Guy Pretty Privilege

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@hoe_math Ай бұрын
This was my most popular "Long Short" so far. Almost a million hits! Please tell me what it was that you liked about it!
@Mew2Win Ай бұрын
Noah S reacted to you....
@rohithdsouza8 Ай бұрын
You did say you're not encouraging the behaviour you showcased, but you did not point out which behaviour is appropriate when you reach the higher levels. Also i liked the way you were able to put into words, which many people feel but aren't quite sure about what it is, in such a engaging and well structured manner that is thought provoking.
@DatingCulture Ай бұрын
The girl is cute so that helps
@drek9k2 Ай бұрын
Oh for fucks sake it only literally just now occurred to me, that must make me in the top like, 33, 20% then or some shit like that? Because all fucking along I had simply assumed this some kind of like entitlement or gaslighting because I have noticed that anywhere from really fat white women with tattoos and kids, all the way to actually pretty women, will stare at me or hit on me. And I never knew what to make of it, simply because. Well idk, if a really unattractive large woman who's clearly utterly unsuitable for an attractive man is willing to make a pass on total sincerity, that makes you, too, a truly unattractive dude for this lady to begin thinking she has a chance right. FUCK nobody explained this shit to me, that's what this is, it's hypergamy. It's weird af to finally recognize one is not ugly and that the girls you think are making fun of you, they also are hitting on you. They literally always were. And because you failed to get the handful of girls you even had a thing for, you simply assumed that they must be way out of your league, and so it's the women you get with (the bottom 20%) that must be around your own league. Rather than, the. Fuck. Hey thanks OP this literalyl finally only just now clicked after decades of my wasted useless ass life. That is why they did that. It is because all the women see you as attractive except the absolute top tier chicks, that can and probably are having their way with wealthy af men, and so that with the glaring entitlement and narcissism of the internet age and tiktok now that is forcing the bottom 80% of males to begin dropping out completely whereas literally even the bottom 20% of women like the fatcult riding on scooters and complaining how the flight attendants are "racist to fat people" for not pushing them up the ramp in a wheelchair, also are all now feeling like they are owed the top 10% of men. Which must mean, from a female perspective, that you know you are really pretty when only. Wait but dudes will hit anything. OOOOH so that is also partly what is making the less attractive women begin to perceive themselves as way more attractive too, and tiktok is fueling that. It's hypergamy. They aren't being arrogant or gaslighting in the first place it was hypergamy, so then, if a girl who is actually pretty cute even asks a guy out or flirts with him he must be an attractive guy. But that doesn't stop all the other way less attractive women from shooting their shot either, though I have to ask why the hell would someone who is at 2 try and hit a guy at like 7? Did she once have sex with a rather self blind man that didn't know he was good looking? Or he was drunk and being a dog or something? I think this is why I've begun getting more and more annoyed with the fat women of tiktok trying to make themselves a "marginalized" group it's because they're trying to create this hyper-hypergamy environment which they are doing through such shady underhanded and creepy means it grosses me out not due to their looks but due to their bad character. Because it takes a pretty shady, scummy kind of a person to begin manipulating, psychologically abusing, gaslighting, emotionally abusing a person to try and get them to sleep with you. It's why I dislike and openly disrespect PUA manwh-re types. But the thing is that from my perspective what it looks like in reality is having women in general stare, and because men stare too (I realize now for different reasons but it still makes you weirdly paranoid and self conscious) you stop seeing it as a sexualized thing and just start seeing it as a social thing or a paranoid thing because everybody is doing it and you have no way of stopping it. But if you don't know why they are doing it, basically, until you date a seriously attractive woman, you may feel the hot girls are making fun of you, feel weirded out generally and just start feeling gaslit by everybody. ...that's what that is all along, that's why women all across the spectrum did those things
@muplur2628 Ай бұрын
I will tell you. 1. First the thumbnail. I thought that girl was a guy who has 'Guy Pretty Privilege'. I was curious to see what is 'Guy pretty privilege'. If it turns out to be a woke thing, I can close the video. But in 8 seconds, it turned out to be some kind of calculations with some information unknown to me. I wanted to watch it further. 2. Information. You gave us an important information we needed to know. Actually every guy must know. 3. With your personal experience and the doodles, we can easily understand what's going on. And you showed us what that girl was saying and then you explained your answer to it. 4. Video is just 5 mins and informative, I made it to the end. Also I am glad I watched this. I hope lot of guys will start working out on themselves after watching this. 5. Finally you said which things are not to do. That explains a good character.
@cizzymac Ай бұрын
"No one ever talks about guy pretty privilege" Because only the top 1% of men experience it.
@leonkennedy9739 Ай бұрын
It's more like the top 20% but the amount if privilege gets out of control moving towards the top. Like for example, I am luckily a somewhat attractive guy, I'm just average height though. I get hit on and can approach women without being labeled as a creep. A guy taller and more attractive can almost get away with murder, and if they actually commit a murder still have women sending them soaked panties in the mail. It's not that it doesn't exist outside of the top 1% it's just it gets rediculous at the top 1%.
@StefIsCold Ай бұрын
@@leonkennedy9739well said
@samuraitadpole5459 Ай бұрын
Honestly, it's only sad because many more women have pretty privilege but if it was equal nobody could complain ​@leonkennedy9739
@edwardpaddock2528 Ай бұрын
More like the top 0.01%
@Me__Myself__and__I Ай бұрын
@@edwardpaddock2528 Nah, leonkennedy9739 is correct - its more like 20%.
@1Thatstrangeguy Ай бұрын
The difference between a pickup line and sexual harassment is totally dependant on how attractive they are, Simple as.
@stevecooper7883 Ай бұрын
Can confirm. Also, I feel as guilty as H0e_math for pushing the boundaries of unacceptable things to say to my girlfriend. There really was no limit, I even insulted her race to her face.
@tylerdurden3722 Ай бұрын
It's dependent on the difference in perceived attractiveness. e.g., a male 5 can have the same effect on a female 1, as a male 10 can have on a female 6. A male 8, which is very attractive won't have that effect on a female 9. Being attractive does not guarantee that effect. Having a difference in attraction is what creates that effect.
@hrthrhs Ай бұрын
Yeah but pick up lines don't exist. Just walk up to the girl and say hi.
@yarnosh Ай бұрын
@@hrthrhs PIckup lines are poorly named. They're really just ice-breakers and attention getters. A good looking guy could just say hi, but most of us have to actually put more effort into it.
@hrthrhs Ай бұрын
@@yarnosh True. Have you and other such guys just tried saying hi? Try it for a year and see what happens? I get the feeling many take advice without trying it.
@marcellostraps Ай бұрын
An attractive male friend of mine used dating apps instead of booking hotels whenever he traveled. He could very easily find women who would let him, a total stranger, stay over at their place. Sometimes he wouldn't even service these women, he'd just sleep at their place and eat their food, and they wouldn't even get upset when he stopped texting; they'd just try harder to get his attention.
@PS-lv1mr Ай бұрын
life is so unfair lmao
@willshad Ай бұрын
I don't buy that for a second, unless he's dealing with older women or very overweight ones. Don't believe everything that guys tell you about their conquests with women; men lie about it.
@matthewhernandez8342 Ай бұрын
@@PS-lv1mr It sure is unfair lol
@exhaust4246 Ай бұрын
@sanjayw9878 Ай бұрын
sure. that happened
@linx5932 Ай бұрын
I had a similar experience when I got in better shape. I went to high school with a girl and bumped into her while i was at Barnes and Nobles. I was still a little chubby but I had a power lifter build. She asked me a random question about the book i was holding and we started talking. After like a week I Invited her back to my place. She saw my old graduation photo and asked if that was my roommate. When i told her it was me and that we were literally in multiple classes together she didn't believe me. I literally had to tell him the name of our instructors, where she sat, and some of the kids that were in our class together. She dead ass looked me in my eyes and told me she had no idea about me. Granted I never really interacted with her but how tf do you not realize someone even exists when we spent around three hours a day with each other for weeks. After that every time a girl showed interest in me I would be bitter as hell.
@zenostrixster Ай бұрын
I had to let go of that bitterness aswell. I realize that honestly it's simply not personal. You just have to put effort to achieve anything. Attractiveness doesn't come from the sky. For me it did and by taking care of myself I became an 8 (I hope) Girls really treated my awkwardness as being cute and introversion as mysterious. Id say this is like the price you pay. I have to start going to the gym ill definitely become an 9
@sportyeight7769 Ай бұрын
To be honest, i could barely tell you who was in school with me to the age of 4 too 24. My memory just purged 80-90% of people i didn't had a true relationship with.
@linx5932 Ай бұрын
@@sportyeight7769 @zenostrixster it’s wasn’t the fact that she didn’t remember me that made me mad. It was the fact that she look genuinely disgusted when she found out. Almost like she didn’t want to believe the fact that the person standing in front of her used to be built like a jar of peanut butter. Her whole attitude changed after that, I could immediately tell she no longer had interest in me.
@sportyeight7769 Ай бұрын
@@linx5932 yeah some people are strange like that. Anyway dude, congratulations on getting in shape. I know how hard it is to get there, and keep it
@remyetiennelebeau8364 Ай бұрын
@@linx5932this wasn’t real you. The real you is as you look now. This was some other man.
@darkma1ice Ай бұрын
Step 1: be attractive
@saureco Ай бұрын
Step 2: don't be unattractive
@lamikal2515 Ай бұрын
Step 3 : In case of emergency, refer to step 1
@garrattkenion2439 Ай бұрын
Step 2 is continue to be attractive
@garrattkenion2439 Ай бұрын
And remember cute and sexy are two different things. Yes you can be cute and sexy but if your not cute you can work on been sexy
@cs8712 Ай бұрын
Step 3: Be tall
@unlimitededitionpepe5489 Ай бұрын
"I didn't want to offend you" is absolutely nuts.
@gregangelmusic Ай бұрын
That part made my jaw drop.
@unlimitededitionpepe5489 Ай бұрын
That's how you know you're a few standard deviations apart in terms of looks... It sounded more like a servant-master type of relationship.
@sinsofthefather-dz8or Ай бұрын
i dont get it
@boefwellington562 Ай бұрын
@@unlimitededitionpepe5489 Women talk a lot about equality, but they seem to get more aroused by slavery.
@TheLipardi Ай бұрын
I've learned that women do a lot of wild things and/or put up with your bs when the power dynamic is so one sided. I never did it via muscles, but I've seen it enough times to believe Hoe Math. "I didn't want to offend you" caught me off guard thou. lol.
@mrgoober6320 Ай бұрын
What's weird is the experience of gaining weight and losing the privileges. That really fucks with your head, because you realize that zero percent of your value is intrinsic.
@tann_man Ай бұрын
I had something similar - early bloomer. I was way taller than every other 13 year old boy at 5ft9. As the years passed that height started to be considered short and the privilege vanished.
@xitaris5981 Ай бұрын
To be honest, I don't think any person has intrinsic value. We all gain value by what we do and what we provide. And sometimes what you provide is eye candy.
@Rebel635csi Ай бұрын
Yea I lost a bunch of weight in my mid 20s and the change in dating was striking. Everything was just easier with women…then I got a gf after a while and gained some of it back and after a year went back in the dating pool and it was back to being ignored and snubbed. I chuckle when women tell me men are shallow. Stfu hypocrite.
@AkiRa22084 Ай бұрын
Of course it's not intrinsic. Love is a very old instinct we inherited from our mammalian ancestors. Physical attractiveness is the only real trigger.
@adamjames1375 Ай бұрын
I've been fortunate in my genetic inheritance & through gluttony, sloth & various addictions I've oscillated a few times now at 38. From kinda fat/doughy & just generally unkempt to well put together & jacked. There is absolutely a drastic difference in how both men & women treat you. There's certainly a "ceiling" for people...but it's likely much higher than most people acknowledge.
@magic.k6337 Ай бұрын
Bro really sat down and drew this out, i am dead
@bronxishomenomatterwhereig3149 Ай бұрын
He's eating off this though. So I respect the hussle.
@2ecember Ай бұрын
bros getting paid so his effort is being compensated no cap 🔥
@GrimReaping Ай бұрын
Bro really sat down at drew out every video on his channel, thats literally the whole concept
@zerocal76 Ай бұрын
Well I love that he did the little diagrams and explanations. Its a sort of validation for all the guys who tried explaining all this to their friends with little to no standards who'd always say "Why aren't you getting matches??" or "Lets just go to the bar and pick up some hot girls bro!" 😐
@D_402S-h2z Ай бұрын
I watch his vids just for the drawings
@Good.shepherd420 Ай бұрын
I had a really attractive friend who’s favorite phrase was “watch me turn the word ‘bitch’ into a term of affection” and you’d be surprised how many girls went for this.
@corpingtons Ай бұрын
@JscottSears Ай бұрын
@@Good.shepherd420 lol 😆
@SCRAPPYCOCO1_2 Ай бұрын
@@Good.shepherd420 patrice o'neal typa shit
@martinbanck1723 Ай бұрын
Eh, not really that surprising if it's said with genuine affection. Especially considering the word has been partially reappropriated to be something positive, with the expression "bad bitch" becoming synonymous with badass.
