my first date was actually the movies haha, we’re both pretty introverted and thought it was a good idea to get a feel for each other. plus it gave us something to talk about afterwards, overall it was a success!
@HeatherMak2 жыл бұрын
I'm so happy to hear that the movies worked for you! I'm definitely seeing why an introvert may feel more comfortable with this sort of activity. 🥰
@just_rita6505 Жыл бұрын
same!! I was worried that it wouldn't be a good idea to go to the movies for the first date but it turned out good, we discussed the movie afterwards and even had some inside jokes about it already haha it was the best date I've ever been on tbh but maybe it's bc I liked this person (btw we never had a second date and stopped talking after that one date but anywaysss)
@-bexx Жыл бұрын
@@just_rita6505 yay i’m happy you enjoyed that one date at least! my first one turned into many and our one year anniversary was beginning of august haha
@DaichuGinga3 жыл бұрын
Also, coffee dates are a classic date plan, and they're awesome if they're early. If the date is good, you can do more after. If the date is bad, your day isn't ruined and you can go home/hang with other friends.
@HeatherMak3 жыл бұрын
@outroseok Жыл бұрын
I potentially have a first date on Friday and GOD I'm so nervous, I'm out of a long term relationship (6 years and we broke up April of 2022) so this is the first time I've dated or had a first date in like 7 years.
@HeatherMak Жыл бұрын
It’s going to go great!!! Have fun and stay safe 🩷
@belenrodriguezgennari2847 Жыл бұрын
I just turned 20 and i'm going on a first date EVER i'm so nervous
@HeatherMak Жыл бұрын
Nervous is normal!!!
@scarabbgg9 ай бұрын
How’d it go?
@mitsisin5 ай бұрын
How it was? I am going on a brand first date ever too (i am 20) want to know what to expect☺️🫣
@randomly3641Ай бұрын
Im going for my fiiiirst ever datee and Im 19😭😭
@belenrodriguezgennari2847Ай бұрын
Omg i just saw this, it was nice but he is from italy and was in my country for work and travel. Best date ever tho we went on another one afterwards.
@chimchimx8 ай бұрын
Im potentially going for first date this Saturday. Sooo nervous 😭. Trying to get out of my comfort zone. Wish me luck ✨🫶🫶 Ahhhh
@HeatherMak8 ай бұрын
Sending you all the luck in the universe!! Have fun and don't think too hard about it
@sArangHaeOpPa000018 ай бұрын
Did it go well?❤
@swiftiesunite.13 Жыл бұрын
so I'm 14, and this Saturday I'm going on my first date ever!! I'm so excited, we are going out to lunch at a Thai restaurant, but I really needed your advice, and since I trust your judgment completely, you really helped me. Thank you so much Heather
@HeatherMak Жыл бұрын
FIRST DATE EVER CONGRATULATIONS ♥️♥️♥️ so proud of you and remember to have fun!!!
@swiftiesunite.13 Жыл бұрын
@earlgreymilktae Жыл бұрын
how did it go?
@swiftiesunite.13 Жыл бұрын
@@earlgreymilktae It was great!! It led to two more dates afterward!! :D
@DaichuGinga3 жыл бұрын
It's true, women do think more. We're no thoughts, just vibes.
@justmehhl2 ай бұрын
My first date with this man was a walk by the lakeside. I didn't think I'll be enjoying going out with him as I haven't seen him in-person before, so we loosely scheduled 30mins walk and I went out with bare-minimum makeup and not-so-feminine outfits. The moment I saw him waiting for me, I quite fell for his sparkle eyes and we both enjoyed talking to each other about random things we see all the way. On my second date, he recalled how he noticed I wore no-makeup (although I actually put on some sunscreen :P) and how nice my skin looked that day. Lol I wasn't expecting he noticed those.
