How Powerful Are Warlocks? - World of Warcraft Lore

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@brothertarcuz5566 8 жыл бұрын
Let the darkness empower ja, my friend. We, warlocks, wil reign supreme!
@kevinvolk968 8 жыл бұрын
lol all hail the trollock!
@dunkelwelpling 3 жыл бұрын
@Tripledashhh_ Жыл бұрын
Read this in classic ROKHAN voice
@Invidia96 5 жыл бұрын
I think it's the same thing as with light and void. We've all seen how "weak" the Naaru, beings made out of pure light, are. It's almost ridiculous. Still, it's said that the light is immensely powerful. It's just not that aggressive a force. In a way, it's not meant to do damage (even though it still can, of course). The void, in combat, is simply stronger because it's literally the force that want's to devour everything. It's very concept is that of destruction. Same thing with fel. Fel is disorder and by it's very nature want's to corrupt and destroy. I think light and arcane aren't REALLY weaker than void and fel. They are just not as destructive and therefore less effective in combat. Whereas the titans, using arcane, made intelligent beings out of inanimate matter, Sargeras simply took what was already created and then twisted these beings to his liking with fel. The titans ordered countless worlds and created life. That's something demons, with fel, could never have done. Arcane and light are just not meant to simply destroy and twist creation. Also, as seen in "Harbingers: Gul'dan", fel is incredibly easy to wield. Sure, it may be hard to control, master and use it precisely, but just using it to wreak some havoc isn't as hard as trying to use arcane to wreak some havoc. Arcane needs intense studying, a good bit of talent and the right kind of stuff to be effective. Fel also needs studying and talent, sure, but not in the same way that arcane does. Lastly, I don't agree with people saying priests/paladins are the strongest because of the whole light/void thing. Sure. These two might be the strongest forces in the Great Dark Beyond, but that doesn't mean that mortals can even wield them effectively enough to overpower arcane/fel/elements/nature.
@sindriblood5670 8 жыл бұрын
Not only is it stated that Fel Magic is extremely more powerful then arcane, but Warlocks duribng legion hands down have a God Artifact with the Scepter of Saragaris. Which alot of lore people agree is the god tier, of powerful artifacts.
@kubasniak 11 ай бұрын
@DHAGSFU 7 жыл бұрын
mage mains got triggered cause fel is more powerful than arcane LUL
@cultofmalgus1310 3 жыл бұрын
idk why they would get triggered. I mean it's always been apparent that fel magic is the strongest.
@briancooley8777 3 жыл бұрын
@@cultofmalgus1310 i think light and the void are actually the most powerful of all.
@Wellshem 3 жыл бұрын
@@briancooley8777 In term of pure destructive power, nothing is stronger than fel. Light, Void and Arcane are just better at other things
@devastator342 3 жыл бұрын
@@Wellshem You are right, Fel is the pure incarnation of Chaos, theres nothing more destructive than Fel not even Void or Light
@mirnoyevolkodav8036 8 жыл бұрын
Thank you for making this video, as a Warlock for many years I take pride when we're boasted about instead of degraded by our nerf-gun spells.
@locktock9 8 жыл бұрын
I SUMMON a pile of....shit. haha, god blizzard is unkind to warlocks, id probably play one if they weren't beaten to death with the nerf stick
@mirnoyevolkodav8036 8 жыл бұрын
+randomeuropeanguy Yep hahaha, I love it but we're always pummeled down by the nerf stick
@locktock9 8 жыл бұрын
Mirnoye Volkodav if i ever work for blizzard, warlocks are coming back STRONG
@r.gletscher5162 8 жыл бұрын
on which kind of drugs are you guys? warlocks are seen in many top arena comps and doing good in mythic raids aswell.
@locktock9 8 жыл бұрын
R. Gletscher really? maybe in NA but im on the EU servers, warlocks are total crap haha.
@Havenscythe 8 жыл бұрын
Also worth noting that Warlock CREATED Death Knights
@albram2247 8 жыл бұрын
The first Death Knights WERE Warlocks, but the 2nd and 3rd Generations of the Edge Knights were created by Necromancers.
@Telarius 8 жыл бұрын
First Generation Deathknight's are literally Orc souls put into Dead Human bodies, they inhabit the body and use the undead flesh to use spells that would normally harm them with almost no backlash, they also used axes, and swords, ect as well as magic but wore robes. They used FEL, they are literally more a Fel-knight. THey didn't create a traditional Deathknight at all, an actual deathknight is Rune magic, Undeath, and necromatic.
@SkoomaIceCoffee 8 жыл бұрын
this is a perfect coincidence,My current death knight character is highly dependent on my 100level warlock,in terms of money,good gears and high level enchantments
@SkoomaIceCoffee 8 жыл бұрын
Necromancers?They are probably a sub class of warlocks. What i know is to make someone a death knight,you must enter the relm of shadow and claim there souls from some sort of shadow lord. And Warlocks are well known for there demonic summoning and leaving to another relm.
@Riakon 8 жыл бұрын
>a girl >being right pick one
@ReptarTheUgly 8 жыл бұрын
So everyone was okay with using warlock powers to fight against the legion, but when Illidan used demon powers. He was a terrible guy? Hypocrites
@imnegan7275 8 жыл бұрын
well back when Illidan was a mage druid hybrid he killed his own kind to get more power and ultimately became a demon hunter aka a "fel battle mage". So night elves banished him for doing so. All the other races didn't really care for him so he went from being exalted with elves to hated by all races for betraying his kind. If a human in real life would kill other people to get more power wouldn't you think that is a reason to hate him? Not all warlocks kill their own kind to get more power.
@anxiety6066 8 жыл бұрын
illidan was originally nightelf, nightelfs according to lore are kinda..... prolly the most xenophobic race when it comes to this
@Michaelds18 8 жыл бұрын
Ilidan still betrayed everyone and is the reason why sargeras was entering our world (he stole the demon soul). Yes he regreted and helped everyone in the end, but still...
@Michaelds18 8 жыл бұрын
Alexis The Dragon Oh yeah, so sargeras entering our world and tearing him apart is ok to some ppl
@Michaelds18 8 жыл бұрын
I said ilidan is a betrayer because of his actions (that let sargeras enter in the first place) not because his demon magic fetiche... I think you got some reading problems
@kristijan8518 8 жыл бұрын
its lame how warrior, rogue and Hunter are nothing but regular foot soldiers in the lore.
@Doronsmovies 8 жыл бұрын
That is true, but some of them do have some special abilities or powerful/enchanted weapons.
@bogomilpushev3862 8 жыл бұрын
:3 yes like a magical bow or a magical knife...come on :D foot soldiers....
