optimized to go fast and hard for a short time, whereas women are (also on average!) optimized to go slower but for longer. Both have their advantages in a survival situation. Funny how many anti-feminists don't seem to keep up with science, hmmm? 🤔 Big props to Emma for keeping her cool and sticking to straightforward criticism, because this level of willful ignorance is tremendously frustrating. TBYS apparently thinks reality TV and his own channel analytics accurately reflects reality and he confuses post-industrial interest with survival-related necessity, for crying out loud. 🤦‍♂ As for what I do: I'm a KZbinr and a novelist, and I (probably) benefit society through making people just that little bit happier (I hope!). 👍 Great video, great critique! 😁👍
@claveworks 2 жыл бұрын
Hunter-Gatherers - If you *really* want to go back in time. Every food collection/survival effort was a joint enterprise, with *mostly* men hunting, and *mostly* women gathering. Really though, I don't imagine it was fixed roles at all. Also, women probably knew how to light fires because, duh!
@bestaqua23 2 жыл бұрын
About 30 -50 present of pepole buried as hunters from the Stone age turned out to be women on further inspection . Those were not only not fixed it seems like it was more of a whoever is better at anything does it because everybody needed to work their best just to survive
@claveworks 2 жыл бұрын
@@bestaqua23 That is interesting - I got most of my stone age knowledge from fantasy books, specifically Clan of the Cave Bear by Jean M Auel, which is fiction, but fantastically well researched and written in a way that takes you right back to Homo Sapiens and Neanderthals and how they interacted and clashed (sometimes) going into the whole mindset of the various tribes and gatherings, the culture, worship, and survival tactics. It's also a love story involving the protagonist's story from a young girl being brought up by Neanderthals even though she was not one, all through to her having her own children etc. The description of the so-called 'primitive' tribesmen and women moving through the landscape finding food and water and shelter is just so evocative you can almost *smell* certain kinds of food they dig up without even stopping walking... Women not being able to learn survival? Just laughable!🤣
@mouthpiece200 2 жыл бұрын
@@bestaqua23 There is no way they can know that women were hunters. There are million different factors that could determine why someone was buried a certain way.
@laju6398 2 жыл бұрын
@@bestaqua23 "buried as hunters" doesn't say anything about how they lived that's completely speculative, if you want to draw this kind of conclusions show me at least female sceletons with hunting injuries otherwise you're just analysing the death rites of a long gone culture.
@seansimons1257 28 күн бұрын
it's not about "men and women ALWAYS have the same interests" it''s "men and women CAN have the same interests"
@aldrichjosiah6495 2 жыл бұрын
I wonder what these people will think of KZbinrs like Survival Lily who will outperform any of these men in a survival situation.
@Jackylification 2 жыл бұрын
'Survival Skills' is such a wide topic too. Sure men might be more interested in what they view as survival skills or in classes catered to them but if you broaden that to include foraging, growing your own food, general outdoor education, sewing and clothes making skills (yes those are survival skills), will there even be a gap? I'm passionate about this because I'm an ecologist, outdoor trainer and *gasp* a woman.
@mouthpiece200 2 жыл бұрын
Yes the gap would remain nomatter how you change the definition. The male chicken alerts the females when danger is coming. The male human alerts the females when danger is coming. Survivalism is a way of preparing against danger. It is biologically a male oriented pursuit.
@Jackylification 2 жыл бұрын
@@mouthpiece200 it's not changing a definition, it's including all of the skills required to survive. It's a moot point if I'm honest as most of the men (or women) who push this narrative, are unlikely to have the skill to survive in many environments.
@nanners2068 2 жыл бұрын
Emma, thank you so much for pointing out the existence of Girl Scouts. People seems to forget that we ware a wold wide organization dedicated to teaching girls how to become strong, confident, empathetic, well rounded HUMAN beings. I am a Gold award (girl) Scout, which is equivalent to an Eagle (boy) Scout. So I speak from experience when I say that there are MILLIONS of girls interested in survival techniques, as a well as skills from many different genres. It is small minded to assume anything about a group of people, regardless of gender. Thanks again Emma, you are truly amazing.
