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EMOTION Label Channel

EMOTION Label Channel

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@MrJH101 4 жыл бұрын
Zahir is essentially pulling off some Big Boss level plays from the Metal Gear franchise. _“Wage wars, fan the flames, create victims... Save them, train them... and allow them back onto the battlefield.”_
@randomplayer8797 4 жыл бұрын
Similar boss energy
@phaan2856 4 жыл бұрын
Well, there are a lot of Exos and I wont be surprised if they become autonomous.
@DP-nr1hz 4 жыл бұрын
@bogochelovekvpotentsiale 4 жыл бұрын
@JIMT412 4 жыл бұрын
Exoframe = Metal Gears. Jesus that's true.
@daibutsu009 5 жыл бұрын
作品の中に登場するもので、現実にないものがエグゾだけ、ってな、やっぱ現実世界は悲しく厳しいね 内戦も拉致で集められた少年兵もきっちり実在しやがる
@mstd34 4 жыл бұрын
@2389seyx 3 жыл бұрын
@煎茶-s5k 2 жыл бұрын
少佐から子供たちへ 子供たちからアフリカ中の仲間へ 繋がれていくところとても良いですね 意思が継がれていく感じ
@flamerounin2 5 жыл бұрын
This two-parter on Jamal is probably the best episode yet. It isn't just about the technological impact of the exoframes anymore but also their effects on people's mindsets. Jamal's story also has a bit of tragedy in it in that, while he does become an actual soldier, it is implied that he might not find a life outside of the battlefield, practically tying his worth on the exo he pilots.
@MuShinnen 4 жыл бұрын
That's a child soldier's mindset unfortunately. There are photos of child soldiers literally sleeping with their rifles. They're usually orphans, and have nowhere else to go. There are no alternatives, so they make due. It's pretty much what most of the kids aside from Jamal did. Jamal himself seems like he wanted to be a soldier, he just didn't think he was good enough to be one until he was shown how.
@igigor646 3 жыл бұрын
i suggest the movie beast of no nation, excellent and horrible movie about child soldier in africa. How they become one, what they endure, they do, and what they live after that.
@agapon2023 Жыл бұрын
@@MuShinnen That is any professional soldier's mindset. Many adult veterans are not able to find their place in civilian life either.
@CHRF-55457 Ай бұрын
It makes me wonder if he ever learned how to read and write when he went with the major instead of returning to civilian life.
@amanohabaya7274 5 жыл бұрын
@moma9704 2 жыл бұрын
@jojodiaz4224 2 жыл бұрын
Smh lol you have no clue kid!
@BlooFlame 3 жыл бұрын
Fun fact, the reason the tank was trying to back up as quickly as it did when the attacks were coming from above is due to the maximum angle the turret can be aimed. This is one of the reasons why it is inadvisable to use a tank in large urban areas.
@BradBo1140 3 жыл бұрын
Good observation. Isn’t war wonderful. Kill!
@billyelliot4141 3 жыл бұрын
Math is a killer
@chrisjeremiahacashews6999 3 жыл бұрын
The Russian part too considering they are known for their bad gun elevation/depression for a lower profile
@lee-ld7er 3 жыл бұрын
Well they should use IFV like BMP-2 or a BMPT "Terminator "tank.... Or even have the MI-24 circling at alt of 100m providing air cover with its flexible 12mm or 23mm turrets , infantry with AKs mounted with grenades launcher,or Chinese made QLU-11 23mm accurate Automatic Grenade Launcher.....
@zulcrux262 3 жыл бұрын
@@lee-ld7er I was about to say, a tank column similar to this one would not be completely on their own, they should have at least had infantry support. But at the same time tanks aren't really made for urban combat, (as we have learned from the Chechen War) better vehicles for urban combat would most definitely be something like a BTR or BMP as they are much easier to use and maneuver in an urban environment. Armor really does not matter in these types of environments, the roof armor of the turret and hull of a tank is much thinner than the front or sides, the enemy will almost always position on top of a building or at a high enough level to negate the tanks cannon and machineguns whilst also being able to exploit the weakness in their roofs.
@vivasiu 5 жыл бұрын
@yamaararagi 4 жыл бұрын
@TheSeeking2know 3 жыл бұрын
Good point
@sandramoreno4036 2 жыл бұрын
Just use the Google auto traduction, I'm lazy to speak all English. Así que, no sé si eres tú pero en todos los capítulos de la serie hay un japonés hablando de lo realista que es la serie lol
@Nilsengard 11 ай бұрын
@jesus_sama_z4620 10 ай бұрын
​@@sandramoreno4036si es verdad 😊
@AliSoli-b8v 6 ай бұрын
@@sandramoreno4036 racist
@que9666 5 жыл бұрын
1:10 ジャマル機の左腕が赤いのは小隊長機だから? こういう細部にわたる設定本当好き あとフロントミッションでいうWAWにテンダス乗っけた感じの武骨なデザインなところも良い
@saki-pl3oh 5 жыл бұрын
@せろモタ 5 жыл бұрын
@pompMIKI 5 жыл бұрын
@せろモタ 4 жыл бұрын
@y.m7324 4 жыл бұрын
saki 1029 設定では人類では修理できないらしいですよ
@Doyazee 4 жыл бұрын
血も生々しい傷などの残虐表現の無いメタフィクション。 出会うまでに時間が掛かったけど、良い作品だとおもいます。
@Vysair 4 жыл бұрын
This is what makes this anime is great. There is no evil side in the war. Everyone has their own life and circumstances, there is no hero nor protagonist. Just the life of these people. Really appreciate the messsge this anime delivered
@thetab0179 4 жыл бұрын
Just like real war.
@TheDrewker 4 жыл бұрын
Totally! I'll take a mature and balanced story like this over the magical, angsty "chosen one" stuff any day.
@DuckieMcduck 4 жыл бұрын
I mean, I think it was implied the first commander and village thug were plain evil.
@TheDrewker 4 жыл бұрын
@@DuckieMcduck There are evil people, but there's no evil "side". It's not like Army A is full of "good guys" and Army B is full of "bad guys" that all deserve to die.
