I Didn't Tell My Husband About The Reward Points I Saved For 9 Years r/Relationships

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Mark Narrations

Mark Narrations

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@owl7072 Жыл бұрын
Story 2: "He should have some freedoms" the cops shutting down his party say otherwise
@diamcole Жыл бұрын
Seriously. His “freedoms” have begun to turn into a deep inconvenience for those around him and OP’s parents want her to consent to being one of them. Lol absolutely not.
@aparnarai3708 Жыл бұрын
Well he can feel his freedom to it's full extent during the Probation
@SwirlyPinwheel Жыл бұрын
Story 3 is another reason why "Justified Asshole" should be a rating. When something objectively should be an asshole rating, but, in context, is worthy of applause.
@xelectrix Жыл бұрын
Sometimes when someone is being an AH you just gotta meet them with that same energy.
@kiwifreund Жыл бұрын
Last story: basically the friend is saying, "You should have shown him how to be a better person." It's not the OP's job in life to raise obnoxious dudes. He was well aware.
@peterhobson3262 Жыл бұрын
Friend is wrong. This was a definite case of "You want to play silly games? We can play silly games." OP is NTA.
@sparklemotion8377 Жыл бұрын
Misogyny by women is the worst!
@paulastiles5507 Жыл бұрын
OP is definitely not obligated to be an Idiot Whisperer in life. Friend can fill that role if she insists.
@RockinTheBassGuitar Жыл бұрын
Story 3: the OP is the hero we all need.
@Russman67 Жыл бұрын
It's almost like the guy was asking "what are you going to do about it?" Well he just found out!
@KCohere33 Жыл бұрын
I thought that was hilarious. Her friend just didn’t want to make waves.
@mrs.h2725 Жыл бұрын
Uh hundred percent. OP’s friend should stop giving out advice and judgement on others just because they would handle a situation differently. It’s wild to say they should’ve let the rude stranger borrow OP’s headphones.
@MrJpaynebb Жыл бұрын
What OP did was petty AF and I salute them for it! The man asked what OP was going to do about? Bet he never thought OP would join in as the commentary.
@Raaslen Жыл бұрын
Story 2: NTA, my parents bought an apartment for me and my sister when we got to uni several years ago, back then I was a troublemaker and when my antics started to affect my sister they gave me an ultimatum, I either started behaving or they would kick me out, and that's how OP's parents should have reacted to the whole thing.
@katie6731 Жыл бұрын
I don't mean for this to come off as condescending, because I don't mean it that way at all. It just seems that most people aren't told this enough . . . I'm so proud of you! It takes a lot of strength to acknowledge our faults, especially if they were part of a pattern of behavior. But you admit that your choices were causing problems for your sister, and you changed your behavior for the better (at least, I assume that was your choice, based on your phrasing). That takes a lot of courage; most of us aren't capable of such self-reflection and honesty. I hope your life has worked out the way you wanted it to since those days at university. 💙
@personneici2595 Жыл бұрын
People are shocked by 9 years without a vacation? I've over a decade for me. 😅
@yourmom2189 Жыл бұрын
I’ve only had one vacation since I was 19 (I’m 43 now) and the last time I left my state (which was sort of like a vacation) I was visiting my dad who had been in a serious accident and in the hospital. Vacations are a privilege that not everyone is able to indulge in. I recently had to cash out my vacation time to pay bill and even having any paid vacation time is a privilege.
@muhname6052 Жыл бұрын
A what?
@ineedhoez 7 ай бұрын
I mean it's different if you are broken can't afford it.
@Nevertoleave Жыл бұрын
Story 2, it’s not her job to keep her brother in line. Her parents need to be parents. It’s one thing to watch out for him, “that area of the city is dangerous, you should avoid it” “didn’t you have a class today?” “Have you had lunch yet? We should get something.” Just generally be there for them. That’s a big sibling thing. To just keep and eye on a little sibling. But he’s going off the rails and needs his parents to stop the party train and get him back on track
@stonefox2546 Жыл бұрын
They want her to keep her brother in line without having any authority over him. In other words, wiping a grown man's ass for him and shielding him from the consequences of his own actions.
@hihopeyouhaveaniceday6992 Жыл бұрын
This is why being a SAHM/D who makes their family their sole priority will most likely create situations like that. It's impossible to live with a person who has an identity outside of the family and not feel even a bit envious of what it could have been if you had the role and responsibilities of being the breadwinner. It's normal to develop a desire to have something of your own, something that you could achieve through your own means and efforts. It's human. The problem comes with OP not being able to express this desire and feeling shame and guilt that led her to ultimately lie to her loved ones. She is clearly in the wrong for lying. However if she continues to ignore her needs things could only get worse. In her story she clearly accentuated the importance of her being able to accumulate those points by doing something she is skilled at and that usualy helps her family save money. It seams like in a way she takes much pride in this. Now that she has been "caught " in her lie, she obviously feels a great amount of shame and guilt. It seams like a "happy" ending mostly because they were able to communicate in the end. But I would really not neglect her obvious need to have or do something of her own. His probable promotion and the 50k will be great for the family but will not solve her problem. It would be great if she starts a personnal project or even a part time job that fits with her already I assume packed schedule as a SAHM. That would help her socialise and make her feel more fulfilled.
@artemishallihan8973 Жыл бұрын
Story 2 - the parents expectations are so weird. Allow him some freedom...but also keep him under control?
@LayfonDragnia Жыл бұрын
I’m more curious why they thought op would be able to help,the brother, he was already throwing these parties while op was there. He was gonna get in trouble regardless if op was there or not.
@animefallenangel Жыл бұрын
The last story brought back a really scary interaction I had on the local metro train a few years ago. It was the end of the day rush hour and I was on the train home from work. About halfway into the journey, this young couple board and the guy was an absolute yob. He was yelling at the poor girl he was with the whole time, berating and insulting her. Even when they sat down and she picked up one of the free newspapers that someone left behind and flicked through, he tried to grab it out of her hands and then mock her about not being able to read, then when she said she could, he demanded she read out the paper to him out loud. I was livid at this and ended up turning to him and said "let her read the fucking paper" or something like that, and to leave her alone. Well, he did but he then unleashed his aggro on me, started swearing at me and calling me a couple of racist names (I'm half-Asian), as well as calling me a "smurf" because I had green hair at the time. I didn't engage in that because I didn't want to provoke him into fighting me, but also because my main aim was to stop him from directing his abuse at the poor girl at his side. He kept challenging me to get off at his stop to fight, and thankfully he got off some stops before mine. After he left, the woman sat next to me said I shouldn't have said anything and I pointed out it was better than letting the poor girl be abused like that and the woman had the AUDACITY to say "maybe she liked it, she didn't fight back". Bearing in mind as well, this was a FULL train of working adults, and no one else said a damn peep for the girl, or for me. Thankfully my then-fiance(now husband) was waiting for me on my platform as I was messaging him the situation and asked for him to be there in case I was followed and attacked. But yeah, really shook my faith in people that day. I did say very loudly that if that girl was my sister or daughter or any other family member, I'd hope someone would stand up for her if someone treated her like that in public too. Who knows what she has to endure in private if he felt fine insulting her that publicly. She never even really fought back.
@sailoriris4 Жыл бұрын
OMG I’m so sorry that happened to you hun. You are a lioness amongst sheep
@pandalamaa6118 Жыл бұрын
S1: I wonder if her keeping the reward points might also have been somewhat of a want to have some sort of control and economic freedom. Even if one gets a part of one's partner's salary, it wouldn't quite feel like "your own" money. Having the rewards might have felt like a kind of independence. While lying is bad in most scenarios, I feel bad for her that she didn't feel safe enough to communicate and discuss their budgeting during those years. Glad there was a happier ending at least.