@HeatherMakАй бұрын
Aww this sounds lovely 🫶
@iwanttokms.c0mm4 ай бұрын
im 14 and im off on my first date tomorrow, were off to get lunch and then go to the beach, and im excited but so nervous !! so ive been binge watching first date videos and i really needed your advice thank you so much !!
@HeatherMak4 ай бұрын
Aww I hope you have the best lunch and beach day ever 🥹
@niax70106 ай бұрын
I have my first date tonight I’m SO nervous but your video helped my nerves so much. Love your vibe also thankful I found your video!!
@HeatherMak6 ай бұрын
I hope it went amazing and you had fun
@purplepeach49215 ай бұрын
I’m 17 and going on my first date ever tomorrow!! Kinda nervous but thank you for your advice 🫶
@HeatherMak4 ай бұрын
How was it?!
@emilyernst3288 Жыл бұрын
$300 for a meal???? Girl, I'm too uncultured for this conversation I guess 😂😂
@annah995 Жыл бұрын
I always split the bill on first dates; I earn my own money and think it is kind of weird women wanting to be equal to men in society and at the same time expecting them to pay 😅 Later normally the guy and me kind of alternate with paying. But that's just my opinion. My now husband and me on our first date also split the bill. We really liked each other right away so that was no sign for no interest clearly...
@HeatherMak Жыл бұрын
I’m really glad that you commented this! It’s definitely different depending on each relationship. There’s no right or wrong way.
@annah995 Жыл бұрын
@@HeatherMak but I totally agree that guys who are interested often at least express their wish to pay for both. :)
@taliw77362 жыл бұрын
thanks trying out my 1st online date :) gonna use this advice one day and journal your great tips. Looking so glowy and pretty
@HeatherMak2 жыл бұрын
Awe goodluck!! I hope it’s a positive experience 🥺💗
@abbiemarie385 ай бұрын
I'm going on my first date with a guy later, and I'm a little nervous ngl. I have met a guy from a dating app before, but we literally just walked for like an hour and it was really awkward. This is the first time I'm meeting this guy am were going to a game library. I think this could be really fun and cool, or awkward . I want to act confidant and like I already know them, but I don't want to come off too strong
@abbiemarie384 ай бұрын
An update: it was very awkward at first, but we kind of warmed up to each other after I told some funny stories haha I think we like each other, and I plan on asking him on a second date if he ask me first!
@afroaesthete37012 жыл бұрын
I was thinking about how much this sounds like me and how I act on dates, and then you said you’re a Pisces and it all clicked 😂
@HeatherMak2 жыл бұрын
Pisces unite 🫡
@mobstercrow75156 ай бұрын
I'm a guy and I've never been on a date before. I'm going to college next year with my service dog so I want to be prepared for dates. A lot of people don't like service dogs or people with mental/physical issues so that will help get rid of the majority of people, which is nice. I require my service dog so I can stay alive, if people aren't okay with that, I can automatically mark them out. If a date is going badly, I can also use my service dog as an excuse to leave early. My service dog is a standard poodle, so maybe I can say that he has a grooming appointment that was changed last minute. I'm a femboy so a lot of people are attracted to my looks sadly, I don't want people to like me because of my looks, I want them to like me because of my personality. Looks don't matter at all, personalities do. I hope I can find some good people when I go to college. I am very scared of being used.
@HeatherMak5 ай бұрын
I'm sorry if you've had experiences in the past where people haven't liked your service dog or judged you based on your mental/physical disabilities. I'm hoping for the best and wish you so much success with college next year
@besined Жыл бұрын
Great advice! I love your nail polish where is that from
@HeatherMak Жыл бұрын
I don’t have the name of the polish SORRY 😩
@wizard-z5w11 күн бұрын
Im waiting my boyfriend now in library and listening to this both of us are introverte it’s my first date
@francescolucenti20367 ай бұрын
I am a guy and still haved watched the video, i am really nervous for my first date even if pepole could say girls stress more. I don't care i am really nervous. But, thank to this video i've understood that the most important thing is to make the girl feel confortable. So yes, everybody wishes me luck i guess
@HeatherMak7 ай бұрын
hope it goes amazing
@snowdrop-490728 күн бұрын
I’m 17 and I had my first date after a two year relationship a few weeks ago!! We have had 3 dates and I am completely lost to when I should kiss him and other stuff. I kissed him on our third date and I lead a bit further and I’m not sure if that was a good idea but he seems like a nice guy he got me flowers and everything I just wish he’d talk more but in still nervous for our next date!!