@carlosandleon 4 жыл бұрын
it's always just sides and a resource being quarrelled over
@yokoichi 5 жыл бұрын
なるほど、これで1話に戻るのか~ 完全悪のいない世界ほど現実味のあるアニメはないよー すばらしい
@hidetravel5934 5 жыл бұрын
Yoko Ichi これで1話に戻るんですか? 1話はボウマン達3人が同じ部隊で南米にて戦闘。 2-4話で彼らの過去(米陸軍、民間軍事会社、諜報員)を回想しているのは分かりました。
@Ha-yq5ck 5 жыл бұрын
@害悪ガノタ俺が全て正しい 奴らは「世界を変える程の力」を考えるにしても、「自分だけが使えて〜、そんで女囲って〜グヘヘ」しか頭にないチーター根性の権化だからな 「誰でも使えて、通常兵器でも壊せたりする」様な欠けてる故のカッコよさを解せないのよ。ビーム兵器ゴテゴテも良いが泥臭いザクもっていう感性は無い
@Neko-N3k0tUr6o 5 жыл бұрын
@korge1235 5 жыл бұрын
まて! 「いつもの虚淵」って格言を忘れるな!! ……今度はどんなちゃぶ台返しを準備してるんだろうか? エクゾは間違いなく人類を「利用」すると思うんだけどね。
@hidetravel5934 5 жыл бұрын
mello好き 2話のボウマン(米軍戦車部隊)の回でもゲリラ兵は同マークのエグゾ付けてましたね。
@namacha0spetnaz 5 жыл бұрын
@ラーメンオジサン 3 ай бұрын
"逃げてどうなる?"の問いに痺れた。 戦わなければ全てを奪われる。 平和ボケした我々には堪えるな。
@livecoma11922960 5 жыл бұрын
こういうのでいいんだよ、、、 を地で行くアニメや
@8431mark 5 жыл бұрын
@渚チョコミント 4 жыл бұрын
ロボがでて…萌に媚びず… くっっっっそかっこいいとこなんすよね…… 最近そんなのが無いからなぁ
@UncleThrash 4 жыл бұрын
感動も萌えも要らん 芯の通った世界観があればいい
@bogochelovekvpotentsiale 4 жыл бұрын
@serau16 5 жыл бұрын
それが本当に選択肢だったのかは分からないけれど。 それでもザーヒルは、彼が来る以前よりはマシな選択肢を少年兵達に示したと思う。 その意味で、ザーヒルはとびきりではなくとも幸福な選択肢を彼らに与えた。 そして……少年兵達は戦いを選んだ。 Ep.1のボウマンが思っていた「このまま世界は混沌に沈むのかも知れない」という言葉が、重くのしかかる。
@ry-op9yg 5 жыл бұрын
ザーヒルさんこんな事劇中2015辺りからずっと繰り返してきたんだろうか? 国家・民族・思想あらゆる差違関係なく平等に均等戦闘スキルをばらまいてきたとか?
@JMCDee1987 5 жыл бұрын
世界と対等に戦えることすらできなかった貧困層にとって、エグゾの拡散は世界と戦えるようになっただけ公平になったといえる。 劣化コピーAK47を手にした人々も同じようなことを思ったのだろうか・・・
@songyaben7713 5 жыл бұрын
@@JMCDee1987 やるせないですね・・・
@BBT95919 4 жыл бұрын
それまでの人類の中の「富める物と貧しい者」「勝者と敗者」「力ある者による生殺与奪の絶対」が原則だった世界が、 「『エグゾ』という、老若男女関わらず誰もが簡単に得られる『力』」を手に入れる事で崩されていき、 「【この『力』を如何に使い、どうやって己の運命を変えられるか】を成せた者こそが、世界を新しく出来る革命を起こせる」という事に、 ザーヒルは早々に気付いたのかもしれない。 と同時に、「この力を世界を変える為として使うに最も相応しい場所や人が『途上国やそこでの貧困にあえぐ人たち』」であり、 その中でも「最も貧している弱者の位置付けにあったのが『連れ去られて逃げ場がないまま、命を使い捨てにされている少年たち』」だった。 彼ら自身がエグゾを使いこなして強大な相手への戦いを勝ち続けるほど、世界における今までの原則は崩れやがて真の平等たる革命へと近づいていく。 そういった自身での気付きからの信念で戦い続け、結果としてその信念は育て上げて託した者たちによって受け継がれ広がっていった。 ザーヒルの考えや信念のあり方って、現実の世界でいうチェ・ゲバラに似た感じなのではと思う。
@hangerrack 7 ай бұрын
@noellesato311 5 жыл бұрын
You know what you rarely see? Mecha shows that are *actually* international. You know what's even rarer? African Mercenary Mecha Corps. And the rarest? Mecha show protagonists who aren't teenage anime kids with anime hair and anime motivations. In fact, most of these characters barely have any hair! Also, big love for the exo-mecha designs. Not so sci-fi fantasy and more military industrial. You don't just make the technological leap from MBTs to Gundams, even when aliens are involved. Also. wheels on knees! Heck yeah! Putting the "mobile" back into "mobile suits"! Thank you Bamco. Please make more episodes!
@soujaunlimited 5 жыл бұрын
I agree, finally a show that makes sense, has relatable characters, and is not afraid to diversify...very rare, especially in anime. If the characters aren't white or asian, they are usually side kicks, comic relief, or portrayed as dumb.
@deejnutz2068 5 жыл бұрын
The geopolitical undertones are pretty nice too. Like what would happen if you all of a sudden could get mechs easily retrofitted for combat for nothing more than a ton of limestone. Only thing that really suspends my belief is how slow the US is to adopt it for military use. First thing I'd imagine the US would do is strap a howitzer on one of these.
@Hardbass2021 5 жыл бұрын
@@deejnutz2068 if I remember the premise of this anime, the US are adapting to it, as shown in Episode 1, it is the companies that are afraid of losing revenue if the US began shipping tens of thousands of tons of limestone. Besides the suppossed 'mind controlling' abilities of the Exoframes that the US is afraid of getting their hands upon it. I think they (the companies) can adapt to that by getting an Exoframe Unit and examine it up close and personal, then create equipment and tech for it.
@deejnutz2068 5 жыл бұрын
@@Hardbass2021 yeah I just don't buy that reasoning. It doesn't matter how expensive your equipment that you sell is, if it's not as effective people won't buy it. Just because the Exo itself is cheap doesn't mean it wouldn't be expensive to strap a tank and some big guns around it :P.
@BLAZE084 5 жыл бұрын
Can't argue with that sentiment. This series is really somthing else!
@nomad77543 5 жыл бұрын
やはり戦車に対しては上面からの攻撃が有効か... 安いからこそできるテイルローターへの体当たりは面白い。
@chunonc3690 4 жыл бұрын
kzbin.info/www/bejne/mZqQqapjrd2fY8k 上面からじゃなくての攻撃も有効よ
@2389seyx 3 жыл бұрын
@daamlop8946 3 жыл бұрын
Me llamo mucho la atención que pusieron en la disciplina de fuego de la Major Kayira. Dos disparos al pecho y dos disparos a la cabeza, su posición al disparar y el retirar el dedo del gatillo. Esto es lo que me encanta de esta serie, la atención a los pequeños detalles.
