I Discovered My Stepmom's Secret Reddit Account & I Am Disgusted r/Relationships

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@tashabeck4121 Ай бұрын
Sexualizing cuddling with your dad like that is wild unless you can tell he’s touching her inappropriately it’s like people who say oh you gave your European grandma a peck?! Sexual!!! Like no my grandma is just very touchy and loves me 🥴 what actual planet is this
@rubymeaddle Ай бұрын
Or the stepmom was molested... that happens
@jemimahkendall6579 2 күн бұрын
She is 25 , it is a bit odd, I'm pretty sure I stopped hugging with my dad once I hit puberty coz I just didn't want to cuddle with my parents anymore like a little kid, I couldn't imagine doing it when I was 25 with a child of my own and one on the way at that age, Gen Z need to grow up
@tashabeck4121 2 күн бұрын
@@jemimahkendall6579 that’s your opinion not people needing to grow up I’m twenty five and my Italian ass family is just European touchy 🤷🏼‍♀️ no need to be rude I feel like that’s more a personal thing and putting a sexual limit on a hug is wild to me personally
@Wander85942 Ай бұрын
None of this is rational. Secondly if you believe there’s a different relationship between your husband and daughters and you’re jealous instead of immediately concerned. Or horrified
@Ecanbee Ай бұрын
THIS!! That was my first thought as well! I think she knows it’s not like that but she’s a jealous cow who makes herself feel better by coming up with the most depraved thing she could accuse her of.
@clockwork3494 Ай бұрын
Agreed. It baffles me how one can willingly enter a situation like this and expect the other parent to drop their kids like a hot potato just to make a "real" family with the new partner. People like the wife are delusional, hating kids of a situation you willingly entered into is such a wild thing to me, and the comments about hugs from the daughters being "inappropriate" too, I sense some wild projection.
@datmanydocris Ай бұрын
Story 1: I will never understand the sheer number of people who say they don't want to raise someone else's kids and that kids that aren't biologically theirs can't be their "real" family... who then go and marry someone with kids. It's insane.
@LunaP1 Ай бұрын
They see money and security (thinking a single parent has a lot of money just because or need the perfect cover to abuse behind closed doors).
@lmnop6140 Ай бұрын
It's pure selfishness at work. These are truly terrible human beings.
@JDKT002 Ай бұрын
was thinking the same thing. My partner has a son, we plan on moving in together next year and intent to get married at some point. I would NEVER in a million years do any of that if I wasn't 100% willing to treat his son like he was my child. I honestly believe people who talk that way about "real family" and "blood relations" have never actually emotionally bonded with another person in their life.
@sarahclapp505 Ай бұрын
Privacy she wrote it on reddit 😂😂😂😂
@bleachparty8570 Ай бұрын
And she was using OP's computer.
@sarahclapp505 Ай бұрын
@@bleachparty8570 I forgot that bit it is so ridiculous😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@untitled-gv3qp Ай бұрын
Narcissists. It's never their fault for doing something bad, it's always on someone else because they found out.
@voutsider190 Ай бұрын
Clearly she's not the sharpest tool in the shed
@helianabanes4875 Ай бұрын
Not only that, but she ABSOLUTELY CAN be condemned for her awful, and hateful way of thinking. She is lying online, and in life. She is disgusting.
@eldeano9964 Ай бұрын
S1: "I expected her to be more mature". Lol, she's a narcissist. That's why she was angry that her fake image of her being a nice person was exposed. She cannot accept consequences and accountability. And they're also stubborn people, which is probably the most pathetic trait for an adult to have.
@Mommy2Amaya Ай бұрын
I’m no longer a stepparent (my ex and I have broken up) but even to this day I love his daughter and only want what’s best for her. I can’t imagine ever hating a child ANY child.
@katphish30 Ай бұрын
I have multiple friends who maintained contact with their stepchildren after a divorce or death, because they're good people who genuinely love the kids they helped raise
@Mommy2Amaya Ай бұрын
@@katphish30 I still have cobra with the mom from time to time. They live 3 hours away, so it’s hard for me to maintain a relationship
@francit4856 Ай бұрын
Some children are hard to like. It's okay to dislike a child but hate????? That's a bit much. Even if you don't like a child, you should treat them well.
@francit4856 Ай бұрын
My kids second stepmother is just lovely. Shes still in close contact with my kids two+ decades after they split. She's still important to them and has never stopped being supportive. The 2nd stepmother, not so much.
@jbgra2566 Ай бұрын
Translation to the Spanish paragraph in the first story: "I would like to simply say that she's insane, but I think that would give her reasons to justify her behavior. She's simply a 'two-headed snake' (Idk the meaning of this saying, haven't heard it before. Maybe a two-faced or treacherous person?)."
@Jimbobfrey Ай бұрын
Yes, both of those. Someone who is two faced and a snake
@petitmains Ай бұрын
A "two faced" person could also be called a two headed snake iirc!