@devincook1396 8 жыл бұрын
Can't rogues manipulate shadow magic or something? Like cloak of shadows
@bogomilpushev3862 8 жыл бұрын
@devincook1396 8 жыл бұрын
The WoW Legion Class preview for rogues kinda leaves it up in the air "Subtlety rogues are the masters of the shadows, and they strike unseen. They don’t have the lethal poison-tipped daggers of the assassin or the brawling prowess of the outlaw, but their acumen on the battlefield and ability to hide in plain sight are unrivaled. Some claim the art of subtlety looks like malevolent shadow magic-but no matter from where their power is derived, these rogues are capable of performing devastating assaults on their enemies, slipping away unharmed to strike again without detection. Most rogues train their entire lives to learn how to walk in the shadows-subtlety rogues were born there."
@elmapache9082 8 жыл бұрын
This serie is cool as fuck :) can you do warriors next, to have a non OP class lorewise
@Doronsmovies 8 жыл бұрын
I will cover warriors eventually.
@syanide27 8 жыл бұрын
+Doronsmovies can demon hunters beat warlocks?
@syanide27 8 жыл бұрын
+Doronsmovies sorry asked it before the video end
@Doronsmovies 8 жыл бұрын
I did cover that in the video.
@isak6110 8 жыл бұрын
eventually.... xD
@Dom4z 8 жыл бұрын
As far as I know warlocks do not posses a demon within them. They only wield the fel and nether magic for their own use. As summoning and commanding demons or casting fel fire at their enemies. Why am I mentioning this? Because by the lore and of recent changes for the class fantasy, which blizzard has stated a countless of times. Only demon hunters who are similar to warlocks, invoke a demon into themselves. So that they could track any demonic force and slay them with their own weapons. Neither Kil'Jaeden, Archimonde or Gul'Dan have a demon in them. They are demon themselves due to corruption. So none of playable classes are by any means demons. Except Demon Hunters who are half humanoid and half demon.
@Murphio25 8 жыл бұрын
I think when he talks about "Inner demon" he doesn't exactly mean like Demon Hunters, probably more like the saying. Also, if not the saying, then probably the corruption, as you said similarly to Gul'Dan, Kil'Jaeden, and Archimonde. There always seems to be a form of Demonic transformation when it comes to fel in any form, as Fel Orcs even borderline Demonhood almost like Demon Hunters do (unless that's old lore stuck in my head).
@jimchar01 8 жыл бұрын
Don't mean to offend, but your assessment isn't entirely accurate. Khadgar states that Gul'dan is as much Demon as he is Orc wich is why his spirit can be held within a soulstone. Kil'jaeden and Archimonde are of a race of demons known as the Eredar wich were created by Sargeras himself when he corrupted the Draenei on their homeworld of Argus. It's essentialy the degree of fel corruption that makes one a demon, not the ritual. Demon hunters ritualy gain their power by consuming a demons heart and melding with the demon itself. However Illidan did not go through said ritual, he instead gained his fel abilties from Sargeras who gifted him with firery eyes and fel tattoos becoming a warlock himself when he had previously only been a non-highborn arcane mage (he also dabbled into druidism but didn't have the patience for it). Illidan only became a full fledge demon when he consumed the energies within the Skull of Gul'dan during the the last legion invasion. Upon seeing what his brother had become, Malfruion banished him. Also, Satyres are former highborn night elfs that were transformed into demons during the war of the ancients, first of wich was Xavius.
@WithinTemptaionRULES 8 жыл бұрын
Actually, IIRC Draenei are a devolved version of Eredar. Sargeras did not create them, merely recruit and corrupt them so they could be a part of his Burning Legion.
@jimchar01 8 жыл бұрын
I've read all the books, instruction manuels, and played all the games before WoW and do the all the quest lines. Wiki is not a credible source for Warcraft lore nor any other subject matter because it can be edited by anyone and everyone. There is a quest in shadowmoon valley where Khdgar states that he is as much demon as he is orc. I sugest you fully read the quest logs before you complete them in order to fully absord the game lore.
@Dom4z 8 жыл бұрын
jimchar01 I assume that is an alliance quest line. I'll take your word on that Gul'Dan is as much demon as an orc. However question still stands, are the playable warlocks and lesser uninportant NPC's just humanoids with control of fel and void magic or are they demons? It seems to me that Blizzard have withdrew themselves from that idea when they redesigned demonology warlocks class fantasy. So that could mean that even if there are warlocks who are demons, as say Gul'Dan. There are too few of them, in comparison to non demon? As far as I know you can control and manipulate fel and void energies without being one. Though being a demon would mean more control of it. I do also know for a fact that warlocks can succumb to madness. And from what I heard, that would mean accepting a demon into yourself, in other words becoming one. Since from early warcraft lore, warlocks on azeroth are depicted as only wielders of fel and void instead of arcane. Hence making them an important ally against the legion, but also very trustful one at the same time, as they can succumb to it at any time. Just like demon hunters, (player ones) who are part demon and humanoid. Who can morph into demon just for a short time, in comparison to Illidan being full time demon, after consumption of Gul'Dans power stored in his skull.
@zn3968 8 жыл бұрын
It kinda bothers me that Demonology Warlocks have so many "shadow" spells that use the powers of the void. They should have more "green" or fel based powers. The shadow spells should go to affliction that's all about corruption and damage over time.
@dumdumkula 8 жыл бұрын
Yeah sure. First demon huntards get our metamorphosis and then fire mages get our embers, hope to god this shit doesn't happen, i mean what's next, make our chaos bolt hit like a wet noodle?
@zn3968 8 жыл бұрын
dumdumkula Metamorphosis never belonged to warlocks. The whole idea of a warlock is to summon demons, not become one. Meta was a DH ability from Warcraft 3 and it was a horrible design for warlocks. I'm glad it's finally gone and we can go back to actually summoning hordes of demons instead of turning into that terrible "Illidan form".
@russellstone6003 7 жыл бұрын
I miss shadow bolt on affliction:( and we should get curses too.
@FimbongBass 7 жыл бұрын
summoning shitty little demons is so much more lame than actually turning into one
@Christopher-tz3mr Күн бұрын
My Forsaken Affliction Warlock was super fun to use in WSG BG. After covering the enemy team in DoTs, i took the flag and walked (not run) through the center of the map, and due to the HP gains from my Life Tap DoT, my HP didnt move an inch with the entire enemy team attacking me!!! I had Life Tap on 3 of their pets. I used VW pet's sacrifice ability to give me a nice bulky shield and cast Howl of Terror to AoE fear groups when my Life taps were timing out.
