How can INTJ women find relationship fulfillment instead of being career focused| CS Joseph Responds

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C.S. Joseph

C.S. Joseph

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CS Joseph responds to the question How can INTJ women find relationship fulfillment instead of being career focused?
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@greenbean1ism 3 жыл бұрын
I'm an INTJ female and my father stressed career over family since I was 16 yrs old, when I had to get my first job- (I think he's also an INTJ)- and my mother died when I was a child. I focused on my career for awhile and so now I'm looking into fertility options. We're lucky that medical science can help us conceive, although it's not a guarantee... I feel like I've always known deep down/intuitively about the significance of the Queen archetype, but was confused and distracted and terrified of being broke and hungry and moving back in with my father- who always told me that this was not an option and that I could not depend on him... And due to this and bc I'm an INTJ, I have massive trust issues... I wish I could have watched this video several years ago... I could have used more truth and advice on this... No one seems to talk about these issues so openly and intelligently as this...
@CSJoseph 3 жыл бұрын
Please share it with those like you.
@jvchee06 3 жыл бұрын
You hit the nail on its head. As an intj female I avoid getting attached like the plague. Because I already know that if I get attached to the wrong guy it's nothing but trouble. Which is different from shying away from all men. I checked my list before I decide to get attached.
@morbidgirl6808 3 жыл бұрын
Female INTJ but I'm a lesbian. I still found this video somewhat useful for me. My ex-gf broke up with me for being paranoid and not being "affectionate" enough since I was too focused on my alone time, studies and my work neglecting her. Besides that, it wasn't easy to have such relationship in asian societies (due to homophobia unlike western ones). That affected us too since we had to keep it a secret decreasing our time together even further. She tolerated it. We had this plan to go to the amusement park for her birthday. I was working and asked her to postpone it. She couldn't take it anymore and called me out for not loving her. I was defensive and tried to push her to stay in the relationship. Unfortunately, I falsely accused her of something she didn't do. Yes...I deserved what I got. I hope to be less goal-focused, more diplomatic and more caring.
@ifonlyunu994 3 жыл бұрын
Not too sure about this. Aren't NTJ women single longer because NTP men take a while to develop. Societal expectations are standards for Sensors or SJs. Its no ones fault. I don't think it applies to Intuitives. We still have to adhere to the laws of physics so bearing children while younger is ideal...but its just that ideal. I ad twins the first try in my 30s I have Si tho. Having low Sensory Se/Si would mean that it likely happens later. Nice lecture. Thank you.
@bobbyjean1581 3 жыл бұрын
I think the other reason NTJ women settle down later is the combinatiom of functions makes them want/need to. They genuinely may not be happy settling down early so not sure it should be encouraged. They want to do what they want (Ni) and what they feel like doing at the time (Fi&Se) and yes also can be focused on career with the Ni & Te aspect, but career is not the only reason. Its the same for SFPs. NTJ women may also need the time to develop that SFP subconcious and explore the world and find what they personally value etc. Or they are gonna want to cut and run once tied down. And yes i know plenty of women who have concieved with no issues whatsoever in their 30s. Fertility declines and as chase says it is important for women to know that so they have all the info to decide. However it doesnt come to a stop by any means. Maybe the Si thing plays a part i dont know
@hfortenberry 2 жыл бұрын
@@bobbyjean1581 You are spot on!
@nicholasedmunds5975 3 жыл бұрын
There's also foster to adopt, but the pragmatic INTJ may or may not care. 5% of all teen foster kids are adopted. We truly live in a throwaway culture.
@alexiwoods4544 3 жыл бұрын
As an ENTJ woman, I think Chase makes complete sense. I agree with pretty much everything he says. I think regardless of the type, everyone has the choice of what they want in their life and working towards those goals. It's all up to you and what direction you want to take in your life.
@monikap8777 2 жыл бұрын
Takeouts for me QUEEN ARCHETYPE 1. Learn what submission and respect is. Find matron women and ask. 2. Source of beauty is humility 3. Take care of myself because my demon will make me infertile fast. Sleep and eat well, handle my aesthetics, do sports 4. Around 26 years old women realise they can not compete in looks with younger women 5. Men dont like intj women because they put their career and later children in front of their men 6. Date a man at least 10 years older because we need to respect a man and a respectable man will be older; so I can be submissive 7. Don't hide your flaws
@CSJoseph 2 жыл бұрын
Glad someone learned something of value here. Nice to meet an INTJ who doesn’t judge books by their cover.
@st3llarmemer111 3 жыл бұрын
Imagine how much further NTP men (and society as a whole) could be if we used our 20s to get our shit together and build a life for ourselves. The Russel Brunsons of the world didn't spend their 20s screwing around in their mancaves. Now also imagine how good this would be for NTJ women - that their most compatible types are worthy partners. Learning from others mistakes doesn't come naturally for us, but it's something young NTPs like myself need to force ourselves to do if we want a brighter future.
@taniabordy3791 3 жыл бұрын
I’m so glad you understand this! Tell this to all the NTPs you know?
@st3llarmemer111 3 жыл бұрын
@@taniabordy3791 telling isn't enough. It takes months or even years of pressure and suffering to mold broken NTPs into a state where they can go forward.
@arcadianfox8127 3 жыл бұрын
Why not screw around in a mancave. Fk does it all matter anyway. Might as well have fun before we die.
@taniabordy3791 3 жыл бұрын
@@st3llarmemer111 how sad . We NTJ women end up with awful men because our NTPs are in their hole of apathy ☹️
@abrahiemdash7676 3 жыл бұрын
@@st3llarmemer111 Even tho they are the smartest types but cursed with apathy and their comfort zone thing :)
@katiel2774 3 жыл бұрын
I don't see how feminism is "screwing women over". I'd much rather have a fulfilling career than bring a child into an overpopulated world riddled with problems.
@CSJoseph 3 жыл бұрын
You literally proved my point about how society is being conditioned to think and believe this way.
@katiel2774 3 жыл бұрын
@@CSJoseph sorry that i dont want a parasite in me that will rip my holes in half I guess? Lol nothing about pregnancy sounds appealing, societal conditioning or not. Not sure why you're so concerned about the proliferation of the human race anyway.
@icingcake 9 ай бұрын
Men don’t care about women getting screwed over as much as they care about women not bearing their children whether it’s good for them or not.
@CRlifeisgood Жыл бұрын
I am listening for the second time. (INTJ 45 years old). So many truths.. like I feel like I met my most compatible NP match when I was 23 and him 26 and (at that time) a complete loser. And I ADORED him. Like he screwed me over so badly (and not even out of being a bad person, just totally immature). Ended up marrying 7 years later an ISTP 8 years older than me who was ready and mature and a king ready for a queen. I love feeling all of his masculine energy. Like I LOVE feeling submissive to him. I feel safe and protected and yes..I want love. A million times yes.. LOVE. Screw respect. An INTJ woman wants from the depths of her soul love and loyalty. We only need that. (And to feel respect for our man). (And such NP man just told me 20 years later he wished he had met me at another time in his life. So yes.. it is like you said. Everything has played in my life just like you have explained it)
@mamu7976 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you CS Joseph for sharing your wisdom. INTJs want to climb the ladder due to Te. They often forget to develop their Fi, which is full of love. Yet life waits for no one. Younger INTJs can learn from your wisdom and have a better life. Us older INTJs, have learnt this the hard way. As Confucius once said, “By three methods we may learn wisdom: first, by reflection, which is the noblest; second, by imitation, which is the easiest; and third, by experience, which is the bitterest.”