@aspidistraeliator Ай бұрын
2 headed snake= 1 head sweet and "loving" the other is evil and tries to kill everything
@AvyFerg Ай бұрын
Thank you because my class de Español dos is a little rusty 😅
@Green10002 Ай бұрын
A snake is pretty but can’t be trusted because it always bites the hand that feeds it
@petitmains Ай бұрын
Edit: Oh damn succulent justice!! Meanwhile my saintly StepMother: *singlehandedly keeping a family of hillbillies who hate feelings from killing each other with nothing but her presence while running a business, remodeling a house and being a kickass grandma.* Yeahhhh i know I have treasure in my life.
@sovereigncrux Ай бұрын
Get that woman some flowers (or a living houseplant) and let her know how appreciated she is! ♥
@petitmains Ай бұрын
@@sovereigncrux Eternally. She really loves lace and I love knitting it so every chance I get!
@ComaLies225 Ай бұрын
@@petitmains this is so great I love it
@MizMorgue1 Ай бұрын
@KeitieKalopsia Ай бұрын
It’s good to hear about actually good family dynamics after listening to these horror stories. I always love seeing comments giving their own examples of what good relationships should be.
@TheRockinDonkey Ай бұрын
Kicking kids out at 18 is gross. I’ve told my step kids and my son that as long as I have a breath in me, they have a place to live. I don’t consider myself a wonderful step parent, but I couldn’t imagine putting them on the streets or behaving like step mom in the first story.
@vickishaw6053 15 күн бұрын
No it's not. if you actually think that than your a shitty parent
@asmolpeach Ай бұрын
The fact SM was jealous vs maybe scared for the kids if sexual things were happening to the CHILDREN. Just...ew and wow?
@selinalee1077 Ай бұрын
SM got a few screws loose in her head RIP
@LunaP1 Ай бұрын
​@selinalee1077 the screws weren't even in the box before leaving the warehouse.
@jr5557 Ай бұрын
I think it’s fair to split 3 ways when you are one person joining a couple. Splitting in half gives a break to the couple only
@SK98765 Ай бұрын
Only makes sense if the cost is only in bedrooms or beds.
@MrJpaynebb Ай бұрын
I don't like doing vacations with a couple or couples as a single person. You end up being the 3rd wheel usually which sucks. It just naturally happens they want to spend time together and do activities as a couple. Sharing such close quarters for a vacation just ends up being awkward and uncomfortable. Post update: What a cheap, crappy man he turns out to be. He was counting on OP helping to bank roll his romantic getaway and just to suck it up as a friend. OP definitely deserves a better friend than him.
@BrennanCh06 Ай бұрын
Nah, now youre sharing space and time with someone else, pay for that ​@SK98765
@CrystallynRose Ай бұрын
I was put in a situation where I was invited to stay at a beach house by my friend. She said her and her bf would pay half and expected me to pay the other half. I gotta say it felt crappy on the receiving end of that. It's not like the bf would only be using the bedroom the whole trip. He was using the rest of the house as well. For that reason (along with several others) I declined the offer (though honestly it was more an expectation I'd go and my friend acted put out because now she needed to dupe another person to pay half). The situation contributed to my decision down the line to step back from the relationship. OP is definitely not the AH in my eyes.
@TheVeggiekat Ай бұрын
The irony step mom will now probably get to see her child interact with a step-mom and she will be the evil baby mama
@keepdancingmaria Ай бұрын
It's the sexualizing cuddling/hugging dad that is wild for me. Not that it never happens, because tragically it does. No. It's because when it happens it is always, 1000% always, the fault of the dad.... not the child. The child is blameless. So... she's OK with having children with a pederast????
@shebakoby Ай бұрын
the father wondering why the fiancee didn't want the child to be part of the wedding - I remember that story! That wanna be step monster didn't even play the long game.
@poetryqn Ай бұрын
Story 2: Now we all know why he's never had a girlfriend. Sheesh, he's a piece of work! Op is well shot of him.
@Spiritrose25 Ай бұрын
Story 1: I’m adopted (it was completed when I was 17, but I'd been with my family since 8 months) and my stepmom was always supportive of it, even though my dad and my mom were the ones adopting me officially. I have a closer relationship with my stepmom than I do my parents. I've known her since I was 4 and remember the day I met her. She is literally the best step parent I could ask for. Thankfully, my mom and her also get along great and help each other out! This is how families SHOULD be! I don’t understand why some step parents are so terrible.
@TryniaMerin Ай бұрын
In the second story, the Op's FRIEND is an entitled person if he thinks he can bring in another person and not expect her to pay....
@jimbobjones9330 Ай бұрын
It was funny that he basically wanted OP to pay for half of all of her stuff just so he (the friend) could get laid. And then called OP selfish for not wanting to.
