How To Reach 1150 MMR in Advance Wars

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Deejus Productions

Deejus Productions

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A 1350 MMR Advance Wars player breaks down the fundamentals for improving at Advance Wars, no matter whether you play AWBW, Advance Wars Re-Boot Camp, or you're playing on the classic cartridges.

Пікірлер: 64
@Mangs1337 2 жыл бұрын
13:06 - Tip 7 hit differently. If you take just a single thing away from the video, make it this one. I've undergone a huge training arc lately. I’ve been aware how many mistakes I’ve made over the years, and how little I truly know about this game. After several training sessions with Deejus I feel like I’ve learned more about Advance Wars in 6 months than I have in 15 years. And yet… I keep running into more powerful enemies on the ladder and I just get stomped. Every time I try to play against one of the “grandmasters” from the tournament they still just mop the floor with me like I’m a baby. It makes me truly realize just how high the skill-ceiling of this game goes, and that can both be amazing and frustrating at the same time. It also makes me appreciate just how damn good they are at the game. ALWAYS remember how far you’ve come, and not just how you match up against your current opponents. As you get stronger, so will your competition. This tricks you into thinking you've not gotten better. Hell, it can make you feel like you've gotten WORSE. Remember that the people at the very top of the AWBW ladders probably get more frustrated and upset with themselves than anyone else. Imagine the enormous pressure they are under with 30+ people spectating every single one of their games. Despite being the best at what they do, and being admired by the whole player base, they probably beat themselves up so hard over a single loss. Your mental state is a god damn maze of psychological tricks. Try to rise above it, and don’t let it play pranks on you.
@edwardnguyen7213 2 жыл бұрын
When you talk about the moveplanner, its probably worth bringing up saltor's addon that adds QOL improvements to the moveplanner like seeing movement ranges/attack ranges/vision ranges and damage calculator shortcuts.
@otsissb8545 2 жыл бұрын
Was just about to mention this. Here's from the man himself from the AWbW Discord: 'Features include: 1. Configurable keyboard shortcuts for controlling replays 2. Movement and attack range previews in the moveplanner 3. "Quick saves" in the moveplanner which let you snapshot and restore game state without downloading savestate files. 4. The standard unit count, unit value, and funds/income tracking that you get on the game page, including deducting funds when you build units in the moveplanner. 5. Ability to toggle COP state in the move planner, affecting both the move range previews and the damage calculator.' Installs: Chrome and Microsoft Edge (and Opera with Chrome extension): Firefox:
@gligurr 2 жыл бұрын
yeah its helped me out a lot, just search awbw enhancements if you want to find it
@kingrexprime 2 жыл бұрын
Amazing extension! I highly recommend it.
@billymaier6712 2 жыл бұрын
@@otsissb8545 Didn't know this was out for Firefox. Amazing, thank you! And thank Saltor!
@Quickslow87 2 жыл бұрын
Tip 7 is amazing. I often message with my opponents and it’s important to be kind. When someone is upset, I try to encourage them. One person recently told me that he felt AWBW had become like too much of a job. Games are for relaxing, not work. So I personally keep my number of active games small to not burn myself out. Also, I was astounded by tip 2. No more manually counting up unit values. XD
@DarkArtistKaiser 2 жыл бұрын
I just imagine cause of your avatar Flak with one of those grad hats on top of his helmet explaining this, much to the shock of everyone. Lash: "I didn't know he understood this stuff." Adder: "I didn't realize he could count."
@Incuggarch 2 жыл бұрын
Advance Wars/AWBW is one of those games that seems pretty simple and straightforward at first, but the more you play it and especially if you play against strong players the more layers of complexity you realize there is hidden within it . I think in many ways we are still just scratching the surface of all the layers of strategic decision-making that exists in this game.
@edwardnguyen7213 2 жыл бұрын
We need the prophet, Hellraider, the Voice of Akasha to show us the way.
