私はアメリカ航空会社で働いていて、世界中からの同僚と働き、世界中からのお客様相手にしていますが、どの国の人も皆私によく言うのは、Japanese people are very police, respectful and disciplined. I highly respect your culture and the people. というような事です。嬉しいことです。 一度だけ、マサさんと同じく、コロナが始まった頃チェックインカウンターに白人の男性が来て、「何でマスクしてないんですか?」って言ってきたので(その頃まだ誰もマスクしてなかった) どういう意味ですか?って言ったらBecause you’re Asian. って言ってきたので、First of all, I’m not from China. Second of all, I live here just like you. Why aren’t you wearing a mask? と言ってその場を立ち去ってやりました😂
@songandwind72Ай бұрын
日本に住んでた時に会話中 "I live here just like you"と言ったけど相手が「帰れ」とか言って、やっぱどこの国でも差別するやつがいるよ。日本人よりも同じ白人同士と喧嘩する可能性が非常に高い。本当の右翼みたいな差別じゃない
もし差別的な言動を受けた場合には、きちんと面と向かってYou're a racist!やTake back your words NOW!のように厳然と反論する必要があります。内弁慶な態度や、万一にもSorry...などと小声で弱気な態度をとることはかえって相手をつけあがらせてしまいます。私も一度Can I understand you're a racist?と言ったら相手の顔は引きつっていました。racistのレッテルを貼られることはそのような連中にとっても怖いようですので効果はあると思います。
I think largest number of Asian immigrants in US are Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean descendant. most of them are much very Americanized compare to Japanese.
I think money paying customers, such as tourists are usually get treated well. that is same as Japan. however, if you are side of making money, getting paid. situation are different. immigrant tend to work at lower wages, so American workers sometime don't like it. most of factory, electronics companies I work,worked, are mostly immigrants. company owner like immigrant workers more than traditional American workers, who often complain too much. I even heard company owner saying they will only hire foreign born immigrants.
This is really hard to believe because in Hawaii, White people are deeply discriminated by the Asians, including Japanese Americans that live there. For example, a friend of mine wasn't allowed to join a police department in Hawaii because they only basically hired Asians. This is famous about Hawaii. They really look down at White people.