@IzzyPR2010 24 күн бұрын
@@jimbobjones9330 And accused OP of trying to changed the rules when he was the one that changed things first.
@SkyEcho751 Ай бұрын
"Violating Privacy" NO, these are public accounts making public accusations, even if anonymously. She's arguably the one violating Privacy in what she was doing, and committing defamatory statements.
@tigernotwoods914 Ай бұрын
OP violated her privacy because she went through her emails and that’s how she found these. It’s not as if she knew it was her somehow otherwise so if she didn’t go through her emails, she would’ve never have known and the fact it was all posted anonymously and we can assume there’s no private information there would be no way to even know if it wasn’t for her going through the email account which she had no right to do in the first place. It would be libel not defamation since it’s written, but it’s neither because as we all know when it comes to Reddit, everybody uses fake names and keeps personal information out so it’s not.
@DeathWishDiva Ай бұрын
@@tigernotwoods914 She was using OP's computer! If she forgets to log out or such matters, at that point? You have no privacy. Especially if you used someone else's device.
@tigernotwoods914 Ай бұрын
@@DeathWishDiva that’s true she should have logged out. She forgot to do so things happen, but you could do the right thing and just log out for the person and not stick your nose into their private business.
@daniellediller5070 Ай бұрын
​@@tigernotwoods914 ok say that when someone posted this crap about you and your minor family members one of which is disabled. May you step on a sharp Lego!
@Theimmure Ай бұрын
@@tigernotwoods914Oh please. She deserved to get caught.
@dvonart Ай бұрын
When your life is so boring you have to lie, work yourself up over lies and then become a victim
@despinasgarden.4100 Ай бұрын
Story 1: Of course she was going to try to justify herself and be stubborn, you can't reason with crazy! She was also being enabled by a bunch of equaly horrible people on reddit, so she felt her views were valid. She had no idea how good she had it, having stepkids that liked her, but with people like this it doesn't matter how good the kids are, they are not hers so she doesn't care.
@michamocha Ай бұрын
Last: The friend is so entitled that it's almost funny. "I don't see how I have to pay more to accommodate my girlfriend" my guy, YOU invited her and told her it was a free trip lmao. He wanted to show off without actually doing any work.
@meirin5316 Ай бұрын
yep. dunnow why people just to calling the gf broke etc. we dont know anything about her but his telling
@CreditR01 Ай бұрын
2 - Your friend is a huge asshole, OP. I'd have cancelled once he browbeat you into letting his girlfriend come. HE chose to invite her, not you. I'm sorry he disrespects your friendship so much. Do NOT pay for her, in any way, and I'd tell him to lose your number after this, too.
@susankaempfer8427 Күн бұрын
Love how his logic is that she should pay for the whole house for him and his girlfriend because she’s “changing the rules.” Like he’s not changing the rules by bringing a third person?
@shebakoby Ай бұрын
Bigotry over sign language sounds like classic narcissism. Bigotry and Narcissism very often go hand-in-hand. It's a huge red flag that the OP's dad SHOULD have picked up on.
@TheVeggiekat Ай бұрын
Second story if OP can’t get a refund they should bring someone else to make it a four way split. Bonus points if OP brings the new girlfriend’s ex
@97scarletwitch Ай бұрын
"Curiousity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back." That's the full quote, nobody ever says it because of the real meaning lol
@thegreenbee83 Ай бұрын
I didn’t know there was more! Thanks for telling. I work as a cashier and wish I could retort to “the customer is always right” with the rest of the phrase - “in matters of taste”
@taylorslade961 Ай бұрын
Story 2: Yeah, the "friend" and gf are looking to have their vacation bankrolled. What assholes.
@MoonWomanStudios Ай бұрын
I'd bet families have been living together as generations together much longer than they have as generations apart. Sending kids away as soon as possible really seems like a capitalism thing
@de9722 Ай бұрын
Being a aingle parent, even trying to find a partner is so scary. I do background checks 😂 i cant imagine how the dad must have felt, but im glad he stuck up for his kids. They all have big hearts, and the stepmom didnt even try to like them, just hated them.
@ladyofthelake93 Ай бұрын
I'm really glad the dad in the first story chose the kids. My dad didn't. Stepmom got me booted from their wedding, and I genuinely really liked her and wanted her to like me.
@Rose-yt5hi Ай бұрын
Story 1: Rich that stepmom is accusing OP of invading her privacy… when she literally made these posts and comments on a public forum on the internet. Lmao. Anonymity is not the same thing as privacy.
@tigernotwoods914 Ай бұрын
OP violated her privacy by going through her email account and then opening her emails and then following the email to those posts which if she didn’t do that she would’ve never even known that Reddit existed so the whole thing coming out is a result of her violating stepmom‘s privacy. That doesn’t mean stepmom doesn’t suck because she does, but if OP minded her own business and never violated her privacy, which she did, then everything would’ve been fine because she even admits they were all getting along. There’s never been any issues so really is just as bad as the stepmom for different reasons.