@profeta4129 2 жыл бұрын
Tip 7 (13:06) is the most important one I feel and can't thank you enough for briging it up. Being a constant 1300 rating player myself, I have my own frustrations with the game and those are specifically related to live play. It's like my level just drops by half and can't really figure out yet how to play my best (or at least better than now) with a tight clock. This in resonance with the expectation that brings forth being a 1300 rating player, kinda mess up my mental state a bit, but in the end I still keep playing both async and live, because I just love the game and keep having fun playing it (the adrenaline rush that you get when playing tight live matches is something I have never experienced elsewhere). Having goals and a desire to improve yourself is a totally human trait and is what makes us better than yesterday. AWBW is no different and while we embrace this virtuous ambition with hope and resolve, it's always important to understand that in any competition there will always be someone better than you (and even the No. 1 player can lose sometimes) and that losing is part of the journey, which can be arduous at times. I believe it's this journey and not only the destination that should be enjoyed and from where we can take lessons to improve our gameplay while also keep having the most important feeling that videogames are meant for you to have, fun. So long as I have fun playing AWBW, I'll keep playing it.
@Insulted25 2 жыл бұрын
A lesson from Deejus-sensei is always welcome. Currently 1179 MMR and (hopefully) rising.
@scarabix3D 2 жыл бұрын
Damn, really love what they did to Deejus' hair in the reboot.
@richykoy 2 жыл бұрын
not only your videos about AW is informative but also also funny. each video does put a smile on my face while learning
@AdvanceWarrior 2 жыл бұрын
Pretty thankful for that last tip. I'm personally not in a good mental state when I start a match because the loss hurts much less, if I lose, compared to having higher expectations and feeling crushed. I could change that, but this video is on tips, and it's now my part to work with those tips. Keep up with the great videos!
@6Sense_ 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for all the great videos. Went from 850 to 1040 in the last 2 months. And although I lost my most recent game. I’ll keep that mind state to keep pushing on!
@rarianomajoy57 2 жыл бұрын
Bro the voice off and the images are gold content man xD Keep it up!
@mrdeadscott8270 2 жыл бұрын
Great video, glad you talked about mental state as it applies to not only AWBW but real life. It's always important to take a break and take a step back to analyze you situation and make an informed decision. Really enjoying the videos and the replay's of games, looking forward to the next video.
@godiris4691 9 ай бұрын
i'm a 800 player working on hitting 900, was on a roll but got matched with two 1150 players and got steamrolled by both. Was so dissapointed in myself that i didn't put up a fight quickly after that quit the game. After a year i'm back again and doing great. The mental tip is definetly something to take to mind it is good to take a break and refresh yourself. Probably not that long as i did but if you're a low rank player like me remember progress is gradual and if you're losing games to the point of frustration good to step back to clear your head
@hadoukenfighter 2 жыл бұрын
ever since i've seen your videos i've managed to climb up to 900! this'll help me get to 1000 sometime in the future hopefully, thanks for being a good channel.
@kevinduffy2688 Жыл бұрын
Number 7 about mental state is the best tip not only for this game but very good for life itself. As people we seem to like to go all out on certain few things and we tend to develop tunnel vision and get over immersed into things that end up messing with our psychological state. Thanks for your perspective.
@fluhfie4602 2 жыл бұрын
For whatever reason, watching your videos bring some sort of morale boost. I suddenly feel an urge to expanding the number of global league games I typically play. Usually I only play one GL game at a time. Perhaps it is tip 7 telling me that I must accept that I might lose eventually, or maybe it's because I now have a fixed goal of reaching 1150 before you make the next video of possibly how to reach 1300 :> or a little of both.
@gibranalcaraz4906 2 жыл бұрын
I love your videos, and the most I love are the Replays with comments, a fan from México 💪🏾
@cynical_boy 2 жыл бұрын
how to reach 1150: > dont get matched against Deejus or Kantbei when you reach 1100 > enjoy
@killerjays 2 жыл бұрын
(Killerjays here) 1067 rating through 75 games. I like how all the more tactical concepts you listed I've been able to grasp through self teaching of but painfully simple concepts like infantry walls and transport openings just completely stump me. 😂😂😂 I also wanted to comment on your 7th concept. I've been lucky enough to learn about my own mental state to know what my limits are. It's a HUGE advantage knowing when you can or can't play well. Taking a day or two between MOVES before looking at the position again will only benefit you. Most of the time your opponent will have forgotten their plan but also second guess themselves during that time off. So patience in itself is a mind game. I usually at most play 2 games at a time, so my progress is really really REALLY slow. All my peers are getting better rating gains than I do but are starting to burn out really really hard right in front of my eyes. They have either quit or are currently in the middle of a really really long break, so make sure to strike a balance and know when it's a good time to stop.