@victorampo1137 Жыл бұрын
OP is a liar and manipulator. She claims hubby controls how every penny is spent, only to give us a multi paragraph detailed step by step of how she kept her husband in the dark (financially) and how she was secretly controlling the the finances
@@GrimMelvin your wrong she takes care of the whole house and kids and when she ask to do anything he won’t let her do it unless someone else is paying for it! There budget then there you don’t get to have fun unless I say so
@cmg8376 Жыл бұрын
@bautistalover Жыл бұрын
It’s not about feeling safe, it was about selfishness. They budget for everything and it sounds like she has expensive tastes and keeping the points for herself she didn’t have to worry about budgeting.
@bautistalover Жыл бұрын
@@MONKEYDZETS that’s not what was said. She wanted to go on an expensive trip that their budget couldn’t support. Instead of her saving from her own money she used the rewards. You’re letting your bias create things that weren’t said at all, not even close.
@michaelautrey6641 Жыл бұрын
i wonder if the woman in the first story kept these points to herself because it gave her a feeling of power and control she doesnt have in her regular life. her husband seems to decide everything and maybe this was her way gaining some control for herself.
@cmg8376 Жыл бұрын
That and it was basically the only way she would ever be able to go anywhere, he would have said no otherwise. And his word is the only word that seems to matter in that house. I don't like lying but I honestly can't blame her for doing so. She has no control or say at home where resources are allocated to. God forbid she does some coupon clipping and point saving.
@Nathan_Bookwurm Жыл бұрын
She has control of 7.5% from 150.000 income = 11.250 per year to spend on whatever she wishes though. You can easily go on vacation with that money.
@terraguttierez2996 Жыл бұрын
@@Nathan_Bookwurm you act like she doesnt have daily expenses. Wheres the allocation for gifts for the kids and other close family members? Birthdays and christmases to think about. You think thats part of the budget? What about personal items or parlor visits, haircuts, etc? Its not like shes taking money away from the other categories in the budget, shes just learned how to make 100% into 115%. Shes not stealing or taking anything away from anyone
@thomasjoseph5876 Жыл бұрын
@@terraguttierez2996 She used the points from buying things for the family out of the family fund money. She not only lied and cheated her husband out of a vacation for her own selfish yearly vacation, she lied and cheated HER KIDS out of one too. Mom of the year, here. Keep in mind, SHE decided to be a SAHM. SHE decides what gets bought and when, she decides what the family needs to have, she admits she is the one in charge of the money. He only set the budget and it is a very reasonable budget with her getting EXACTLY the same amount of money that he does to spend on herself. He should reduce her spending money to 2% and use the points and the rest of her money to take himself and the kids on a yearly vacation for the next 9 years to equal it out. Or, send her ass packing. If she lied and cheated not only her husband but the kids too out of a yearly vacation, what else is she lying about??? Maybe those young bucks she takes back to the hotel room at night???
@dcg590 Жыл бұрын
She’s an entitled pos. She has a good life and doesn’t appreciate it. She has what millions of wioma. would die for and has the audacity to complain. He should dump her
@peculiarpossum7149 Жыл бұрын
Lea is...an unbelievable pushover/people pleaser in the third story XD let a stranger borrow your earbuds because he refuses to follow the rules of the train??? Insane.
@impagain Жыл бұрын
In really glad story 1 has a happy ending, with forgiveness and communication winning the day once again. We always could use happy endings of couples actually communicating and working things out 💛
@kkcuzz Жыл бұрын
Exactly. I am very happy with this conclusion
@WeaponXSigma Жыл бұрын
Situations like this is why I keep saying in the relationship advice subreddit that communication is the key to solving a lot of the problems people be posting there about. Pretty sure that story 1 came from there and I'm glad that has a happy ending
@brigidtheirish Жыл бұрын
Yeah, I was *really* worried when OP said her husband not only makes all the money but decides where *every penny* goes. That kind of imbalance of power in a relationship is sure to bring trouble, besides being a *huge* red flag.
@thomasjoseph5876 Жыл бұрын
@@brigidtheirish EXCEPT, she gets the EXACT same amount to spend as he does, she is the one that controls what gets bought and when. SHE also is the one that decided to be a SAHM. Maybe she should go out and get a job??? The fact remains she lied and cheated her husband AND HER KIDS out of a vacation by STEALING the points and LYING to her family for her own selfish yearly vacation. Mom of the year. Maybe it is time he puts the hammer down on her and lowers her pay and restricts her spending. You know, like how you WANT him to be portrayed rather than how he actually is. What else is she lying about??? Maybe that young buck she meets on the beach and brings to her hotel room during HER vacation??? If he was supposedly so "controlling" he wouldn't allow a girls only vacation. Neither my wife nor I would EVER consider taking a vacation like that. Unlike her, we are actually family-orientated.
@brigidtheirish Жыл бұрын
@@thomasjoseph5876 I said it *worried* me when I got to that point, nothing else. I was also *agreeing* with impagain that I'm glad they finally *communicated* and worked things out. Don't put words in my mouth.
@kayemckeeth2301 Жыл бұрын
Story 1: Her admitting her culture and background makes a lot more sense for how their communication fell apart. Mormonism is pretty awful with giving guidance of how partners should communicate, and yet, persist they can give solid advice. I honestly just feel bad for both of them. Edit: I also wonder if the husband, even if not abusive (according to op) is terrible with communicating.
@charliescott859 Жыл бұрын
I knew it! I had an aha moment as soon as I heard mission, yes definitely Mormons. Or LDS.
@charliescott859 Жыл бұрын
I dated a Mormon girl years ago 10/10 would not recommend
@SherriLyle80s Жыл бұрын
The whole story oozed Mormonism.
@amandasunshine2 Жыл бұрын
I think it's basically part of the whole Mormon system, that enables financial abuse. Because the culture is so misogynistic and hierarchical. I don't think the husband was really doing anything on purpose, it's just "what he's supposed to do", dictate where all the money HE makes goes. Why would you consider your wife if you've been taught your whole life it's not her business? I get things are more progressive now, but a lot of that culture still seeps in today and we end up doing a fair amount just cuz that has been what's always happened, you know? It's hard to break out of habits 🤷‍♀️
@rubymeaddle Жыл бұрын
The fact she's allowed to even have her own credit card is shocking to me
@bigbucketlist Жыл бұрын
"thank your for spending twenty to thirty minutes with me" he tells me. "My dear boy", I think to myself, "it's been hours, yes, just about every single waking hour of my day since I found the channel some weeks ago. An absolute joy, every minute of it. While I tend to my crows and magpies, at the metal sawing table at work, while hand smocking aprons, boiling potatoes, shakily drawing my eyeliner, wading through snow, screwing my latest ugly scrap wood project together, playing algerian patience, scrubbing my feet... Everything".
@heathermiller5765 Жыл бұрын
Welcome to the group 😊 If it's only been a few weeks though, and you aren't sensitive to swearing, I would definitely recommend listening to just about anything before this January (if you haven't already). Up til the new year started he was reading everything without having to censor himself and it was awesome. He was one of the few people who actually read the stories the way they were written. KZbin decided to be stricter with content creators like Mark so what can you do lol 🤷🏻‍♀️ Anyway seriously recommend it. You won't regret it ☺️
@TheMimiSard Жыл бұрын
Story 1 - I understand OP's tendency to use points for her own treats. I use points gained at my supermarket on small treats and to undercut purchases. Mind you, the points can only be used in the supermarket and it's affiliate stores, but even a small $10 credit can buy a supermarket special lunch.