@n0xx295 6 жыл бұрын
You got a couple of things wrong. First of all, saying Warlocks are more powerful than Mages is a gross oversimplification. This is because the path of the Warlock is, first and foremost, a shortcut to great power. Through it, the average Warlock is able to garner more power in a couple of years than most mages are able to acquire in decades of practice. But, like you mentioned, this comes at a heavy toll for the practitioner of the dark arts. More so, even though a Warlock is able to attain power much more quickly than a mage, the power they can wield is also limited by the price they are able to pay, and pushing beyond a certain threshold is impossible without submission to the very forces they claim to master. A mage, on the other hand, has only one limitation: his mortal lifespan. And if it's true that the average warlock can annihilate an entire batallion of battle-mages fresh from the Dalaran Academy, not only because of their overwelming power, but also due to the very nature of fel magic and it's effectiveness in causing mass destruction, not even Gul'dan himself could stand up to the likes of Antonidas or most Archmages, for a number of reasons, the least of which being the fact that Arcane is just as potent as Fel magic, but works in a different way, much like the Light is just as potent as the Shadow/Void. Through their mastery of the Arcane, mages have the ability to manipulate and bend time: There wouldn't even be a battle between Gul'dan and Antidas, because Antonidas could simply go back in time, teleport to Draenor, and blast Gul'dan apart while he was a defenseless child. Mages are also able to prolong their lifespans to supernatural lengths, giving them ample time to improve their craft to a point where the most elite mages can fully match and surpass even the most powerful warlocks. As for pure, raw, undaulterated power, the fact that the Arcane is just as powerful as Fel can be attested by the protective shield surrounding Suramar, than not even the full might of the Burning Legion where able to break. Another common example of the raw power of Fel magic is the Hand of Guldan, the volcano brought into existence by his namesake in Shadowmoon Valley, as a show of force, matched by Dalaran itself, an entire city suspended in flight in defiance of the laws of gravity.
@renofarmer3118 5 жыл бұрын
Do you main a mage just kidding I agree
@jakeholland1848 5 жыл бұрын
Triggered mage lol
@MrMendoza436 4 жыл бұрын
@elitist douche bag Im pretty sure, he's a titan...
@Graenolf 8 жыл бұрын
Does that make fel the strongest magic?
@masonwolfgod 8 жыл бұрын
@blakekuhlman3881 8 жыл бұрын
On destructive force alone, yes without a doubt
@ronaldtitone2792 8 жыл бұрын
According to Doran, yes, but I would disagree & say it's a tie against Holy & Shadow. My reasoning can be found here in the comment section.
@Graenolf 8 жыл бұрын
Interesting feedback. Thanks guys.
@ksherman51 8 жыл бұрын
found the priest main
@xxMrCoalaxx 8 жыл бұрын
i think a shadowpriests potential could possibly reach warlocks potential, mostly depending on the willpower i think it's due to the fact that shadowpriests attacking their opponent's sanity, that they could easily drive their opponent into a state of madness where they either dont even want to fight anymore or are no longer able to control their abilities and focus on spellcasting. in regards of warlocks that could mean that the warlock could be consumed by his fel magic or the priest being able to break the pact the warlock has with its minions, turning them against their former master/ take over the control himself
@Sweet_Reverb Жыл бұрын
A Shadow Priest with incredibly strong willpower or some sort of magical block to prevent the darkness from turning their brains to jelly could without a doubt be the strongest being in the universe, assuming it doesn't just turn them to dust of course.
@Doronsmovies 8 жыл бұрын
Before watching the video keep in mind that I'm strictly talking about the lore characteristics of the class. Also would be great if you guys could give me some feedback on this new series. I could expand it even more. Also get lower PING and increase performance with NoPING:
@anngrypie 8 жыл бұрын
its realy good you shold make it more classes to this series would be cool to see
@petergriffin5745 8 жыл бұрын
There is another channel that used to do "Legacy" videos that are similar to this, theirs wasn't strictly lore oriented though. Only problem I ever had was that the youtuber only did a couple classes in the video series. Please, please make more like this. Preferably one for each class :3
@Saoke2000 8 жыл бұрын
considering warlocks can subdue weaker demons, and the demon hunters can only absorb the essence of lesser demons, could they easily bind a demon hunter or banish them in some capacity?
@TeerdKrepp 8 жыл бұрын
This series so far great
@onepiecefanboy17 8 жыл бұрын
would like to see a video about how strong warriors are since almost every race has one and their strength differs greatly
@Wataheadable 8 жыл бұрын
For those asking for warrior comparisons. To compare the strongest warrior to the strongest of each class is useless. Simply put, nothing, in this entire WoW universe as ever injured a titan (The most powerful beings) except for Broxigar. Not many know who he is, since his name is kept to the comic lore. But he shows the true measure of Warriors, he single handedly stood at a portal to the demon realm and cleaved down armies of demons. He obliterated so many, that he had to climb a mountain of bodies to continue slaying. He then stepped into the portal and fought the demons on their own turf, at which he killed mountains of demons again, and again and again. until finally, Sargeras himself needed to divert his attention and focus on Broxigar. Broxigar charged at sargeras and with all his remaining might, struck at Sargerases foot, leaving a scratch The only living being in the known universe to have ever injured a titan. Warriors have the most power out of all for this reason alone, given the right weapon, the warrior can easily demolish armies. I really want to see a Boomkin power guide, just specifically for boomkins. I've never heard about them in lore.
@DamianBloodkil 8 жыл бұрын
Great video as always, and they are powerful not just by lore but by current gameplay standards, takes a really good rogue or half a army to kill a single warlock half the time in pvp.
@MarkPuk 8 жыл бұрын
Your videos are in another level of entertainment, keep the good work!!
@Doronsmovies 8 жыл бұрын
Thank you. :)
@roninneko8964 7 жыл бұрын
warlocks use the same magic that created the death knights, summon and bind incredibly powerful demons to their will even ones as powerful as a pit commander, rain fel fire on all in their path, and even manipulate dark magic to travel across worlds a through massive portals. I love having a lock as my main.
@linkzellda 8 жыл бұрын
Fel vs Void which is more powerful? And this has nothing to do which is hard to control but their effect that they have on beings.
@feitur 8 жыл бұрын
If you could truly harness the power of the void i think that would be more powerful.
@linkzellda 8 жыл бұрын
DAEMON ORC We speaking about magic here stop compare Sargeras with the Void Lord people and making lies its not going to help!
@kevinvolk968 8 жыл бұрын
Id says pound for pound void is more powerful, but like he says in the vid its hard to harness very much of it without losing yourself to madness, and possibly becoming suicidal, as I would imagine the more void power one harnesses, the louder the dark whispers of madness become. I don't think void is fun to dabble in. Conversely, fel is often described as being addictive, and pleasurable to use, so I think while there's more power in the void, fel magic is more accessible making it easier to become very powerful.