@XeenimChoorch-nx8wx Ай бұрын
I call my GF this everyday what do you mean
@asura8495 Ай бұрын
Wow, she acknowledges the existance of unattractive guys! She is a rare one. Doesnt mean she will treat them well, but she notices that these are people, at least something
@kaptainwarp Ай бұрын
Believe me, she's been hit on by a lot of 'not people' men... A LOT.
@edheldude Ай бұрын
You do understand that "unattractive guys" are 7s and 8s?
@StefIsCold Ай бұрын
@@edheldudecope harder
@StefIsCold Ай бұрын
@@edheldudethe average man is a 3.5/10. The guys most copers call attractive are just mid tier brads that they overrated due to jbw and male gaze and use sub8 theory to cope about it
@windsoboreas6073 Ай бұрын
@@StefIsCold That's not what he was saying. He was saying that what SHE means by "unattractive guys" are still in the upper third of men. He means that SHE still doesn't see 0-6 as actual people and likely never will.
@mattmccallum2007 Ай бұрын
SNL did this ages ago. A nervous Fred Armisen said hi to Kristin Wiig in an office setting and she called HR immediately. Then later Tom Brady wearing nothing but tighty-whiteys and shoes comes over and introduces himself by grabbing her breast and she is flattered.
@tarico4436 Ай бұрын
I remember that one and others like it. SNL acted out that trope/meme a few times.
@xitaris5981 Ай бұрын
Wait . . . was SNL funny at some point?
@vornamenachname989 Ай бұрын
Is that on KZbin? What was it called?
@darkma1ice Ай бұрын
@@xitaris5981only the highlights
@StefIsCold Ай бұрын
@@xitaris5981yeah im pretty sure SNL was good 15-20 years ago or at least had some good episodes (i never really got into it but remember it being held in much higher regard when i was a teen)
@existentialrap521 Ай бұрын
Once I started working out and losing weight, way more girls started hitting on me. Job opportunities started opening up. People were nicer in general. It's crazy. Working on your looks is almost as important as working on your career and studies. I know a lot of people in my graduate classes that don't care about how they look, smell, come across, etc... Charisma is insanely important. I've gotten jobs I don't think I deserved academically because of how charismatic and good looking I've become. Edit: I was big pimpin even when I was fat and uglier. Confidence hasn't changed cause I've always been awesome. Just better looking now. Some people hit the gym, then realize how behind they are from some people and quit. Na. It's a personal journey. Screw everyone else. It's a solo race.
@monkey_man3931 Ай бұрын
Starting to agree with you😮
@ChefofWar33 Ай бұрын
I feel like I'm stuck. I'm concerned that even if I lose weight and become insanly fit, I'll only be a 6.5 out of 10. And I simply don't have the charisma to make that work. I haven't been as consistent as I should be with diet and gym because I'm 70% sure it's not gonna make much of a difference.
@ChefofWar33 Ай бұрын
My profile pic is me but with a suit AI filter. XD. Face is literally identical though. No changes.
@platinumspitseverywhere4688 Ай бұрын
how did you gain charisma?
@Twtgod Ай бұрын
You are not bad looking, but you have a bad outlook of the world.​@@ChefofWar33
@Variety_Pack Ай бұрын
I know a dude at work that has guy pretty privilege just dropping from his pores, but he's such a genuinely nice guy it's hard to be mad at him. He gets almost every promotion he interviews for despite being merely average and rather lazy. His wife is both gorgeous and supremely excellent. Everyone likes him. He's never truly depressed. He gets astonishing deals on things like new cars and homes. Meanwhile, our mutual friend is rotund and looks like he grew up in the woods. This guy is a genius, remembers everything, and immediately understands every complex system he encounters. Mountain Man is also highly personable, but can't get a steady girlfriend. He works more than 50% more hours than Dapper Dan, and actually puts in serious effort. Mountain Man is an absolute unit and an invaluable asset, but Dapper Dan gets the promotions first. DD shows up late and it's no big deal, MM isn't fifteen minutes early and senior management makes fun of him for weeks. Pretty privilege is ridiculous.
@azmolhossain9244 Ай бұрын
Its the mountain man's fault for putting in efforts.
@SchemingGoldberg Ай бұрын
Society didn't used to be like that. In the past Mountain Man would have had a wonderful loving wife and children. Feminism destroyed society.
@N330AA Ай бұрын
A lot of attractive people are really nice people, because they have a relatively easy life. They don't have to try sleazy tricks to get attention from the other sex. They don't have to fight their corner at work to get that promotion, maybe try a few dirty tricks to put someone else in a bad light. They don't have the cynicism that average people have, because they get treated better all across the board.
@johns2220 Ай бұрын
Not how it works all of the time, they can become the subject of jealousy and insecurity from other men in the office, which has negative consequences, especially if the jealousy is from superiors. Sometimes it's better to not stand out as much.
@lilsstrunks Ай бұрын
go where you're appreciated.. and if you're not appreciate yourself and disregard society.
@thathandsomedevil0828 Ай бұрын
Guys with handsome faces live in a parallel dimension mashed up against ours. It is unreal.
@GjVj Ай бұрын
VERY good way of putting it. (Wahmens too, of course - especially the prettiest ones - if you've ever peeked behind the curtain it's... jaw-dropping).
@emperorpelican8187 Ай бұрын
@@GjVj stinky incel
@malcolmapplet4313 Ай бұрын
I wonder how many women who are 8s and 9 would just be happier to trade down to a seven. Like when I was over in the side of town where the pretty women are (I live in the single mom side of town, nuff said) and this women walks by and she's like 1/4 Japanese and the rest is Swedish, French and Italian. It was like time stopped when she walked by. That's a lot of pressure. How many guys would trade down? Maybe more than you would think.
@JosefSt Ай бұрын
Hahaha yeah i remember during my education, where we were housed in a kind of dorm, there was this one guy, very handsome, and a girl that was like an 6 to a 7. This girl would literally pick up this guy from where he lived, about 30 miles from where she was at and not even take any Gas money from him. All this despite we even got Gas money by our federal employer. One time he did not tell her of he wanted to ride along with her and she still drove to their meeting spot and waited there for some time in case he forgot to message her. Call me jealous and yeah that might have been 😂😂
@thathandsomedevil0828 Ай бұрын
@@malcolmapplet4313 guys trade down, women only ever want to trade up. It's bizarre but it seems to be in their nature to only ever want the best men.
@whatwastaken Ай бұрын
"Unattractive guys have to be a lot sneakier about it" That's such an insane line. Showing interest in the girl beyond her looks and trying to get to know each other as people is 'being sneaky.' The idea she's presenting is that wanting to be in a romantic relationship if you're not attractive is just underhanded and manipulative.
@rosariocannistraro3561 Ай бұрын
Absolutely deranged isn't it? like how dare you exist .
@hainleysimpson1507 Ай бұрын
Yes this is how most women think. Because she thinks, she is better than you and has higher status. Women who haven't had high status men, and get hurt by them think this way and will never date down.
@LeViIain Ай бұрын
That's not what she meant or implied. She was talking about good looking guys being super upfront with women and then she said unattractive guys have to be sneakier. Meaning that unattractive guys have to be less upfront with their approach, not literally sneaky.
@Seirra72 Ай бұрын
@@LeViIainYeah this is how I took it too. The word “subtle” might have been better word choice.
@ResisterCIO Ай бұрын
She's totally broken. Really, women aren't meant to have more than one or two men ever in their romantic life. Once they get beyond that point, they get very mercenary.
@steggy9651 Ай бұрын
“It’s HARD to be a pretty girl.” Easily one of the most delusional takes I’ve ever heard in my 27 years of life.
@ungodlygripstrength Ай бұрын
In terms of dating, I would say it's correct when comparing the most attractive 5% of men vs. the most attractive 5% of women. As indicated in the diagram, the most attractive men tend to get what they really want from dating (multiple above-average girlfriends), while the most attractive women tend to not get what they really want (sole possession of the most attractive man).
@kaiserfakinaway5909 Ай бұрын
@@ungodlygripstrength The thing is, by pretty girl she just means 8/10 and higher. By attractive men she just means 10/10. Ain't no way is everyone a 10, she's just saying that she tries to go with 10s, her friends try to go with 10s and it never works out. As always, women always go higher and higher till they reach 30 and have to "settle". If what you're saying is to be taken as the main point, then it's hard being a girl cus a pretty girl can get a good guy but how many ugly girls will get even someone as ugly as her? She's just gonna go after more attractive people and get abused/addicted to a vice cus of trauma and shit. Further reducing her value
@somethingsomething8511 29 күн бұрын
It's harder to be in the top 10% of women than men. But that's because it's easier to be in the the top 40% of women. You either win big as a man or get very little.
@hanzoY248 27 күн бұрын
​@@somethingsomething8511nah that's crazy being a top woman is just to do with character and how you act. Being a top percent man is based on tangible things ie your looks wealth charisma etc which all require a varying level of effort most people aren't able to produce hence they never get there.
@somethingsomething8511 27 күн бұрын
@@hanzoY248 that's not true in the slightest. You ever see Leonardo DiCaprio with an ugly broad with a nice personality, helllll no. You think Johnny Depp was with Amber Turd because of her character?
@trolleymouse Ай бұрын
"And I never found it" is quite possibly the saddest thing I've heard since I started watching all this dating content.
@geoffstemen3652 Ай бұрын
3:57 this?
@trolleymouse Ай бұрын
@@geoffstemen3652 Yeah, sorry. Waited until I'd finished the video before typing the comment, so I flubbed the words. Corrected.
@josiahkepley Ай бұрын
I've witnessed that kind of thing happen, guy said something literally unrecoverable and still scored without even making a recovery attempt.
@bananaboy444 Ай бұрын
Lmao he was testing the worst things he could say to find where the line-that-cant-be-crossed is but he failed. I can only imagine the kind of stinging, insightful insults he came up with that had no consequences at all. A hot guy could get away with literally anything
@rainerminusunfug Ай бұрын
I once saw someone doing a video about it. Grabbing the picture of a male model, matched a lot of women (naturally) and then dialing up the mean-level of his first messages bit by bit. It was unbelievable what he got away with. Unfortunately I can't find the video anymore. On another note: hoe_math himself once explained the dominance test. Women enjoy being dominated by men they like / find attractive and don't like from men who they are not attracted to. If you think about it, being rude, condescending and unapologetic.. that's just another form of showing dominance. So if you are already on the winning track, that kind behaviour is an accelerator not a brake. It's an upward spiral.
@SAClassHunterZero Ай бұрын
In 100 years, pickup lines will be something along the lines of "Hey baby, want to keep the species from going extinct?"
@gilgamecha Ай бұрын
Try ten years.
@ryanblack5967 Ай бұрын
@kaptainwarp Ай бұрын
Do you think divorce laws will be reformed by then?
@David_in_Michigan Ай бұрын
@@kaptainwarpmarriage has become obsolete
@trdfs548 Ай бұрын
@@David_in_Michigan already is
@jimmyolsenblues Ай бұрын
1) Women want to sleep with good looking guys. 2) I am not a good looking guy.
@USSResolute Ай бұрын
And even if you were better looking, they might still ignore you for the 10/10
@domi4178 Ай бұрын
3) You seem like a funny guy tho, idk if that motivates.
@whattheytookk Ай бұрын
For women qualities are attractive. Jack Black gets plenty of ___ and plenty of good looking meatheads starve. When she says, "pretty," she means guys she is attracted to, meaning guys with dominant and confident (don't care what anyone thinks) personalities.
@EyePatchGuy88 Ай бұрын
​@@domi4178 4) Cope
@Preston_Taylor Ай бұрын
Jimmy that’s not a problem, just get the bag and stay funny. If you can make them laugh and have some paper you’re in the game big dawg
@etherealallure9173 Ай бұрын
we are living in a generation where men will not get a suitable individual even if he pays for it, men try 5 times harder than their grandfather to get a woman 5 times worse than their grandmother and still fails.
@honkhonk8009 26 күн бұрын
Stop bitching about it seriously. If your gonna advocate for anything, advocate for prenatal gene therapy and better weight loss medication and programs.
@itsjamilagain 20 күн бұрын
*Y E S*
@Hartformer2 17 күн бұрын
Is the same for real state and jobs 😂
@jointhefun4 4 күн бұрын
Life is unfair get over it
@diffsnicker Күн бұрын
Looks like your comment really got to person above me 😂
@bearnaff9387 Ай бұрын
The weirdest experience of guy pretty privilege was one time when I said or did something assholish to a woman and she looked at me with consternation for like, half a second, then turned and confronted the friend sitting right next to me as if he had done whatever it was.
@huhhuhhuh4069 Ай бұрын
@ThatOrphan Ай бұрын
You can actually see this in other parts of society aswell , a lot of “advice” guys get is just things they want to say to an ex or fwb
@kingquestOZ Ай бұрын
@mRahman92 Ай бұрын
Halo effect.
@michaelfornes1479 Ай бұрын
I've been the friend in that same situation.