@cmg8376 Жыл бұрын
The problem is she gets zero say in what happens. He has repeatedly said he doesn't want to allocate any money for trips (family or not) for a decade. But he wants to dictate what she does with her point savings.
@jimmyjohnjuan Жыл бұрын
@@cmg8376 you must not have heard. They do vacation stuff. She don't consider it vacation because they dont spend money or not much. She said they go camping, something about a family trailer somewhere and fking skiing and snowboarding. But camping dont cost and the mountains are close. By her own words there are reason for why he does this. He has a goal. The issue is her deceptions. With these points, they could do what she considers as a real vacation without hurting them financially. I reiterate, it seem they do vacation stuff and do things as a family. But she dont consider it vacation. Its misleading.
@Crazy-Cat-Lady-of-CA Жыл бұрын
​​​@@jimmyjohnjuanI live near Disneyland, Knott's Berry Farm, and Universal Park. I can go anytime and have. To me, it's outings not vacations. To others, yeah it's a vacation. If the location is so close to home that you can retrieve forgotten items, it's not a vacation.
@terraguttierez2996 Жыл бұрын
@@jimmyjohnjuan does it sound like she LIKES those "vacations" though? Or was it all decided by, again, the husband.Those vacations sounds like she still has to round up the kids and take care of everyone.going on a trip with your other family without the kids or anything to worry about is very different from a day trip in the mountains or camping..She didnt take anything away from what the husband ruled, she just figured out how to get what she wanted while staying within the bounds he set. Jesus as if taking a break once a year is so bad. If the husband doesnt want a break, thats fine, but god forbid a stay at home mom gets one break away from her basically 24/7 job. She literally lives in her work. To be unable to budget a vacation fund out of 150k is just insane.
@thomasjoseph5876 Жыл бұрын
@@terraguttierez2996 NO, YOU are deflecting your own beliefs onto her. She never said she didn't like those trips. She said HE EQUALLY helps out with the kids, her, and around the house. Why does he even have to lift a finger around the house if she is a SAHM??? Sounds like she isn't doing her job. Keep gaslighting for a liar who cheats her own husband AND KIDS out of vacations so SHE can take a yearly one. You two sound like you would get along famously.
@tishellefrancois7840 Жыл бұрын
Mark's personal stories are absolutely just darling. So adorable that laugh.
@miaposamarie226 Жыл бұрын
@elbandito5725 Жыл бұрын
Idky but I love everything about his videos but his weird personal stories. They kinda feel awkward, not funny way. Lol
@emanx222 Жыл бұрын
​@@elbandito5725 thats fair. Its not what you came for. I personally love his stories. They separate him from every other reddit KZbinr and make him feel like an actual friend to me. Idk it just works for me but i understand why it doesn't work for others
@EchoJ Жыл бұрын
*Story 3:* OP’s friend Lea is _almost_ an AH 😂 This was handled perfectly by OP😅 No way I’m paying extra for a table _and quiet_ to be disturbed by an inconsiderate AH…especially not a _Friends_ fan😝
@TheIronwil Жыл бұрын
Story 2: NTA. How ridiculous. They don’t want OP to have a place to live by campus - they want her to “watch out for” her brother like he’s OP’s child. Of course they also want OP to do this without actually stopping him from partying all the time. This is so absurd that I am at a loss for words.
@photoflo78 Жыл бұрын
Absolute legend for messing with the guy watching Friends on the train.
@sadia6503 Жыл бұрын
Op in story 1 really just... feels like the product of her environment. She seems to really want big vacations but was unable to speak to her husband about budgeting and the shame kept building for her. She's in the wrong but honestly I'm just glad they're all going to move forward properly, I know I'd feel very hurt if my partner thought they couldn't discuss amending our budget with me. And op seems to also care for her family so hoping that this is a lesson learned. No serious financial damages happened here, just a lot of hurt feelings and selfishness along with a better financial situation in the future using these points properly along with op's husband's raise
@molly-zx9cr Жыл бұрын
The implication is that they’re Mormon so that absolutely tracks. From my understanding Mormonism has pretty strict gender roles in marriage and is very patriarchal
@darkchipcharlie7032 Жыл бұрын
​@@molly-zx9cr It's unfortunately our culture. The principles of my religion don't actually say anything about gender roles but people perpetuate it anyway.
@ianmoritzplatapino3684 Жыл бұрын
that sounds like ghastlighting for her crappy behavior, in the end the doormat husband gave zero consequences, so she knows she can do whatever she likes and she wont have to worry about anything. selfish this op
@atinyevil1383 Жыл бұрын
​@BbiBbi you're thinking Amish. Mormonism is different.
@bettinahooper5344 Жыл бұрын
In the first story, OP depicts a life in which for 9 years, she has ‘ mommied’ 24/7. Her husband leaves the house for work each week day- he gets to breathe in a different role. Who cooks cleans and does laundry while the family camps on vacation? Is it a vacation for her? Yes, she lied and obfuscated- but does a woman in that position really have the internal tools and external support to garner for herself a well deserved break to ‘just be’? You can’t blame someone for lying in order to get the nourishment they ( and yes, even her family) need.
@ivorynk752 Жыл бұрын
How do the parents in Story 2 expect OP to be able to make her brother do anything is she isn't allowed any authority over him?
@marybrown6756 Жыл бұрын
Mark-PLEASE, NEVER STOP telling us your little stories. Honestly, they are my favorite part of any video!!!
@Metal_Mouth Жыл бұрын
Story 2: So op is expected to mother their brother, make sure he's doing doing classwork, and put up with his house parties while studying themselves? Absolutely not. Their given all the responsibilities with none of the authority and no benefits on top and they wonder why op moved. I can sense some Golden Child syndrome going on here.
@KCohere33 Жыл бұрын
Right. It seems like the apartment wasn’t for her. It was so she could babysit her brother for them.
@amandasunshine2 Жыл бұрын
She started it with the nugget that she's "antisocial". Wonder why? Couldn't be anything the parents did 🤣
@rubymeaddle Жыл бұрын
Oldest daughter always becomes the third parent
@roserocks1979 Жыл бұрын
I bet they also expect it becaause Op is a woman,so it's her job.
@ZomBeeQueeen Жыл бұрын
Story 1: I’m guessing she’s Mormon with the mission comment. I’d like her to continue to keep some money for herself …that set up creates a lot of issues with women being lesser no matter how much she sais no. Also, in reality if he’s out of the house he can treat himself way more on a day to day without her knowing.
@thomasjoseph5876 Жыл бұрын
And she can treat herself way more on a day to day without him knowing since SHE is the one that decides what and when things are spent for the house and family. Actually, we don't know if he does it but we KNOW FOR SURE she does. She lied and cheated her husband AND HER KIDS out of a possible vacation so she could selfishly take a yearly one herself. That's what we DO KNOW about her. I bet if he did that to her, you all would be screaming about abuse even more than you are. And yes, they are Mormon and she said that in the video. But then again, people like you ONLY HEAR WHAT YOU WANT TO HEAR. She chose to be a SAHM, she could go out and get a job, but she doesn't. Obviously, they are not strict Mormons in respect to how the roles are worked out. If so, she would have ZERO say in anything. She must suck as a homemaker because she said he comes home and helps out around the house. Why does he even need to lift a finger if she is a SAHM???
@bautistalover Жыл бұрын
She has her own personal spending money the same as her husband.