@ch-io7dk 5 жыл бұрын
@ともたん-d6g 4 жыл бұрын
ここまで一気見してきて思ったけどやっぱりエグゾの一番のアドバンテージはその安さだと思う。今のところ、エグゾは地上では無敵だけど高高度からの航空攻撃には弱そうだし正規軍の装備で絶対に勝てない相手かといわれるとそうじゃない。だからといってエグゾ一体にミサイルや爆弾なんか使ってたら大赤字っていうね。よく考えられてるなあと思う。 人それぞれ楽しみ方はあると思うけど、俺はどうやって旧来の兵器でエグゾに対して有効に対処するかを考えるのにハマってる。
@ハチ-o2h 4 жыл бұрын
@石丸郁万 4 жыл бұрын
@@ハチ-o2h もしくは催涙や神経ガスなどの化学兵器や電流とかも。 生体部品を使用してる上に機密性がないなら、CBRN兵器は確実に効くはず。
@2389seyx 3 жыл бұрын
@moma9704 2 жыл бұрын
今のところ気密が甘そうな中古エグゾにはガス弾とか焼夷弾… または遠距離からの対物ライフル狙撃くらいしかおもいつかないなあ…
@2389seyx 2 жыл бұрын
@@moma9704 いいですね!採用!
@nanakona9293 3 жыл бұрын
@revolverocelot293 2 жыл бұрын
たった12:56でも1分たつのが遅く感じる。とても濃密で息が詰まる。 これから世界がどう変わっていくのかめちゃんこ楽しみ!
@jaromswenson7541 5 жыл бұрын
i love this show. you get a clear picture on how "cheap disposable infantry enhancement weapons" could drastically change warfare. you see the mechs win and you see them loose. they might be revolutionary in their role, but they are only as good as the people using them. imagine the world relied on knights in armor and horse mounted infantry...then suddenly the average soldier and militia man is equipped with a firearm...all of the sudden war would change. imagine the tank is created,now the trenches of ww1 were no longer needed and artillery is not as useful as it used to be because the enemy is much more mobile. imagine fighter jets and bombers revolutionizing naval warfare and now everything is trumped by helicopters and jets. war constantly changes, and all of the sudden imagine if everyone got a hold of cheap mechs that are almost impervious to infantry rifles. we might actually see the death of infantry combat as mechs take their place (only time infantry would be needed is when cqc room to room combat, and thats only if the exo fram cant fit in that room already). i want to see more. what do these mechs mean for basic transportation? what does civil unrest look like now that both the cops and robbers can get these things? would national borders have to be constantly monitored from orbit with fast acting air assets to even stop anyone from entering a country illegally? do countries that restrict personal firearms try to stem the tide of citizens getting ahold of mechs? can dystopian countries like north korea even be able to keep their populace in or prevent a mechanized revolt? how would media and weeb culture change now that there are mecha? there's so many questions that would be impossible to answer in just a few extra episodes, but i look forward to what this setting holds for us. they just need to make more! Please! This is the only "real robot" show from the last few seasons of anime that i can enjoy right now!
@Iskr100 5 жыл бұрын
всё зависит от тактики использования того или иного вооружения, у всего есть сильные и слабые стороны
@Iskr100 5 жыл бұрын
даже пехота отлично обученная и оснащённая передовым вооружением обороны и нападения, а также разведки быстро превзойдут этих мехов, почему у танков в этом аниме не было вовремя поддержки с воздуха, а также разведки с беспилотных летательных аппаратов, эти мехи с детьми даже опомнится не успели как их размазали и смешали с битым бетоном в фарш с кровью
@jaromswenson7541 5 жыл бұрын
@@Iskr100 had to Google translate your response. What you said is true. Every won of war has strengths and weaknesses. When we do get mechs like these they will find a place in warfare, they wont be the ultimate wpn , they will just be another cog in the war machine with its role. Though in this series it's very cheap and efficient as a machine and will be super effective in war, in reality when we get to this point of mech performance it will be much more expensive and will have to worry about more logistics.
@jaromswenson7541 5 жыл бұрын
@@Iskr100 sorry, google translate only made sense of half of what you typed. but ill try to respond. well equipped infantry can indeed surpass these mechs, but the same can be said that well equipped infantry can take care of tanks/ helicopters/ and other well equipped infantry. we still use all those things, so "well equipped infantry" is not the ultimate form of combat, that's because "good equipment" only gets you so far in warfare.
@femimark5021 5 жыл бұрын
@@jonathanzentelin2815 i mean mechs like these are pretty good. Basically a fucking dirt cheap infantry unit thats better all round and a bit bigger as a downside(not always)
@BLAZE084 5 жыл бұрын
Ok! Character backstory and lore established. Next season: Main story arc. I genuinely enjoyed this series introduction thus far.
@sharp3176 4 жыл бұрын
@誠二松浦 2 жыл бұрын
@山崎東次郎 5 жыл бұрын
6:05 (フランス語) Halte la ! On ne passe pas ! (英語) Stop it! We do not pass ! (日本語) 止まれ! 通さないぞ!
@photovii 5 жыл бұрын
Oh c’mon! Just six episodes!? For real!?!? I didn’t see anything similar since GITS! This series deserves another 6 seasons as minimum Thanks for this!!!!
@flamerounin2 5 жыл бұрын
It'[s 12 episodes, as far as I know.
@brandonwatson5607 4 жыл бұрын
12 ep so far is right, 07 - 12 will be around winter 2020 the promo says
@eedgils6776 4 жыл бұрын
well they just uploaded episode 7, good for u :D
@parisbeech2180 Жыл бұрын
Keep hope alive 🙏
@ym3401 4 жыл бұрын
@芝田遼-c5o 5 жыл бұрын
一話目のオープニングで、スーツ着てたのが主要人物。 ボーマンは米海軍 ミヤジマは自称陸自 レウナーは民間軍事会社 まだ一人でてきてない。(ジャマルってことはないよな・・・?) この後どういう風に絡むのかとても楽しみ。 なんとなく・・・上の四人と独立戦線?との戦いになりそう・・・? 一話目の敵側の狙撃手はおそらく、少佐なる人物・・・?
@dokachan0816 5 жыл бұрын
@tnbison 5 жыл бұрын
"Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime." Self repeating cycle.
@pandhitahsasadhara694 5 жыл бұрын
​@@tibora13 ok lemme ask you two question , how come they did not used nuclear weapons in cold war? and how come we havent nuked north korea yet?
