自分用表現メモ 1:00 There is a degree how much are you nodding. > That depends on how much… と自分なら言ってしまうがthere is a degree how much… で日本語みたいに「程度、限度があるっしょ」と表せる! 3:05 I found it very endearing. > endearing: inspiring love or affection を初めて聞いた(これはよく使われるのか?🧐) 3:24 I don’t wanna sound like condescending. > condescending: treating someone as if you are more important or more intelligent than themも初めて聞いた(これもよく使われるのか?🧐) 4:16 It’s better to strike a balance between nodding and looking into the eye or something. > strike a balance 「バランスを取る」をstrikeと組み合わせて用いるということが意外! 5:42 That would sound like they’re not listening, pushing me in the background to just faking it. > into the background: into the position of being less important backgroundが比喩的に使われる! 6:10 It kind of interrupts your train of thought. > train of thought: a series of ideas or thought that someone is having 「思考回路」はこう表せるのか! 6:18 It just catches your attention to the point where it can maybe disrupt you if you are overdoing it. > catch your attention to the point where SV 相手の意識をSVの所まで持っていく感じ? to the point where SV 汎用性高そうやのになかなか使いこなせない、、 6:30 I definitely get that. I understand that. の代わりに使いたい 7:17 Your posture and a gesture might give off a completely different vibe. > give off: to produce something such as smell, heat, light etc give+off(分離)→ 吐きだす 感じ? > vibe atmosphere の代わりに使いたい(なかなか使えない) 8:29 It would creep me out. 「きっしょって思わせる」creep単体やと全く違う意味になる! cringeと似た感じかと思ったけどこっちはembarrassedより? 9:02 I start going into this spiral in my head where I either… > go into the spiral in my head where SV →どういうスパイラルか が続く 英語でも日本語と同じようにスパイラルって使うのか!と驚き
@kyotopia2 жыл бұрын
もちむぎさんコメントありがとうございます!この動画で参加させていただいたマイカです! 3:05 I found it very endearing. > endearing: inspiring love or affection を初めて聞いた(これはよく使われるのか?🧐) >>私はよく使いますよー! 3:24 I don’t wanna sound like condescending. > condescending: treating someone as if you are more important or more intelligent than themも初めて聞いた(これもよく使われるのか?🧐) >>偉そうに話してるときとか、上から下に見てるふうに聞こえるときはCondescendingと言います。 例文:"she thought the teachers were arrogant and condescending" "His condescending attitude made it clear Steve thought he was superior to all of the other interns." 6:30 I definitely get that. I understand that. の代わりに使いたい >>または "I get that" give off: to produce something such as smell, heat, light etc give+off(分離)→ 吐きだす 感じ? >>そうそう。そんな感じです。 > vibe atmosphere の代わりに使いたい(なかなか使えない) >>"I like the vibes of this place 「この店の雰囲気が好きです」というふうにも使えますね。 8:29 It would creep me out. 「きっしょって思わせる」creep単体やと全く違う意味になる! cringeと似た感じかと思ったけどこっちはembarrassedより? >>"creep me out"は「気持ち悪い」と似た感じだと思います。 I am happy you could find many things to help your English study in this video!
大学で偶然1対1になった授業があり、ある程度仲が良くなった頃にアメリカ人の先生が、''Don't you think some Japanese people are misunderstanding Negative question?''と言った質問にニッコニコの笑顔で、''Yes! WE misunderstand it''と答えたら爆笑していました。笑 否定疑問文の「誤った返答」と頷きのコンボは相手を激しく混乱させるので慣れるまで難しいですよね...
Your English speaking sounds like music for me, it's so
@shisogreen Жыл бұрын
@myim10352 жыл бұрын
@えりな虹村2 жыл бұрын
OMG🥺are you a son of Yoko ans Bill⁉️ I use to go to BYB 15 years ago ‼️ you loos so mature 😭💭 I still remember you and Little yoko and your yongest sister. Im so happpy to see you again online .I just started to study English again, so I would like to join your Hapa 英会話. I Learned a lot from Bill, this time I will leatn from you😊‼️
@PeaceCat1 Жыл бұрын
I laughed a lot. I’m Japanese American. As a new immigrant, over 65, didn’t know my nodding all the time.😂 Thanks. 皆さん 日本語でコメントしてらっしゃるので もう一回 とにかく目から鱗で面白かったです。 結婚当初 主人と話していて、If you do not mind, can you help me ….. 私は怒りました。何故か? 中学校で習った、CAN の意味 私の頭の中で 「できるか」「できますか」 「手伝うことができますか?」 お願いしてるんだったら 「手伝ってください」でしょ😤 今ではありえない誤解です。 残念な私、主人に苦労させてしまった! 御免なさい。
Some of my friends from the US also have told me that I nod too much haha. I currenly am trying to be careful how I react to the person speaking including this nodding habit.
I think nodding during the conversation between a Japanese and an American would be better than less nodding even if it would be unnatural, because Japanese tend to be a poker face or less expressive. Remember, most of the Japanese students are insecure about themselves because sometimes they have no idea what an American teacher or individual is saying. They just don't want you to think that they're impolite when they lose you. The more they know English, the less nodding. You betcha!
I don't want them to force themselves not to do something that they are not naturally inclined to do. ここが理解できません。最後のnot natrally のnot が不要なのではと思ってしまうのですが。難しい。。。