Gothic Remake Screenshot Analysis 2

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4 ай бұрын

Time Mr. Freeman? Is it really that time again?

Пікірлер: 64
@timurkhodyrev 4 ай бұрын
Few moments that I should comment on 1. Gomez does have gray hair on the left side of his head. You even can see it, but it seems you confuse it because of the lightning falling from the left. 2. Not an official statement from the studio, but just my 2 cents as a fan about "width of the armor and broad silhouette". In original game it was exaggerated and unrealistic, because of the engine and other technical limitations. We're creating a Remake using modern techs and thats why it looks more realistic and unusual to the fans eyes, who got used to the original proportions (which were wrong calculated imo). 3. Before making a video, please double check everything you want to say in it, because you're spreading a word and the thread on Reddit that you mentioned was downvoted for disinformation. Gate 21 is a daughter company from THQ and and it's normal in game development to get assets from other companies. They work in collaboration with us getting concepts, comments, explanations on how it should look like etc. from us.
@vertigo7082 4 ай бұрын
Hey man, yeah sure I can see that. I mean I already mentioned that the lighting might be obscuring the details of Gomez. The thing about his armor I also mentioned in a few videos ago when we got our first glance at Raven. It is blocky because of the tech. limitations they had back in the day, but yeah the silhoutte changed a little. I emphasized that it is in fact just a rumor for all I know, because I haven't had the chance to read through the article myself. I also said that it is common practice when developing games. I can see both sides of the argument, the pros and cons. It doesn't necessarily mean a bad thing, far from it. Thanks for commenting though, next time I will double check these sources.
@K.R.98 3 ай бұрын
That goblin cave was obviously that one you come across when going from the old camp to the swamp camp. You reach that cave via a bridge. There seemed to be a deep canion.
@pavelbelik6174 4 ай бұрын
To me the original Gomez was Vito Corleone from Godfather. The looks and the feels. A mafiozo boss tired of all the bad shit he did and was done to him, keeping distance not to feel any pain but neither joy. This Gomez looks like a pup, like he saw nothing yet.
@vertigo7082 4 ай бұрын
I also had the impression of a "mafia boss". Just his "mannerisms", his calm but yet cold approach to newcomers etc. I hope they catch that magic again.
@damagehero2068 4 ай бұрын
Yeah, OG Gomez looked like a dangerous thug with too much power in his hands. This one looks like a charismatic villain, reminds me of Lalo Salamanca from Better Call Saul lol
@fartloudYT 4 ай бұрын
@@vertigo7082hopefully they dont go into shouting and violent, 'lick blood off the knife' type of over the top villain. Gomez was inteligent, had strict rules and thats what it takes to rule over bunch of criminals.
@JohnEreignis 4 ай бұрын
Nu-Gomez is closer to a Diego than a Gomez
@sehrgrossesglied5000 4 ай бұрын
I really like the new designs on the screenshots, brings a new and more dark atmosphere
@raskolnikov6443 2 ай бұрын
Agreed. I feel kind of bad for the dev team. I don’t think it is possible to please all of the gothic community when it comes to design.
@nizemee729 4 ай бұрын
I first thought gomez picture was Diego but even if its Gomez i am totally fine with it. He looks great, look well suited for an Ore Baron.
@bearpupy2909 4 ай бұрын
Innos brother, I have been waiting for you review since I had kind of the same criticism about the remake which I expressed :)
@vertigo7082 4 ай бұрын
By Adanos! I hope they do some small changes here and there. No need for a complete rework. Glad that I am not the only one.
@d9lv1n 4 ай бұрын
My 5 cents: 1. Fire Demon - totally agree. 2. Gomez - he's ok, just completely different, and this is my problem with it. 3. Goblins - I don't mind goblins, but yeah, the design looks more generalized now, especially that nose. 4. Fire lizard - the body is good, but for the head I'd like to see a mix of dragon and lizard head, not just pure dragon. 5. Color palette - the colors are hard to explain, I want them to be gloomy, but I think there's some kind of gray filter and that's it.
@Geraduss 3 ай бұрын
In the original all these creatures felt natural, especially the animals because they were ANIMALS, all the redesigns are just monsters that couldn't exist or evolve naturally and you know that they were artificially designed to be just that, monsters. And that is NOT gothic, Gothic is and always has been the peak of realism and immersion.