@fificore 3 жыл бұрын
*What's the point of her thinking he's gonna leave, if when the babies come, he's gonna feel she's putting the kids above him, then he tries to leave? Where does she win?*
@CSJoseph 3 жыл бұрын
monogamy sucks dont it
@gargimajumder6703 3 жыл бұрын
Depends on, how much is the guy ready to sacrifice for his kids I guess. I mean, if he wants kids... he should know what's gonna come after that. If he's ready to have kids... then he's ready to do some sacrifices on his part too. The responsibility lies with both the mother and the father. If he's not ready for all that... then may b he should really consider polygamy, after all. It's a win-win for him. Although, I'm not sure about the effects polygamy would have on the children...or even on the women... so yeah... I wonder where the woman wins.
@rebeccabower506 3 жыл бұрын
I am new to your videos and find them really interesting. However I want to remind some that waiting until your 30s is not always a problem. I had both my kids in my mid- 30s and had no problem at all getting pregnant and having healthy kids. Heck, my grandmother had her last child (of 7) when she was 47.
@V.Hansen. 2 жыл бұрын
I’m of the opinion that the race would be better if it was standard to wait until your 30s. Having a developed reproductive organ before your brain is fully developed is ridiculous to me.
@aladdout9454 3 жыл бұрын
what's the point of staying with someone like that who leaves them cuz they can't concieve? and then starts sniffing around for younger girls? I thought men were the most ideal in love. That sounds like a plotline for a really sad drama. I agree with the video btw its truth so its harsh but it seems kinda unfair.
@flyingguitarist7026 3 жыл бұрын
What's the point of marriage from a man's perspective ? Though his biology is other way around
@abethethird8381 3 жыл бұрын
I would leave in a heartbeat if my girl couldn't conceive
@aladdout9454 3 жыл бұрын
@@abethethird8381 what if she wanted to too but was infertile? thats a shitty thing to do.
@aladdout9454 3 жыл бұрын
@@flyingguitarist7026 love
@harpertayback8663 3 жыл бұрын
@@abethethird8381 So you would just easily toss someone aside that you're supposed to love more than anyone in the world just because she can't have biological children? Nice to know that people can be that flippant about it like they never meant anything to them. I get why it may be a deal breaker for some people, but personally if I truly loved someone, then there are always other ways to have kids.
@etherealrosegold 3 жыл бұрын
Really appreciate the raw honesty in your advice, no sugarcoating things. Thanks for the time and effort.
@Hadeel.414 3 жыл бұрын
An ENTP man needs high level of trust and submission in order to JUST gain his loyalty ?? assuming that I am with an ENTP, and i give him that high trust, does that effort even guarantee that he will not sleep around with other woman? Mmmm I don't think so because he will probably see me as an easy, weak girl and he want to go for the strong, confident one.. .So I will end up (broken inside) since I allowed myself to love someone deeply in ways he will not imagine.. Like why I have to go out of my way to gain THAT basic need for any Se user when I could invest in any Si user and do less effort with them and they will give me loyalty?
@gabeebrandao 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this video. I'm lucky my INTP boyfriend also doesn't want a child.
@GoogleUser-wy2vv 3 жыл бұрын
Any suggestion on how to demonstrate humility as an INTJ woman without appearing false?
@CSJoseph 3 жыл бұрын
Tell the dark truth about yourself. Show your ugliness and scars.
@OverlandLady 3 жыл бұрын
As harsh as it sounds, a few days ago my mom told me she thinks I’m not the type to get married and settled with kids like all other women are doing... said my “personality is too strong” whatever that means.. she knows nothing about mbti but i think she’s sensing something here.. Late 20 INTJ here..
@CSJoseph 3 жыл бұрын
She is full of shit. Do not allow the judgments of others to pidgin hole you into something you are not
@hfortenberry 2 жыл бұрын
@@CSJoseph She's not full of shit. You're the one pigeon holing women to be what you want. Trust me, if an INTJ woman want's to have children, she will have children (if she misses the fertility window, she can adopt). If she doesn't, it's because she does not want to. Get over it.
@savinggift158 2 жыл бұрын
Stop giving your mother permission to speak into your life.
@savinggift158 2 жыл бұрын
And I agree with CS Joseph
@icingcake 9 ай бұрын
@@hfortenberryagreed. There is something to being honest with yourself - but men who want to impregnate INTJ women really don’t care about that 😂
@pepecorotopo 3 жыл бұрын
how many widows will be if all they married with older men?
@monikap8777 2 жыл бұрын
I, as an INTJ, don't think I would mind being a widow since I like my time alone 😂😂😂
@hfortenberry 2 жыл бұрын
You nailed a couple of things. I do struggle with getting enough sleep on work days, not going to bed on time because I’m so focused on passion projects and learning new things. It’s a real problem that I work on constantly. And I've always been attracted to older women, almost always, sometimes 3 years, sometimes much older, like 15 years. My current girlfriend is 9 years older and we're happy that way. I'm an INTJ woman, 54 years old who never had children. I have a very successful career and am very happy and fulfilled and I have never regretted not having children. I'm good with children (I used to teach) and I love kids, but being a parent I think was something that I strongly considered in my 30's only because it was expected of me by society. Expecting an INTJ woman to become a mother in her 20's is hilarious. You really do not know INTJ women as well as you think you do. I"m sure there are some who fit what you're saying about truly wanting children but as a group I don't ever see it happening in their twenties. You're projecting your child Fe on us Fi users and that is a bad idea. I don't care what society thinks about me being a mother. That's not my problem or my concern. And I think if many INTJ women were totally honest, they'd admit that they would be just fine if they missed out on motherhood. I have strongly developed Fi at this point in my life and it serves me well. Emotional satisfaction can be had without children. Not all women left to their own devices want to be mothers. I think INTJ women are built for other things and we are quite happy that way. You say feminism is teaching women not to be mothers but I think it's still more strongly the opposite, even with feminism, women are constantly pressured to be mothers. We just are. Full stop. And probably most women actually DO want to be mothers. But we INTJ women have the independence to be who we truly want to be despite what society expects of us, and I am so grateful for that. I know that a child is a blessing but my life was meant for different things. I also disagree with the "golden pairings". ENTP is a poor fit for INTJs from what I've seen. INTJs tend to be happier with other types. We can make good buddies/acquaintances and enjoy conversations with ENTPs but we have very littie in common with regard to the cognitive function stack. I know from experience working very closely for many years with an ENTP in his 30's. It was no fun most of the time. He was moody, snippy, cocky, brown-nosing, and could be a real d!ck, was constantly focused on gossiping and carrying on about people all the time which I had very little interest in. And he was lazy most of the time, didn't want to do the tedious aspects of our job that were required (neither did I but I have the work ethic to suck it up anyway), so I had to pull all the weight which was not right but his lack or morality let him take advantage of the fact that I would not let our work suffer so I had to pick up his slack. I've seen this in several ENTPs so I don't think it was just him but I could be wrong. Their arrogance is just a massive turn off. I could go on. And regarding ESFJs, oh hell no! Talk about gossipy and nosy and judgmental. Maybe I've only known the unhealthy ones but I dislike too many things about ESFJs generally speaking. Again, like the ENTP, they are pleasant on the surface, but we are too different to be truly intimate. And I know them well because I have a close family member that is ESFJ. They can be nice, caring people but then turn around and talk shit about people and don't even bother to use their brains to learn anything, and judge everyone. No way could I be married to someone who can't follow me in a conversation (or refuses to try). Not going to work out. I love the NFs. Always have and always will.