@anxiety6066 8 жыл бұрын
kinda hard comparing the 2 since one gives you Power at the cost of your sanity, while the other gives you Power at the cost of your Life (if they go besrerk that is) id prolly say fel is more powerful since it basically sucks the Life out of your opponents which you can see when the gate between draenor and azeroth was opened and if you listened to the audio thing blizz just recently released
@TryckSpot 8 жыл бұрын
I wouldn't say that Warlocks are any more powerful than any other spell weaver in lore, it all depends on the wielder. Take Azshara for example, she was a wielder of Arcane magic but she was so powerful that even Mannoroth backed down after agitating her and feeling the depths of her power. No warlock to date could have stood up against of arcane power of Malygos, he may have even been a match for Archimonde or Kil'Jaeden. He said himself that he possessed enough power to destroy Azeroth ten times over. If that was true, that puts his claim over anything any warlock (save Sargeras himself) has ever shown.
@FoxMaccloud 8 жыл бұрын
Taken from the Warlock Forums: Lastly, I would like to open a discussion here about Metamorphosis. I perfectly know this topic will never be addressed before the end of Legion yet I cannot help but complain about it. Please keep in mind this is just my complaint, not other Warlocks’. Metamorphosis was so core to the concept of Demonology: it was the way to go for some caster who also lets demonic energies into himself…sometimes falling into their hands like Kanrethad Ebonlocke did. Or like Illidan did in the Vault of the Wardens. Metamorphosis was brought to us in Wrath of the Lich King and was changed to an active ability in Mists of Pandaria. Throughout the years, we saw plenty of Warlocks using it: Kanrethad (who also invented Dark Apotheosis through that magic), Teron’Gor (in Auchidoun, when he uses the powers of Demonology in normal or heroic difficulty, he uses Metamorphosis), and even the casters in Hellfire Assault (they transform using Metamorphosis at 50% health). And these were Warlocks, not demon hunters. Our Metamorphosis is not the same as the gloriously customized one the Demon Hunters got. It draws from other powers of the Legion. Furthermore, we are lore wise entitled to use it. It is mentioned in The Legacy of the Masters (part 1) that after the defeat of Illidan atop the Black Temple, Kanrethad brought the secret of this demonic transformation to the council of the six masters…and that’s why we got the ability in Wrath of the Lich King. So we basically got stripped of a most iconic Warlock ability for the sole purpose of Demon Hunters to have their nice cooldown. Let’s face it: Metamorphosis did not bring more complexity to the spec than it currently has, with all the Demonic Empowerment, Doom, and Demon tracking we must do. But do you, fellow warlocks, want to hear about the ultimate backstab? While Demon Hunters were already implemented and our Metamorphosis removed, we got to face Gul’Dan at the Broken Shore. And next to him, was an Eredar Sorceress (Lady Keletress)…with Metamorphosis wings. The same model as we’ve always had. Not the Demon Hunter one. And she was a WARLOCK. So when are we getting beloved Meta back?????? What are your oppinions on these statement?
@russellstone6003 8 жыл бұрын
Warlocks are frail and weak?how do you explain gul'dan?he was a beast in the movie. And even if you don't count that,wouldn't constantly getting more and more life energy empower you instead of hurt you?in the video that showed gul'dans backstory we see that after he drained the life from the other orcs he was strong and could stand correctly.So wouldn't using the magic just make you even stronger?
@Meusberg 8 жыл бұрын
Blizzard has said multiple times that the movie is not canon to the real lore. It's actually completely different
@russellstone6003 8 жыл бұрын
Meustice Well what about the cinematic gul'dan? he got empowered and strengthened by the fel.
@Josethemang 8 жыл бұрын
gul'dan is a fucken cripple
@kevinvolk968 8 жыл бұрын
Forget Guldan, look at how much stronger Fel made Kenrathad Ebonlocke! I think Fel magic twists your physical form, but doesn't actually weaken you. Like a warlock may be hunched, or otherwise sickly looking, but could still stomp you into the dirt with all the terrible energy he has consumed. if Fel really physically weakened you, then the demon hunters like Illidan would not be able to fight hand to hand the way they do
@trololloolololollololol2737 5 жыл бұрын
Orcs are all riped dudes and gul'dan was the less riped in the movie soo yea he was frail for an orc , for a human he was a fucking beast
@Markeys-plays 8 жыл бұрын
Great effort put in this channel ! keep up the good work mate:D
@Doronsmovies 8 жыл бұрын
Thank you, I appreciate it. :)
@gummyhorse1736 8 жыл бұрын
Awsome video, but i have a question: Will you do like a How Powerful Are Warriors of hunters? Because those classes in the lore point of veiw seem a bit dull compared to other more magic wielding classes.
@Doronsmovies 8 жыл бұрын
In the lore generally the regular classes are weaker than the magic wielding ones. However that doesn't mean that there are no powerful warriors or hunters and that they couldn't defeat spell casters. Most fights would depend a lot on luck and skill so a warrior would have to dodge or deflect spells.
@gummyhorse1736 8 жыл бұрын
I agree, thanks for the answer. :)
@leesadrone7343 8 жыл бұрын
the way you explain these stories and lore makes it so easy to understand, im going to watch your videos to learn more about wow history, subbed and liked
@Ogresh 8 жыл бұрын
it will be interesting seeing how you evaluate the mage in this video series. With the guardians of tirisfall and a number of feats to this class name I'm looking forward to that one. Based on the "World of Warcraft: Chronicle" we know that the titans powers are based on the arcane. And Sarageras was already the strongest warrior of the pantheon before his flip to the fel. It is hard to tell how much of his prowess now is due to his switch in allegiance / power source or due to the fact he was always a very powerfull godlike thing. As such I think that evaluating the arcane to be inferrior to the fel in terms of power to be a rushed conclusion. This is to evaluate order(arcane) against chaos(fel), they are concepts and not necessarily measurable. As an example how whould you compare an planet shattering explosion (fel - draenor/outland) against the ability to manipulate time itself (bronze dragonfligh - titan creation (arcane), the whole warlords of draenor thing)? Or on a smaler scale Time warp (mage) vs lets say chaos bolt (warlock)? I do agree with your assesment that mortal warlocks tend to grow exponentially faster in power than other magic users though, but as I see it this is mostly due to being given their power in a pact with a greater being. Not through study or hard training such as most other classes go through, wich is a much more time consuming process. The same pacts also makes them in most cases slaves to the legion. This includes Gul'dan and the erredar, the most powerfull warlocks known to us! The warlocks of the horde and the alliance is to my understanding no where near the power that some of their legion counterparts wield, as our warlocks gets no freebies or fast tracks to power and have to struggle with the rest of us to achive greatness in their craft!
@Bysentenial 8 жыл бұрын
I would throw in there that DKs and forsaken would also be able to ignore most of the one shot life steal stuff warlocks do.
@joshuafrank8056 8 жыл бұрын
Well tbh as a warlock I don't need to drain your essence when I can just disintegrate your body with fel fire within half a second :D
@trololloolololollololol2737 5 жыл бұрын
Anti magic shield, but doron is an illidan fangirl soo he will never say a good thing about dk, hes hurt coz illidan got cockslapped by arthas
@MrRichardBoner 6 жыл бұрын
I'm not entirely sure if this is a Legion retcon, but the first warlock was Thal'kiel, the one that ruled Argus together with Velen and Kil'jaeden. Archimonde was his disciple and he betrayed Thal'kiel before his brothers only to later learn it together with Kil'jaeden.