@Jamie-gc9cp Жыл бұрын
she gets like 700+ a month as personal spending money.. 7.5% of 150k a yearafter taxes
@ivan-uc2nn 10 ай бұрын
If she wants her own money than she should get a job. Cake eater
@katphish30 Жыл бұрын
"Watching someone's IPad is an ahole move." Yeah well, intentionally making noise in the quiet section is an ahole move.
@Resilient_Sage88 Жыл бұрын
As soon as first op mentioned a "Mission" I was like "Mormons " out loud 😆 I understand why the cultural upbringing made her think the way she does. I don't approve because it is kinda selfish but she's a SAHM so I also get wanting a little mommy alone time especially with four kids two years apart each! Bea Arthur's Cheese Wheels that's too much! So I have to say yta but I get where you're coming from and hopefully the way forward is more healthy and communicative. Story 2: Heck no OP should be not babysitting the little brother because the parents can't be arsed. NTA. Story 3: NTA guy was rude and you had petty revenge. I love it. Mark's story: I love the little anecdotes and it's so funny to hear someone else laugh and you kinda get the giggles and it's just a mess but in the best way. 😆
@amandasunshine2 Жыл бұрын
I love the people saying story 1 is TA. I've been in similar scenarios, where I was being financially abused, and I lied and was a selfish manipulator to get my needs met. I don't regret it one bit. I am one of the nicest people you would ever meet, most people take advantage of me because I'm always willing to help. I can't lie to most people because I can't lie to people I respect, and I respect every stranger enough to not feel like I can lie to them. So why was I such a manipulator? You push literally anyone and take away their needs, they will find a way to get them met. Anyone. Even one of the nicest people you would ever meet.
@truthseeker9249 Жыл бұрын
Tell me about it. Everything OP did is totally something I would do.
@amandasunshine2 Жыл бұрын
@@truthseeker9249 I've seen you around. You say good things 👍
@amandasunshine2 Жыл бұрын
@@truthseeker9249 sorry that's my weird autistic way of saying hi 😅
@wmdkitty Жыл бұрын
@truthseeker9249 Жыл бұрын
@@amandasunshine2 awww. It's nice to meet a fan. And hey it's okay. I'm Autistic too. You wouldn't believe some of the crazy ways I say things. Something I'm learning to be at peace with is that it's okay to be a little different. 💓
@jw6877 Жыл бұрын
The story about Bicester gave me whiplash - I live like 15 mins from there, used to take the BV to Oxford train allllll the time - sometimes I forget that Mark is from around here😂😂😂
@MarkNarrations Жыл бұрын
We've probably crossed paths :)
@dianaphillips8038 Жыл бұрын
It sounds like you earning the points, made you feel good about earning something on your own and having the freedom to spend it how she wants.
@thomasjoseph5876 Жыл бұрын
Another person who didn't actually listen to the video. SHE was the one who decided to be a SAHM. SHE could get a job but she takes pride in being a SAHM and gets EXACTLY the same amount of spending money her husband does. SHE was the one that decided what and when things got bought or were needed for the household. But by all means, gaslight us to help cover the fact SHE LIED AND CHEATED her husband AND HER KIDS, to selfishly take her own yearly vacation, from being able to take a family vacation at least every couple of years. If she lies about that, what else is she lying about??? Maybe some young stud entertainment in her hotel room while on vacation???
@martin99110 Жыл бұрын
So she should go work? Her living standard are above 80 percent of the USA. Hell their children will have college funds. Not many get to have that. She’s not even working. Sounds like she needs a hobby because she’s making a big deal out of nothing. Based off the story she takes half of his income to take care of things without working. How many women work and make 75k? She’s making that by being a house wife. Sounds like she’s bored and needs a hobby. It weird how people can blame the man for being controlling when he working his butt off to take care of his children’s future and his wife’s
@cmg8376 Жыл бұрын
@@martin99110 ..He's literally the one making a big deal about it. Did you even listen to the story? And he's the one who refuses to budget anything for an actual vacation for a decade. He's the one who has complete financial control. She doesn't culturally have the same options other women do, extremely religious families are brainwashed. Why do you think women pushed for the right to work? Because they were sick of being financially abused by men. Financial independence is everything. And the fact you think birthing, taking care of children etc isn't work is very telling. You have zero appreciation for it clearly. Did you think children took care of themselves or something? God forbid she want a break from them like he gets constantly. And unlike him she doesn't get days off, she's the primary caregiver every day of the week except for the brief times she uses her points to go traveling for a few days out of the year. And now she's not even going to get that, he expects that to be a family thing too. He's the only one who doesn't have to do family things every day. How you aren't seeing this is crazy.
@titofuente9979 Жыл бұрын
Nah! She is freaking out because people called her husband absiv, but as always redit has it all wrong. She is the absiv in this relationship, taking advantage that her husband is a professional 'Second Letter of the Greek Alphabet' and that he CANNOT divorce her because of their religion. So, she knows she can come clean of every crap she wants to pull. Good think she is not more adventurous, because with the ways she has for lying she is only 1 unit from more than a 303...
@CreepyBlueAnimals84 11 ай бұрын
Train Story: Oh my gosh I could recite some entire episodes of FRIENDS if I saw someone doing this in a quiet section of a train or on a bus. OP did great!! Go OP!!!
@mbyerly9680 Жыл бұрын
In bonus-point OP's defense, it sounds like she married very young and hasn't had any true freedom her whole life. In the grand scheme of things, her just paying for a trip with the female in-laws is the closest to wild and crazy she's ever had. Some women in the same situation cheat. Plus, I wonder what card she uses. I do well to pay for a few Christmas gift cards for family members.
@Kstanimal Жыл бұрын
S1: gosh dang mormons and being subservient to their husbands. No wonder she had to lie tbh.
@cmg8376 Жыл бұрын
Exactly. Lying is wrong but this was a justified lie that I don't fault her for. She doesn't have any other choice if she wants to have the tiniest bit of control of her life, she's in a brainwashed cult.
@smellowen Жыл бұрын
Mark, never change, you're the undefeated king of this sort of content as agreed by our whole household. We love the personal stories you tell as well as the way you give your comments and thoughts along the way. You have such a warm personality it shines through and makes us feel like we're having a good old natter over a cup of tea with a personal friend every time we put you on! Love it.
@ShemiDixon Жыл бұрын
I love your stories!! Laughter brings joy😀
@YellaBellaReno Жыл бұрын
Story 1: it’s never a great idea to lie to your partner. Not just because you risk breaking the trust, but because you shouldn’t have to lie to the person you love in order to get what you need. While I understand the financial split was very equitable, and that it is fair for one partner to work outside of the home while the other is being a SAHM and homemaker, there is one key difference between the two roles: time away from the home. Leaving the house to work and leaving for a short vacation are not the same, but stay-at-home parents don’t get the same “me time” that the working parents do. No matter how much you love your kids and homemaking, everyone needs some space eventually. OP’s husband get’s to leave the house and interact with people outside of family/children’s activities. OP’s husband gets to leave the house without having to account for 4 young children every time he does. I feel like the husband set the budget for food and household expenses, refused to make a budget for getting away until the kids are MUCH older in order to retire young, and OP simply decided to put in the extra work of bargain shopping and couponing so she could carve out her own budget from what she was giving. She put in the extra work to make that happen, and I feel she deserved to treat herself for doing so. I’m glad things worked out in the end, and everything it out in the open, but I do wish Reddit hadn’t been so hard on her. Also… I hate when other people speculate too much beyond the info the OP provides…. but I can’t help but wonder if they are planning on having more children…. And who’s budget things like Christmas and birthday presents come out of….
@ceeshnia Жыл бұрын
Unless they are going a little bit outside of their faith, they are not using contraceptives because "God will only give them what they can handle".
