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Rob McGarr

Rob McGarr

6 жыл бұрын

You already have everything you need to play great golf... you just need to find it!
/ robmcgarr

Пікірлер: 938
@rohanmostert4975 5 жыл бұрын
Game changer. I've also been struggling for the last few months. So focused on the positions that i lost all feeling for the club head and face. 2 brief range/ indoor sessions in last week with a new waggle to let me feel the head at the end of the shaft, and instantly had better strikes. Straighter and longer! Not game to try the "no look swing" tho. But the essence of feeling the swinging club rather than positioning the arms, shoulders, hips, etc has helped a lot! Thank you!
@Not_To_Golf_Is_Not_An_Option 5 жыл бұрын
I watched the Video ages ago, but could not get myself to try it. For the last few weeks I am struggling with my golf game and today I decided to give it go and after a few mishits I hit one pure, center of the club, it felt great. After I finished the round I headed directly to the range and hit a bucket of balls. With the shorter clubs, (7,8,9) I hit the balls pretty decent. I could not believe that it only takes a few swings to start hitting them pure and dead center. I will continue practicing the no look, all feel swing. Great lesson and thank you for sharing.
@cartersmithgolf 6 жыл бұрын
Totally agree with the principle and that the natural (practice) swing is always the best swings we produce out there. I’ve also done the drill but I use a look away on the way back then through (a la Stenson, Duval, Anika) to target. This gives the shoulders and torso even more freedom. This I have taken to the course if things go funky. I’ll post a vid to twitter. Great vid 👍👍
@sammyelliott5554 6 жыл бұрын
Golf is mostly mental. For over 40 years I have tortured myself,(and others too) trying to play this game. Grew up playing everyday through my teen year. Best I ever shot was a 40. Now at 63 years of age I will do good if I shot 55 on 9. The people I’ve played with over the years are constantly coaching me. Slow your swing down! Etc. etc. I will par a couple of holes per round but then will have several holes with 8, 9, 10. Go figure. I have given myself the name Dr. Jeckle or Mr. Hyde. My younger brother also has played for the same amount of time and is a scratch golfer. I can hit the ball as long as he can but he is more consistent. He told me it was all in my head. Told me to take up another sport, how does one get worst after so many years of playing. The last time we played he shot 37 and me a 60. Go figure he told me I had a mental breakdown.
@RobMcGarr 5 жыл бұрын
I'd say the mental side is definitely more important than the technical. Strange then that we spend all our time trying to fix the technical!
@sarducci23 5 жыл бұрын
This is me!!! Too many lessons and have lost my swing. Golf hasn't been much fun over the past years. Handicap's going from 2 to 7 and climbing. Thanks for the vid. Keep on swinging!!!
@stuartpitcher9873 5 жыл бұрын
You have loads of comments but here is my two penny worth. Find and watch Ron Wisdom on KZbin. He talks about being internalised in practice and externalising in play. Only by externalising can you hope to get in the flow, zone or bubble. Read Gabrielle Wulff and her research on externalising. Be prepared to play consciously incompent golf linked to a good short game from seventy yards in. Think process not outcome. Trust yourself to swing without getting mechanical. You are putting yourself in the straightjacket of over analysing. Bet you dont do this in football or tennis because there's not enough time between shots. Look at what you are saying. You are giving yourself the answers.
@LivingOverPar 6 жыл бұрын
Good that you found this guy... That is my swing, I have never had a lesson and got tired of trying to imitate all the swings I see on youtube. I finally decided that I wanted to swing like me and just swung the club without thought and flushed it perfectly straight. I have been hitting it that way ever since. I get the not looking in practice, its to make you not think about the ball so you dont get back into that habit but I would look at the ball while playing (I do) I went from shooting in the 100's to now I am a 10 handicap and I have only played 11 rounds since I changed my swing and started playing good golf (god for me that is, I have severe joint pain in every joint in my body and this swing keeps it to a minimum as well as being a natural swing) I can shape any shot I want with every club from driver to 60 degree wedge with this same swing. I hope you stick with it and good luck... I had started to miss your videos, good to see your back
@RobMcGarr 6 жыл бұрын
Really good to hear this type of swing is working for you. Danny did say that some people find it works well to look down when playing so you can see the ball, but not focus on it like you would normally. I'm going to keep at it.
@GolfSidekick 5 жыл бұрын
Scratch Golf I also found I added the waiting in the finishing position at the end of the practice swing. I like to, take a practice swing where I hold the finish for 4 or 5 seconds and smile. Happy to be on the course. No tension. Ive incorporated it into my practice swings especially when I start getting too attached to the outcome of shots and start getting tense. And also those moments where you forget youre playing golf and lose total focus on anything and start chopping. Coupling this technique of swinging naturally and then also visualizing intensely on every aspect of your shot in your preshot routine then NOT thinking at all standing over the ball brings best results. If its a shit shot, just a great opportunity to show off the short game skillz around the green. This is stress free golf and way more fun.
@tristanlewin4190 5 жыл бұрын
Watched this and then went to the range and had the best session in such a long time. Had been shanking/hooking 7/10 shots for the last few months as well. Out of 150 balls I would have hit 3 shanks. Thanks for the post. Made a huge difference!
@djflicker8430 6 жыл бұрын
this makes perfect sense to me, i hit my best shots when i have a relaxed swing, definitely gonna try and work on this type of feeling more, not sure i would go full on not looking at the ball but i can see how it can help get the feeling working on the range. Great vid as always mate !
@RobMcGarr 6 жыл бұрын
Cheers Chris. Danny did say that some people find it works by looking down so the ball is in your field of vision but not focusing on it. Hope it helps!
@anthonybennett6089 6 жыл бұрын
Shawn Clement as been teaching this for years. Although it's great to see a UK coach adopting this approach especially given he mentions external focus rather than concentrating on mechanics i.e. internal focus. The great thing is it works for every shot type.
@Triangulaid07 4 жыл бұрын
Anthony Bennett you may like the original FlowMotion online training Enjoy 😉 playing with the Flow...
@eddavisonjr8646 5 жыл бұрын
@miker5502 6 жыл бұрын
Great video! Went out and tried this technique into my backyard net...following day went out to play a game with friends and took the “no look swing feeling” out there. Fired an 82 ( which was right on my handicap) and it felt effortless. They key for me was to keep the hands and arms very loose and relaxed. Did hit a few offline, but that was when tension started to creep back in and the desire to steer the ball rather than just swing and let the ball get in the way. Brilliant! It also took those million plus swing thoughts out of the equation. Keep up the quest .... you're on to something good. Cheers From Mike in Canada.