@Auzzymakesvidz 3 жыл бұрын
I've main'd my destruction warlock since WOTLK. She's my favorite, and I think she's badass, even if I'm not the greatest at playing her lol
@TesteRcs 8 жыл бұрын
i would say that sargeras was the one behind the invasion since the slaughtered of the draenei, killjaeden left the orcs alone and it was medivh the one who show guldan azeroth and the portal
@lordedge9068 7 жыл бұрын
0:30 right off the bat the first warlock was Thal'kiel :P
@zeng58 4 жыл бұрын
you've really help me to decide alot better what class to pick based on lore thank you
@jthewelshwarlord6331 8 жыл бұрын
Illidan said before he was a Demon Hunter that fel was stronger but was clumsily wielded by its users but arcane in the hands of a master devastates even great warlocks or words to that effect.
@Lucifronz 5 жыл бұрын
Was doing some reading and it was claimed that Fel was just the natural counter to Arcane magic. I don't know if "natural" is the right word, but it's the polar opposite. Which makes sense, I guess. Light and Shadow, Fire and Ice, Arcane and Fel. Not sure where Nature falls into that, though. Anyway it's enough to explain why Fel can be effective against Arcane, especially in larger quantities which demons and warlocks can definitely manage, being practically abominations.
@bimbomancer 8 жыл бұрын
Hey Dorons
@mateotolic7341 4 жыл бұрын
Sadly he didnt see your comment 😔
@hayden9849 8 жыл бұрын
So, when he was talking about the Light purifying Demons, when has this happen? Found it rather interesting.
@tanyanikolaevagizdova6571 5 жыл бұрын
That one light dreadlord
@MrKrelano 8 жыл бұрын
Ill take my pride on Mage Arcane. One of the strongest classes. The Magna Aegwynn was the only one that fought against Sargeras himself (thought it was just an AVATAR). Just that event tells that arcane is on the same level as fel. But its way more difficult to master. Simple as that :D sorry about my english
@MrKrelano 8 жыл бұрын
And do a Mage one plss!! :D Medivh Aegwynn, Alodi fuck everyone :D Power full people. they can teleport a whole city!! comon! xD MAGES!! (specially arcane since in this expansion everyone is playing fire xD ALUNETH FTW :D)
@OrkarIsberEstar 8 жыл бұрын
Oh and btw how a DK fights a warlock and his minions: Step 1: Put on Saronite armor to get invulnerable to spells from the warlock. And / or use antimagicshell Step 2: Deathgrip warlock past his guards into your runeblade that eats his soul Step 3: Drain his blood and let your own minions finish the demons while you raise the remains as your servant Step 4: Freeze everything and laugh
@Longtimer49 8 жыл бұрын
Warlocks created death knights to use as shock troops aka cannon fodder. I'm sure they would have no trouble destroying their own creations.
@OrkarIsberEstar 8 жыл бұрын
Longtimer49 you mix some things up here. Only the "first" generation of deathknightas were created by ONE SINGLE warlock who also happened to be the most powerfull warlock ever taught by the most knowledged shaman and immortal of all time. Second gen DKs come into existance by getting their souls slowly sucked into a runeblade they then wield, third and fourth generation DKs are raised by powerfull necromancers via powerfull necromancy and rune magic. And as we see in the second war....yes warlocks have problems dealing with DKs. And they get owned by demons frequently those beings they are made to control...
@salesiteisina7098 8 жыл бұрын
Great video you explained the advantages holy light users have against locks and the advantages the fel magic has against most other classes like spell casters. Great video keep it up!!!! Pally and DK's next.
@oneutch4048 8 жыл бұрын
I think another avantage of the warlocks is that they aren't so weaks to sneaks attacks from rogues and hunters (unlike other casters) cause they have auras that can cause fear to those approaching them or even demons guarding (Eye of Kilrogg).. However they have the greatest weakness of all, the forces they used can destroy them or make them to lose the control if they try to use more power than they can handle, It's very easy for a enemy to use this in avantage or even that the Warlock himself lose the control...
@vankhorne 8 жыл бұрын
Doronsmovies: "Warlocks are powerful, but due to the corruptive nature of Fel Magic, have fragile bodies and..." Blizzard: Fragile bodies, see!!! Let the Warlocks flop trough all CDs against double melee!!! BTW, liked the video a lot!!!
@ryanwright905 8 жыл бұрын
if you can, try to do one for every class other than deathknights cause we kinda know there power with the existance of naxxaramus raid and the deathknights in there
@TheCrimsonAtom 8 жыл бұрын
You talk about Paladins and Priests that can be good against demons,but the Warlocks themselves aren't necessarily Demons, so even if they manage to defeat their demon pet the Warlocks are still amazing casters.
@TrafalgarWaterDLaw-dl5cm 7 жыл бұрын
They slowly turn into demons by using fel Magic. But that process is very slow, so races that life up to 100 years and are not like DH's about to seal a demon in themselves. Nor get turned to demons by force like Kil'jaeden or Archimonde take a Long Long time even if they practive fel Magic every day. However at some Point a warlock can be revived in the twisting nether. And besides that the warlock also has void Magic to Counter the light. So in the theory depending how well he wields it he can Counter booth Paladins and priests.
@eliorkurilenko5079 8 жыл бұрын
Hey Doronsmovies, My question is: If a priest and a warlock would fight eachother, who would win? (both are at the same level)
@malo6378 8 жыл бұрын
Lore wise?
@VintageNarwhal 5 жыл бұрын
Honestly your lore videos are the only thing making me want to play wow again lol
@bamboobears2 8 жыл бұрын
I can't wait for you to do how strong shaman is
@MiStarGalaxy 5 жыл бұрын
As a Warlock main ill say.. Rogues are you’re worst nightmare.
@Samagachi Ай бұрын
I once faced a rogue that was stupid enough to confront me head on. Needless to say I absolutely wrecked him
@oneutch4048 4 жыл бұрын
I'm in desagree with the statement that warlocks are one of the strongest classes avalible to players, the warlocks in the service of the burning legion are formidable oponents, but only cause the legion (specially power creatures like Kil'jaeden) are enhancing them. This is obvious in the battle between Guldan and Kadgar, that confrontation would have ended with the lock's death had it not been for the intervention of their masters; but the "good" warlocks don't have that possibility, in effect thay are much like demon hunters, using demon's powers againt their will with rituals and by the use of magic items (as we can see in the old missions to get demons), some warlocks make deals with lesser demons, but nothing like Guldan and those of his ilk. Fel magic is a shortcut to power, so the common warlock is more powerful than other common magic users, but few of its users achieve power comparable to what other classes (especially mages) can achieve without the intervention of outside forces (and this always at a cost, mostly of time cordure or even his souls). The members of the Council of the Black Harvest are the exception, they are probably one of the most underrated and powerfull groups in the game, but most of its members die in their own experiments, lol.