@CuddlyTheMadElite 2 жыл бұрын
I really wish the AWBW move planner actually showed a unit's movement. While calculating the movement can be done, there should be a display while selecting a unit. Additionally, you could have a toggle to see ranges as well, namely for indirects and especially COs with Range bonuses.
@raven-a 2 жыл бұрын
On the order of attacks, I would say try getting vision first. If you have a very low Vehicle you don't mind sacking, or some Infantry that won't capture or attack this turn (specially if you can put if on a Mountain), try to use it to get further vision before you attack, it can be game changing in fog. Also it's often necessary to move your front units first, so they make up safe space for your back units (though that's mostly after attacking, so you can know where to send them, maybe you wanna front switch because you just saw a counter unit, or there not much more to be gained on that front right now). Btw thanks Deejus, I made a new account and I'm playing much better, a few games and I'm almost 900, before I was struggling to get back to 800 hehe. I also only now realised I eventually can have more than 5 games going on at once, that must accelerate my improvement 💪🏿
@leiramfang 2 жыл бұрын
Deejus - you awesome!
@Rambo_Florian 2 жыл бұрын
I think psychology is a really underrated/overlooked part that people can train & use to get the upper edge. The elon musk example is solid. I saw an interesting y.t. short where he talks about wanting to die on mars. I guess when yu have all that cheddar$ and resources yu can set crazy lofty goals like that.
@Baladucci 2 жыл бұрын
In chess games, analysis boards are often banned during tournaments. That forces you to have to visualize every possible outcome, often multiple moves in advance. The longer chess tournaments are often on 2-3 hour timers for each player. AWBW gives you a built-in analysis board (move planner), and 1 DAY PER MOVE. Use those resources to your advantage!
@Blue-mr7fe 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with number 7 only because due to me going through a 4 loss streak regardless of having a long advantage only to lose my entire frontline in all games, in each stalling for 5 to 15 turns my latest game took 60 days and backpedaled after turn 49
@StarFlash250 2 жыл бұрын
Ayo im on TV!
@gneecorpzu4408 2 жыл бұрын
Infantry walls are surprisingly similar to real life military strategy: it is the infantry that is used to secure territory, not vehicles.
@fluhfie4602 2 жыл бұрын
It has been 3 days since this video. I can now proudly say I reached 1150 (from 1050 before this video).
@nathanwitte9442 2 жыл бұрын
Mega tank underrated. It's great late game when there are tons of medium and neo tanks running around
@brasmak2606 11 ай бұрын
The low bar I have set for myself is 1100, though I am starting to get kind of close to 1250 now. I think for myself as long as I try things I thing anything will be acceptable. One time I have won of a very strong player too, which was also a nice thing for me, though probably quite a shock for my opponent because the account didnt had a loss yet.
@DarkCyberElf 2 жыл бұрын
12:49 - Archive photo of Rank 1 Fog Player Go7 putting Rank 3/4 player Incuggarch in the dumpster on the worst map in Global League history (Witchcraft Trials). If anybody wants to see Transport builds taken to the absolute limit of their usefulness, watch a Go7 replay on a medium/large map. I actually tried one vs Deejus on Chosin Resevoir but screwed it up halfway, so the lesson I learned was to pay very close attention to the context (the why rather than the what) of what motivates a particular build order and move order (CO Choice can actually make certain build orders work or not work). And know that AWBW is so dynamic that sometimes the difference between winning a game and losing a game can be your opening, just like chess.
@Incuggarch 2 жыл бұрын
Wow that is well spotted, I didn’t even realize that was a cropped image from that game until you pointed it out. Having played twice against Go7 and lost decisively both times, I can attest to Go7 being a phenomenally skilled player. For anyone wanting to improve their gameplay I think it is well worth it to check out any Go7 replays that are available.