@TheZippyMark Ай бұрын
I think one other major difference not acknowledged here, is that to get the pretty girl privilege, you'd only need to be say a 6+, whereas a guy would have to be an absolute 10
@pylotheric9777 Ай бұрын
the "no one" talking about it is the "not people" ghost. Now it all makes sense! bravo 👏
@nathanielyoungman4454 Ай бұрын
Your comment didn’t make sense at all pylo
@ToaRahkshi Ай бұрын
@@nathanielyoungman4454 OP said "not acknowledged here," which is kinda close to "no one is talking about [x]." dude replying is saying "well actually yes, there are people talking about it, but it's the guys who are 1-7's, who are the 'not people' ghosts on hoemath's chart." It's like saying "Nobody cares." And another dude says, "well, I'm 'nobody' then, lul" edit to add 7's into the "not people" ghosts.
@pylotheric9777 Ай бұрын
​​@@nathanielyoungman4454I'm making a reference to the not people zone and the ghost that hoemath uses to represent it. When she said in the video "no one talks about it" I made a joke about that "no one" being all the men she can't see. because they're "not people" Edit: someone got it 👍
@Dave-um7mw Ай бұрын
For sex yes. For marriage it's the other way around.
@dcraft1234 Ай бұрын, like a little mini-asylum
@edheldude Ай бұрын
Decentralized asylums on wheels.
@leonkennedy9739 Ай бұрын
@@dcraft1234 ngl she's cooking. She hasn't said a lot that isn't 100% correct.
@HenkdeVries-h6g Ай бұрын
Yeah why do they always make their shitty tiktoks in cars ?
@isambo400 Ай бұрын
@@HenkdeVries-h6gbecause they can’t do it at work and their apartment is a mess or has roommates
@miracle-pi5ws Ай бұрын
@@HenkdeVries-h6gdo you even own a car lol
@notursavior1861 Ай бұрын
Attractive serial killers get women proposing marriage. And it consistently happens too. They get groupies at their court hearings. It's true.
@Slitheringpeanut Ай бұрын
She's talking about, literally, 2% of men. Which women fight over. Anyone else is literally invisible. I was reasonably buff once, couple decades ago, but I still didn't have any 'privilege' as I am a short feller. I was accused of overcompensating. Except that I was taking boxing lessons.
@PStewart28 Ай бұрын
@@Slitheringpeanut Stop saying literally, makes you sound like a girl.
@poisonjammer4059 Ай бұрын
Yes, finally someone said it. All of this self improvement is great if you are reasonably tall. When you're short, it amounts to next to nothing and you still aren't a person.
@savioblanc Ай бұрын
I'm short and ugly but for a period of time, I was reasonably buff because natural built + young + constant walks kept me fit enough. I used to get girls by being funny and cocky. But as you said, short has its limits. And ugly has even more limits. I learnt there was a limit to what I could say before the girl walked away cos she was "offended" by what I said to her. I also learnt another lesson. When you a short, ugly but cocky and funny lad, if you fall in love with a girl and stop being cocky and funny and show your natural simp side because you think she will appreciate the real you, ooooh bad idea... don't do that 😂
@headlibrarian1996 Ай бұрын
@@poisonjammer4059 Which is why I find much of the advice Michael Sartain and Justin Waller give to be grossly out of touch since it only really applies if you look like them, or could if you tried.
@scottverge938 Ай бұрын
@@headlibrarian1996 So your plan is to just give up?
@djuraster Ай бұрын
She noticed that 1%ers have options. Sky is blue apparently
@michaelsorensen7567 Ай бұрын
Yeah, but at least she noticed the sky was in fact blue.
@Leonard0F41G Ай бұрын
@@michaelsorensen7567 Really grasping at straws for the human species here 😂
@michaelsorensen7567 Ай бұрын
@@Leonard0F41G I admit it's a low bar to clear, but y'know, credit where due and all
@eddiesmith7867 Ай бұрын
The cognitive dissonance in the dating scene for women is as common as an American having fast food as part of their diet
@squiggs1002 Ай бұрын
@@michaelsorensen7567 yeah but she also said it is really hard to be an attractive girl. The top 1% of women may not have as many options as the top 1% of men but they have more options than 99% of women.
@brianriedmiller5290 Ай бұрын
I have Guy Pretty Privilege now. I had a major glow up around 2 years ago (lost 70 pounds, got in great shape, lost almost all my acne, updated my style and hair, and grew a nice beard). I went from about a 4 in looks to realistically a 8. Let me tell you women become VERY nice to you. It is actually baffling how much people change from your looks alone. Pros: -Women are rarely rude to you and smile at you way more. -You can sleep around with women easily (I don't pursue that life though) and you have way more selection in the dating pool. -You are considered smarter, funnier, and more charismatic from your looks -Your introversion becomes "mysterious" and awkwardness becomes "cute" until you inevitably become more confident. -You become way more popular and guys think you are cool. Cons: -Some guys get jealous and will try to put you down with words especially with women around. -Your uglier "friends" and colleagues won't invite you out much anymore. -Some people are intimidated by your looks especially if you are fit and will be nervous around you. -Some women with boyfriends/husbands will either flirt with you harder than single women to cheat or just get the thrill of being bold with a alibi. Or they will constantly bring up their boyfriends or husbands when you are around even if you aren't flirting
@willshad Ай бұрын
90% of it is probably in your mind because you feel more confident. Women likely are treating you about the same, you just interpret it differently.
@brianriedmiller5290 Ай бұрын
@@willshad Confidence is more of a 60% and it helped me a LOT no question. Good posture and confidence is a super power in of itself but you shouldn't knock the power of just plain looking good on the eyes (take it from a guy that was fat and had bad acne). While Women I have known for years still treat me about the same as they did (with 1 being interested), at the same time even they said that I had a huge glow up in looks. People have literally said "Holy Sh**!" from my before and after pictures. While I do agree confidence is the most important, the difference with how strangers and women behave with me is easy to spot. And I have plenty of comments from both gay men (they are blunt as hell) and women to back up the fact that I look exponentially better.
@willshad Ай бұрын
@@brianriedmiller5290 Yeah people will freely tell you if you look better than before. I'm talking about random women checking you out or telling you you're hot etc. That kind of thing only happens to the guys that are super good look.
@brianriedmiller5290 Ай бұрын
@@willshad Yep I have been called "stud", "handsome", and "manly" to my face several times. They are usually older women in their Late 30s to 40s (some have even caressed my bicep) and gay men (Im polite but disinterested with them) . Women my age are more of the subtle female flirting but I don't drink or go to bars/clubs so I wouldn't know how drunk women and party girls act with me now.
@Cakalank Ай бұрын
Its kinda like me except i dont really have glow ups. Just always been better than average. Never got a rude treatments from woman all my life so always baffled how a lot of my guy friends have troubles with girls until it opened my eyes. I have a lot of nerdy hobbies so a lot of nerdy friends. Once, my guy friends were talking about anime and gundam and shits in a meetup and the girls start talking to me about how nerdy and weird they are and i just replied with "i like them animes too, i'm a weeb too tho" and they just giggles and start asking me they sometimes watch anime too and ask for recommendations 😂. I can pull of straight up herrasment and women thought i'm just playfully flirting.
@SirNafurious Ай бұрын
I wirnessed male pretty privilege before. In trade school, I made a "Thats what she said joke" about someone saying a pen was too long. The class treated me like the scum of the earth. Literally 5 minutes later, my classmate purposely drops a condom out of his pocket, then when one of the women asked "Why do you have a condom" He replied "Hopefully, i can use it on you someday" Everyone in the class started making flirtateous "ohhh" sounds, trying to encourage him. I learned a valuable lesson that day 😂
@blablablablabla7705 Ай бұрын
@@SirNafurious This story didn't happen.
@SirNafurious Ай бұрын
@blablablablabla7705 Im not sure if you ever attended a Job Corps before, but best believe the most wildest things happen in those trade schools Basically, imagine having immature, 16 to 24 year olds living on a college-style campus. It's a crazy story every week
@WarriorBoy 29 күн бұрын
@@blablablablabla7705 *cue Jonathan Frakes from Fact or Fiction* "It's not true. We made it up."
@hanzoY248 27 күн бұрын
​@@SirNafuriousbro if you got made fun of for making a that's what she said joke there's probably something wrong with you. Ugly people are usually funnier anyways lmao. Q
@sturg1853 Күн бұрын
@@SirNafurious How did job corps work out for you? Did it actually help?
@EarsBeEazy Ай бұрын
If a female ever says it's a joke, it means it's true, but they don't want to take responsibility for their words, and you calling them on it
@martinbanck1723 Ай бұрын
@farhanrejwan Ай бұрын
: women. *sips tea
@martinbanck1723 Ай бұрын
@@velyris Both genders do this shit, you incel. In my experience it's the most popular with racists and edgelords (and in those cases it's almost always men).
@martinbanck1723 Ай бұрын
@@velyris ok incel
@succmaballz Ай бұрын
Please never ever again call women females if you are planning on ever getting a girlfriend. It just radiates incel vibes. I don't mean to be derogatory, this is just genuine criticism/advice
@CrimzinEclipse2010 Ай бұрын
This is the scale of who has it the easiest to who has it the hardest: Attractive men have it the easiest. All women want them, and men aren’t particularly picky, so they have the most amount of options by far. Attractive women have it the 2nd easiest. All men want them, but because women are hypergamous, those women usually only want men who are as attractive as them or better, so they have fewer options than the top men. Unattractive women are 3rd. Life is harder for them than pretty women, but because men aren’t nearly as selective as women, unattractive women will still have some options available to them at all times. Finally, unattractive men have it by far the hardest out of everyone. They have little to no options, and they are essentially treated as if they don’t even exist by the world.
@AkiRa22084 Ай бұрын
And that's why every healthy society ever enforced monogamy. It allows the attractive women to snag all the attractive men, so that unattractive women can lower their standards and "settle" for men in their league.
@devilgames2217 Ай бұрын
👑 So simple. If only more people understood this, maybe things would be better.
@BlackSantana Ай бұрын
@mrbullmrbull Ай бұрын
And this is actually a very natural structure in nature
@alienturtle1946 Ай бұрын
The thing is, you can’t complain about it. If you do, the woman automatically realizes you’re unattractive. Literally she remembers nothing else, even if she’s a “friend”. She just remembers “loser”.
@holyhayn Ай бұрын
The bitterness that comes when you become attractive is so real. Your world completely changes. It's not just bitterness in dating it's in everything.
@Me__Myself__and__I Ай бұрын
Not always. I had a similar experience to Mr. Math. Went from being average to being highly sought after. I was NEVER bitter about it and just very, VERY much enjoyed it. I also made a lot of women very happy in the process, which in turn lead to even more women. You know you've made it when women you were dating in the past or even are currently dating start introducing you to other women they think you'd like. There is absolutely NOTHING that compares to having an attractive, sought after women who dated you vouch for you as a guy.
@HeroofMightandmagic1 Ай бұрын
​@Me__Myself__and__I I... am genuinely curious now: what do you do that makes people like you that much? I always try to be a good person myself, and always try to learn from others how to be better, so do you jave some advice for this?
@supremelordoftheuniverse5449 Ай бұрын
@@Me__Myself__and__Idoesn’t work like that for me. Understanding what attracts women made them unattractive to me
@jasonhernandez2776 Ай бұрын
Incel rhetoric. Cope harder.
@Madaseter Ай бұрын
​@@supremelordoftheuniverse5449 i guess being fucking clueless works 🤷‍♂️
@IEdjumacate Ай бұрын
Listen, I’m a pretty good looking dude. I’d give myself a solid 6.75-7 on the objective scale of attractiveness. I receive 0 privilege because of it. A woman of the same attractiveness is getting far more privilege than myself. You gotta be a male model to get male pretty privilege.
@zenostrixster Ай бұрын
Are you fit?
@IEdjumacate Ай бұрын
@@zenostrixster I’m not pro athlete fit but I am definitely above average & im 6’2”
@hmmm2564 Ай бұрын
You are not 7 and 7 is not high. It just means that you are not ugly. 8,9,10 are actually good looking or beautiful
@hmmm2564 Ай бұрын
​@@IEdjumacateYou are not 7 and 7 is not high. It just means that you are not ugly. 8,9,10 are actually good looking or beautiful
@keifer7813 Ай бұрын
​@@hmmm2564 Anything above 5 is above average by definition lol
@samueljardine3402 Ай бұрын
It's so fascinating to me how women think of men. The biggest revelation of this for me came from Norah Vincent's "self made man", where it clicked for me that women think "if only I was a man then the world would open up to me and I could do anything I want and I would be respected." It had never really occurred to me that anyone could think that because I am a man and I know plenty of men and that almost couldn't be further from reality. It still blows my mind that especially in the age of information women could still think that.
@Krelian4400 Ай бұрын
When women refer to men, think about men, wish they were men - they are always referring to Chad. Replace the word "men" in a women's vocabulary with "Chad" and it all makes sense.
@WhyteHorse2023 Ай бұрын
Yeah you should see all the trans-men who freak out when they can pass as a man and get treated like crap.
@na976 Ай бұрын
As hoemath has said before, when women think about how they would act as men, they always assume they would be the kind of man that they look at online. No woman has ever considered what it would be like to be a short man with a small dick and a 50k/year job.