@corvus9359 5 жыл бұрын
@@tibora13 Hmm... I dunno, it probably has something to do with how nukes don't come from thin air. Also, the introduction of Exoframes doesn't mean a country will instantly achieve economic stability, instantly improve overall quality of life for it's population, or instantly mean the acquisition of the resources necessary for the production nuclear weapons. Also also, I don't think there's a single person alive who actively played a part in the colonization of any African country who could be held accountable. Many people probably don't know this, but it's very unreasonable to hold the current people of a country responsible for the actions of people who are from the same country from generations that are now past.
@corvus9359 5 жыл бұрын
@Bro9650 I never said colonialism was fair or right. Saying something is unfair is completely different from saying people deserve punishment. Why should people be held accountable for things that they were not involved in? It's not like the average British person living today had a say in things that happened before they were born.
@corvus9359 5 жыл бұрын
@Bro9650 In my first comment, that's what I said. I agree with you, in a righteous world, a country should take the steps to rectify injustices of the past, but the people of a country should not be held accountable for the actions of the generations past. The comment I was originally replying to, whether or not it was a joke, suggested that Africa should want to Nuke the United Kingdom for what I can only assume is the colonization of African countries. This is an idiotic course of action as it accomplishes literally nothing, and in fact would give rise to a plethora of new problems that would make doing anything for the benefit of African countries even more complicated and difficult. Lol we're arguing about 2 different things and we agree on both of them.
@badlaamaurukehu 4 жыл бұрын
Truth has a way of reiterating itself.
@iwakura_lain1980 5 жыл бұрын
@生茶大好きマン 5 жыл бұрын
もはやこれのためにKZbin premiumに入った
@赤羽無月 5 жыл бұрын
しん 同じく
@pyroromancer 5 жыл бұрын
u wot m8
@idumi0116 5 жыл бұрын
@hidehd3004 5 жыл бұрын
@Yokohama_second 5 жыл бұрын
@Sasakama_sakasama 4 жыл бұрын
しかも並の戦車より(使い方次第で)強いってことを先進国も薄々気付いてる分、おおっぴらに使ってる途上国の紛争に先進国は介入する気が更になくなるというね… この世界観では、少年兵は今の紛争国の少年兵みたいな銃持って人殺せるだけのかわいそうな存在ではなく、文字通り戦士になっていってる。 よその国の歯止めも無い中、このままどうなっていくのか…続きが気になる…
@漫画太郎-j2d 4 жыл бұрын
好意的に考えれば貧者が敗者から脱する一助にはなるだろう 具体的にはアフリカの真の独立やユーラシアの貧困国の逆転など だがその実態はなんで動いてるか分からん何か そもそもその闘争の意思は己から芽生えたものなのか? この何だか分からない代物が植えつけた意思なのでは? 一番問題なのは銃よりタチが悪いが其処ではなく 本質的にタチが悪いのが問題だ 要は謎と恐怖と疑念と憎悪を生み出す装置であると言うことだ
@すーぱー醤油さん 4 жыл бұрын
@ゆかぴぃぃ 5 жыл бұрын
@tariver1693 5 жыл бұрын
Calling Mi-24 helicopters "crocodiles" was a nice touch. That's how they are unofficially called in Soviet army.
@stevengreen9536 4 жыл бұрын
Mad props to Zahir.He turned those kids from a bunch of expendable rag tags to real soldiers.I am really starting to like the Outcasts Squad now. :D
@dannycampbell5255 4 жыл бұрын
So I'm a helicopter with precision long range weapons fighting an enemy that has extremely limited long range fire ability what should I do. Obviously fly super close to them so they can hit me thrown objects offcourse.
@CLRoby 4 жыл бұрын
I would not consider rockets a precision weapon, unless they are guided - which those were not. Of course, hovering in an urban environment unnecessarily was just asking to be killed.
@dannycampbell5255 4 жыл бұрын
@@CLRoby 1 rockets even unguided can still be precious weapons. The ones mounted based of helicopter and geographical area would probebly be S-8 in pods which have a range of about 3km but probebly 2km with accuracy it's hard to find good numbers for them . 2 next to the rocket pops are mounted some form of ATGM since the helicopter looks like a variant on the Mi-24 and its Africa the most likely would be the 9m120 ataka which can reach out to over 4 km very accurently. 3 it has some kind of auto cannon looks to be a 20 mm. Now assuming again that it's a variation on the MI-24 that might be a GIAT m693 but can confirm but either way most 20 mm have around the same range and this ones effective firing range is 1,500 mm. I made some assumption on weapon a here but even if I'm wrong I used the oldest possible options for each weapon on the helicopter so if I was wrong they would only be longer distance. Overall I'd say the helicopter had many options to engage them with precious ranged fire including with the dumb fire rockets from a much safer distance.
@CLRoby 4 жыл бұрын
@@dannycampbell5255 I agree that there were certainly some form of ATGM onboard the Mi-24s that were more precise. The issue was the presentation was of volley-fired rockets, which are more of an area kill weapon and less precise. Had they wanted precision, they would have semi-guided or laser-guided seeker heads and they would have employed them in a more stand-off configuration singly.
@obadel5092 4 жыл бұрын
That's the kind of attitude that all nations with big armies ahh my big helicopter with tech cannot be defeted the premise of the alien obsolete tool is that it moves by liquid bio tech it not produce heat nor radiation so it doesn't appear in sensor of normal weapons of today go check next chapters and it will show you why the americans are so scared that the Africans became a super power tanks to the obsolete tech all of today weapons became obsolete thanks to alien tech that worse it cannot be taken away from the public those tools where made available. To everyone at once in the world and those heli gunners where overconfident killing them because they where untrained kids classic overconfidence of corrupt flight officer.
@dannycampbell5255 4 жыл бұрын
@@obadel5092 Yes it's a cool premise but it doesnt actualy work. The weapons on that aircraft dont require heat or sensor lock to work most are line of sight like the 20 auto cannon then could just hover 1500 meters up and pick them off with camera. Even the ATGM doesnt need sensor data of the target itself it just follows where a laser is pointed so all they would have to do is keep the laser on them till it lands. And the rockets are dumb fire using optics. Now yes they would be more effective with thermals but it's not neccesary for it to work. But thermals would still work for finding the enemy since the riders are not invaded in anything more then some tarp so there heat sig would show up as hotter then the surrounding area. Sp yes those exo suits are cool and would defintly give an advantage to gurriela wairfair but it wouldnt make them on par with actuale mikitary because they would have no way to take down a helicopter or jets. There is a reason in real life when fighting insurgencies they do hit and run tactics they stick around shoot a couple shoots do some damage then leave before air support can come in because they know they would get wiped out if a F-18 or attack chopper gets above them. The show is trying to get a point across but there doing it poorly by not having the exo suits overcome the tech advantage of aircraft they just make the helicopter pilots the dumbest pilots in the world.