@CanonSkyrissian Ай бұрын
@@tigernotwoods914 we found the stepmom
@tigernotwoods914 Ай бұрын
@@CanonSkyrissian yeah because the stepmom would totally admit that the stepmom sucks yeah, you make a lot of sense, buddy 😆
@HeoBaby24 Ай бұрын
@@tigernotwoods914 you sound delulu op didn't "invade her privacy" when she using OP laptop, and deciding to badmouth her step kids on reddit. which is also public, you can't expect privacy when your using someone else computer, and clearly everything isn't fine when literally admits to hating her step kids, wanting to make op father choose between her and his kids, hating learning sign language for her step daughter, and is upset her husband god forbid her husband want's to spend time with his kids, stop defending the horrid stepmom acting like she is innocent when she not, you have to be the step mom if you think what she did was remotely okay simply because she "hid" it. stfu esp when she sexualizing minors wtf?
@jodieg6318 Ай бұрын
For love of chicken nuggets if you can't/won't see a blended family as faimly, don't marry someone with kids! What is with that stepparent subreddit?? I know that the stepmom lied on it but some of those responses are genuinely making me scratch my head.
@test-kf2zv Ай бұрын
I think unhinged stepparents found a place to congregate online, and that was it.
@LunaP1 Ай бұрын
​@@test-kf2zvjust like the incel forums that are basically an echo chamber.
@league-of-shadows Ай бұрын
Story 1: The title alone makes me feel like I need to meditate before listening. Good on OP’s dad, mom and siblings for all rallying like a family against the SM. I hope the father is able to get majority custody of the half sibling because there is something seriously wrong with SM. I can’t understand how her telling other’s that her husband and his daughters of have an incestuous relationship wouldn’t also make her look like a terrible person for 1) staying married to him 2) not doing anything to protect the girls. I hope they can use that alone against her - who believes something like that and does nothing? And her line about privacy like she didn’t publicly share something on the internet where anyone could find it. Story 2: I can see why he’s never had a long term relationship.
@janedoe885 Ай бұрын
Story 1, I hope the father gets full custody of the shared child. Frankly, there have been actual horror children in some of these reddit stories who pull illegal, abusive crap and most of the comments for them (from strangers who owe them nothing) involve having the kids committed or getting them therapy. Nowhere near the level of viciousness this stepmother seems to have for her normal, friendly stepkids. She's a fucked up and hateful person.
@sovereigncrux Ай бұрын
She may be a fucked up and hateful person, but the small mercy here is that she kept it to herself and didn't traumatize all the children for life. What she did with the younger sister was absolutely shitty, though, no excuse for that behavior.
@tigernotwoods914 Ай бұрын
@@sovereigncrux exactly not to mention the way OP even got that information was by invading her privacy by going through her emails opening those emails going to her anonymous account where I guarantee no personal information was shared and then blasting something that she had no right to know about in the first place because it all resultedfrom violating her privacy, but everybody keeps ignoring that part
@DeathWishDiva Ай бұрын
@@tigernotwoods914 Bro, stop this narrative. She was doing this on OP's computer, what exactly did she expect? OP to not see it?
@tigernotwoods914 Ай бұрын
@@DeathWishDiva she could’ve done the right thing and just logged out of her email not go through her emails click the link and everything else. Like I said, I’m not saying the stepmom doesn’t suck. She’s a terrible terrible person but none of this would’ve come out if OP didn’t violate her privacy so this is one of those situations where they both suck here.
@skyetan86 Ай бұрын
​@@tigernotwoods914 You're the same kind of person who focuses on the sanctity of the cheater's privacy instead of the cheater's affair and betrayal towards their partner. You're gross, kid. Learn how to be better. Do it today.
@subhabaskaran1849 Ай бұрын
You don't stop being parents when your child turns 18 .
@crichtonbruce4329 Ай бұрын
Story 1... I find the Stepmother's ability to hide her true feelings from the others so well and for so long remarkable. OP tells us that all her and her siblings liked or loved her and had no clue about her hatred of them, nor did their father. They were able after the fact to see some signs though. That is some Oscar Award level method acting on stepmom's part.
@KE-hr4sb Ай бұрын
S1: Cheezits, the fact that one of "those" stepmonsters warned the stepmonster. Absolutely disgusting. S2: "He didn't see why he should be out of pocket because I decided to go against our agreement that I'm paying 50% of everything." Response: "It's quite simple, actually: Because you went against the agreement first that there would only be the two of us going on the trip, and then changed our itinerary to suit her instead of what the people actually paying for the trip want to do. It makes sense to pay half when there are two of us going. It does not make sense to split it in half when there are three people going. I didn't agree to partially fund a trip for someone I have never even met. And if I was bringing another gf or a guy along, I'm sure you wouldn't want to pay half his costs, either. It's your choice if YOU want to pay her share, that's fine. But 1) you don't get to volunteer me to pay for her and 2) it needs to actually cover her share, not just yours." "He's a mid-40's guy that never had a gf." That explains it. He's hoping to get laid so he's going to do whatever she says.
