In a similar(not the same) boat Blood test and ultrasound have confirmed Autoimmunity however I am on a 30 week backlog to meet with ENT for an official diagnosis I have been experimenting with supplementation for damage control; fat soluble vitamins A, K, E I take in the morning with breakfast. Water soluble Bs, etc in the every with a full cup on water. Avoid processed foods if possible, eat roasted meats, steamed fish, eggs for breakfast. For exercise I walk around my town, and limit my self to take the stairs once a day to get the heart pumping. Omega 3 will curb dryness. If you haven’t done so already sign up to health unlocked; it is a very insightful community. All the best.
@healinghib2 жыл бұрын
Hey! It's a shame that you have to wait so long to meet with the ENT although I'm glad to hear that you are on your way to getting that official diagnosis. Thank you so much for all your advice, I really appreciate it. It's really good to hear how other people are managing it as I'll take any advice offered my way. It's a tricky one isn't it because eating healthy and fresh and exercising does us the world of good but when your energy dissapears and everythings a struggle it's so conveniant to reach for the processed food and lounge around. But I think through research and getting used to the changes it should *fingers crossed* be easier to manage and then in turn exercising and eating healthy will be more natural for us. I'll sign up to health unlocked now. Again, thank you so much for your advice and all the best wishes 🙂