@CFWaittoleave 4 жыл бұрын
Hey Rob- this video is invaluable. It just may be the key to my lock. I feel frozen so often by having read so much about instruction, my head spins with self-talk I never relax while playing. Danny has spoken to me and I hear him. I also think you're a good guy.
@RobMcGarr 4 жыл бұрын
It's easy to fall into that trap mate, I know that! Hope this helps 👍
@jonnycooper6028 5 жыл бұрын
i feel your pain , im doing the same. even to the point where the ink from the ball is marking the toe of the club. we just have to keep going. as i keep telling myself, a bad days golf is better than a good days work.
@ahmedmushtaqlodhi 5 жыл бұрын
I tried that at the course today , definately very less to think about with this approach . Only thing to concentrate is the weight of the club head. Really brings down the anxiety when you only have one thing to be conscious about . The game has been made so complicated that it has taken all the fun out of it . Will keep on working on this!!!!
@davidthompson7445 6 жыл бұрын
I am about to take up golf , am approaching 65yrs of age , and will no doubt freeze during my first proper lesson ( started one some years ago , a lesson , but got injured so had to give up ! ). My plan is to follow the first 9 mins or so ( no ball to hit ) of the video to get the confident fluid easy- going motion going , and to do this several times a day , and then a week later to add the ball to the routine . When watching Justin Rose iron play it looks as though this is his approach ! Effortless movement with the bonus of the ball just happening to be there and him imagining the flight path and where it's going to land . Absolutely LOVE this video !
@patrickcarey6887 5 жыл бұрын
This absolutely works! I have spent thousands on lessons over last 10 years and have too many thoughts going through head that when I get on the course I cannot hit the ball. I have spent the last two nights up the range and have never hot the baller sweeter with such a relaxed swing. It's crazy. 👍
@RobMcGarr 5 жыл бұрын
So chuffed to hear that mate, hope it's still going well!
@randalllaframboise360 6 жыл бұрын
These concepts most definitely have merit, especially when you need to experience the feeling of moving the clubhead through space with little apparent effort. The realization that you need to get rid of all the fluff and brutally simplify what you're doing with that implement in your hands is the biggest "aha" moment. To get back to my "proper" handicap, I ended up doing things outside of my comfort zone when it came to practise and the golf swing - practice without a ball for 75% of your total swings; put the ball really close and far from your feet, change address position, and chip and pitch - a lot! Those are just some examples of practise variability. What I've been doing lately got me back to my handicap (and better), using what I call "instinct heuristics", and the "one foot philosophy". Simply put, it's how to leverage the mechanisms your body uses naturally for target acquisition and balance, like throwing and running, and using them for golf. The other concept I found liberating because my concentration is focused on the clubhead, ball and intermediate point; as long as I adhered to that task, I've improved to hit over 90% of my fairways, 80% of GIR, and chipping more accurately than I can putt (in the last 3 weeks. Still experimenting with a few things, but the success has been astonishing. Everyone has their own inroads to make when it comes to golf: get rid of the "paralysis by analysis", or just get a "reset" and get a fresh perspective. You seem to be doing that. BTW, the reason that golf instructor said he wouldn't golf without looking at the ball is sound, but the most important thing is we are wired for target acquisition. Golf is a struggle for some because the ball becomes the target, not the "path marker" to the target. External task orientation, not internal focus is more successful.
@RobMcGarr 6 жыл бұрын
Definitely. I think what you're doing has a far greater chance of success than trying to robotically build a "perfect" golf swing.
@randalllaframboise360 6 жыл бұрын
I just re-read my comment, and unfortunately it sounds like I was boasting, which was not my intention. It was more that I was surprised that I found something that worked one day, and the next, and so on. Needing to know how it worked, I subjected my daughter and wife to some of the drills, and it worked with them too. And they are not golfers. My daughter referred to it as "surfing into a golf swing", lol. Curious fact: humans are especially evolved to throw, given the arm/shoulder/ligament structure is different from apes. Somebody made sure we fling poop faster and better than the chimps (0_o).
@indydawson 6 жыл бұрын
When I read your comment I did not think you were boasting. I read it as a golfer who was very enthusiastic about having found something that helped him improve. The phrase, "learning to get out of your own way," definitely applies to the golf swing. There are numerous swing thoughts associated with this concept including one of my favorites; letting my hands go through impact. I also imagine my left hand throwing a frisbee as I transition. Most of this is in practice, I try to stay more in the moment when playing. Silly as it may sound, as I set up over the ball I often pick a target far, far right of my intended swing path -far right like 45 degrees right and as I take my back sing I picture swinging for that point. It helps me stay down on the ball.
@tom2324 5 жыл бұрын
Tried this today, biffed about 45% completely, got really good connection but hooked or faded 25% and absolutely pured the rest. But it got better as I went on. Like I was discovering my own swing. As well as the technique just working I think the exaggerated wrist movements and wind up made it really obvious what is happening when watching. A lot of information without words. As soon as I started making the wrist movements with the left foot right foot, I just felt how to do it. Really good as well because my old swing was hurting my hip. This one is completely effortless.
@acctsgen 3 жыл бұрын
I applied everything other than not looking at the ball and I filmed myself and what a difference. Great video
@ChangingYourMindLtdCom 5 жыл бұрын
Great video and it is not that outrageous, there are a lot of similar styles out there. I'm pretty new to golf and have been watching lots of different methods trying to find what is best for me so I'll give it a go on the range. There is a site easiest swing in golf which is quite similar to this lesson. Look forward to see what else you come up with and hope you find something soon to help you. Cheers.
@workingmansgolf2246 6 жыл бұрын
To shave those last few digits from the handicap your going to have to find a way to think out of the box. Great video and thought process. Read a book called quantum golf. Funny little book. Keep at it. Great job.
@fedorvm134 5 жыл бұрын
Quantum golf is Magic
@dogloverjb6873 3 жыл бұрын
My instructor saids don't worry about mechanics....just know where the club is at all times during your swing. It takes a different awareness. I love this instruction! Very similar to what my instructor teaches....don't worry about the ball.... just swing the club to the finish and the ball gets in the way.