@PSC4.1 5 жыл бұрын
I need more! This show is really good by far the best mecha tv show I’ve seen in a long while. Edit: Need info on other nations, it’s not like all countries governments outlawed the use of exoframes need to see war development in high tension areas (Egypt, Israel, Palestine, Iraq, Iran, Ukraine) places like that almost constantly are fighting because of foreign nations trying to invade.
@pactumexcello9308 5 жыл бұрын
also the non blocs; ASEAN and IndoChina
@jaromswenson7541 5 жыл бұрын
man, i would love to see what the other nations versions of the exoframe are (same frame underneath, but different armor and upgrades). but one thing i would like to see is the cultural change. do riots now have cheap super cops and robbers? does the road system change now that anyone can get a cheap mech and dont need paved roads? do weebs use these mechs in their cosplay? now i dont expect everything from this series if we get more episodes, but its got my imagination on fire.
@RBZ-1 5 жыл бұрын
seemed like the industrialized nations were against it due to the huge profits they made off their own tech as opposed to the virtually free mech traded for limestone. So in turn they used propaganda to deter acceptance of the alien mecha
@jaromswenson7541 5 жыл бұрын
@@RBZ-1 yeah, in the 1st episode the usa military finally adopted the exoframe (as it's set in the future of the series). One issue with lobbying against exo frames is that the exoframes are sold off market, in other words the aliens have essentially set up a black market. Any one can trade anywhere without govt permission or fear of artificially inflated prices. These mechs are inevitable despite the best efforts of those with the money and power. Eventually it will be a market change and those who dont adapt will get left on the wayside. Those who adapt are the ones who make upgrades for the exoframe for every purpose.
@RBZ-1 5 жыл бұрын
@@jaromswenson7541 YES! now where's those aliens to provide us with inexpensive alternatives to monopolized industries. door's open.
@samuelsemblante4308 4 жыл бұрын
Jamal is like his Mentor, saving children, killing abusive people.
@ericssmith2014 3 жыл бұрын
For a particular meaning of “saving.”
@TymersRealm 5 жыл бұрын
And his story comes full circle, in a sense. I hope more is coming. And I can deal with the weekly unlock from the paywall.
@rileylupo7607 5 жыл бұрын
Same here this was amazing
@wildannandawicaksana5004 5 жыл бұрын
Same, I love the story so much
@victorhugorique3249 2 жыл бұрын
Até então o projeto Obsolete tem sido uma feliz surpresa que o KZbin me recomendou. Sem dúvidas o melhor episódio até então! Que animação, atenção aos detalhes e que narrativa!
@flaviourbina7531 5 жыл бұрын
What? Where's episode 7?! I need more!!
@Therapontigonus 5 жыл бұрын
Same Flavio Same
@soujaunlimited 5 жыл бұрын
@@Therapontigonus AGREED
@apashe7ss 5 жыл бұрын
Patience, my friend, patience. Project very cool. We all need more годноты!!!
@Therapontigonus 5 жыл бұрын
@MrUnnaz 5 жыл бұрын
@ak107100 5 жыл бұрын
@ロウガ-h7c 4 жыл бұрын
@sounosukeniizeki5387 4 жыл бұрын
@きむ兵衛 4 жыл бұрын
あらゆる意味で、めちゃくちゃクオリティ高かったですね! 第2シーズンも楽しみです!
@sabian8700 6 ай бұрын
I like how it's touted as the next warfare changing weapon, but for as much as we wished we could up arm the infantry, the next warfare changing weapon would end up being the drone and not mechanized suits also funny how this thing would get destroyed by a cheap drone as well
@Hiro-mi5sp 5 жыл бұрын
@Stock1897 Жыл бұрын
Felt like they got the ranks mixed up for adult Jamal and Kayira. Jamal should be the Major while Kayira is the 1st LT. The higher ranking person should be the one talking and the lower rank being the one shooting. Same for the salute, seems like the lower rank should be the one yelling "present arms".
@josephohara2457 Жыл бұрын
I was confused if that,with myself being in the U.S. marines the ranks in here seem off,when I watch a couple of episodes
@HowIin 5 жыл бұрын
I enjoyed the series. I hope it attracts a decent amount of attention. The first 3 episodes didn't do much for me but certainly were not bad. The last 3 stuck with me however, and I enjoyed them quite a bit. I can appreciate that the series was not unrealistically dramatic. In episode 4 I appreciate the end result being that the MC of that episode obeys the orders and retreats. Small things like that make a show that much better to me. The music as always is fantastic too, Bandai Namco really has an amazing sound team all around.
@crimsonsixth204 Жыл бұрын
The attention to detail at 5:26 is crazy. Gunshot heard just second after the bullet impacted, insane details
@owlthepirate5997 4 жыл бұрын
This storyline was excellent! I usually don't even like animations like this, but it caught my attention from start to end! Great job, guys.. (I'm hooked on these now!lol)
@7_543 5 жыл бұрын
ザーヒル、あるいは他の大人が子供達を兵士に仕立てる ↓ 子供のいる地域の紛争が終わる ↓ 子供は戦うことしか知らず、社会復帰は困難 ↓ 子供達は生きるため、戦地を転々として戦い続ける ↓ 大人になった子供達は、他の子供達を兵士に仕立て上げる この無限の負の連鎖は現実でも起きてるんで他人事でもいられなかったりする
@七誌権兵衛-p3f 5 жыл бұрын
ご存知とは思うが、実際の紛争地の少年兵勧誘は攫って洗脳⇒その子の親をその子供自身に殺させて、倫理的、経済的に逃げられない様にする。 戦争しか知らないし、問題は暴力で刹那的に解決する癖がついているので、一からやり直す事も出来ない。 堅気の人間からは絶対雇われない。下手に雇うと殺されて資金持ち逃げされたりする。 日本の左翼も似たような事やってるが、いつの世も子供の人生消費させて自分の目的果たそうとする大人の汚さといったら無い。 SEALDsの子達とか今も就職難に苦しんでいる。でそれをやらせたのは学生運動やってまともに就職出来なかった輩。 まともな大人なら自分が食らった悲劇は後輩に負わせない様に動く。でもその逆をやる屑が何時の世もいる。
@NameName2.0 2 жыл бұрын
Voice acting 3/10 Concept 10/10 Story writing 8/10 Cool show
@2990117 4 жыл бұрын
日本アニメによくある露骨なエロや萌えキャラも、派手な演出や流血表現も無し。しかも非常に国際色豊か。 多分、世界市場を意識してるからなんだろうけど、それでも下手なロボットアニメより遥かに面白い内容に仕上がってるのは驚き。 やっぱり作品の面白さは表現の自由度云々ではなく、作り手の努力と表現力次第なんだなって思う。
@DreadNought0255 5 жыл бұрын
A fresh take, to be sure. Very enjoyable compared to all the other mecha anime out there. Problem though is that as usual in such anime, everyone NOT in one of these Exo's is a complete and utter moron when it comes to tactics, strategy and optimal application of their given hardware. Tanks do not operate in urban environments without constant air-cover and infantry backup exactly BECAUSE they are weak to attacks from above, attack choppers do not fly at knife-fight building level, even armored the exo's could be dealt with GPMG's and HMG's, etc etc. Still, this series a very detailed look at the given hardware. It's no "Genocidal Organ", but an enjoyable watch.