It’s not ok to be so controlling that your wife has to lie to you just to get out the house and have a life!
@thomasjoseph5876 Жыл бұрын
@@MONKEYDZETS She could get a job, she is a SAHM mother by choice. Not to mention she must suck at it if the husband comes home and STILL helps out around the house. Go ahead and gaslight all you want for her but she lied and cheated not only her husband but ALSO HER KIDS out of a vacation so she could selfishly take one for herself. That's called being a HORRIBLE MOTHER. She rightfully got railed in the comments for her lying. The husband should lower her amount of pay to 2% and take the rest and the points and use that for a vacation for him and the kids for the next 9 years and let her stay at home for that week deep cleaning the house. But he won't because he is a doormat and actually is TRYING TO BE FAIR. Gaslight that.
@bautistalover Жыл бұрын
That’s the problem she wants to go on a girls trip, that should come out of her own spending money. She wasn’t doing that then lied to her husband about where the money came from. He clearly didn’t have an issue with her having her time outside the home only that the trips they were trying to go on costs more than what they budgeted for.
@LayfonDragnia Жыл бұрын
Yeah, NGL I’m rolling my eyes at the “camping and skiing aren’t vacations” bit. But at least they talked it out and hopefully learn from this. Edit for story 2: So what were the parents expecting op to do? He wouldn’t stop having parties if op was there or not. Like I really want to know what the plan was.
@terramarini6880 Жыл бұрын
I don't consider camping or skiing vacations, they were things I got dragged along to because husband liked it. They have 4 kids, who gets to stay back with the littlest on the bunny run? Oh right, sorry, mom probably did so no skiing for her. Camping... imagine getting up at 2 in the morning to fight with a soggy campfire in order to heat up a bottle, imagine kids dirtying up all their clothes (cause kids) and not having the means to clean other than using a rock in a creek, imagine being hunched over a smoky campfire trying to cook for 6 and then finish the night in a damp clammy sleeping bag on lumpy ground... Moms literally bring their job with them on camping trips but none of the conveniences. yeah, I'm jumping for joy.
@abelink9229 Жыл бұрын
Camping and skiing literally aren't vacations, if someone is going to them due to peer pressure, out of obligation, etc, and not because they genuinely enjoy the activity. It's just another chore. It makes the person long for a vacation even more.
@sbr8015 Жыл бұрын
When you're a stay-at-home mom, going on a family trip camping or skiing with young kids is just doing your job in a different place. Especially camping. She's still cooking and looking after the kids. A true vacation would be getting away with your family/friends without the kids. I would see camping or skiing as more of a vacation for her husband than her.
@LayfonDragnia Жыл бұрын
@@sbr8015 I see a lot of people saying this and agree with it but Op just says that they don’t consider it a vacation because of the fact that the locations are close by.
@BA-qn7xj Жыл бұрын
As a kid, I loved camping definitely one my favourite types of vacations. But for my mom that was hardly a vacation at all, it was so much extra work for her. So it probably truly isn’t a vacation for OP. She should have discussed it with her husband from the start tho to budget for real vacations
@maggpiprime954 Жыл бұрын
I love how full of joy Mark is, remembering somebody else's joy, and loving that for them, past and present. 🤗
@oslo6661 Жыл бұрын
Story 3: NTA. and when someone says "what are you going to do about it, tell on me?" the answer is YES
@CarinaCoffee Жыл бұрын
Last story: OP handled this perfectly. I take public transport daily (I'm in Europe) and I'd never have the entitlement to play a show or music without headphones. If they ran out of juice or you forget them, well you can still watch it on mute with subtitles on (I realise some people might be vision impaired, but I expect grown ups to be able to anticipate their own needs and that includes bringing appropriate entertainment for yourself on a long trip). Let's be real, there's a reason noice cancelling headphones have become so popular, it's because of people that will talk loudly on the train/tram/bus or have the entitlement to make obnoxiously loud facetime calls during the ride. Sometimes I also hear people play reels or TikToks or their music without headphones (the later often happens towards the weekend in the evening with the going out crowds).
@ShanaLawson Жыл бұрын
A family vacation is NOT a vacation for the primary parent. Although she definitely should not have hide everything.
@pureegg Жыл бұрын
Story 1: Guys. Pretty much glued together since childhood and marrying young due to their religion? Husband went to Italy for a mission? Living in Utah? They're Mormons. That religion has some insane financial expectations: 10% of your gross income is more or less required to go to the church (though OP doesn't mention whether they're paying their tithes.) Not to mention that, while women /can/ have a side hustle, it's frowned upon for themn to be anything *but* a SAHM, while her husband is the "head of the household"; he makes decisions, she listens. Just for listening to his wife, even taking her financial advice, this guy is downright /liberal/. OP might not know why she lied, but it sounds to me like she didn't feel she could express her own desires to her husband. Their prophet, Joseph Smith, was pretty solid on the idea that your wife's thoughts, opinions, feelings, and dreams don't matter. NAH. It's a shitty situation to be in.
@timepotato3045 Жыл бұрын
Yuck I can’t even imagine living in Utah
@ndawn90 Жыл бұрын
​@@timepotato3045 Utah is actually a stunning, beautiful place to live, and so long as you know where to live (aka Salt Lake County and parts of Utah County) it's actually pretty great. Yes, Mormonism is the dominant culture, but they are actually losing ground. Salt Lake County is majority non-LDS and Utah County has been 50/50 for a while now. Sure, if you move to the boonies you're going to be steeped in it, but the larger cities are pretty normal. What's horrifying is actually *BEING* a Mormon, especially as a woman. It's very much a patriarchal cult that "puts women in their place". But living in Utah is great, especially if you're into any sort of outdoorsy activity. It's relatively safe, it's very clean, the streets are nice and wide, the people are really nice (in fact if anything the Mormons will "nice" you to death), and the scenery is breathtaking and ever changing. Want to see an endless expanse of flatness? Drive 2 hours to the salt flats. Want to see rustic desert? 2 hours. Want to see red rock? 4 hours to St George, and you're only a 90 minute drive to Las Vegas from there. We have Arches, Canyonlands, Zion, Capitol Reef, and Bryce National Parks. Hoodoos, amazing delicate arches, huge gooseneck canyons, towering white and red rocks, all no more than a 5 hour drive from downtown SLC. And if you want nightlife, downtown SLC has all of that. Bars, clubs, restaurants. If you're into the arts, we have that in spades! The Mormons are actually really big into the arts for some reason, so we cultivate and attract major talent. Lots of movies are filmed here as well. Pretty much any movie you've seen on "Mars" was filmed here. We have a world class symphony, opera, several beautiful and breathtaking performance venues - including the Tuachan which is an outdoor venue framed by red rock cliffs in St George. There's a reason why the population here is booming, and it's partly because people from out of state are recognizing that Utah is a beautiful place to live and work and raise a family. The culture needs work in some areas, but it's changing rapidly.
@LoonyLuna798 Жыл бұрын
They don't live in Utah, quote: "I have only ever been to Utah and my province before the girls trips". Given multiple references to "my province" and OP saying they camp on "crown land" instead of "public land", her family probably lives in Canada. At the same time, seeing as she'd only ever visited Utah, OP is indeed probably a Mormon. Even if her province is Alberta (which I consider most likely given the uber conservativism and mention of living near ski mountains), that still means she'd need to drive through both Montana and Idaho to get to get to Utah, or else pay for a plane ticket. Even if she had a burning desire to see the world, I cannot think of a single thing that would draw her to Utah over any other international destination except a Mormon event or visiting (Mormon) family. Sorry to any Utah-ians out there, correct me if buses and buses of Canadians come a-tourist-ing.