@HeatherMak27 күн бұрын
@@snowdrop-4907 don’t rush it! I’m sure it’ll come naturally 🫶
@cool-person-here-14 ай бұрын
I’m going on a date in 20 minutes with my bf of now 2 months, we’ve both been busy with stuff which is why we haven’t done anything, but ahhh I’m so nervous! We’re getting ice cream then walking to the park together (it’s like 40 mins away tho). Hope it goes well!!
@HeatherMak4 ай бұрын
I hope it was lovely 🩷
@cool-person-here-14 ай бұрын
It was! After getting ice cream we did go to the park, then played on the playground, pushing eachother down slides! We’re not gonna be able to do anything together for awhile bc I’m gonna be camping, but we had a lot of fun. I made him a tiny paper flower bouquet and a small note too
@miri89966 ай бұрын
I'm going on my first date ever tomorrow and i'm 18.... i'm actually so nervous i could die.
@HeatherMak5 ай бұрын
how did it go?!
@miri89965 ай бұрын
@@HeatherMak it was perfect!!😭😭 We had lunch together and he paid for my meal too, then we had a walk around the city (we were holding hands). I mean ofc there were moments of awkward silence but I didn’t feel uncomfortable at all, the fact that he was visibly as much as nervous as I was kind of calmed me down ahahah. I had a really great time. We even kissed. I followed your advice and I wrote to him when I got home and told him how I felt about the day. In the end he told me he had fun too and invited me on a second date😭😭
@HeatherMak5 ай бұрын
@miri8996 I HAVE BUTTERFLIES FOR YOU!!! I’m so happy to hear you had fun and even with the quieter times you still enjoyed the date 🥹🫶
@marlene3295Ай бұрын
Im going on my first date everrrr on wednesday, im 20 and never even flirted with anyone at all. We texted just a little bit and yesterday she said she hopes i talk more on the date than over text. That honestly scared me a bit, since im very i introverted and dont really talk much in general. Idk what to dooo
@HeatherMakАй бұрын
It's okay to let her know that you're introverted and your absence in speaking isn't bc you're uninterested but rather that you're content listening!! She's probably just in her head worried that by you not speaking as much is somehow her fault 🥹
@scratchinpetepa3 жыл бұрын
Hey Heather! Today I was like ‘what day is it?’ ‘Oh it’s Saturday’. Then I checked your channel cause I thought I missed your video yesterday, bc you post on Fridays a lot. Then I found you didn’t and I was like ‘Ok, I didn’t miss it’. Is that weird? Well, it’s me…so I wouldn’t be surprised if it came off as weird 😅 Ok, nice video. I know it was more focused on tips for women, but I definitely think you covered a lot of stuff. Being a guy I can say you were pretty much bang on about the guy stuff you mentioned. Guys like to feel they are ‘doing well on a date’. They love when girls laugh at their jokes (even when they suck), and they appreciate compliments too. I think the best first dates are the cheap ones lol. Maybe I’m different, but I prefer cheap dates…grab a quick bite to eat and find a park or something and chill there for an afternoon. Talk and get to know each other. Walks are the best. It’s a natural way to relieve stress, and works very well on first dates when both people are nervous. Plus there is always something to look at when you’re walking outdoors so I find the conversation flows more when doing this activity. I could write a long opinion column touching on your points but I won’t bore you with my opinions lol. You know, I can feel that you love helping people. It really comes out when I watch you explaining dating and making sure that both people on a date are respected and valued. I asked myself how can you be so much like this…then you said you were a Pisces…and I’m like ‘ahh, that explains it’ lol. Pisces are warm caring people….I’m a Pisces too 😅! Ttyl!