@edwardhelmer9928 4 жыл бұрын
Marcus Bell teaches this "flowmotion" swing too. It's good stuff! I have been watching his videos and others who do this method of natural swing. It works, trust me. I've hit shots I have never hit before with clubs I never thought I would reach the green with!
@bjnwright 6 жыл бұрын
Couldn't agree more. Most of what we need to do in golf, is to just get the hell out of our own way. Do you think about your swing when you're chopping wood with an axe? Chances are you don't, although you've just executed the prefect golf swing albeit on a different plane. Thanks for the vid.
@jpbernie72 3 жыл бұрын
Rob, thanks for posting this. After watching, I had some of the best shots in my life. Now, people were at the range so I didn’t do the “no look deal.” However, I did use the flow-motion. I have a lot of injuries, restricting my movement and just warming up in this manner allowed me to get the club to positions I can’t get reach if I am thinking about getting it there.
@jpbernie72 3 жыл бұрын
Rob this dude is pretty awesome. I don’t know if you have ever heard of him or seen his videos but I think his techniques are very practical.
@Coys1970 6 жыл бұрын
Great video Rob. Loved the comments about how you never think about technique in other sports. Same here,golf is obsessive lol
@alanwaterworth6464 5 жыл бұрын
great stuff, if only I´d seen this a few days ago! the swing looks so relaxed and easy, like it just flows. Really want to try this out, probably better not to try it in the company annual open comp tomorrow tho! cheers for posting!
@MrLeftyno1 6 жыл бұрын
This style of effortlessly hitting the ball, probably started by a Brit Ernest Jones, carried on by Manual de la torre, played on tour by the great George Knudson. The swinging motion is not hard to do, the problem is most golfer's want to hit the ball not swing.
@dalecollins5795 6 жыл бұрын
You sound exactly like I feel at times!! When I get like that I watch "Bagger Vance" which seems to help! Golf is hard. I'm trying to undo 50yrs of swing issues. I'm a decent golfer, hcp 4.4 at the minute but it's all a struggle at the minute. Just keep battling on mate, it'll come eventually. Love the vids. Guess what I'm doing next time I'm on the range!
@RobMcGarr 6 жыл бұрын
Haven't watched that for ages, think it's time to rectify that! You're not the only one struggling mate so I know how you feel. We'll get there!
@coreyl6221 6 жыл бұрын
Good vid. This kind of approach is indeed helpful when one gets overwhelmed with mechanics & starts "chasing it". Very Zen Golf😉
@VoodooZ 6 жыл бұрын
Great vid. Thanks for sharing.. I've been struggling with offer analysis and it's not improving my game so I'll try that.. removing the tension alone would be worthwhile for me..
@homebuildingcost 6 жыл бұрын
Played with “natural”swing sins the age of 10. Scratch golfer at age of 15. Lowest handicap +2 age 17. Decided to become a professional golfer. Started practicing really hard and my swing became very technical. Handicap went up to 10. I stopped playing golf for 7 years. I started playing again about 2 years ago. Handicap 4. Natural swing. I just look at the target and look for the feeling that will let me hit the shot towards the target. But in order to get it right you must look at the ball. Even a good footballer feels the kick before hand, he will always look at the ball at the moment of impact. Ball sport fundamental. Great video. Loved it.
@andrewhaley9592 5 жыл бұрын
Great analogy. When striking a football, you don't think about swinging your leg or where to hit the ball. You see the ball flight to the target before hand and make your body do that.
@adamlawrence3651 5 жыл бұрын
+2 to 10. Seems legit
@johnvucharlotte 5 жыл бұрын
Touche! Once I deviated away from trying to mimic other players techniques I began to play better. Through practice and experimentation I started to find my natural swing, and amazingly my scores got better. With that said, I'm not ruling out that the techniques of other great golfers isn't going to help us, but we have to balance the amount of time that we have to practice against who we are and where we want to be in the future. At the end of day, perhaps the best measure of your game is your shot and your golf score--
@Seve007 5 жыл бұрын
+2 to 10 after practicing harder ???? I call bullshit
@conbaz106 6 жыл бұрын
Wow, great video Rob. I like this guys mantra. Refreshing to here. I think I've always been a fairly intuitive golfer. Technical stuff gives me a headache. So seeing a lesson like this is pretty exciting to try
@RobMcGarr 6 жыл бұрын
Cheers mate, let me know how it goes!
@SCTV59 3 жыл бұрын
This is an excellent swing very much like Ernest Jones swing theory. I had gotten too much into positions and went back to this after watching your video....awesome...and thanks for posting!
@barrybr1 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks mate, great video. I'm gonna give it a go. No harm in trying. Looks like it's a great way to free the mind and the body re hitting the ball.
@allensmith8953 6 жыл бұрын
I like it. I like his approach. Definitely my biggest struggle has been psychological. This might help alleviate that.
@dciccoritti 6 жыл бұрын
I tried something like this about 3 years ago after watching a Colin Montgomerie video. He kept stressing to hold the club with almost no grip pressure. So at the range one day I gave it a shot. I held it so lightly that my hands took off before the club head in the backswing (which is what I noticed in this video with the instructor). Well I ended up hitting it so much better and further. And my divots were like perfect dollar bills, shallow and past the ball. I never took it further than that because it felt like i had zero control and that scared me. However, now that I do have more knowledge and understanding, I think I need to revisit this again. I'll let you know how it goes :-) Great video 👍
@daveparry2177 6 жыл бұрын
David Ciccoritti with you there I remember a range session where I dragged the Club head back on my backswing this is how it felt as I was holding the Club so lightly I ripped every shot without trying. Why didn't I carry on with this to be honest u haven't got a clue....🤔
@dciccoritti 6 жыл бұрын
Dave Parry Well I'm going to try this on Saturday. I'm not sure but I'm betting when I did try it, I let my elbows bend to much in the back swing. This time I want to see if I can keep my arms fairly straight while still maintaining a light grip and very loose wrists. I just tried some little swings in the office with an old LW and I think it might work.
@RobMcGarr 6 жыл бұрын
Danny said to me you have to let go of control to gain control. Let me know how it goes!