@vertigo7082 3 ай бұрын
I think you're right. The design was very naturalistic and now most of them are just monsters. Maybe they tweak the design a little.
@Kododie 4 ай бұрын
Gomez looks like young Sean Connery.
@vertigo7082 3 ай бұрын
@Kro-er 4 ай бұрын
Imagine creating this demon, then looking at it and thinking, 'Yeah, it looks good.
@seenbelow 20 күн бұрын
I think the look can be fine, he looks somewhat sinister, even if more Diego than Gomez. Its the voice acting I'm worried about. Some of it was so good in the original, if it doesn't match that a lot of the charm will be gone.
@Ebbelboiz 4 ай бұрын
18:00 I really don't like that chain link fence on the upper right side of the gate. It looks too industrial, like something from the 19th century and not the late middle ages. They already had it in the Demo and I hoped that they would get rid of it.
@ArhonOkvals 4 ай бұрын
You had my like the moment I saw that intro 😂. Great analysis once again man! The demon needs more fat and a flatter face!
@d9lv1n 4 ай бұрын
By the way you probably know this, but Sascha Henrichs has joined Alkimia recently, he worked as an environment artist and more on: Gothic Gothic 2 Gothic 2 Add-on Gothic 3 Risen 1 Risen 2 Risen 3 / Environment Art Lead
@Satanic0ne666 4 ай бұрын
well on my behalf the "nu-gomez" looked like gorn on the first glance.
@SkinnyGaming81 4 ай бұрын
Bro, always nice to hear your opinion. Big hug.
@kolrabivibes3216 4 ай бұрын
To me the new Gomez looks way more menacing because his looks reminds me of a typical Mexican cartel boss. I love the new firelizard but looking at its head it reminds me of donkeys wife from Shrek lol
@LandrosTane 4 ай бұрын
Seriously... Imo, most of the criticism on Gomez I really think its just projection 😅... You read waaaay more than you legitimatly can from the OG model, given its low details, almost as if you judge the new one vs the whole package of the old one, that includes the voice actor, the actions, the dialogue, everything... Because lets be honest, the old one is too low details for you to read ANY facial expresions on it... While the new one, is just a picture, so it cant yet offer the rest of the package that you base your interpretation on. Can you try to judge the old one JUST on the merits of the visual? 🤷
@vertigo7082 4 ай бұрын
True but I described exactly this: the low res visuals, combined with voice acting and the picture of Gomez becomes very vivid in your mind. Sure we don't know what his personality will be but just from looking at him, I can't see Gomez. Be honest, if you would see that face, just that face without the armor and no context given whatsover, would you think of Gomez? Guess we need to wait for the finished product.
@LandrosTane 4 ай бұрын
@@vertigo7082 Honestly, I can see this remade Gomez as being Gomez. Thats because I see what it can be with the rest added on top, but most importantly, the model itself is quality made imo, and expanded (as it must inevitably be) in a decent overall direction based on the very plain looking one from OG. My point is, that if you took the OG Gomez just on its visual merits withouth any of the baggage offered to it via countless playtroughs and thus numerous hours spend delving into it, aka the inevitable nostalgia that helps out the OG quite a bit, not only you couldn't see it as Gomez either, but you would see it as Gomez less than you see the remade one... So, yeah, giving them the feedback that its bad, based on a estimation like this (whole f-ing complete nostalgia blessed package) vs just a pic concluding in bad... its not only bad for them, but I think its a disservice to yourself and your prospects when it comes to a potential remade Gothic. I'm just saying you can be much more objective than this, and you have been in the past.
@vertigo7082 4 ай бұрын
@@LandrosTane I think we need to agree to disagree here. Sure, when talking about his eyes I was led by nostalgia and subjective feelings, but there are things I pointed out which are very well objective: the beard, hair, face shape e.g. I don't think that my little criticism would do Alkimia any harm but moreover I'd like to think that people in general should critisize games more, especially AAA developers and their games. Look, I will give this remake a shot and i am "kind of" hyped even. Still their words about being true to the original and being big fans of the series, reverberate in my mind. I don't care if change the game, hell I even approve their stance they take on that matter, but why would you change one of the most prominent faces of the colony like that? Even if I take in consideration that G1 was low-res, I cannot find the similarities between Gomez from the original and the remake screenshot. It was different with Diego. The model itself looks good, yes you are right. The level of detail is awesome and I look forward to get more of this, but speaking about this character in particular, I think they missed the mark a little. Just a few changes here and there would do wonders in my opinion.