@a.n4031 Ай бұрын
Story 2: Someone who resorts to calling Someone a b*tch when they're not getting their way is not even an immediate red flag it's the LAST red flag that you should cut contact
@addicted2mako Ай бұрын
SM equates OP's interactions with her dad as trying to sleep with him and sexualizes her and her sister, yet has only superficial things to say about why she doesn't like OP's brother... Am I the only one who thinks SM may be doing some major projecting?
@wimsylogic65 Ай бұрын
Yeah I also saw that. I think she might have inappropriate thoughts or feelings about the Brother. What gets me is that If she thinks that there's something inappropriate going on between the daughters and the father. It's f***** u* that she got jealous instead of concerned for the girls. Which tells that she's projecting.
@66DoodleGal Ай бұрын
Would she have issues with the brother hugging his dad?
@diamcole Ай бұрын
Being a step-parent can be incredibly difficult and requires a massive heart, some people don't have that and have a hard time admitting to themselves that they're lacking in that area. Better to be honest with yourself and the people around you, all lying and stuffing does in the end is make you look like the unhinged person you are.
@bleachparty8570 Ай бұрын
Exactly, I dont get why some people get into relationships with people who have kids if they cant open their hearts to the other person's child(ren).
@LovesGaming37 Ай бұрын
That's why I never dated a single dad. I could never love a stepchild the same as my own child. My daughter is more important than someone else's child. I wont be cruel but I won't give as much love or affection as I do for my own daughter.
@diamcole Ай бұрын
@@bleachparty8570 I genuinely don't get it, either. Always shocked to see how many knowingly pursue a single parent or divorcee with kids and then try to sabotage things from the inside. The irony is that if they ever split from their partner (and they had children with them), they're going to have to dodge any potential significant others who may try to do what they did.
@CircusoftheMoon Ай бұрын
And it’s important to be honest with yourself that if the relationship is successful you’ll be a step parent for the rest of your life. Just like being a biological parent.
@diamcole Ай бұрын
@@CircusoftheMoon Agreed! I would rather hear from someone straight up that their love has certain conditions than risk putting my child in an environment where they'll be made to feel less than.
@Burglar-King Ай бұрын
😂😂😂The third story. I’m in stitches. WTH wow. He’s lost all that money for being a tight bum. Story 1 Appaling. Dad should definitely go for full custody. This woman is unhinged. I would go to social services and tell them you think your son is at risk due to the mentality of the SM.
@Green10002 Ай бұрын
If I was a stepmom I’d be happy to have kids that I didn’t have to birth also if you date someone with a child then you HAVE to love and accept that child as if they were your own
@CanonSkyrissian Ай бұрын
yep, at the very least you gotta put in the effort to get along with them and be a reliable adult to them
@Green10002 Ай бұрын
@@CanonSkyrissian If you can’t get along with them then I don’t think it’s meant to be I mean yeah Ik sometimes you won’t get along but If it’s all the time then somethings up
@sharyebethancourt3660 Ай бұрын
S2: is this gaslighting? Dude really said, she was gonna buy you a cocktail. A COCKTAIL! And that makes up for paying for half of a trip? BFFR! And then he says _OP_ is changing the plans, when he’s the one who is changing the things with the girlfriend. I feel like I’m actually going crazy listening to this!
@alicewilloughby4318 Ай бұрын
1:27 - Carelessness killed the cat. Curiousity was framed!
@aikikaname6508 Ай бұрын
Story 2: OMG THEY’RE IN THEIR 40s AND 50s?!! From friend and gf’s behaviour I was thinking particularly spoilt early 20 yos who have never been on holiday with anyone before and thought that this ploy to get OP to subsidise his gf could work. But a goddamn 55 year old thought ‘ I was going to buy her a cocktail’ would make OP cool with subsidising a holiday? Insanity
@lina9535 Ай бұрын
"Reupload posts without permission", lol did OP forget they were on the internet? They are sharing and there's nothing saying it can't be shared elsewhere
@twilighteli865 Ай бұрын
I am a stepmother to an 7 year old, I have known about him for 4 years when I started dating his father. His father didn't let me meet him until months later and I started to babysit for him for 2-3 hours a day a year later. Then I started sleeping over nights but only one night a week to start then two nights, then the weekends but that took months to do, we wanted to integrate me into his life slowly and I never ever took time away from him with his Dad. He now lives with us full time and goes to school, I do homework and dinners while Dad plays with him. Being any type of parent is hard and my stepson has ADHD so he can be challenging at times, but I never once thought of him as not family. He has even said "I am your son or she's my mum" because I act like it and love him but we always remind him of the step part. That women is not a parent to have those thoughts of children that you are helping shape and raise to go through life is awful! How can she think that and lie so easily, what else could she lie about? what else could she hide so well?