@MrLeftyno1 6 жыл бұрын
That is a George Knudson quote, one off the best swings ever ( according to a player called Jack Nicklaus LOL ), George,s book is a great read. What I tell pupils who have control issues ( 90% the other 10% are in denial LOL ) is you are holding the club so you have control, most people do not believe that though, its a great game for sure, I am originally from your neck of the woods was born in Lincoln, best course played was Woodhall spa, when I played it it was the 8th best course in the world according to golf monthly. Enjoy the journey to better golf, because trust me once you get to Scratch you have to work like hell to stay there LOL.
@jorgenkarlsson3572 5 жыл бұрын
Absolutely loved it!! Looked through your video, went directly to the range and tried it out. Never had better ball striking before. Topped and shanked a few of course, but in general, progress was fantastic. I even managed to think-produce a couple of draws and fades. Realised quickly that if I cheat by not aiming for and holding the end position, I completely loose ball strike accuracy. Thanks for your video!!
@RobMcGarr 5 жыл бұрын
Great stuff, hope it's still going well mate!
@pickin4you 5 жыл бұрын
I didn't start golfing until I was 17. This was back in 1978. NO internet or golf teachings on TV. I taught myself by coping Jack. I had nobody tell me what was wrong , an when I was 20, just 3 years, I was a 10 handicap. Held that until I was 30. Had fun. NEVER missed a fairway. Brought home more golf balls than I went with. Then one day, on a Saturday, there was a teaching program. 30 minute show right before the Saturday round started. I saw then showing how to swing, and I thought, hmmmm.... Maybe I need to do that so I can drop my handicap. So after numerous golf tip shows, and so on, my game has steadily gotten worse. Now I am lucky to break 90, when I used to break 80 often. Its been so long now, I do not remember how I used to swing and play decent golf. AWESOME video!!
@gigi123ification 5 жыл бұрын
I finally had some time to play, and I noticed that my driver works way better if I have 2 - 3 practice swings (watching nothing but the direction the head goes through in front of my feet) and simply step up, without further looking or assessing and repeat the swing. The results are way better than taking time to adress a practic swing, more time to step up to the ball, look at the target, re-assess and finally hook the ball OB. This method surely works from the tee-boxes, so all par 3's and drivers should be taken care of...
@philoneill9399 6 жыл бұрын
Just got back from the range, went with good intentions when I left felt like getting drunk and cutting up my clubs up!!, opened the beers and watched 2 mins of this vid and feel better already, every time I improve I create another problem,,,should I continue to put myself through this pain?!?!? Another beer and will continue watching - keep up the GREAT work 👍
@RobMcGarr 6 жыл бұрын
It's mad, isn't it? The range should be enjoyable yet we get so frustrated it ends up being the opposite! Hope this helps a bit 👍
@5wisher5weet 6 жыл бұрын
Search easiest swing in golf, you’ll see the founder Brian Sparks dancing and Julian Mellor (both in UK) and also search for “the real golf swing” on KZbin.
@legend9018 6 жыл бұрын
Great video mate, especially the opening. This game can be maddening to no end and the more you become immersed in it the deeper that rabbit hole can become. I’ve been down it several times and somehow have come out of it every time. Usually a little time away from the game has helped among other things. Just know that you are by no means alone. People that are attracted to Golf are usually perfectionists which can be a good thing and a bad thing. Constantly tinkering and trying to improve will help you make gains but it can also be a detriment because we can’t appreciate the level that we are at. You will get through because you have to. There’s no other way around it lol, the key is you must learn to love the process and maintain your love of the game.
@jjd9990 6 жыл бұрын
Very interesting got to be worth having a go at this on the range even if it's just to relax your mind and body before a round
@nosensenonsensecommonsense6347 6 жыл бұрын
What he taught you I call “fearless swinging” I paid my best golf this way. He’s on to something, don’t discount it.
@GolfSidekick 6 жыл бұрын
You look very attached the result while doing the lesson. Have you read Every Shot Must Have a Purpose?
@tomookawai4698 6 жыл бұрын
Golf Sidekick と
@jayjones892 5 жыл бұрын
Dude love ur videos waddaa playyaaa
@GolfSidekick 5 жыл бұрын
THEJIG IS UP PEWPEWPEW Wadavideo this one is. It has fixed my wedge play 100000%
@jayjones892 5 жыл бұрын
@@GolfSidekick good to hear. It works wonders brah
@kenmcc5734 5 жыл бұрын
I see where your coming from. How to maintain the formula/technique yet look conventional so that you do not induce psycho pressure from your playing partners. In putting, I can go round the practice putting green with the putter in my right hand (right handed) and casually look at the hole, look at the ball and slot it. No line-up, no practice swing, just plonk. I discovered it one day ,when I was taping the balls back to a hole to start my putting practice , and 5 from 6 went in from 20' No 6 lipped out. But I too have not got the courage to do this in a match or comp but have occasionally during casual play and impressed and got Flack from my group. There is a wave length here to connect to. (No mind)
@tombradley2040 6 жыл бұрын
3 years away from golf I have had a few lessons and found myself very robotic relying on hand timing which can bring disaster as we all know. After using this at the range and practice swings I am striking the ball better than ever! All those things that are taught still need to be practiced but getting a loose and smooth swing this can’t be beaten. Left heel off the floor first to bring the hip rotation into play rather than just the shoulders is brilliant! Keep up the good work!
@RobMcGarr 5 жыл бұрын
Great stuff Tom, really pleased to hear that! 🤜🤛
@craigphollingsworth1460 6 жыл бұрын
Great video! I think this makes perfect sense. Very refreshing and clever approach. I deffo see a difference between my practice swing and actual shot swing. Few years back my 'swing thought' was to sweep through as if the ball wasn't there rather than trying to hit it. This vid has motivated me to give this another go. Better players often seem to swing relaxed and with rhythm. Think this approach helps with that. Thinking now, the times when I've played my best golf, and kind of been in form and 'in the zone', it's been so easy - just step up and swing without thinking. Looking forward to trying this on the course tomorrow!
@RobMcGarr 6 жыл бұрын
It's so true that 99% of golfers have a better practice swing than when hitting the ball. If we just relax and swing good things can happen naturally!
@brad9406 6 жыл бұрын
Can I just add I played today after watching this and shot 76 my lowest round this year by miles. Either a coincidence or just amazing. All I did was swing really east thinking of no ball being there and was on 🔥. Buzzing
@RobMcGarr 6 жыл бұрын
Quality, well played! 👏👏👏
@brad9406 6 жыл бұрын
Seriously buzzing, lets hope medal tomorrow i cant repeat
@indydawson 6 жыл бұрын
Makes me think of Speith when he putts while looking at the hole and not the ball.