@Pacmunca 4 ай бұрын
this guys is majorly autistic. He doesn't like anything. But for no real reason other than hate. Autists hate change
@raskolnikov6443 2 ай бұрын
@@LandrosTanecouldn’t agree more
@atropa6053 3 ай бұрын
Oh to be a goblin in the Gothic world. Imagine the freedom, not just physical , but mental as well. Anything displeases you on any level? Attack fearlessly. Attack not successful? Just die, no life-worshipping human bullshit prolonging the inevitable. You don't fear death as a chaos creature. You have some sort of sense not to go after shadowbeats, but that's about it. Of course you're a social creature, but there's no anxiety or ambitions, you just fuck goblins over and they fuck you back, like a fun game.
@marcwittkowski5146 2 ай бұрын
I personally really, really like this version of Gomez. I'm about 50/50 on most designs, but Gomez looks great imho.
@thevikingsock8527 3 ай бұрын
They also make all waaay too big. It makes more sense when buildings, walks etc are all makeshift in Gothic
@thevikingsock8527 3 ай бұрын
Why would the fire lizare even burn itself and this Dragon bs .. why doesnt alkimia understand that Gothic is very grounded and has only little low fantasy Elements.. and now they senselessly change so many looks that go against it .
@vertigo7082 3 ай бұрын
The flames on the lizard really bothers me. There is simply no need for that. It spews fire sure, but its skin doesn't burn.
@thevikingsock8527 3 ай бұрын
Why would the old camp waste even so much iron on that gate, doesnt feel natural
@oredaze 4 ай бұрын
The demon could use a lot of improvement yes, but for the rest - there are very few minor problems. Feels like you just want to criticize for the sake of it. The nitpick level is over 9k. I don't remember the details of Arthas, but when I saw the image I was like yeah 100% what I think Arthas looks like.
@florianfeiner2765 4 ай бұрын
I agree completly its just a lot more details and Gomez artwork or Ravens artwork from earlier is pretty good. To me it looks like many want the same game with same comic like graphics all over again
@oredaze 4 ай бұрын
@@florianfeiner2765 Yeah I feel like they want a high res texture, high poly count mod for the game. That's cool, but we already have it, go play it. I want something new.
@bearpupy2909 4 ай бұрын
you don't remember details of Arthas but when you saw the image you were 100% thats what Arthas looks like? as someone who played wc3 since childhood and my friends I have to harshly disagree with you, also reforged couldn't even do Uther properly, Uther looked nothing like the old one, there is a reason why people were so angry with the reforged apart from technical and gameplay issues. It doesn't feel like he is nitpicking nor he wants to criticize for the sake of it. It feels like he is a gothic fan!
@oredaze 4 ай бұрын
@@bearpupy2909 I just revisited W3 and reforged versions because of nostalgia. The only problem with reforged graphics is that they make things hard to tell apart. Besides that they are awesome. I think everyone has some sort of mental virus that makes them agree with the herd and hate the graphics. That being said, I prefer to be able to tell units apart so I will stick with the awful old graphics. Don't really have a problem with them in the first place.
@vertigo7082 3 ай бұрын
I think you are mixing up things. I just showed Arthas because many people didn't like his likeness in Reforged and it just so happened that the design got outsourced to another studio.
@Gradashy 4 ай бұрын
The Demon looks like AI because it is generic, but it is not true, it is possible to do things VERY crazy with AI, it feels generic because is another AAA shit design guideline that plague the industry for a long time. It feels like a monster from Unbisoft's game, and nothing is more generic than Ubisoft's games.
@vertigo7082 4 ай бұрын
Yeah I think what I was trying to say that it just looks uninspired.
@MrRolci 4 ай бұрын
How our opinions differ! The Fire Demon is my favourite so far. I found it very unique.
@d9lv1n 4 ай бұрын
Well, I agree with almost everything there is to say ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@thevikingsock8527 3 ай бұрын
They do the goblins and the orcs waaaay too humanoid in the remake. Itll feel just 0815. Even for non Gothic veterans aka new players, this is gonna be very lame. Gothic has such a unique flavor and monster set, they should keep that instead of making it generic..
@thevikingsock8527 3 ай бұрын
I think it looks, cool, but also generic af, exactly like the new Goblins and orcs.. They also decided against the original iconic Sound of the scavengers ... So many bad decisions already, that wouldve been easy to get right
@vertigo7082 3 ай бұрын
Wait, they don't use the scavenger sound?!