@beccaf262 Ай бұрын
How do you get to fifty years old and still think some random person will pay for your entire trip and that a single cocktail makes up for it
@MochiTheAxolotl69 Ай бұрын
Story 2 - I missed the ages in the beginning, but I can’t believe how old they are to be acting like this! I thought they were all early 20s!!
@TempestinBlue Ай бұрын
wtf is up with cabin OP’s “friend”?? “It’s not his fault I no longer wanted to go??” Umm, it’s 1000% his fault. EVERYTHING is his doing. What the actual heck. What a selfish prick.
@GreenAirSheep Ай бұрын
In the last story, I don't get how the "friend" expected OP to pay for his new girlfriend. OP isn't the one sleeping with her.
@lindtplease1693 Ай бұрын
OP has "broken the agreement" by not still wanting to pay half when there are now 3 people going, but doesn't consider that he has changed the agreement by wanting to bring along a third person AND for OP to subsidise her costs on the holiday. No way would I go. Glad she booked new accommodation. Dude & girlfriend are users.
@holyek7892 Ай бұрын
I love the last story. I love that AH Tax is alive and well.
@carlrood4457 Ай бұрын
OP's ex-friend is bringing a whole extra person, but somehow OP is "changing the agreement".
@taylorslade961 Ай бұрын
Markee, you READ the story about the OP who's fiance expected him to become a child support dad. It wasn't even that long ago.
@StubbyandShifu 28 күн бұрын
The quote is "Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought him back."
@SequoyaSeneca Ай бұрын
Never agree to split food costs 50 -50 with someone when eating out at restaurants. Guaranteed they will buy the most expensive things on the menu because they only have to pay half for it.
@maurer3d Ай бұрын
Story 2 (before update): Unless her coming increases the cost of the accommodation, YTA. there are 2 beds, you are paying for one he is paying for the other. Story 2 (OP's Comments): NTA now...they want you to make yourself scarce so they get privacy....Hell no. If they want privacy they need to get their own cabin.
@skyelindsey687 Ай бұрын
Some subreddits just exist to spread lies and hate and reinforce harmful behavior. Such as in this example the step parent subreddit is solely for those who despise being a step parent and can’t wait for his “brats” to be 18 and out of “her” house.
@thebhome Ай бұрын
So does SM not realize her 3 year old will be a teenager too? My SD LOVED us so much and we were devastated when my bio-dad refused to give up his rights so he can adopt us. SM doesn't realize how good she had it, because Dad seems like the guy who will notice and start asking uncomfortable questions at some point and SM wont be able to back up her lies.
@CrystallynRose Ай бұрын
I was put in a situation where I was invited to stay at a beach house by my friend. She said her and her bf would pay half and expected me to pay the other half. I gotta say it felt crappy on the receiving end of that. It's not like the bf would only be using the bedroom the whole trip. He was using the rest of the house as well. For that reason (along with several others) I declined the offer (though honestly it was more an expectation I'd go and my friend acted put out because now she needed to dupe another person to pay half). The situation contributed to my decision down the line to step back from the relationship. OP is definitely not the AH in my eyes.
@VidWatcher01 Ай бұрын
Whew Chile! That step mother sounds sociopathic
@stellamccoy5259 Ай бұрын
Good morning all.
@sarahclapp505 Ай бұрын
Good afternoon uk❤
@MariaPlacido-b7s Ай бұрын
Good Friday Morning from Toronto Ontario Canada 😊🇨🇦
@bridgetdebourgh5698 Ай бұрын
Good morning from Louisiana 🐊
@KADDIE101 Ай бұрын
Good morning
@surrealistgirlx Ай бұрын
Story 1) If sm needed to vent and lie she should have gone to a therapist, not vented on social media. 2) The friend is selfish AH. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
@angeliqueSeidlitz2388 Ай бұрын
My dad passed in April of this year, I'd hold his hand on the couch or hug and kiss his cheek, his memory was bad and it made him happy and comfortable when I did this, made him feel safe. Please treasure your father and family. My dad died suddenly from a blood clot and I didn't see him for a month prior to his death. It haunts me because he was my everything 😢
@doodleder9651 Ай бұрын
I dont know how I feel about people saying a couple should only have to pay the price of one person... I guess it all depends on the details.... then can I bring a free plus one if we share a room? If I share with another friend, do we get to pay the same as the couple combined? Is the couple going to be joined at the hip and only use all other accommodations as one person???