@Africanlady2 Ай бұрын
I think you have to replace the word “respected” with victimized. The average man might be invisible or maybe robbed walking down the street at night, but even the below to average woman can be SA’d. Its the equivalent of fake bots that target men, random d*cks that target women relentlessly.
@deanchur Ай бұрын
@@Krelian4400 yup. When you hear about male privilege it's always about the top 5% of guys and their experiences (since they can get away with pretty much anything with women).
@benbonaventura2650 Ай бұрын
Guy pretty privilege is literally understanding Women and not tolerating it.
@manumaster1990 Ай бұрын
@carlyellison8498 Ай бұрын
You'll learn to embrace it as you grow up.
@ALForb Ай бұрын
I think good genes plays a bit bigger role than whatever you said.
@MrPlagueDr Ай бұрын
​@@carlyellison8498 Sure lol
@healthymindhappierlife5089 Ай бұрын
This is hilarious. Most of the arguments I have nowadays while dating is started by me simply setting fair boundaries for how I am treated.
@BP-ke5qs Ай бұрын
Every case of sexual harassment is just "you're not attractive enough for that".
@jasonhernandez2776 Ай бұрын
@@BP-ke5qs106 IQ max
@santosthesupersaiyan1086 Ай бұрын
@s.s5933 Ай бұрын
@@Shrekster5E no
@Clockwork.Lemon854 Ай бұрын
@terenarosa4790 Ай бұрын
@@BP-ke5qs nah, I was recently sexually harassed by a guy I thought was extremely cute and I was obsessed with. It was really disappointing to realize he wasn't who I thought he was. He was a total creep. No boundaries because he knew I liked him. He assumed he could take advantage of me. It was very upsetting.
@Fernandez218 21 күн бұрын
if you're ugly confidence is required. if you're pretty confidence is optional.
@antoniotrivelloni8191 Ай бұрын
I really like how this guy goes into his mistakes. He's honest about his past behavior and how it wasn't the right thing to do.
@nehpets216 Ай бұрын
The self reflection is once of the reasons that I like him instead of just liking his content.
@-blackcat-4749 Ай бұрын
The hypocrisy: "I had fun, but you kids should not have same fun because fun is bad, mmkay?"
@Bruik_Blaine36 Ай бұрын
@@-blackcat-4749 lol, not the point, you must be the ground because that airplane flew right over you.
@nehpets216 Ай бұрын
@@-blackcat-4749 It's more "I did this and learned, once I did I regretted these parts of my actions so please learn to be better than me"
@pietersteenkamp5241 Ай бұрын
@@-blackcat-4749 To be sure he is telling other people not to misbehave while at least admitting he did; considering the name of the channel ( can't think i ever saw a more clever marketing tactic) i think that's right to do and since personal growth is actually something that happens i am giving him the benefit of the doubt!
@brootal4234 Ай бұрын
BPillers have known and talked about guy pretty privilege for years. It was just dismissed as nonsense. Naive people believed it was actually “confidence”. Years later, the rest of society is finally catching on.
@Krelian4400 Ай бұрын
BPillers have known what is up for a while now. It's interesting to see how society is going to react to the truth becoming common knowledge.
@yarnosh Ай бұрын
It still is about confidence... but mainly for the top 20%. There are a lot of men in the top 20% who just haven't realized what they can get away with if they push the envelope.
It's always been the case that at least 30% of the male population live sexless lonely lives. But i think the worst advice i've seen from everyone, including this channel, is to just improve yourself. You also need to lower your standards, especially on beauty. If you think looking at instagram models and of girls isn't warpping your sense of what kind of woman you "deserve" you are as delusional as the women.
@Krelian4400 Ай бұрын
@@yarnosh Your looks is your confidence.
@brootal4234 Ай бұрын
@@yarnosh Nah, they gained that confidence through all the positive reinforcement over the years. I had a Chad friend who would mumble during his speeches in class. He also wouldn’t do any research on the topic so he would wing it. Yet all the girls kept their focus on him and would give him praises after he was done telling him how great he was. When I would give speeches in class, the girls would be looking down, looking out the window or have a bored look on their face as if they were thinking when it was going to be over. After the speech, we would get critiques and I would be told to speak up even though I was talking louder than anyone else. I was also told that they thought I didn’t seem to know the topic and that I was making things up even though I spent the past two weeks stuck in a library researching the subject, typed 3 drafts and practiced in my car everyday. I would also overhear comments like “(giggle), ew, look at his nose”. Before prom, I would approach girls from class in the hallway to ask them to prom. I would be told no. One group of girls laughed as they walked away and I overheard one of them say “I bet he has a small dick”. How tf does anyone expect to build confidence with negative experiences like that? Something I learned from a Chad friend many years later who had a ton of gfs in high school is that HE never approached the girls he dated. They came to him so he always had a new gf every month. Some of these girls were even friends of each other. Good looking dudes are practically GIVEN confidence on a silver platter.
@Tgruss Ай бұрын
I love how autistic my wife is, otherwise I don't think I would have stood a chance.
@simpleplan100687 Ай бұрын
That sounds really bad but I'm gonna assume your heart is in the right place
@crix_h3eadshotgg992 Ай бұрын
@@simpleplan100687how is that bad? Lots of autists are blind to social hierarchy, and that’s why I love hanging out with them. They’re good people.
@chemist3678 Ай бұрын
@@crix_h3eadshotgg992 As an autist, it's not that we're blind to social hierarchy, it's that we hate social hierarchy. We see it as it really is, bullshit.
@MrFrankEast Ай бұрын
@@simpleplan100687 Yeah my chick has a little bit of the tism and I love her for it. It makes her funnier and she gets me more than some dead eyed stacey telling me about the newest episode of the social media influencer reality show shes watching lol
@Tgruss Ай бұрын
@@simpleplan100687 I'm a little autistic too, but she is a real keeper and I'm a lucky guy. If are weirdness didn't line up so perfectly no way she'd go for me. She's gorgeous.
@garyfantastica Ай бұрын
Long read warning. Oh I'm totally jaded by the effect of my attractive levels and how shallow you realize most people really are. I've slowly climbed the attractive ladder as I grew from a kid into the man I am today. Elementary School: Throughout elementary school I was the fat kid who always wore grey sweaters and had a buzz cut. I was at best a 3 and pulled 1s (mostly hand holding relationships at that point). I was generally seen as weird or annoying. When I would attempt to interact with others they'd literally clear out. Elementary was a sad time for me. Middle School: I got taller and thinned out a good bit. I might have been a solid 6 if I didn't style my hair with my bangs straight in the air and I had pretty bad acne. I dated 4-6s with them having all the power and often leaving me for more attractive men. People began viewing me as quirky rather than annoying though my personality didn't change and I began making friends. Highschool: I was a 6-7, I grew even taller and thinned more, high cheekbones with a strong jawline. I'd have been a solid 7 if I wasn't in my Metro phase.I met my highschool sweetheart (a 6) and we were pretty even in our power relationship. People now sought me out as a funny guy/life of the party. My school only had two real clicks, the jocks and the Drama (theater) nerds and by the time I left I was the unofficial figure head of the drama nerds. My personality didn't improve, if anything I got worse as I began exploring my growing "attractive powers." My highschool friend (a 4-5) and I once randomly hugged some girl in the hall and she literally reported him for sexual harassment while leaving me be. Undergrad: I grew into a 7-7.5 as I matured a bit and my wardrobe dropped the skinny shorts and eyeliner. My relationship with my highschool sweetheart began becoming one-sided as she grew anxious about the growing difference in our social stature. She would buy most everything and I was honestly growing pretty rude as I began receiving attention from more and more attractive women. My quirkyness grew into a slightly asshole-ish sarcasm that was beginning to attract higher numbers than myself. I was attracting 6-8s and the occasional 9-10. Honestly though what led me to leave my ex was the desperation, if she had stayed cool and level with me I'd have stayed as I believe in loyalty, but can't drag around dead weight. I understand we all need reassurance in a relationships from time to time but on the daily it can become pretty exhausting. Half way through my undergrad is when I met my now wife. She was 18 (I was 22), a bombshell bad girl (solid 8). Again we were pretty even in our relationship though the power slightly leaned in her favor and for 6 whole years it was straight heaven. Masters: I'm currently working on my masters, but for the first time in my life I began working out near the end of my undergrad. I don't quite have a 6 pack more like a 2-4 pack depending on if I've eaten, but my arms are massive and I look good in a tank top. I've started having problems with girls in the workplace and have even left a job because the attention I was getting made my wife uncomfortable. Now others perspective of your attractiveness can also affect how they treat you. There for a year or two I hardly went out as I work and do my school online, during this time my wife began going out to bars with friends and the only way I'd see her was if I waited around the house for her. Not to mention it was easier to prove my loyalty when I wasn't hanging out with other girls. (Even had a cute 18 year old tell me she's join a cult if I made one, but that's another story) This created the illusion that I was unpopular or at least at a lower standing than her and she began treating me poorly. Long story short we nearly got a divorce and I finally said "fuck it" and began hanging out with people again. I once even went out with 4 girls as the sole male (they were all lesbians, but that didn't matter to my wife) and she finally realized I wasn't at home because no one wanted me around, I was at home because I chose to. During this span I've continued improving myself (now an 8-8.5) while she continues to allow herself to decline. She's gained weight and her job frying food is affecting her complexion. She has a cavity between two of her front facing teeth and no dental insurance to fix it. I feel as she realized her miss calculation her personality has shifted to one mirroring my highschool sweethearts near the end of our relationship. Now she's hurt me bad and I'm realizing more and more how shallow she is as well, but I love her. Honestly I don't care about looks as much, if she had treated me the way I'm still trying to treat her there'd be no question of our relationship. But now the vail is gone.. before she hurt me I saw her as an extension of myself and I an extension of her. We were "us" now we're "me and her". I was in love, now I merely love her. What makes it worse is I'm getting more attention from women now than I ever have in my life while I'm struggling to rekindle the flame my wife nearly snuffed out. And let me tell you women are just as creepy as men when you're an attractive male. I've grown accustomed to unwanted groping from women that I don't report because sexual harassment is generally not taken seriously if it's towards a man. I don't even want the attention as I know they're merely seeing me as an object, a thing of desire. I honestly felt more comfortable when I was bigger, no one looked at me, now I won't even take my shirt off at the pool because I can feel the eyes. I know I have options. I know I should logically leave her, again I love her. Plus I don't want to be as shallow as those I've discussed in this text. I really do hope we work out, but if we don't just because of the poor treatment and now desperation not growing disparity in our attractiveness. Beauty has its benefits, but there are drawbacks. You never know if someone is with you because they like who you are or because they like how they look with you. Find someone who loves your soul first and your body second.
@Pavia1525 Ай бұрын
Good read and thanks for sharing. I’m a bit older than you, not to say wiser, but I’ve lived and learned and may have some food for thought. First, what you describe is quite normal for couples and a marriage. In love is only temporary. What’s more important is that you love her. And she loves you. Couple that with the Loyalty that you possess and you have the makings of a long lasting marriage. You made a statement that Logic says you should leave her. I would say that Logic says you should stay with her. Because you love her and you made a commitment. Don’t throw that commitment away lightly. That’s your Word and keeping your word is what makes you a husband and also defines your value to yourself. One last thing, about your wife and your issues with appearance… all perfectly valid, but you can’t verbalize that to her. And you don’t have to… she already knows. So just be there and be an asset to her in her personal growth. If she’s stuck in a rut, sounds like a Life coach could be helpful… but she needs to recognize that and tread lightly. Don’t give up. Love, Loyalty, and Respect are the foundations of a marriage. Divorce is a failure that you will carry with you all your life. Avoid it, if you can.
@writer9999 Ай бұрын
@@Pavia1525 so not to sound judgemental, but the man put a very nice thing in their, and that's that his wife dosen't love him, she just is attracted to his extrinsic qualities, and while yes it might be that this one sided intrinsic love may be the 'norm', but at no point does that mean that's logically infallible, so it's actually good that an option of divorce is always seen in a positive light because in the end if you're alone that's the best thing to be since the amount of control we have on our own actions that affect is unparalled to that of someone, we can never predict with certainity, nor in some cases influence, no matter how hard it can affect us.
@Pavia1525 Ай бұрын
@@writer9999 I rather hear from the actual OP, rather than inane judgements from the peanut gallery. Go away…
@hustleculturegrindmedia8079 24 күн бұрын
is that you in your profile pic? you do not look like an 8.5 from the side dawg do you have socials where you post your face? i think you are nuts for considering yourself to be so attractive
@karamlevi 24 күн бұрын
@@Pavia1525pavia you are a horrible person, take your own advice and leave yourself.
@koreanbbq2376 Ай бұрын
Breaking news: Girl tried punching above her weight and got rejected and is mad that an attractive guy that has other options.
@forrealforreal588 Ай бұрын
Imagine if they had to compete all the way down instead of just the top😂 lol.
@ewg5511 Ай бұрын
@@forrealforreal588 Hopefully one day enough men will wake up to their shenanigans, and it'll become a reality.