@miroslavmarinov7820 8 жыл бұрын
Warrios as a class and some warriors from the lore would be cool, great new series man
@Doronsmovies 8 жыл бұрын
Thanks. I am planning on covering the warriors at some point.
@isak6110 8 жыл бұрын
at some point..... xD
@ChickenWilickers 8 жыл бұрын
Yup, especially if you look at the strongest members of the class. If you put aside the Old Gods/Titans/Void Lords, the strongest beings in the universe seem to be the warlock duo Kil'jaedan and Archimonde.
@Murphio25 8 жыл бұрын
Even other than that! Gul'Dan, Cho'Gall (before they fall into more void based stuff) Really powerful stuff there.
@ChickenWilickers 8 жыл бұрын
***** Yup
@FrmerK20 8 жыл бұрын
Can you do a video of every class
@Doronsmovies 8 жыл бұрын
Will do it.
@dakojin3811 8 жыл бұрын
+Michael Murdoch I don't know, maybe you should learn a thing called patience and respect. I really doubt you could get anything near as good as one of Doron's vids in less than a day.
@FrmerK20 8 жыл бұрын
+DJ Kalleeed i have my Whole life to wait, I just stated that Id enjoy more vids. didnt say "release one of every class each day for eleven days didnt I
@dakojin3811 8 жыл бұрын
+Jesper Danielsson I wasn't directing it towards you, read the comment chain
@chaosrex1487 8 жыл бұрын
Doron, you don't think Shamans CAN be as powerful as some of the strongest warlocks? Like a hypothetical Thrall(Cataclysm Thrall as that's likely his most powerful incarnation) vs the strongest version of Gul'dan. This is of course only going off of their innate abilities, no dragon souls, aspect powers, or eyes of aman'thul allowed. I think Cata Thrall has a pretty damn good chance of taking down Gul'Dan, since Thrall's the strongest shaman we have to work with here. (One additional stray note here, what about Death Knights over Warlocks because if we're including LK, then DK is a pretty easy pick for the strongest class.)
@ariesstorm9577 6 жыл бұрын
I've only just started playing but my first character is an Orc Warlock, I also have an Orc Shaman and plan to make an Orc Warrior (tank). Is the drain life power available to all Warlocks or a specific spec? I want to RP all of my characters, they all have their own backstory within the Horde. The Warlock is an orphan who's parents killed by servants of the Legion, depressed and bitter he turned to Fel magic and the path of a Warlock to destroy all followers of the Legion. Haven't given my Shammy a backstory yet. My warrior has no love for the Alliance and wants to crush every one he comes across, his hatred for them is so deep and primal he has forgotten the reason why he despises them so much.
@yeoldegaymer1906 7 жыл бұрын
Great video. I've mained a warlock for awhile and it is still my favorite class.
@RegalRexus 8 жыл бұрын
This series is awesome!! Would love to see more, especially on Paladins and Shamans!
@FaroxStudios 8 жыл бұрын
Hey Doron! How are you doing man? I just wanted to thank you for being an inspiration to me. I've recently started my new channel and I would like your input on it please. I have already had some people comment on the audio quality, so I was wondering if you have an advice for me around the subject. I use a Blue Yeti mic and Bandicam for recording. I've pretty much established that is hasn't got anything to do with the mic (I noticed this when I did a voiceover in my editing application, and it was brilliant), so if you have any experience using Bandicam that would also be helpful!
@Sylentmana 6 жыл бұрын
I may be mistaken, but I think fell magic is corrupted arcane. Also, as far as pure destructive potential goes, Warlock is the most powerful, but when it comes to pure reality-warping capabilities, arcane is the ruler.
@GameWithMeAt420 7 күн бұрын
Gul’dan seemed very physically strong when he fought durotan in Warcraft
@spookwilliams 8 жыл бұрын
I've been maining a warlock for years and it made me very happy to hear someone praise the warlocks instead of whining about how "evil" they are and how they shouldn't be part of the playable game.
@SloopFTW 6 жыл бұрын
isnt kilJeaden more like a dark fell paladin? Because in their Legion models Archimonde was a mage, and archimonde looked like a paladin and Velen like a priest. a reak question
@masonwolfgod 8 жыл бұрын
Can you do this for the new shadow priest?
@Doronsmovies 8 жыл бұрын
I will do it for priests with a section talking about shadow ones.
@masonwolfgod 8 жыл бұрын
I'm excited to learn more about their involvement with the old gods now! Especially because i main shadow
@chessman117 8 жыл бұрын
I mean, the first warlock was actually Thal'kiel the Eredar, who was the first summoner of demons. His heading being removed and now the Demonology artifact goes into it. Otherwise, awesome video.
@wyvernfallgaming 6 жыл бұрын
So do affliction warlocks represent warlocks using void magic cuz typically when i roll warlocks the magic is fel overall
@KurtisShane 8 жыл бұрын
Death Knights = Warlocks >Everything else. Yes warlocks are destructive and pull from the void but so do Deathknights (shadow magic) but they can also reanimate corpses. Also they can wear saronite (old god metal) without any side effects so I don't think they are vulnerable to the void like the other classes.
@spacekitten4039 8 жыл бұрын
death knights are basicly creation of warlocks
@Murphio25 8 жыл бұрын
Warlocks can also reanimate corpses, as shown by the Necrolytes of Warcraft 1 and the first generation Death Knights (who were warlocks' souls put into human bodies). Death Knights, also probably slower, due to heavier armour, and being pretty cold (If they go frost, lol), though they are pretty powerful, they aren't as powerful as Warlocks.
@blakekuhlman3881 8 жыл бұрын
I'm not sure how these elements pan out in the lore but lets keep in mind how powerful death knights can be virtually untouchable from magic with anti magic shell, anti magic zone, and the now removed rune of spellshattering. I feel that the death knights have a serious focus on defense from magic, including warlock magic.
@malo6378 8 жыл бұрын
Death Knights ( much like the Lich King himself) are a product of fel. And warlocks are wielding fel, therefore are able to defeat DKs pretty easily.
@uldisblumbergs6721 8 жыл бұрын
Hmmm I would partially agree with you.. but lorewise I would lean more towards druids in being the strongest class.
@InfusionTheory 8 жыл бұрын
Can you do a "How Powerful Are Warriors?" Video.. I know they are warriors but my orc Warrior is my main.. plz be gentle
@Doronsmovies 8 жыл бұрын
I will cover them eventually, I also main a warrior. :)
@MMT399561 8 жыл бұрын
I got a question actually. I was wondering for some time, what about the Mok´Nathal in the "other" Dreanor? Do we actually know or is it unknown? I mean...Rexxar is around, so the Mok´Nathal do exist in the alternate universe.