@brad9406 6 жыл бұрын
Mate you can do this. I had a round tonight 4 birdies and 2 bogies. Seriously just play relaxed and make sure you rotate. That is all I changed got my hips working . Let me know how ya get on!
@marksiddall379 6 жыл бұрын
Top vid Rob. Like you said with other sports, you don’t think about position as much. I always thought that was because most sports are dynamic with a moving ball and golf to me feels like a free kick in footy, stationary. But here’s the thing that I couldn’t get my head around: I never thought about my leg’s backswing! Ever! Love this video. Shifts the focus to what I’m trying to achieve ahead of me, not behind me.
@RobMcGarr 6 жыл бұрын
Exactly! No one has to teach us technically how to kick, your body is clever enough to work it out!
@bafflerbach 6 жыл бұрын
Always great to see your updates and thoughts, keep up the good work!
@Blodcola 5 жыл бұрын
very inspiring video. nice to see both you and the coach admit to the pressure and anxiety that often accompanies golf and spoils the game for a lot of us. refreshing stuff
@Blodcola 5 жыл бұрын
Ive been getting stuck in drill-country for a while now too, and its really destroyed my golf swing. for the past two days i tried the drill, and my ballstrike improved exponentially. Im wondering though: why did the coach tee the ball up during the practice? I read somewhere that "external" swingthoughts improve the golf-swing and it really rings true for me. Every time i focus internally during a swing, on some aspect of the swing, my body starts compensating and i often fluff the shot. If i focus on drawing the ball or hitting a target instead, I usually get what im going for.
@MrWattsy84 6 жыл бұрын
He loved showing you “how” to do it 😂😂 he hit more balls than you did! Joking aside I tried to swing like this, a bit like Shawn clement teaches but i just couldn’t put it in play. I do swing better when I slow my swing and relax so there’s something in that I guess. Another thing I’ve found is filming my swing sometimes is the worst thing I can do, if I’m hitting the ball well but film my swing to see if I’m hitting the positions my coach has told me to, I then see it doesn’t look right and I change things. I’ve since stopped filming so much. Great vid.
@RobMcGarr 6 жыл бұрын
Ha, I did hit a fair few but I wanted to leave the stuff of him explaining it in the vid and it's long enough without loads of clips of me hitting balls! I'm the same - don't record it when I'm playing well because I know I won't like what I see but as soon as it goes wrong the camera comes out and never helps!
@indydawson 6 жыл бұрын
If I hadn't filmed my swing I never would have realized how awful it was. I thought, when I went for a lesson, that the pro would give me a couple of tips and I'd be on my way. I took a few swings and he says, "let's take a look at what we've got." OMG, it was horrible, it was every golfer's nightmare, a big, over the top, right shoulder move that screamed hacker. If I had not seen that video I never would have started on my quest to rebuild my swing.
@casparelbers9360 5 жыл бұрын
This is one drill of FlowMotion Golf.
@Triangulaid07 4 жыл бұрын
Caspar Elbers yep 👍! Danny is a FlowMotion coach...
@Quintonwalsh 6 жыл бұрын
Wow! It works! Just swing without outcome, and swing freely, felt so easy, still getting the same distance as trying to swing like I should. Thinking so hard to swing correctly feels difficult now. Holding the 3 seconds in practice after the swing has made the most difference, being goal orientated is better for my mindset. I am doing these drills more often from now on, thank you.
@Nitrous9999 6 жыл бұрын
Cracking video Rob always love the honest insights into your game and what you are doing to improve. Keep up the good work!!
@RobMcGarr 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@andrewhaley9592 5 жыл бұрын
When things are going wrong in my swing, I just focus on two swing thoughts. Turn my left shoulder under my chin. Hit the ball.
@RN-mj9xx 4 жыл бұрын
This is what Tiger talks about when he says Golf is all feel in his hands.
@mywaycarpet 5 жыл бұрын
Greatest teacher I’ve seen. It works!!
@YOUBAZRIDERS 5 жыл бұрын
This technique is amazing! I tried it and it helped me a lot, u dont really have to play like that on the course, but it made my swing armonius, i found my tempo. Your advice with weight on toes and left foot right foot did wonders on me. now i also do some with my eyes closed!!!
@acemakerjay 6 жыл бұрын
I found it interesting that he doesn't use it himself. I think it's a good tool to finesse your swing as long as you don't freeze up when you look at the ball. Maybe Charles Barkley could try this. LOL
@ferg_life3841 4 жыл бұрын
I'd like to know how you feel about it a year later have you tried it again?
@RobMcGarr 4 жыл бұрын
I'm not playing much at the moment but my honest opinion is that this is a great way to clear your head of all the complicated swing thoughts and positions that can start to make golf seem really complicated. I've always played my best when I have one simple swing feeling (or none at all, when things feel really good) and I think this can help get you back to that. I don't think people are going to start playing on the course not looking at the ball.
@DaveZnoise 6 жыл бұрын
Love that "Bloody hell" at the end. Great video, makes sense to me. I think we tend to overanalyze alot of things in the modern era.
@chrisgreenslade6504 8 ай бұрын
Loved this video , most coaches have been thought from a book and have a poor grasp of how to deal with an individual. They say set up like this , take it away this way, your club must be here and the first thing these things do is create tension. This is a very refreshing way of looking at the swing and thought your swing was very fluid with great tempo. I have returned to golf after a ten year break ,and used to play off 4 , I have managed to hit the ball quite well but I am afraid to let it go and get some decent club head speed , this may be the key I am looking for , I will be giving it a try tomorrow. Thanks for bringing this to our attention
@Haundo421 Жыл бұрын
His lesson is exactly what it feels like when I’m playing good golf. I just feel it, I can picture the shot and almost effortlessly do it. Bad golf I start getting all technical about everything.
@RobMcGarr Жыл бұрын
@gordygolfc2039 6 жыл бұрын
shawn clement elements here and that is a good thing
@lukasrichter9708 6 жыл бұрын
gordygolf c yes sir
@mezzavoceify 6 жыл бұрын
Seriously, dude. Check out Shawn Clement. I'm not scratch, but his approach has helped me a lot!