@sriharshacv7760 Ай бұрын
Karma is a b
@James-xb2yj Ай бұрын
shes glowing, angelic looking. STILL finds something to rant about.
@Lmaoeatrr Ай бұрын
Shes an attractive girl and maybe she realized that those type of things are male problems too. Like attractive men getting shorter sentences in prison. Tall, musclar men (the average quarterback type of guy) will get more girls than short brown dudes with glasses. It just how it goes i guess.
@Jalreal Ай бұрын
The problem is if you improve your build and dress stylishly to become a 7+ then she only likes you because of your outward appearence and not because you're you. If you were to get into an accident or become seriously ill and lose it, you would also lose her quick I think. Pretty people have chaotic relationships honestly. The old method of getting to know a girl who has a good relationship with her family (read: father) is still the optimal way IMO.
@gnarl12 Ай бұрын
@undertakerblaise256 Ай бұрын
Smart man
@UnlimitedWomen2 Ай бұрын
@@Jalreal 1st Half Troo
@roberth.1201 Ай бұрын
Yeah but those 'good hearted' women are already taken.
@exodia_2299 Ай бұрын
Once you accept you don’t have control over other people decision have more peace that including people leaving when in a relationship good or bad reason. Their decision has be made
@ttthttpd Ай бұрын
So everybody has to do the work to become worthy of love, but only 20% will ever be liked. Conclusion: The world has become a much crueler and lonelier place in the last century.
@benjaminolsen2381 Ай бұрын
Women have always been cruel. The only thing that changed is they have power.
@mickeyc2137 Ай бұрын
I dont know about that i see tons of unattractive couples everywhere its just if your unattractive you will most likely only get a partner who is also unattractive
@WhyteHorse2023 Ай бұрын
Just extrapolate this globally. It doesn't end well for the average American woman. The chick in this video is like a 4 out of 10 globally but gets treated like an 8 in the US because she's not fat.
@homiesenatep Ай бұрын
This is not entirely true, look at the whole world and the history. Many unattractive women and men have had partners many times, it was just by them being themselves. You can just find a partner if you are just romantic and have a good energy inside of you. I’m pretty sure if you look into history, many men and women didn’t have this information, and they still got with each other with just the energy they had within themselves without knowing this stuff. I’m sure it’s much easier than we think
@gigamaxextra Ай бұрын
It's closer to 4% or 0.8% on dating apps but yes you are correct 💪
@-MakeItGood- Ай бұрын
Guys, high school is just training wheels for society. It never ends.
@Sensorium19 Ай бұрын
Imagine saying that you couldn't find the bottom of vvomen's depravity, but trying to get men to voluntarily work to chase that in a broken system. There's a hole in your boat? Don't plug the hole because that would hurt the water's feelings. Just bail harder.
@johnserosanguineous1886 Ай бұрын
Every hot guy has come to this realization at one point. Great intellectuals of old have been screaming this stuff at us for centuries.
@Correction-zl2oe Ай бұрын
Your getting there but ill add to what your saying basically women look to men to shore up all their failings but they are actively growing uglier by the day and there is a limit to how great man can be and no limit to womens wickedness
@crix_h3eadshotgg992 Ай бұрын
@@johnserosanguineous1886can you please share which ones? I need to read some fucking books to cope rn.
@colinyesutor2600 Ай бұрын
@@johnserosanguineous1886yes. Solomon also came to that conclusion after his numerous escapades.
@johnserosanguineous1886 Ай бұрын
@@crix_h3eadshotgg992 YT would delete tf out of that bro 😂 Aristotle, Einstein, Schopenhauer, (even feminists themselves said the quiet part out loud) Ehrenreich, the Bible, the Quran,
@ChiseledAdonis Ай бұрын
It's funny that you played the same game of "what's the rudest thing you can do/say until she loses interest"; legitimately did that as an experiment in my early to mid 20s and I was shocked at how much I could get away with... Couldn't fathom getting away with that kind of stuff when I was in high school or even college. Back handed compliments, ghosting, flaking, flopping & they would just sweep it under the rug because they so desperately wanted me to be the guy for them. It started getting old as I entered my late twenties & I started feeling guilty about it so I stopped cold turkey & didn't run the experiment anymore. Nowadays I'm just as "brutally honest" but genuinely, rather than experiment & somehow... It still works🤣 Women are funny like that
@Saberdud Ай бұрын
Bro, I did not expect you to be in here what 💀
@AmritSingh-gj5rw Ай бұрын
so if attractive dudes act like this then all the attractive women acting sht must be playing games as well (and its easier for women to be attractive than dudes) thats why a lot of women act garbage towards dudes because they know theyll get away with it just like your case. all makes sense
@horvathbenedek3596 Ай бұрын
That's not funny at all.
@Correction-zl2oe Ай бұрын
Welll its moot and not necessarily bad regardless of what 304 math says women hate truth even the "reasonable" ones so "rude" is on a spectrum and men especially autistic ones have difficulty checking in with the heard as to what's "acceptable" to say men in general are more concerned with truth. then the tone which is for women children and canines. The moment women were allowed into the public sphere emotion was exalted to be as valid as reason its was the only way women could participate in a conversation with the rational half of humanity unfortunately this lowered the entire discourse of society to the short bus.
@TigerBl00d Ай бұрын
Shout out to the Chiseled Adonis.
@_6-6_ Ай бұрын
It’s very very true. Having a prize heifer is not even CLOSE to having a prize bull. Ranchers will pay tens of thousands of dollars just to have a top bull driven across the country just to mate with their cows. It’s not unheard of for people to pay over a MILLION dollars for a single bull. In 2020 an angus bull went for 1.51 million at auction.
@shadopard7527 Ай бұрын
look at the world of horse racing. For a top stallion to be with a mare once? Can cost millions. Not even guaranteed, just for them to play once A tiny sample of his juice can be 100 k. A horse like secretariat would be worth a 100 mil+ easy these days.
@Correction-zl2oe Ай бұрын
This was always true and has always been true men are the express image and GLORY OF GOD women are not. The most valuable man is vastly more valuable then the most valuable women but truly the average man is far more valuable then the average women.[i believe in the bible it even put monetary value on citizens in ot and young men were worth most old women the least] The belief that women have intrinsic value because they can bear kids is absurd their are more women on earth then men and all can have kids and all should have more then needed to replace parents this belief has led to the disastrous single mother epidemic because it acts like carrying is a big deal while simultaneously ignoring and taking for granted the men that are the providers. I f having babies was of more value then feeding them Africa would be a paradise. Its all the more hypocritical to claim one man could reproduce a whole village as if any man will do while the list of reqs just to get a women is monumental if a tribe had 50 men and 10n constantly pregnant women it would survive against a tribe of 30 men and 30 occasionally pregnant women or any other combination with more women then men even if one man could reproduce a village he cant protect or provide for it women are the weakest link the few with good genes should spit out ten kids apiece.And finally womens presumed value is based on having kids they arent even having lol
@Leandro7470 Ай бұрын
Ok this is getting cucky, imma head out
@occultsupport Ай бұрын
stop comparing humans to fucking bulls. Are you even hearing yourself?
@DarkVeghetta Ай бұрын
Well, god damn. And here I was giving it away for free!
@itermercator114 Ай бұрын
The story you had was similar to mine, not quite the "evilmaxing" but I almost became aromantic because of how bullsh1t it was, like I didn't really change that much, I just lost like 5-10 kg and got a bit more muscle, then all of a sudden I went from not existing to "6/10" and below starting to be interested in me effectively in droves. Like the idea that being slightly more attractive made me from invisible to very noticed felt insane, to the point it just seemed like "what's the point now it's that easy??". It wasn't even a gradual thing, it just hit a threshold and now godmode was enabled. I was also during a time when I wasn't "red p1lled", so I just assumed women like it when you're nice and sweet etc (typical "you'll be great to someone one day" and friendzone nonsense), but it was so bewildering to find out that none of that mattered, they straight up don't care how you treat them, you just have to look good and once you hit an invisible threshold, you suddenly unlock female simps.
@jesseRya Ай бұрын
I knew a girl once that would complain about cat calls all the time, but when she would see someone she found attractive she would start trying to get his attention in the most unsubtle way so that he would say something to her. One day I asked her, "Are you trying to get that guy to cat call you right now? I thought you hated that." she says, "It's different when they're attractive."
@jesseRya Ай бұрын
😂 I wrote this comment less than a minute into the video and then the behavior immediately got mentioned. I love you dude
@bluemanvisions Ай бұрын
This is how you know it’s an actual phenomenon and their standards are completely relative to whoever’s in front of them.
@ewg5511 Ай бұрын
@@bluemanvisions I'd say it less about standards, and more about lack of self-respect, you wouldn't let someone disrepect you or get away with something you usually find unacceptable regardless of their appearance/gender/status, would you?
@robertct06 Ай бұрын
@@jesseRya did you just reply to yourself thinking it was someone else?🤣💀
@shezyam460 Ай бұрын
​@@robertct06nah he's saying that he wrote the first comment a minute into the video, and then got surprised that HM mentioned what his comment talked about, making him write a second comment remarking his surprise
@thelonesquid7886 Ай бұрын
In my late 20s I got ripped and pretty boy maxxed my hair. NGL once I saw how differently I was treated I saw women completely different. Specially the married ones. Before social media it was only a small group of men who truly understood this
@vastterror9228 Ай бұрын
Think about it though you wouldn’t talk to a girl that’s fat
@sifumode9460 Ай бұрын
Had a sergeant in the national guard that would approach women with, "Are you married?". If they said yes, he followed up with "Happily?". Disturbing how often it worked for him. Not a really high success rate because he was honestly a 4 or 5, but even as a 4 or 5, it worked enough to make me question ever getting married.
@123abcd8 Ай бұрын
honestly there doesn’t seem to be a limit to how badly you can treat women if you’re hot i’ve seen coworkers get physically abused, broken nose, dislocated shoulder, bruising and they always go back for more, usually they get pregnant before he leaves her and that’s the only way the cycle ends
@gnarl12 Ай бұрын
Holy shiiiiittt yes ..... 😢
@shadopard7527 Ай бұрын
I just saw a clip going the rounds... woman says "I'm gonna ignore the red flags.. like he's a street pharmacist with "interesting" connections... cuz he's hot. And clearly has money.
@theBaka9 Ай бұрын
You're wrong. The cycle doesn't end.
@Krelian4400 Ай бұрын
It was a real eye opener when I realized the actual reason women stay in abusive relationships. Everything always comes down to looks and SMV.
@citramate3633 Ай бұрын
It's hard to feel sorry for victims when they reward the behaviour that makes them victims.
@jonathanpayes1540 Ай бұрын
no one really talks about guy pretty privilege because only a few of them actually experience it but atleast 50-60% of women experience it or more
@davidtrak2679 28 күн бұрын
20-80 to 80-20
@honkhonk8009 26 күн бұрын
Why is it like that? How come I can see someone whos a 5-6 as genuinely attractive asf, but its not the other way around usually?
@hustleculturegrindmedia8079 24 күн бұрын
try dating a girl thats like 2 points below you and you will feel it trust me. You can get away with so much when you just are more attractive than any guy she can get with lol
@jointhefun4 4 күн бұрын
Which privilege do women experience,,it's just men approaching them for s** ual reasons and it ends there
@giuseppemaggio5894 Ай бұрын
Aaaaand here we are again with another episode of "Women complaining about a problem/behaviour they themselves created while, of course, not taking any accountability for it"
@MrPlagueDr Ай бұрын
yup, pretty much
@Spoutnicks Ай бұрын
I'm sure the dating apps are made by dudes. Dudes of 5 and less too.
@grayhat_9x Ай бұрын
As long as their majority parole is "we can't control what attract us, it is what it is", dating will get more and more fked up
@Me__Myself__and__I Ай бұрын
No. This is a societal issue which is (as Mr. Math points out) largely created by the Internet, smart phones and apps like Tinder. No one woman did squat to create this situation. So a women noticing that there are issues is no different than YOU noticing there are issues. Or are you also saying you personally helped create the problem as well?
@giuseppemaggio5894 Ай бұрын
@@Me__Myself__and__I Nice try but no, this issue has been alimented (almost exclusively) by women. The mechanism according to which there will be a huge difference between the way pretty guys and non-pretty guys are treated is literally at the base of female hypergamy. Who created female hypergamy? Who is responsible for female hypergamy? Certainly not men. Sure, some men would really help if they'd stop simping on every female they see but that's not the direct trigger to women being so incoherent and being so brutal on non-pretty men. Also, the girl in the video might have noticed it but we don't know how and why. Perhaps she genuinely reflected on the condition of the average men...or maybe she was directly involved in a situation where a pretty guy getting treated well upset her and therefore she had to vent about it on social media only to then forget about it the day after. And let's face it, those who know how women work, probably believe that scenario 2 is the one that really happened.
@uplink-on-yt Ай бұрын
"Guys only want one thing." And if they're good looking they get it, because girls also only want one thing. Are you saying that being attractive gets you what you want, regardless of gender?
@miracle-pi5ws Ай бұрын
Maybe I’m broken cause even if I see someone super hot I don’t wanna fuck immediately 😂😂 girls out here really taking risk like that like I don’t care if he don’t want me I’m not gonna “seal the deal” so fast.