@thevikingsock8527 3 ай бұрын
He doesnt look like lambert at all idk
@fartloudYT 4 ай бұрын
Not a fan: demon, fire lizard's head, in both cases a bit too generic fantasy. Not bad: Goblins. Pretty good: Gomez and general look of the game.
@aistisnarmontas4515 4 ай бұрын
Modern Gomez looks lame. Why couldn't on remake just remake Gomez as he was in g1? Just with modern grsphics? :)
@vertigo7082 4 ай бұрын
I wouldn't say that the model looks lame. I would accept that face for every other character, but the original has some iconic characteristics that are simply not identifiable in the modern version.
@Tottokamm 4 ай бұрын
Wenn man ein Remake macht, dann muss man es so machen wie Days Gone. d.h. einen Gameplay Trailer 2016 veröffentlichen, und dann 3 Jahre später der Release 2019, und 2021 der Meisterwerk PC Release, also man man hat 5 Jahre damit verbracht zu polishen und es zu einem Endergebnis zu machen, was ich dann zum Vollpreis empfehle zu kaufen und über 800 Stunden gespielt habe. Weil bei einem Remake wird NIEMAND fragen nach der Story. Siehe AKTUELL HEUTE der neue FALLOUT Trailer von Amazon. Alle WIEDERERKENNEN Fallout. Aber bei THQ Nordic habe ich noch nie irgendwas gekauft oder wiedererkannt. Immer wieder zuverlässig die komplette Themaverfehlung was THQ Nordic veröffentlich hat. Ich werde da nur als "Schizo" beleidigt. Es ist ambivalent. Entweder THQ Nordic sind Menschenopfer, welche uns die ganzen Todesfallen veranschaulichen, oder es war alles sinnlos und Lebenszeitverschwendung was THQ an Lebenzeichen von sich geben hat. Meine Meinung zum markieren fürs lebenslange Berufsverbot habe ich schon unzählige Male wiederholt bezüglich dem Personal der Embracer Group.
@vertigo7082 2 ай бұрын
Ich denke damit liegst du ziemlich falsch. Viele Fans sind interessiert an der Story, gerade deswegen weil die originale kaum einen roten Faden hatten und viele Änderungen durchgemacht haben. Man ist gespannt darauf wie THQ die Story auslegt, gerade da so viele dieses Projekt mit kritischen Augen betrachten. Ich denke es ist nicht immer ratsam davon auszugehen, dass das was man selbst denkt, sich genau so auf andere Leute übertragen lässt. An den Trailern kann man übrigens ganz gut Gothic wiedererkennen, jeder Fan würde das Alte Lager sofort identifizieren können, auch wenn vielleicht nicht alle Details genau so sind wie man sie gerne hätte. Du könntest zum Beispiel mal auf den Discord vom Gothic Remake vorbeischauen. Nach 5 minütiger Observation wird recht schnell klar, dass es einige gibt die an genau jener Story interessiert sind, gerade wegen den Ungereimtheiten. Vielleicht sollte man sich die Zeit nehmen und andere Meinungen auf sich wirken lassen und dann eventuell darüber diskutieren. Ein gesunder Diskurs hat noch nie jemandem geschadet. Das wird aber relativ schwierig wenn man dann verschiedene Kollegen auf der Plattform als "Vieh" abstempelt ;)
@Machy8 4 ай бұрын
They have a tough job to pull off... Gothic wasn't about the graphic or features. It was about the story. The endless and non-boring exploration where almost every piece of map was interesting or contained something cool/usefull. The feel when you finally "improve" your character, for example get better sword, armor or sword skills so you don't have to fight with a stick :D. The combat and the way you have to figure out how to kill an orc with 100 bolts with no armor... If they don't get the "feel/atmosphere" right, the rest, like graphic, voice acting, cool features will not matter at all and the game is doomed.
@jamesp8095 3 ай бұрын
Just let them do their job and stop being a picky Fanboy who always screws up creativity.
@thevikingsock8527 3 ай бұрын
Be fn quiet, youve got no clue what you are talking about. Play Assassin's Creed or so other regurgitated soulless trash
@thevikingsock8527 3 ай бұрын
There is no creativity in these redesigns, its generic af
@vertigo7082 3 ай бұрын
I wouldn't be so picky but they said they would be true to the original. Never change a running system.
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