前些年發生的一個重大事件,是關於「Loveland police officer arrested a woman with dementia」,事件因員警接獲一起偷竊的報案,依報案人所陳述竊賊的特徵,循線攔查路邊一名老婦人而起。 後來這名患有失智症的老婦人未聽從員警的命令,逕而轉身離去,隨後遭到員警壓制並上銬逮捕。 執勤的兩位員警,最終下場都非常非常的慘…!
Today I was at a Metrolinks station. A guy reached to the top of a scaffold-like structure and took something, which apparently was hidden there by him or someone. A couple cops coincidentally passed by and saw that. They handcuffed and searched the guy, who said the thing was his phone. Can you guess what happened?
@policesays2 жыл бұрын
Its a gun?
@alhambraalhambra7342 жыл бұрын
@@policesays I don't think so. The guy stayed there to talk on his phone for a couple minutes before the cops came to handcuff him.
@policesays2 жыл бұрын
Not there idk what was going on. Maybe match to a description of a suspect? Idk