@PSC4.1 5 жыл бұрын
Martin Metsma it’s a 3rd world country not all their tactics are very good unless they have a military adviser from a foreign nation
@DreadNought0255 5 жыл бұрын
@@PSC4.1 I was speaking of the series as a whole. Like that bridge scene with the americans. Full armor division against some dudes with scuba gear, land mines and stock exos. And the Army got routed. As useful as these exos would be, they would not have this big of an effect. It's a neat show anf does quite a bit right, but it ultimateli still falls victim to the usual mecha anime tropes.
@jaromswenson7541 5 жыл бұрын
@@DreadNought0255 i would argue that trying to make an accurate military show is practically impossible. we haven't gotten anywhere close with todays media, and this show did more research then many "military" media did (its not the most realistic,but its not the least realistic). but the way i see it is this. just like in war, variables can greatly change the outcome of any battle. Americans became lax in their tank superiority, that was taken advantage of, and that was what its like if tanks are unsupported and got ambushed from all sides. in episode 5 we see the mechs getting their asses kicked by artilery and tanks because of combined arms warfare, and the fact that it was a bunch of inexperienced disposable kids piloting them. victory goes to the prepared and the humble. there are alot of cases in military history where a force with both advantage in experience and gear was destroyed by their lessers. i imagine the mechs might initially become a new and hot thing for war but soon people will wise up and take them seriously. would the mech still dominate the battlefield? no, and it could never,just like the tank used to dominate the battlefield in ww1-ww2 but that changed when people started to pan to counter them. in the end the mech will get slotted into normal war tactics. now there are some factors im not taking into consideration. its just how bloody cheap these things are and how anyone can get one. whats the point of expensive tanks that easily cost a small army of these mechs when you can swarm the tank with suicide mechs and still have plenty leftover. in real life, when we develop power armor that acts like this mech it will not be anywhere that cheap and would only really be in the hands of the rich and developed nations. so this series can never be "the most realistic m,military show ever". but i am glad they actually thought about the concept instead of just making "super duper giant flying mechs rofl stomp everything" that any schmuck would've done in the current anime industry.
@RBZ-1 5 жыл бұрын
i would argue that arrogance in thinking the alien mech were not designed for fighting and used by, as you stated the non-tactical folks, could be overwhelmed just by sending anything in there...which worked just fine until the mech side got smarter. I imagine successfully attacking a chopper from above was never considered by either side due to how dominant they were so the choppers followed them down below thinking it would be a piece of cake, and they surely did not expect that scarfaced guy to show up or the 2nd chopper still likely would have won.
@arrielradja5522 2 жыл бұрын
Oof me looking at russia
@capscaps04 4 жыл бұрын
I really love the design of the mechas here. it is like seen early war vehicles but with modern materials. Like those plastic tents over the mech pilots vehicles.
@カルファ-e1i 5 жыл бұрын
上官が伝説の傭兵(スネーク)みたいな人だったら そりゃついてい来すよw
@eiichi8832 4 жыл бұрын
@手島喬 4 жыл бұрын
@marianolopez2562 5 жыл бұрын
Muy entretenido, hubiera estado bueno mas episodios. Espero con ansias la segunda temporada.
@がっちゃんM 5 жыл бұрын
いやー、大変面白かったです。短い話数と時間で結構描けるものなんですね。欲を言えば、エグゾフレームをもたらした 宇宙人の真意とその後の関与、人類の行く末迄を描いてほしいなぁと思いますが欲張りすぎでしょうか。続くシーズン希望。
@せろモタ 5 жыл бұрын
ゲリラの簡易戦闘用が好き。身軽そう。 PMCも使ってそうだな。
@madkaz4159 5 жыл бұрын
Episode6 最高!!! ありがちな話だけど 大好きです こんな時代だからこそ 希望が湧いて来た気がしました スタッフの皆さん ありがとうございます! あっ有料で長編待ってます。
@russetwolf13 4 жыл бұрын
The only problem with this show is how consistently necessary it is to make the enemy bone deep stupid to show how effective the EXOs are. Like, the tanks rolling through an urban area with no infantry support, Helicopters flying below the tops of the buildings. The show is literally demonstrating the reason no one does those things, because you get owned by infantry. Which also everything they're doing is shit regular infantry can already do, just faster and far, far more visibly. Like, dudes, the EXOs would be super useful and advantageous for an infantry unit in every way. They would be a big game changer, for sure. But you don't need to hilariously exaggerate their utility. There's no way they replace armored vehicles of other types. Nice as these things are, with an open sight line and good positioning and tactics tanks and APCs would decimate these buggers. Losing to a bad match up doesn't mean something isn't useful.
@russetwolf13 4 жыл бұрын
@Magni56 And it's a stupid tactic, because you can run into unexpected resistance and lose an expensive ass tank. And this resistance would be expected given we see these EXOs running around with wacky craft built panzerfausts right from the start. They know the enemy has the capacity to damage their tanks, and roll in infantry support when they first appear as well. So the final fight is just "and then the enemy forgot a bunch of key information about their enemy and didn't use infantry, the one thing they have more of than tanks and helicopters. and thus lost their tanks and helicopters." A tactic being believable doesn't make it reasonable.
@russetwolf13 4 жыл бұрын
@Magni56 I know, the issue I'm describing is the show has it's enemies make these reasonable mistakes continuously. Basically if anyone in the show were reasonably competent there'd be nothing overwhelming about the EXOs. If the enemy has to always make grave tactical errors for your fictional war machine to be effective then it's not a very good war machine.