@HeatherMak3 жыл бұрын
I love coffee dates and walks around after. They’re underrated!! Also pisces >>
@mollyskerbetz2264 Жыл бұрын
Tip: Vary your sentences so that you don't come up as robotic. For example, if you're sharing your opinion, instead of saying "I like...." maybe change it up to "I enjoy" or "I am interested in"
@alessiapasqualone1292 ай бұрын
Hi I don’t know if you’ll see this but I went on one recently and had such a good time. I need some advice though?! Would you say if the guy texts you after and stays in touch that he’s interested in seeing you again? Even if he has not yet mentioned it yet?! Also if he kisses you on the first date is that a good sign?! x
@HeatherMak2 ай бұрын
I would definitely say that if they’re keeping in touch that they are most likely interested! I would nudge you to ask when they’re free and see where the conversation naturally flows :)
@ZeeA07052 жыл бұрын
i love videos like this where you can just have one on one chats but the thing is i have never gotten to a stage where i even had a guy like me back its crazy to think that and im 28years old problem is i am very introvert and when I like someone i wont say anything even now. This guy I like his friends have asked me to just ask him to meet but I cant and I don't really know how to either
@HeatherMak2 жыл бұрын
Being introverted can be so hard… I think you really have to want something to push yourself towards it. I always remind myself that there’s always no harm in trying and the worst thing that could happen is they may say no. Rejection is a normal part of life and I think we should acknowledge it rather than run from it!
@ZeeA07052 жыл бұрын
@@HeatherMak I made a mistake of telling a friend about him who I thought I trusted and she messaged him for me even though I didn’t want her to she then started to say things that wasn’t true and it put me off him and we distanced since then I have left my job where we both work but now I am trying to find ways to ask him in person rather then through messages
@HeatherMak2 жыл бұрын
I’m really sorry to hear your friend crossed a boundary. Would you be able to meet up for a drink/lunch to chat and explain your side of the story? I’m getting a sense that you want to have your own narrative rather than a friend produce one on your behalf.
@Tarotblackcat Жыл бұрын
If he doesn't kiss me first date I think he is not that into me or too shy... and it not working out long time. I think he should pay if he asking me out i have to travel etc.. Chemistry important.
@lydiastraley20047 ай бұрын
Hey comments ok I might be going on a date on Sunday. And it's gonna be my first date, and I'm really nervous. I'm a shy person. What would be the best place to go on a date? I was thinking, maybe Mini golfing or going bowling, or maybe going to see a movie, and I'm not sure if he's ever been on a date before. I never really asked him, so help a girl out pls 🙂
@HeatherMak7 ай бұрын
If you’re shy an activity is great cause you can start the convo about it and get a little competitive!! I know someone else mentioned that a movie is good bc you don’t have to talk until after and then you can review it together over a dessert or drinks 🫶 It can be nerve racking and exciting all at the same time, but remember to breathe and have fun! You’re gonna have the best time 🥹
@EvaGrill03 Жыл бұрын
I'm more interested in my education then being in a relationship, right now. I'm a freshman in College. Also, you look like Lana Condor and Lara Jean Covey.
@HeatherMak Жыл бұрын
I was very education-focused as well during schooling, so I totally understand! I’ve also gotten than I look like Lana Condor a few times now 🥹
@MisoNqabeni2 жыл бұрын
If you were born from 2000 to 2010 your a GenZ
@Unhappysunshinez7 ай бұрын
There’s only one part that’s confusing I’m pretty sure I’m just going to the park with the dude But we may get coffee I’m just kinda like…. Some guys or people say it’s attractive to offer to pay but then I’m hearing it’s not HELPP I don’t want to give him the wrong signals
@HeatherMak7 ай бұрын
I think you can offer to be polite. I do think if he asked you on the date then he should pay or if you asked him then you should pay :) either way if he declines you paying then say thank you and enjoy your coffee !