@macylouwho1187 Ай бұрын
I can’t even imagine treating kids that way, let alone my husband’s offspring if we were in that situation ourselves. He has no prior kids, but we absolutely raised two kids that weren’t ours. So I have that much experience with raising someone else’s kids (sort of an informal adoption scenario with local kids who had really bad neglectful parents who were never there to care for them). A boy and a girl. Those are OUR kids to us. They lived in our house from a young age right on through to graduation. Imagine being so insecure and idiotic that you take your crap out on children??? Her sick way of thinking has her fit for the nuthouse more than anywhere else. Just GROSS. Step parents who act like this need to fudge right off and go be with someone who has no kids because they can’t handle the perceived competition-when it shouldn’t even BE one. Do they not ever think to themselves the most common sense thing in the world of “if he would abandon his former children for me, then who is to say he won’t do it to my kid if we break up too???” Because any man who would abandon his children for a new family is no man at all and he isn’t even worth having. The risk is too great, and he’s already failed one relationship. Yours might be next on his list to bail out on. Just something to think about, and maybe don’t wish him to be that sort of man who would do such a terrible thing! If you do, then you don’t have a dam- bit of common sense 😂. And certainly not any morals or integrity!
@tigernotwoods914 Ай бұрын
Actually, if you go through the story again, it’s the opposite she didn’t treat them in a negative way at all. OP even admits that she was nice to them and they all got along so everything was actually fine on the surface. They never had any issues she was posting anonymously, venting how she feels, using fake information and fake names because that’s what people do on Reddit and then violated her privacy by going through her emails is how she found out all of this in the first place
@macylouwho1187 Ай бұрын
@@tigernotwoods914 if you think secretly hating and lying while saying terrible disgusting things about kids who absolutely adore you is sane, ok, justifiable, etc then you shouldn’t ever have access to someone else’s children for any reason. You aren’t trustworthy. These stories ends up on TikTok and every social media platform so expectations of no one ever finding out with THIS much identifiable information that can’t be a coincidence is pretty slim. It’s almost as if she wanted to be caught-not to mention that she literally left herself signed in on an account where others might stumble upon the information. So basically she’s too stupid to remain anonymous anyway. She set herself allll the way up for this on so many levels. It was bound to come out eventually at the rate that family or friends find out about posts like this and show others. It’s so common nowadays that stories are being shared across all corners of the internet. If she didn’t have something horrible to hide, then she wouldn’t be in this situation now anyway. Don’t be a terrible person, you won’t get called out for being one by anyone. It’s that easy.
@sharyebethancourt3660 Ай бұрын
28:44 nevermind that _HIS_ girlfriend was uncomfortable and caused things to have to be changed up. Blaming OP feels ridiculous!
@yo3618 Ай бұрын
I don’t understand why marry someone who has children. If you don’t want others children. Why not just idk marry someone with no children.
@Germania72 Ай бұрын
I remember that story about an Op who wanted his daughter to be at the wedding, and his fiance wanted none of it. It turns out that she pretended to like the kid, having activities together just to ensnare Op. Once Op put his foot down about wanting his daughter as part of the wedding, the fiance comes up with her plans for him to be a "vacation dad" who would only see his daughter every 6 months because she didn't want to "raise someone else's child". Yup. That was unhinged.
@helianabanes4875 Ай бұрын
If stepmom, actually believed she was justified, she wouldn't have hidden it, and acted like she loved his family. She is just one of those people who refuses to take responsibilty, but het own sneaky, false behavior, shows she knows jusr EXACTLY how effed up she is.
@Frazzled_Chameleon Ай бұрын
At least there were no punches, broken mirrors, or stitches involved in this family drama.
@ndawn90 Ай бұрын
"Being a step-parent is hard." Well, I guess it's a good thing that being a step-parent is entirely voluntary, then, huh? All you have to do is not marry someone with children, and voila!!
@shebakoby Ай бұрын
story 1: Fortunately even though the stepmom was trying to play the long game, the dad exorcised the Demon in the Sack. He should go for full custody of the half bro, because man, you do NOT want that woman raising your child.
@MouseysFox Ай бұрын
As a bonus mom, this is so bad. There is def a difference between venting and lying to get sympathy! She dumb! These are the type of ppl who make the rest of us look bad.
@markanthony1004 Ай бұрын
Story 2: Some dudes will lost their mind over somebody they barely know and alienate the people closets to them
@muhname6052 Ай бұрын
Story 2: id see if i could cancel and just not show up
@lina9535 Ай бұрын
.....who actually writes "commence dating"? Is OP Data from Star Trek? 😂 "Her component of the cost" - OP is killing me 🤣🤣🤣
@darkunykorn404 Ай бұрын
Maybe English as a second language, Google translate or using a dictionary. People tend to learn the more formal way of writing before they learn the casual. It does read funny though xD
@Bucketus.Lord.of.Buckets Ай бұрын
S1: redditors, negative echo chambers, and bad advice go together like peanut butter and chocolate.