@icingcake 9 ай бұрын
I feel this - haven’t had exactly the same experiences but I agree with your fondness for NFs and aversion to ENTPs 😂😂😂 🙌🙌🙌 too obnoxious 😂😂😂
@marisson3 3 жыл бұрын
This Hits Home 😣 Very Accurate ! 💯 From INTJ woman -> Career is currently my only Life
@nicholasedmunds5975 3 жыл бұрын
Okay your dating advice, that I challenged in one of your previous videos, I think you are giving people bad advice. Have you done an advantage / disadvantage analysis of why you are suggesting women date men ten years older? What happens at the end of life? I think this is a very short term mode of thinking that you are advocating for here.
@CSJoseph 3 жыл бұрын
Read Rollo Tomassi before you hurt yourself
@nicholasedmunds5975 3 жыл бұрын
@@CSJoseph dude, I've been married successfully for 19 years with a wife two years older. I haven't hurt myself.
@nicholasedmunds5975 3 жыл бұрын
Good luck with your lifespan outliving your 10-year younger wife. I'm sure you'll have a lot of success with that. Since you're expendable, she'll remarry.
@GoogleUser-wy2vv 3 жыл бұрын
Challenge to the age difference theory. It is very painful for the widows who live for alot longer.
@appsjeff 3 жыл бұрын
I am not usually big on referencing fiction for type but Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is the best comparison for Ni attachment
@ayla9772 Жыл бұрын
Oh how I wish your teachings had been available to me when I was a young girl. I would have been focusing on queen archetype and not wasting my time on my career or getting attached to useless NP boys.
@Hadeel.414 3 жыл бұрын
My sister is engaged , both of them are 24 and you could tell that they are literally made for each other and definitely they will get married soon.. My sister is almost a queen and the guy is producing af So that rule ( 8 years above etc ) is subjective because it depends on people's preferences For me I am not gonna lie, I do like men who are way older than me but I don't mind some 3 years above me, I am flexible when it comes to age because for me, age is just a number and what matters to me is maturity level regardless of his age
@monikap8777 2 жыл бұрын
You didn't say who is intj in your story? The rule is only for intj women
@angelcat4785 3 жыл бұрын
Quite depressing that a man should leave his wife ;or she gets to hang around once he has had a child with another woman. I don’t know if this right or wrong; I’m just not sure it’s a great solution. The competition and resentment could be horrendous.
@CSJoseph 3 жыл бұрын
welcome to the feminine primary social order
@bananabomb3846 3 жыл бұрын
As an intj woman I think she was selfish for not considering what her partner wanted especially since they already married at a later age honestly. How heartbreaking for the both of them
@SS-bu8ez 3 жыл бұрын
xntjs generally are selfish
@bobbyjean1581 3 жыл бұрын
I completely understand what youre saying and it's a fact that women's fertility falls as they age. However every single one of my female friends who decided to have children in their early 30s had no issues co concieveing whatsoever so its not always neccessarily an issue. They are happily married and lived their lives a little before settling down (career, new experiences, independent living etc). My ENTJ friend established a successful career in her very early 20s, married an INFP man 11 years older who had reached 'king' when she was 25, had a baby at 26 then was utterly miserable because she felt trapped, had never lived independently, or travelled, or had different experiences - essentially never developed her Fi/ISFP subconcious to learn what she truly valued in life and explore different options etc. She then basically had an early mid life crisis in her early 30s, left her husband and divorced him (her choice) because she was miserable and then started doing all these things while her friends were settling down happily. Its important for woman to know what you are teaching about fertility etc but please understand Wayfayrer women are like this for a reason, they have different needs from e.g. Crusader women who may be more likely to be happy with settling down early. Wayfayrers may need a little more time for reasons that are not just about career. Wayfayrers = explorers as you named them and it applies to the women too. Its ok to say they can have children first then establish a career etc - that is entirely possible. But all the other more subjective things are much more difficult to do as a married mother and may affect the happiness and longevity of the marriage potentially resulting in misery, fatherlesness, even motherlessness. Would love to hear your thoughts on this (a video would be great) as you would be in a great position to give advice on how to balance issue of fertility etc conflicting with these issues more specific to Wayfayrer quadra
@CSJoseph 3 жыл бұрын
This video was for INTJs, who are Wayfarers? Here's the math, a woman will have from somewhere in her 30's or 40's until her potentially 70's or 80's to accomplish things she wants to accomplish, but she only has her 20's and 30's as her best window for child bearing. How can anyone in good conscience advise women go career first?
@bobbyjean1581 3 жыл бұрын
@@CSJoseph I know it's for Wayfayrers/ INTJs. That's what I was saying - Wayfayrers specifically may struggle most if they have children earlier in life and not soley because of career. They may emotionally struggle if they have children early and be prone to post natal depression etc as in the example I gave above. Because thry may feel it takes away their freedom (Ni) and their sense of personal identity (Fi). Your advice is extremely logical and maths based and I do agree its important woman know the truth about fertility declining with age. So thanks for doing that.But its very very contextual and situation/person dependent what might be best in terms of when to have children. It did not work out well for my 25 year old ENTJ friend to marry and have a child early in life as in the example I gave above. She regreted it and still does. Theres reasons Wayfayrers delay having children most out of all the quadras and that decision is not neccessarily a bad one. Please consider this and use your Ne hero to see these possibilities. Also please recognises the pitfalls of Fi trickster (Fi weights things up, sees nuances. Things are not so black and white)
@TheMPExperience 3 жыл бұрын
Pretty sure societal pressures to have kids and be feminine might be the real reason INTJ's struggle in relationships. (Ahem, everyone struggles in relationships, not being of personality types but because they don't communicate) We would be just fine not is a relationship, or having a "lover" and killing our career in life, but society doesn't value that in women. I wish there was actually advice here, then just submit, respect a man, and your bitter at the world.
@hfortenberry 2 жыл бұрын
IKR, lol
@Abba_Jesus 2 жыл бұрын
Well, its ok for me not to get married but i definitely will do my best to get knocked up by some dude then ran away. Its funny but im actually planning it😅. That of course if i dont find myself the right man. Im not close minded but if it's not for me then just let it go. Btw for intjs i feel like loyalty is more important than love
@CSJoseph 2 жыл бұрын
Why not find a dude willing to give parental investment?