@russetwolf13 4 жыл бұрын
@Magni56 Yeah, and the very first is totally unbelievable chiefly because the Americans used nonsensical tactics. They didn't panic and fall back on standard tactics which failed, they weirdly fell back on tactics they would never have learned or used even when panicking. Like refusing to use their Coax when they'd more likely burn their barrels out from firing them too much. Or driving their LAV into the water when a terrified, panicked commander would avoid it because they'd instinctively know they're sitting ducks in the water. Every single battle between them and conventional forces where the EXOs win requires not just that the enemy fuck up, but fuck up in massively. Like we're talking day one tactics 'do not do this shit" kind of fuck ups. And we're meant to think that this kind of shit is why EXOs are rendering conventional forces obsolete. It's like saying this new type of boxing stance is revolutionizing boxing and it's just like a slightly advantageous stance. But all the experts are shown to be just helpless before it because they're massive dumbasses who make beginner mistakes for no apparent reason.
@russetwolf13 4 жыл бұрын
@Magni56 Except, you know, they never fire their coaxially mounted guns even once. I went back and checked, not a single tank fired their coax, and only a couple fired their pintle mounted guns, notably from unstabilized mounts while moving. The LAV ironically never uses their autocannon despite every single EXO on the field being in range and in view of their position. So clearly you need to rewatch that episode. There's even a former tanker in the comments who basically said they'd never do any of that shit even if they were panicking because they'd literally have to forcibly resist their training to make those mistakes. "None of these are fuckups that are particularly severe or surprising." These fuck ups are insanely severe and almost impossible they're so counter to any human survival instinct. The LAV literally drives into the water despite knowing only that the enemy is submerged in the river specifically. They do this to link up with a force that is being swarmed by enemies who they'd avoid if they were panicking, in range of their main gun. With a full field of fire and easy targets the LAV commander refused to fire his main gun, pop smoke to retreat or call in fire support, all of which are things they're trained and expected to do and all of which are easier, safer and smarter than what they did. Instead the dude drove into the water to link up with a force he didn't need to link up with, wasn't ordered to link up with, and which was currently under attack while he was in easy firing range. That's even more of an incomprehensible mistake when you realize pretty much every LAV driver is terrified of the water and will avoid it at all costs. Because a LAV is extremely slow and vulnerable in the water and can easily kill everyone inside if it starts to sink. LAV operators will drive miles just to use a bridge rather than ford even a small river because something being amphibious does not mean it's a good idea to take it into the water. "We're seeing much worse even from highly-trained western armies today with depressing regularity." Name one example of any first world military unit being that stupid, to the point of them literally acting against their years of training and against all their survival instincts to do something so monumentally stupid as to not hose unarmored infantry in the open with machine gun fire. Again, the problem is that the EXOs are show to ONLY be effective when the enemy acts monumentally stupid. Their practical advantages are obvious but they wouldn't in a million years be able to take on tanks and helicopters head on. Which is what they're shown to do and why we're meant to think they're game changing.
@miming3679 3 жыл бұрын
Those T 72s were lured out by the EXOs, as you can see they were chasing them at full speed. They were negligent since the first time they fought the EXO child soldiers they nearly obliterated them and also last episode, they were supported by infantry.
@エンセリオ 5 жыл бұрын
@せがた五十郎 4 жыл бұрын
@makkukosakai1771 5 жыл бұрын
マジでエグゾみたいな兵器があったら既存の兵器でどんな戦術を行えば対処できるんだろう。 戦車では機動力に劣るし対戦車ヘリじゃ大口径機関銃を装備してるエグゾに撃ち落とされる。やっぱり爆撃機での面制圧が有効なんだろうけど費用対効果が合わない。地雷もクレイモアじゃ破壊できないし対戦車用は踏むかすら怪しい。 エグゾに勝てるのはエグゾだけなのか…
@doublep1980 4 жыл бұрын
I see the pilots of the HIND choppers have graduated from the same school of Stormtroopers and ret*arded military tactics as the US Marines in their tanks,in episode 2.
@lilzenongene 4 жыл бұрын
Yeah, these guys are acting more like warthunder players than like real soldiers, why didn't those tanks just start spraying with the DShK?
@Gustav_Kuriga 4 жыл бұрын
Agreed, stuff like this completely ruins my immersion in the show.
@SnkHetz 4 жыл бұрын
@@lilzenongene T-72 should use HE against lightly armored exos.
@lilzenongene 4 жыл бұрын
@@SnkHetz even just the 12.7 could shred them though, so using the main gun would be overkill
@mrdoormat6809 4 жыл бұрын
@@SnkHetz unless its a big target, hitting small exos would be hard and waste of shells unless they're standing still.
@TheIconicHat 5 жыл бұрын
Yes. *Just, yes.*
@jamychong2876 5 жыл бұрын
I feel you😅
@starlightginga1 5 жыл бұрын
Yes! 高須クリニック!?
@Johnsmith-uh2il 5 жыл бұрын
ザーヒル在ってこの少年達が在り、戦争の泥沼に沈むんすねぇ 元の生活が悲惨だったのも考えると一度手に入れた力も場所も失いたくないだろうしなぁ で、続きはまだかいのぉ?気になって夜しか寝れないぞ
@大河原豪 5 жыл бұрын
@JaYoeNation 2 жыл бұрын
They were above the chopper… couldn’t they have thrown literally anything else other than one of the mech suits?
@venator5 2 жыл бұрын
Especially with crew inside. No way he would have survived that.
@connormessina150 2 жыл бұрын
Didn't you see the guy jump out before he threw the exo?
@greysonthomas7778 2 жыл бұрын
@@venator5 there was no one in the exo, the child soldier piloting it jumped out last minute. Also remember the exo’s are extremely disposable and cheap as they talked about like 3 separate times in this episode and the last.
@RBZ-1 5 жыл бұрын
I was definitely about to pass on this due to subtitles but the comments convinced me. So glad I did. This was way deeper than just fighting and spoke on the real life dynamics of war. MORE!!!!!!!!
@killak3219 Жыл бұрын
It’s criminal that this series was t continued.