@jdwoodworth2134 6 жыл бұрын
Agree, Shawn Clement, Mike Malaska, and Adam Young teach "external focus" and "throwing" the club head at the target. I have started to use Clement's intermediate point for alignment, and then my only thoughts are "throw the club head at the target", the ball gets in the way and goes to the target. Have been shooting much better rounds using this process.
@peelogphilip 6 жыл бұрын
I’m a Shawn clement student and this is bang on what he teaches . Love his research on the visual Cortex and sight . Focus on something specific and everything around it is blurry , same goes with when you’re head is down looking at the ball . The ball should be blurry and your target should be in focus. Have a feeling into that picture .
@jaimemantel9002 4 жыл бұрын
This is one of my favorite golf videos. The philosophy here is spot on. Natural athletes just do what is needed to be done. They don't think about it. For some though I would think they would need some basic golf instruction to get them to the point where they could then do their natural swing with efficiency. (i.e. how to grip a club, some basic ball and club dynamics, etc.). I have found that yes, my body does know what to do to hit the golf ball. I find that my main misses are from my brain overriding what my body is trying to do naturally. If I would just let my natural swing happen the misses probably wouldn't be misses. Easier said than done though. But for the rest of the summer I am going to try and develop my natural swing.
@jaimemantel9002 4 жыл бұрын
So it has been a month and I have been using this philosophy. I have a much freer golf swing now and I am actually hitting the ball father than I was and higher too. So I am now getting the ball the stop on the green from 170 yards out instead of racing off the back. I do have more errant shots now but I attribute that to the fact that I am not there yet. I am still in process. The people I play with have noticed the difference. And they are actually amazed that I was able to change my swing without a lot of loss to my game. My handicap has gone up a few points but as I do this more i am sure it will go back down.
@seancoxe3577 5 жыл бұрын
I've watched this video several times, and each time, it improves my performance on the course. I think the technical trends in equipment and instruction have hurt more than helped golfers for decades. If you look at the average handicap index over the last twenty years, those trends haven't seemed to help at all. I've bought into it all over the years, but now I'm moving away from that to something more akin to Danny's approach. And, at 70, I'm now striking the ball better than I did at 40--and I'm using older equipment. (I do have some of the latest and greatest--in the closet.)
@georgsamsa7606 6 жыл бұрын
Hi Rob, I think this way of teaching golf is just dubious. When you showed Dannys swing vom down the line, you can see that he has a decent swing plane, maybe too much from the inside. Thats probably the reason he likes to hit those shot off a tee. But overall he is a talented player, learned a good swing in a young age and now thinks that all this comes natural if you just let it go. You experienced some good shots and a more centered contact. Maybe because your mind was not stuck in 3 to 6 swing thoughts, maybe some shots off a mat on a driving range does not mean that much, especially when you try "new things". But you would not hit those shots, if you haven`t put so much work and effort in your swing before. But most important: a good swing only proves itself in a pressure-situation. You just played with what you have at the moment. Thats it. I feel your frustration about not moving forward anymore. But the answer to that is to find a coach who speaks your body-language. And is able to translate technical developments into a feeling that you can build in your swing and still feels good.
@ILoveGreatThings 6 жыл бұрын
Yeah I think coaches who teach this way skips a few steps along the way since they just think people are not doing it naturally. Clearly not skilled golfers naturally aren't good golfers lol.
@indydawson 6 жыл бұрын
You still have to build good basics, grip, posture, alignment etc. This concept benefits golfers who have reached a certain level of proficiency.
@daonetru 6 жыл бұрын
I think 🤔 you guys are missing the point of the video. I believe it’s the intent to put more focus on not coaching the natural ability out of the student. He also states 2 important things that you might of missed..imho 🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️ 1. When you look at the ball you can compensate for flawed technique but when you don’t look at the ball your technique has to be good 2. This will train your natural swing
@RobMcGarr 6 жыл бұрын
He was ripping it off the deck as well, to be fair. I totally get what you're saying but Danny says that he can get beginners hitting good shots way quicker with this method than when teaching them in the traditional way. I'm sure it's not for everyone and it's too soon to say if it will be the answer for me but I'm going to give it a decent try.
@johnprice1914 5 жыл бұрын
I struggled mentally for yrs too until I saw by chance a pro on utube called shawn clement.!...He teaches golf like your teacher.. the brain is so complex but accurate..It knows of the function your body is trying to achieve and will automatically put you in the right position to accomplish the task..You don't need to think about angles and positions..As soon as a ball is put in front of you and you make that your target, you will default to hitting the ball instead of swinging through to the target which will undoubtedly cause you to come over the top and slice etc!....Has anyone ever taught you how to skim a stone on water?!!...No of course know what you are trying to do and you don't even have to think about the task and am I in the right postion and is my wrist cocked enough and am I on the correct foot!...incidently..the skipping a stone on water is the same as a golf swing!...sorry for the long text..theres much more to learn.....see shawn clements golf swing!!… do have a great golf swing!
@dylancoo5133 5 жыл бұрын
john price as soon as I watched this I thought of Shawn clement! Same idea except Shawn has 100+ videos getting into more detail. This is how the swing should be taught. If it’s not simple you are doing it wrong. Great vid
@johnprice1914 5 жыл бұрын
You are right Dylan, Video instruction is beginning to change.Golf pros over the past 10yrs or so have made a golf swing far too complicated with angles and positions which the majority of amateurs unable to grasp..Imagine during a back swing wondering whether you have all the angles etc , then on the way down, you then default to the ball..Thats why golf is so difficult!..So golf pros like Shawn clement are a breath of fresh air!...My game has improved 10 fold since watching his method!
@crystalJaanus 6 жыл бұрын
Well, I just watched the vid and it inspired me to head out to the range and well, it worked. If I was calm and not focused on the ball and tried to get more thoughts on the end target. As soon as I get a chance to go out, I'm taking this to the course, it feels more relaxed and just right. Great Video and give a shout out to your coach - He's stuck Gold!!
@RobMcGarr 5 жыл бұрын
Glad to hear it helped! I'd say don't expect miracles on the course straight away but let me know how it goes 👍
@gerardtrigon8144 6 жыл бұрын
Wonderfull !! I tried this technique and it's just amazing how it worked on my swing and liberate it .... You're both my men .... Keep going....
@RobMcGarr 5 жыл бұрын
That's so good to hear Gerard, hope it keeps helping! 🤜🤛
@philovenell5644 6 жыл бұрын
Just for interest sake, look up Brian Sparks Easiest swing in golf on KZbin
@RobMcGarr 6 жыл бұрын
Will do, cheers.