@Abba_Jesus 2 жыл бұрын
@@CSJoseph might as well do that but we need cooperation 😅
@salihaneji5731 3 жыл бұрын
Isn't the submission of Si aspirational to Se aspirational more rewarding than the submission of Si demon to Se demon? In the former case, they build each other, whereas in the latter they destroy each other.
@freepass850 3 жыл бұрын
🥺🥺🥺This hits right in the Fi.
@DemiBernice 3 жыл бұрын
Thank God another emotional cutie softie INTJ like me. Hiiiiii! 🤗😍
@whatever.username 3 жыл бұрын
@@DemiBernice Me too 🥺🥺
@FFakiha 3 жыл бұрын
I'm suuch a soft INTJ i mistyped myself as a INFP 🤣🤣
@shoshishoshi127 Жыл бұрын
@@FFakiha oh my god same 🤣
@nicholasedmunds5975 3 жыл бұрын
My deceased coworker I think was an ENTJ. She never married, never had children, only had friends. Died at 70. Very generous. Similar to Donald Trump in communication, obnoxious to me. ENTJs seem to invent new ways of saying and writing things, capitalizing words that don't need to be capitalized. Abbreviating terms idiosyncratically (read my E, answer my ?). She became angry with me when I didn't know what she meant when she texted me that said she was "going to the DDS" once.
@kurodesuuuu 3 жыл бұрын
Is it weird that I (20y, INTJ male) have always found older women more attractive? Not too old, but in the +2-5yr range. I find older women to be usually more humble. And the ones younger than me, too immature. It has been this way since my pre-teens, so I'm not sure if this pattern will change once I'm 25-30
@sofia8574 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the INTJ content🤍
@CRlifeisgood Жыл бұрын
Now I understand the imprinting thing. In my early 20s as an INJT I met am np (made my brain light up like a Xmas tree!. And rarely someone ever does) . I really thought he was the one. I am happily married to an amazing caring respectful man who is never insecure and gives me space and allows me to be 100% me now but I can't seem to 100% shake that imprint. It comes my mind every now and then. And saddest thing is that person hid all their dysfunction about them while we were getting to know each other and if I had known maybe I wouldn't even have gotten that imprint at all. Because I dont get attached to people with dysfunction AT ALL. I run as fast as I can in the opposite direction. So this imprint is even sort of fake because it is with someone who was not even who they said they were. But I can't shake it. It's awful .I have rationalized it in every way I can until I gave up and just accepted that it's going to be there in the depths of my soul until I die. Any advice on how to go about shaking it 100%? No problem on my other 2 relationships . I don't seem to have an imprint from those but then again as I got to know them I never got to the point of saying "this is the one!". And yes, it feels like an involuntary thing. The only thing I didn't make a choice on.
@AshleyDeaton1230999 3 жыл бұрын
A question to any of you crusaders reading this comment. If a woman you were interested in for a long term partner wants to avoid having children due to medical risks it could pose (to her and a fetus), would you be turned away? Are you set on the idea of biological children or would adoption be on the table? I'm genuinely not interested in children at this point of my life (I'm 21), but I am willing to keep an open mind for what life may throw in the next 5-8 years. It may never change, but I would like to hear your opinions nonetheless.
@CSJoseph 3 жыл бұрын
If you are confronted with an alpha male that you actually want to keep indefinitely, this opinion would change on the spot.
@count9548 3 жыл бұрын
@@CSJoseph you can’t claim that, not everyone is the same
@dennisjonker4804 3 жыл бұрын
I'm an infertile INTJ male, (courtesy of Addison's Disease). I also have Autism in as far as relevant. But me being the Fe Trickster would not be opposed to adopt an existing child. Perhaps a child conceived by a man who was worthless, but swindled their then wife to think that he was perfect. I've been turned down by females all my lives, often quite destructively. Is it not more ethical for a sterile specimen to adopt an existing child, than forever stay locked in Si demon mode on account of being deemed genetically imperfect by the females of the time? And are women allowed to refuse my otherwise possible romantic adequacy sheerly because of the stated reasons above? I ask this "as" an Fe trickster. Stating "that" my lack of good ethical awareness may make me see this wrong. And I must not hide from whatever the truth of the situation is.
@fificore 3 жыл бұрын
OMG, I'd be so loyal to an infertile NJ. I knew you guys existed and weren't a figment of my imagination! I'm not infertile myself, but I see infertility as an asset.
@dennisjonker4804 3 жыл бұрын
@@fificore Indeed. For if the prime directive of life is procreation, and I cannot, by genetic enforcement, then what other purpose do I serve? I'm making the best of a bad situation. Whoever I am, by choice, or genetics. I must own the person I am and accept all shortcomings associated with myself. This I do, because Ni hero told me it was a good idea. ;)
@stefani.delima 3 жыл бұрын
Hard truth: It doesn’t work both ways if you want stability. A man can take another partner because he is polygynous. Women can't because we are hypergamous.
@yasmeenabdulaziz4490 3 жыл бұрын
Do I really have to have children? I really really dont want children. I can put in the work to be submissive. But I'm really having a hard time wanting children whatsoever. Mabey I have this scary idea about what taking care of children is like and how it will completely inhibit me. Do you know any resources I could read to change my mind and want children seperate from the fear that if I don't have children then my man will leave me?
@hiitsmyname6987 3 жыл бұрын
Look at some point in your life when you cant have kids you're going to wish you had kids dont use fear as a way to procrastinate
@yasmeenabdulaziz4490 3 жыл бұрын
@@hiitsmyname6987 I see your point, but I also don't want fear to be the reason I have children either.
@yasmeenabdulaziz4490 3 жыл бұрын
@@hiitsmyname6987 Mabey I should research how to be a good parent and build my confidence in actually being a good parent. Plus I have access to cs josephs parenting videos. And I just need to find ways to be a parent to my children and still be able to enjoy the things that I want to cure my anxiety. That seems more productive right?
@hiitsmyname6987 3 жыл бұрын
@@yasmeenabdulaziz4490 that would be a good first step I'f it helps qualm you're fears and gives you some kind of comfort, one thing I would suggest is actually taking care of kids to get the feel of it like maybe try a summer camp and be a counselor or maybe babysit for one of you're freinds or volunteer at foster care or get a pet all these ideas come to my mind and all though they wont completely replicate the idea they should make you more confident with kids
@dumbledalfthewizard9486 3 жыл бұрын
Here's the deal when it comes to children. Biologically, every living thing feels the draw to pass on their genes, and thus not having children can leave the feeling that one has not completed their "purpose." Thankfully, there's the second way to pass on your genes - kin. A sibling has half your genes and a cousin 1/8th, so if you help your brother have two kids it's essentially the same as if you had one. So if you feel "unfulfilled" or something like that, try putting in some work somewhere else, like helping your family with relationship problems, thus increasing their chances of passing on your genes and making your biology happy. There's also the fact that raising children isn't necessary to pass on your genes - it's only necessary that that child exists in the first place. So maybe you have a child and then decide either to keep it or give it up for adoption. Either way your body is satisfied, though you will be heartbroken if you have to give your child away. I'm not an expert by any stretch, so if you want a proper education on the subject, go check out Robert Sapolsky on youtube (his Standford lectures on human biology) . He's an ENTP who actually knows what he's talking about on the subject.