@seriokan2971 2 жыл бұрын
"Women don't want to learn survival skills" Weird, I didn't know women refuse to learn how to cook, sew, wash clothes, treat injuries and take care of animals. Which are basic survival skills... But I heard of men refusing to cook, sew, do laundry because those are "women things"
@orlando-from-The-Bronx 2 жыл бұрын
I'm sure that Paleoanthropologists can shed much better light on the subject than Think Before You Sleep.
@JacarandaMusic 2 жыл бұрын
Indeed! It’s not my job; but reading in this field shows that the idea that early human hunter gatherers were exclusively reliant on the hunting aspects for survival, has been superseded by the more nuanced understanding that its the gathering (and hunting small things locally) that keeps the group alive, rather than the charismatic chasing of big game. Not least because the latter often results in returning home empty handed. Oh and this is also based on contemporary hunter-gatherer societies too. But it varies hugely, and is more the case in more diverse (eg warmer and wetter) environments than harsher ones. So may have been different during Ice Ages.
@kraftyk4162 2 жыл бұрын
I work in a trade position and I work with two women. They both work extremely well but they both are sexually harassed constantly. One of them a rumor was started that she was sleeping with the supervisor and now has trouble getting work and the other gets hit on constantly
@GoatBoat22 Жыл бұрын
What if it’s true did you personally see here not doing that?
@inkwingcrow 2 жыл бұрын
Being trapped on an island with 99 other men sounds like my own personal hell, honestly! 😂 I definitely think it plays into the fantasy of individualism and nostalgia that these groups seem to run on. They want to be leaders, important, powerful, just for knowing how to light a fire.
@Cool-Vest_Leo Жыл бұрын
I give myself a week before at least 10 of them get tired of my humor and decide to eat me.
@kellycowley3535 2 жыл бұрын
I feel like in an actual survival situation these men are far more likely to be a hindrance than helpful since their active hatred of women would most likely piss off the whole group.
@bestaqua23 2 жыл бұрын
I have not watched the video yet but I'm going to put money did he is not going to mention historical examples like Goings Han's mom who survived with two kids for 10 years in the Mongolian wilderness which I'm pretty sure this dude cannot
@kai_plays_khomus 2 жыл бұрын
I'm a man, and I'm happily admitting that I need women to survive. Someone even told me I got assembled in a woman's body, imagine that!
@michajastrzebski4383 2 жыл бұрын
only because she got to have an input from a man. Like half of the genome. And, well, artificial uterus can solve even that, in a decade or two.
@kai_plays_khomus 2 жыл бұрын
@@michajastrzebski4383 Half a genome?! _Don't you say!_ In one or two decades when we have flying cars, the United Settlements of Mars declared their independence and Elon's tunnels get used for something actually useful. In reality science/genetics is already advanced enough to produce children with two genetical mothers and one biological mother which can but doesn't need to be one of the former two - it's only ethical constrains preventing children like this.
@Swpeloquin 2 жыл бұрын
Don't forget its kind of a male fantasy to imagen themselves in a situation in which they need to protect a family or a loved on physically. Survival shows are the male version of romance novels.
@chaosvii 2 жыл бұрын
That romance novel parallel makes the survival show genre so much more sense to me now! Thank you.
@xXKisskerXx 2 жыл бұрын
I know women hikers that would put most "men" to shame in the term of stamina, endurance and fitness - considering 'survival on an island' would be mainly these things, I have to disagree with his 'findings' on a basic level. on a more rational level, even more disagreement, since the source of his information is a tiny slice of already catered selection of videos on "his channel" - which isn't indicative of the entire world, it is like saying "well all my viewers are well enough off to donate at least $25 to me" - despite the fact that only I view my own content. Survival in 2021 is different than survival in 800 BC. Survival skills now deal more with city life and dealing with other humans - more than the wild island shows. If man, or woman, vanished right this moment - it wouldn't be a survival of nature, it would be a survival of species, in areas that now suddenly have probably 1/2 as much population as they used to. This means half as many workers too. Honestly if man vanished right now - the world would probably be better off. Humanity would be doomed to extinction, unless the Women left behind allowed cloning and gene splicing (which we are technically able to do, although not human tested) , but overall, Women would do just fine keeping humanity working, and the only real issue is reproduction. Sure some things might not get done anymore, or as quickly - such as the fact that many Men are in dangerous jobs (not saying women don't, however, just majority) and so those dangerous jobs might not be able to be done anymore due to lack of workers, or lack of need to do those jobs. (maybe coal mining stops, because women decide "lets go solar, now", no need for coal then etc) but that doesn't mean they won't survive... there's just about nothing women can't do that men can. In either case, it means the survivors would need to adapt and quickly. Men are not all powerful and all knowing. They do not provide "everything for survival" - this is an old "men bring home the bacon' mentality that needs to be buried, for it is dead and long gone.