@timepotato3045 Жыл бұрын
@@ndawn90 I like Mormonism and Utah it was a joke and subversion of expectation
@LoonyLuna798 Жыл бұрын
​@@ndawn90 Just saw your comment above mine. I apologize for Utah getting dragged in the comments section just because OP visited it.
@LaineyBug2020 Жыл бұрын
Story 3- OP my hero! Lisa needs to learn how to calmly assertively express herself to people outside of her circle in public instead of taking her frustrations out on those within her circle in private because she doesn't want to make a scene.
@floraposteschild4184 Жыл бұрын
S1: yes, I know they married young, they're Mormons, husband's a latter day saint, whatever. But OP and husband have a father/daughter relationship, rather than equal spouses, and OP did not have opportunity for adventure and husband did. The system is abusive, not them. I'm glad for them this came out, and they're loosening up and hopefully enjoying life while they're young. It's not all work and kids.
@TheZlimshady Жыл бұрын
A lot of assumptions
@katphish30 Жыл бұрын
"I know they're Mormons, but, *describes Mormon marriage roles*."
@rubymeaddle Жыл бұрын
​@@TheZlimshady Not really lmao, I've met people who escaped that shit. The amount of meddling that is present in Mormon marriages is crazy. The fact she's allowed to have her own credit card shocks me, most Mormons are diet tradwives.
@TheZlimshady Жыл бұрын
@@rubymeaddle Shame that people have to suffer that, but nowhere does it say they are Mormons so it's all just assumptions.
@rubymeaddle Жыл бұрын
@@TheZlimshady are you brain damaged? Genuine question lmao. Because OP said her husband was on a mission and they got married in Utah. Yknow. Where the main temple is. Just because you're too dumb to infer from context doesn't make any of us wrong lmao
@zapheil Жыл бұрын
“You should make sure your brother goes to class, but you’re not allowed to stop him from partying during classes” is what I got from the parents in story 2
@peteranon8455 Жыл бұрын
Story 2. NTA. "Let him party" "Why's he failing?"
@dianaphillips8038 Жыл бұрын
The guy with the loud movie on the train invaded the quiet area’s space.
@ladynoir8243 Жыл бұрын
The wife and husband should really communicate with each other more. This is like my parents. They budget everything and we have never gone on vocation ever since I was a baby(I am 18 now)
@thomasjoseph5876 Жыл бұрын
They probably could have afforded one at least every couple of years IF SHE WASN'T STEALING THE POINTS for her own selfish vacation and lying and cheating her husband AND KIDS out of a vacation.
@NotGamgee Жыл бұрын
Mark’s story at the end reminded me of when I was a little kid on the school bus. I would always listen to my cd player with headphones in on the ride home, and thought that I was “quietly” singing along. One day I realized the bus driver was making eye contact with me through the mirror and smiling and I realized that everyone could hear me. I was so embarrassed that I apologized to her when we got to my stop but apparently she thought it was cute and didn’t mind.
@LisaApril Жыл бұрын
Story one: I feel I can understand this woman. She got married very young, had kids every two years for eight years, never went anywhere that wasn’t nearby. She wanted to go out and see the world. She kept it a secret because it was her private desire that she could not share with her husband because it was not in their plan. I only feel compassion for this woman.
@cmg8376 Жыл бұрын
Also the fact she's from a brainwashed religious background where women have no say in finances.
@thomasjoseph5876 Жыл бұрын
So you believe it is cool and she is entitled to lie and cheat her husband AND HER KIDS out of a vacation so she could take one herself every year??? Wow. Even though he comes home, spends time with the kids, then spends time with her AND helps around the house??? Why does he have to lift a finger around the house if she is a SAHM (by her choice)??? Being married means you are a team. If she lies about that stuff, what else is she lying about??? Maybe, like the points, she isn't telling hubby about the male "entertainment" she gets every night while on vacation.
@cmg8376 Жыл бұрын
@@thomasjoseph5876 He takes vacations every week, she doesn't. He is the one who has no interest in actually vacationing, hence why she's asked and it's been denied. Again, you seem to have very selective memory here. And women have little choice where she comes from, not sure how you missed that part. They don't come from a place of "oh you guys chose to get married how nice", she comes from a place where it's "oh you're an adult now it's time to get married." And obviously it's not much of a team for him since he has the final decision. "Maybe, like the points, she isn't telling hubby about the male "entertainment" she gets every night while on vacation." ...You said that, that was your point. No one else said anything about that ever happening.
@wickedbird1538 Жыл бұрын
Last story: Anyone who is going to be sitting in a crowded area is rude to not use ear buds or headphones so they do not disturb others.The man who insisted on playing his laptop loudly made the show a group event and OP did the right thing to just have fun by joining into watch his show. HIS FAULT. OP is NTA.
@paulastiles5507 Жыл бұрын
Story #3: Hey, Lea, why are you fronting for this rude strange dude and not your friend? Is her shiny spine blinding you too much? NandoIsNotCheeky had the right of it, I think. Mark's personal stories are always a hoot.
@judithjeffers7666 Жыл бұрын
Guy on the train: she’s a GENIUS!!
@alexalexiou7410 Жыл бұрын
Last story: As a foreigner in the UK I sometimes go for the quiet carriage because I find loud noises overstimulating (especially on long trips) and when someone is being loud and disruptive and I see the locals only give him dirty looks and keep quiet I feel like an AH to say anything. I once did when I figured that the guy didn't realise he was being loud and he was very apologetic afterwards but people like OP's friend make it difficult for people to stand up for themselves in these situations. I'd be mortified if someone spoke to me like that after speaking up. OP's way of handling it was hilarious and I probably would have thanked them if I were in that carriage.
@KatMarshmallow Жыл бұрын
I LOVE getting to hear Mark’s own little stories linked to whatever the post is about! 💕💕
@Ash-bi7db Жыл бұрын
Hey Mark! Finally dropping a comment to say how much I love your energy and kindness in each of your videos 💕 I’ve been listening for a little over a year (I think?) and though I’ve never said a thing, I can’t tell you how much I love listening to your videos each day. You’ve gotten me through boring commutes and house cleaning and easy tasks on video games, etc., etc… Today’s been a stressful day :,) We have a corporate visitor at work and I’ve been getting together all sorts of things for them, doing all sorts of checks, along with a number of other small tasks given to me by other people. Yours and a few other reddit reader videos have helped me manage the stress while doing all this on autopilot, so I just wanted to give you a HUGE thanks for doing what you do. The little heart your avatar gives at the end of each video brought a smile to my face that I really, really needed. So thank you! Love you lots, pal! Have a wonderful week 😘
@catsncrows Жыл бұрын
How can the points be put towards a family trip if he won't allow it? Story 2 babysit your immature brother for us 😭 we can't
@Nitesaru 4 ай бұрын
OP in story 3 had me absolutely rolling 😂 Perfect handling of that situation in my opinion.
@Bluetree0502 Жыл бұрын
Story 3: In 2019 before the world went to hell, I was on a long flight from London to LA . I had my headphones on and was watching the Korean movie Parasite with the subtitles on. The woman next to me started looking over and following along. After a while she was tilting towards me, watching my screen Fifteen minutes later she was actually leaning hard into me with her elbow on my lap so she wouldn’t miss anything. She started yelling at dramatic points even though there was no sound, only the subtitles. She could have just watched the movie on her own screen but for some reason she didn’t. I asked her to stop, she did for a few minutes and then started leaning into me again. It was a good movie. I finally had to switch to a Tom & Jerry cartoon without subtitles. She finally left me alone, but she never did watch the rest of the movie on her own screen.
