30年前若い時は何も考えず数年アメリカに住んでいたけど、その時はアメリカは今よりも豊かで皆にもっと余裕があったように思います。家賃も安くてサンフランシスコ郊外でもアパートのone bed roomが500ドル、two bed roomが700ドル位、家一軒借りても1000ドルでした。ローインインカムと言われる住宅地域に行っても皆一軒家に住んでいるし車2台あってアメリカってなんて豊かな国なんだろうって思った経験があります。その頃のアメリカ人ってアメリカはナンバーワンって完璧に思っていて自信に満ちていて、多人種に対してもっと余裕があったように思います。白人の人達からアメリカはどうってよく聞かれました、いい国でしょうって(最初のホストマザーから私がアメリカのライフスタイルをあなたに教えてあげると言われました)。でもいろいろあった時に(英語上手く話せないし)日本に帰りたいって言ったら、何でこんな素晴らしい国から自分の国に帰りたいの?信じられない的な反応されました(数人から)。今から考えると、現在よく聞く「お前はここに属していない、自分の国に帰れ!」って言われるのと全く正反対の状態だったんですね。 実際に日本に帰ることになった時に、あなたはそれで幸せなの?”Are you happy?”って聞かれました。あんまり言われるから、自分の国に帰るから幸せですよと答えましたけど。 あとアトランタに行った時に日本人の友達と3人(若い女子が3人)でキング牧師のお墓参りに行こうって歩いていたら、いつの間にか黒人の住む住宅地域みたいなところ歩いているのに気が付いたけど、通りすがりの黒人の人達からハイって挨拶されただけだったし、今のアメリカの状態からは考えられないのかもしれませんね。 後ほどサブプライムローンが崩壊した時にローインカムでも家が持てるとはそういう事だったんだって思いました。今は不動産価格が高騰して仕事あるのにホームレスになる人達が増えて、アジア人の台頭でそうなってせいもあるかもしれなくて、コロナとそのはけ口で余計にヘイトクライムを加速させているのかなと。でもこれもあくまでも私個人の経験で、過酷な人種差別に合わなかったのはたまたま周りの人達に恵まれていて、運が良かっただけなのかもしれない。
Hi, thanks for speaking from your heart on this topic. I don't speak Japanese fluently, but I was able to pick up on key words and understand what you were saying. I find it rare for a Japanese who speaks his/her mind on sensitive topics like this after living in America. The cultural dynamics of America is surely different from that of Japan. Unfortunately, I don't think racism in this country will ever go away. Actually, I believe it's only going to get worse. Enjoyed watching your video. Well done!
As an American I just want to say, I am so sorry for these ignorant hateful people. You are welcome here. You are wanted here. Please live here or visit this country anytime you like. You shouldn't feel scared to walk down the street as an Asian person. We need to teach all people to respect other people of other backgrounds from their own, from people who are different from them in general, and we need to teach all men to respect women. I don't live in New York, but I live in a US city, and I know of the bad behavior that goes on in public here in the US, especially in cities, and it's just not ok, that being said those racist idiots don't speak for the majority of Americans. Americans are from all races. Americans come from many backgrounds. Speak many languages. Follow many religions. People in my country seem to forget this fact, and act tribal and then have ignorant racist views towards other races different from their own race. Racism is not funny, it is not cool, it is not ok. It is not a casual thing. It is totally unacceptable. It is hurtful. It is a form of violence. It is a form of assault on another person simply for who they are on the outside. Racism is complete ignorance of what it means to be human. Empathy for others is what makes us human. Understanding other people just want to be treated with respect and to not be bothered is important. To be left alone, and allowed to live freely. Allowed to pursue their life. Racism needs to be stopped and called out. People need to speak out and say NO, you cannot say that to that person, you cannot do that to them, and they need to interject themselves into it and stop such bad behavior. Any behavior that makes other people feel scared or threatened needs to be stopped. People need to stop other people from being racist towards other people different from them, men need to stop other men from harassing women. etc. etc. and so on. no matter what the situation is, if people see this bad behavior happen they need to speak up and speak out, and stop it. Civility requires the enforcement of social norms. Take care and good luck in your endeavors.