@Fuzzey-Gaming Ай бұрын
Nah he just wants woman to know that sex is way more accessable to them and they constnatly shittalk on men for either being less attractive or attractive but being assholes for it😂 i quit dating 3 years ago. Not worth that work. Dont want to scim my fingers through a barrel of shit to find a ring
@alphathefirstone1222 Ай бұрын
Being attractive can get you what you want. but you have to know what you want before looking.. IF you are looking for short term, being attractive can get you a short term relationship. If you are looking for Long term, being attractive can get you a long term relationship.. So yes being attractive to the opposite is the UNIVERSAL factor for securing both relationships.
@raze956 Ай бұрын
@@alphathefirstone1222 "If you are looking for Long term, being attractive can get you a long term relationship.. " untrue. it works short term. but if you are a nice guy she will lose every attraction she had and move on regardless of your looks. the same is true for exxagerated bad boy behaviour with like, hard beatings, lying etc. looks are an entry card, if if the rest is garbage it wont be enough. if the other person has high self esteem and doesnt tolerate bad behaviour (both nice guy and bod boy wise) then you will be out very fast.
@bivirole6315 Ай бұрын
Play stupid games, Win stupid prices
@teatea1767 Ай бұрын
"I didn't want to offend you" is crazy 😭
@Kydrou Ай бұрын
Tell me you didn't care, without saying you don't care" 😂
@novitrix9671 Ай бұрын
@corpingtons Ай бұрын
Is because of his looks or she didn’t want relationship
@teatea1767 Ай бұрын
@@Kydrou honestly is staring at this comment every time i get a notification and i still cant figure out what you mean
@novitrix9671 Ай бұрын
@@teatea1767 she couldn't be bothered to know him on a deep personal level, it was superficial lust. Simple as.
@ChristopherBerardi Ай бұрын
This is sad but true. I'm 30 and got into the best shape of my life. People just want to come up and talk to you more when you are more attractive to them.
@nyrisj Ай бұрын
Im in the "not people" zone to most women (5-6), but occassionally I recognize when a woman is into me and yeah, they really do roll out the red carpet.
@mathieugay638 Ай бұрын
While I don't think a decile scale (out of 10) is always a very accurate or consistent way of describing attraction (see : his video on generalizations) I think having someone being sufficiently into you would put you outside the "Not People" zone, as it proves you are attractive, to that person at least.
@Me__Myself__and__I Ай бұрын
Nice. Part of being successful is being available, being aware and not being bitter. There is some women out there who would be interested for every man. But its easy to miss or self-sabotage.
@TrykusMykus Ай бұрын
@@mathieugay638 Brother, the out of 10 scale is an individual scale for every single person, because every single person values things differently. For some people a full on tattooed, buff girl is a 10, but not for most. And if everyone has their own scale, every woman (or most women and probably a lot of men, the ones that aren't self aware) has their own "not people" zone. I understand you're trying to make him feel better or paying him a compliment, but it's logically incorrect.
@misiu6559 Ай бұрын
@@TrykusMykus actually you and mathieu have some right. I would say people zone are not only 8-10 because then guys like the one from the first comment wouldn,t have these chances with women. I wiil suggest that this zone is more like 6-10 because there are types and niches and there are plenty of women who will give a chance to a 6 or a 7. Im 20 and from my own experience I can say that I'm maybe 6 or 7 and I had many chances with girls but they were more like 7.5 at best and if i try with 8,9,10 women I had always get rejected so far. Facts that I stated are pretty logical but then I go outside and still see 8,9,10 girls with not so attractive guys and that is exact reason why I will probably still try with women hotter than me because why not if I am young
@SchemingGoldberg Ай бұрын
@@Me__Myself__and__I If "success" means dating a narcissistic entitled woman with a triple-digit body count... that's not success. Stop lowering your standards, stop accepting low quality women.
@_Woo Ай бұрын
The fact that I have never taken a girl out on a date is hilarious to me. All of them just came to my house to "hang out"
@NoName-xc6cg Ай бұрын
I'm not certain if you're too successful or too unsuccessful
@_Woo Ай бұрын
@@NoName-xc6cg Depends entirely on your metric of success I guess
@Krelian4400 Ай бұрын
If you're having to "date" you aren't attractive enough. Brutal.
@jamescheaye927 Ай бұрын
Dr. Taraban from PsychHacks talks about this. You clearly got a discount for being perks member, and were able to bypass all the hurdles that they make us believe we have to endure just to “know” them
@pstick8 Ай бұрын
Dates …. What are those ??? Haha I was Netflix and chill before Netflix and chill was actually a “thing”. it’s a catch 22 now though.
@GearheadDaily Ай бұрын
The difference between a stalker and secret admirer is stationary.
@Kriegerdammerung Ай бұрын
Stationary in time you say?
@miracle-pi5ws Ай бұрын
I would like both at this point I just hope they’re non violent
@BWater-yq3jx Ай бұрын
A stalker follows her around, while the secret admirer sends her notes. So the difference is indeed... stationery. 🙃
@christansdad Ай бұрын
*font Font matters.
@ResisterCIO Ай бұрын
@@BWater-yq3jx That's classic wit, thanks! Why is a shorter shift called a "Dog Watch" in the Navy? Because it has been Curr tailed!
@Fleathemighty Ай бұрын
there is no good or bad way to pickup women. If you're attractive anything works if you're unattractive nothing works
@garlandtx10 Ай бұрын
Lmao "I don't feel safe showing you."
@gnarl12 Ай бұрын
Man I wanna see that stuff
@miracle-pi5ws Ай бұрын
We need a patreon
@BWater-yq3jx Ай бұрын
Because now he has internet money.
@Delos_Shoe Ай бұрын
​@gnarl12 do you though?
@PH-VG Ай бұрын
I appreciate your honesty when you share how you were bitter, and acted bitter towards women. Somehow I think its kinda relatable.
@LordVader1094 Ай бұрын
Yeah once I heard that I knew I hadn't stumbled onto a manosphere Tate-type channel, which it seemed at first.
@Ranchor489 Ай бұрын
The thing about pretty privilege is that it is more evenly distributed on the women's side than the men's side, hence guys having somewhat lesser standards for women and why hypergamy is mainly women's problem to fix, not men's. It continues to baffle women how much it genuinely little it takes for a guy to simply see them as attractive and wanting to build a relationship with them. Blaming men with the argument that the "top 10" male has more privileges than a "top 10" female does literally nothing to shed light that the dropoff of men starts at "7" while for women it's "3".
@MikeAlright Ай бұрын
yes lol they want to take no responsibility for their own problems that they are creating.
@Wrtvrxgvcf55 Ай бұрын
Best comment here - the average woman can get laid / a boyfriend at a whim, it just wont be with someone much more attractive than she would be.
@lakecityransom Ай бұрын
"It continues to baffle women how much it genuinely little it takes for a guy" Indeed. That is the poison programmed into us unfortunately.
@MikeAlright Ай бұрын
they are all biologically hard wired to mate with the top 10 male and they are wearing makeup because thats how they are competing against other women for the top 10 male.
@CoolWatchesOnly Ай бұрын
you all are overthinking it too much, just go out and make the numbers, do a bit of exercise no need to get super ripped or anything just dont be a walrus, loose the fear, talk to the girls straigth and put your intentions upfront, (even the not being a warlus part is optional )🤣
@Relyt345 27 күн бұрын
I’m a tall, attractive single guy. I get a decent bit of attention from women. I can’t find even one woman that doesn’t turn me off. It’s a gross feeling knowing you’ll never be loved for who you are, for the things you value most about yourself.
@LaFonteCheVi Ай бұрын
This is why social standards are so important. This is why natural female-male dynamics are important. This is why letting men and women do whatever they want is bad.
@Krelian4400 Ай бұрын
Yep. Men need higher levels of status and money to balance out women's inherently higher average SMV. Take that away from men and all men are left with is their looks. That leaves only the best looking men with any real power. Ironically feminism just transfers power to the most toxic men, the Chads.
@IbnRushd-mv3fp Ай бұрын
But you can't even explain what to do, why, where we go from here... have you lived some pastoral minimalist life?, probably not and neither have a lot of people.
@IbnRushd-mv3fp Ай бұрын
Is hook up culture natural? is government sanctioned marriage natural?
@algorithmgeneratedanimegir1286 Ай бұрын
@@IbnRushd-mv3fp I have. And absolutely not a single woman in the country meets my standards because of it. It's joever. Society is ending.
@LaFonteCheVi Ай бұрын
@@IbnRushd-mv3fp Hookup culture is "natural" in the same way drug addiction is. Humans tend to gravitate to what they want rather than what they need. Government sanctioned marriage is an extreme extension of socially-sanctioned marriage, which is natural. Government sanctioned marriage is inherently dysfunctional.
@grayv-horse3443 Ай бұрын
I used to go on tinder just to insult women extensively. Surprisingly, I was never banned. I did that cuz of life stuff related to women. I made my profile as offensive as possible and actually increased number of matches, which fueled my hatred more.
@esostoic Ай бұрын
Can you elaborate on what you mean by as offensive as possible?
@Timmy-mi2ef Ай бұрын
​@@esostoic probably lots of sexism
@hanswoast7 Ай бұрын
@@Timmy-mi2ef weirdly some women are into that
@IbnRushd-mv3fp Ай бұрын
@hanswoast7 crazy right? women that support sxeualizing women's bodies for money, women that actively date brute and disrespectful chads, don't have self respect?
@GjVj Ай бұрын
Based (and Based-Pilled).
@rdkirk3834 Ай бұрын
"She said it was a 'joke.'" After 70 years I have learned: Women never joke. They may smile because they don't want a fight at the moment, but women never joke. Women may lie, but women never joke. Even women comedians are not joking.
@ResisterCIO Ай бұрын
En la broma, hay verdad.
@jaxonsevero1045 Ай бұрын
You know you’re completely right. Never even noticed🤔
@trueperson4793 Ай бұрын
Woud you kindly elaborate on that? im not really understaing what you mean by that.
@notsojharedtroll23 Ай бұрын
@@trueperson4793 If I understood his comment: boils down that women "joke" as a leeway manner to tell some truths, but because they're women, most people will not take their jokes at face value and judge them as a projection of their worldview. A.k.a: something something tee hee
@risegaming2047 Ай бұрын
That last line was funnier than anything any female comedian has ever said.
@Waywind420 9 күн бұрын
We had a German exchange student for a semester. He was 6'3, tanned skin, dark hair with a perfect face and body, and an interesting accent to top it all off. I'm not kidding you this guy was so unbelievably handsome that the girls from the dance class next door were climbing over each other to get a peek at him. Was like a scene from a movie. I didn't even want to stand next to him, I felt like a potato. He dated one of the hottest girls in school almost immediately then left after 6 months.
@morerice4767 Ай бұрын
Sneaky….ok “We used to call that, getting to know someone” 😂🤣
@threeone6012 Ай бұрын
Can confirm. Me => thin and good build Me => average and average build Treated like a completely different person. It's not even close.
@KyleReeseCel2029 Ай бұрын
I disagree with the idea that men need to improve themselves just to get an average woman, below average woman, a woman with a body count of 100, or to make a living wage. Is wrong. Let society collapse until it can be restructured. We shouldn't have to live a life like this when our grandfathers could have a home, car, virgin wife, multiple children, a pension and retire at 62.
@WhyteHorse2023 Ай бұрын
Same here. It's the soft guy era. I'll do just enough work to get my toys. If a woman wants me to sire her offspring she better have a damn good job, a big house, nice car, and treat me like a King.
@Correction-zl2oe Ай бұрын
The current system is unsustainable women's ingratitude means all men could be giga chad and women would want more and more women could be in one long orgasm their whole life and they would still complain none of this is a coincidence the only reason were not still in eden is of women's ingratitude so its fitting their greed forces them to ever try to keep up with the joneses
@Fabzil Ай бұрын
"Virgin wife", lol
@hainleysimpson1507 Ай бұрын
Again with the virgin wife fallacy. Women were still sleeping around back then. It's just that they hid it far better because then they couldn't get to men they wanted to be with or use if she were known for sleeping around.
@Fabzil Ай бұрын
@@hainleysimpson1507 Chads only care about 3 things to fuck around : the girl has to be hot, young, and willing. In order to reduce the amount of average girls fucking around Chads, 3 ways have been used traditionally. Controlling her appearance (so that she can't upgrade her look with makeup or dress or heels), controlling her movement (so she can't physically be there), or weakening her willingness to fuck around (make it shameful).
@takemeseriouslyplx2124 Ай бұрын
4:30 I'm was bitter af after realizing this too... I spent most of my childhood being overweight and never "existed" to the women around me and when puberty hit I lost a shit ton of weight and glowed up very gracefully, I literally had girls from my old class say "wow" to my face when they saw me, but it never makes you feel particularly good other than a quick burst of gratification, I never felt loved for what I had to give or the efforts I put into the girls I liked and always ended up feeling more alone when I was with someone than when I used to actually sit alone and dream about having a girlfriend!