@slytherinlibrarian3501 Жыл бұрын
I did the same thing to my sister with the M. Night Shamalyan(sp?) movie with James Macavoy and the multiple personalities. It didn't have CC, so I kept asking weird questions. We actually saw the movie a few days later while visiting with the family we'd flown out to see and _man_ was I way off base.
@heckyesjess3394 Жыл бұрын
That last story was amazing 😆 and the little snippet of a story you added at the end was just a bit of icing on top. Made me smile, thanks for sharing!
@0Jenna7 Жыл бұрын
Mark, it's because you're awesome. Never stop sharing.
@bkr323 Жыл бұрын
Retirement at 50 is amazing. She married a good man.
@RomeGod177 Жыл бұрын
1st Story: YTA, I latterly can't believe how some commenters are saying she should get more? She lied and had been hogging all the rewards towards herself. 7.5% of 75k is still a good amount of money. What OP did if I were her husband. Would have me questioning a lot of things.
@amandasunshine2 Жыл бұрын
WOW story one, I literally yelled out loud "OH MY GOD" when OP said "if you filter out all the he's abusive comments" HONEY, THIS IS FINANCIAL ABUSE! He's probably fine in every other way, but in this way, he is abusive. How can you just brush it off and go back to blaming yourself??? That's another sign of abuse!!!!! Literally the update confirmed this man is abusive. If that's her reaction.
@victorampo1137 Жыл бұрын
You can’t be serious
@edisntavailable Жыл бұрын
She’s get the same amount of money he does, you dummy
@peteranon8455 Жыл бұрын
@@victorampo1137 She is, and I'm laughing. OP gets a grand a month (7.5% of $160K/year) to spend outside of household expenses that are taken care of by $80K a year, with a healthy $40K going to education and the rest going toward retirement. The POOR THING!
@perkigothdragon2397 Жыл бұрын
As an American who has never found a train journey more glorious than London to Birmingham in a quiet car, I would fully support OP. Twattery earns its dividends.
@kathydurow6814 Жыл бұрын
Story 1: The wife is an AH for lying. That being said, a "camping holiday" is not a holiday for the wife since she still probably needs to plan, cook, clean etc, and in primitive circumstances. When I was young our family did this kind of thing & looking back, it was no break for my mum. Especially with up to 6 kids in tow. My memories are more of it being stressful.
@thomasjoseph5876 Жыл бұрын
So you are reflecting your own experiences onto them??? Even though she admits he spends time with the kids and also with her AND helps around the house??? Why does he have to lift a finger around the house IF she is a SAHM??? Are you saying she isn't doing her job??? She lied and cheated her husband AND HER KIDS out of a vacation so she can selfishly go on one herself. What a horrible woman. #momoftheyear I wonder what else she lies to her husband about??? Maybe some male "entertainment" during the evenings while on vacation???
@bautistalover Жыл бұрын
You missed the part where she said he helps with the kids so….those camping trips aren’t what you are trying to paint it out to be.
@kathydurow6814 Жыл бұрын
@bautistalover Ummm....'helping with the kids' on a camping trip means keeping them safe from drowning, creatures that might harm them, plants that might be irritating or dangerous, being lost, etc. A full time job in itself, depending on their age. Taking them fishing/hunting/hiking perhaps. If the mom did that she'd have no time for domestic stuff & dad would need to do it. No gold stars, sorry, especially as some of that is the 'fun' part of camping, not the drudgery.
@vidhead85 Жыл бұрын
It's ok for her not to see camping as a vacation
@solmas2111 Жыл бұрын
So she just wants to vacation without any kids then? They would have to do the same for any vacation like that then? Yikes.
@Uneclipsed Жыл бұрын
Story 1. I was worried this was another instance of financial abuse, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. OP gets approximately $900 a month to spend on herself separate to household expenses. why couldn’t she put a couple hundred away per month to save for the girls trips? Isn’t that what personal money is for? Terrible communication. Glad they’ve figured it out and are doing better. It sounds like she’s just bored with her small (but privileged) circle and got a little selfish with the budget loophole she found.
Because like she said if u where listening husband gets a say on what the money gets spent on that’s why she used points! Which are hers if she doing all the shopping and cooking and cleaning! She ask for vacation and he keeps saying not yet
@Uneclipsed Жыл бұрын
@@MONKEYDZETS that’s the poor communication part. She should have been more vocal about revising the budget. The thing is, he gets the same amount per month that she does. I don’t know about you, but I don’t ever have $900 expendable income to just treat myself with, let alone monthly. She just didn’t want to dip in to her monthly personal money and found a way around it. And the trips she was taking weren’t “family vacations.” Her husband was fine with it when he thought others were paying. He would have been fine with it if she had saved the money from her personal funds.
@bautistalover Жыл бұрын
Exactly that’s my issue. She should’ve been saving from her own money for the girls trips.
@bautistalover Жыл бұрын
@@MONKEYDZETS no he said that in regards to the family trips, there’s a big difference between going as a family to the girls trip locations then by yourself and paying only for you.
@bautistalover Жыл бұрын
@@Uneclipsed exactly his comments were in regards about expensive family vacations, which had she been open and honest he could’ve gotten his own account and between the 2 of them they could’ve afforded family vacations to the places OP wanted to go and still be able to afford for her to have girls trips too.
@impagain Жыл бұрын
Another fantastically wholesome tale from Mark! Thanks for sharing, mate!
@bluebeanie561 Жыл бұрын
Story 3, Why would you want a noise pollution next to you when you need to do work?
@krazycats564 Жыл бұрын
I kinda hate when Mark apologises for sharing his own little stories or for over sharing his opinion etc. Yes 80% of the reason I listen to reddit stories is because I can multitask whereas reading means I can't do anything else, but the reason I listen on this channel is because Mark has a lovely personality, his own opinions and related anecdotes and I feel like he is one of the fairest judges on these stories. He always tries to look at things from both sides which is refreshing. I don't always agree with his opinions but I usually do, and when I don't I can usually understand where he's coming from anyway, and he's always happy to be corrected which is sweet. This channel is literally the waffle gang. Bring on the waffle Mark. Tell us about laughing train men all day every day.
@LaineyBug2020 Жыл бұрын
Story 1- I can understand that she may feel like she has no financial agency being at home with the kids all day, so the using budgeted family expenses to earn private points gives her a sense of control. Instead of being sneaky she should try to find a work from home part time job or side hustle to have control of her personal funds. Sounds like they're Yeah Fundies and they tend to isolate wives/moms. The only AH behavior was the dishonesty.
@Betty_Virago Жыл бұрын
Story 3, a few years ago I was on a train journey, sat at a table with a stranger on the opposite side. He took off his shoes, popped his scruffy socked feet on the seat next to me and went to sleep. When he was in his deep sleep I got one of his shoes and kicked it a few seats away. I got off before him but wish I'd have seen his panic when he got to the station and couldn't find his shoe.
@ladytrucker251 Жыл бұрын
I am really impressed that OP uses coupons and something to do with points and saved enough for a vacation wow. OP sorry but you not telling your husband about your genius plan to take vacations really made you the AH. BUT I'm seriously impressed with your ability to think outside the box, so with that said do all that magic and take vacations with your husband, that poor boy works hard.
@rachelsoma987 Жыл бұрын
I once airdropped a picture of the Quiet Carriage sign to someone in a group who wouldn’t shut up. They lost their shit asking how “they” knew her name and it must have been sent to everyone. Some dude on the other side of the carriage just says “no, just you because you’re so f-ing loud”.