@Doronsmovies 8 жыл бұрын
Tbh the entire alternate Draenor is really confusing and there are countless inconsistencies. I doubt even Blizzard knows what's going on there.
@MMT399561 8 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I guess you are sadly right. I love the idea of alternate Dreanor, but WoD as a whole was just a huge mess.
@Reywolf2405 8 жыл бұрын
Moonclock its going to be the Legion´s final boss
@robertkokko7731 8 жыл бұрын
Could you do lore about weapons of great importance to the lore like frostmourne, doomhammer etc since these have been mostly covered by our lord and saviour nobbel
@Doronsmovies 8 жыл бұрын
I already covered Frostmourne, Doomhammer, Ashbringer and Felo'Melorn.
@robertkokko7731 8 жыл бұрын
i mean like mb benedictus, thunderfury, etc. if these weapons have any lore?
@Bugumir 8 жыл бұрын
Good video. Totally agree. Warlocks reign supreme, in lore. Too bad blizz doesn't always pay attention to lore.
@TheSupajee 8 жыл бұрын
Can't wait for more! Now I'm just sitting here, hyped, until you to cover the rest of the classes... I rarely comment on KZbin videos, but this video (and the Demon Hunter one) earned you a sub from me!
@MMORPGFreaky 8 жыл бұрын
I dont even play WoW but this videos are still entertaining! :D
@icewolf8190 8 жыл бұрын
@adriansnad427 8 жыл бұрын
Hey Doran. I'm a lore nut myself and a warlock main. I think you got the source of the warlock's power wrong. Warlocks derive their power from the twisting neither and the demons. The void powers only the shadow priest. I have some lore evidence to back me up. Destruction specializes in the destructive fire the demons use. Demonology excel in summoning magic and calling upon multiple servants Affliction uses the disease and death that the dread lords and other demons are known to spread. Demons are not affiliated with the void. They are from the twisting nether, an entirely different creation.
@Diedeathwinddie 8 жыл бұрын
"Warlocks are very frail and have weak bodies" .......ya...frail......
@chaosrex1487 8 жыл бұрын
Hypothetical list of the various classes power ranking in ascending order, when it comes to the power of each one. Rogue, Hunter, Monk, Warrior, Paladin, Demon Hunter, Priest, Druid, Mage, Shaman, Death Knight, Warlock.
@ksherman51 8 жыл бұрын
this new series is amazing, different, and just all around good info. Thanks!
@ANimouz 8 жыл бұрын
Arcane was always more powerful than Fel. I'll explain why. Fel is chaotic and volatile as you said, also it was a nice way to get immense power extremely easy but geting corrupted from the Fel and using it. It corrupts your mind, it corrupts your body, it makes you sadistic but offers you tremendous power. The volatile power of the fel though makes it very unstable which puts a very good limit on how much you can control it regardless of how good you are. Arcane though represents order. It's much more difficult to control efficiently and the knowledge to use it effectively is very VERY hard to come by and requires years of practice or insane talent. Mages always use small concentrated blasts to make surgical precision strikes with insane damaging potential and have an almost unlimited amount of utility. Warlocks are more flashy and destructive overall but a lot of that power is wasted for nothing. The most powerful casters always relied on the arcane, using Fel was like a cheat, but a cheat can only take you so far. The supreme arcane users were unrivaled. The Guardian was always an Archmage and when equally skilled Mages Warlocks fought with each other, especially now that they know how to deal with Fel, ended with the mage winning. Even Rhonin when facing Eredar Warlock lieutenants he instantly splattered them inside their protective barriers. Generally Mages have more potential, but only very few can reach it. Mages are the strongest class in WoW. They have no direct counter aside from Rogues which can kill them in their sleep or shadows.
@J031WG 8 жыл бұрын
I'm pretty sure shadow priests would be more powerful now according to the lore because they can harness void and old god magics.
@J031WG 8 жыл бұрын
shadow priests do work on the brink of insanity and are in danger of tipping into insanity but equally warlocks face the destruction of their body's. With the new old god related shadow priest abilities I'm pretty sure the shadow priests could also handle insanity more than warlock could handle complete destruction.
@ZeelofTheMarty 8 жыл бұрын
Lets play "spot the lock player" looking at you Doronsmovies if you go by lore and feat the lights power has zero limits but the belief of its host/weilder turalyon/Tirion both did feasts that changed the course of history based on their belief in the light. turalyon beat Doomhammer with a broken sword and Tirion broke the Lich Kings ice trap thingy and then shattered frostmorune. Lets not talk about how powerful Velen is in actual lore either. Also worth mentioning the light in itself dose not tax the person using it meaning it has no drawbacks meaning that a person well versed in the light dose need to limit themselfs either.
@DumbassCatboy 8 жыл бұрын
I'm not sure I quite agree on everything said in this video. Most, yes, though about warlocks growing physically weaker thanks to fel, i'd have to disagree. Sure, perhaps usage of fel over several years to a certain degree will, depending on how the warlock uses his magic, could cause some damage to the warlock's very life essence and by extension weaken their body, if you know what you're doing, that could be countered- and in a lot of cases, if a warlock gets sufficiently corrupted, the fel will likely strengthen them as opposed to weaken them, thanks to fel-mutations. And regarding the power of Shadow Priests, i'm not sure i'd say they're necessarily all that limited, and neither are light-users for that matter. It's very dependant on the person's willpower and confidence. Against Arcane, Fel would to a degree have the upper hand , though I wouldn't say that's because of the magnitude of the power each caster can hold, but rather the very nature of fel itself. Fel and Arcane are essentially the same, but in different spectrums of the same force. Fel is corruptive, and would likely influence and destabilize the magics of an arcane caster- especially against a less skilled one. Fel is chaotic and difficult to control, and its corrupting properties is what would make it difficult for an arcane user to counter it- though in all fairness, this could just as easily backfire on the warlock. All in all, warlock magic, especially when compared to that of other classes, is extremely subjective due to the plethora of ways it can be utilized and countered alike. Still, good video!
@VulpesChama 8 жыл бұрын
Actually I believe, that a warlock is equal in power to one empowered through the light. As example, take Fordring. He could resist Gul'dan, for an extensive moment. Considering Gul'dan is at the moment an extremely powerful Warlock, and definitely the most powerful on Azzeroth (at least as long as not Archimonde or Kil'jeaden arrive), yet he could stand against him and hold him off. So, the next one who could counter Gul'dan would be Velen. Nope, not the dead one, that was the other Velen. I mean the Velen from our universe. Though the other one showed us how powerful Velen can be. K'ara, the dark star called by Ner'zul is, as you may know, nothing but a "dead" N'aaru. Though in this case dead isn't dead. As living N'aaru are actually manifestations of the light, in death they are nothing but manifestations of the void. As Velen though sacrificed himself he "revived" K'ara and turned a manifestation of the void back into a manifestation of light. So I believe that Velen is more than able to counter Gul'dan. But the nature of Velens personality, which is as I think the main reason for his abilities, is constructive, which is quite impractical if you want to erase your enemy from the surface. Fel, or the void are destructive powers and unstable. Light though is the very opposite of it. Problem is of course, that you can't compare someone like Velen with Gul'dan if you ask the question if Light or Fel can cause more damage.