@willek1335 Ай бұрын
It's the same with money. Whenever they got a glimps of income/total, the mood in the room would go from you barely existing, to "do you have feelings for me?" The best advice I can offer you is to think about these females in a charitable way. Not because it makes sense, but because it works. For example. When a woman sees me when I was shredded or they saw $, then it's an evolutionary green flag of a mate who is perfect. For 250 000 years of human existence, women have ALWAYS been choosing men for their ability to protect and invest into her, to keep her safe. What money mean is secuirty, for her, especially while pregnant or with a small child. That's reasonable. When you see these women as reasonable, they pick up on your presence within the room. You're actually there, seeing good in them. If you're consistent, you'll bump into women that sees the charitable version of you. I can't explain it any better, but it just works for me. If I could smell that a girl hated men for judging her physical apparance, that would be a major turn off for me, because she doesn't understand the evolutionary reasons why men prefer healthy and beautiful women. You can pick up on that, but if you can find a charitable reason why these girls prefer a fit guy, then perhaps that can be of as much help for you as it was for me. Cheers bro.
@stevepeterson6070 Ай бұрын
I think it is funny that this girl is sort of complaining that the top guys can get away with anything, when it is girls that are letting those guys get away from anything. If women would simply date at their level, and stay virgin until marriage, the top guys would no longer have any ability to get away with anything.
@chrisellis1232 Ай бұрын
Accountability is Kryptonite to women 😉
@GjVj Ай бұрын
You're attempting to apply logic. A common blunder.
@jasonberube9747 Ай бұрын
You’re telling less attractive people the only way the guys they want will learn is to not be with those guys. Then the guys learn and don’t end up with them anyway. If a one night stand is better than nothing then it’s not a surprise they aren’t changing.
@TheParadiseParadox Ай бұрын
Well, we do live in a society. Soon enough people will realise that, either by reflection or by hopelessness
@sananguliyev4940 Ай бұрын
you'd solve that problem, but create others. Absence of competition in the dating market means overall quality is worse for everyone in every bracket. People look worse, have worse understanding of relationships, are worse communicators and many other issues. Being stuck in a marriage also means people can get away with more neglect and abuse. It also leads to earlier marriages, when horny teens and young people marry just because they have no other way of getting sex. And young people are dumb and suck at everything, especially something as complex as marriage. It's all unicorns and butterflies in the conservative fantasy relationships, but not in reality unfortunately. In the real world, all solutions are flawed, and we usually must choose something balanced.
@Dubtred Ай бұрын
Being an attractive man isn’t easier than being an attractive woman because of all of the work it takes to be considered an attractive man. Sure the day to day “maintenance” once you are an attractive man might be easier, but in order to get there you have to climb a mountain, whereas the attractive women essentially get a helicopter ride to the top of the mountain. Or they hitch piggyback rides on all the “unattractive” men climbing their way up.
@AlyssaIrvine Ай бұрын
A helicopter ride lol 😂
@roberth.1201 Ай бұрын
Women are living on easy mode no matter what
@Fabzil Ай бұрын
I think you got the general idea but miss the point : both side have to work hard to go up the ladder, but which ladder you choose will change the difficulty of the task. The ladder for being good enough for marriage is super hard for both gender. No questions ask. But the difference is when it comes to just have casual sex. Attractive men have super low standards, so if a mid-woman wants to go up that ladder, she only needs 3 things : being young, being willing, being hot. She already has 2 criteria checked out by default. So she just need to be hot : loose weight, squats for round butt, make-up and dress / heels. Quite easy. Can be done in a year. On the flip side, women tends to have standard for sex quite similar that for marriage, so if a guy just wanna have fun, he will have to climb a difficult ladder. --- In conclusion, it's easier for women in their 20's to quickly go up the "fun" ladder, but this ladder will not help them for the "marriage" ladder, so they will have to do the work latter (before it's too late). For men, it's hard, because in their 20's they need to climb the one and only ladder to have value in the eyes of women. But the good thing is : once they are up there, for sex or marriage, they already have done the work.
@Dubtred Ай бұрын
@@Fabzil the only thing that matters is a relationship, casual sex isn’t remotely in the discussion. And women have an advantage in that regard. Women only have to work on themselves to be high value in a relationship. Men have to work on themselves and the life they live. Women are valued for who they are, men are valued for who they are and what they can do/what they do.
@Fabzil Ай бұрын
@@Dubtred I disagree, for long-term relationship, the standard that men are excepting from women is actually pretty high.
@MeHaveDonuts Ай бұрын
A lot of men on these platforms like to speak on how women have no empathy or charisma which of course they have never needed but a buck ton of them do not see how those words count so much more for the chads out there. A chad will never understand the man "beneath him" and has no need to be charismatic in any possible way as all of his comments will make her go "omg i love his confidence". Even when they say the most disturbing and awkward stuff. Lots of chads also think "the lesser guy" dislikes him or is jealous when he is simply another reminder of the ones that are walking around with potato processors. Don't get me wrong, there are intelligent and decent chads out there. Like 4 on the entire planet if i'm not mistaken.
@AlyssaIrvine Ай бұрын
Lol the last sentence 😂
@GjVj Ай бұрын
Dude, did you not listen to the video or something? A LOT of Chads have had the 'ugly duckling' experience (like Sir Math described) and absolutely can relate; it's just that they've now seen things from BOTH sides. And, a lot of 'Players' are former blue-pilled 'Nice Guys' who got burned and had their hearts broken, and then became ruthless. Look, I've had some BRUTAL dry spells myself, interspersed with (much rarer) success, so believe me, more guys than you think understand perfectly well.
@MeHaveDonuts Ай бұрын
​ @GjVj Yeah yeah, I never said zero chads out there understand the life of the average joe. Guys like Math are actually rare though. Most men that become brokenhearted do not rise up and instead stagnate on the bitter end. Don't have the motivation to go into the differences between a player and chad right now but for the most part you basically reiterated why I said btw.
@ZeroNumerous Ай бұрын
Yeah, no. I swim in the same circles as a lot of dudes you'd consider "chads" and yes: They do get it. Believe me, they understand how replaceable women are to them, and how it's absolute bullshit that they'll cheat on boyfriends and husbands for them. You honestly sound like you haven't talked to these dudes. A LOT of them got blasted out by some 304 that they believed in, and became Chads because of it.
@Seirra72 Ай бұрын
@@GjVjI feel for the ugly duckling aspect of this. I somehow haven’t gotten jaded though, and genuinely want to treat girls right. The problem is finding the right one though, because I know I offer a lot and don’t want to give it to the wrong girl. I know that may sound arrogant but I genuinely mean it in a “know your value” way.
@JF-xm6tu Ай бұрын
I had a glow up last year. Getting compliments from women and hook ups where they did whatever you wanted made me honeslty not respect them anymore. Because before i had a glow up i was treated so badly by them. Btw guys im 5'7 so it is possible if short
@antiracistbaby1085 Ай бұрын
Well Im 6'2 but bald
@_Lucifer_. Ай бұрын
@@antiracistbaby1085 jhonny sins say's hi
@basedanon420 Ай бұрын
Revenge of the manlets lol
@itermercator114 Ай бұрын
Same, I had a glow up and it went from a challenge (or a hunt as I preferred it, why else to go to nightclubs after all), but after the glow up it turned out it was easy as h3ll, and nothing mattered other than looks. All charisma did was get your foot in the door and help a bit getting them from the hypergamous chart to the familiar one, but ultimately if they wanted to sleep with you, you needed to be attractive. Completely 1D dynamic which also made me lose respect
@Sagefrakrobatik Ай бұрын
Im 5'4
@Kuk0san Ай бұрын
Women make rules for betas and break rules for alphas.
@pedrogames443 Ай бұрын
Its like society just spin the Government as woman and men as economic classes
@houssineatm7827 Ай бұрын
It's not about being a beta or an alpha, it's about if you are pretty or not
@maheshrathod5593 Ай бұрын
@@houssineatm7827 correct.
@jr23640 Ай бұрын
more like, women make rules for betas, and alphas make rules for women (and betas)
@gaynzz6841 Ай бұрын
@@houssineatm7827 Alpha means good looking by default.
@danwake4431 Ай бұрын
there was guy who did a similar experiment where he joined dating apps but used a ridiculously good looking photo. and he showed text messages that proved really good looking guys can do no wrong. Like at first he would hint that he had done jail time for touching kids and almost all the women didn't care. I think one of them said 'well you dont do it anymore though, right?' he got worse and worse and never did find a horrible enough thing to say to get girls to block him.
@thebangles Ай бұрын
I got to see the pretzel logic firsthand. It was terrifying.
@ResisterCIO Ай бұрын
I was a lifeguard in HS and College. Not even blasting Gwar and being as dismissive as possible could keep chicks away from "Flirt with the lifeguard". I didn't do it to be a Chad, I did it because I took my job seriously and my nightmare was some kid drowning because a gal was in my face. I watched too many horror movies as a kid.
@brandongray1059 Ай бұрын
Ya, Better Bachelor did a vid a year or two back showing women going out of their way to try to date a man who had just gotten out of prison for extreme crimes just because he had a pretty face and striking eyes. It really does matter, a lot.
@ticktockbam Ай бұрын
Hey I remember watching that exact video lol, wonder who was the one who did it so I can check it out again. That one was crazy.
@thegoat8447 Ай бұрын
Link to video?
@milesdyson Ай бұрын
At least a guy is still useful in society beyond age 40.
@gavinjohn3545 Ай бұрын
True but most guys can't lose their value because they were never valued by society in the first place. Otherwise they would have made it to the people zone. Most women on the other hand are valued until they are in their 40s.
@esotericchungusism Ай бұрын
They're still good as caretakers
@WiseOwl_1408 Ай бұрын
​@@gavinjohn3545you have to make your own value as a man.
@milesdyson Ай бұрын
@@WiseOwl_1408 only for a majority of society to shit on you if you make less than 50 grand annually
@milesdyson Ай бұрын
@@esotericchungusism not the American ones!
@troobix_s Ай бұрын
4:20 "moving a little fast, aren't we" hahahahha
@thefreedomdk3849 Ай бұрын
“Pretty Guy” here, I want to thank you for breaking this down. Why? Because I literally couldn’t fathom the idea that women were throwing coo coo at me just because how I looked. Mind you, I did have a bit of a glow up, like 2 different phases. I would say I was right at like a 7-7.5, and I was having above average success… and then I got ripped and that hit a solid 8… hit hit on way more… then the second glow up is I started modeling. I began to see in real time just how much you DONT have to have to smash the hottest girl in the room every time. I began to play games as well to see how far this “power” goes and all I learned is that women will literally do anything to get you AND to keep you just so they can feel like they “won”. They will literally do anything. It honestly was making me sick to my stomach. I’ll even give an example. Not the proudest “conquest” but I literally had a woman that was a single mom (she was more provocative than sexy) and I had her pull up on one late night for a car quickly. Tell me why that baby was in the car? She then proceeded to proceed with arranging the positioning of the car so that we would have room and then covered the baby carriage with a blanket. Btw this car was actually a freakin PT Cruiser. For this reason, I will never father a child into a broken relationship because I do not trust how women raise children. Also, this and plenty of other situations where women literally devalued theirselves to attract me, wore on me so much to where I quit dating as well. It’s honestly so scary that you don’t even have to purposefully go out of your way to hurt women or control them… they will self-destruct all on their own… and then blame it you. Cuz somehow you’re still at fault. And then they come back and bring their gf because hopefully a 3 some will make you more loyal to her. It’s maddening on both sides… if you have a conscious
@willshad Ай бұрын
Nice lies.
@JF-xm6tu Ай бұрын
​@@willshad he's not lying. I have personally experienced this
@willshad Ай бұрын
@@JF-xm6tu I must be doing something wrong then lol because nothing remotely similar to this has ever happened to me, at least not with a woman that's above a ' 4' in looks. I'm guessing we are all talking about below average looking women?
@JF-xm6tu Ай бұрын
@@willshad no the kinds of women i attracted increased in looks
@Cakalank Ай бұрын
​@@willshadyou know most guys with pretty privilege are downplaying it with 7 - 8 bruh. They are 9-10 level in actuality to have this kind of things.
@greatscott3470 Ай бұрын
2:28 - What motivation do I have to "cross that line" when my prize is shallow, self-absorbed women who will drop me as soon as someone better comes along? No thanks. I'll avoid them and be happy.
@Tundra. Ай бұрын
I'm in the same place. It keeps being talked about like someone trying to hype me up for a 40 year career in a cubicle entering data on infinite spreadsheets. The thing being discussed doesn't even attract me anymore thanks to all the gory details I've been told about, and I would have to be crazy to think I could ever enjoy it. Never ever, man. No way.
@WhyteHorse2023 Ай бұрын
The irony is that the women you want do exist and they are chasing Brad, not Chad. Every guy I've known, including myself, that made it into the top 20% ended up attracting hoes and repelling housewives. Widen your search. I had to go to the other side of the planet to find a woman that values a nice guy above all else... so I handed her the keys to the castle and made her life awesome.
@Devonthe12thmoon Ай бұрын
Move somewhere where there isn't someone better. Be a big fish is a small pond.