@ma456choz6 3 жыл бұрын
43:52 -- [On losing Queen/King after achieving Mother/Warrior] "Do you really think that a man who becomes warrior but then shirks all of his responsibilities and starts consuming more than he produces -- Do you think any woman would be okay with that?" LOL *cough* Robert Baratheon *cough* Anyway, that's why Cersei loses all respect for him and kills him off. (That and he never loved her, so she grew extremely bitter) And Cersei is an ESTJ and Robert appears to be an ESTP (?), but not even the built-in respect of the silver pair could overcome THAT kind of nurtural problem... Also Cersei is the queen turned tyrant and the mother turned possessive (the corrupted versions of those feminine archetypes). She never lets her son Tommen grow into a man, and she loses the ability to trust or be submissive to any of the men in her life. In contrast, Olenna Tyrell has reached matron archetype, and Margery Tyrell probably reached queen (except the kings she courted weren't respectable so she didn't really trust them) Lastly, Daenerys Targaryen achieved Queen with Khal Drogo, but then when he died and she kept getting betrayed, she lost her ability to trust and became a tyrant.
@andrafinley9286 3 жыл бұрын
Why not wait anyway and foster or adopt?
@fificore 3 жыл бұрын
Exactly! But I guess "muh DNA" on men's side.
@st3llarmemer111 3 жыл бұрын
@@fificore that's not a men's thing, I'm pretty sure most people as a whole want to pass on their own genes - it's biology
@fificore 3 жыл бұрын
@@st3llarmemer111: Women are more open to it.
@andrafinley9286 3 жыл бұрын
@@st3llarmemer111 it would depend on values though. There can be alot of nuances about the situation
@DrajerDesigns 3 жыл бұрын
@@fificore you fail to see the importance of their decisions by writing “muh dna” so mockingly. Nice attempt to shame men for wanting to further their biological lineage. Would be the same if you shamed them for breathing.
@wildhorse2084 3 жыл бұрын
When does the epiphany phase not apply? For instance, I've known many women who have had major glow ups around their mid-20s and it can last for a long time, because they then have more money for better skincare, makeup, and clothing; most importantly, they know at this age, *how* they want to look aesthetically. Early 20s, things are often too chaotic to focus fully on how you look (at least from my perspective) due to lack of money, maybe focused more on college, or vocational school. I realize men and women begin to gain weight in their mid-20's or even before, but some realize this and are able to successfully combat it, while finally polishing their looks. Thoughts?
@sibestfunction4400 3 жыл бұрын
i had 2 kids and my hips got wider because of that, relaxing into a quite irresistible shape, according to anyone i ask LOL 23 years old now and looking better and better. being whole foods plant based vegan makes it sooo easy
@monikap8777 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Joseph! First of all, THANK YOU VERY MUCH ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ I really despised your persona when I first started watching your videos because you seem arogant and are also very subjective in your viewpoints, and me, an INTJ, don't like it. But something made my stay and watch more of your videos. I think this video of yours might save my life. I always had a hunch I need a man at least 6 years older then me, but I felt ashamed because of it. These words of yours gave me a relief. Also and even tho you were harsh in your words about intj women, I found it funny because all of it is true. I am 24 and still would not like to have children even though I am raised in a very traditional way. You don't have to feel bad about telling the truth because we, intj women, are not afraid to hear it (you already know we value truth imensely), and this video is for us, isn't it? So thank you very much for taking time to make this video. You reminded me a bit of Jordan Peterson with the point of your talk. Sorry if you dont like him, but I mean it in a nice way. Sorry if my English is bad and thank you once more!
@diyab1056 3 жыл бұрын
I seriously have to learn this respect thing you speak of 😨 which book explains this method? I legit don't know if I do it or not, I just do what I feel like doing so I probably do it sometimes or he'd have left already?
@diyab1056 3 жыл бұрын
@@lichenarrows2516 The one with Julia Roberts?
@spikebat 3 жыл бұрын
While I have learned a lot from your channel I have mixed feelings about this kind of content. While prime fertility is obviously a factor in when to have kids there is a lot more to also consider. If you arent situated in a good career/ partnership it is difficult to do so after having kids, especially for women, who are still considered the primary care-takers. While waiting too long to have kids can cause issues so can having them too young when many people are still paying off school loans/ figuring out relationships and life-goals. Women in non-western societies may marry younger (sometimes not by their own choice) but they often face a host of issues that come with this including lack of access to education, financial destitution and being stuck in abusive relationships. Okay feminist rant over, still love your channel 🙃
@CSJoseph 3 жыл бұрын
Sure thing, although I have to disagree with you because your words do not apply to all contexts
@hfortenberry 2 жыл бұрын
Glad you mentioned this Laura. It's very true.
@aditishukla1544 3 жыл бұрын
I just want to say it out here, Why not Adopt. I mean for real, till we’re going to produce, can’t we adopt and give someone without a home, a home. From the moment I was a teenager, I knew I’ll adopt kids. I’m really disappointed after listening to this lecture. Chase you’re the one truly understands us right? Being a humble, Respectable and caring person, I love my job, And I’ll happily adopt a kid, man or no man with me.
@CSJoseph 3 жыл бұрын
People can adopt. I won’t ever adopt legally. But I do adopt men I meet into my men’s group and often times the leaders are fathers to those men.
@hfortenberry 2 жыл бұрын
I had the same thought.
@nova-a7404 3 жыл бұрын
Ok so Im an INTP, i did the test and got INTJ at first then did it again and got INTP. The problem is it removes choices which you do relate to and leaves u having no choice but to choose things u dont relate to.. I mean, how is that ? I dont know how the test works , it is quite accurate to be honest, but why did i get INTJ?that got me so troubled especially iv been lost between INTP and INTJ lately. I did the test at a rush when i got INTJ but when i got INTP i actually did it and thought more throughly. Im not sure. Its really confusing , i dont get why the test should cross out options that are relatable ..
@dumbledalfthewizard9486 3 жыл бұрын
You're an INTP. Clearly informative.
@nova-a7404 3 жыл бұрын
@@dumbledalfthewizard9486 impressive. also Soundeator, I did that, but at the last question it crossed out one of the four which i related most to. I did watch the instructional video. Thanks for helping anyway
@abrahiemdash7676 3 жыл бұрын
@@nova-a7404 If you are still confused about the test try watching Joseph videos on all cognitive functions and see which one of them you relate the most Or better there is a video that compare between INTPs and INTJs you can check it out
@Ninja4az 3 жыл бұрын
You're right. I'm pragmatic and put off having kids bc financial stability was always more important to me than rushing. Now I'm pushing 30 and terrified to have one due to complications, I'm an insomniac, and I can't chase kids around now and be successful. 😿
@spikebat 3 жыл бұрын
Lol pushing 30 isnt old to have a kid at all
@Ninja4az 3 жыл бұрын
@@spikebat it feels old when I'll be 45+ when they reach teenage years, I'm not energized enough to chase after kids. 😿
@monikap8777 2 жыл бұрын
@@Ninja4az when they are 15 you don't have to chase them anymore. Actually, they will be glad if you leave them alone
@dialiann 3 жыл бұрын
This is why being single for life doesn't sound like a terrible idea to me 😂 (if my current relationship doesn't work out ofc) I'm also lucky to be dating an ESFJ where we are both on the same page about children and all. These are topics that should be discussed before committing.