@masonkim7 5 жыл бұрын
Bruce Lee said it best "Be like water"
@RobMcGarr 5 жыл бұрын
@MissyLaMotte 6 жыл бұрын
That was a really interesting vid. I remember reading an interview a German golf magazine did with a blind golfer a while ago. The guy had already been golfing for a few years before he lost his eyesight. He now needed an assistant on the course to line him up and describe the hole to him, but he said that he had become a much better golfer since going blind, because he now really felt the shot. I sometimes putt with my eyes closed (which works remarkably well), but I never tried to hit a full shot without looking at the ball. I will definitely give this a try the next time I'm at the range (well, the next time I am at the range without anyone standing right next to me, maybe)
@RobMcGarr 6 жыл бұрын
I tried putting looking at the hole a couple of years ago (because Spieth was doing it and holing everything!) and it worked well. Enjoy it and do let me know how it goes.
@anthonywasser7683 6 жыл бұрын
This to me felt almost revolutionary in a train of thought standpoint. Simplifying the swing into just having the club square at impact was great to hear. I can’t wait to test this out with a weighted club and on the range.
@RobMcGarr 6 жыл бұрын
Let me know how it goes 👍
@willosee 5 жыл бұрын
“If you can hit it well without looking your technique must be perfect.”
@danthemanwhocancan 6 жыл бұрын
Ben Kenobi: [gets up and takes a blast helmet] I suggest you try it again, Luke. This time, let go your conscious self and act on instinct. [puts the helmet on Luke, which covers his eyes] Luke Skywalker: But with the blast shield down, I can't even see! How am I supposed to fight? Ben Kenobi: Your eyes can deceive you. Don't trust them.
@RobMcGarr 6 жыл бұрын
Maybe I should watch Star Wars, never seen it!
@stanleyplank 6 жыл бұрын
The next time I go out I'm gonna wear a helmet
@danthemanwhocancan 6 жыл бұрын
Scratch Golf use the force Rob!
@winxy1499 6 жыл бұрын
@@RobMcGarr WHAT!!????
@dpardo74 5 жыл бұрын
@CPRSquared 8 ай бұрын
This resonates with me. I'm a very good billiards player and that's a game where you're looking at the target and not the cue ball. Some of my best putting has been no-look. Even if I don't end up no-looking full golf shots, being able to make the practice swing the shot swing will be a big win. Thanks for this. And that coach is so completely soothing!
@kd2quick 5 жыл бұрын
Wow that was amazing, can't wait to try that.
@vernonfischer170 4 жыл бұрын
He swings better than me when he doesn't look😂
@robinmatthews-williams5565 6 жыл бұрын
Where’s my shout out!? 😉
@RobMcGarr 6 жыл бұрын
🤦‍♂️ We can do a no-look match!
@RobMcGarr 6 жыл бұрын
@@robinmatthews-williams5565 🤝
@staffffy1 6 жыл бұрын
Haha I thought I’d joined the dots. Knew it!
@mikaelpyka7702 6 жыл бұрын
Boys - you need to make a vid out of this! (Im off buying popcorn and brew...)
@WafflesportsUK 5 жыл бұрын
Robin Matthews-Williams is this guy copying your every move 🤷🏽‍♂️🤔
@DeathBySlushPuppy 5 жыл бұрын
Very interesting and enjoyable. This is a bit like what Shawn Clement teaches but different perspective.
@mplunky1 2 жыл бұрын
Rob I have no idea how I came across this video lesson but I watched it only yesterday & for some reason it really did resonate with me. I have been really struggling with my golf in last 6xmonths blowing from a 10'hcap out to 15 in that short period of time. I played today without any range practise & the only thoughts I stuck with all day were Dan's words "left...right" in a really simple walk motion of my legs...nothing fast nor exaggerated just a very smooth walk motion on the spot. I did not really think about what my arms & hands were doing other than let them swing & not hit. OMG the best contact & pureness of ball striking (for me) I have felt in many years. That tip alone was so so simple & just amazing really. I didn't play any shots not looking at the ball but I definitely will give it some time when I next have a practise. I am so grateful to come across your video so thanks for putting that together. It has definitely been one of the best lessons I have ever been able to immediately put into practise. The "left...right" walking on the spot motion for me in my swing ( & no other swing thought) was so profound. My swing just was so easy, fluid & automatic. Being able to swing easily & actually hold my finish whilst being completely balanced (still) was just the best feeling for me in a very long time. Many thanks.
@RobMcGarr 2 жыл бұрын
This is so good to hear! I can't take any of the credit - it's all Danny's wisdom. If you like the feel of it, I'd recommend going to see him. There's loads more that I left out of the video. Keep flushing it and keeping it simple! 😎
@mplunky1 2 жыл бұрын
@@RobMcGarr Rob I would dearly love to go see Danny but the last time I was in the UK was when we (Wallabies) won the 1999 Rugby World Cup at Millenium Stadium in Cardiff. Your lesson has reached me here in Australia. It seriously was the most positive & practical change that I can ever recall being so effective so immediately. I did not do the don't look at the ball part whilst playing today but will do when I next hit some practise balls. The "left..right" move just just makes it very easy to swing to a full balanced finish. As Dan says in your lesson just do not think at all about hitting the ball nor making your hands & arms reach any predetermined positions other than swing back & through to your finish & hold. Making your arms & hands hit certain position checkpoints only just stops it actually being a swing which is exactly what you don't want!!!. It is gold for me. Thanks again Rob.
@ryangarner5576 6 жыл бұрын
This idea isn't that outrageous. Within my study of martial arts you try to learn the basic techniques and then get to the point of "no mind". This is the point he is making. When you are letting your body move and not focusing on the ball, you are letting your body do what it is supposed to do. It also goes with the saying let the club do the work. Now of course the execution is always harder than talking about it. It will take some time to get that "no mind" mentality and apply it to your golf game.