@Unhappysunshinez7 ай бұрын
@@HeatherMak that’s what I’m thinking too I just don’t want to mess anything up 😭
@Unhappysunshinez7 ай бұрын
@@HeatherMak also thank you so much for replying my date is in 2 hours 😭
@HeatherMak7 ай бұрын
@@Unhappysunshinez OMG HOW WAS IT?!
@Unhappysunshinez7 ай бұрын
@HeatherMak7 ай бұрын
how was it?!
@justsarah61592 ай бұрын
Okay so I'm 18, going on my first date (noone called it date except my whole family and friends😅) and i also am really nervous so thank you for making the video. Now i realize i would have already done many stupid things 😂
@HeatherMak2 ай бұрын
Omg you wouldn’t have done anything stupid!! I hope you have fun 💗
@KutMachar-n5j5 ай бұрын
No need to be nervous because it's not as hard as you think
@AangAtum8 күн бұрын
Sleeping with someone in the first date is good lol How to Tell me your body count is 10+ without telling me your body count is 10+
@shrutiranjan05115 ай бұрын
I have my first date after 2 days ❤
@HeatherMak5 ай бұрын
have fun !!!
@shrutiranjan05115 ай бұрын
@@HeatherMak Hey replied to me😳 So let me give you an update 🤭 It was my first date in almost 3.5 years of long distance relationship. I am from India and it is the rainy season here. The date was so fun we were sitting in a park in a safe spot and it was raining everywhere. This was the most romantic experience of my life 😍 At the end of the date we also had our first kiss 🙈
@panda-lb5xwАй бұрын
Okay so I am 18….tomorrow I am going on my first date ever!!!!! And god I am nervous 😖
@HeatherMakАй бұрын
How did it go?!
@loveest72305 ай бұрын
First time here you’re voice is amazing and the way you talk is so charming also it would better if you don’t add any voice effects they’re just so annoying ❤
@ikram_dz1242 жыл бұрын
The guy made her pay THE DATE ; HELL NO .
@HeatherMak2 жыл бұрын
I was betrayed
@muzikveoyun37 Жыл бұрын
I also paid for the date just to get kissed three times without consent ;)
@billmacia-08086 ай бұрын
Yeah, I can confirm, men are nervous on the first date, be we can't show or talk about it 💀
@carolinareaper80896 ай бұрын
Restaurant - he is only meet and no gluten and I am vegan - there is no restaurant for us in the entire city Cinema? Great ! You don’t have to talk and are forced by default to sit very close which is very nice to feel each other’s vibe and adjust to physical presence, especially if you met online and already discusses a ton of topics 😂 I haven’t been on a date in 9 years … 😢 I want to vomit when I think amount of stres
@HeatherMak6 ай бұрын
Dietary restrictions can be so hard and stressful esp going to a restaurant for the first time on a date! I would try calling ahead just to make sure you’ll be okay and will have something to eat 🫶 It’s normal to be stressed esp since you mentioned you haven’t been going on many dates. It’s like a muscle - the more you use it the stronger and more comfortable you get! Best of luck 🥰
@Louisa1970_2 ай бұрын
I won't lie your not helping by saying it feels like an interview and that
@elaine428 Жыл бұрын
You are gen z))
@HeatherMak Жыл бұрын
Does 1997 count as gen z or millenial?
@elaine428 Жыл бұрын
@@HeatherMak yes, it counts as gen z. but you also sound and behave like gen z, so you are gen z
@cheetahrose97 Жыл бұрын
@@HeatherMak I'm born in 1997 as well, and we are an in-between year. The youngest millennial and the oldest Gen z. ✨️zillennial✨️