@DarkCyberElf 2 жыл бұрын
@@Incuggarch I've watched a number of your replays myself as well, and to see him dismantle you is just terrifying. Seeing how he optimizes openings, and can somehow win two fronts simultaneously like poetry in motion is absurd. The Penguin Master is truly built for a different climate of war.
@Go7Penguin 2 жыл бұрын
That is a good eye! I had some fun with transportation and continued my bad habit of throwing away my transport copter XD It was a good match, though. I don't think it was entirely one sided; I could definitely have lost it and there were plenty of mistakes all around. I don't approve of saying that I put Incuggarch in the dumpster. Just seems a tad disrespectful and there is no shame in losing. I think that you're just hyping up the match, which is good, but I don't want anyone getting discouraged from playing.
@DarkCyberElf 2 жыл бұрын
@@Go7Penguin Yeah no I'm just being hyperbolic about it, it was a Sami mirror that was pretty even for the vast majority of it, just a little hype banter. Your use of when to use transports to block is superb btw, so you can say it's a bad habit but I always see it work when you do it haha!
@DarkCyberElf 2 жыл бұрын
@@Go7Penguin@Incuggarch It's an honor btw to have both reply btw, and I hope to one day face each of you!
@indigofoxgaming713 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I use the move planner whenever I'm in the mood to play my absolute best... But mostly I just rely on intuition.
@arcturus64 2 жыл бұрын
Amazing vid! How do you feel about Buff Flack in the AW 1+2 announcement?
@theodorekelley4842 2 жыл бұрын
Another instant DEEJUS Classic
@rustedthorium3916 2 жыл бұрын
You know, because of how tightly knit the AWBW community is, I wouldn't be surprised to see the average skill level of an AWBW player rise a couple notches in the coming days after the release of this video.
@shadovvpanther 11 ай бұрын
The presentation, especially naming the sections is a bit cringy, but the content is amazing. The general skill of the community seems way up, so I am not sure, whether these will bring me to 1150, but there is not much support out there so your and also mangs videos are very valuable to me.
@Buster_Scruggs 2 жыл бұрын
@adept7497 2 жыл бұрын
#7 is gold, I'm way to toxic for this game
@Baladucci 2 жыл бұрын
Real talk, I just want the move planner to let me make enemy units in fog matches. My current workaround is just marking units I spawn from my base with the "dive" icon, which is pretty annoying.
@wei270 2 жыл бұрын
how to climb to 800 -_-ll
@edwardnguyen7213 2 жыл бұрын
Eat Free Dudes
@Mangs1337 2 жыл бұрын
Delete your account. Re-make your account.
@thebrazillianguytm2186 2 жыл бұрын
​@@Mangs1337 LOL XD
@Joltzis 2 жыл бұрын How to climb to 1000, good foundamental stuff
@ManaNek 2 жыл бұрын
Well would you look at that. I just hit 1k and now I’ll aim for the next level!
@bennywatanabe6647 Жыл бұрын
i like this if you have time make another video about how to play and use navel units.
@SpicyZvo123 2 жыл бұрын
Video barely started and im already laughing 🤣🤣 Advanc wors DUUL STRIKE
@internetexplorer1593 2 жыл бұрын
New haircut, who dis?
@FreeDoM_nl 2 жыл бұрын
Listen, I am from the Netherlands, we dont do bicycle helmets.
@red0pineapple 2 жыл бұрын
Spoiler for how to get 1300: Be 1400 and queue into shoe
@germmanator 2 жыл бұрын
downvoted, no turkey Nell in sight :(
@KK-cx3sd 2 жыл бұрын
Wow - you as a content creator need to branch out into other games at some point soon once you have enough time to do so. Your ability as a content creator is good enough that, at some point in the coming months, your growth will be hindered simply by AWBW being somewhat a very niche community. Well hopefully reboot camp would be a sort of catalyst as well.
@suntzu6122 Жыл бұрын
Ik you just hired an artist, and im sure he'll be great but.. how can you improve perfection? "I was eagle and sothe was kindle" LMAO these thumbnails
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