@larsthomaspunt 8 жыл бұрын
I would love too see one about Monk's Since we basically know very little about them :)
@mightstone 8 жыл бұрын
Aww you should have mentioned Kanrethad Ebonlocke and the Council of the Black Harvest
@christaylor1672 8 жыл бұрын
Death Knights in lore are also extremely powerful and I would personally put them up there with Warlocks.
@Lebronkata 8 жыл бұрын
Please make one about the death knights
@Komona 8 жыл бұрын
Shouldn't DK's be up there with DH's in terms of countering warlocks? Since they are basically the anti-magic melee class with their different skill sets to reduce or completely neglect magic?
@spacekitten4039 8 жыл бұрын
death knights are creations of warlocks and they are not anti maged in lore
@LinusAkaPano 8 жыл бұрын
+doronsmovies Wouldn't almost any rogue be able to remove the strongest of warlocks? The idea that warlocks are always stronger against melee's would be in an upfront charge where anyone trying would get blasted, but a rogue could at any moment part their targets head off of their shoulders without any prior notice. Isn't this something to consider? Or are the stealth mechanics in WoW not cannon?
@cobanumut 8 жыл бұрын
Hey Doron will we able to play brown (uncorrupted) orcs in future ? Thrall's son was born uncorrupted so if green orc+brown orc =brown orc !! What do you think ?
@Doronsmovies 8 жыл бұрын
Doubt it. We already discovered the mag'har, the little that was left of the original orcs.
@Obama8mycatHQ. 5 жыл бұрын
And than it happens two years later lol
@Zimzilla99 8 жыл бұрын
What about DeathKnights I mean in terms of strongest of classes Arthas,Illidan, Gul'Dan, and Khadgar they are some of the strongest of they're classes but Arthas at full strength is probably the strongest.
@collinberend7566 8 жыл бұрын
You should do Death Knights next.
@guyatanosavia8487 8 жыл бұрын
It's argueable that Priests or Demon Hunters have the highest ceiling for their abilities as well. A Demon Hunter literally grows stronger with EVERY Demon they kill, and judging by the numbers of the Legion, they could potentially grow to untold powers. The only reason we haven't seen much in regards to powerful DH's besides Illidan is because they're fairly new in the lore compared to other classes. Illidan was still growing stronger, and was nowhere near his cap. Priests tap directly into the Light and the Void. One could argue that they would go insane with such powers, however we've seen Velen single-handedly purify a new-born Void Lord which is beyond ridiculously difficult to do. (He did sacrifice his sould for that, but it still proves the point that there was great power there.) The Void corrupts, yes, but imagine a shadow priest who was strong-willed enough to control his madness? The potentiality is literally limitless, seeing as how Void Lords just practically thought up the Old Gods into existance. Obviously spriests wont get to Void Lord levels, but the same could be said about Warlocks reaching those heights as well.
@Murphio25 8 жыл бұрын
Forsaken and trolls would probably be among the most likely to be experienced with void, and would have enough will power to control themselves to a point. Though, Forsaken are often unhinged anyway probably due to the horrible experience of waking up to being dead yet alive. Trolls don't have a good track record for crazy people either (Atal'Ai, Zul, et cetera).
@TrafalgarWaterDLaw-dl5cm 8 жыл бұрын
The Problem with Demon Hunters is as stronger they grow as more demon they become. And Warlocks especialy demonology can easily abuse that and use the demon inside the hunter against them. Since Warlocks study to control them. With priests it depends, Shadow priests easily fall into insanity, and a sane People usualy defeat insane ones in combat since they can easier note the enemies weakness. And Counter void with void and overwhelm them with fel and a bunch of demons at once. For holy priests, they have the potential to purify as much as the Warlock or shadow priest can corrupt them. We have seen plain warlocks corrupt a Naaru twice , one turned into a void god. And Naaru are said to be very powerful. The difference between the strongest known warlock and shadow priests is that the strongest known Warlocks don't have the risk Shadow priests have. Since the void is the old gods Domain, while fel doesn't requier you to enter anyones Domain . Mere demon summoning is summoning one of a infinite number out of the legions ranks, or even free demons. While the old gods and void Lords would take note of this being drawing so much from their power. And would deal with it.
@TrafalgarWaterDLaw-dl5cm 8 жыл бұрын
And the difference with Trolls is that they are the only ones known to be able to draw shadow Magic from loa such as Bethekk and not from the Domain of old gods. Thus there is no risk of turning insane. But the wild gods have Limits. while old gods are way stronger.
@oguzhankaygsz6667 8 жыл бұрын
I used to disagree with most of your comparison videos until Chronicles,now i agree %100 with your points etc.I was going to say that DH can counter locks and after 1 sec *BAM* you have said what i was thinking :D
@spacekitten4039 8 жыл бұрын
warlocks can enslave and banish demon hunters if they show any kind of demonic power in fight, so it makes the equal
@oguzhankaygsz6667 8 жыл бұрын
+Space Kitten DHs are also master Fel magic so DHs are 1 step ahead
@spacekitten4039 8 жыл бұрын
+Oguzhan kaygısız you are so wrong
@oguzhankaygsz6667 8 жыл бұрын
+Space Kitten Give your reasons before oppose or dont waste my time please. Where to get information? Read the books
@spacekitten4039 8 жыл бұрын
warlocks are stronger than dh and its a fact warlocks are not demons you idiot
@ELgauntlet 7 жыл бұрын
Archimonde and KJ were not the first warlocks. Not according to artifact lore, where thank"Kiel is the first.
@neelarai971 8 жыл бұрын
in-game they're the strongest class in pvp because THEY DON'T FUCKING DIE
@Samagachi Ай бұрын
They have some nasty debuffs, too
@androsnico7370 8 жыл бұрын
Can you please explain us how Warlock-ism(right word?) works with each race? For example with have the Trolls which they have the Loa Gods as far as I know. What about the other races?
@spacekitten4039 8 жыл бұрын
in game for pvp best undead and orcs and of course human but idk bout humans anymore cuz of racial nerf
@androsnico7370 8 жыл бұрын
+Space Kitten No, that's not my question I meant for lore wise but yeah for Pvp your opinion is right :)
@MrPatrick115 8 жыл бұрын
dude i love these vids with the cuts of gameplay in between!
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