@jaredvaughan1665 3 жыл бұрын
Chase your opinions on polyamory and other controversial subjects likely pushes more viewers away than it attracts. We know your controversial opinions already on that. Let's focus on what you are best at: Jungian typology.
@ayoungprince6771 3 жыл бұрын
Don’t tell this man how to run his channel. Who said gaining more viewers was ever a priority
@jaredvaughan1665 3 жыл бұрын
@@ayoungprince6771 He is pushing away quality viewers. And I am informing him of something that his Fi trickster may not notice. He's free to listen or discard my advice. Sometimes he has taken it, and thanked me for it, and sometimes he has not. But he knows either way that I have his, and his audience best interest at heart, whether or not he agrees.
@arcadianfox8127 3 жыл бұрын
INFJ? I don't think Chase cares.
@devinmoran59 3 жыл бұрын
Lmao. Yea Chase! Be inauthentic for views!
@dumbledalfthewizard9486 3 жыл бұрын
Jared I think you're missing Chase's appeal People like him because he's "controversial," not despite it It makes him seem more truthful and thus a more valuable source of information for all the Te users out there After all, why would he say (insert controversial thing) if he didn't believe it? Of course I can trust him!
@wolf_dragon_aa8037 3 жыл бұрын
Not trying to be a gaudens for religion or anything but anyway,this is why allah says in the holy Quran: ''God does not change the condition of a people until they change what is in their own selves'' [surah Al-raad verse 11]. So that speaks it all.
@SnoozeTheRecluse 3 жыл бұрын
Know thyself
@wolf_dragon_aa8037 3 жыл бұрын
@@SnoozeTheRecluse aaaam,what???
@DemiBernice 3 жыл бұрын
You can just link the videos too instead of replying to recurring questions one by one! Great work
@abrahiemdash7676 3 жыл бұрын
Why should they be atleast with someone 10 or 15 years older? Thats kinda weird because of the huge age gap and both of them at different stages of life. I understand your point about the NTP men in their 20s are lazy and take long time to reach king. But I think its still good for them to be with an NTP close to their age who reached king level than one who is way older
@Siirnxx 3 жыл бұрын
Well Hello (:
@abrahiemdash7676 3 жыл бұрын
lol you found me
@monikap8777 2 жыл бұрын
He explained it. Because men will reach King in their 30s when intj women won't be able to conceive because of her demon who made her stay up late and lead unhealthy life. So intj women need to become mothers in their 20s. Hence they need to find a man whos King=older
@haileyhayes270 3 жыл бұрын
Has anyone ever mistyped themself as their superego? I think I’m an INFP, because I make decisions based on how I feel, but my boyfriend says he thinks I’m an ISTP.
@rcrowsonmrtt 3 жыл бұрын
I have a question on Se inferior. Is Meditation more Si focused or more Se focused?
@CSJoseph 3 жыл бұрын
Ni focused
@hobbyspacebyaadya 3 жыл бұрын
Could you do one for analyzing the INTJ female and ISFJ male relationship? I would really like to know how my relationship with my ISFJ boyfriend, who's quite mature, would look like, and how we can make it better.
@savinggift158 2 жыл бұрын
Intj needs to both respect and trust. That first read of a man : Never forget it. If you cannot see the relationship playing out until the end don’t start. That intuition is an amazing gift. An Intj woman who sleeps around betrays herself . On that age thing don’t be too caught up older men aren’t always sensible but may have more money. A decent conversation will tell you how noble he is. If he is not noble to you move on. We need that hero bloke.
@raedjamal5779 3 жыл бұрын
what is it about the cognitive functions of STPs and NTJs that makes them naturally the most alpha of all the types?
@CSJoseph 3 жыл бұрын
Natural innate masculinity
@riactrex Жыл бұрын
What happens if someone is dating their own type. An INTJ × INTJ? I have the sort of connection you talk about in this video with an INTJ and he is the one who introduced me to you. He typed me as INTJ. I'm in my early twenties and he is in his early thirties. For me, it works out very well, except there is some preconceived notions my partner has regarding us because we belong to the same type. What do you think? I hope you see this and reply. :)
@Hybe123 3 жыл бұрын
Didn't watch 12 monkeys but lately I've come to get annoyed by most time travel plots in the media. It's just a cheap way to drive or unravel the plot. It's an equivalent to deus ex machina. We had no better ideas or ways to explain this so let's say that he was the dude's grandfather or smth so it all sort of makes sense. Time travel in most cases just doesn't work and is a paradox in itself. I don't think time travel is possbile in our human timeline, otherwise we'd already be seeing time travelers.
@CSJoseph 3 жыл бұрын
its terrible
@matusfabry5076 3 жыл бұрын
I don't know if this is good video idea but how to fix god complex as INTJ ?
@CRlifeisgood Жыл бұрын
I also married too late (30) and had difficulty conceiving. Had to eventually adopt. Women are dumb to wait to have kids. I didn't have much choice as I only met losers until I was 28 when I met my ISTP. I was usually attracted to NPs and like you said.. they are not mature in their 20s.
@Goldforever-vp8zq 3 жыл бұрын
Speaking of INTJs a lot people think Beth the main lead in the Queens gambit is a ISTJ. I think In most movies they make the characters match up not sure if they use mbti to make the characters though it seems like it. As a INTP female I relate to her character in some ways but watching the show I am almost certain she is a ISTJ and the girl in the end the only one she could truly open to was a ESTP. There is a possibility that she is a ISTJ in real life and was supposed to be playing a INTP but maybe she did her character from a ISTJ perspective. Sometimes the people that “look” the most intelligent are sensors and sometimes intuitives actually look dumb and aloof. I also think the the guy she liked was a ENFJ that turned out to be gay. I also think Townes was ESFP that’s why she had the highest sexual compatibility with him compared to everyone else.
@icingcake 3 жыл бұрын
Much truth here but damn you are jonesing for a 20yo / 10yrs younger INTJ female wayyy too hard
@CSJoseph 3 жыл бұрын
Lame assumption is lame
@icingcake 3 жыл бұрын
@@CSJoseph I do believe you’re assessing and recommending “older” men with the intent to genuinely help your clients but I don’t think I’m wrong. You don’t have to believe me.
@tanziel123 3 жыл бұрын
Hey can you make something on infj
@inessalazar945 3 жыл бұрын
I learned nothing new.
@diyab1056 3 жыл бұрын
This is very appropriate for now coz literally the last few messages on my phone today I was discussing how my bf's brother said it's good I was working from home during corona and a woman should work from home coz what if she becomes preg. I was like "Um...what if I want to do something else?" so I asked bf this via text after the irl interaction, and bf said "You just stay at home lol" Very funny. Now I have to reconsider again.