@CircusoftheMoon Ай бұрын
Being a stepparent isn’t that hard if you’re not a freak. lol
@danielwarren7110 Ай бұрын
my step mum believed my 7 year old self was here to break up her marriage to my dad... from before they ever married, but she only made it clear after the marriage. My dad knew after they were married after she was already pregnant with there second child... and he never defended me... after they had 4 kids, she started throwing away any presents me or my older sisters give my younger sisters or brother as a present as to quote "you do not want to touch anything they have touched"
@emeraldjewel26 Ай бұрын
With a narcissist you have to take away the supply. You cannot react.
@shebakoby Ай бұрын
story 1: Oh my dude, your dad done sold his soul to a Demon in the Sack (TM) for passionate hugging. He may have no idea but could be a covert narcissist-enabler, and she definitely is a covert Cluster of Bees (SO covert, she only tells the internet and doesn't let it show in her actions, but she's PLANNING to be abusive in the future). It's the covert narcs like her who bamboozle men like OP's dad, whilst trying to "win" by eventually alienating her stepchildren in favor of her own children. She should have found a man with no kids, but narcs want to "win" in the most effed up ways, and that's one of them. Making a man choose her and her children over his pre-existing ones.
@paulinadeboer3604 Ай бұрын
Story 2 you ruined my and my gf vacation... this says it all.. no it ain't your and your gf vacation it was OUR vacation. I did not change the arrangements YOU did!
@moodycrab77 Ай бұрын
People's audacity never ceases to amaze me. 🙄
@poojas2547 Ай бұрын
Well at least the stepmum in the first story will be understanding when her new beau will treat her son badly cause she must understand the stepparent's feelings lol
@GLoLChibs Ай бұрын
Can only imagine if their half sibling was a daughter and did normal toddler things like falling asleep on the dad's chest.
@19nmiller1 Ай бұрын
I mean, theres a reason for the evil stepmother trope in fiction and the first story is a prime example as to why
@shebakoby Ай бұрын
glad the father is away from that demon - nono Markee it's DEMON IN THE SACK! He nearly sold his soul to her and thank goodness he exorcised the demon!
@someonewho Ай бұрын
Went through story one except my dad broke off their engagement because she kept treating me like I was his affair partner Like she made a whole deal about him watching tv with me in my room although I was sitting on a futon and he was laying down on the bed. I was almost a rooms worth away from him. And it was a kids show.
@ebayrose Ай бұрын
Vacation story: Friend just needs to give OP $200 right? If half is $600 then full is $1200, divided by 3 is $400. So if friend refunded OP $200 everything would be fair. Unless OP meant the $600 is each person's share if split three ways. Then it's $1800 total and OP already paid $900, then his friend owes him $300. So friend needs to give OP $200-$300 to make things fair.
@bluebeanie561 Ай бұрын
There might be a possibility that she'll use "I didn't have a great/non-absent father" card during the court or she try to say "I've heard this could happen" hence why she uses reddit for validation of her "fears"
@wimsylogic65 Ай бұрын
Yes but her own comments show that she had no concern for the daughters, And that she was jealous of them. That shows the problem is with her not the husband. If she actually thought it was inappropriate and wrong then the proper thing to do is to think about the children. Not the man who's possibly having a sexually inappropriate relationship with his own children.
@jonswa Ай бұрын
Reddit broke up another family, woo! We're doing great in destroying relationships! Good job guys, keep it up.
@madsli Ай бұрын
The whole "I nap hugging my father" IS a bit weird.
@ZarineBashire Ай бұрын
I'm 38 years old and I go out to my dad's house generally 3 times a month. Lol.
@konety5008 Ай бұрын
Ngl, idk why stepmoms always seem to hate the stepkids... Like, you get your own kids WITHOUT having to be pregnant or give birth? Sign me up 😭 id love to marry someone who loved their kids and i love kids... Why marry someone w kids if u hate them 🙄
@Zenohbia Ай бұрын
With the stepmom : someone should like this to op and she can play this around the family.
@RunaRothstein Ай бұрын
The first story and her updates hit home to me. One of my fears is being a step mother. I didn't want to be like that step mother. And mine. My sm is forcing a lot on me and told me awful things. After what my dad did, she ran off. I have no real connections with my step siblings. I ended up forgets their birthdays.
@TheFlix333 Ай бұрын
I was surprised seeing an actual person doing the intro! Honestly thought it was an AI narrator!alrighty I guess I gotta give this channel more cred!
@shebakoby Ай бұрын
story 2: Friend sold his soul to a "Demon in the Sack". Sounds like the new GF is selfish and controlling.
@meirin5316 Ай бұрын
ok to the trip story: why do they say the girlfriend is an ahole when we only heard his side? we dont know what she said. the gf never talked to op.. people wtf
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