@吉田豊-b4z 5 жыл бұрын
少年兵・・・無限増殖・・・ 少佐は彼らに戦う事よりも何かを作る喜びを教えるべきだったんだよ・・・悲しいね
@park-sy2ov 5 жыл бұрын
@@ぺーさん-x2z 勝ってたらそれは良いでしょうが戦局が変わって負け始めたらそれは地獄になるでしょうね。少しの変化で壊れてしまう脆い青春ですよ。
@クマークマ 5 жыл бұрын
戦争の栄光しか知らず、一つの生き方しかない彼ら。 確かに奪われることは無くなりましたけど、生き方がそれしかなかった時点で不幸せです 導くと言っても兵士への道一本ですし
@owlpisolino 5 жыл бұрын
どっかで読んだなあ 戦争の本当の狂気ってのは無意識のうちに「戦う」以外の選択肢を忘れてしまう地味で残酷な思考だって
@sounosukeniizeki5387 4 жыл бұрын
@jiroueda7529 5 жыл бұрын
3:40~ 尻尾のタイヤの中がヨー軸回転してるw そんな方向にも曲がるのか 高速回転もするのはジャイロ効果を生んで安定させてる?それとも2輪走行だけど2輪が重心より前に出てるから尻の下に反重力でも発生させてる? 細かくて良いですな いつかどこかで解説希望
@christopherzarcone1363 4 жыл бұрын
>African warlord is about to execute someone >Has the sights set to max like what they did IRL Bandai I love it, I will give both kidneys for some more
@MarchelloHancock 5 жыл бұрын
Very relevant plot and progression. The chief inhibitor to military might is military arms. A cheap exosuit that levels the playing field and a commander the “rescues” desperate people will have a massive army of loyal and disposable insurgents.
@jaromswenson7541 5 жыл бұрын
thats why i love this episode so much. one might see a guy protecting the children, but while he seems to value personal choice, he taught these kids to be soldiers and would naturally become their "savior" and they would follow him until death. child soldiers are not romantic (im looking at you gundam), its the most tragic thing in today's warfare.
@蒼龍飛龍-c8z 3 ай бұрын
@石炭電光 5 жыл бұрын
@onmyooji 4 жыл бұрын
僕ら人類ピラミッドの上層から見ればそうなんでしょうが、最下層にいる者にとって真の平等に近づく正の連鎖でもあるんですよ 「このまま世界は混沌に沈むのかもしれない」そしてその混沌は、善でも悪でもない平等な闘争です
@MILAN-im7pg 4 жыл бұрын
戦争のない世界なら、エクストリームスポーツに使われるかな? レッドブルやモンスターエナジーのバージョンカッコ良さそうだ!!! 子ども達の夢も変わるだろうになぁ
@puyao8472 5 жыл бұрын
アーマードコアかと思ったら漫画のFRONT MISSIONだった
@wyvern003 5 жыл бұрын
@JACK_TheAllSeeingEye 3 жыл бұрын
I guess they all have to learn what 'Pree zent AHMSS' actually refers to. Hint: it's not saluting...its presenting your rifle for inspection.
@chaotixthefox 2 жыл бұрын
Supposedly if you don't have rifles then it does mean salute. But these kids had rifles so clearly the writers in fact don't know.
@サイコパス-t2b 5 жыл бұрын
@purrfekt 5 жыл бұрын
@ミニコー 4 жыл бұрын
@Spe.Sdkfz__181 4 жыл бұрын
@@ミニコー それマジ⁉︎ ちょっと見たら凄いハマってここまで一気見するぐらいこの作品に興味持ってたんで ありがとナス!
@ミニコー 4 жыл бұрын
@@Spe.Sdkfz__181 ほら、みろよみろよ
@TheCoolParnell 5 жыл бұрын
I never thought that I would ever use the term "mech parkour" in a serious context.
@theofficerfactory2625 5 жыл бұрын
The advantage of a nine foot tall frame whose mobility is a bit better than us humans.
@ハヤシ和也 5 жыл бұрын
@雷無寿 5 жыл бұрын
@wrxya4578 5 жыл бұрын
@優しいキャベツ 5 жыл бұрын
@sergiomoretti4292 4 жыл бұрын
Это очень классно ! Вообще, все круто проработано. Все сцены, звуки и музыка, дизайн техники. Смысл в анимации хорош, пришельцы торгующие экзорамами это что-то с чем то ! Очень актуальный фильм, наводит на интересные мысли. Такое не часто встретишь. Отличная работа. Bandai Namco вы молодцы ! P.S. Thank you Bandai Namco !!!)))
@joshuagraham2843 2 жыл бұрын
the major giving me big boss vibe teaching his kids how to become competent soldier the major is like a father taking care of their stray childrens
@hidetravel5934 5 жыл бұрын
EP-1Bowman, Miyajima, Loewner (2023) EP-2 Bowman (2015 EP-3 Miyajima (2016 EP-4 Loewner (2017 EP-5 Jamal, Zahir (2016 EP-6 Jamal, Zahir (2016~?
@oompalumpus699 4 жыл бұрын
Thank goodness Jamal has not discovered Twitter yet. He'll probably shoot the crap out of it.
@faatihh1130 4 жыл бұрын
calm down jamal, dont pull out the exo
@juancarloshernandez7509 2 жыл бұрын
Excelente serie creo que unas de las mejores del año 2022 las gráficas los detalles y el libreto son muy entretenido y cautiva
@santiagosebastiansotelo4222 2 жыл бұрын
Te creo bro
@レッドホーン 5 жыл бұрын
@watarut 5 жыл бұрын
@RamonCaulfield Жыл бұрын
Major Zahir. A commander who preserved humanity and became a mentor and legend for his students.Even if it's in a cartoon.
@yf-28x60 4 жыл бұрын
@石丸郁万 4 жыл бұрын
@deepnetx6 Жыл бұрын
This anime is amazing. It predicted exactly how modern war changed. The ukrnians don't have exo suites but they utilize drones cellphones with old 20th century weapons creating revolutions on the battlefield new strategies and tactics, moping the floor with much more stronger opponent.
@j4d1munoz41 5 жыл бұрын
Por favor, espero con ansias los demás capítulos, me gustó mucho la serie.
@Megariss-Carol.Unofficial 3 жыл бұрын
@jamychong2876 5 жыл бұрын
The music during the action sequence is so feckin good
@ry-op9yg 5 жыл бұрын
ザーヒルって名前から中東系の人間を連想するけど やっぱ偽名なんだろうな そもそも本当に名前がある「人間」なんだろうか?
@目元がクールなショートがタイプ 5 жыл бұрын
@2990117 5 жыл бұрын
もし第三話で姿を見せなかったパキスタン工作員が彼だったら、中東の人間の可能性高いよ。 それだったら、あの戦闘力もうなずける。
@焼け野原ひろし-h8u 4 жыл бұрын
今のところペドラーの外見は明らかになっていなかったですね。何らかの目的でエグゾを広めるため、密かに人間社会に溶け込んでいるペドラーの工作員が居るかもしれない。 そして人間社会に潜む彼らの正体に誰も気が付かなかったとすれば…
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