@anjg7985 3 жыл бұрын
Damn, so on point
@diyab1056 3 жыл бұрын
Oh my bf is my age and yeah maybe it would've been better if I didn't meet him while he was studying but it's fine we'll speed his job success and make it work...
@CSJoseph 3 жыл бұрын
The older a woman gets, the older man she gets. I suggest looking for a man who is at a minimum 8 years older than you.
@diyab1056 3 жыл бұрын
@@CSJoseph age is just a number ;)
@icingcake 9 ай бұрын
Your own age is great - who wants a geezer 😂
@ma456choz6 Жыл бұрын
Rewatching this video again ("How INTJ women find relationship fulfillment instead of being career focused") One thing I'm unsure about is how masculine/feminine dynamics work in lesbian couples. Are INTJ lesbians destined to never reach mature feminine because they have no man to orbit? Do noble masculine ENTP women even exist? Even though I'm an Se user, I don't want to be the predominantly masculine one in my relationships. All the crusader women I've seen so far seem very self-centered and extremely hypergamous. They are constantly wanting other people to provide for them in a masculine way -- Although to be fair, I'm probably the same way myself. I worry I won't be able form a fulfilling long term relationship while trying to be more feminine, because these kinds of women won't really love me or be loyal to me if I don't "play the man", and I really don't want to do that.
@CSJoseph Жыл бұрын
What about “lesbian bed death” ?
@ma456choz6 Жыл бұрын
@@CSJoseph Lesbian bed death is definitely a real concern of mine. I'm trying to avoid it, but I'm hoping there's a way to do so without my always having to take on a masculine role just because I'm an INTJ. To be clear, I agree with pretty much everything you're saying in your videos on sexuality / gender, but I am unsure how to apply it my real life considering I'm a lesbian.
@MRxXaeroXx 3 жыл бұрын
So Chase by your theory women should peak from around 18 years old to around 26 years old, when would a men’s peak be then? Ps thanks for the great content!
@CSJoseph 3 жыл бұрын
36-42 is a man's prime
@diyab1056 3 жыл бұрын
hmm this is very worrying now I feel like I need to get preg tonight but my parents will disown me
@diyab1056 3 жыл бұрын
@@lichenarrows2516 Lol why did people upvote this they must be encouraging my idea right Liche? I'm too scared tho but babies are cute imo, still conflicted. On the one hand if I get preg it's done and I don't have to worry about not getting preg, on the other hand...then I'll be preg which means I can't have a life for like 10 years.
@diyab1056 3 жыл бұрын
@@lichenarrows2516 yeah but bae isn't established enough for a baby yet but I'm pretty worried about the idea now so I should probs factor that in for the next few years.
@CSJoseph 3 жыл бұрын
@@diyab1056 consider getting a new bae
@diyab1056 3 жыл бұрын
@@CSJoseph Um what 😂 I can't get a new bae he's my soulmate plus if I did get preg his fam and his dad are rich, it's just that he himself isn't established Yet.
@diyab1056 3 жыл бұрын
@@lichenarrows2516 He's completely right for me and takes really good care of me, he's just young so he's still getting a career and stuff.
@nova-a7404 3 жыл бұрын
Is there a CSJ subreddit? I just ran into a dead CSJ subreddit. I would like to know if there is an active one or if this one is the only one, the dead one
@CSJoseph 3 жыл бұрын
Go to CSJ Public Group
@nicholasedmunds5975 3 жыл бұрын
The Apple advert at 2:23 is the highlight and and summarizes the INTJ in the business world. I would have put footage of someone scrolling on a Google Pixel through the Facebook app though. Zuckerberg. Totally not sarcastic.
@lizsherman3514 2 жыл бұрын
I’m an Intj-t woman that finds it hard to find common ground with my entp boyfriend. Are we a lost cause? He says that I can change but being this way for so long, I don’t think it’s possible.
@Sara-xr9ph 3 жыл бұрын
unrelated but can you do a video on catherine the great from the tv show the great because it’s probably the best representation of an enfp i have ever seen, especially the selfish aspects of Fi, the tendency of Te child to latch on to the nearest smart person but also the idealism of Ne. The character just matches up perfectly with everything i have heard you say about enfps
@CSJoseph 3 жыл бұрын
I’ll look into it
@Sara-xr9ph 3 жыл бұрын
@@CSJoseph thanks!
@advertplace6772 3 жыл бұрын
I have problems with your test, I'm not able to pick some options
@JonahRetro 3 жыл бұрын
Thats how its designed to be. Once you fill enough options the test will fill the anwsers in for u.
@aladdout9454 3 жыл бұрын
first try to select the questions you are 100% sure about and choose from them(for me it was concrete vs abstract).The test will automatically take away options from you for the questions you are not sure about based on the answers you chose for previous questions.
@advertplace6772 3 жыл бұрын
@@aladdout9454 thanks
@advertplace6772 3 жыл бұрын
@@JonahRetro thanks
@A.J.Breadman 3 жыл бұрын
Do it with close friends. They see you better than you see you.
@shyGigi 3 жыл бұрын
Very provoking lecture both in thought and emotion. First, great info overall for INTJ women. Suggestion to work on being less emphatic on absolutes that aren't. Can cause shame and guilt for people not in the ideal relationship "by the book", such as an INTJ struggling to living with an underdeveloped NTP for example. People are coming to you for help to support living real lives, not just theories that aren't dynamic enough to include exceptions. You have the capacity for exceptional teaching, as you keep demonstrating. Imagine being an INTJ coming to this broken by being in the situation you describe, and they get dumped on. That would look like, "best case is this. if you aren't in the best case, move towards improving your situation with this." In the comments, I was actually shocked that you told an INTJ to leave their partner. You know you need more context than typing to give that advice. I have to remind myself that this is the blunt reality for pragmatics biology wise, but it doesn't make it right. Also much much much (cannot overemphasize) improvement on your expressed views on women's beauty. Very honorable to show the full range of beauty so we women have a realistic goal to aim for in that beauty is multifaceted, and presenting ourselves for our significant male is not just vanity. A deep bravo! Pt 2 below.
@shyGigi 3 жыл бұрын
Finally on the polygamy. So I believe an INFJ gentleman below gets at the heart of the matter both in admonishing your counseling and evidence for your intent in this teaching. I strongly dislike when people outright tell you to stop teaching a topic altogether because you are actually doing a great job trying to mine down in the issues that face us and find the system governing why relationships are failing. But I do have a strong emotional response when you wish people with views towards "oneness" would leave and are ignorant. What if your "I don't care, leave" is because you want to confirm this incorrect belief until it becomes true, and in the process you have a future that could be destroyed on this ever present conflict within you? Though you say you don't care, and want ignorant people like me to leave, I want you to know that your fatherhood premise is pure gold and should be your focus beyond all the wasteland distractions that living can present us. You still have time to lead/father/shepherd those you oversee away from the destructive patterns you came from and come alongside you to mutually meet your needs as well. I know history is not your thing. I beg you to consider Nehemiah big picture anyway and the implications of polygamy on a nation as a possibility of truth. God tolerated polygamy, but He did not condone it, nor divorce. History proves it is not a viable or good way. Yet all can be forgiven when higher roads are chosen. Yes having one follower is valuable. Yes being a pariah has it's benefits. But the truth is, you have followers and a great sphere of influence so that doesn't apply to you! Please don't sabotage yourself again! We need the truth you are developing to not be polluted by this forming disaster. This time please figure it out without having to need so much brokenness to show you what is best! Keep up the good work.