@LoonyLuna798 Жыл бұрын
1st OP: "my province... my province... my province... crown land.. my province... been to Utah" Americans: Aha! OP lives in Utah! That explains everything! me: *face palm*
@josephbons1 Жыл бұрын
Sounds like she thought she married a rich man, that was going to give her everything she wanted. She didn't realize that he got to that position probably because he's fastidious. He's saving up for a nest-egg, so when he retires he can travel and enjoy retirement. Yet another couple that can't have adult conversations but feel the need to have children. Both of them suck for just simply not being adults. Story two, they didn't raise him well enough to respect property or the rights of others. It is not her job to teach him how to be a decent human being that was theirs and they failed. Third-story he started that s***. He invaded everybody's space first. Play stupid games and win stupid prizes. NTA.
@wendyhadley2764 Жыл бұрын
You handled that like a pro, your friend should have been impressed.
@titofuente9979 Жыл бұрын
Story 1: She is freaking out because people called her husband absiv, but as always redit has it all wrong. She is the absiv in this relationship, taking advantage that her husband is a professional 'Second Letter of the Greek Alphabet' and that he CANNOT divorce her because of their religion. So, she knows she can come clean of every crap she wants to pull. Good think she is not more 'adventurous', because with the ways she has for lying she is only 1 unit from being more than a 303...
@reygonzalez8706 Жыл бұрын
What else is she hiding?
@stirrednotshaken4823 Жыл бұрын
I just love how everyone is all up in arms about this woman’s resourcefulness in signing up for rewards programs at places she shops, then proceeds to use them for herself! Well, what if she had never signed up for them to begin with? No points! Apparently her husband doesn’t know how to use his brain to think, “hey, maybe we should sign up for those programs!”, but gets upset she kept them secret. If she had told him she was using points to go on family girl trips, he would have vetoed those trips for her and still wouldn’t have used them for family trips either. Those trips would still require him to spend some of that precious money he likes to hoard. It’s been 9years and they still haven’t taken a trip. I can sympathize with her wanting some downtime from daily life of taking care of children, husband and household. Anyways, like I said she was resourceful and used her head to see that she could gain something from shopping. So what if she didn’t tell her husband, he didn’t lose anything and wouldn’t have been out any more than normal if she hadn’t signed up in the first place 🤷🏼‍♀️
@slytherinlibrarian3501 Жыл бұрын
It sounds like he has her actually managing the budget while he just decides where it goes/how it should be used. I'm making this inference on her stating that he only looks at the accounts every three months or so and that yeah, he's signed up for cards that have perks he doesn't even know about. I bet some of those perks could help them have actual, non-camping vacations while not taking him too far off his (church's) retirement goals.
@krazycats564 Жыл бұрын
I think train man was trying to get his own seating area by playing friends out loud
@joydavis3089 Жыл бұрын
Mark I love your stories, the personal little tales like your train ride with laughing man.
@theresaspeer4239 Жыл бұрын
I love these stories. Mark is the best!
@MarkNarrations Жыл бұрын
You're too kind Theresa, thank you for your support :)
@luvondarox Жыл бұрын
Dude, I love your tangents. The story about the Giggler had me laughing, too.
@theanoneya8288 Жыл бұрын
Story 1: NTA, all she was doing was taking some time for herself way for her husband and kids. Now that it's been exposed she will now not be allowed to have anytime away to decompress. I see divorce and burn out in her future.
@Z4Zander Жыл бұрын
Train story.True "Power Bitch Move".Passive-Aggressive wins the day.
@chillzone44 10 ай бұрын
Story 3: All I can think is Op is power moves
@shaunaisazombie Жыл бұрын
Story 1 - This woman is not feeling fulfilled in her life and clearly has a desire to earn something through her own hard work and intelligence. The lying sucks, but when you've got to share everything with other people, you need something that's just for you to feel proud of.
@bautistalover Жыл бұрын
She needs a hobby or a part time job.
@davidnash8208 Жыл бұрын
He shares what he earns.
@teenalot1235 Жыл бұрын
Mark, I have listened to so many reddit channels from the automated voice ones to channels like yours. I found out I really like only 2, yours for the "waffling" and the other cos he's sort of like yours. Never change, your style, your takes and personal stories are Amazing!
@CinziaDuBois Жыл бұрын
The Nandosisnotcheeky woman is a LEGEND and I plan to follow her footsteps in the future
@MarkNarrations Жыл бұрын
She is indeed a legend! Great channel by the way 😀
@DragonbornMike-ym2er Жыл бұрын
Story 3: Honestly, people who watch shows or listen to music with earbuds/headphones are just AHs. Doing that in an area designated to be quiet just makes it worse. OPs reaction was perfect.
@wildone9946 Жыл бұрын
@kacielawrence Жыл бұрын
How is someone an AH if they do that *WITH* headphones/earbuds?
@Bleg94 Жыл бұрын
@@kacielawrence because of how considerate they are towards others I guess? xD
@FiniteChaos Жыл бұрын
"I don't even know why I told that story" - Come on Mark. You know as well as I do that your tangents are the best part of these videos 😂
@PredictedCyborg Жыл бұрын
Talking about people on a train, I remember coming home from a convention on a late train and ended up sat between two rival groups of drunk footy fans. They were having some loud but not offensive banter back and forth (fortunately besides me they had this coach to themselves), and me being shy little girl kinda sank down to keep out of the way. Then one group noticed I was feeling uncomfortable and jokingly told the other group they were scaring me, then semi-adopted me as a 'mascot' for the rest of the trip. xD A few of the guys who were only tipsy even got into a conversation with me about jobs and life goals. It was actually kind of sweet.
@Llama_Whisperer 8 ай бұрын
On the train: if I paid to be I. The quiet part of the train, I would absolutely speak to someone in charge. NTA
@Solarstormflare Жыл бұрын
I think op in first story is right, people underestimate the disadvantages of stay at home mums
@BNezzy 8 ай бұрын
please, i'd love for you to explain this further.....
@Alexis-xz3xs 8 ай бұрын
@@BNezzy you are completely dependent on your partners income and if something happens to your partners job or if you break up then you are left with little money and are less likely to be able to get a well paying job due to not being in the workforce for for so long or maybe even never
@BNezzy 8 ай бұрын
interesting take. In my country/province if you divorce form your partner and have kids, you have to pay alimony and child support based off the family income throughout the relationship. Also, all marital assets accumulated during the marriage are to be divided equally including work pensions. So i will ask you again, why?@@Alexis-xz3xs
@bdl2112 Жыл бұрын
Love your stories, Mark … never stop sharing 😂
@littlegreycat 7 ай бұрын
I love the friends story. It needs to be in the funny stories compilation.
@navi2710 Жыл бұрын
Story 3 was ingenious. OP played fire with fire xDDD
@willow8186 Жыл бұрын
Well would you look at that. Another story where the sensible girl is supposed to act like the responsible babysitter for the rowdy boy. Good on her for getting out, let that idiot learn what consequences are on his own.
@dandotvid Жыл бұрын
Story 1: NTA. Husband is extremely controlling when it comes to the budget. I don't want to say to the point of financial abuse, because he's also not spending a ton on himself. However, he can *also* use points cards on the money he has budgeted for himself, so that's just his problem if he's not. Also, I didn't see much in there about any investments in the budget. How is he planning on retiring at 50 with no investments? Savings alone won't cut it. Story 3: Are there really still these uncultured swines who use their devices without headphones in public spaces? We haven't evolved past that yet?
Brawl Stars Edit😈📕
Kan Andrey
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