@OtseisRagnarok 2 жыл бұрын
A lot of "survival" content is marketed with overly masculine packaging that would alienate women who genuinely want those skills regardless. This is a point aside from the questionability of how useful these skills are and all your other points.
@eric2500 4 ай бұрын
My wife's mother practically raised her on the hiking trail. Not so much for wilderness survival skills but to get her interested in nature, and wild beauty, and to get away from all the humans that bothered her. Lots of them men. As for survival she had two degrees and two professional careers after her divorce.
@user-do2ev2hr7h 2 жыл бұрын
I'm pretty sure Naked and Afraid (a show where people are never out of arm's reach of a camera crew) can't be used to prove anything. Glad I clicked "don't recommend channel" on Think Before You Sleep's channel and clicked "subscribe" to yours.
@jaclo3112 2 жыл бұрын
It's unsurprising that the man in the video thinks "reality tv" is real life and not painstakingly manufactured and marketed for pure entertainment. He's so gullible. Lol.
@christinesattelmayer148 2 жыл бұрын
another thought: when I was in my early twenties, I realized if I want to get anything done, I better do it myself, so I learned how to use power tools, I can find my way with a map anywhere, I could survive as well as any average man on an island
@Daz33546 2 жыл бұрын
Emma! I found his sources list!! Sources: -Trust me bro
@eric2500 4 ай бұрын
The Last Man is based on a Graphic novel series that was really GOOD - fun complex characters trying to get to the bottom of what is essentially a medical mystery. AND it is well drawn, very clean illustrations, a visual pleasure. *I have no idea about this TV series, how good it was, or why they cancelled it.*
@jamesmoore5039 2 жыл бұрын
I think it is interesting and kind of sad that men continue to be told that they need to be powerful and dominant. It is clearly to the point where we not only can't let go of the idea in order to build everyone up, but also we have to fantasize about situations where we believe we can dominant again. We need to stop pretending we are better than other because of hypothetical situations and start supporting each other.
@shalhevetebner2474 2 жыл бұрын
So according to this guy: Survival skills as a *hobby* in a modern world = Survival skills as a *necessity* in a (hypothetical) post-apocalyptic world. Brilliant logic there, absolutely exquisite.
@Cellidor 2 жыл бұрын
I also think it's rather disingenuous given that on those job percentage charts, there was not a single job category on either side that hit 100% for either sex. So even in this hypothetical of 'Imagine all of one sex disappeared', while it would be incredibly difficult it's not like either sex has any one job that now _can't_ be completed, yet they're making it sound like 'If all men dissapeared, _only_ then would everything utterly collapse'. Even their absurd hypothetical doesn't work. That and there's the obvious notion that humans in general are pretty damn adaptable and will learn new trades if the need for it is there. I'm working a tech job, not at a lumber mill, yet if society collapsed the idea that I couldn't learn to work in lumber if it became needed is...silly.
@lduker9731 2 жыл бұрын
As a species we need both sexes to survive. But as individuals we don’t need the other sex.
@helenlawson8426 2 жыл бұрын
My take from this (and I could be wrong) is that people who bang on about Survival Skills are also End of the World, Society is collapsing, type people who are probably Religious and possibly male dominated as it appeals to a kind of Alpha Male as saviour kind of mentality. That would be interesting data to look at.
@mouthpiece200 2 жыл бұрын
Survivalists come in many flavors. Some of those assumptions are right in some cases. The collapse of society could happen easier than you think. Most survivalists don't think of themselves as saviors, they just want to keep their family safe in hard times. It only takes 1 EMP for lights to go out across the nation, and we're instantly back in the 1800s.
@bananamerchant6387 2 жыл бұрын
He's not interested in following the facts where they lead, he wants to prove the facts are on his side because he's concluded that he is right no matter what. Citing facts mean nothing if you can't interpret them correctly.
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