@ouroboricscribe3201 Ай бұрын
@@Devonthe12thmoon That's what the Passport Bros did and they quickly oversaturated the market with their low value selves, making the old white guys with money seem more appealing to all the women already looking for foreigners, which is devastating for the local men since they literally have nowhere else to go. How can a Filipino man compete in America or Europe against the local fuck boys? The movement backfired and made, yet again, the majority of them low value here AND there. Just stick to your path and if you happen to come across someone that wants to share the road, go ahead. Do not force it or make it your goal to get there, you won't. Most of this pair bonding fever is nothing but animal instinct, much like baby fever for women. We are still animals at our core, we are ruled by millenia old instincts. If people were actually as rational and logical as they claim, there would be no over population, no hookup culture, etc. because we would recognize those desires as not ours but our ancestors inheritance.
@sora5982 Ай бұрын
​@@Devonthe12thmoonyour still looking at fish. the women aren't any different anywhere in the world, only that in some places you become the top 1% and get treated ridiculously well while she treats other the way women treat you now.
@trollsearching8968 Ай бұрын
Really appreciate that you bring in your own past even when it doesn't put you in the "best light". Makes the messages and lessons more meaningful
@wrist2cold Ай бұрын
Please God do not let this channel taken down. Keep up the good work!
@cocoa105 Ай бұрын
Chris Rock said it well. "If Clarance Thomas looked like Denzel, none of this would happen." We know men like beauty but women do too. The handsome son phenomenon is part of our DNA. We just don't talk about it and women will settle for a less attractive man if he has money.
@0biwan7 Ай бұрын
the difference is that about 80% of women are attractive. and 80% of men are unattractive.
@adrianramirez6848 26 күн бұрын
@@0biwan7 not true the standards for men are way higher. only men on the caliber of young leo, delon, or brad pitt are considered universally beautiful. standards are high and women never drop them and men drop them over time because they have higher sex drive and are willing to settle for unattractive women. hypergamy
@jstefa2 Ай бұрын
Im really grateful i found this channel. i recently lost alot of weight and picked up a good job (like twice the median income) and going through these videos and seeing you admit how it affected you when you realised the pretty privilege helped me to avoid the bitter phase. i was able to rationalize it and not destroy multiple women... some who could of been decent people who dont deserve it. i also was able to find a very good partner that is into me but is not grovelling for attention. thank you. you deserve every bit of internet money you got.
@Malkor13 Ай бұрын
You give me hope that this guy's good but jaded advice has healthy outcomes. Thank you
@MrIkOgNiTo Ай бұрын
Pretend that you've lost your job and watch what your "good partner" will do 😅
@jstefa2 Ай бұрын
@@MrIkOgNiTo im not in an any illusion that she wants me for me. its clear to me that women want safety and comfort. this was not a gotcha moment you thought it was. im not naïve. that doesent mean i have to be a massive dick or be alone and wallow in my sorrow for the rest of my life.
@MrIkOgNiTo Ай бұрын
@@jstefa2 Wasn't meant to be a gotcha moment. Your first line display you already understood very well what my point was.
@jstefa2 Ай бұрын
@@MrIkOgNiTo keep backpaddling. bit faster. if you are miserable and lazy that doesn't give you the right to poke at me or my partner. the fact that your first instinct was to suggest childish games tells me everything i need to know about you. you are effeminate, bitter and vengeful. you suggested a course of action that would lead my partner to resent me. kinda like a bad woman would.
@DG123z Ай бұрын
Men still have to worry about 18 years of child support, unlike women
@JSiracusan Ай бұрын
honestly this is slowly starting to straighten out. My Brother got 6 years of good alimony... although he did take care of up to 4 kids and work at the same time to put her through medical school. Of course she was bitter about the alimony... just as i'm a bit bitter about having to pay alimony to my STBX. What I think it comes down to is that since there's so much focus on "equality" then, to cover your ass, either do not agree to a bread winner type situation, or be on the receiving end of it, that's for everyone. For men, ensure you have a good relationship with your kids and get a good amount of custody so that you pay minimal child support.
@PistonAvatarGuy Ай бұрын
@@JSiracusan I'm about to lose my driver's license because I can't afford to pay for a child that I didn't want. When a woman doesn't want a child, she doesn't have a child.
@Dominic1962 Ай бұрын
@@PistonAvatarGuy Probably shouldn’t have been plowin’ that field then, broham…
@PistonAvatarGuy Ай бұрын
@@Dominic1962 Duh, but that doesn't mean that we should accept that men don't have rights that women have.
@Dominic1962 Ай бұрын
@@PistonAvatarGuy Neither should have that “right”. As a father myself, there is never a situation in which I wouldn’t want my children, they never asked to be born they don’t deserve that treatment.
@Kloutkulture Ай бұрын
This is so true. I am tall (6’3 and muscular with a traditional handsome face or that’s what people tell me) I can get women very easily even when I take breaks or try to avoid them. When I was in my peak shape in my early 20s it was insane. It literally turned from me going out and dressing up to me not dressing too nice as I didn’t want too much attention. I know this stuff is real because I was a virgin and didn’t kiss a girl until college. In highschool is when I noticed girls taking an interest in me who most would consider the cute girls. I was small and skinny and average height until senior year. In college as I continued puberty I started to really notice women actively engaging with me more and more then I finally lost my vCard and major fear of women. I came back from college out of state and got a gf who cheated on me. After the break up it motivated me to lift weights and get in shape. That’s when I started getting a lot of attention but I took it a step further by 23 and set out to get ripped. By the time I did I started getting cat called, I noticed I couldn’t be around my friends gf without them making it awkward, being at the beach very beautiful women I couldn’t believe were normal would talk to me. It was like a dream. After a year or so I got used to it. I was used to going on one date max and getting what i wanted. I racked up so many bodies but also was exposed to female nature and saw how women didn’t give a damn married or not. Actually had a married guy try and kill me and that’s what made me chill. Now in my thirties and successful but not as cut more dad bod and STILL can very easily juggle multiple women without trying. A lot of my exes want to still be friends with me and when I am public even if I am not flirting I can have a conversation with almost any woman. I do not have game I talk to women just like men it’s all about looks and status tbh. It’s such a trip.
@writer9999 Ай бұрын
i had a similar experience as you but towards secondary school. but remember my friend that actually like when i was like 12 or so i used to get rejected by many of the same women so i got to know it's not you they're interested in, it's just to satisfy their dopamine system that they have started approaching me, about to graduate from a very nice academic institution and maintained my vcard throughout college and i hope i have enough strength to keep it preserved all my life.
@MultiAsdasad 20 күн бұрын
are you from USA? no offense but I think girls there are more shallow, in other countries like mine you gotta seduce them more
@charliedontsurf334 Ай бұрын
We'll get back to monogamy when those who can't get off the phones get darwined out. :\
@lv1543 Ай бұрын
The opposite will happen. Natural selection favors people who are immediately attractive from 1 second exposure. Youre cooked
@KNGDDDE Ай бұрын
You think there's gonna be anyone dateable around by then?
@Me__Myself__and__I Ай бұрын
I agree with almost everything Mr. Math says. But personally I think monogamy is highly over-rated.
@kungfukenny8098 Ай бұрын
We unfortunately will never go back to monogamy as long as the xx chromosomes get to decide how we run things. Because if given the choice, the xx chromosomes will always choose to be in harems. This isn't even my opinion, just look at what's happening right now
@lv1543 Ай бұрын
@@Me__Myself__and__I it aint. its very beneficial for society as a whole
@thaatruthseeker3725 Ай бұрын
Most guys don't have it ofcourse but the dude they called prison bae comes to mind and this blacc guy that has light eyes and homeless had a bunch of women offering him a place to stay
@AkiRa22084 Ай бұрын
Jeremy Meeks?
@samuraitadpole5459 Ай бұрын
Don't forget ted bundy received hundreds of love letters after getting caught
@thaatruthseeker3725 Ай бұрын
@AkiRa22084 yes he's the first guy and the second one I mentioned just happened a couple months ago
@johnserosanguineous1886 Ай бұрын
Or that dude who impregnated like 4 prison guards. Or that recent guy in the UK.
@ukaszlolewicz6199 Ай бұрын
Wade Wilson
@Eryrwen Ай бұрын
I experienced this for about 5 years just before the internet was very widespread. It was an absolute revelation even then. I learned things about women I really didn't want to know.
@gintonicx6 Ай бұрын
It's a really cruel world if you are looking for a decent wife...
@KodakRed-fjHBK Ай бұрын
@@gintonicx6 agree with you
@KodakRed-fjHBK Ай бұрын
@Eryrwen I think something shouldn't be learned. Need to be untouched, unless you think you're capable of handling it. Most men who learn about the FEMA nature and all bs, then they want to kiill themselves, complain about female behaviors, they cannot control or change, then some people want to shame women for being them. It's all weird sht.
@JF-xm6tu Ай бұрын
100% agree. It has made me struggle to respect them
@Eryrwen Ай бұрын
@@JF-xm6tu Which is a shame, because they cannot control it and it's unreasonable to expect them to. Life's unfair.
@ph8077 Ай бұрын
Fucking Hell...Putin, please hurry up & press that button.
@JustAaron94 Ай бұрын
The one thing I don't like about these videos is that they typically end by telling men that the expectation, without fail, is placed on the men to "Become more attractive".
@willshad Ай бұрын
It's done to promote his 'self improvement' stuff. He knows darn well that it's a losing battle.
@sportyeight7769 Ай бұрын
It's a shallow goal. Juste do sports for your health and mental well being. Talk to people and have some social hobbies. The reste will maybe fall in line maybe not, but obsessing over it isn't good for anyone.
@melbourneplanespotter3631 Ай бұрын
I feel that's the only realistic option though. Women have options so they're not going to change their ways, and the dating apps aren't going anywhere either. So, if you're a man, there's no choice but to become more attractive in some way (physically, economically, socially, etc.). Of course, the other option is to just leave the market entirely, which many men have also done.
@DarkVeghetta Ай бұрын
It is. Sexually/romantically, women choose and men compete. However, bettering yourself is a _crucial_ part of being a man, regardless if you care or not about what women think. Always strive to be better than your younger self, even if you're alone on an island.
@willshad Ай бұрын
@@DarkVeghetta The issue is that ' improving yourself ' isn't the same as ' making yourself more attractive to women ' and oftentimes it's the opposite. To be blunt, saving money is a form of improvement, and women want you to spend and spend, if not directly on them, then on things to help attract them ( expensive cars, home, plastic surgery, hair plugs, gym membership etc). In a way, you have to choose to ' self improve' OR to try and attract women, because you're almost certain to be in worse condition in order to attract her, and even worse once you're in the relationship with her. Of course guys who got extra lucky like celebrities, super handsome guys, millionaires etc don't count
@Jetstoanywhere Ай бұрын
I spent my 20's going to college and getting a good career. I spent my 30's trying to get in shape and getting enough money to get a house. Now in my 40's I've got a good career I'm in decent shape and I have a big ol empty house. A 3 can make it to a 5 through hard work. But at this point in life what's it even worth?
@gnarl12 Ай бұрын
Overseas cuh. That plus a prenup and you're a ok.
@devilgames2217 Ай бұрын
5 = not people. 👻
@homiesenatep Ай бұрын
Well, if you’re happy with what you have. Then just keep these amazing accomplishments to yourself. Take pride for what you’ve done, and build riches for yourself from these things. Maybe share it with your family, if they want to. These accomplishments don’t have to be for a relationship, they can be for your family or for yourself
@demonkingsummoned3275 Ай бұрын
Treasure that peace bro. You have no idea what awaits you if you jump in the deep end 🦈
@kubasniak Ай бұрын
Curse god.
@the1gresh Ай бұрын
Oh yeah, this is only gonna get worse. Good luck, fellas 😅
@sleepytimeshecomes Ай бұрын
in 2017 I became aware of how awful I looked physically, out of shape, etc. I began going to the gym and slowly got in really great shape. I noticed that ppl were treating me differently after I improved my looks, more attention, more acknowledgments from women, ppl calling me sir. After hitting my peak for looks via hard work in the gym and throwing steroids' in the mix the amount of women willing to talk to me or checking me out went up significantly. I'd catch women everywhere checking me out, from older women to teenies smiling at me; a few salivating right to my face in public in front of their man. I have never been so desired in my life by women and it's all because I got in shape. This is proof that women are just like men for attraction.
@RandomUser25122 Ай бұрын
“When everyone’s super… one is” - Syndrome
@bryansantos6613 Ай бұрын
My guy pretty privilege is being able to say “I have a girlfriend” and them not listening
@Koozwad Ай бұрын
saying you have a girlfriend will actually make them want you more... they're competitive like that, and it raises your value in their eyes
@youtbueranonymous Ай бұрын
As a short man with average face I don’t think I will ever experience getting over that line no matter how much I work out and how much money I make short of becoming famous.
@WhyteHorse2023 Ай бұрын
I see short guys with chicks all the time. Granted they're Latinos and not speaking English...
@s.g.867 Ай бұрын
How short are you exactly ?
@hoked2194 10 күн бұрын
Gymmaxx, haircut, fashion. Get extremely drunk if you're not confident and you'll be "short man tall".
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