@CSJoseph 3 жыл бұрын
People should just be honest with themselves
@shyGigi 3 жыл бұрын
@@CSJoseph That “just” is loaded. once you’ve learned “truth” then people should just get it? People shouldn’t learn or teach? What is the point of finding or imparting truth then? truth is self evident but human flesh is not always ready to receive it, not mine nor anyone’s. I am glad for Grace to grow up into truth. Isn’t that what Good fathers offer? like you did with the math problems :)
@CSJoseph 3 жыл бұрын
People will gather up teachers for themselves to teach them what their itching ears want to hear.
@subzerofn1042 2 жыл бұрын
Is Ni hero attachment the same as Ni child attachment?
@icingcake 9 ай бұрын
12:50 😂😂😂 no mystery why there are so many single women Honestly, I don’t respect any man who is looking for a woman that much younger. Screams red flag, possible narcissist. Insecure at the very least. Fair points about INTJ women needing to learn femininity - everyone should learn humility including Chase himself - but the whole age gap agenda is really not great life advice as much as propaganda beneficial to interested men.
@stefani.delima 3 жыл бұрын
Love this. Thank you. So relevant to discussions going on in the manosphere. Hard truth tailored for you. Due to your position and obviously being red-pilled: IMHO, you shouldn't ask a woman to put you over her kids in exchange for monogamy. You are negotiating your frame when you do this. In addition, she can't and you know it. You'll probably need to prepare yourself for a second wife at some point if you feel your needs aren't being met. That may require some rearranging of your legal marital status to make it work, but it's do-able. Hopefully and ideally Railgun will perfect her Queen archetype and it won't be necessary, but history shows that even the greatest women had to share great men...and they were better for it.
@CSJoseph 3 жыл бұрын
These things are self evident. You are the only one here who has figured out the truth. Well said and well done.
@stefani.delima 3 жыл бұрын
@@CSJoseph thank you.
@j.o.5957 3 жыл бұрын
Yo Chase, what are some resources on the mature feminine? Lot's of BS out there, would like to go straight to a good source. Great video btw, really liked this one -J
@CSJoseph 3 жыл бұрын
There is barely anything out there.
@j.o.5957 3 жыл бұрын
@@CSJoseph rip
@monikap8777 2 жыл бұрын
@@CSJoseph true. There are more and more channels and men helping other men in this toxic femininity age, but no channel and women to help other women not become toxic feminist. Maybe I don't search in right places, but I see none. The only place where I have ever heard about women being submissive is good is church. And believe me, some women feel the truth in that because in my country, all the young girls are going to the church
@jkerk73 3 жыл бұрын
I am unsubscribing all channels posting in these few days. How arrogant of you.
@CSJoseph 3 жыл бұрын
I don’t get it
@sebastianmayhewbertram731 3 жыл бұрын
I am wondering how all this applies for people from the lgbt community... what if a gay man feels more femenine or masculine (in the common sense)? I'm shocked that you said that for an INTJ woman a good choice would be to date a man at least 10 years older...seems like something pretty real
@CSJoseph 3 жыл бұрын
Pretty accurate
@malakashraf2801 2 жыл бұрын
As an istp , my dad is istp too , I don't know if that explains it , but I feel that I am way more feminine than istps which is good but I also feel like half of my ego is so undeveloped, so how can I grow my ego and also femininity?
@CSJoseph 2 жыл бұрын
Seasons 4, 13, and 31 go deeper into that.
@DemiBernice 3 жыл бұрын
Ni user = my freedom 😂 lmao
@jaredvaughan1665 3 жыл бұрын
I agree the ideal time to start having children is in your 20s not 30s.
@taniabordy3791 3 жыл бұрын
Well, the risk of getting less fertile is on the 30s but not necessarily the ideal is the 20s. I think being a mature woman makes you a better mom and wiser mom . So for me the 30s are the best!
@jaredvaughan1665 3 жыл бұрын
@@taniabordy3791 Its not for everyone. And we definately do not live in ideal conditions in an ideal world for the ideal to always happen.
@icingcake 9 ай бұрын
Great - be better men so that women will want to sacrifice a career for one of you
@sofia8574 3 жыл бұрын
37:30 in this context, maybe. But definitely not in all aspects. You know that. No ideology is perfect, as it’s always a representation of reality Now is definitely better than in the past, that’s for sure
@diyab1056 3 жыл бұрын
Th epiphany phase should be at 35 not 26, I'm 25 but I can compete with younger women coz I am that :p but in my case I do look like I'm under 18 to some people but also I'm not white so all the other races seem to age slower and I think Japanese people age the slowest
@CSJoseph 3 жыл бұрын
well its not so, it is what it is.
@stefani.delima 3 жыл бұрын
Rollo Tomassi pegs it at between 29-31.
@diyab1056 3 жыл бұрын
@@stefani.delima that sounds about right.
@diyab1056 3 жыл бұрын
@@CSJoseph someone else commented that it's 29-31 which sounds more right?
@smile6889 3 жыл бұрын
Thank You
@vs15 3 жыл бұрын
How does a father teach a daughter about being a Queen when he is a man?
@CSJoseph 3 жыл бұрын
Read Rollo Tomassi and Roosh
@carlurbananimals 3 жыл бұрын
Wow, that anime show really did change you, I see the change a lot in this video, I feel like it made you more Ti-parent, but also changed your dynamics.
@CSJoseph 3 жыл бұрын
@carlurbananimals 3 жыл бұрын
​@@CSJoseph Had a few things on my mind regarding dynamic growth vs static growth + Recently had a group of my Twitch friends start discussing the sort of shows you watch (ESFP and ENTP and ISFJ friends), I guess I just wanted to see if I mention those shows without getting too convoluted.
@Hybe123 3 жыл бұрын
Do I sense a hint of admiration for Edward Bernays?
@bradbrown9843 3 жыл бұрын
Hello CSJ, I am an INTP male married to an INFJ female and we are the same age. We are beginning to approach 30 and will be about that old in four years. What would be the best MBTI type for a younger woman to have that we could do poly with? Thanks
@sophie8466 Жыл бұрын
No. Respect is more important.
@anaemonta75 3 жыл бұрын
@hannah_marie97 3 жыл бұрын
You should do a parenting series! That would be amazing 😍
@CSJoseph 3 жыл бұрын
I did, it’s at
@dumbledalfthewizard9486 3 жыл бұрын
How does this apply to gay female INTJs?
@CSJoseph 3 жыл бұрын
Refer to Season 4 playlist then but for homosexual relationships
@Abba_Jesus 2 жыл бұрын
Well, its ok for me not to get married but i definitely will do my best to get knocked up by some dude then ran away. Its funny but im actually planning it😅. That of course if i dont find myself the right man. Im not close minded but if it's not for me then just let it go.
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