@davidthompson7445 6 жыл бұрын
I'd totally agree with you Ryan . I took up Akido and everything would go pear -shape unless the imagination / mind was detached from the thoughts of moving the body .A bit like Tom Cruise in the Last Samuri when the gang of assassins attack him in the street , the film makers "show it going through his mind ahead of the actual resulting physical movement . Hoping that made sense
@alanwaterworth6464 5 жыл бұрын
I have an idea what you mean. I had archery lessons for a couple of weeks many years ago in Bulgaria (mid 90s, not much tourism, nothing much else to do) with the Bulgarian archery champion. He was talking about "being one with the arrow".. draw and loose in one, smooth flowing movement, almost without aiming. He was able to group arrows into a rifle target at 70m, 20-30 arrows, all bunched so tightly he could pull them all out in one. I don´t know if you´ve ever done any shooting but a rifle target isn´t exactly big and at 70m it looks like a postage stamp. But this "emptiness" of mind was key to it all. And I reckon that applies to golf. There´s so much advice and tips out there and we all over analyse everything, when it´s probably better not to think, but just hit it.
@justbreakingballs 5 жыл бұрын
It’s true for most things. The subconscious has to do it. Think and it’s over. A master musician isn’t thinking about what they are doing, if they do it’s over. It has to flow out of you like water.
@TheSmurf307 5 жыл бұрын
Great lesson. I've had the same problem with losing contact so I recently decided to club up and just let my natural swing/power do the job. I get this idea totally
@RobMcGarr 4 жыл бұрын
Let me know how you find it!
@andygreen1677 5 жыл бұрын
When I practiced as a kid I used to set up to the ball, close my eyes and swing. Same sort of thing really. I can't remember when I decided to start looking at the ball and trying to smash it as far as possible but I'm 49 now so it must have been a long time ago. This video has given me food for thought. Thanks for sharing 👍
@RobMcGarr 5 жыл бұрын
No worries Andy, hope it helps!
@popskism 5 жыл бұрын
This is amazing. Thanks for sharing.
@charliehay8993 6 жыл бұрын
I've been a bit like you recently Rob, probably working too hard to get that perfect swing and as a result just struggling to get any form of contact at all. Watched this this morning and snuck out for a quick 9 this arvo and tried to set up with my practice swings not thinking at all and just finding a rhythm and more times than not hit it better than I have in a long time. Only started to watch your videos and follow your journey recently but just wanted to thank you from Australia for bringing us your great content that's so relatable for all of us that refuse to accept that we have so much more potential in us than just being an average hacker
@RobMcGarr 6 жыл бұрын
Love this comment Charlie, thank you! Also jealous you're in Oz as the summer is ending over here!
@edg3576 5 жыл бұрын
This is my third year playing golf and from the start I've been always thinking about positions. I've never felt fluid or been happy with my distances. I went to the range today thinking of nothing but right/left, keeping everything relaxed and sensing where the club head is in space and I was hitting every iron further and more consistently than I have since starting. I didn't get into not looking at the ball but rather put my focus into sensing where the club head was and I was surprised by the results.
@GolfSidekick 6 жыл бұрын
Dude this is a great video. After reading Every Shoot Must Have a Purpose, I went out and shot 70 just using the Think and Play box idea. After takin up yoga, I realized how much tension was in my body: shoulders, wrists, forearms. I found a lot of tension at address in my shoulders and arms. I've been working on total relaxation before taking the club back. I am going to use this on the range soon and with the ability to relax free of tension, coupled with total concentration and RELEASING emotional attachment to the outcome, I see sub 70's around the corner!
@GolfSidekick 6 жыл бұрын
Watched a lanky twat have a golf lesson! HAHAHAH
@oldgold5848 6 жыл бұрын
Get Didi on it as well.....
@GolfSidekick 6 жыл бұрын
MopTopTeenyBop Didi is the living embodiment of chill bruh. Waddaplayuh
@oldgold5848 6 жыл бұрын
@@GolfSidekick it's certainly a natural swing.......
@dinoshanios 5 жыл бұрын
Noooo... Please DO NOT try to change anything about Didi.... just observe him and learn from him!!
@Stevetobbi 6 жыл бұрын
Another quality vid Rob... just like getting a lesson at Woodstock... 🤣👍🏻👏🏻
@petergoodman7805 6 жыл бұрын
It looks a great way to relax into your golf. I'm definitely going to try it at the range. We think to much about swing path,loft,takeaway. That drill looks so relaxing and natural
@RobMcGarr 6 жыл бұрын
It really is. Let me know how it goes 👍
@mryoun 6 жыл бұрын
Exactly how I taught myself when started golf. Then I tried to be more technical, that's when swing problems came in. Thanks for reminding me that feel is everything. Cheers bra !
@RobMcGarr 5 жыл бұрын
No problem! I find that the more technical I'm thinking with my golf swing, the worse I tend to play 🤯
@helplessd4ncer 6 жыл бұрын
Love this! I think if you play golf you'll always end up in the "what's going on" scenario at some point or another. Will definitely give this a try next time I'm on the range and would be fantastic to try it in a comp and rustle a few feathers!! Also as I can't watch moody Mark Crossfield anymore you are my only YT golf content so keep up the good work sir!!
@philgibbs9974 6 жыл бұрын
I take the point about not looking at the ball when playing but the concept of swinging the club, feeling the weight and letting the ball get in the way of the club is fundamental. Will definitely try this at the next range next time. Thanks
@RobMcGarr 6 жыл бұрын
Let me know how it goes/went!
@JoeHaile 6 жыл бұрын
I'm heading to the range in a bit to give this a try. The philosophy is awesome! I have had this exact problem with my driver specifically, if nothing else, the mindset will hopefully help! Wish me luck
@cwones8904 6 жыл бұрын
Go external and see ball through misty eyes, love it!
@Trueblue222 6 жыл бұрын
Listening to you at the beginning of your video was like listening to myself. I'm going to visit the range today and give this a go. I guess the instructor is trying to implant the feeling of a free flowing swing into the muscle memory . Once you have the feeling I guess you have to find a way to look at the ball but not react to it. Easier said than done I'm sure. Thanks for putting this out there for consumption. I've long felt that I'm over complicating things on the golf course and despite lessons from different coaches I've never felt that they have added anything to my 'technique' that has resulted in a considerable improvement to my swing/golf. Enjoy the style of your videos, keep up the good work. Cheers. Steve P. Shropshire.
@RobMcGarr 5 жыл бұрын
Cheers Steve, and you're absolutely right. Danny said that a lot of people make it work by doing this in practice, then looking down when you're playing but not staring at the ball. So it's in your field of vision but you're not zoned in on it, if that makes sense.
@joecawthorn7525 6 жыл бұрын
Brilliant video good ideas from the teacher
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